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Politisk korruption

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  • af Thomas Maul
    362,95 kr.

  • af Luciano Monteiro Do Amaral
    817,95 kr.

    "Millions of people have been victimized by disastrous development policies, conceived in a megalomaniacal compass, executed in a primitive and callous manner, which in the end developed little more than the fortune and power of their principals. The Third World pseudo-faiths, in just one generation, became skilled manipulators of images and symbols of progress, but proved remarkably incapable of generating real progress to compensate for the real devastation and misery they brought" (BERMAN, 1986).

  • af Inoussa Daboné
    537,95 kr.

    The events that occurred during the Ivorian military-political crisis have often led to the perception that people and their property are insecure. This study addresses the issue in the Abidjan metropolis in particular, by comparing feelings of insecurity before and after the crisis, collected with the help of a questionnaire, from a sample of individuals obtained by reasoned choice from a factorial design. It emerges that the feeling of insecurity underwent significant changes in several areas after the crisis. Thus, most individuals after the crisis are "always" afraid of being attacked, while the morning and the daytime have become the times perceived as being the most dangerous.

  • af Hans-Georg Koch
    297,95 kr.

    Niemand von uns wurde geboren, um sein Schicksal in die Hände von Psychopathen und Machtmenschen zu legen, die aus uns willenlose Elemente ihres Herrschaftswahns machen wollen. Wir alle haben die Bestimmung und das angeborene Recht, unser Schicksal selbst zu wählen. Diese Freiheit wollen wir uns nicht nehmen lassen. Leider gibt es aktuell Pläne, weltweit die Freiheit aller Menschen abzuschaffen. Verantwortlich ist dafür eine kleine Gruppe von Oligarchen, Multimilliardären, Adligen und ihren gekauften Unterstützern aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Medien. Diese Bedrohung müssen und können wir stoppen. Die Welt braucht einen spirituellen Wandel. Es wird Zeit, dass die Menschen erkennen, wer wir wirklich sind und über welche großartigen Fähigkeiten jeder Einzelne von uns verfügt. Wir entstammen alle derselben Quelle. Es gibt keine wertlosen oder minderwertigen Personen oder Rassen, wie es die Vordenker des WEF bei ihren Jahrestreffen propagieren. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den spirituellen Grundlagen unserer Existenz und den Fähigkeiten des menschlichen Geistes, die jeder nutzen kann, um sich aus eigener innerer Kraft ein besseren Leben in Frieden, Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung zu erschaffen.

  • af Samba Gagara
    1.007,95 kr.

  • af Samba Gagara
    1.007,95 kr.

  • af Samba Gagara
    1.007,95 kr.

  • af Samba Gagara
    1.007,95 kr.

  • af Laura Teizen
    537,95 kr.

    I dedicate this study to all the enslaved workers in the Brazilian Amazon region, who are without a voice, without rights and without dignity, and to those people who, like me, cannot omit themselves from this reality. I thank all those who have contributed in some way to make this project succeed. In special thanks to God, my beloved parents, Francisco and Mary, my beloved sister, Alice, my esteemed advisor, Prof. Dr. Enrique Amayo Zevallos and my dear uncle, Roberto.

  • af Samba Gagara
    332,95 kr.

  • af Zekeri Momoh
    807,95 kr.

    Il libro "Economia politica dello Stato di Kogi: Risorse e opportunità" è un libro pensato per esplorare le risorse naturali disponibili e le opportunità di investimento nello Stato di Kogi, per consentire agli investitori locali e stranieri di investire nello Stato. Inoltre, il libro analizza le questioni chiave dello sviluppo e del sottosviluppo nello Stato di Kogi. Infine, il libro discute il ruolo delle élite nello sviluppo dello Stato. È in questo contesto che il libro è importante per i ricercatori, i responsabili politici e gli investitori che desiderano conoscere i tipi di risorse naturali e le opportunità di investimento, nonché il ruolo delle élite nello sviluppo dello Stato.

  • af Zekeri Momoh
    807,95 kr.

