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  • af Pia Ottosen
    178,95 kr.

    Dit fremtidige jeg vil takke dig for at få styr på pensionsjunglen, inden det bliver for sent. Det er nemlig det, der giver dig muligheder, frihed og tryghed, den dag du forlader arbejdsmarkedet.I bogen lærer du om alle de vigtigste elementer ved din pensionsopsparing. Du finder ud af, hvordan du bedst sparer op samt hvor længe og hvor meget du bør spare op. Du får også hjælp til at lægge en plan for din opsparing, der passer til lige præcis dig. Du bliver konkret klogere på lovgivning, pensionstyper og -former, forsikringer og de to andre opsparingsformer: opsparing i frie midler og i bolig.Denne bog viser dig, hvordan du får din pensionsopsparing til at blive en succes. Hvis du selv ønsker at varetage din pensionsopsparing, klæder bogen dig også på til dette, så du får mest muligt ud af dine penge.Om forfatterenPia Ottosen arbejder til dagligt som certificeret pensionsrådgiver i en af landets største pen­sionskasser. Pension er ikke blot hendes spidskompetence, men hendes store passion. Pia har skrevet bogen med ønsket om at give alle mulighed for at lære om pensionsopsparing på en enkel og simpel facon.

  • af Jens Hansen & Kim Østergaard
    88,95 kr.

    ” Idéen til bogen er opstået på baggrund af en række samtaler om det at gå på pension og de udfordringer, der kan være, når man stopper på arbejdsmarkedet. Specielt, hvis man har været "et med sit arbejde".Det er ikke nyt, at det kan være svært at skifte fra et aktivt arbejdsliv til en pensionisttilværelse. For nogle er skiftet starten på en givtig og indholdsrig tilværelse, hvor der åbner sig nye muligheder. For andre bliver skiftet en så stor nedtur, at de enten bevidstløst søger arbejde igen eller ganske enkelt går i stå. Alkoholmisbrug og depression er desværre ikke unormalt i denne alder.Denne bog prøver at belyse omstændighederne i denne livsfase og kommer med idéer og forslag til et godt liv i ”den tredje alder”.”

  • af Robert Gardner
    238,95 kr.

    Achieve financial freedom with three money habits - earn it, keep it, and grow it. Use this book as your toolkit to make your money work for you.

  • af Tim Hale
    290,95 kr.

    Build a successful investment portfolio that is right for you Smarter Investing: Simpler Decisions for Better Results, 4th edition by Tim Hale, is the ultimate guide to help you build an investment portfolio that suits your needs. This book is not only suitable for professional investors, but anyone concerned about how their money is invested. So, whether you are a beneficiary of your family's money investments, a "do-it-yourself" investor or someone who has employed others to handle your portfolio, this book will help you understand the "why's" and "how's" behind investment decisions. The book is written with contemporary investors and their needs in mind and does not follow the typical route of introducing complex strategies like other investment books. With comprehensible content, easy to understand and to the point, Smarter Investing will help you achieve your goals for successful investing using a simple yet powerful set of rules. You will learn how to: establish your investment objectives, avoid common investor pitfalls, build a balanced portfolio that is right for you, make the investment product selection easy and effective.

  • af Herman Bril
    1.632,95 kr.

    Sustainable finance has turned into a major force that has helped to redefine markets. This book, with contributions from leading practitioners and academic thought leaders, explores the swiftly emerging nexus between sustainability, finance, and technology, and shows how practitioners can accelerate needed change processes.

  • af Herman Bril
    561,95 kr.

    This book explores the swiftly emerging nexus between sustainability, finance, and technology.Leading practitioners and academic thought leaders reflect on the ways in which technology and digitalization shape how sustainable finance professionals address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Together, the contributors identify three spheres in which technology shapes how investors make sense of such issues:ESG and technology: finance professionals need to know about how technological innovations, such as chemical recycling for plastics, in the real economy shape firms' ESG performance;ESG through technology: technological developments, such as AI and blockchain, can enable finance professionals to offer more fine-grained ESG analyses; andESG as technology: the ESG agenda itself is influenced by technological developments that are not well understood by practitioners (e.g., data mining for Bitcoin creating significant emissions).Using practically relevant examples and recent insights from people working in the field, the book explores the linkages between sustainability, technology, and finance in different contexts and shows how practitioners can accelerate needed change processes.This book primarily addresses practitioners in companies and investment firms as well as students enrolled in executive education and MBA programs.

  • af Gemma Bird
    153,95 kr.

  • af Anna Hyrske, Antti Savilaakso, Magdalena Loennroth & mfl.
    716,95 - 1.621,95 kr.

  • af Amlan Ghosh
    693,95 kr.

    This book deals with the pension of uncovered people in India, the informal or unorganized sector workers who contribute more than fifty percent of India's total output. Until recently, these workers don't get any old age security when they retire unlike those from the organized sector workers such as govt. employees or corporates. This book offers insights on the pension system of the informal sector in India.The book is the outcome of field research of two years and the field research was conducted on MSME sector (a sub sector of unorganised sector) which provides the knowledge about the present state of the unorganised sector workers in MSMEs, their financial condition and stress, their work participation, their awareness level of old age financial security or pension and their financial behaviour regarding pension savings in India. This book empirically demonstrates a relationship between financial literacy and willingness to save for retirement benefits among the informal sector workers in India. Access to banking also improves the probability of retirement savings along with the gender and education.By reading this book, readers can understand the demographic change India is going to witness within the next thirty years and its challenges to meet the longevity risk of these workers.

  • af Julie Bonner
    525,95 - 1.323,95 kr.

  • - Concentration, Pricing and Performance
    af Mark Hyde & Silvia Borzutzky
    363,95 - 747,95 kr.

    This book argues that the implementation of compulsory, highly regulated, privately administered, defined contribution pensions facilitates rent-seeking behaviour on the part of the pension fund administrators and undermines the retirees' income and well-being.

  • af Mads Bryde Andersen & Jesper Mark
    1.336,95 kr.

    Gennem sine 17 kapitler beskriver Dansk Pensionsret de retsregler, som det internationalt roste danske pensionssystem hviler på. Bogen er skrevet med sigte på jurister og pensionspraktikere, men i et sprog, der kan forstås af alle med interesse for emnet. Et 74 sider langt leksikon hjælper læsere uden forudgående viden med at forstå vanskelige begreber og problemstillinger.Bogens første del indfører læseren i pensionsrettens grundbegreber og retskilder. Anden del gennemgår de forskellige pensionsordninger. Tredje del beskriver tilsynet med de private pensionsordninger. Fjerde del tager en række konkrete pensionsretlige spørgsmål op, herunder om beskatning, aftaleforhold, rådgivning samt familie- og skifteretlige pensionsspørgsmål.Bogen er fagfællebedømt.

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