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Retssystemer: kirkelig (kanonisk) lov

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  • af Alessandro Giovanni Barbero
    288,95 kr.

    Le origini, il pensiero e le opere di un celebre decretalista del Basso Medioevo. Perché Enrico da Susa menziona i suoi genitori nelle ultime volontà testamentarie, senza indicarne i nomi ? Ci sono tracce nei suoi scritti di sua madre e suo padre ? Chi è la madre sepolta in una chiesa di Aix-en-Provence ? Enrico da Susa è realmente appartenente alla famiglia Bartolomei di Susa ? Queste sono le motivazioni per cui è stata scritta questa biografia, su suggerimento di una donna.

  • af Peter A Kwasniewski
    193,95 kr.

    O Papa Bento XVI afirmou o crescimento contínuo e a validade perpétua da Missa Tradicional, sublinhando que "aquilo que para as gerações anteriores era sagrado, permanece sagrado e grande também para nós e não pode ser de improviso totalmente proibido ou mesmo prejudicial."Contudo, com a publicação do Traditionis Custodes, em 2021, o seu sucessor declarou precisamente o contrário, provocando ondas de choque na Igreja com o apelo à restrição e, eventual, supressão da sua mais bela e venerável forma de culto - e aquela que experimenta o mais acelerado e apaixonado crescimento.O que é que um Católico consciente deve fazer?Neste livro fundamental, o Dr. Peter Kwasniewski oferece-nos um tratado fundamental sobre a questão da obediência na Igreja - de onde deriva e como deve ser correcta e prudentemente compreendida e vivida. Ele examina as orientações de São Tomás de Aquino sobre o assunto, que tipo de obediência é necessária para a salvação e a questão da licitude e ilicitude. Haverá situações em que as estruturas habituais de obediência se tornem impedimento, em vez de facilitadoras, para a missão da Igreja e o bem das almas? Houve casos na história da Igreja em que sacerdotes fiéis exerceram o seu ministério em violação das normas canónicas ordinárias? Como deve o clero reagir se a Missa Tradicional lhes for proibida ou se for declarada "abrogada"?

  • af Fr. Réginald-Marie Rivoire
    133,95 kr.

    On July 16, 2021, Pope Francis published Traditionis Custodes, an apostolic letter that aimed at a drastic reduction of the use of the traditional Roman liturgy. In a letter to the bishops published on the same day, the pope explained at length the reasons for his decision. The harsh measures, in tandem with the violent and accusatory tone of the accompanying letter, have aroused consternation among the faithful who are attached to the usus antiquior. The Responsa ad Dubia issued in December of 2021 by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, so far from clarifying matters, only intensified the growing dismay and debate.The inaccuracies, difficulties of interpretation, and problems of concrete application of Traditionis Custodes have meanwhile raised many questions among canonists, pastors, and institutes whose proper law binds them to the liturgical forms of the Latin tradition. The present tract, written by canon lawyer Fr. Réginald-Marie Rivoire, F.S.V.F., undertakes a careful canonical reading of these documents, chiefly from the point of view of their juridical rationality. It is well known that rationality is one of the essential characteristics of a legal norm, such that strictly speaking, an irrational norm is not a norm and does not bind.The tract first considers the legal status of the documents; then, the affirmation at the heart of this whole legal apparatus and its raison d'être, namely, that the liturgical books promulgated by Paul VI and John Paul II are the sole expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite; and finally, the way in which numerous fundamental principles and precepts of canon law are undermined by the new norms.***The revised edition includes a 10-page addendum on (among other things) the implications of the "Rescript" released by Cardinal Roche on February 20, 2023.

  • af Neville Lyons
    171,95 kr.