    Das Buch "The Political Economy of Kogi State: Ressourcen und Möglichkeiten" ist ein Buch, das die verfügbaren natürlichen Ressourcen und Investitionsmöglichkeiten im Bundesstaat Kogi untersuchen soll, damit sowohl einheimische als auch ausländische Investoren in den Bundesstaat investieren können. Darüber hinaus werden in diesem Buch auch Schlüsselfragen zu Entwicklung und Unterentwicklung im Bundesstaat Kogi erörtert. Schließlich wird in dem Buch die Rolle der Eliten bei der Entwicklung des Staates erörtert. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist dieses Buch wichtig für Forscher, politische Entscheidungsträger und Investoren, die die Arten von natürlichen Ressourcen und Investitionsmöglichkeiten sowie die Rolle der Eliten bei der Entwicklung des Staates kennenlernen möchten.

  • af Samba Gagara
    1.007,95 kr.

    La terre tremble sous les bottes des combattants du triangle de la mort. Les bambins croupissent la nuit entre les jambes des mamans, au milieu des bois. Les chefs coutumiers fuient les villages. Des signes de l'état, ils ne restent que les écoles et les centres de santé vidés des fonctionnaires. L'étau se resserre sur les quelques rescapés meurtris par les combats et les exactions des seigneurs de la mort. Ils sont familiers avec les visages des djihadistes, des GANE, des bandits et des FDS. Les uns les pillent et les autres les tuent. Les FDS leur donnent l'espoir d'une paix lointaine. Villages rayés, tombes de combattants, ossements d¿animaux ; tous les yeux des visiteurs et humanitaires voient les atrocités de la guerre, sauf ceux des dirigeants. Ils sont aveuglés par le pouvoir, que la guerre sans nom serve. Déguerpir les villages de ses populations, les pousser le plus loin possible et réoccuper l¿espace pour des utilisations stratégiques futures. Voilà le secret que révèle le livre, les « renards du patriotisme, sous-titré : les martyrs de la stabilité des régimes défaillants ».

  • af Zekeri Momoh
    807,95 kr.

    O livro "The Political Economy of Kogi State" (A Economia Política do Estado Kogi): Recursos e Oportunidades" é um livro concebido para explorar os recursos naturais disponíveis e as oportunidades de investimento no Estado do Kogi para permitir aos investidores locais e estrangeiros investir no Estado. Além disso, este livro também interroga questões-chave em torno do desenvolvimento e subdesenvolvimento no Estado de Kogi. Finalmente, o livro discute o papel das elites no desenvolvimento do Estado. É neste contexto que este livro é importante para investigadores, decisores políticos e investidores que gostariam de conhecer os tipos de recursos naturais e oportunidades de investimento, bem como o papel das elites no desenvolvimento do Estado.

  • af Zekeri Momoh
    807,95 kr.

    Le livre "The Political Economy of Kogi State : Resources and Opportunities" est un ouvrage conçu pour explorer les ressources naturelles disponibles et les opportunités d'investissement dans l'État de Kogi afin de permettre aux investisseurs locaux et étrangers d'investir dans l'État. En outre, ce livre s'interroge sur les questions clés relatives au développement et au sous-développement dans l'État de Kogi. Enfin, il examine le rôle des élites dans le développement de l'État. C'est dans ce contexte que ce livre est important pour les chercheurs, les décideurs politiques et les investisseurs qui souhaitent connaître les types de ressources naturelles et les opportunités d'investissement, ainsi que le rôle des élites dans le développement de l'État.

  • af Zekeri Momoh
    332,95 kr.

    Kniga "Politicheskaq äkonomiq shtata Kogi: Resursy i wozmozhnosti" - äto kniga, prizwannaq izuchit' imeüschiesq prirodnye resursy i inwesticionnye wozmozhnosti shtata Kogi, chtoby mestnye i inostrannye inwestory mogli wkladywat' sredstwa w ätot shtat. Krome togo, w knige rassmatriwaütsq klüchewye woprosy, swqzannye s razwitiem i otstawaniem w razwitii shtata Kogi. Nakonec, w knige obsuzhdaetsq rol' älity w razwitii shtata. Imenno na ätom fone dannaq kniga wazhna dlq issledowatelej, politikow i inwestorow, kotorye hoteli by znat' widy prirodnyh resursow i inwesticionnye wozmozhnosti, a takzhe rol' älity w razwitii shtata.

