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Jura: studievejledninger og læsevejledninger

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  • af Camilla Hørby Jensen, Hans Viggo Godsk Pedersen, Hans Henrik Edlund, mfl.
    447,95 - 457,95 kr.

    Dette er en studieudgave af ”Dansk Privatret”, som nu foreligger i en revideret og ajourført 19. udgave.Denne udgave til studiebrug er primært tænkt som undervisningsgrundlag i de obligatoriske erhvervsjuridiske fag på HA og HD-uddannelserne. Den omfatter kapitlerne 1 til 17 fra den samlede udgave.Manuskriptet til bogen er afleveret i maj 2016, og materiale fremkommet efter den 1. maj 2016 er ikke inddraget. Indholdsoversigt Forord Oversigt over lovforkortelser DEL 1. Introduktion til retssystemet Kapitel 1. Retssystemet og retskilderne Kapitel 2. EU-retten Kapitel 3. Oversigt over retsplejen Kapitel 4. International privatret Kapitel 5. Skatteret – Grundlæggende principper DEL 2. Aftaler og erstatning Kapitel 6. Aftaler Kapitel 7. Mellemmandsret Kapitel 8. Erstatning uden for kontraktforhold Kapitel 9. Produktansvar Kapitel 10. Forsikring DEL 3. Køb og transportaftaler Kapitel 11. Køb Kapitel 12. Internationale køb Kapitel 13. Køb af fast ejendom DEL 4. Fordringer Kapitel 14. Fordringer Kapitel 15. Personskifte i skyldforhold Kapitel 16. Negotiable fordringer DEL 5. Kreditret Kapitel 17. Kreditaftaler Stikordsregister

  • af Helle Bødker Madsen
    698,95 - 744,95 kr.

    Bogen behandler de grundlæggende regler om sundhedsmyndigheders og sundhedspersoners pligter og patienters rettigheder. Blandt de emner, som behandles, er patientens ret til selvbestemmelse, aktindsigt, fortrolighed, frit sygehusvalg, behandling i udlandet, behandling inden for maksimale ventetider, kunstig befrugtning, svangerskabsafbrydelse, klage og erstatning. Autorisationsordningen, tvangsanvendelse i behandlingen, sundhedspersonalets pligter og rettigheder, og reglerne om sundhedsvæsenets tilrettelæggelse optræder desuden som emner i bogen. Indholdsfortegnelse Forord Kapitel 1. Indledning Kapitel 2. Organisation og opgavefordeling Kapitel 3. Sundhedsvæsenets tilrettelæggelse Kapitel 4. Sundhedspersonalet Kapitel 5. Patientrettigheder Kapitel 6. Selvbestemmelse Kapitel 7. Aktindsigt Kapitel 8. Fortrolighed Kapitel 9. Ventetider Kapitel 10. Valg af behandler og behandlingssted Kapitel 11. Behandling i udlandet Kapitel 12. Assisteret reproduktion Kapitel 13. Svangerskabsafbrydelse, fosterreduktion, sterilisation og kastration Kapitel 14 Transplantation og obduktion Kapitel 15. Tvangsbehandling Kapitel 16. Patienterstatningsordningen Kapitel 17. Kontrol LitteraturfortegnelseLove m.v. Afgørelsesregister Stikordsregister

  • - En grundbog
    af Helle Blomquist
    437,95 kr.

    Danske retssystemer og domstole nyder stor tillid, og vi tillægger dem en særlig symbolværdi. Bogen Retssystemers funktion og virke – en grundbog undersøger, hvordan principper for ret og retfærdighed afspejles i retssystemets regulering, struktur og virkemåde. Rettens institutioner er en del af en tradition, kultur og et tankesæt, der samlet er med til at forme et billede af vores retssamfund.Men er der også sprækker i det billede? Med inddragelse af aktuelle debateksempler gives et overblik over opbygningen af domstolene, udformning af dommen, arbejdsgangen i en retssag, retshjælp og sagsomkostninger, konfliktløsning uden for domstolene, forvaltningens klagesystemer, sagkundskab ved domstolene og i forvaltningen.Bogen er pensum på den kandidatuddannelse, der hedder cand.soc. i jura. Uddannelsen er en overbygning, der retter sig mod professionsbachelorer i, f.eks. offentlig administration, finans, international handel og markedsføring samt socialrådgivere.Helle Blomquist (f. 1949) er cand.jur., cand.phil. i historie og ph.d. i jura. Hun arbejder som ekstern lektor ved Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet.

