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PÅ GRÆNSEN er en øjenåbnende, forargende og underholdende historie om et utraditionelt politiliv bag kulisserne i KØBENHAVNS LUFTHAVN. Som veteran fra den navnkundige Uropatrulje mavelandede JOHNNY ROBIN JØRGENSEN i lufthavnen i 1992, på nederste hylde i politiets hierarki. Men han fandt ud af, at man kan gøre den største forskel, der hvor ingen andre gider at være. Han blev en del af den SPECIALENHED I POLITIET, som forvaltede den stramme danske udlændingepolitik i et pivåbent EU. Han blev ekspert i at profilere illegale immigranter og MENNESKESMUGLERE. Han spottede falske pas og papirer. Og fik dyb indsigt i de ofte groteske forhold bag de tonede ruder på DANMARKS MÅSKE VIGTIGSTE POLITISTATION. Bogen er skrevet i samarbejde med journalist Søren Baastrup, der står bag flere true crime-bestsellere.
PC- og onlinesikkerhed er i stigende grad blevet vigtigt for pc-brugere over hele verden. Der er en lang række trusler, der kan ramme dig, når du er på Internettet. Du har måske hørt om en række former for skadelige programmer, der under ét kaldes for malware, og som kan ramme den intetanende pc- og smartphonebruger. Der kan være tale om: Virus – programmer, der smitter og inficerer ens egen og andre pc’er på netværket. Trojanske heste – programmer, som har en skadelig ladning af malware med sig. Spyware – programmer, der udspionerer din gøren og laden på pc’en, og som f.eks. sender dine indtastede kreditkortoplysninger videre til en bagmand. Keyloggere – programmer der registrerer alt, hvad du taster på tastaturet, og sender det til en bagmand. Zombier – din pc kan blive overtaget af en bagmand og skjult indlemmet i et netværk (botnet) af andre zombie-computere, som sammen angriber hjemmesider eller sender store mængder spam ud i verden. Adware – programmer, der viser reklamer på din pc og på hjemmesider, og som er meget irriterende. Ransomware – du kan blive afkrævet en løsesum for at slippe din pc fri for malware, der krypterer dine filer, så du ikke kan læse dem igen. Du lærer om: Identitetstyveri – pas på ikke at få stjålet dine personlige oplysninger, som kriminelle så kan misbruge. Fupbutikker – lær at spotte falske netbutikker, som sælger kopivarer under dække af at være ægte eller sælger dine kreditkortoplysninger. Digitalt selvforsvar – hvordan sikrer du din anonymitet på nettet? Lær om browseranonymitet og andre værktøjer såsom TOR-netværket, der øger din grad af anonymitet på både pc og smartphone. Dine børns onlinesikkerhed – Windows stiller en række værktøjer til rådighed for forældres styring af deres børns brug af pc’en. Læs også hvordan du sikrer dine børns smartphones og tablets. Adgangskoder – hvordan gør man dem sikre? Hvor mange skal man have? Lær også om farerne ved uopfordret tilsendte e-mails: At der kan følge malware med i en vedhæftet fil (bilag) i en e-mail. At du har vundet millioner i et lotteri, uden at du har deltaget i det. At en person har arvet en millionsum, men har brug for en udlænding (dig) til at overføre pengene til sig – mod betaling af en procentdel af arven. At blive mellemmand (muldyr) med en bankkonto til at modtage penge og sende dem videre for et udenlandsk firma – mod at beholde nogle få procent af beløbet. At dit NemID er midlertidigt suspenderet – indtil du oplyser dit NemID-log-ind og uploader et billede af dit nøglekort. Læs om farerne for og hvordan du sikrer dit NemID og netbank. At din PayPal-konto er blevet kompromitteret, og at du derfor skal bekræfte dit log-ind. At du skal sende din Verified-by-Visa-SMS-kode videre per SMS til en bagmand. At en person, du har fået kontakt med via en dating-hjemmeside, akut har brug for mange penge. Heldigvis kan man med oplysning og uddannelse og de rette sikkerhedsprogrammer gardere sig mod disse farer og færdes ret sikkert på nettet alligevel. Denne bog med mange illustrationer beskriver disse farer indgående og oplyser om, hvilke faresignaler du skal være agtpågivende overfor. Der er sammenligninger af antivirusprogrammer med firewall, så du kan se hvilke programmer, der er gode lige nu. Hvis du skulle være blevet ramt af malware, er der også beskrevet nogle fremgangsmåder, hvormed du kan fjerne den igen. Desuden lærer du om sikkerhedskopiering, så du ikke behøver at miste dine filer, hvis du rammes af ransomware.
