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'History is made up of myths,' writes the renowned Russian dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar. 'Alas, our myths led us to the fascism of 2022. It is time to expose them.' Drawing from his perilous career investigating the frontiers of the Russian empire, Zygar reveals how 350 years of propaganda, bad historical scholarship, folk tales and fantasy spurred his nation into war with Ukraine.A noted expert on the Kremlin with unparalleled access to hundreds of players in the current conflict - from politicians to oligarchs, gangsters to comedians (not least Zelensky himself) - Zygar chronicles the power struggles from which today's politics grew, and digs out the essential truths from behind layers of seductive legend. By surveying the strange, complex record of Russo-Ukrainian relations, WAR AND PUNISHMENT reveals exactly how the largest nation on Earth lost its senses. A work of history can't undo the past or transform the present, but sometimes it can shape the future.
THE INSTANT INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER A TIMES SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEARA TELEGRAPH BOOK OF THE YEARAN IRISH TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARAN IRISH INDEPENDENT BOOK OF THE YEAR'Important, perfectly timed and hugely necessary.' The Guardian'Magnificent. Some of the details are eye-popping.' Irish Independent'Football needs this book. A monumental piece of investigative journalism.' Irish Times'A must-read on how modern football works.' Ian Wright'Brave, forensic and utterly gripping.' Tom Holland______________________________The definitive account of how capitalism and the world's elite corrupted modern footballAs the 2022 World Cup in Qatar drew to a close, there was a bitter undercurrent to Argentina's triumph. Throughout the tournament, numerous allegations of sportswashing and financial misconduct had been made against the state of Qatar, moving what had previously been a smaller conversation into the worldwide spotlight. The question had been asked, who really owns and runs football? Journeying from Abu Dhabi to Newcastle, and onto London, Paris, Moscow and New York, journalist Miguel Delaney investigates the allegations of sportswashing and misconduct in the beautiful game. The result is a gripping account of how football has been taken over by the world's wealthiest businessmen, state-backed corporations, media tycoons and oil-rich oligarchs. From Neymar's £198 million transfer to Paris Saint-Germain and Abu Dhabi's construction empire in Manchester to failed Financial Fair Play constraints and the dawn of the European Super League, Miguel draws on exclusive interviews and unprecedented access to key stakeholders to produce an all-encompassing exposé of modern footballs highest echelons.Authoritative, riveting and eye-opening, States of Play reveals how football has become a tool for the world's elite.______________________________'The moral compass that the game needs.' Andy Brassell'In this excellent investigation, Delaney reveals the ugly side of the beautiful game.' Oliver Bullough'The most important football book of its generation.' Jack Pitt-Brooke'This book tackles the major issue affecting football today with fearlessness and forensic scrutiny. An important investigation for our times.' Laurie Whitwell'A majestic book. The essential guide to how the people's game has become the plaything of the very rich and powerful.' Jonathan WilsonMiguel Delaney's STATES OF PLAY was ranked in the Irish Times bestsellers list weeks of 11th & 18th November 2024.
Historically, the papacy has had - and continues to have - significant and sustained influence on society and culture. In the contemporary world, this influence is felt far afield from the traditional geographic and cultural center of papal authority in western Europe, notably in the Global South. Volume 3 frames questions around the papacy's cultural influence, focusing on the influence that successive popes and various vectors of papal authority have had on a broad range of social and cultural developments in European and global societies. The range of topics covered here reflects the vast and expanding scope of papal influence on everything from architecture to the construction and contestation of gender norms to questions of papal fashion. That influence has waxed and waned over time as successive popes have had access to greater resources and have had stronger imperatives to use their powers of patronage and regulation to intervene in society at large.
