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Folkeret: miljø

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  • af Irini Papanicolopulu, Maurizio Arcari & Laura Pineschi
    1.428,95 kr.

  • af Chiara Macchi
    987,95 - 989,95 kr.

    More than ten years after the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, this book critically reviews the achievements, limits and next frontiers of business and human rights following the 'protect, respect, remedy' trichotomy. The UN Guiding Principles acted as a catalyst for hitherto unprecedented regulatory and judicial developments. The monograph by Macchi proposes a functionalist reading of the state's duty to regulate the transnational activities of corporations in order to protect human rights and adopts a holistic approach to the corporate responsibility to respect, arguing that environmental and climate due diligence are inherent dimensions of human rights due diligence. In the volume emerging legislations are assessed on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence, as well as the potential and limitations of a binding international treaty on business and human rights. The book also reviews groundbreaking litigation against transnational corporations, such as Lungowe v. Vedanta or Milieudefensie v. Shell, for their human rights and climate change impacts. The book is primarily targeted at academic and non-academic legal experts, as well as at researchers and students looking at business and human rights issues through the lenses of legal studies (particularly international law and European law), political sciences, business ethics, and management. Additionally, it should also find a readership among practitioners working in the public or private sector (consultants, CSR officers, legal officers, etc.) willing to familiarize themselves with the expanding areas of liability, financial and reputational risks connected to the social and environmental impacts of global supply chains.Chiara Macchi is currently Lecturer in Law at Wageningen University & Research in The Netherlands.

  • af Pasquale Viola
    1.097,95 kr.

  • af Mohamed Behnassi, Anita Parlow, Fred Kruidbos & mfl.
    1.307,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Naveen Garg
    1.758,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Cortés & Maria Da Glória Garcia
    381,95 - 492,95 kr.

  • af Bertrand Ramcharan
    1.207,95 - 1.209,95 kr.

  • - Vulnerability and Resilience Under Climate Change
    af Stefano Moncada
    1.428,95 kr.

    This book explores how vulnerable and resilient communities from SIDS are affected by climate change; proposes and, where possible, evaluates adaptation activities; identifies factors capable of enhancing or inhibiting SIDS people's long-term ability to deal with climate change; and critiques the discourses, vocabularies, and constructions around SIDS dealing with climate change. The contributions, written by well-established scholars, as well as emerging authors and practitioners, in the field, include conceptual papers, coherent methodological approaches, and case studies from the communities based in the Caribbean Sea and the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. In their introduction, the editors contextualise the book within the current literature. They emphasise the importance of stronger links between climate change science and policy in SIDS, both to increase effectiveness of policy and also boost scholarly enquiry in the context of whose communities are often excluded by mainstream research.  This book is timely and appropriate, given the recent commission by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of a Special Report that aims at addressing vulnerabilities, "e;especially in islands and coastal areas, as well as the adaptation and policy development opportunities"e; following the Paris Agreement.  Coupled with this, there is also the need to support the policy community with further scientific evidence on climate change-related issues in SIDS, accompanying the first years of implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

  • af Daniëlla Dam-de Jong & Fabian Amtenbrink
    1.428,95 kr.

    This book engages with international legal responses to the global environmental crisis. Humanity faces a triple planetary crisis, consisting of the interlinked problems of climate change, depletion of biological diversity and pollution.The chapters in this volume of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law address important questions of how and to what extent these environmental concerns have been integrated into international law, who or what drives these developments, and what all of this tells us about international law¿s ability to tackle the challenges that a deteriorating environment brings for the future of life on Earth. The strength of the volume is that it brings together a wide range of perspectives on the ¿greening¿ phenomenon in international law. It includes perspectives from international environmental law, human rights law, investment law, financial law, humanitarian law and criminal law. Moreover, it raises important questions regarding the validity of the predominant approach in international law to (the protection of) nature. By providing such a wide range of perspectives on international legal responses (or lack thereof) to the environmental crisis, the volume seeks to engage scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines. It invites readers to compare the state-of-the-art across disciplines and to reflect on ways to strengthen international law¿s responses to the environmental crisis. Furthermore, as has become standard for the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, the second part consists of a section on Dutch practice in international law.The Netherlands Yearbook of International Law was first published in 1970. It offers a forum for the publication of scholarly articles in a varying thematic area of public international law.Chapter 3 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Kirsten Schmalenbach, Alexander Proelss, Roda Verheyen, mfl.
    381,95 - 418,94 kr.

  • af Oran R. Young, Yijia Jing & Dan Guttman
    1.319,95 kr.

  • af Jonathan L. Black-Branch & Dieter Fleck
    1.207,95 kr.

  • af Barbara Janusz-Pawletta
    1.209,95 kr.

  • af Mar Campins Eritja & Teresa Fajardo del Castillo
    1.319,95 kr.

  • af B. Chaytor & K. R. Gray
    1.307,95 kr.

  • af Fred Magdoff & John Bellamy Foster
    97,95 kr.

    Bogen bidrager til den manglende systemkritik, ud fra de helt fundamentalt materielle vilkår. Og er et redskab til oplysning og forandring. Foster og Magdorff pointe er, at der må gøre op med de fundamentale mekanismer, som karakteriserer kapitalismen, får den til at fungere, og som indbyrdes hænger sammen: Vareproduktion, bytteværdi, penge, marked, akkumulation mm. Hvis vi skal videre og ikke mindst overbevise et flertal, så må vi i gang med at udforme et alternativ uden disse træk, så konkret som det nu er muligt; ud fra grundlæggende økologiske og demokratiske principper.

  • af Finn Kjeller (red)
    97,95 kr.

    Økosocialisme – fra systemkritik til alternativ.Vi er hastigt på vej mod en klima- og miljøkatastrofe, mens ulighederne vokser og magten koncentreres på stadig færre hænder. Mange har på fornemmelsen, at der er noget grundlæggende galt med et system, der driver rovdrift på natur og mennesker. Der ér et alternativ! hævder forfatterne til denne bog. De forklarer ikke kun, hvordan kapitalismen spærrer for løsninger. De giver også deres bud på et andet, økosocialistisk samfund, hvor produktionen indrettes demokratisk ud fra de samfundsmæssige behov og inden for de miljømæssige grænser. Samtidig foreslår forfatterne veje til at sætte alternativet på dagsordenen gennem rød-grønne reformer og forening af sociale og økologiske kampe. Bogen samler bidrag af forfattere fra otte lande: Søren Kolstrup, tidligere MF. Pat Devine, Storbritannien. Michael Löwy, Frankrig. Asbjørn Wahl, Nathalie Guay, Canada. Lars Henriksson, Sverige Richard Smith, USA. Daniel Tanuro, Belgien

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