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Økonomi og adfærd

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  • - Sådan bruger du din hjerne og dine følelser til at blive aktiemillionær
    af Lene Nording-Grooss & Jon Sigurd Wegener
    122,95 - 212,95 kr.

    Investering er blevet en beskæftigelse for almindelige mennesker. 1000 kr. i banken eller i madrassen mister lynhurtigt sin værdi. Men 1000 kr. fordelt på et par investeringer kan næsten ikke undgå at vokse. Springer man fx halvdelen af sine caffe latter over, har man allerede en god portion penge til at investere.Denne bog fortæller – med en stærk baggrund i både økonomi og hjerneforskning – hvordan man kommer i gang med at investere, og hvordan man bliver bedre.Mange bøger om investering anbefaler, at man parkerer sine følelser på sidelinjen og træffer beslutninger med et køligt overblik. Problemet med den tilgang er, at den strider mod, hvordan vi mennesker er indrettet. Vores følelser er nemlig aldrig parkeret. Vi er 100% styret af vores følelser. Derfor skal du vide, hvornår dine følelser stikker af i den ene eller anden retning – og blive dygtig til at lytte til dem, når du investerer.Investering er godt for den enkelte, for virksomhederne og for det omkringliggende samfund. Bogens mål er at gøre det let og overskueligt at investere med udgangspunkt i ens følelser. Når man ved, at det er følelserne, der afgør alle ens beslutninger, bliver man bedre til at optimere sin økonomi.

  • af Peter Hummelgaard Thomsen
    72,95 - 87,95 kr.

    Peter Hummelgaard, folketingsmedlem for socialdemokraterne, viser i sin bog om finanskrisen og dens følgevirkninger, hvordan kapitalismen er blevet syg. Det er ikke en del af naturens orden, at uligheden stiger, og at mennesker i globaliseringens navn efterlades på perronen med skuffede håb. Det handler om politiske valg. Politiske valg, hvis konsekvenser er den populisme, der blomstrer i alt fra Danmark til USA.Der er brug for et nyt kompromis og en ny social kontrakt mellem de grupper, der faktisk ønsker sociale fremskridt og et mere retfærdigt samfund, hvis ikke middelklassen skal udhules og populismen fortsætte sin fremmarch. Den syge kapitalisme er en analyse af den aktuelle situation og et bud på, hvordan den kontrakt kunne se ud.

  • af Klaus Schwab
    72,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Den fjerde industrielle revolution er mere betydningsfuld og mere omfattende end noget, menneskeheden før har været vidne til. Nye teknologier forener de fysiske, digitale og biologiske verdener og resulterer i kunstig intelligens, 3D-printning, DNA-sekvensering og bærbar teknologi indbygget i tøj eller gadgets. Disse teknologier er først og fremmest designet til at forbedre vores liv, men med dette væld af muligheder kommer også udfordringer og potentielle risikoelementer. Det tvinger os til at genoverveje, hvordan vi bruger teknologien og endda, hvad det betyder at være et menneske.Schwab forsøger med denne bog at skitsere, hvordan vi i fællesskab kan forme denne revolution, så vi skaber en fremtid, hvor innovation og teknologi tjener folket og gavner os alle sammen.

  • af Martin Lindstrom
    197,95 kr.

  • af Birthe Larsen
    57,95 kr.

    Danmark er et af verdens mest lige samfund – det er fortællingen om vores land. Men faktisk er det i mange år gået den forkerte vej med uligheden, og i coronatiden og med inflationen er det blevet værre: De, der havde mest, har fået mere. De, der havde mindst, har fået sværere ved at få pengene til at passe. Bogen her handler om økonomisk ulighed – at nogle danskere har og tjener mange flere penge end andre – men det hænger sammen, viser det sig, med mange andre former for ulighed; f.eks. når store kulturforskelle gør det svært at skifte miljø, når fattige lever kortere og er mere syge end rige, når kvinder stadig tjener mindre end mænd, og når indvandrere har sværere ved at komme i arbejde. I bogen giver Birthe Larsen, økonom og lektor ved CBS, et øjebliksbillede af den danske (u)lighed. Hvorfor er vi blevet mindre lige? Hvad kan man gøre for at skubbe til balancen? Skal man gøre noget?Birthe Larsen (1966) er lektor i økonomi ved CBS. Har en master i økonomi fra London School of Economics og en ph.d. fra Københavns Universitet. Akademisk direktør for Danish Inequality Platform fra 2018 til 2022. Moderne Ideer er støttet af Lundbeckfonden, Augustinus Fonden og Statens Kunstfond. I serien gør førerende forskere deres viden tilgængelig og leverer deres bud på, hvordan vi løser tidens største udfordringer.