A narrative seamlessly blending entrepreneurial prowess with covert government operations. As the visionary founder of Overstock.com, Byrne, once lauded as the "National Entrepreneur of the Year 2011" and hailed as the "Messiah of Bitcoin," reveals an astonishing twist in August 2019-his role as a secret operative for the U.S. Government.This memoir lays bare Byrne's integral involvement in the "Russian Collusion Delusion" and the Clinton Investigation, exposing them as deceptive maneuvers orchestrated on an unsuspecting public. As the story unfolds, Byrne becomes a national lightning rod, branded the "kingpin" by PBS in 2021 and identified as the Department of Homeland Security's top domestic threat in August 2022.Byrne comes clean on the intricacies of his covert life, challenging perceptions and unraveling the delicate balance between public persona and clandestine operations. Unveiling his second life with the U.S. Government, from facilitating a bribe for Hillary Clinton to romancing a Russian spy, Byrne argues that these were early elements in a Deep State soft-coup against America, culminating in the alleged rigging of Election 2020, challenging fundamental principles of just governance.Brace yourself for an explosive memoir redefining trust, challenging conventional wisdom, and reshaping the boundaries between government, business, and individual truth.
A política externa é constituída pelas acções, objectivos e decisões do Estado no que diz respeito às suas relações fora das suas fronteiras. A sua análise requer um estudo do seu desenvolvimento, direção e execução a nível internacional, nacional e governamental.As alterações climáticas, um verdadeiro desafio global, minam e ameaçam minar a capacidade do Canadá de garantir a sua segurança e estabilidade. Consciente desta ameaça climática, o Canadá comprometeu-se a tomar medidas concretas, como a aplicação de medidas de atenuação e adaptação, um forte ativismo e o aumento do financiamento de programas de investigação para combater as alterações climáticas.A política externa do Canadá em matéria de alterações climáticas é ativa, baseada na sua presença, posição e atividade internacional. Ultrapassa a sua passividade através da sua abordagem multilateral. Este ativismo revela uma certa continuidade na sua política climática, apesar das mudanças políticas internas, e confere-lhe o papel de "bom cidadão internacional em matéria de clima".
La politica estera è costituita dalle azioni, dagli obiettivi e dalle decisioni dello Stato in relazione alle sue relazioni al di fuori dei confini nazionali. La sua analisi richiede uno studio del suo sviluppo, della sua direzione e della sua esecuzione a livello internazionale, nazionale e governativo.I cambiamenti climatici, vera e propria sfida globale, minano e minacciano di minare la capacità del Canada di garantire la propria sicurezza e stabilità. Consapevole di questa minaccia climatica, il Canada si è impegnato in azioni concrete come l'applicazione di misure di mitigazione e adattamento, un forte attivismo e un aumento dei finanziamenti per i programmi di ricerca per combattere il cambiamento climatico.La politica estera del Canada in materia di cambiamenti climatici è attiva, basata sulla presenza, sul rango e sull'attività internazionale. Supera la sua passività grazie al suo approccio multilaterale. Questo attivismo dimostra una certa continuità nella sua politica climatica, nonostante i cambiamenti politici interni, e le conferisce il ruolo di "buon cittadino internazionale del clima".
Foreign policy is made up of the actions, objectives and decisions of the State in relation to its relations outside its borders. Its analysis requires the study of its development, orientation and execution at international, national and governmental levels.Climate change, a true global challenge, undermines and threatens to undermine Canada's ability to ensure its security and stability. Aware of this climate threat, Canada would have committed itself to concrete actions such as the application of mitigation and adaptation measures, strong activism and increasing funding for research programs to combat climate change.Canada's foreign policy on climate change is active, based on its presence, rank and international activity. It overcomes its passivity through its multilateral approach. This activism denotes a certain continuity in its climate policy, despite internal political alternations, and confers on it the role of "good international climate citizen".
Vneshnqq politika - äto dejstwiq, celi i resheniq gosudarstwa w otnoshenii ego otnoshenij za predelami swoih granic. Ee analiz trebuet izucheniq ee razwitiq, naprawleniq i ispolneniq na mezhdunarodnom, nacional'nom i prawitel'stwennom urownqh.Izmenenie klimata - nastoqschij global'nyj wyzow - podrywaet i ugrozhaet podorwat' sposobnost' Kanady obespechiwat' swoü bezopasnost' i stabil'nost'. Osoznawaq ätu klimaticheskuü ugrozu, Kanada wzqla na sebq obqzatel'stwa po prinqtiü konkretnyh mer, takih kak primenenie mer po smqgcheniü posledstwij i adaptacii, aktiwnaq deqtel'nost' i uwelichenie finansirowaniq issledowatel'skih programm po bor'be s izmeneniem klimata.Vneshnqq politika Kanady w otnoshenii izmeneniq klimata qwlqetsq aktiwnoj, osnowannoj na ee prisutstwii, range i mezhdunarodnoj deqtel'nosti. Ona preodolewaet swoü passiwnost' blagodarq mnogostoronnemu podhodu. Takaq aktiwnost' swidetel'stwuet ob opredelennoj preemstwennosti klimaticheskoj politiki strany, nesmotrq na wnutrennie politicheskie izmeneniq, i pozwolqet ej igrat' rol' "horoshego mezhdunarodnogo klimaticheskogo grazhdanina".
