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Politisk korruption

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  • af Eric Gordy
    672,95 kr.

    In Southeast Europe there is a big disjunction between formal procedures and informal practices-and this gap is growing. When formal institutions fail, informal practices can solve problems. These practices can be viewed critically, as a space for favoritism and corruption, or favorably, as a space of creative problem-solving. In any case, informal practices consolidate the hold of unaccountable actors on power. This book presents findings from a collaborative and multidisciplinary research project. During a three-year exercise, a group of forty researchers looked at the world of informal practices in nine countries of Southeast Europe. The main strength in their procedures is the reciprocal modification and cross-checking between interviews and media, and the assemblage of comparative quantitative data. In the context of a mismatch between "the way the world is" and the world as described by law, the Balkans add a unique perspective due to a persistent deficit in state legitimacy and capacity. The underlying agenda is to bring Southeast Europe into line with European liberal democracy. The emerging evidence offers a critical assessment of "Europeanization" processes that produce only superficial changes and formal institutional resolutions. The book offers a rich analysis of the array of informal practices that people in the Balkans have resorted to in compensation for the poor implementation of formal reforms.

  • af James Treadwell, Adam Lynes & Kyla Bavin
    392,95 - 1.219,95 kr.

  • af Kate Kenny, Iain Munro & Marianna Fotaki
    261,95 kr.

  • af John Bowers
    227,95 kr.

    This book draws on the author's expertise as a KC and original interviews with political insiders to tell the story of declining ethical standards during the government of Boris Johnson and propose concrete reforms.

  • af Steve Lee
    232,95 kr.

    Somehow, somewhere along the line, most of us seem to have fallen victim to the notion that science and technology have all-but figured everything out. What with the advent of the smart phone, the smart watch, smart dog bowl, and now the smart refrigerator, what else is there? Compared to a refrigerator that texts me in the middle of my meetings with the Queen to announce to the world we are almost out of bratwurst, walking on the moon seems almost trite. In the midst of this panacea of smartness however, "Some Things They Forgot to Mention" offers a cold hard dose of reality, demonstrating for us the fact that not all smart things are as they seem. As it turns out, much of what we think we know about "science" and the world around us is, at the very least, incomplete. Examples underscoring this fact include many of the key details about how the universe operates, not the least of which are some of the most fundamental forces that govern nature and thereby directly affect life itself. Using a range of select curiosities in math, science, biochemistry, and current events, "Some Things They Forgot to Mention" takes us on a journey of discovery, even as it addresses some of these assumptions head-on. As this discussion works its way across our "spectrum of acquired knowledge", we eventually land hard at the "darker" end of this spectrum where we find the less logical and baser aspects of human nature festering in the realm of "Political Science". In this sea of gross dysfunction and corruption we see the seeds of our undoing -- an end largely fueled by our own hubris and ignorance. This, even as the animal side of our nature now threatens to undo much of what our ancestors struggled to achieve over the past 1000 years -- many paying the ultimate price for those gains with the blood of their own sons and daughters. Drawing from both ancient history and current events, "Some Things They Forgot to Mention" offers us some serious food for thought about what all of this is telling us. Foremost of these things, is the glint of an understanding that causality implies there are certain consequences for the choices we make. As we begin our downward slope of the whole "Rise and Fall" pattern in history, we are now beginning to see the effects of these consequences, and the hint of the certain immutable long-term repercussions they bring that could easily cripple civilization for the next 1000 years -- if not destroy it altogether.

  • af Cinthya Oliveira Strada
    662,95 kr.

