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  • - Erindringer fra celle 18
    af Mette Mayli Albæk & Lars Findsen
    187,95 - 297,95 kr.

    I 20 år har Lars Findsen været en af de mest centrale embedsmænd i Danmark med en sikkerhedsgodkendelse på højeste niveau. Han kender til statens dybeste hemmeligheder og har som den eneste været chef for landets to efterretningstjenester, først PET og senest FE.SPIONCHEFEN er et unikt kig ind bag kulissen, hvor Lars Findsen har håndteret politiske skandaler med store personlige konsekvenser og været med til at forsvare demokratiet, selvom Muhammedtegninger satte ild til verden, og højtstående terrorister truede Danmark. SPIONCHEFEN handler om at blive opslugt af sikkerhedspolitik, om samfundsændrende terrorsikring og om lyse og mørke sider ved at være en del af magtens indercirkel i Danmark.I vinteren 2021 blev Lars Findsen anholdt i Københavns Lufthavn, låst inde i celle 18 i Hillerød Arrest og sigtet i en sag, der bliver kaldt den største vestlige efterretningsskandale. For første gang fortæller hovedpersonen det, han kan, om sin historie i en ærlig og personlig selvbiografi.Baseret på dagbogsnotater beskriver Lars Findsen også sine 71 dage i fængsel, hvor han er med i en madklub, får daglige rutiner og bliver klogere på sig selv.

  • af Mikkel Thorup, Rikke Alberg Peters & Maria Brockhoff
    197,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Regeringen putter noget i drikkevandet, der gør dig lydig. Jøderne kontrollerer alle verdens medier og regeringer, og det var i virkeligheden amerikanerne selv, der stod bag angrebet på World Trade Center, samtidig med at det også var Osama bin Laden. Intet er, som det ser ud, og der er skjulte kræfter overalt, som undertrykker os. Fortællingen om skjulte kræfters indflydelse på verdens gang dukker op med stadig større hyppighed, men hvad skal man egentlig mene om konspirationsteorier? Er det farlige fortællinger, som peger direkte frem mod politisk vold og terror, eller er det harmløse og farverige fortællinger med en vis underholdningsværdi, som vi ikke behøver at tage særligt alvorligt? Og kan man i det hele taget skelne mellem sande og falske konspirationsteorier? Bogen undersøger fænomenet konspirationsteorier ud fra en række analytiske tilgange og giver et bud på hvordan de opstår, hvorfor de eksisterer og hvorledes det kan være, at vi tilsyneladende bliver ved med at fascineres af fortællingernes afsløring af en skjult sandhed. Konspirationsteorien kædes sammen med fænomenerne magt og konflikt og analyseres som en særlig fortælleform, hvor det strukturerende princip for fortællingen er forklaringen på, hvorledes, hvorfor og hvem der holder noget skjult. I løbet af bogen præsenteres og analyseres mange af de konspirationsteorier, der har floreret i historien, og dem der aktivt fortælles i dag på internettet og de sociale medier.

  • - En introduktion
    af af Lars Tønder
    265,95 kr.

    Mens klimakrisen raser, kæmper politikere og samfundsaktivister for at skabe et mere bæredygtigt samfund. Udfordringen for dette projekt er ikke kun at finde de rigtige løsninger, men drejer sig også om selve betingelserne for magt. Denne bog stiller skarpt på magtbegrebet i forhold til bæredygtighed og viser, hvordan det er muligt at forstå magt på en ny og mere fyldestgørende måde. Med udgangspunkt i litteraturen om klimakrisen og den antropocæne tidsalder bidrager bogen med en ny analyseramme for studiet af magt. Analyserammen bygger på en kritik af den eksisterende forskning på området, og introducerer i stedet for en ”nymaterialistisk” tilgang baseret på tænkere som Karen Barad, Jane Bennett, Donna Haraway og Bruno Latour. Hovedtanken er, at magt ikke kun er noget mennesker har, men også er noget, der opstår i samspillet mellem det menneskelige og det ikke-menneskelige. "Om magt i den antropocæne tidsalder" inddrager eksempler fra både Danmark og udlandet, som alle viser, hvordan den nymaterialistiske tilgang kan omsættes til konkrete samfundsvidenskabelige analyser. Bogen diskuterer også, hvordan nye former for demokrati og borgerinddragelse kan være med til at sikre et bæredygtigt samfund. Bogen afsluttes med en kort ordliste, som forklarer nogle af de allervigtigste begreber og fagtermer inden for studiet af magt og den antropocæne tidsalder. Bogen henvender sig til samfundsfagsstuderende, forskere, aktivister og andre, der er interesseret i klimakrisen og dens betydning for sociale og politiske forhold. Om forfatteren Lars Tønder er professor med særlige opgaver ved Institut for Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet. Han er forfatter til bogen Tolerance: A Sensorial Orientation to Politics og har i de senere år udgivet en række artikler og bogkapitler om demokrati, politisk teori og klimakrisen. Han er leder af to nye forskningsprojekter, der begge er støttet af Danmarks Frie Forskningsråd: ét om politiske normer i den antropocæne tidsalder, og et andet om demokrati, civilsamfund og Danmarks nye klimaborgerting. Han er også med i styregruppen for Centre for Anthropological, Political and Social Theory, der hører hjemme på Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet.