  • af Daniel H. Pink
    142,95 kr.

    “The world needs this book.” —Brené Brown, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of Dare to Lead and Atlas of the HeartAn instant New York Times bestsellerAs featured in The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post Named a Best Book of 2022 by NPR and Financial Times From the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of When and Drive, a new book about the transforming power of our most misunderstood yet potentially most valuable emotion: regret.Everybody has regrets, Daniel H. Pink explains in The Power of Regret. They’re a universal and healthy part of being human. And understanding how regret works can help us make smarter decisions, perform better at work and school, and bring greater meaning to our lives.   Drawing on research in social psychology, neuroscience, and biology, Pink debunks the myth of the “no regrets” philosophy of life. And using the largest sampling of American attitudes about regret ever conducted as well as his own World Regret Survey—which has collected regrets from more than 15,000 people in 105 countries—he lays out the four core regrets that each of us has. These deep regrets offer compelling insights into how we live and how we can find a better path forward.   As he did in his bestsellers Drive, When, and A Whole New Mind, Pink lays out a dynamic new way of thinking about regret and frames his ideas in ways that are clear, accessible, and pragmatic. Packed with true stories of people's regrets as well as practical takeaways for reimagining regret as a positive force, The Power of Regret shows how we can live richer, more engaged lives.

  • af Christian Madsbjerg
    165,95 kr.

    A powerful exploration of how we pay attention that will transform the ways we connect with one another - at home, at work, and beyond. Draws from philosophy, science, the visual arts, and the author's own life.

  • af Anne Juel Jørgensen
    97,95 - 183,95 kr.

    Det er vigtigt at give børn gode pengevaner fra starten. Her er en bog baseret, der kommer med konkrete redskaber til at klæde forældre på til at lære deres børn at blive økonomisk ansvarlige. Børn skal lære, hvad penge er, hvor de kommer fra og bruge dem på det, der giver bedst mening.Dårlige pengevaner er et stort problem for mange børn og unge mennesker. I 2020 var 46.500 unge danskere mellem 18 og 30 år registreret i RKI som dårlige betalere, og samtidig bliver flere og flere endnu yngre børn fanget i ludomani af varierende grader.En del af problemet skal findes i den moderne verden, hvor mønter og sedler er forsvundet til fordel for betalingskort og digitale penge. En ændring, der gør det sværere for børn og unge at lære om og forstå penges værdi.I 'Giv dit barn gode pengevaner' giver Anne Juel Jørgensen forældre til hjemmeboende børn fra treårs-alderen konkrete værktøjer, der i en digital verden gør det muligt at give de næste generationer den bedste økonomiske start på livet. Som et af værktøjerne opstiller Anne Juel Jørgensen Pengeligningen, som alle mennesker i alle aldre bør mestre:Penge til hverdagen + opsparing til gråvejrsdage + penge til drømme og fremtid (herunder alderdom) = økonomisk tryghed.Bogen bygger på nyeste forskning på området - herunder adfærdsøkonomi.

  • - The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace
    af Christopher Blattman
    105,95 - 157,95 kr.

  • af Anupam B. Jena
    248,95 kr.

    "Why do kids born in the summer get diagnosed more often with A.D.H.D.? How are marathons harmful for your health, even when you're not running? What do surgeons and salesmen have in common? Which annual event made people 30 percent more likely to contract COVID-19? As a University of Chicago-trained economist and Harvard medical school professor and doctor, Anupam Jena is uniquely equipped to answer these questions. And as a critical care doctor at Massachusetts General who researches health care policy, Christopher Worsham confronts its impact on the hospital's sickest patients. In this singular work of science and medicine, Jena and Worsham work together to reveal the hidden side of medicine, and its effect on everyone that touches the health care system. Relying on ingeniously devised natural experiments-random events that unknowingly turn us into experimental subjects-Jena and Worsham do more than offer readers colorful stories. They help us see the way our health is shaped by forces invisible to the untrained eye. Do you choose the veteran doctor or the rookie? Do you take the appointment on Monday or on Friday? Do you get the procedure now or wait a week? These questions are rife with significance; their impact can be life changing. In a style that's animated and enlightening, this book empowers you to see past the white coat and find out what really makes medicine work-and how it could work better"--

  • af Elise Hu
    155,95 kr.