    A characterization and analysis of the policy of care provided by the Basic Health Units (BHU) to foreign patients living or not in the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu-PR between 2010 and 2016 was conducted to understand the perception of health professionals who performed this service to the population studied. Quanti-qualitative research with systematic data collection on the foreign population that attended the Basic Health Units (BHU) of Foz do Iguaçu-PR between 2010 and 2016. Six health units were chosen because they are located in different Sanitary Districts of the city, and still have similar characteristics, as they are considered gateways for SUS users.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    1.037,95 kr.

    the transforming society needs an inclusive ideology that can bring combined solutions for our combined problems. It is, thus, a dialectical comboism that can develop combination of ideas to solve combined problems facing human beings. Hence, the author believes that balanced state of living together could not be reached simply by using one sided ideology but is possible with more inclusive ideology, i.e. dialectical comboism. The great aim of dialectical ideology is bringing new possibility to work together to reach synergy for the purpose of synergistic transformation. It is all about build better together in its character. The other great aim of dialectical comboism is to transform domination into cooperation. The reason for this is the idea that peace can¿t be possible without cooperation. In order peace deal to succeed, the need for cooperation, which must be cultivated, is required.

  • af Taame Abraha Berhe
    1.037,95 kr.

    ¿Savoir-faire¿ is defined as ¿multitalented Know-how,¿ which is principled working traditions of new policy: from each according to the ability to know intellectually what the dimensions of a problem are to each according to the ability or skill to perform the actions needed to solve the problem or from each according to the ability to know intellectually what the dimensions of a problem are to each according to the savvy principle needed to solve the problem, i.e. savoir-faire is ability/savvy principle of new policy paradigm while Omnicrats deal with the government of all by all for all.

  • af D'Jord' Shimon
    747,95 kr.

    The author analyzes the characteristic features of the mechanisms of economic growth and profit formation in the United States of America 1950-2020, which, as the main country of modern capitalism and the most powerful imperialist power after World War II, had in this 70-year period a determining influence on the main trends of the world capitalist system. For the econometric study, first of all, a general growth model based on the Caldorian approach to technological progress was used. It takes into account both physical and human capital, as well as time in the role of the event space of creative economic activity. It compares the overall factor efficiency of the U.S. economy with the world level. The formation of profits in non-farm industries is considered with the help of a function distinguishing between innovative and technological profits. The latter is recognized by the market thanks mainly to natural monopolies in the broad sense.

  • af Mehdi Ghodbane
    522,95 kr.

    The aim of our study is, in the light of an examination of current Mediterranean policies, to attempt to give an account of the operation of the regulatory body responsible for the implementation, management and control of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation programmes, in this case the UfM, and above all in terms of the organisation of tasks and the exercise of authority over dependent bodies, with a view to implementing accompanying measures to achieve the objectives of security, peace and stabilisation of migratory flows, a prerequisite for the co-development of the UfM partner countries.

  • af Axel Ongram
    787,95 kr.

    In Africa as elsewhere, climate change has become an international concern and a truth that cannot easily be ignored. To combat this phenomenon, a range of regulatory and incentive tools have been put in place. Among them, one form (incentive tools) seems to stand out: Payments for Environmental Services (PES). PES are often presented as an innovative and particularly promising instrument for conserving ecosystems, and are supposed to provide solutions to the shortcomings of traditional conservation and preservation tools. However, the effectiveness of PES is linked to a number of issues. The aim of this paper is to identify how the PES mechanism works, and the factors that determine its success or failure, in order to draw lessons from these experiences. This dissertation is part of the Integrated Water Resources Management and Payments for Environmental Services (IWRM-PES) research project, which is developing knowledge with a view to finding efficient responses to minimising the effects of climate change in the Tensi basin.

  • af G. Serge Kpotounou
    482,95 kr.

    The electoral process in West Africa is an examination of all the risks for the populations. This electoral game, far from being a routine process, has often led countries into an uncertain future of interminable political crises. This study shows that these crises are not just a matter of alternating power, but even more a problem of justice and political equity. This weakens the cooperative society formed by the citizens of the various states in the sub-region, to the detriment of the confiscation of political power through the perpetual questioning of legal norms linked to elections in order to eliminate certain potential candidates from the competition, and the questioning of election results. In reality, all this is due to a real lack of democratic political culture among Africa's political elites, despite the fact that most of them were trained in the West, in countries with a long history of democratic practice. We also note the sometimes biased role played by the international community through diplomatic missions and election observation missions.

