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Ærekrænkelse og injurielovgivning

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  • af Maine Wesleyan Seminary
    323,95 kr.

  • af R. M. Simone'
    283,95 kr.

    Perfect Storm - A personal observation of the - Johnny Deep Defamation Trial -Domestic Violence does Not have a Gender - The WAVE this Created went GLOBALDURING the six-week telecasted live defamation trial of Johnny Depp working to restore his 'name, his career, his personal life and his TRUTH' that came about from 'allegations' and an OP-ED. Johnny Depp became a focal point for domestic violence as a MALE in a cross-fire directed at him.The QUOTE from his ex summed it up. "Tell the world, Johnny Depp, tell them, I, Johnny Depp, a man, I am a victim too of domestic violence, and see how many people believe or side with you."-AH In COURT his attorney after playing the 'recorded taped arguement between JD and AH' asked if this was TRUE. Johnny said yes, he was abused, hit and punched, objects thrown at him and a severed finger tip also as a casualty.This NON FICTION follows the trial, the Testimony, the Witnesses, the RANDOS, the OP-ED that triggered this, the Expert Professional witnesses and both litigants attorney teams. Watching it live, post daily court streaming researched a list of Attorny YOU TUBE CHANNELS, and Surprise POP CULTURE channels that also discussed the defamation trial each day. ALL INFORMATION in this book came directly from this and links are provided and comments from channels as personal views were shared. There are LIGHT HEARTED MOMENTS despite the allegations of previous Narrative Social Media SPINS. LISTEN TO the taped recorded arguments brought into the court trial. .PERFECT STORM draws together the basis for IDEAL LOVE that starts off as an ULTIMATE Love but ends up being the STORM of childhood wounds for both parties and the psychology discussed in court of the EMPATH and the Personality Discorder 'other' and destructive and damaging. He said, She said ultimately as the JURY'S verdict comes based upon the Evidence, Testimonies, Professional Expert Analysis, and YES, domestic violence is not a Gender.YOU BE THE JUDGE of this.It's complicated and utterly fascinated the entire world watching this defamation trial. Add DAILY the people there in VIRGINIA that waved at Johnny before and after court...he referred to them as 'His RELATIVES" giving support.From LOVE we speak TRUTH and we hope we are believed. This Globally was watched by MILLIONS.LOVE can create a PERFECT STORM if fueled by these negative polarities and dangerous to all.Under currents we all carry comes into each relationship we enter and it is then when the TURBULANCE starts, that something of this nature can happen. ULTIMATELY my prayer is for those that experience this, is for them to HEAL.Heal the reasons and the truamas and LEAVE whenever there is any signs of physical, emotional or mental abuse.Therapy and support and the understanding of people that care about you and your well being are there for you.THIS was a key turning for males in domestic battering that does occur at them and has been overlooked.Women should be 'believed' in these dangerous relationship dramas. But good males are also experiencing this dynamic 'against them'. We are in a different time now. One of speaking out, rights for both women and men. We are in a time of therapy for relationships and healing for traumas we all carry. The DEFAMATION trial however, was a public viewing going into the Truth and the imbalances of the reasons and social news spins on what really did play out in this relationship. YOU BE THE JUDGE of that.Johnny has moved forward in his career, music and has finished a film that will be shown at CANNES Festival.An Iconic thespian, artist donating to charities and musician. FANS LOVE him...his Relatives as he calls them.

  • af Francis McManus
    213,95 - 953,95 kr.

  • af Alan R. Warren
    78,95 kr.

    The Doodler Murders book focuses on 1970s in San Francisco, United States. This decade was known for everything from the political scandal of Richard Nixon and "Watergate," to the feminist movement with Gloria Steinem and the wave of a new style of music called "disco." But in addition to these controversies and movements, America was also becoming known for its significantly increasing crime in cities. The highest crime rate in the country was during the 1970s - the beginning of the decade saw an increase of 11% in 1970 alone. Along with crimes, corruption within law enforcement was exposed. Also, urban decay peaked when some of America's largest cities, including New York, Atlanta, Boston, and Chicago, lost more than 10% of their population.Random violence and crimes weren't the only things on the minds of the people who lived in the cities. There was something much more sinister. Crimes committed by a person who would plan them out to the last detail. Someone so skilled that they would get away with their crimes for sometimes even years. That someone had the attention of the media, police, and public. That someone was dubbed by law enforcement "the serial killer."

  • af Tsachi (University of Sheffield) Keren-Paz
    907,95 kr.

    This text considers the social, legal and technological features of unauthorised dissemination of intimate images. With a focus on private law theory, the book defines the appropriate scope of liability of platforms and viewers. Through its analysis, it develops a new theory of egalitarian digital privacy. Should digital platforms be responsible for intimate images posted without the subject's consent? Could the viewers of such images be liable simply for viewing them? This book answers these questions in the affirmative, while considering the social, legal and technological features of unauthorized dissemination of intimate images, or `revenge porn'. In doing so, it asks fundamental socio-legal questions about responsibility, causation and apportionment, as well as conceptualizing private information as property. With a focus on private law theory, the book defines the appropriate scope of liability of platforms and viewers while critiquing both EU and US solutions to the problem. Through its analysis, the book develops a new theory of egalitarian digital privacy.

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