    One of Porchlight's Business Books of the Year | One of Vox's Best Books of 2023 | An NPR Book of the Day | Required Reading from New York Post | One of Nylon's 13 May Books to Add to Your Reading List | One of PureWow's 14 Books to Read for AAPI Heritage Month | One of W Magazine's 14 Books to Dive Into This Summer | One of Betches' Best Summer Reads of 2023An audacious journalistic exploration of the present and future of beauty through the lens of South Korea's booming "K-beauty" industry and the culture it promotes, by Elise Hu, NPR host-at-large and the host of TED Talks Daily K-beauty has captured imaginations worldwide by promising a kind of mesmerizing perfection. Its skincare and makeup products—creams packaged to look like milkshakes or pandas, and snail mucus face masks, to name a few—work together to fascinate us, champion consumerism, and invite us to indulge. In the four years Elise spent in Seoul as NPR’s bureau chief, the global K-beauty industry quadrupled. Today it's worth $10 billion and is only getting bigger as it rides the Hallyu wave around the globe. And fun as self-care consumerism may be, Elise turns her veteran eye to the darker questions lurking beneath the surface of this story. When technology makes it easy to quantify and optimize ourselves—from banishing blemishes, to whittling our waistlines, even to shaving down our jaws—where do we draw the line? What are the dangers for a society where a flawless face and body are promoted and possible? What are the real financial, physical, and emotional costs of beauty work in a culture that valorizes endless self-improvement and codes it as empowerment?   With rich historical context and deep reporting, including hours of interviews with South Korean women, this is a complex, provocative look at the ways hustle culture has reached into the sinews of our bodies. It raises complicated questions about gender disparity, consumerism, the beauty imperative of an appearance obsessed society, and the undeniable political, economic, and social capital of good looks worldwide. And it points the way toward an alternative vision, one that's more affirming and inclusive than a beauty culture led by industry.

  • af Joey Coleman
    297,95 kr.

  • af Peter Fader
    187,95 kr.

  • - om penge, frie borgere, gensidig afhængighed og lige relationer
    af Mikkel Thorup
    187,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Økonomi er mere end penge, og vi er nødt til at gøre op med den fattige måde, økonomien ofte bliver tænkt på. For når vi stiller æbler ud på vejen, smører madpakker til ungerne og giver blod, bidrager vi også til økonomien. I Fællesøkonomi udvider idéhistoriker Mikkel Thorup den økonomiske forestillingsevne, så økonomien bliver et fælles anliggende, der adresserer kollektive problemer og behov.

  • af David M. Atkinson
    536,95 - 927,95 kr.

  • af Erin Silver
    200,95 kr.

    Part of the nonfiction Orca Think series for middle-grade readers, this illustrated book examines disposable culture, its effect on the planet and practical ways young people can use their purchasing power.

  • af Tudamoon
    142,95 kr.

    Tudamoon's "The Wild Wild West" uniquely merges the American Wild West with Web3, exploring the shift from decentralization to centralization. It creates a thought-provoking blend of history, technology, and adventure for all adult readers.

  • af Hani Nabeel
    370,95 - 1.214,95 kr.

  • af Jérôme Grimm
    207,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch ist für eine einfache Nutzung konzipiert und stattet Sie mit unverzichtbaren Ressourcen für Ihre agile Reise aus. In der heutigen Unternehmenslandschaft sind agile Praktiken zum Kern großer Unternehmen geworden. Denn immer wieder stehen nicht nur Teamleiter*innen vor der Herausforderung, leistungsstarke Teams aufzubauen und zu erhalten. Das Little Book of Agile Wisdom ist ein einzigartiger und praktischer Leitfaden, der sich gezielt an Scrum Master*innen und leidenschaftliche Agile-Praktiker*innen richtet. Es bietet Ihnen 60 sorgfältig ausgewählte Zitate aus sechs Themenbereichen, die durch passende Bilder und Interpretationen sowie die persönliche Erfahrung der Autoren ergänzt werden. Außerdem finden Sie praktische Teamübungen, die die Lücke zwischen Theorie und greifbaren Ergebnissen schließen.Fördern Sie eine florierende Agile-Kultur in Ihrem Team!