  • af The University of Law Publishing Limited
    4.838,95 kr.

  • - i forsikringsretlig belysning
    af Ivan Sørensen, Bo von Eyben, Helle Isager & mfl.
    437,95 kr.

    Materialesamlingen indeholder udvalgte kapitler fra følgende bøger:Forsikringsret af Ivan SørensenLærebog i erstatningsret af Bo von Eyben og Helle IsagerErstatningsretlige grænseområder - Professionsansvar, produktansvar og offentlige myndigheders erstatningsansvar af Vibe UlfbeckIndholdForsikringsret af Ivan SørensenKapitel 1. IndledningKapitel 3. ForsikringsaftalenKapitel 11. Forsikring og erstatningsansvar selskabets regresret og lempelsesreglerKapitel 13. MotorkøretøjsforsikringKapitel 14. UlykkesforsikringLærebog i erstatningsret af Bo von Eyben og Helle IsagerKapitel 13. Skade og erstatningKapitel 14. Særlige erstatningsordningerErstatningsretlige grænseområder af Vibe UlfbeckKapitel IX. Dansk produktansvarsretKapitel X. Sondringen mellem mangelsansvar og produktansvar

  • af Dorte Nguyen
    78,95 kr.

    Håndbogen giver et overblik over faget aftaleret. Den kan benyttes som opslagsværk til eksamen og opgaveløsning. Derudover er den perfekt, når man skal læse til eksamen, da den har alt relevant samlet et sted.

  • - Insights into Danish Constitutional and Administrative Law
    af Henrik Andersen, Peter Munk Christiansen, Hanne Marie Motzfeldt, mfl.
    528,95 kr.

    Public Law – Insights into Danish Constitutional and Administrative Law is a textbook presenting a selection of insights into Danish public law solutions. The book will appeal to students who want to learn more about how legal frameworks, citizen-oriented rights and solutions, and judicial review measures are designed in Denmark, and how they function there against the backdrop of international law.The intention of the book is not to put forward a “master narrative” for readers to follow. Instead, it offers “shareable narratives” that the reader can relate to and that will help them develop their own ability to conduct a comparative analysis of the configuration of similar issues in other countries. Although the perspective is international, the book is relevant for both Danish students and international students with an interest in the subject.The textbook is edited by Peter Aagaard Nielsen and Jesper Olsen.

  • af Sahar Nami Samavati
    223,95 kr.

    Formålet med dette kompendium er at give de studerende et detaljeret og samtidig overskueligt overblik over stoffet i faget IT-ret på overbygningen ved Københavns Universitet.Fremstillingen kan ikke erstatte fagets lærebøger, men er udarbejdet for at lette tilegnelsen af fagets pensum. Kompendiet er velegnet i forbindelse med repetition, som supplerende læsning i løbet af semesteret og som opslagsværk og sparringspartner ved eksamen.Indholdet af kompendiet tager udgangspunkt i pensum på Københavns Universitet, men vil også være relevant for studerende ved andre universiteter.

  • - Personselskaber
    af Mathias Navneet Gørup
    187,95 kr.

    Med kompendiet Selskabsret – Personselskaber får du indblik i de civil- og skatteretlige regler og pligter, der er forbundet med dét at drive virksomhed i personselskabsregi. Kompendiet henvender sig primært til studerende, der ønsker en gennemgang af de personselskabsretlige regler i komprimeret form – eksempelvis som supplement til undervisningen eller eksamenslæsningen.I modsætning til andre kompendier om personselskaber, udmærker dette kompendium sig ved ikke at være skrevet over en bestemt lærebog eller forudsætte et dybere kendskab til fagets primære litteratur. Kompendiet fungerer således som et selvstændigt værk og kan derfor bruges på tværs af studier på landets universiteter.Derudover er kompendiet karakteriseret ved at være skrevet i et let forståeligt sprog og forudsætter ikke, at læseren nødvendigvis har en juridisk baggrund. Iværksættere og andre med almindelig interesse for selskabsret kan således også have glæde af at læse bogen.

  • af Dorte Nguyen
    78,95 kr.

    Denne håndbog er god som opslagsværk, til opgaveløsning og til eksamen. Den giver et hurtigt overblik over faget.

  • af Frederik Alfast Damm & Oscar Møllgaard
    232,95 kr.