  • af Xinran Xue
    225,95 kr.

    The story of a family in modern China with a history of deceit, betrayal and political intrigue, and the communist party's long shadow over them, from the Cultural Revolution to today. Following the lives of military intelligence officer Jie and his wife Moon, The Book of Secrets weaves recently found material into a narrative that not only illuminates the shadowy world of intelligence in China, but also the emotional tragedies that political extremism inflicted on those working within. Drawing on Jie's own vivid biography of his youth, Xinran pieces together his trajectory as he joins the great hope of the Chinese young - the Communist Party - and becomes a loyal cadre until the late 1970s when, as a chief in the security forces, he makes a decision that will poison his family against him. This is a totally unique behind-the-scenes account of a family torn apart by the Tiananmen Square massacre and the attempts of Jie to finally open up the Chinese system to the people, pieced together from an extraordinary archive of personal diaries and letters.

  • af Zekeri Momoh
    582,95 kr.

    The book "The Political Economy of Kogi State: Resources and Opportunities" is a book designed to explore the available natural resources and investment opportunities in Kogi State to enable both local and foreign investors invest in the state. Besides, this book also interrogates key issues around development and underdevelopment in Kogi State. Lastly, the book discussed the role of the elites in the development of the state. It is against this background that this book is important to researchers, policy makers and investors who would want to know the types of natural resources and investment opportunities as well as the role of the elites in the development of the state.

  • af Isaiah Achola
    432,95 kr.

  • af Alex Lukumu
    317,95 kr.

    The greatest originality of this book is based on the effort of contractualisation made by the author both in terms of production tools and analysis of field data, without forgetting an epistemological and edifying contribution. This book addresses on the theoretical level, the subject under review is undoubtedly of great interest to the Congolese people; it touches the crisis that the country has gone through during the past legislature (2006-2011), and the post-electoral crisis of the elections of November 28, 2011, organized in a very particular context and surrounded by several concerns. Given that the functioning of institutions is of considerable importance, it is appropriate to dissect the rules of the political game that influence the conflicts of legitimacy in our country and for which the Congolese people have suffered so much. From a scientific point of view, it was our concern to understand the primary will of the constituent in the way the institutions of the Democratic Republic of Congo-Kinshasa should function, as established by the constitution of 18 February 2006.

  • af Harald Pöcher
    307,95 kr.

    The book is the result of the experience of 47 years of service of the author in the Austrian Armed Forces. In the course of his service, he received a comprehensive insight into the functioning of the Ministry of Defense and of the armed forces. During this time, he went through his basic training, his officer training, was a commander of a headquarters company, a training and teaching officer at the Theresan military academy, chief logistics officer and training officer of the medical school of armed forces and during his last 20 years of his work head of an auditing department of the ministry of defence. Because this department was part of the cabinet of the Federal Minister, he received a comprehensive insight into the working process in the ministry. In addition to his military training, he studied economics at the University of Vienna and habilitated at the former military university in Hungary in the field of military science/defense economics. Furthermore, the book is also the result of the evaluation of his participatory observation of what is going on in the ministry and the armed forces from the point of view of an academic educated economist.

  • af Angela Dirtyface
    232,95 kr.

  • af Peter Larmour
    297,95 kr.

  • af Fatou Dosso
    437,95 kr.

    In 2000, China recorded a remarkable economic growth thanks to its industrial progress. This situation repositioned it in relation to other powers on the international scene. In order to keep this pace, it turned to Africa in search of raw materials, which led to the institutionalization of its relations with the continent through the establishment of China-Africa Summits (FOCAC), a triennial meeting to consolidate their cooperation. The first meetings began timidly and then took a decisive turn in 2006 with the organization of the third summit with the development of the "white paper". This document defines and guides the Chinese objectives for the continent. The 2009 and 2012 summits announced the supremacy of China on African markets with a trade volume that continues to grow. The declarations at the end of the various meetings are based on the principles of mutual gains, hence a "win-win" partnership.

  • af Kevin Hollis McKinney
    312,95 kr.