Die Außenpolitik besteht aus den Handlungen, Zielen und Entscheidungen des Staates in Bezug auf seine Beziehungen außerhalb der Grenzen. Ihre Analyse erfordert die Untersuchung ihrer Entstehung, Ausrichtung und Umsetzung auf internationaler, nationaler und staatlicher Ebene.Der Klimawandel, eine echte globale Herausforderung, untergräbt die Fähigkeit Kanadas, seine Sicherheit und Stabilität zu gewährleisten, und droht, diese zu untergraben. Im Bewusstsein dieser Bedrohung durch den Klimawandel hätte sich Kanada zu konkreten Maßnahmen wie der Umsetzung von Minderungs- und Anpassungsmaßnahmen, einem starken Aktivismus und einer zunehmenden Finanzierung von Forschungsprogrammen zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels verpflichtet.Die kanadische Außenpolitik im Klimabereich ist aktiv und beruht auf ihrer Präsenz, ihrem Rang und ihrer internationalen Aktivität. Sie überwindet ihre Passivität durch ihren multilateralen Ansatz. Dieser Aktivismus zeugt von einer gewissen Kontinuität in seiner Klimapolitik trotz innenpolitischer Wechsel und verleiht ihm die Rolle des "guten internationalen Klimabürgers".
A new history of the First Barbary War, a conflict that helped plant the seeds for the United States' ascent to a global superpower.
The war in Ukraine has altered the course of global history. These authors explore how.When Vladimir Putin's forces sought to conquer Ukraine in February 2022, they did more than threaten the survival of a vulnerable democracy. The invasion unleashed a crisis that has changed the course of world affairs. This conflict has reshaped alliances, deepened global cleavages, and caused economic disruptions that continue to reverberate around the globe. It has initiated the first great-power nuclear crisis in decades and raised fundamental questions about the sources of national power and military might in the modern age. The outcome of the conflict will profoundly influence the international balance of power, the relationship between democracies and autocracies, and the rules that govern global affairs. In War in Ukraine, Hal Brands brings together an all-star cast of analysts to assess the conflict's origins, course, and implications and to offer their appraisals of one of the most geopolitically consequential crises of the early twenty-first century. Essays cover topics including the twists and turns of the war itself, the successes and failures of US strategy, the impact of sanctions, the future of Russia and its partnership with China, and more.Contributors: Anne Applebaum, Joshua Baker, Alexander Bick, Hal Brands, Daniel Drezner, Peter Feaver, Lawrence Freedman, Francis Gavin, Brian Hart, William Inboden, Andrea Kendall-Taylor, Michael Kimmage, Michael Kofman, Stephen Kotkin, Mark Leonard, Bonny Lin, Thomas Mahnken, Dara Massicot, Michael McFaul, Robert Person, Kori Schake, and Ashley Tellis.
La movilización internacional por el respeto a los derechos humanos en razón a la invasión del territorio tibetano por parte del gobierno de la República de China, se realza a partir de la distinción del XIV Dalai Lama con del premio Nobel de paz en 1989, lo que ilustra bien las estrategias idealistas para estructurar el sistema internacional sobre parámetros morales que incluyan la autodeterminación de los pueblos, es decir la independencia del Tíbet. Sin embargo, este espíritu autonomista choca con las medidas realistas del Estado representado por el gobierno central chino, enfocado en los intereses de desarrollo económico y la soberanía nacional, que le ha hecho prohibir la reencarnación a todos aquellos budistas que vivan por fuera de la República, mediante el Decreto emitido en 2007. Ello pone en manifiesto el deseo de abolir el sistema Tulku, vigente al interior del budismo tibetano desde el siglo XI y el anuncio hecho por el Dalai Lama desde el año 2007, respecto de la posibilidad de efectuar su 15° reencarnación en el cuerpo de una mujer.