    Religion: The names and doctrines may differ, but the damage done is the same. Mind control, Brainwashing, greed, abuse of power, fear tactics, lies, sexual misconduct, and mental and emotional abuse. Many of these religious institutions' main goal is to fill their pockets using the Bible as their weapon of choice. This is not indicative of all religions, but there are many, especially mega-churches, that preach and teach falsehoods. These falsehoods have been the downfall of many families and friends and the cause of many ruined lives. Friendships that have been forged over years will cease to exist, brothers and sisters, parents and children, husbands, and wives. Simply because a spiritual leader has declared that those friends and family members could no longer be fellowshipped. Could the eyes of people, young and old alike, see and understand that they are not here to serve a man, but rather God? My story began in Jamaica, immigrated to England, and landed in the USA. Having lived in several countries, I take interest in meeting new people and learning about their country of origin. Knowing one's culture provides a better understanding and fosters respect. Though not a native of this great country, I appreciate the diversity and freedom that it offers (having served in the US Army). Coming from humble beginnings, I feel so grateful for what God has blessed me with: a beautiful wife, three beautiful girls, and five grandchildren (all girls). I have had the privilege of being a pastor, assistant pastor, and held various positions within different church bodies over the years. I received a Master of Science degree in Information Technology and taught college for approximately fifteen years. It is my wish that people will understand and recognize who their God really is.

  • af Tilman Schmeller
    1.088,95 kr.

    Im Jahr 2022 feierte der Europäische Gerichtshof ein Jubiläum - seit 70 Jahren spricht das Luxemburger Gericht Recht. Allerdings hat der EuGH bis in das Jahr 2017 hinein faktisch nie zum Grundrecht der Religionsfreiheit judiziert. In den wenigen Folgejahren legte der Gerichtshof dann jedoch über ein Dutzend Urteile auf diesem Feld vor. Tilman Schmeller seziert dieses Phänomen einer exponentiell wachsenden Beschäftigung des EuGH mit Fragen der Religionsfreiheit in drei Stadien. In einem ersten Schritt bereitet er den Hintergrund dieser Rechtsprechungslinie auf und untersucht das sich im Wandel befindliche Selbstbild des Gerichtshofs. Sodann analysiert er die Urteile umfassend und leitet aus ihnen Muster ab, die die Befassung des EuGH mit der Religionsfreiheit prägen. Schließlich vermisst der Autor die allgemeinen Grenzen der EuGH-Judikatur neu und legt diesen Maßstab an das Religionsrecht als Ausdruck soziokultureller Selbstverständlichkeiten an.

  • af Brendan Daly
    423,95 kr.

    This book on penal law explains the main topics of penal law, with cases and examples of its implementation, using the changed text of Book 6 of the Code of Canon Law that will come into effect on December 8, 2021. Pope Francis has revised Book 6 of the Code of Canon Law, "Penal Sanctions in the Church," canons 1311-1399. Of these 89 canons, 63 have been changed and others have been renumbered. Changes include a new canon 1376 concerning the crimes of stealing and misappropriation of church property; canon 1398 §2 making the sexual abuse of minors by religious brothers and sisters a crime; c. 1398 §1 no. 2 making grooming a crime. Other changes in canon law since 1983 have been incorporated into the new book 6. These include raising the age for sexual abuse from under age 14 to under age 18; a 1988 law imposing penalties for recording confessions; penalties for the attempted ordination of a woman; penalties for bishops failing to report or take sufficient measures against perpetrators of sexual abuse; and for clerics using pornography of those under age 18. Endorsements "Brendan Daly has spent decades studying the Church's penal law and striving to apply it faithfully and fairly to messy cases, especially those involving claims of sexual abuse of minors by clergy. In Penal Law in Action, he has distilled his knowledge and experience that make ecclesiastical penal law thoroughly accessible to nonspecialists." --Rev. John P. Beal, JCD, The Catholic University of America, School of Canon Law "Penal Law in Action is a clear, comprehensive, and highly practical map to help students and practitioners of canon law to navigate through the complexities of penal law. No doubt, it will be a welcome addition in many jurisdictions worldwide." --Elizabeth Ong, judge tribunal of the Catholic Church for New Zealand "Penal Law in Action provides an indispensable and practical resource for understanding and applying the recent changes to the Church's penal law." --Chad Glendinning, JCD, PhD, Saint Paul University, Canada "Canon lawyers, canon law students, and all who are interested in the law of the Church will want this volume on penal law. Not only will they find explanations of the main topics of this law, but they will also discover the history of each topic along with cases and examples of its implementation." --Rev. Dr. Paul Golden, CM "Penal Law in Action details the theological underpinnings, historical development, and practical analysis of chapters and individual canons. I commend the book to practitioners, persons dealing with cases involving penal law, or simply those with an interest in the subject." --The Hon. Neville Owen, Western Australia, Pontifical Commission for Minors Msgr. Brendan Daly is judicial vicar of the Tribunal of the Catholic Church for New Zealand and lecturer in canon law at Te Kupenga Catholic Theological College. He was the rector of Holy Cross Seminary from 1995 to 2000, before he became a principal at the seminary theologate for New Zealand (2002-16). He is a priest of the diocese of Christchurch and holds a doctorate in canon law from St. Paul University and a PhD from Ottawa University. He has been a judge on the Appeal Tribunal for Australia and New Zealand and has written numerous articles. He has run more than fifty marathons, including the Boston, New York, and London marathons.

