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  • af Andreas Gruschka
    157,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Den tyske pædagogiske forsker Andreas Gruschka kritiserer nådesløst og overbevisende det aktuelle uvejr af reformer, der rammer uddannelsessystemerne, særligt i Europa og USA. Hans udgangspunkt er udviklingen i Tyskland, men indholdet vil være helt genkendeligt for en dansk læser. Gruschka beskriver, hvordan den ene reform hurtigt følger den anden, så den seneste devaluerer den foregående, uden at nogen når at få klarhed over reformernes eventuelle effekt. Hvis der da overhovedet er kommet noget ud af dem andet end mismod blandt lærerne? Bogen indeholder kritiske analyser af ”opskrifter” på god undervisning (fx Hilbert Meyer) og af det allestedsnærværende kompetencebegreb, som nogen fejlagtigt forestiller sig kan erstatte dannelsesbegrebet. Gruschka er særlig kritisk over for en ”didaktisering”, hvor undervisningen udarter sig til fokusering på bestemte undervisnings- og arbejdsmetoder uden sensibilitet for undervisningens konkrete indhold. Konsekvensen af didaktiseringen er, at undervisningens sigte om at øge elevernes forståelse af en sag og derigennem elevernes dannelse til myndighed fortabes. Bogen henvender sig alle, der beskæftiger sig med undervisning og uddannelse, både praktikeren, udvikleren og forskeren.

  • - udfordringer og muligheder
    af Per Nikolaj Bukh, Karina Skovvang Christensen, Morten Lund Poulsen & mfl.
    186,95 kr.

  • af Qazi Fazl Ullah
    327,95 - 687,95 kr.

  • af James Barron
    572,95 kr.

    Advising educational establishments on their rights and responsibilities as an Employer is an increasingly complex and specialist area; particularly with the drive towards academisation, multi-academy trusts and the ever-increasing legislative burden of safeguarding and governance.Based on both authors' extensive experience in this area, this text provides a practical approach to advising on employment issues for Schools of whatever variety, whether they be maintained, academies or independent. Aimed at all those advising clients in this sector, whilst also being a useful text for those primary advising employees in the sector as well, the text focuses on key issues unique to the sector; including:Who is the Employer?An examination of the different types of educational institutions and the intricacies unique to each.Disciplinary and misconduct issues - including safeguarding issues and the role of the barring authorities.Performance management including sickness absence; performance related pay and the statutory appraisal framework.Holiday Pay in the post Harpur Trust v Brazel world.TUPE in the Education Sector.Trade Union relations and Industrial Action.Pensions - an examination of key areas practitioners should be aware of in dealing with the Local Government Pension Scheme and Teachers' Pension Scheme, with particular reference to restructuring.ABOUT THE AUTHORSJonathan Holden is a Partner, National Head of Employment and Head of Education for Forbes Solicitors. He has specialised in Employment Law throughout his career. Jonathan has extensive experience in advising public sector institutions; and is a nationally recognised expert in advising on employment law issues within the education sector.James Barron is a Senior Associate within the Public Sector Employment Team within Forbes Solicitors. He has specialised in Employment Law and has advised all manner of different education settings throughout the entire period of his career.CONTENTSChapter One - Who Is the Employer?Chapter Two - Terms and ConditionsChapter Three - Safeguarding & Disqualification by AssociationChapter Four - Misconduct and DisciplineChapter Five - Performance ManagementChapter Six - Academies & TUPEChapter Seven - Trade Union Relations and Industrial ActionChapter Eight - Useful Sources of Information

  • af Ofsted
    167,95 kr.

    Early years inspection handbook for Ofsted-registered provisionOfsted guidance on inspecting registered early years and childcare providers under the education inspection framework.Last update 15 December 2021.This handbook is primarily a guide for Ofsted inspectors on how to carry out inspections.- This version includes pages for notes taking.

  • af Department for Education
    197,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Iowa Albert M. Deyoe
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af The Illinois School Law
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af New Brunswick
    322,95 kr.

  • af Charles J. Russo
    777,95 kr.

  • af Xiaobin Li
    2.592,95 kr.

    "This book provides an overview of the important elements of education law in Ontario, Canada, as education is under provincial jurisdiction in the country. It also briefly describes similar education law contents in California, the United States, as in the US education is mainly under the control of states and California is the most populous state. In addition, the book delineates corresponding contents in Chinese education law, as China has the largest education system in the world"--

  • af Katherine Anderson
    992,95 kr.