Accompanying her parents to Berlin in the 1930s, Martha Dodd knew almost nothing about Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. Yet almost overnight, she stepped into the spotlight, and found herself at the over-heated centre of Hitler's 'New Germany', befriending and dating several high-ranking Nazis, including the then-head of the Gestapo.An affair with a dashing Russian diplomat saw her recruited as a spy, and so began a long and tumultuous career in both Berlin and America, including infiltrating First Lady Eleanor Rooevelt's inner circle and playing a key role in Henry Wallace's disastrous 1948 presidential campaign.Betrayed by a Hollywood-hustler-turned-double-agent, Martha spent years under deep FBI surveillance - escaping twice - and went to ground in Cold War Prague, sad, lonely, rich and bored, living out her final decades in a Communist Sunset Boulevard.Largely forgotten, Martha Dodd began emerging as an iconic historical figure in the early 2000s. While her scandalous behaviour and pro-Soviet leanings were never much in dispute, the actual matter of her guilt remained unresolved. Using recently released KGB archived information and FBI files, in Traitor's Odyssey, author and journalist Brendan McNally corrects this, telling the full epic of Martha Dodd's life for the first time, casting her in a new and bright light.
For years, one group of Americans has worked as foot-soldiers for the most authoritarian regimes around the planet. In the process, they've not only entrenched dictatorships and spread kleptocratic networks, but they've secretly guided U.S. policy without the rest of America even being aware. And now, journalist Casey Michel contends some of them have begun turning their sights on American democracy itself.These Americans are known as foreign lobbyists, and many of them spent years ushering dictatorships directly into the halls of Washington, all while laundering the reputations of the most heinous, repressive regimes in the process. These lobbyists include figures like Ivy Lee, the inventor of the public relations industry - a man who whitewashed Mussolini, opened doors to the Soviets, and advised the Nazis on how to sway American audiences. They include people like Paul Manafort, who invented lobbying as we know it - and who then took his talents to autocrats from Ukraine to the Philippines, and then back to the White House. And they now include an increasing number of Americans elsewhere: in law firms and consultancies, among PR specialists and former lawmakers, and even within think tanks and universities.Many of these lobbyists have transformed into proxies for dictators and strongmen wherever they can be found. And for years, they've escaped scrutiny.In Foreign Agents, Casey Michel shines a light on these foreign lobbyists, and all the damage and devastation they have caused in Washington and elsewhere. From Moscow to Beijing, from far-right nationalists to far-left communists, from anti-American autocrats to pro-Western authoritarians, these foreign lobbyists have helped any illiberal, anti-democratic government they can find. And after decades of success in installing dictator after dictator, and in tilting American policy in the process, some of these lobbyists have now begun trying to end America's democratic experiment, once and for all.
"This book addresses the international legal issues surrounding the adoption of secondary sanctions. These controversial measures aim to regulate economic or financial transactions between third states and a target state. The volume takes on board recent evolutions in case-law and practice, such as the drafting of the EU Anti-Coercion Instrument"--
"The political and cultural lessons drawn from the collapse of the Weimar Republic are invoked in order to understand contemporary threats to democracy. The contributors challenge the validity of these lessons, the extent to which they reflect political agendas, and how they are brought to bear on contemporary political problems"--
"The political and cultural lessons drawn from the collapse of the Weimar Republic are invoked in order to understand contemporary threats to democracy. The contributors challenge the validity of these lessons, the extent to which they reflect political agendas, and how they are brought to bear on contemporary political problems"--
La politique étrangère est constituée des actions, des objectifs et des décisions de l¿État relatifs à ses rapports extra frontaliers. Son analyse nécessite l¿étude de son élaboration, de ses orientations et de son exécution sur le plan international, national et gouvernemental.Le changement climatique, véritable défi mondial, sape et menace de saper la capacité du Canada à assurer sa sécurité et sa stabilité. Conscient cette menace climatique, le Canada se serait engagé dans des actions concrètes comme l¿application des mesures d¿atténuation et des mesures d¿adaptation, un fort militantisme et un financement croissant des programmes de recherche de lutte contre le changement climatique.La politique étrangère canadienne en matière climatique est active et repose sur sa présence, son rang, son activité internationale. Elle surmonte sa passivité par son approche multilatérale. Cet activisme dénote une certaine continuité dans sa politique climatique malgré les alternances politiques internes et lui confère le rôle de « bon citoyen climatique international ».