Beskyttelse af personoplysninger har fået stadig større betydning i nutidens samfund, men det er kontroversielt hvor omfattende og intensiv beskyttelsen bør være. I bogen beskrives de almindelige hensyn og værdier, der har betydning ved udformningen og anvendelsen af den retlige regulering.Fremstillingen er baseret på den nye persondataret, som følger af persondataforordningen og databeskyttelsesloven. Den er derfor væsentligt revideret i forhold til forrige udgave af bogen.I bogens kapitler behandles:Personen og det privateRetskilder og aktørerDet teknologiske og retlige miljøPersondatarettens grundtrækRettighederDen offentlige sektorDen private sektorInternationale dataoverførslerInternettetPrivatliv v. informationsfrihedOvervågningDatabeskyttelsens fremtid Peter Blume er professor ved Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet.
ALT OM MOMSKARRUSELLER, FAKTURAFABRIKKER OG ORGANISERET SVINDEL I MILLIARDKLASSENEngang stod der respekt om kongens mønt. Men nu trækker staten de store sedler tilbage. Udenlandske banker afviser at tage imod danske kroner. Og står du i Netto og langer en 500-kroneseddel over kassebåndet, kan du nærmest føle dig som en forbryder. Hvordan kunne det gå til?To af Danmarks mest garvede journalister fortæller i denne bog om et netværk af danske og udenlandske svindlere, som siden midten af 00’erne har forfinet kunsten at forvandle beskidte penge til rede penge. Bogen dissekerer dette kriminelle columbusæg: De mere og mere komplekse metoder – fra momsbedrageri over fakturafabrikation til kryptosvindel. En voksende kriminel økonomi baseret på systematisk tyveri fra den danske statskasse. Og ikke mindst underverdenens nye hierarki af subsistensløse stråmandsdirektører og karusselkonger i Dubai, som det danske politi og retssystem endnu kun bider i haserne.
This book provides an analysis of social media and women¿s resistance in Iran with relevance to similar polities. The author examines how Iranian women continue to fight against the regime¿s gender discriminatory laws and protest the government in public squares and in virtual spaces. The book presents a critical approach to technology¿s role in politics and society and an in-depth analysis of authoritarianism and its relationship to social media harms and state violence. With a particular focus on images, hashtags, and other digital content, it calls for a rethinking of the concepts of crime, culture, and control in the technosocial world. The author draws on conceptual contributions from the fields of criminology, philosophy, psychology, technology and media studies.
This book represents an interdisciplinary academic endeavour intended to provide readers with a comprehensive, balanced, and nuanced examination of critical issues at the intersection of cyberspace, cyberterrorism, and national and international security. It draws insights from a range of diverse fields, including Computer Science, Social Science, Political Science, International Relations, Criminology, and Law. Furthermore, the book investigates the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies, exploring their dual role in this dynamic landscape of contemporary cyberthreats, with both constructive and malicious implications.The book comprises four distinct themes, with each theme represented by a dedicated Part. Within this organisational framework, each overarching theme is systematically explored through a series of chapters, providing readers with a clear and thematic roadmap for their journey through the content.Part I, Understanding Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Strategies, of the book explores complexities surrounding contemporary global security challenges. It serves as the foundational segment of the book, consisting of three chapters that critically analyse various dimensions of terrorism and the strategies implemented to combat it.Part II, Cyberterrorism Landscape, of the book offers an in-depth assessment of the current cyberterrorism landscape. This section comprises two critical chapters, each contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the contemporary threats posed by cyberterrorism and their implications for national security.Part III, Countering Cyberterrorism with Technology, of the book forms the core of the book's exploration into leveraging technology to mitigate the threats of cyberterrorism. This section includes four critical chapters, collectively providing an in-depth understanding of the intersection between technology and counterterrorism strategies.Part IV, Artificial Intelligence and National and International Security, of the book delves into the complex relationship between AI technology and the broader security landscape. Comprising three pivotal chapters, this section provides a detailed understanding of AI's transformative role in shaping the future of national and international security.
