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Politisk undertrykkelse og politisk forfølgelse

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  • af Tahir Hamut Izgil
    145,95 kr.

    A Uyghur poet's piercing memoir of life under the most coercive surveillance regime in history***LITHUB'S #1 BEST-REVIEWED NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023*****A FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023****AN ECONOMIST BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023***WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE'S JOHN LEONARD PRIZE FOR BEST FIRST BOOK*'Essential reading' AI WEIWEI, author of 1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows'Deserves to be read widely... Beautiful' FINANCIAL TIMESIf you took an Uber in Washington DC a few years ago, there's a chance your driver was one of the greatest living Uyghur poets, and one of only a handful from his minority Muslim community to escape the genocide being visited upon his homeland in western China.A successful filmmaker, innovative poet and prominent intellectual, Tahir Hamut Izgil had long been acquainted with state surveillance and violence, having spent three years in a labour camp on fabricated charges.But in 2017, the Chinese government's repression of its Uyghur citizens assumed a terrifying new intensity: critics were silenced; conversations became hushed; passports were confiscated; and Uyghurs were forced to provide DNA samples and biometric data.As Izgil's friends disappeared one by one, it became clear that fleeing the country was his family's only hope.Escape to America spared Izgil's family the internment camps that have swallowed over a million Uyghurs. It also allowed this rare personal testimony of the Xinjiang genocide to reach the wider world.Waiting to Be Arrested at Night charts the ongoing destruction of a community and a way of life. It is a call for the world to awaken to a humanitarian catastrophe, an unforgettable story of courage, escape and survival, and a moving tribute to Izgil's friends and fellow Uyghurs whose voices have been silenced.

  • af Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe
    165,95 kr.

    This book will tell the full story of one of the most exciting, dramatic and shocking tales of modern times.

  • af Roger Moorhouse
    165,95 kr.

    **A Telegraph Best History Book 2023 and Spectator Book of the Year**The inspirational story of the ordinary people who forged the documents that saved thousands of Jewish lives in World War Two.'Powerful ... gripping ... inspiring' JONATHAN DIMBLEBYBetween 1940 and 1943, a small group of Polish diplomats and Jewish activists in Switzerland engaged in a wholly remarkable - and until now, almost completely unknown - humanitarian operation. Under the leadership of the Polish Ambassador, Aleksander Lados, they undertook a systematic programme of forging identity documents for Latin American countries, which were then smuggled into German-occupied Europe to save the lives of thousands of Jews facing extermination in the Holocaust.The Lados operation was one of the largest rescue missions of the entire war, and The Forgers tells this extraordinary story for the first time. We follow the desperate bids of Jews to obtain these life-saving documents, and their painful uncertainty over whether they will be granted protection from the Nazis' murderous fury. And we witness the quiet heroism of those who decided to act in an attempt to save thousands of lives.'Fascinating' The Times'Remarkable' Sunday Times'As gripping as it is moving' JULIA BOYD'An astonishing book' KATJA HOYER

  • af Arash Azizi
    227,95 kr.

    The first major book on the uprisings in Iran in 2022 and 2023

  • af George Sand
    222,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Jerzy Osuchowski
    467,95 kr.