  • af David P Shaw
    207,95 kr.

    Why are the radical, angry, and authoritarian politics transforming the Republican Party? How does propaganda drive this process? My book incorporates multiple perspectives to arrive at clear answer to these question.

  • af Mostafa Nachoui
    957,95 kr.

    This study is devoted to the geopolitical stakes in relations between Morocco and Spain: realities, challenges and prospects. It is divided into four parts: the first deals with the issue of territorial disputes and differences between Morocco and Spain from the 10th century to 2023; the second focuses on the geopolitical issues that led Spain to recognize Morocco's proposed plan for autonomy for its southern Saharan provinces, as the one and only peaceful, reasonable, acceptable, credible and most serious proposal for definitively resolving the problem of the Moroccan Sahara within the framework of its sovereignty. The third will be devoted to transport infrastructure in both countries, and the fourth to logistics and trade between Morocco and Spain.

  • af Jimmy Breslin
    412,95 kr.

    "The 72 columns selected here by editor Dan Barry, more than half of which have not been reprinted since initial publication, reveal Breslin at his best, addressing stories of national and global importance but more often uncovering tales of ordinary New Yorkers, by turns tragic or absurd but always gripping to read. Gathered here are the highlights of his consummate deadline artistry: his celebrated interview with the man who dug the grave for John F. Kennedy, his coverage of the assassination of Malcolm X, his dispatches from the South at the height of the Civil Rights movement and from Vietnam, accounts of his involvement with the "Son of Sam" case as the serial killer who terrorized New York City in 1977, his story about John Lennon's murder in 1980, his award-winning series about the AIDS crisis in 1986, and his disgusted glimpse of Donald Trump conning the press corps during a book promotion in 1990. These masterful columns are joined by two of Breslin's books: How the Good Guys Finally Won (1976), one of the best accounts of the Watergate scandal, centered on House Majority Leader Tip O'Neill and his allies, whose success in forcing Richard Nixon for office scored an unlikely victory for U.S. democracy; and The Short Sweet Dream of Eduardo Gutiâerrez (2002), the story of an immigrant laborer killed at a construction site in Brooklyn and of the malfeasance among developers, city officials, and others that enabled the accident to happen. As quintessentially a New York figure as the memorable urban characters he portrayed, Breslin nonetheless transcended the confines of his local audience and became a national celebrity, writing with a novelist's awareness of the telling detail that reveals the depth of a person's, and a people's, character."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Stephanie Tsomakaeva
    179,95 kr.

    Was passiert, wenn wir politisch einfach so weiter machen? Wie lässt sich Politik gleichzeitig verantwortungsvoller und dezentraler organisieren? Im Gegensatz zu anderen politischen Analysen bietet die Autorin eine reale und sofort umsetzbare Lösung für den Übergang in eine gerechtere und verantwortungsvollere, obwohl digitale Zukunft. Das vorgeschlagene Handlungskonzept ist ein universell, demokratisch und rechtsstaatlich anwendbares Verfahren für Politikerhaftung. Die Autorin illustriert es mit vielen Beispielen und bewegenden Geschichten aus dem eigenen politischen Leben. Wie zum Beweis führt sie uns mit Zitaten bekannter Politiker, Philosophen und Ökonomen durch die Regeln der heutigen Politik. Sie zeigt die Folgen dieser Politik und die Dringlichkeit einer politischen Weiterentwicklung auf, gibt aber gleichzeitig auch einen leicht nachvollziehbaren Ausblick auf eine gesellschaftliche Ordnung mit neuen demokratischen Spielregeln.

  • af Antonio Pescuma Junior
    712,95 kr.

    The High Complexity comprises a high amount of financial resources. Renal replacement therapy represents almost half of the amounts used in the outpatient segment. It is of utmost importance to understand this segment, mainly by investigating the productive environment where it is inserted. There is the delineation of an oligopolized market, with the presence of multinationals in the supply of inputs and machinery. The development of national technologies is essential for the viability of the dialysis industrial park in Brazil. This text contributes to the understanding of this public health issue.