In the computerized age, QR codes have become pervasive, consistently coordinated into our regular routines. From item marks to café menus, these high contrast squares guarantee effectiveness and accommodation. Notwithstanding, underneath the outer layer of this innovative simplicity lies a developing danger - QR code cheats. "Examining Risk" digs into the many-sided snare of misdirection turned by noxious entertainers taking advantage of the clueless public through controlled QR codes. The account starts by disentangling the harmless beginnings of QR codes, intended for proficient information stockpiling and recovery. As these codes acquired prevalence, so did their abuse. The book explores through the advancing scene of cybercrime, where hoodlums exploit the trust set in QR codes for accursed purposes. Alina Hazel, the focal figure in this investigation, arises as a casualty turned-advocate, her own experience enhancing the direness to uncover the underside of QR code cheats. The creator carefully takes apart different procedures utilized by tricksters - from making fake QR codes that divert clients to phishing sites to infusing malware into apparently innocuous codes. Through genuine contextual analyses and meetings with network safety specialists, "Checking Risk" reveals insight into the refinement and size of these fake exercises. The book fills in as a reminder, encouraging perusers to move toward QR codes with an insightful eye and an uplifted consciousness of likely dangers. While describing Alina Hazel's excursion of succumbing to a QR code trick, the story entwines with functional tips and methodologies to try not to turn into another measurement. From instructing perusers on checking the authenticity of QR codes to advancing the utilization of secure filtering applications, the book enables people to safeguard themselves against the approaching danger. "Checking Risk" rises above the domain of simple useful examples. It investigates the cultural ramifications of QR code fakes, from monetary misfortunes caused by people to the disintegration of confidence in computerized exchanges. The story likewise digs into the endeavors of policing and online protection experts to battle these developing dangers, furnishing perusers with an exhaustive comprehension of the more extensive scene. In a world progressively dependent on computerized interfaces, "Examining Risk" arises as an ideal report, encouraging society to defy the secret perils sneaking behind the harmless exterior of QR codes. Through a mix of individual stories, master experiences, and a source of inspiration, the book fills in as a significant asset for people trying to securely explore the computerized scene.
Organizations face increasing cybersecurity attacks that threaten their sensitive data, systems, and existence; but there are solutions. Experts recommend cybersecurity training and general awareness learning experiences as strategic necessities; however, organizations lack cybersecurity training planning, implementation, and optimization guidance. Cybersecurity Training: A Pathway to Readiness addresses the demand to provide cybersecurity training aligned with the normal flow of IT project delivery and technology operations.Cybersecurity Training combines best practices found in standards and frameworks like ITIL technology management, NIST Cybersecurity Framework, ISO risk, quality and information security management systems, and the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Trainers will appreciate the approach that builds on the ADDIE model of instructional design, Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Thought, and Kirkpatrick's Model of Evaluation, a trilogy of training best practices.Readers learn to apply this proven project-oriented training approach to improve the probability of successful cybersecurity awareness and role-based training experiences. The reader is guided to initiate, plan, design, develop, pilot, implement and evaluate training and learning, followed by continual improvement sprints and projects.Cybersecurity Training prepares trainers, project managers, and IT security professionals to deliver and optimize cybersecurity training so that organizations and its people are ready to prevent and mitigate cybersecurity threats leading to more resilient organizations.