Cette étude analyse les outils et stratégies utilisés pour la communication publique au Bénin. Elle découvre, par une approche à la fois qualitative et quantitative, que la communication politique du gouvernement béninois sous la rupture est à réorientée et à perfectionner. Les résultats issus de la recherche ont permis de noter que la communication politique du Gouvernement de la Rupture est une communication à réorienter ou à perfectionner avec des outils perfectionnés et des stratégies relationnelles redynamisées entre les différents acteurs de la communication et le Gouvernement. À la suite des analyses faites, l¿étude a proposé des recommandations afin de contribuer à l¿amélioration de la communication politique pour une bonne gouvernance au Bénin.
Dans quelle mesure le partenariat entre la Tanzanie et la Chine est-il étroit aujourd'hui ? Le commerce bilatéral et l'activité économique chinoise en Tanzanie sont aujourd'hui bien plus importants que dans les années 1970 ; la politique chinoise "sans conditions" est toujours attrayante et les solidarités politiques et la coopération militaire sont restées relativement fortes. Toutefois, cette relation bilatérale n'a ni l'importance, ni l'exclusivité dont elle jouissait à l'apogée du socialisme. Aujourd'hui, la Chine doit rivaliser économiquement, politiquement et culturellement avec l'activisme et la puissance douce d'un groupe plus large de pays, en particulier les États-Unis et d'autres nations émergentes. Bien qu'à Dar es Salaam comme à Pékin, cette relation soit toujours présentée comme "spéciale", elle a perdu le rôle structurel qu'elle avait jusqu'à la fin des années 1970 dans l'élaboration des relations sino-africaines. Au contraire, surtout depuis le milieu des années 2000, c'est plutôt la concurrence sino-américaine, sino-occidentale et sud-sud croissante en Afrique qui a structuré la politique étrangère de la Tanzanie, la convainquant d'adopter ce que nous appellerions une "stratégie de couverture douce" à l'égard de la Chine et l'aidant, au moins dans une certaine mesure, à mieux défendre ses propres intérêts.
Qual é a atual proximidade da parceria entre a Tanzânia e a China? O comércio bilateral e a atividade económica chinesa na Tanzânia são hoje muito mais significativos do que na década de 1970; a política chinesa de "não compromisso" continua a ser atraente e as solidariedades políticas e a cooperação militar mantiveram-se relativamente fortes. No entanto, esta relação bilateral não tem a importância nem o carácter exclusivo de que gozava nos tempos áureos do socialismo. Hoje em dia, a China tem de competir económica, política e culturalmente com o ativismo e o soft power de um grupo mais vasto de países, em especial os Estados Unidos e outras nações emergentes. Embora tanto em Dar es Salaam como em Pequim esta relação ainda seja apresentada como "especial", perdeu o papel estrutural que teve até ao final da década de 1970 na definição das relações sino-africanas. Em vez disso, sobretudo a partir de meados da década de 2000, foi a crescente concorrência sino-americana, sino-ocidental e sul-sul em África que estruturou a política externa da Tanzânia, convencendo-a a adotar aquilo a que chamaríamos uma "estratégia de cobertura suave" em relação à China e ajudando-a, pelo menos em certa medida, a defender melhor os seus próprios interesses.
