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  • af Tim DeRoche
    212,95 kr.

    Which side of the line do you live on? In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled that little Linda Brown couldn't be excluded from a public school because of her race. In that landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the court famously declared that public education must be available to all on equal terms. But sixty-six years later, many of the best public schools remain closed to all but the most privileged families. Empowered by little-known state laws, school districts draw attendance zones around their best schools, indicating who is, and who isn't, allowed to enroll. In many American cities, this means that living on one side of the street or the other will determine whether you leave eighth grade on a track for future success or barely able to read.

  • af Lynne Williams Esq
    122,95 kr.

  • af Iris M. Williams
    187,95 kr.

    Are you afraid or concerned when a cop stops you? Do the blue lights make you nervous - questioning every action you took during your day? Does doubt or lack of trust for officers during a traffic stop make you uncomfortable? For many, these questions can be answered quickly and the answers can be painful to admit out loud. The answers then bring up totally new sets of questions that can be summed up to one bigger one, 'How do I survive?' This book, How to Stop For A Cop, has the answer to many questions you may have. It addresses your concerns and gives step-by-step instructions on how to stop for a cop. While addressing the Ethics in Law Enforcement, it describes when, what, where, and how to stop; taking the time to address use of force, deadly force, and more. In addition, this book advises you on what to expect from the officer during a stop encounter. It is important that Law enforcement, drivers and the community close the gap that has created a serious disconnect leading to confrontation, serious injury, and sometimes even death during a traffic stop. As a Law Enforcement officer of 30 years Sheriff Peterkin knows first hand that Law Enforcement and the community need one another. The more we understand, and respect each other during a traffic stop or any encounter, the less chance there is of sadness and tears as the end result. 'How To Stop For A Cop' is a must read with several important topics, related reflections, and personal messages to both Law Enforcement and the community.

  • af Richard L. Hermann
    182,95 kr.

  • af Greg Stone
    262,95 kr.

    Preparing for Mediation guides a disputant or litigant through the mediation process, helping them prepare to achieve success in mediation. A party may work through the text on their own or collaborate with their attorney in preparing to negotiate a resolution to a dispute. An invaluable manual attorneys can use to help their clients achieve success.

  • af Msw Pamela Darr Wright Ma & Peter W. D. Wright Esq
    177,95 kr.

  • af Greg D. Stone
    237,95 kr.

    Preparing for Mediation guides a disputant or litigant through the mediation process, helping them prepare to achieve success in mediation. A party may work through the text on their own or collaborate with their attorney in preparing to negotiate a resolution to a dispute. An invaluable manual attorneys can use to help their clients achieve success.

  • af Emilio J. Urbina Mendoza
    286,95 kr.

    Este libro del profesor Emilio J. Urbina, tal como lo indica en la presentación el R.P. Dr. José del Rey Fajardo sj, es el fruto de dos décadas de docencia e investigación en postgrado en las universidades venezolanas, y tiene por objeto sugerir técnicas para una mejor evaluación de los seminarios de investigación doctoral y de maestría. A tal efecto, Urbina explica en tres capítulos los pasos fundamentales para la elaboración del Trabajo Especial de Grado y la Tesis Doctoral en las ciencias jurídicas, introduciendo al lector en una amena exposición sobre las peculiaridades dogmáticas del Derecho que lo hacen resistente a la tentación de imponerle métodos y metodologías ajenas a su esencia epistemológica. El primer capítulo expone los pormenores sobre el descubrimiento, elección y minuciosidad del tema de investigación, sobresaliendo, el quid del delicado arte de precisar los enfoques novedosos de ejes temáticos considerados "clásicos". El segundo capítulo se detiene en el estudio de las fuentes de investigación y su abordaje metodológico en Derecho, introduciéndonos en las técnicas globales más destacadas para el análisis de las fuentes que alimentarán los argumentos racionales del trabajo o tesis final. El tercer capítulo explica sistemáticamente el diseño teórico y los principales métodos jurídicos de investigación a lo largo de la historia del Derecho.

  • af Jeffrey Scott Brooks
    397,95 kr.