  • af Anpar Insights
    137,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey to understand the world of Customer Experience (CX) with this informative introductory guide. Perfect for beginners and those new to the concept, this guide unravels the essence of CX and its significance in today's business landscape including the core components, its importance, real life examples, the 5 stages of the customer journey, key metrics used and strategies to improve customer experience. By exploring the fundamental principles of CX, you will discover its impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty, and learn how it shapes the way businesses engage with their audiences. Real-life examples and practical insights illustrate the transformative power of focusing on customer experiences. This book provides an accessible starting point for individuals and businesses seeking to enhance their CX initiatives. From understanding the basics of customer journeys to mastering the art of customer-centric strategies, you'll gain the essential knowledge and tools needed to create remarkable customer experiences that drive business success.

  • af Erik Angner
    105,95 - 165,95 kr.

  • af Alex Edmans
    207,95 kr.

    'A powerful and punchy explanation of why misinformation is a problem that affects us all. Timely and very provocative!' - Gillian Tett, Editor-at-Large, Financial Times'Not only brilliantly researched and written but immensely practical' - Andy Haldane, former Chief Economist at the Bank of England'A timely book and, despite the nerdy statistical theories, is often quite funny' Harry Wallop, The TimesA ground-breaking book that reveals why our human biases affect the way we receive and interpret information, with practical suggestions for how to think more critically* One of Adam Grant's 8 New Idea Books to Start Spring** A Financial Times Book of the Month, April 2024** A Next Big Idea Club Must-Read Book for May 2024** A Wall Street Journal recommended summer read 2024*Our lives are minefields of misinformation. It ripples through our social media feeds, our daily headlines, and the pronouncements of politicians, business leaders, and best-selling authors. Stories, statistics, and studies are everywhere, allowing people to find evidence to support whatever position they want. Many of these sources are flawed, yet by playing on our emotions and preying on our biases, they can gain widespread acceptance, warp our views, and distort our decisions.In this eye-opening book, Alex Edmans, an economist and professor at London Business School, teaches us how to separate fact from fiction. Using colourful examples - from a wellness guru's tragic but fabricated backstory, to the blunders that led to the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and the diet that ensnared millions yet hastened its founder's death - Edmans highlights the biases that cause us to mistake statements for facts, facts for data, data for evidence, and evidence for proof.Armed with the knowledge of what to guard against, he then provides a practical guide to combat this tide of misinformation. Going beyond simply checking the facts and explaining individual statistics, Edmans explores the relationships between statistics - the science of cause and effect - ultimately training us to think smarter, sharper, and more critically. May Contain Lies is an essential read for anyone who wants to make better sense of the world and take better decisions.'A passionate and dispassionate call to truth - and how to achieve it - in a world of growing disinformation' - Will Hutton, The Guardian

  • af C. Richard Weylman
    277,95 kr.

    The first book to detail both what and then exactly how professionals can elevate their client and prospective client experiences to capture their lasting loyalty.

  • af Lydia Moussa
    277,95 kr.

    Whether at home, at work or in your community and regardless of the change magnitude, this book will arm you with a dynamic, evidence-based framework to navigate the chaos of change.

  • af Jessica Calarco
    307,95 kr.

    "Other countries have social safety nets. The U.S. has women. Holding It Together chronicles the causes and dire consequences. America runs on women-women who are tasked with holding society together at the seams and fixing it when things fall apart. In this tour de force, acclaimed Sociologist Jessica Calarco lays bare the devastating consequences of our status quo. Holding It Together draws on five years of research in which Calarco surveyed over 4000 parents and conducted more than 400 hours of interviews with women who bear the brunt of our broken system. A widowed single mother struggles to patch together meager public benefits while working three jobs; an aunt is pushed into caring for her niece and nephew at age fifteen once their family is shattered by the opioid epidemic; a daughter becomes the backstop caregiver for her mother, her husband, and her child because of the perceived flexibility of her job; a well-to-do couple grapples with the moral dilemma of leaning on overworked, underpaid childcare providers to achieve their egalitarian ideals. Stories of grief and guilt abound. Yet, they are more than individual tragedies. Tracing present-day policies back to their roots, Calarco reveals a systematic agreement to dismantle our country's social safety net and persuade citizens to accept precarity while women bear the brunt. She leads us to see women's labor as the reason we've gone so long without the support systems that our peer nations take for granted, and how women's work maintains the illusion that we don't need a net. Weaving eye-opening original research with revelatory sociological narrative, Holding It Together is a bold call to demand the institutional change that each of us deserves, and a warning about the perils of living without it"--

  • - Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services
    af Jon Yablonski
    507,95 kr.