  • af J. C. P. Yakete Wetonnoubena
    522,95 kr.

    The aim of this study is to show that poor financial development in the Central African Republic (CAR) is explained by political instability. The analysis covers the period 1975-2013. The theories of law and finance, as well as the political thesis, are selected for this study. Results obtained using a Sims (1980) VAR model show that political instability explains low financial development through real channels. We also find that political instability significantly reduces financial development in the Central African Republic, and the negative effect increases as political instability intensifies. The study concludes that a reduction in political instability is essential for the success of any financial reform in the Central African Republic.

  • af Manon Maison
    487,95 kr.

    Carried out in 2017, the first aim of this study was to respond to the attacks commonly made on immigrants in France and Europe. Going against the grain of media shortcuts, this study showed to what extent immigration can be an opportunity and an added value for host countries. Over and above the comparison between benefits and detriments, my study suggests possible long-term solutions for welcoming migrants and confirms the possibility of their existence in distinct economic systems. In addition, I have chosen to pay particular attention to the dynamics of cooperation and solidarity that already exist and have proved economically viable in Europe. At a time when immigrants are being criticised and blamed, and when human rights are being flouted, I felt it was important to provide some answers to the accusations levelled at them.

  • af Normand Davis Kongo Yansa
    982,95 kr.

    In view of the socio-political and financial realities of today's world, the CFA franc is increasingly becoming a major concern that is generating a great deal of debate. While its promoters approve of it, its detractors reject it, believing that it is the cause of all the ills suffered by the African continent, particularly underdevelopment. They believe that since its creation in 1945 until today, the countries using the CFA Franc do not really enjoy monetary sovereignty. This explains the many departures of certain states from the Franc zone and amplifies the problem of reforming the CFA Franc, which is on the agenda in the WAEMU and CEMAC zones. But with the acceleration of the regional integration process in Africa, which aims to harmonize policies between states, it is necessary to ask whether this reform is an advantage or a disadvantage for regional integration on the continent.

  • af Modeste Mbonigaba
    852,95 kr.

    It was in 1977 - over 40 years ago! - that the conclusions of a major study on underdevelopment, commissioned by the United Nations, were published. Conducted by a team of outstanding experts led by the famous economist-statistician Wassily Leontief (hence the name "Leontief's Expertise" given to this important work), the study came to such bold conclusions that at least one of them should have been a bombshell. Here it is: "The real obstacles to the development of the Third World in general and of sub-Saharan Africa in particular are not physical (i.e. they are not related to climate, relief, the presence or absence of major rivers ...); rather, these obstacles are human (i.e. they are related to political, social and institutional organisation)". In other words, the key to the development of these regions is not directly in the hands of the Creator-God, but rather in the hands of ... his children who live there!

  • af Felipe Cavalheiro Zaluski
    522,95 kr.

    This book aims to identify the elements that formed the basis of Brazilian Foreign Policy. To achieve this objective, the actions and treaties of the Joanine Foreign Policy and the First Reign in Brazil will be analyzed. The book makes a critical comparison verifying the convergences and divergences between the two periods studied. The relevance of this research consists in understanding the formulation of Brazilian Foreign Policy from its basis, as it is noted that these periods are little studied. The research is not limited to issues of Foreign Policy, it also develops themes such as the internal transformation of Brazil with the arrival of the Portuguese court and after the independence of Brazil.

  • af Marigowda Jagadeesha
    522,95 kr.

    This book is intended to raise awareness about the political instability and integrity of elected officials in the spending and use of public revenue for community development in need. Young adults should examine the current stock of public revenue use, active participation in parliament or legislative debates to shed light on their constituency development work and the welfare of citizens. Efficient use of available resources is more important than exploitation, in this direction political party has a fundamental role, most of the young generation is willing to take risks on behalf of their beloved leader by confidence in his vision and ideology, because of employment opportunities in rural areas, by SMEs, but this sector is stuck on one side. The decision-makers evaluation and decision on unproductive public spending is also one of the key factors in the economy.