  • af The January 6th Committee
    145,95 kr.

    The official report and findings of the bipartisan Congressional investigation into the January 6 attack on the Capitol, and Donald Trump's related coup conspiracies to overthrow the election, with an original foreword by attorney and Emmy-winning MSNBC anchor Ari Melber.Only the entire, authoritative House committee report can capture the full range of plots that have been exposed over time, from the violent attack on January 6 to related efforts revealed months after the insurrection. This definitive edition features: • The historic, official text of the House Committee report on the insurrection• New independent analysis of the coup conspiracy by MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber• The definitive accounting of Donald Trump's efforts to end American democracy This is the only edition of the report featuring an additional, original analysis of the coup by a journalist and lawyer at the center of the action -- Melber has interviewed top members of this Committee, Jan. 6 rally planners and other cooperating witnesses, and Trump White House veterans ranging from Steve Bannon to Peter Navarro (now indicted for defying this probe). His report documents how Trump's plots comprise a continuous coup conspiracy -- not a ?riot? that exploded in a ?single day? -- and why that factual prism is vital for accountability, justice, and preventing the next coup attempt.In chilling detail, he shows how that process might have engineered a technical effort to ?override? the election on the floor of Congress?an essential map, and warning, for those who wish to protect democracy. If warnings are ignored and there is no accountability for the plotters at the top, a failed coup may become a training exercise.This report is not only a vital document in modern American history, it can also inform efforts to protect the future of American democracy. As a matter of justice, bipartisanship, and even patriotism, this report will become essential reading for any American determined to defend our democracy.

  • af Dag Hammarskjöld
    252,95 kr.

    Det kom som en stor overraskelse, da manuskriptet til Dag Hammarskjölds Vejmærker blev fundet efter hans død i 1961. Hammarskjöld var kendt for sit vigtige diplomatiske arbejde som FN’s generalsekretær, men få vidste, at han havde et rigt åndeligt liv – og at han i årevis havde ført en slags dagbog over sine religiøse erfaringer. Teksterne sammenlignede han med vejmærker, der blev rejst, hver gang han nåede et punkt på sin færd, han havde brug for at markere.Vejmærker er blevet en moderne klassiker inden for kristen spiritualitet. Bogen har siden den første udgivelse i 1963 beriget mange læsere verden over, som kan spejle sig i Hammarskjölds erfaringer.For mere biografisk interesserede læsere er det også et inspirerende indblik i, hvordan Hammarskjöld forholdt sig til sin rolle i verden og til magt som sådan. Vejmærker udkom første gang på dansk i 1964. Teksterne er her nyoversatte til dansk af Gunder Christian Gundersen. Jesper Fich har skrevet en grundig introduktion.

  • af Donatella Di Cesare
    156,95 kr.

    Suveræn virus? Den kapitalistiske åndenød er Donatella Di Cesare seneste bog, og er en kort og koncis intellektuel vejviser til Corona-pandemien. Den udgør et af de første væsentlige bidrag til den filosofiske litteratur om pandemien, og er en bearbejdning af en række centrale temaer inden for politisk filosofi, herunder undtagelsestilstand, livets sårbarhed, grænseregimet, teknokrati, ekspertvælde, konspirationsteorier, demokrati, isolation og vejrtrækning.Donatella di Cesare (f. 1956) er en af Italiens mest fremtrædende og nulevende filosoffer. Hun er forfatter til en række bøger om forholdet mellem filosofi og politik, herunder Heidegger og jøderne: de »sorte hæfter« (2014) samt Tortur (2016). Senest har hun i den italienske presse kritiseret Giorgio Agambens kommentarer om Corona-virussens farlighed og hans sammenligning af vaccinepas med de nazistiske jødestjerner; en parallel som også har været genstand for omfattende kritik i Danmark.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    445,95 kr.

    Title 17 presents regulations governing commodities and securities exchanges. It includes the rules of Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Department of the Treasury.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    455,95 kr.

    Title 17 presents regulations governing commodities and securities exchanges. It includes the rules of Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Department of the Treasury.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    326,95 kr.

    Title 17 presents regulations governing commodities and securities exchanges. It includes the rules of Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Department of the Treasury.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    535,95 kr.

    Title 17 presents regulations governing commodities and securities exchanges. It includes the rules of Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Department of the Treasury.

  • - Indfald og udfald om henfald og forfald
    af Claus von Barnekow
    297,95 kr.