"Safeguarding Against Crime in Everyday Life" is a comprehensive guide that equips readers with essential knowledge and practical strategies to enhance personal safety and security. The book explores the multifaceted landscape of crime, providing insights into its definition and societal impact. Organized into twenty insightful chapters, the book delves into various aspects of crime prevention, from assault and robbery to identity theft and digital security. Readers will learn to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations, acquire self-defense techniques, and adopt safe practices for handling valuables. The book also covers topics such as road rage management, responsible drinking, fraud awareness, and community initiatives for violence prevention. With a focus on empowering individuals, the concluding chapter emphasizes the importance of community involvement and awareness, inspiring a culture of responsibility and safety for a more secure future. Whether in public spaces, online, or at home, this book provides a holistic approach to safeguarding against crime in our daily lives.
The rapid growth and reliance on cyber systems have permeated our society, government, and military which is demonstrated in this book. The authors discuss how AI-powered cyber systems are designed to protect against cyber threats and ensure the security and reliability of digital systems using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. As AI becomes more integrated into various aspects of our lives, the need for reliable and trustworthy AI systems becomes increasingly important. This book is an introduction to all of the above-mentioned areas in the context of AI Embedded Assurance for Cyber Systems.This book has three themes. First, the AI/ML for digital forensics theme focuses on developing AI and ML powered forensic tools, techniques, software, and hardware. Second, the AI/ML for cyber physical system theme describes that AI/ML plays an enabling role to boost the development of cyber physical systems (CPS), especially in strengthening the security and privacy ofCPS. Third, the AI/ML for cyber analysis theme focuses on using AI/ML to analyze tons of data in a timely manner and identify many complex threat patterns.This book is designed for undergraduates, graduate students in computer science and researchers in an interdisciplinary area of cyber forensics and AI embedded security applications. It is also useful for practitioners who would like to adopt AIs to solve cyber security problems.
Arbejder du eller skal du arbejde med cybersikkerhed, it-drift og udvikling? Denne bog giver dig det nødvendige overblik over de gældende love, direktiver og best practices, der er en forudsætning for enhver organisation i Europa i dag.Særligt NIS2 stiller store krav til organisationer – både strategisk, taktisk og operationelt, og i denne bog gennemgår Karsten Dahl Vandrup og James Brinkmann de essentielle sikkerhedskrav og paragraffer, man skal kende og implementere for at være NIS2-compliant. Bogen gennemgår de grundlæggende sikkerhedsprincipper og den grundlæggende sikkerhedsorganisation – og giver et fundament i form af ISO27001-rammeværket, som NIS2 kan opsættes på.NIS2. Strategisk, taktisk, operationelt klæder samtidig læsere læseren på til at forstå, implementere og arbejde med it-sikkerhedsstandarder, så organisationen generelt kan opnå en modenhed, der ikke bare efterlever sikkerhedskrav til ISO27001, GDPR, NIS2 m.v., men også er med til reelt at øge sikkerhedsniveauet gennem struktureret adfærd, rutiner og teknologi.Der er samtidig fokus på governance og compliance for at sikre, at direktion, ledere og andre beslutningstagere er klædt på til at stå i spidsen for strategien, og til at initiere de efterfølgende taktiske implementeringer gennem operationelle retningslinjer, regler og procedurer.Bogen er et nyttigt redskab for folk, der beskæftiger sig med cybersikkerhed, it-drift og udvikling, og den er desuden velegnet som håndbog til arbejdet med kommunikation mellem medarbejdere og it-specialister inden for administration, drift og cybersikkerhed.
This book presents a compilation of case studies from practitioners, educators, and researchers working in the area of digital violence, along with methodologies to prevent it using cyber security. The book contains three basic sections namely: the concept of digital violence in policy and practice; the impact of digital violence; and the implication of cyber security to curb such violence. The intention of this book is to equip researchers, practitioners, faculties, and students with critical, practical, and ethical resources to use cyber security and related technologies to help curb digital violence and to support victims. It brings about the needs of technological based education in order to combat gendered crimes like cyberbullying, body-shaming, and trolling that are a regular phenomenon on social media platforms. Topics include societal implications of cyber feminism; technology aided communication in education; cyber security and human rights; governance of cyber law throughinternational laws; and understanding digital violence.
