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Bank og finans: studievejledninger og læsevejledninger

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  • af Sanne Udsen
    98,95 kr.

    Ordet psykopat kan få det til at gyse i folk. Man tænker på seriemordere og diktatorer. Men de allerfleste psykopater er ikke kriminelle. Tværtimod går de rundt blandt resten af befolkningen og gør livet surt for os.Blandt fagfolk er det en almindelig antagelse, at omkring 2-4% af alle mænd er psykopater, mens kun 1% af kvinderne er det, svarende til ca. 2% af befolkningen som helhed. Men der er endvidere en hypotese om, at blandt chefer er andelen større. Bogen gennemgår de typiske psykopatiske træk og beskriver, hvilke virksomhedstyper og organisationer, der giver bedst spillerum for psykopaten. Men nok så vigtigt giver bogen en række praktiske anvisninger på, hvordan man undgår at ansætte en psykopat - og hvad man gør, hvis han allerede er i virksomheden. Til slut en meget nyttig (og internationalt anerkendt) psykopat-test.

  • af Argjent Demiri
    672,95 kr.

    Das Buch "Finanzberatung morgen: Eine Situationsanalyse der Finanzbranche" bietet eine ausführliche Analyse der aktuellen Rahmenbedingungen und der Entwicklungstendenzen im Finanzsektor. Aufgezeigt wird, wie diese Entwicklungen den Vertrieb der Finanzberatung beeinflussen und welche weitreichenden Auswirkungen sie auf die Finanzbranche als Ganzes haben. Eine unverzichtbare Wissensquelle für Experten und alle, die ihr Verständnis für die Branche vertiefen und sich auf die bevorstehenden Veränderungen vorbereiten möchten.

  • af Rose Neng Lai
    1.564,95 kr.

    This book contends that the housing markets and shadow banking have been involved in a kind of "dance" over the last two decades. It traces this dance to be between the roles of mortgage markets since the 1980s in both the US and China and the developments of securitization and "shadow banks." It gives side-by-side comparisons between the two and suggests that house price dynamics have been similar, but also quite different. Both had booms. The US had a bubble that burst around 2007 - after prices became quite high relative to rents and then crashed. However, Chinese housing markets, which had a similar run-up, did not have a burst bubble. Rather, the rising property values appear to have been from space becoming more valuable as reflected in rent growth. In the US, prices chased prices; in China, prices chased rents.Mortgage markets were more complicated, beginning with the securitization in the US, and the rise of shadow banks that both led and followed. The US used shadow banks to hold pieces of securitization deals and funded them with deposit-like debt. These pieces were fragile and their collapse caused "silent runs," which were instrumental in the ensuing crash. China's shadow banks were more like traditional intermediaries, unattached to securitization. Their liabilities were mostly not short-term, as was the case with US shadow banks. So, runs were not a problem, but getting the market to work efficiently was.The markets have evolved. And while the music has changed, the dance is not over.

  • af Lars Jäger
    468,95 kr.

    In dynamic investment calculations it is necessary to discount cash flows that lie in the future. In many cases default risks have to be taken into account. These should also be included in the valuation. The author's personal experience in the subject led to the tables of Risk Adjusted Single Payment Present Worth (RASPPW) Factors. It is one of the simplest ways of risk-adjusted present value calculation. For negative and positive interest rates, different probabilities of default, and periods up to 40 years this handbook contains the Risk Adjusted Single Payment Present Worth (RASPPW) Factors. The cash flow is simply multiplied by the appropriate PV factor (depending on probability of default, interest rate and time). A very good aid in study and practice, for the calculation and control of risk-adjusted present values.

  • af Tien van Nguyen
    652,95 kr.

    This textbook aims to provide a complehensive and understadable analytical framework of international finance in terms of theory and practice. The book covers three main areas - The International Financial Environment, Determinants of Exchange Rate and Exchange Rate Policy, and Foreign Exchange Derivatives.This book is suitable for every level of learner. Anyone who is curious about international finance topics from college students to their professors can all find something useful from within the rich and varied content presented here. It has been written in an engaging and refreshing way to reward effort over sometimes complex concepts. It stresses learning by example. To explore a theory or method, an example is worked out first, and the (mathematical) principles are explained later. Exercise and solution keys are provided at the end of each chapter to facilitate both self learning and the teaching process.

  • af Lars Jäger
    382,95 kr.

    Bei der dynamischen Investitionsrechnung ist die Notwendigkeit gegeben, Cashflows, die in der Zukunft liegen, abzuzinsen. Da in vielen Fällen Ausfallrisiken zu beachten sind, sollten diese auch bei der Bewertung einfließen. Die persönlichen Erfahrungen des Autors in der Thematik führten letztendlich zu den Tabellen der risikoadjustierten Barwertfaktoren. Es ist einer der einfachsten Wege der risikoadjustierten Barwertberechnung. Die Cashflows werden lediglich mit dem entsprechenden Barwertfaktor (abhängig von Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit, Zins und Zeit) multipliziert und schon hat man den Barwert berechnet. Eine sehr gute Hilfe in Studium und Praxis, für die Berechnung und Kontrolle der risikoadjustierten Barwerte.

  • af Michael Frommel
    533,95 kr.

    This books builds on 'Finance 1: Portfolio Theory and Management'. Both volumes are linked through the asset allocation process. While Finance 1 focuses on portfolio theory and strategic asset allocation, Finance 2 deals with tactical asset allocation and market efficiency.We start by reviewing the asset allocation process, market timing and the approach by Black and Litterman. Section 2 deals with the predictability of prices, including technical analysis and momentum. Turning to factors that may cause the predictability - if there is any - we discuss models from behavioural finance. The subsequent section deals with bubbles and herd behaviour, before we cover market microstructure and its implications. The book's last section deals with price manipulation as a cause for inefficiencies.

  • af Monty C. M. Metzger
    373,95 kr.

  • af Andrew W. Lo
    303,95 kr.

  • af Peterson's
    183,95 kr.

    The nationally recognized credit-by-exam DSST® program helps students earn college credits for learning acquired outside the traditional classroom such as; learning from on-the-job training, reading, or independent study. DSST® tests offer students a cost-effective, time-saving way to use the knowledge they've acquired outside of the classroom to accomplish their education goals.Peterson's® Master the™ DSST® Personal Finance Exam provides a general overview of the subjects students will encounter on the exam such as credit and debt; major purchases; taxes; insurance; investments; and retirement and estate planning. This valuable resource includes:Diagnostic pre-test with detailed answer explanationsAssessment Grid designed to help identify areas that need focus Subject Matter Review proving a general overview of the subjects, followed by a review of the relevant topics and terminology covered on the examPost-test offering 60 questions all with detailed answer explanations Key information about the DSST® such as, what to expect on test day and how to register and prepare for the DSST®

  • af Thomas G. Dünser
    413,95 kr.

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