    Pas på staten – Indfald og udfald om henfald og forfald kaster et kritisk blik på Danmarks udenrigspolitiske vilkår, international politik, menneskerettigheder, retsstat, demokrati, Ruslands ulovlige krig m.m. og udforsker spørgsmål om nationalisme. Gennem dybdegående analyse og refleksion søger forfatteren, Claus von Barnekow at belyse kompleksiteten af disse emner og opfordrer til en nuanceret forståelse af de politiske landskaber, der præger vores samtid.Forhenværende udenrigsminister, dr.phil. Per Stig Møller skriver i forordet, ”at Barnekows tekster udmærker sig ved klarhed og korthed. Derfor når han vidt omkring og er altid værd at følge.”Det har visse indlysende fordele, når vor politiske ledere ved, hvad de taler om, og søger at sætte sig ind i en problemstilling, inden politiske holdninger udbasuneres.I Pas på staten kommer vi vidt omkring, og emnerne inkluderer klimaforværring, koranafbrændingsidioti, russisk selvforståelse, Ungarns og Polens undergravning af Europarådet og EU, regerings- og udvalgte politikeres retorik vedrørende retsstat og menneskerettigheder, udenrigspolitiske vilkår for Danmark samt nationalisme.

  • af William Bennett Munro
    232,95 - 262,95 kr.

    ""Selections From The Federalist"" is a book edited by William Bennett Munro and published in 1914. It is a collection of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, collectively known as ""The Federalist Papers."" These essays were originally published in newspapers between 1787 and 1788 to promote the ratification of the United States Constitution. Munro's book includes 18 of the most important essays from this collection, covering topics such as the need for a strong central government, the separation of powers, and the importance of a bill of rights. The book also includes an introduction by Munro that provides historical context for the essays and discusses their ongoing relevance to American politics. Overall, ""Selections From The Federalist"" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history and development of American government and political thought.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - A Treatise On The Pleadings Used And Practice Followed In Courts Of The United States In The Exercise Of Their Equity Jurisdiction (1909)
    af Thomas Atkins Street
    512,95 - 547,95 kr.

    Federal Equity Practice V1 is a comprehensive treatise on the pleadings and practices used in the courts of the United States in the exercise of their equity jurisdiction. Written by Thomas Atkins Street and first published in 1909, this book provides a detailed overview of the legal principles and procedures involved in federal equity practice. The book covers a wide range of topics including the nature and scope of equity jurisdiction, the various types of equitable relief available, the rules governing pleadings and evidence, and the procedures for conducting trials and appeals. This volume is an essential resource for law students, practicing attorneys, and anyone interested in the history and development of federal equity practice in the United States.In Three Volumes.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af New York (State) Legislature Assembly
    273,95 - 427,95 kr.

  • af Historical Works
    97,95 kr.

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

  • - Code Pleading, Federal Procedure, Evidence: Examination Questions (1910)
    af Albert Hutchinson Putney
    292,95 - 491,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • - Its Growth And Necessity (1918)
    af Henry Litchfield West
    232,95 - 263,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Ezra Parmalee Prentice
    242,95 - 282,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Tseggai Isaac
    3.517,95 kr.

  • af Brian Doherty
    182,95 kr.

    In 2008, the Supreme Court had its first opportunity in seven decades to decide a question at the heart of one of America's most impassioned debates: Do Americans have the right to possess guns? Gun Control on Trial will tell the story of the case, now known as District of Columbia vs Heller, which promises to be the most significant court decision of the decade.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U. S.
    369,95 kr.

    Title 8 presents regulations governing the process and procedures which impact immigration and naturalization. Additions and revisions to this section of the code are posted annually by January. Publication follows within six months.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U. S.
    732,95 kr.

    Presents regulations governing banking procedures and activities of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Export-Import Bank, Office of Thrift Supervision, Farm Credit Administration, and the National Credit Union Administration.

  • af Kizzy M. Parks
    217,95 kr.

    Unlock government contract success with the exclusive GovCon Winners¿ Way strategy! This book outlines the steps Dr. Kizzy Parks took to win over $50 Million in Federal Government contracts. In the GovCon Winners¿ Way, Dr. Kizzy Parks wrote this book to show you step-by- step everything you need to know to get started in government contracting and to win profitable contracts. Packed with success tips and actionable steps, GovCon Winners¿ Way is a must-read for anyone interested in winning government contracts. Inside you'll find:The easiest way to develop a business model tailored to sell to the government...Insights into the workings of government contracts and how to leverage them...Effective methods for generating leads and sealing contract deals...Proven email and phone scripts for engaging with government prospects...Real-world success stories from individuals who've triumphed using these strategies... ... and much more! The best part can use the GovCon Winners¿ Way techniques within an hour of reading the book. The first place to begin, is by looking inside of the book. If you want to win government contracts for your business... then invest in your future, apply the techniques, and see for yourself.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    644,95 kr.

    Title 19 presents regulations governing customs duties as set forth by the U.S. Customs Service, the U.S. International Trade Commission, and the International Trade Administration.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    445,95 kr.

    Title 21 presents regulations promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Office of the National Drug Control Agency in the area of food and drugs.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    445,95 kr.

    Title 20 presents regulations promulgated by the Department of Labor, Railroad Retirement Board, and the Social Security Administration to govern employees' benefits. These include workers' compensation programs, employment and training, and veterans' services.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    469,95 kr.

    Title 17 presents regulations governing commodities and securities exchanges. It includes the rules of Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Department of the Treasury.

  • af Office Of The Federal Register (U S
    557,95 kr.

    Title 21 presents regulations promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Office of the National Drug Control Agency in the area of food and drugs.

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