This book provides the foundational aspects of malware attack vectors and appropriate defense mechanisms against malware. The book equips readers with the necessary knowledge and techniques to successfully lower the risk against emergent malware attacks. Topics cover protections against malware using machine learning algorithms, Blockchain and AI technologies, smart AI-based applications, automated detection-based AI tools, forensics tools, and much more. The authors discuss theoretical, technical, and practical issues related to cyber malware attacks and defense, making it ideal reading material for students, researchers, and developers.
'Rinsed is a triumph. If you want to understand how the chaotic world around us really works, read this book!'MILES JOHNSON, AUTHOR OF CHASING SHADOWS'A riveting look at not only the nuts and bolts of cons and crimes but the techniques detectives use to stalk cyber criminals'FINANCIAL TIMES'Gripping'THE ECONOMIST For as long as people have been stealing money, there has been an industry ready to wash it. But what happened when our economy went digital? How does the global underworld wash its dirty money in the Internet age?Rinsed reveals how organized crooks have joined forces with the world's most sophisticated cybercriminals. The result: a vast virtual money-laundering machine too intelligent for most authorities to crack. Through a series of jaw-dropping cases and interviews with insiders at all levels of the system, Geoff White shows how thieves are uniting to successfully get away with the most atrocious crimes on an unprecedented scale.The book follows money from the outrageous luxury of Dubai hotels to sleepy backwaters of coastal Ireland, from the backstreets of Nigeria to the secretive zones of North Korea, to investigate this new cyber supercartel. Through first-hand accounts from the victims of their devastating crimes, White uncovers the extraordinary true story of hi-tech laundering - and exposes its terrible human cost.'Rinsed is as twisty, colourful and terrifyingly eye-opening as the people White investigates. You'll never look at wealth, technology and crime in the same way'CARA MCGOOGAN, AUTHOR OF THE POISON LINE'A gripping look at the battle between cops and criminals on the new frontier of financial crime'BRADLEY HOPE, CO-AUTHOR OF BILLION DOLLAR WHALE
This book analyses the implications of the technical, legal, ethical and privacy challenges as well as challenges for human rights and civil liberties regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and National Security. It also offers solutions that can be adopted to mitigate or eradicate these challenges wherever possible.As a general-purpose, dual-use technology, AI can be deployed for both good and evil. The use of AI is increasingly becoming of paramount importance to the government's mission to keep their nations safe. However, the design, development and use of AI for national security poses a wide range of legal, ethical, moral and privacy challenges. This book explores national security uses for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Western Democracies and its malicious use. This book also investigates the legal, political, ethical, moral, privacy and human rights implications of the national security uses of AI in the aforementioned democracies. It illustrates how AI for national security purposes could threaten most individual fundamental rights, and how the use of AI in digital policing could undermine user human rights and privacy. In relation to its examination of the adversarial uses of AI, this book discusses how certain countries utilise AI to launch disinformation attacks by automating the creation of false or misleading information to subvert public discourse. With regards to the potential of AI for national security purposes, this book investigates how AI could be utilized in content moderation to counter violent extremism on social media platforms. It also discusses the current practices in using AI in managing Big Data Analytics demands. This book provides a reference point for researchers and advanced-level students studying or working in the fields of Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Social Sciences, Network Security as well as Law and Criminology. Professionals working within these related fields and law enforcement employees will also find this book valuable as a reference.