    Kompendium i Tings- og kreditorret (2. udg.) er udarbejdet med henblik på at skabe et overblik over pensum i faget Tings- og kreditorret, der udbydes på Københavns Universitet. Det er således målrettet studerende, der følger faget, men det kan anvendes af alle, der ønsker en pædagogisk introduktion til de væsentligste principper inden for tingsret, sikkerhedsrettigheder, kreditordispositioner, panteret og insolvensret.Indholdet er baseret på Peter Mortensens fremstilling af sikkerhed i fast ejendom, virksomhedspant, fordringspant, tinglysningssystemet og tingsretten samt Ulrik Rammeskow Bang-Pedersens fremstilling af kreditorretten.Kompendiet erstatter ikke en grundig læsning af den relevante litteratur, herunder artikler, og en grundig gennemgang af retspraksis for faget i Tings- og kreditorret, men er et supplement hertil.Formålet er at hjælpe jurastuderende med at opnå en bedre forståelse af tings- og kreditorretten, bl.a. ved hjælp af simple figurer, inddelinger og en lettilgængelig systematisering af lærebøgernes indhold.Kompendiet er direkte anvendeligt under eksamen og indeholder en række gode råd til eksamensforberedelse. Det erstatter udgivelser, som baserer sig på fagets tidligere pensum. Kompendiet kan desuden anvendes som et generelt opslagsværk for jurister, som beskæftiger sig med tings-, kreditor-, pante- og insolvensretlige problemstillinger.

  • af Morris March Estee
    371,95 - 422,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Moritz Sandkühler
    974,95 kr.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    237,95 kr.

    "LSAT Preparation Guide: Mastering the Law School Admission Test" is a comprehensive and insightful book designed to equip aspiring law students with the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in the LSAT. This book is a treasure trove of resources, meticulously crafted to address every section of the test with clarity and depth.At its core, the guide focuses on the Analytical Reasoning section, a crucial part of the LSAT. It breaks down the complex web of relationships that candidates must navigate, including ordering and grouping relationships. These concepts are explained with such simplicity and precision that they become accessible to all learners, regardless of their starting level.The book then delves into the art of Deductive Reasoning. It teaches students how to comprehend complex information, infer logical conclusions, and understand logical equivalencies. This section is enriched with sample questions and diagrams, providing a practical edge to the theoretical knowledge imparted.One of the most valuable features of this guide is its extensive coverage of different question types found in the LSAT. From List or Orientation to If…Then questions, the book comprehensively covers each variety, offering strategies and insights on how to approach them. This section is a goldmine for students who wish to gain a competitive edge by understanding the nuances of various question formats.Further, the guide does not overlook the Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension sections. It provides detailed analysis and strategies, breaking down complex assumption, strengthen/weaken, flaw, and inference questions. The Reading Comprehension section is particularly noteworthy, offering past paper analyses and targeted strategies to improve comprehension and analytical skills.The book also sheds light on the less-discussed Variable and Writing Sections of the LSAT. It gives an insider's view of the experimental nature of the Variable Section and offers practical advice for excelling in the Writing Section.Finally, the book concludes with a comprehensive Questions/Answers Guide. This section is a practical tool for self-assessment and revision, covering all areas of the test, including Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and the Variable and Writing Sections.Overall, "LSAT Preparation Guide: Mastering the Law School Admission Test" stands out as an essential companion for any LSAT aspirant. Its clear, concise, and comprehensive approach makes it an invaluable resource for mastering the complexities of the LSAT and paving the way for a successful career in law.

  • af Alina Hazel
    292,95 kr.