    Special educational needs ('SEN') has been a developing legal area since 1993. Just under 1.5 million pupils in England have special educational needs ('SEN') and the number of children and young people with Education Health and Care ('EHC') plans increased to 473,300, as at January 2022. Apart from a decrease in 2020, requests for EHC plans have increased each year since EHC plans were introduced. In the academic year 2021/22, HMCTS tribunals recorded 11,000 registered SEN appeals, an increase of 29% when compared to the prior year.These appeals, which deal with disputes in England between a Local Authority and parents or young people relating to EHC needs assessments and plans, can now be "extended" to include health and social care issues too. They are heard in private, by independent panels consisting of a judge and 1 or 2 specialist members who have relevant specialism and experience. Examination of expert evidence is a common feature of these appeals.This is a detailed practitioner's guide to this fast-growing area. It addresses in detail the relevant statutory and case law as well as the rules and procedure of the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal which govern these appeals.ABOUT THE AUTHORKatherine Anderson is a very experienced barrister and education law specialist ranked as a Leading Junior in Chambers and Partners and Legal 500 rankings since 2021. She regularly acts in proceedings before the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal on behalf of parents, young people, local authorities, and responsible bodies for schools. Her own education was at Cambridge University, United Kingdom, and Harvard University, United States. She is a member of 3PB Barristers, described by The Legal 500 2021 as a set that is "increasingly becoming a powerhouse in education law".CONTENTSChapter One - OverviewChapter Two - 'Refusal to Assess' or 'Reassess' AppealsChapter Three - 'Refusal to Issue' AppealsChapter Four - Special Educational Needs and 'Section B' AppealsChapter Five - Special Educational Provision and 'Section F' AppealsChapter Six - 'Section I' AppealsChapter Seven - Education Otherwise Than at School ('EOTAS')Chapter Eight - Ceasing to Maintain EHC Plans and 'Ceasing to Maintain' AppealsChapter Nine - Health and Social Care Needs and Provision and 'Extended Appeals'Chapter Ten - The First-Tier Tribunal in Special Educational Needs Cases - Practice and ProcedureChapter Eleven - Correcting, Setting Aside, Reviewing and Appealing First-Tier Tribunal Decisions

  • af Richard Susskind
    204,95 kr.

  • af Carlo Grevy
    167,95 kr.

    Bogen henvender sig til alle, der er interesseret i folkeskolen. Den rejser nemlig reelt nogle centrale spørgsmål, der må interessere enhver, der mener, at kvaliteten af vore børn og unges skole- og uddannelsestilbud har stor samfundsmæssig betydning. Den henvender sig derfor også til skolesystemets professionelle brugere. Denne bog kaster et kritisk blik på det samlede danske skolesystem og på de pædagogiske, didaktiske m.v. overvejelser, der må anses for nødvendige for at give børn og studerende et meningsfuldt udbytte af undervisningen. Som pædagogisk manifest kalder den ikke kun til opgør med en skolekultur, der er præget af vanetænkning og de dermed forbundne blinde pletter. Den viser også en vej ud af krisen og peger på muligheder, der er realisable for den enkelte lærer. Det pointeres, at læreren ikke kun ser sig formelt forpligtet på at udfolde indholdet i de givne love og bekendtgørelser for skoleområdet, men også føler sig etisk ansvarlig for, at undervisningen kan honorere de krav, som børn og unge i dag stiller. Poul-Erik Feldstedt, redaktør Med manifestet præsterer Carlo Grevy en storstilet indsats for at vække Tornerose af søvnen. I langt over 100 år har hun hvilet i en forestillingsverden, som hverken er tryg eller god. Men alligevel føles denne verden for mange undervisere tryggere end at tage springet fra det vante. Hvordan kommer vi videre? Grevy viser med eksempler, hvad en formålsstyret og livsnær undervisning kan være. I valget af metode, som kan betegnes som hermeneutisk, går Grevy tæt på oplevede situationer. Det bringer læseren tættere på virkeligheden. Søren Rønhede, efterord

  • af Gregg Jarrett
    294,95 kr.

    "Nearly a century ago, famed liberal attorney Clarence Darrow defended schoolteacher John Scopes in a blockbuster legal proceeding that brought the attention of the entire country to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee. Darrow's seminal defense of freedom of speech helped form the legal bedrock on which our civil liberties depend today."--

  • af Richard Fossey
    857,95 kr.

  • af Kimberly Jenkins Robinson
    293,95 kr.

    "The United States Supreme Court closed the courthouse door to federal litigation to narrow educational funding and opportunity gaps in schools when it ruled in San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez in 1973 that the Constitution does not guarantee a right to education. Rodriguez pushed reformers back to the state courts where they have had some success in securing reforms to school funding systems through education and equal protection clauses in state constitutions, but far less success in changing the basic structure of school funding in ways that would ensure access to equitable and adequate funding for schools."--

  • af Stephen Lee
    162,95 kr.

  • af Peter W. D. Wright Esq & Pamela Darr Wright Ma
    237,95 kr.

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