    UPDATED: April 2023 edition has been reformatted and contains many photographs. Described by one literary critic as "Jack Kerouac narrating the adventures of Thomas Pynchon's character, Tyrone Slothrop, only in Russia," SOVOK takes you on a front-row view of the transition from Soviet Union to liberated Russia and her return back to today's tyranny. McKinney describes his interactions for over twenty years with dissidents, billionaires, mob bosses, presidents, bureaucrats, and political leaders, while he constantly breaks laws and bends rules, as mostly do the people he works with. By declaring himself a liar, the author prods the reader to question everyone and everything. Through personal stories, one of SOVOK's central themes is that a network of loyal and moral friends can circumvent the strictest government regulations and defeat criminal syndicates. SOVOK falls into one or a dozen categories of book. The one category it is not is ordinary.

  • af Cheikh-Mbacké Sène
    867,95 kr.

    In 2008, America elected Barack Obama, the first African-American to preside over the destiny of the world's greatest power. Beyond the historic character of his election, Barack Obama must repair the damage caused by eight years of disastrous reign of George W. Bush. Both at the national and international level, the man whose global charisma is reminiscent of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, arrives as the savior of an America mired in one of the greatest economic depressions in its history, an America increasingly reviled for its destructive imperialist policies. Never in history has the world expected so much from one man. Barack Obama leads the break with the "cowboy diplomacy" practiced by G. W. Bush, renews the dialogue and cleans up the relations between America and the rest of the World. He thus laid the foundations of a "New America", one that respects other peoples and reminds us, among other things, today more than ever that "race is not an inevitability, but unquestionably a hope for all those who fight for legitimate equality between people of all races".

  • af Constantine Du Bruyn
    132,95 kr.

    Why is it that our highly-interconnected and globalized world seems more chaotic and dangerous than ever? Have you ever wondered why the world seems to lurch from seemingly unconnected crisis to crisis? From the pandemic to climate change and net-zero policies? From food shortages to high inflation and collapsing markets? But are they really unconnected? This book explores the reality suggesting that, in fact, none of what is happening across the globe is happening by chance. Right under humanity's nose, supranational organizations such as the United Nations, the Club of Rome and Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum strive to usurp national sovereignties in the quest for a dystopian future, with the threat of transhumanism, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, central bank digital currencies, universal basic income and digital IDs looming ever closer. How is it that with today's technology and ubiquitous media opening up lines of communication with virtually anyone, anywhere in the world, we become seemingly more divided? Coupled with the absurdity of complicit mainstream and social media entities enforcing narrative control and policing 'misinformation', what was once seen as liberalization has pivoted to hyper-liberalization where opposing points of view are no longer permitted, statues are toppled, free-speech is silenced, and history is erased. The COVID-19 Pandemic ushered in unprecedented global lockdown restrictions, with crippling effects on people's livelihoods, education and mental health. The medical profession was dictated to rather than listened to and many world-leading health professionals were silenced, cancelled and struck off medical registers for speaking out against government mandates, the World Health Organization, Pfizer, Moderna and billionaire backers such as Bill Gates. In the background, Anthony Fauci's declaration 'I am the science' rang out across the globe like a foghorn to those willing to listen. The last few years have left many of us feeling lost and without a voice, in a state of perpetual fear of viruses, wars or economic ruin, while the global elites persist on their journey towards a one-world government where, according to the World Economic Forum, we will all 'own nothing and be happy.'This book compiles hundreds of pieces of evidence to expose the dystopian goals of a global control matrix lying in the shadows, before concluding with lifestyle changes we can make to alter the way we interact with both our local community and wider society. By reading this book, you become part of humanity's fight back against the new world order being forced on the globe. By spreading the word and uniting in numbers, we can fight for our freedoms and for those of generations to come. Humanity can, and will, win.

  • af Lamia Ziadé
    244,95 kr.