  • af Roberto Rosas
    178,95 kr.

    The authors of this book, both prominent scholars of matrimonial canon law, have extensive knowledge of the subject. They have written this book to explain in a clear manner the new reform for the nullity of marriage within the Catholic Church, established by Pope Francis on August 15, 2015. The new matrimonial reform serves as an instrument to reach the faithful who have become unmotivated in pursuing an annulment because of the difficulties presented by the old annulment process and invites those who have strayed to be a part of the Church once again. Dr. Roberto Rosas is not only a husband living the sacrament of marriage but is also a recognized Matrimonial Canon Lawyer in Ecclesiastical Tribunals in Mexico and the United States. Yeshica Umaña, JCL, who has done extensive research on the institution of marriage, provided her invaluable insight as a woman in the writing of this book.

  • af S. B. (Sebastian Bach) Smith
    308,95 - 418,95 kr.

  • af Henry Beveridge & Jean Calvin
    363,95 - 468,95 kr.

  • af Adhemar Esmein
    323,95 - 493,95 kr.

  • af Robert Owen
    218,95 - 358,95 kr.

  • af Rufinus (Archbishop of Sorrento)
    373,95 - 508,95 kr.

  • af Richard Hooker & Ronald Bayne
    433,95 - 538,95 kr.

  • af Adhemar Esmein
    323,95 - 483,95 kr.

  • af Gratianus (the Canonist ).
    473,95 - 533,95 kr.

  • af Henry Amans Ayrinhac
    283,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Jean Calvin
    343,95 - 453,95 kr.

  • af Richard Hooker
    193,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af Manfred Baldus
    2.573,95 kr.

    ["e;Rulings in Ecclesiastical Matters Since 1946"e;]The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining to the relationship of church and state, and also regarding further problems which are characterized by the relevance of religious concerns.

  • af Manfred Baldus & Stefan Muckel
    2.828,95 kr.

    Die vom Institut für Kirchenrecht und rheinische Kirchenrechtsgeschichte an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln betreute Sammlung "Entscheidungen in Kirchensachen seit 1946" bietet die Judikatur staatlicher Gerichte zum allgemeinen Religionsrecht und zum Verhältnis von Kirche und Staat. Die Sammlung ist die einzige ihrer Art im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie bildet zugleich ein Dokument der Zeitgeschichte. Es ist beabsichtigt, künftig auch die für die Verhältnisse in Deutschland relevante Rechtsprechung europäischer Gerichtshöfe in die Sammlung einzubeziehen.

  • af Manfred Baldus & Stefan Muckel
    2.818,95 kr.

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