In recent years, wireless networks communication has become the fundamental basis of our work, leisure, and communication life from the early GSM mobile phones to the Internet of Things and Internet of Everything communications. All wireless communications technologies such as Bluetooth, NFC, wireless sensors, wireless LANs, ZigBee, GSM, and others have their own challenges and security threats.This book addresses some of these challenges focusing on the implication, impact, and mitigations of the stated issues. The book provides a comprehensive coverage of not only the technical and ethical issues presented by the use of wireless networks but also the adversarial application of wireless networks and its associated implications. The authors recommend a number of novel approaches to assist in better detecting, thwarting, and addressing wireless challenges and threats. The book also looks ahead and forecasts what attacks can be carried out in the future through the malicioususe of the wireless networks if sufficient defenses are not implemented. The research contained in the book fits well into the larger body of work on various aspects of wireless networks and cyber-security.The book provides a valuable reference for cyber-security experts, practitioners, and network security professionals, particularly those interested in the security of the various wireless networks. It is also aimed at researchers seeking to obtain a more profound knowledge in various types of wireless networks in the context of cyber-security, wireless networks, and cybercrime. Furthermore, the book is an exceptional advanced text for Ph.D. and master¿s degree programs in cyber-security, network security, cyber-terrorism, and computer science who are investigating or evaluating a security of a specific wireless network. Each chapter is written by an internationally-renowned expert who has extensive experience in law enforcement, industry, or academia. Furthermore, this bookblends advanced research findings with practice-based methods to provide the reader with advanced understanding and relevant skills.
This is the story of one middle-aged woman in a cardigan determined to understand this growing phenomenon. No other woman has had so many online romances -- from Keanu Reeves to Brad Pitt to Prince William -- and Becky Holmes is a favourite among peacekeeping soldiers and oil rig workers who desperately need iTunes vouchers. By winding up scammers and investigating the truth behind their profiles, Becky shines a revealing, revolting and hilarious light on a very shady corner of the internet. Featuring first-hand accounts of victims, examples of scripts used by fraudsters, a look into the psychology of fraud and of course plenty of Becky's hysterical interactions with scammers, this is a must-read for anyone who needs a reminder that Keanu Reeves is NOT in love with them.
A major new professional reference work on fingerprint security systems and technology from leading international researchers in the field. Handbook provides authoritative and comprehensive coverage of all major topics, concepts, and methods for fingerprint security systems. This unique reference work is an absolutely essential resource for all biometric security professionals, researchers, and systems administrators.
Cyberrisiken sind für Unternehmen weltweit das größte Geschäftsrisiko. Die zunehmende Wahrscheinlichkeit, von einem Cyberangriff betroffen zu werden, wirft die Frage der Absicherung potentieller Schäden durch Versicherungen auf. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die Autorin anhand der Musterbedingungen des Gesamtverbandes der deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft zur Cyber-Risikoversicherung (AVB Cyber), inwieweit Cyberrisiken angemessen abgesichert werden können. Daneben widmet sie sich der Absicherung durch traditionelle Sach- und Haftpflichtversicherungen. Ein wichtiger Aspekt betrifft die Problematik um ¿silent cyber". Unter diesem Stichwort wird die Absicherung von Cyberrisiken durch konventionelle Versicherungen zusammengefasst, die diese Risiken weder ausdrücklich ein- noch ausschließen.
This book provides an outline of the major challenges and methodologies for applying classic counterintelligence theory into the cybersecurity domain. This book also covers operational security approaches to cyber, alongside detailed descriptions of contemporary cybersecurity threats, in the context of psychological and criminal profiling of cybercriminals. Following an analysis of the plethora of counterespionage techniques that can be mapped to the cyber realm, the mechanics of undertaking technical surveillance are reviewed.A range of approaches to web and forum surveillance are outlined as a virtual addition to traditional video and audio surveillance captured regarding targets. This includes a description of the advances in Artificial Intelligence, predictive analysis, support for the disciplines of digital forensics, behavioural analysis and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). The rise of disinformation and misinformation and the veracity of widespread false flag claims are discussed at length, within the broader context of legal and ethical issues in cyber counterintelligence.This book is designed for professionals working in the intelligence, law enforcement or cybersecurity domains to further explore and examine the contemporary intersection of these disciplines. Students studying cybersecurity, justice, law, intelligence, criminology or related fields may also find the book useful as a reference volume, while instructors could utilise the whole volume or individual chapters as a secondary textbook or required reading.
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