    An understanding of psychologyspecifically the psychology behind how users behave and interact with digital interfacesis perhaps the single most valuable nondesign skill a designer can have. The most elegant design can fail if it forces users to conform to the design rather than working within the blueprint of how humans perceive and process the world around them. This practical guide explains how you can apply key principles in psychology to build products and experiences that are more intuitive and human-centered. Author Jon Yablonski deconstructs familiar apps and experiences to provide clear examples of how UX designers can build experiences that adapt to how users perceive and process digital interfaces.Youll learn:How aesthetically pleasing design creates positive responsesThe principles from psychology most useful for designersHow these psychology principles relate to UX heuristicsPredictive models including Fittss law, Jakobs law, and Hicks lawEthical implications of using psychology in designA framework for applying these principles

  • af Drew Eric Whitman
    153,95 kr.

    "From Drew "Dr. Direct" Eric Whitman, the bestselling author of Cashvertising, comes a fun and accessible graphic novel on consumer psychology. Smashvertising is a heavy-content, real-world business seminar in graphic-novel style, created especially for today's video-dominant learners to show what pushes consumers to react-and buy. Work-at-home entrepreneurs . . . mom-and-pop retailers . . . businesses of all sizes, and even nonprofits will benefit by reading Smashvertising! No matter what they sell-or how they sell it-this practical, fast-reading, visually stunning book will teach readers scores of powerful techniques about advertising psychology that top-gun ad pros use to persuade people to buy, buy, buy like crazy. FACT IS, your "sucky" ads contain invisible mistakes that affect your readers on an unconscious level. Result? They don't buy . . . and you wonder why! Stop the insanity! Instead, learn powerful techniques of consumer psychology, proven through decades of experimentation and hundreds of millions of dollars of real-world testing. No matter what you sell-or how you sell it-this practical, fast-reading book teaches you: How to write bulletproof ad copy like today's hottest online marketing experts How to use consumer psychology to crank out fiery ads, emails, websites, and more How to smoke your competition using direct-response concepts proven over decades with real-world experimentation The exact best DAYS and TIMES to send emails for maximum response How to ethically use psychology to motivate people to click that "BUY" button and pull out their credit cards Social media tricks for writing "Personally Magnetic" headlines How to use "Price Hooks" to instantly boost ad readership "--

  • af Zain Raj
    207,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Pablo Brañas-Garza & John Alan Smith
    213,95 - 664,95 kr.

  • af Cass R. Sunstein
    307,95 kr.

    "Consider the most famous music group in history. What would the world be like if the Beatles never existed? This was the question posed by the playful, thought-provoking 2019 film Yesterday, in which a young, completely unknown singer starts performing Beatles hits to a world that has never heard them. Would the Fab Four's songs be as phenomenally popular as they are in our own Beatle-infused world? The movie asserts that they would, but is that true? Was the success of the Beatles essentially inevitable due to their amazing, matchless talent? Maybe. It's hard to imagine our world without its stars and celebrity geniuses-they become a part of our culture and history, seeming permanent and preordained. But as Harvard law professor (and passionate Beatles fan) Cass Sunstein shows in this startling book, that is far from the case. Focusing on both famous and forgotten (or simply overlooked) artists and luminaries in music, literature, business, science, politics, and other fields, he explores why some individuals become famous and others don't and offers a new understanding of the role of greatness, luck, and contingency in the achievement of fame. First, Sunstein examines recent research-on informational cascades, power laws, network effects, and group polarization-to probe the question of how people become famous. He explores what ends up in the history books, in the great religious texts, and in the literary canon-and how that changes radically over time. He delves into the rich and entertaining stories of a diverse cast of famous characters, from John Keats, William Blake, and Jane Austen to Bob Dylan, Ayn Rand, and Stan Lee-as well as John, Paul, George, and Ringo. How to Become Famous takes you on a fun, captivating, and at times profound journey that will forever change your perspective on the latest celebrity's "fifteen minutes," the nature of memory, success and failure in business, and our enduring fascination with fame"--

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