    Board assessments are a urgent second in the scholarly excursion of understudies, a pot that tests their insight as well as their versatility and levelheadedness. The simple notice of these assessments sends shudders down the spines of understudies, setting off a blend of tension, expectation, and an obvious feeling of strain. The heaviness of assumptions, both from themselves and their families, balances vigorously in the air as they plan to confront this considerable scholarly test. As the assessment day lingers nearer, a feeling of fear increases among understudies. The feeling of dread toward disappointment, of letting down their folks and instructors, turns into a significant weight that they carry on their young shoulders. The possibility of the obscure inquiries that could show up on the response sheet adds to the generally increased nervousness. The homeroom walls appear to shut in, reverberating with the aggregate heartbeat of understudies who are going to confront the pivotal turning point of their scholastic process. Upon the arrival of the assessment, the assessment lobby changes into a landmark of nerves and feelings. The quiet is stunning as understudies sit down, furnished with pens, pencils, and a brain humming with equations, realities, and speculations. The ticking of the clock turns into a consistent indication of the restricted time accessible to exhibit their insight. The unease in the air is overwhelming, as understudies mix through the pages of the inquiry paper, cautiously choosing the inquiries they feel generally positive about replying. As the understudies pen down their reactions, the air is accused of a blend of focus and fear. Each stroke of the pen feels like a profound choice, as they endeavor to express their considerations intelligibly and precisely. The feeling of dread toward committing an error, of floundering despite testing questions, troubles the edges of their focus. Time becomes both a companion and an enemy, ticking ceaselessly constantly as they explore the mind boggling labyrinth of the assessment. The result of the board assessment is a perplexing embroidery of feelings. Alleviation washes over some, while others wrestle with self-uncertainty and vulnerability about their exhibition. The post-test conversations among peers become a remedial outlet, a method for analyzing the paper, approve replies, and look for comfort in shared encounters. For some understudies, the sit tight for results turns into a horrifying time of tension, as they examine the effect of their exhibition on their scholastic direction. Generally, understudies shudder before board assessments is an all inclusive encounter that rises above lines and societies. It is a soul changing experience, a cauldron that fashions character and flexibility. While the trepidation might be overwhelming, the excursion through the difficulties of board assessments is a demonstration of the strength and assurance of understudies endeavoring to cut out an effective way in the realm of the scholarly world.

  • af Minnesota
    381,95 - 562,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Manuel Dosz
    320,95 kr.

    Entdecke mit "The Financial Freedom" von Manuel Dosz nicht nur einen Ratgeber, sondern deinen persönlichen Kompass zu einem finanziell erfüllten Leben. Dieses Buch ist dein Wegweiser durch klare Schritte, inspirierende Einsichten und erprobte Strategien, die finanzielle Freiheit greifbar machen. Handle jetzt - investiere in deine Zukunft und gestalte ein Leben nach deinen Regeln. Lass dieses Buch deine Begleitung auf der Reise zu Wohlstand und Unabhängigkeit sein. Mach den ersten Schritt und hol dir dein Expemplar - dein Schlüssel zu einer finanziellen Tranformation wartet auf dich.

  • af Jay Cutts
    597,95 - 1.462,95 kr.

  • af Kaplan Test Prep
    622,95 kr.

    Kaplan's LSAT Prep Plus 2024 is the single, most up-to-date resource that you need to face the LSAT exam with confidenceFully compatible with the LSAT testmaker’s digital practice toolOfficial LSAT practice questions and practice examInstructor-led online workshops and expert video instructionUp-to-date for the Digital LSAT In-depth test-taking strategies to help you score higher We are so certain that LSAT Prep Plus 2024 offers all the knowledge you need to excel on the LSAT that we guarantee it: after studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the LSAT—or you'll get your money back.The Best ReviewKaplan’s LSAT experts share practical tips for using LSAC’s popular digital practice tool and the most widely used free online resources.Study plans will help you make the most of your practice time, regardless of how much time that is. Our exclusive data-driven learning strategies help you focus on what you need to study.In the online resources, an official full-length exam from LSAC, the LSAT testmaker, will help you feel comfortable with the exam format and avoid surprises on Test Day.Hundreds of real LSAT questions with detailed explanationsInteractive online instructor-led workshops for expert reviewOnline test analytics that analyze your performance by section and question typeExpert GuidanceLSAT Prep Plus comes with access to an episode from Kaplan's award-winning LSAT Channel, featuring one of Kaplan's top LSAT teachers.We know the test: Kaplan's expert LSAT faculty teach the world's most popular LSAT course, and more people get into law school with a Kaplan LSAT course than all other major test prep companies combined.Kaplan's experts ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test.We invented test prep—Kaplan ( has been helping students for 80 years. Our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams.

  • af Andreas Kellerhals
    387,95 - 680,95 kr.

  • af Willem Frederik Bijleveld
    207,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Edwin Charles Clark
    187,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af American Bar Asso Publishing Company
    257,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Valerio Campogrande
    417,95 - 567,95 kr.

  • af Albert Gibson
    392,95 kr.

    Navigate the complex world of equity law with Gibson & Weldon's Aids to Equity. This indispensable guide provides valuable insights and strategies for mastering one of the most challenging fields of law.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af John A. Hitchcock
    392,95 kr.

    This indispensable manual of legal forms provides a valuable resource for anyone working in the probate courts of Alabama. John A. Hitchcock's collection of forms covers all the important topics, from wills to guardianships. With practical tips and helpful annotations, this book is an essential tool for judges, attorneys, and administrators alike.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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