    Winner of the Prix littéraire France-Liban'A stunningly stylish, breathtakingly evocative tribute in words and art to the cosmopolitan Levant that exists in defiance of war and empire. I treasure my copy' -- Molly Crabapple, artist and co-author of Brothers of the Gun: A Memoir of the Syrian WarMy Great Arab Melancholy is a beautiful, elegiac and award-winning book from Lebanese writer and illustrator Lamia Ziadé. Blending the author's years of research, personal memoir, and more than 300 illustrations, this compelling history of the modern Arab world explores the major thinkers, struggles, and turning points that have shaped the Middle East as we know it today.Ziadé begins in South Lebanon, "land of martyrs, ruins, and passion", before taking the reader on a journey through Beirut, Jerusalem, Cairo, and Baghdad. The book moves from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, tracing the Arab world's tragedies and the derailing of dreams and possibilities caused in large part by Western imperialism and the conquest of Palestine.Within these pages there are the blasts of explosions, blood, and tears; cemeteries, wreaths, and ribbons; martyrs and paradise. Ziadé unearths the buried memory of resistance fighters and their lost ideals. In haunting prose and unforgettable images she celebrates the progressive, bold, revolutionary moments and figures of the Arab world's recent past.Lamia Ziadé is a Lebanese author, illustrator and visual artist. Born in Beirut in 1968 and raised during the Lebanese Civil War, she moved to Paris at 18 to study graphic arts. She then worked as a designer for Jean Paul Gaultier, exhibited her art in numerous galleries internationally, and went on to publish several illustrated books, including My Port of Beirut, Ô nuit, ô mes yeux and Bye Bye Babylon: Beirut 1975-1979.

  • af Maria Ressa
    195,95 kr.

    "Introduction by Amal Clooney From the recipient of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize, an impassioned and inspiring memoir of a career spent holding power to account. Maria Ressa is one of the most renowned international journalists of our time. For decades, she challenged corruption and malfeasance in her native country, the Philippines, on its rocky path from an authoritarian state to a democracy. As a reporter from CNN, she transformed news coverage in her region, which led her in 2012 to create a new and innovative online news organization, Rappler. Harnessing the emerging power of social media, Rappler crowdsourced breaking news, found pivotal sources and tips, harnessed collective action for climate change, and helped increase voter knowledge and participation in elections. But by their fifth year of existence, Rappler had gone from being lauded for its ideas to being targeted by the new Philippine government, and made Ressa an enemy of her country's most powerful man: President Duterte. Still, she did not let up, tracking government seeded disinformation networks which spread lies to its own citizens laced with anger and hate. Hounded by the state and its allies using the legal system to silence her, accused of numerous crimes, and charged with cyberlibel for which she was found guilty, Ressa faces years in prison and thousands in fines. There is another adversary Ressa is battling. How to Stand Up to a Dictator is also the story of how the creep towards authoritarianism, in the Phillipines and around the world, has been aided and abetted by the social media companies. Ressa exposes how they have allowed their platforms to spread a virus of lies that infect each of us, pitting us against one another, igniting, even creating, our fears, anger, and hate, and how this has accelerated the rise of authoritarians and dictators around the world. She maps a network of disinformation-a heinous web of cause and effect-that has netted the globe: from Duterte's drug wars to America's Capitol Hill; Britain's Brexit to Russian and Chinese cyber-warfare; Facebook and Silicon Valley to our own clicks and votes. Democracy is fragile. How to Stand Up to a Dictator is an urgent cry for Western readers to recognize and understand the dangers to our freedoms before it is too late. It is a book for anyone who might take democracy for granted, written by someone who never would. And in telling her dramatic and turbulent and courageous story, Ressa forces readers to ask themselves the same question she and her colleagues ask every day: What are you willing to sacrifice for the truth?"--

  • af D'Jord' Shimon
    997,95 kr.

    The growth mechanism determines not only the volume of output, but also pricing, income distribution, and accumulation. Based on the Caldorian approach to technological progress, the Hungarian economist György Szymon, Jr. reveals and analyzes the main patterns of growth in the postwar economy of the Federal Republic of Germany. The study draws on a theoretical framework that includes basic aspects of the economic mechanism, such as production and growth, equilibrium prices and capital accumulation, profit and wage formation. Relevant issues of economic policy cover domestic resource mobilization and international economic relations. The author explains manufacturing growth in a model form, taking into account exchange rates and terms of trade. Another function presented determines the role of manufacturing in macroeconomic growth. An endogenous growth model (general, or world model) with a built-in mechanism of technological progress, which takes into account both physical and human capital, as well as time in the role of the event space of creative economic activity, was used to analyze the supply side.

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