Quanto è stretta oggi la partnership tra Tanzania e Cina? Il commercio bilaterale e l'attività economica cinese in Tanzania sono oggi molto più significativi rispetto agli anni Settanta; la politica cinese "senza legami" è ancora attraente e le solidarietà politiche e la cooperazione militare sono rimaste relativamente forti. Tuttavia, questa relazione bilaterale non ha l'importanza né l'esclusività di cui godeva ai tempi del socialismo. Oggi la Cina deve competere economicamente, politicamente e culturalmente con l'attivismo e il soft power di un gruppo più ampio di Paesi, in particolare gli Stati Uniti e altre nazioni emergenti. Sebbene sia a Dar es Salaam che a Pechino questa relazione venga ancora presentata come "speciale", essa ha perso il ruolo strutturale che aveva fino alla fine degli anni Settanta nel plasmare le relazioni sino-africane. Invece, soprattutto a partire dalla metà degli anni Duemila, è piuttosto la crescente competizione sino-americana, sino-occidentale e sud-sud africana ad aver strutturato la politica estera della Tanzania, convincendola ad adottare quella che chiameremmo una "mild hedging strategy" nei confronti della Cina e aiutandola, almeno in parte, a difendere meglio i propri interessi.
Naskol'ko tesnym qwlqetsq tanzanijsko-kitajskoe partnerstwo segodnq? Dwustoronnqq torgowlq i kitajskaq äkonomicheskaq deqtel'nost' w Tanzanii segodnq gorazdo znachitel'nee, chem w 1970-e gody; politika Kitaq "bez obqzatel'stw" po-prezhnemu priwlekatel'na, a politicheskaq solidarnost' i woennoe sotrudnichestwo ostaütsq otnositel'no prochnymi. Odnako äti dwustoronnie otnosheniq ne imeüt ni toj wazhnosti, ni toj isklüchitel'nosti, kotoroj oni obladali w äpohu rascweta socializma. Segodnq Kitaü prihoditsq konkurirowat' w äkonomicheskom, politicheskom i kul'turnom plane s aktiwnost'ü i "mqgkoj siloj" bolee mnogochislennoj gruppy stran, w chastnosti SShA i drugih razwiwaüschihsq gosudarstw. Hotq i w Dar-äs-Salame, i w Pekine äti otnosheniq po-prezhnemu predstawlqütsq kak "osobye", oni utratili tu strukturnuü rol', kotoruü igrali do konca 1970-h godow w formirowanii kitajsko-afrikanskih otnoshenij. Vmesto ätogo, osobenno s serediny 2000-h godow, imenno rastuschaq kitajsko-amerikanskaq, kitajsko-zapadnaq i üzhno-afrikanskaq konkurenciq w Afrike strukturiruet wneshnüü politiku Tanzanii, ubezhdaq ee prinqt' to, chto my by nazwali "mqgkoj strategiej hedzhirowaniq" w otnoshenii Kitaq, i pomogaq ej, po krajnej mere w nekotoroj stepeni, luchshe zaschischat' swoi sobstwennye interesy.
Wie eng ist die tansanisch-chinesische Partnerschaft heute? Der bilaterale Handel und die chinesische Wirtschaftstätigkeit in Tansania sind heute weitaus bedeutender als in den 1970er Jahren; Chinas Politik der "Unverbindlichkeit" ist nach wie vor attraktiv, und die politischen Solidaritäten und die militärische Zusammenarbeit sind relativ stark geblieben. Allerdings haben diese bilateralen Beziehungen weder die Bedeutung noch die Exklusivität, die sie in der Blütezeit des Sozialismus hatten. Heute muss China in wirtschaftlicher, politischer und kultureller Hinsicht mit dem Aktivismus und der Soft Power einer größeren Gruppe von Ländern konkurrieren, insbesondere mit den Vereinigten Staaten und anderen Schwellenländern. Obwohl diese Beziehung sowohl in Dar es Salaam als auch in Peking immer noch als "besonders" dargestellt wird, hat sie die strukturelle Rolle verloren, die sie bis Ende der 1970er Jahre für die Gestaltung der chinesisch-afrikanischen Beziehungen hatte. Stattdessen ist es, insbesondere seit Mitte der 2000er Jahre, eher der wachsende chinesisch-amerikanische, chinesisch-westliche und Süd-Süd-Wettbewerb in Afrika, der die Außenpolitik Tansanias strukturiert und Tansania davon überzeugt hat, eine, wie wir es nennen würden, "milde Hedging-Strategie" gegenüber China zu verfolgen, die dem Land zumindest bis zu einem gewissen Grad hilft, seine eigenen Interessen besser zu vertreten.
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