    I have been a teacher for my entire career, educating surgical students and caregivers around the globe. Nothing makes me happier than to teach, sharing what I know, and helping to make the world a better place. Your success is nothing less than my greatest honor.--Dr. Jeffery Scott Brooks

  • af Gbenga Okusolubo
    388,95 kr.

    Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2017 in the subject Guidebooks - School, Education, Pedagogy, grade: 3.9, , course: Organizational Leadership & Development, language: English, abstract: International students¿ enrollment in higher education in the U.S has expanded considerably in the last decades. In 2015, the United States hosted more of the world¿s 4.1 million international students than any other country. With the number of foreign students that come to study in the U.S, 14.5% of international students are African students with the majority of the population coming from Nigeria, Kenya, and Ghana. The U.S. is often described as the land of opportunity abroad, but this research intends to explore that perception for international students, especially African students. Many consider African international students as the gateway to local business owners in the U.S seeking to expand a wider global horizon, especially in Africa. This research explored the different types of academic and social challenges faced by African international students in collegiate institutions in America through auto-ethnographic research, and to find possible solutions to those challenges faced by African students. This is a qualitative research approach that used the sequential auto-ethnographic experience of the author as the research tool in identifying and categorizing some of the challenges faced by African international students. It is the researcher¿s intention that the findings in this research will be used as a guide for the next group of African international students aspiring to come to the U.S to study.

  • af Jerome G Delaney
    294,95 kr.

    Understand the most common legal issues that confront K-12 teachers and administrators in Canada In the second edition of Education Law for Teachers and School Administrators, Jerome G. Delaney provides educators with a comprehensive overview of their legal rights and of the legal issues they may face in their day-to-day jobs. Delaney tackles thorny questions and offers practical answers that help practicing teachers identify classroom situations with potential legal ramifications and proactively manage them, protecting both themselves and their students. The second edition is updated with chapters on copyright, teacher misconduct, and general education law concerns in Canada, and includes new discussion questions throughout the book. Topics include: The implications of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for educators, The role provincial education acts across Canada, and how they differ among the provinces, How teacher collective agreements handle hours of instruction, extracurricular activities, teacher discipline, and grievance processes, How to navigate issues of teacher liability and negligence in reasonable and respectful ways, The impact of workplace safety legislation on schools.

  • af Matthew Chapman
    197,95 kr.

    In this fascinating story of evolution, religion, politics, and personalities, Matthew Chapman captures the story behind the headlines in the debate over God and science in America.Kitzmiller v. Dover Board of Education, decided in late 2005, pitted the teaching of intelligent design (sometimes known as "creationism in a lab coat") against the teaching of evolution. Matthew Chapman, the great-great-grandson of Charles Darwin, spent several months covering the trial from beginning to end. Through his in-depth encounters with the participants--creationists, preachers, teachers, scientists on both sides of the issue, lawyers, theologians, the judge, and the eleven parents who resisted the fundamentalist proponents of intelligent design--Chapman tells a sometimes terrifying, often hilarious, and above all moving story of ordinary people doing battle in America over the place of religion and science in modern life.

  • af Tony A. Freyer
    982,95 kr.

  • af Vincent Widdig
    567,95 kr.

    Die Bilder der zerstörten Buddha-Statuen von Bamiyan, der in Trümmern liegenden antiken Wüstenstadt Palmyra und von zerstörten Weltkulturerbestätten in Timbuktu haben viel Aufmerksamkeit in der internationalen Öffentlichkeit erhalten. Gleichzeitig spiegeln die Fälle auch eine neue Dimension der heutigen Führung bewaffneter Auseinandersetzungen wider, die vermehrt auf die Zerstörung von kulturellen Identitäten abzielen. Deshalb wird der Schutz von Kulturgütern neben der Frage der Erhaltung des weltweiten Kulturerbes, insbesondere im Rahmen des Menschenrechtsschutzes und des humanitären Völkerrechts, als zunehmend wichtige Aufgabe für die Vereinten Nationen angesehen.Mit Beiträgen von Frederik Becker, RA Dr. Manuel Brunner, Paul Fabel, Dr. Martin Gerner, Ruth Lechner und Vincent Widdig.

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