    Diese erstmals 1961 in Polen veröffentlichten Erinnerungen von Mag. phil. Jerzy Osuchowski an den ehemaligen Konzentrationslager­komplex Gusen zählen nicht nur zu den wichtigen und essentiellen Werken im Kanon der Erinnerungsliteratur an diesen einst größten aber viel­fach noch wenig bekannten nationalsozialistischen KZ-Komplex auf öster­reichischem Boden, sondern sind auch eine erschütternde Doku­mentation der Zustände, Akteure und Methoden in diesen, von Anfang an auf die Vernichtung von ganzen Häftlingsgruppen ausgerichteten Todeslagern in der Nähe des ehemaligen KZ Mauthausen.Der Autor, welcher in den Jahren 1940 bis 1945 von der ersten bis zur letzten Stunde in Gusen vor allem als Schreiber eingesetzt war, hinterließ mit diesen Erinnerungen eine äußerst wertvolle Chronik und Charakterisierung der Täter im ehemaligen Konzentrationslager KL Gusen I.Mit schonungsloser Offenheit und bemerkenswerter Objektivität be­schreibt Osuchowski auch die erbarmungslose und hoch korrupte Wolfsgesellschaft, welche die Lager-SS damals vor allem mit deutsch­sprachigen Funktionshäftlingen etablierte, welche sehr oft wegen ihrer kriminellen Vergangenheit in Gusen waren. Diese ermöglichte die Erfüllung der vom NS-Regime vorgesehenen Vernichtungsquoten an diesem Ort der frühen massenweisen Vernichtung ganzer Häftlingsgruppen.Osuchowski zeichnet in diesem bedeutenden Werk zum ehem. KZ-Komplex Gusen auch nach, dass es die in der Nachkriegszeit so oft be­schworene internationale Solidarität in einem Todeslager wie Gusen I kaum gab und es zum Teil Jahre dauerte bis verschiedene, oft schon deut­lich dezimierte nationale Gruppierungen in ihrem Schmerz und ihrer Ohnmacht jenes Vertrauen entwickeln konnten, welches er­for­derlich war, um langsam mehr und mehr Kooperation und Widerstand in diesen bestialischen KZs zu entwickeln. Bemerkenswert ist daher in diesem Buch auch die auffallende Differenzierung zwischen den privi­legierten ¿Deutschen¿ und den Häftlingen anderer Nationen, welche im Mai 1945 in den Stunden nach der Befreiung in der ¿Hölle von Gusen¿ in eine beispiellose Lynchorgie ausartete.

  • af Herold Zu Moschdehner
    292,95 kr.

    Von den informellen Mitarbeitern der Staatssicherheit, weiß man natürlich, aber kennen sie die Tiere, die damals für die Stasi gearbeitet haben? Nein oder?Herold zu Moschdehner traf im Juni 2022 den ehemaligen Stasi-Offizier Martin Heckerfang und bekam von ihm geheime Unterlagen von 1980 vorgelegt. In diesem Buch sehen Sie 1:1 die darin enthaltenen Fotos und Dienstbezeichnungen der tierischen Mitarbeiter.

  • af Gregory J. Wallance
    282,95 kr.

    In a book that ranks with the greatest adventure stories, Gregory Wallance's Into Siberia is a thrilling work of history about one man's harrowing journey and the light it shone on some of history's most heinous human rights abuses.In the late nineteenth century, close diplomatic relations existed between the United States and Russia. All that changed when George Kennan went to Siberia in 1885 to investigate the exile system and his eyes were opened to the brutality Russia was wielding to suppress dissent. Over ten months Kennan traveled eight thousand miles, mostly in horse-drawn carriages, sleighs or on horseback. He endured suffocating sandstorms in the summer and blizzards in the winter. His interviews with convicts and political exiles revealed how Russia ran on the fuel of inflicted pain and fear. Prisoners in the mines were chained day and night to their wheelbarrows as punishment. Babies in exile parties froze to death in their mothers' arms. Kennan came to call the exiles' experience in Siberia a "perfect hell of misery." After returning to the United States, Kennan set out to generate public outrage over the plight of the exiles, writing the renowned Siberia and the Exile System. He then went on a nine-year lecture tour to describe the suffering of the Siberian exiles, intensifying the newly emerging diplomatic conflicts between the two countries which last to this day.

  • af Pablo Bradbury
    1.173,95 kr.

    How did liberationist Christianity develop in Argentina between the 1930s and early 1970s? And how did it respond to state terrorism during the Dirty War?How did liberation theology develop in Argentina between the 1930s and early 1970s? And how did it respond to state terrorism during the Dirty War? Understanding the movement to be dynamic and highly diverse, this book reveals that ecclesial and political conflicts, especially over Peronism and celibacy, were at the heart of the construction of a liberationist Christian identity, which simultaneously internalised deep tensions over its relationship to the Catholic Church. It first situates the rise of a revolutionary Christian impulse in Argentina within changes in society, in Catholicism and Protestantism and in Marxism in the 1930s, before analysing how the phenomenon coalesced in the late sixties into a coherent social movement. Finally, the book examines the responses of liberationist Christians to the intense period of repression under the presidency of Isabel Peron and the rule of the military junta between 1974 and 1983. By exploring these distinct responses and uncovering the heterogeneity of liberationist Christianity, the book offers a fresh analysis of a movement that occupies a major role in the popular memory of the period of state terror, and provides a corrective to narratives that depict the movement as monolithic or as a passive victim of the dictatorship.