  • af Yasin Tokat
    411,95 kr.

    The growth of the internet and technology has been exponential in recent years, with the latest developments in computer and telecommunication technologies. Emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic have only increased the speed of adopting digitalization in every aspect of daily life. The current internet technology landscape is heavily influenced by large technology companies that play dominant roles in its development and evolution. Therefore, these corporations have a substantial impact on the international level. In the meantime, governments have diverse interests in a variety of domains, including finance, taxation, market competitiveness, personal data protection, intellectual property, cybersecurity, national security, state intelligence, and regulation of speech. This study investigates the clash of interests between big technology companies and nation-states, as each disparate party has distinct agendas. The purpose of this research is to look into ways in which these differences might be resolved or at least mitigated.

  • af Abenea Ndago
    342,95 kr.

    Set in newly-independent Kenya, Lord Kitchener is the story of 'two worlds', epitomized by Ombam and Engineer Okwach, and buttressed by an eclectic mix of social and political growing pains of a young nation. Ombam is focused on education, childhood games, sickness and the like. Engineer Okwach's are high-class socio-political and economic problems that bedevil the young African nation.Concerned with political expediency, despite his education, Okwach is unashamed of political sycophancy and material aggrandizement under an autocratic regime that tramples upon citizens' rights and freedoms. It is an environment that is a graveyard of independence-era aspirations where detentions without trial and opponent assassinations are the norm. Unfavourable circumstances (greed and social stratification) mean that Ombam discontinues his schooling early, and endures many challenges that life throws at him. His education is left waiting till much later in life. Will either of the two succeed? You, the reader, be the judge.

  • af Jonathan Karl
    284,95 kr.

    "In the wake of January 6 and aided by his absence from Twitter, Donald Trump seemed to have faded from daily news coverage. After an unsuccessful reelection campaign, the losses continue to rack up: record fines for obstruction of justice, fights over real estate, and federal records rule violations. But on his own platforms, in front of his own massive crowds, and upon announcing his new campaign, Trump is increasingly active testing the loyalty of his acolytes and punishing those who stand in his way."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Simon Elmer
    272,95 kr.

    Originally appearing between April 2020 and October 2021, these articles are a record of how, with the collaboration of a terrorised and virtuous public, a threat to public health that never existed was turned into a 'crisis', and on the justification of combatting it the 'vaccination' programme was implemented, laying the foundations for the UK biosecurity state of today. Collected in two volumes, Virtue and Terror and The New Normal, their publication marks the third anniversary since the 'pandemic' was officially declared by the World Health Organization in March 2020. But they also serve a more immediate purpose. As evidence of the immense damage of both lockdown and the 'vaccines' to the UK population has become too overwhelming for all but the COVID-faithful to ignore, those who called loudest for their enforcement - politicians, journalists and doctors - have claimed not only that they did not know what the consequences would be but that nobody else knew either, and have made plaintive appeals for an 'amnesty' between the ruined, traumatised, injured and bereaved and those responsible for their suffering and loss. The data and analysis contained in these articles is a reminder that those who took the time to look knew almost from the start that the coronavirus 'crisis' was manufactured, that closing down the economy for two years would impoverish millions, that printing hundreds of billions of pounds to save it would lead to rampant inflation, that withdrawing medical diagnosis, care and treatment for two years would cause the deaths of tens of thousands of UK citizens, and that injecting experimental gene therapies into a terrorised public would kill thousands, injure millions, and have still unknown consequences for the health and lives of the British people. If the guilty are now protesting their ignorance, they are doing so to absolve themselves of responsibility for what they collaborated in doing, to deny culpability for the damage and deaths, and to avoid retribution from a public coming to the realisation that we have been the object of a campaign of impoverishment and genocide being waged against us by the UK state and its global partners. These volumes hold them to account.

  • af &1080, &1072, &108, mfl.
    282,95 kr.

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