  • af Akram Aylisli
    177,95 kr.

    Amid ethnic violence, political corruption, and petty professionalintrigue, an artist tries to live free of lies.Set during the last years of the Soviet Union, StoneDreams tells the story of Azerbaijani actor Sadai Sadygly, who landsin a Baku hospital while trying to protect an elderly Armenian man from a gangof young Azerbaijanis. Something of a modern-day Don Quixote, Sadai has longbattled the hatred and corruption he observes in contemporary Azerbaijanisociety. Wandering in and out of consciousness, he revisits his hometown, theancient village of Aylis, where Christian Armenians and Muslim Azeris oncelived peacefully together, and dreams of making a pilgrimage of atonement toArmenia. Stone Dreams is a searing, painful meditation onthe ability of art and artists-of individual human beings-to make change in theworld.

  • af Nadya Ali
    191,95 kr.

    Explores how 'Britishness' functions as a tool of violent racial bordering

  • af Sungmin Rho
    1.036,95 kr.

    "This book investigates why Chinese factory workers might not be politically satisfied, but nevertheless engages only in economic protests. It examines collective action dynamics on the ground from workers' perspectives and shows that the lack of political activism is not a product of political satisfaction"--

  • af Heike Amos
    992,95 kr.

  • af Blendi Fevziu
    191,95 kr.

    Stalinism, that particularly brutal phase of communism, came to an end in most of Eastern Europe with the death of Josef Stalin in 1953 or at least with the Khrushchev reforms that began in the Soviet Union in 1956. However, in one country - Albania - Stalinism survived virtually unscathed until 1990. The regime that the Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha led from the time of the communist takeover in 1944 until his death in 1985, and that continued unabated under his successor Ramiz Alia until 1990, was incomparably severe. Such was the reign of terror that no audible voice of opposition or dissent ever arose in the Balkan state, a European country that became as isolated from the rest of the world as North Korea is today. When the Albanian communist system finally imploded, it left behind a weary population, frightened and confused after decades of purges and political terror. It also left behind a country with a weak and fragile economy, a country where extreme poverty was the norm. In the decades since Hoxha's death, Albania has made substantial progress in political and economic terms, yet the spectre of Hoxha still lingers over the country.Despite this, many people - inside and outside Albania - know little about the man who ruled the country with an iron fist for so many decades. This book provides the first biography of Enver Hoxha available in English, from his birth in GjirokastEr in southern Albania, then still under Ottoman rule, to his death in 1985 at the age of 76. Using archival documents and first-hand interviews, Albanian journalist Blendi Fevziu pieces together the life of this tyrannical ruler, in a biography which will be essential reading for anyone interested in Balkan history and communist studies.

  • af June Bam
    173,95 kr.

  • af Nils Melzer
    142,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Dr Dr Jack Davy
    125,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Patric Tariq Mellet
    174,95 kr.

  • af Elisabet Nemert
    128,95 kr.

    Elverbakken er en stærk fortælling om uforudsigelig kærlighed, stærk loyalitet og søsterskab på tværs af tid og rum. Celines tilværelse splintres, da hendes mand erklærer, han vil skilles. Med samme slag mister hun også sit arbejde på den skole, hvor han er rektor, og hun og børnene må finde et nyt hjem. De flytter ind i et gammelt hus i landsbyen Sunnanäng ved bredden af Siljansøen – et hus, hvor mange dramatiske kvindeskæbner har udfoldet sig. På husets loft finder Celine en gammel, slidt dagbog. I den beretter enken Emilia om et helt andet liv i en helt anden tid og om det nærtliggende Käringberget, hvor man i 1600-tallet brændte kvinder, man havde dømt som hekse.

  • af Sean McConville
    522,95 - 2.443,95 kr.

  • af Ifi Amadiume
    225,95 kr.

    In this latest book by the award-winning author of the hugely influential Male Daughters, Female Husbands, Ifi Admadiume propels gender relations beyond dichotomies and discriminations, and towards a power-sharing argument in discourse, contestation and resistance. Representing the culmination of over 40 years of ground-breaking work on notions of matriarchy at the intersection of the Igbo-African universe and the Western capitalist reality, Amadiume sets forth a blueprint for a bold new matriarchitarianism, critiquing all forms of social injustice with a shared matriarchal-relational humanism. In each chapter of the book, Amadiume applies these principles to a dazzling array of subjects: from religious leadership, kinship and family relations, to sexuality, creative writing and matters of conscience in race, class and gender. African Possibilities explodes our notions of matriarchy into original and compelling arguments, and offers a radical alternative approach to the world's entrenched injustices.

  • af Randy Janzen, Ellen Furnari & Rosemary Kabaki
    1.510,95 kr.

  • af George Orwell
    97,95 kr.

    This annotation edition of Orwell's well-known satire is perfectfor students and Orwell enthusiasts alike. Extra wide margins anddouble spacing leaves lots of room for notes. Contains top tipson effective annotation and different revision techniques.

  • af Owen Wilson
    342,95 kr.

    A dramatic reconstruction with new information of the assassination of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi after the White House released an intelligence report that linked the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to the demonic plot.

  • af Anthony Alan Shelton
    462,95 kr.

    Theatrum Mundi ("the theatre of the world¿) describes the diversity of masks and performances that originated from the violent struggles between European, Arabic and ¿New World¿ civilizations. This authoritative study celebrates over 500 years of Mexican and South American Indigenous dance dramas and explains how mask makers, religious practitioners, masqueraders and entrepreneurs have helped to continuously reinvent, revitalize and express the changing world around them.The culmination of four decades of research by Dr. Anthony Shelton, professor of art history and director of the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) at the University of British Columbia, the text is illustrated by field photographs and images from MOA and other notable mask collections

  • af Ai Weiwei
    73,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Gennem sin fars og sin egen livshistorie fortæller kunstneren Ai Weiwei historien om Kina i de seneste 100 år. Ai Weiweis far, Ai Qing, som blev en berømt digter, faldt i unåde hos partiet under kulturrevolutionen og blev sendt i eksil. Ai Weiwei voksede derfor op i et barskt og øde område kaldet Lille Sibirien i det nordvestlige Kina, hvor faderen rengjorde de offentlige toiletter som strafarbejde. Her boede familien i 16 år. Da Mao døde, og kulturrevolutionen ophørte, kunne de tage tilbage til Beijing.I 1981 forlod Ai Weiwei sin familie i Kina, rejste til Amerika som en af de første kinesiske udvekslingsstuderende og blev en del af den amerikanske moderne kunstscene. I 1999 vendte han tilbage til Kina som internationalt kendt kunstner og politisk aktivist og dissident, hvilket i 2011 førte til en måneder lang hemmelig tilbageholdelse uden anklage. I dag bor han i Europa.1000 års glæder og sorger er en personlig, gribende historie om kontrol, erindring og det frie kunstneriske udtryk.

  • af Hil Aked
    185,95 kr.

    Is there such a thing as 'the Israel lobby', and how powerful is it?

  • af Antony Lerman
    1.001,95 kr.

    "Antisemitism is one of the most controversial topics of our time. The public, academics, journalists, activists, and Jewish people themselves are divided over its meaning. Antony Lerman shows that this is a result of a 30-year process of redefinition of the phenomenon, casting Israel, problematically defined as the 'persecuted collective Jew', as one of its main targets. This political project has taken the notion of the 'new antisemitism' and codified it in the flawed International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's 'working definition' of antisemitism. This text is the glue holding together an international network comprising the Israeli government, pro-Israel advocacy groups, Zionist organisations, Jewish communal defence bodies and sympathetic governments fighting a war against those who would criticise Israel."--

  • af Theo Deutinger
    344,95 kr.

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