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Medicinsk etik og lægeetik

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  • af Lucien Sève
    187,95 kr.

    "La lingvo de la biologiistoj plej ofte brilas per sia precizo. Tiu de la juristoj ankä. Sed kiam oni tu¿as la plej komunajn koncptojn sen kiuj nenia etika opinio formuleblas - homa estulo, persono, respekto, digno, ktp - tia zorgemo pri klarigo ¿ajne jam ne estas bezonata." Lucien Sève gvidas nin en vasta ekskurso tra la demandoj, kiujn la biomedicino metas kaj pri la problemoj de socio, kiu ilin enhavas - progreso de la scienco, rolo de la mono.Kio estas la homa persono? Lucien Sève, membro de la Nacia Konsulta Komitato pri Etiko (ekde ¿ia esti¿o en 1983 ¿is 2000), por kiu li, en la jaro 1981, faris la raporton "Biomedicina esplorado kaj respekto al la homa persono".Lucien Sève, filozofo, aliras tiujn problemojn kun akra kritiko de la efikoj kaj fiefikoj de la senretena financismo, kun radikala postulo de demokratiigo kaj de biologia etiko. Liaj tekstoj plenumas altajn sciencajn nivelojn kaj samtempe estas lar¿e alireblaj.

  • af Taina Kinnunen
    412,95 kr.

    This book introduces readers to the ethical and goal-oriented functions of touch in professional practice. Touch is both an increasingly visible topic today and a core skill in many professions, especially in health, education and social work. This book combines helpful theoretical discussions and practical information, offering a balanced and culturally-informed introduction to an issue that both students and professionals often find difficult to navigate. Chapters discuss the various functions of touch and its uses, giving readers a deeper understanding of the potential of tactile work practices. The authors offer clear legal and ethical guidance to empower learners. They discuss key issues such as harmful touch and the increasing digitisation of patient work. Activities, case studies and further readings promote learning and help readers reflect on their own relationship to touch.This book is an invaluable resource for students in undergraduate and graduate courses in healthcare, nursing, education and social work, and to practitioners looking for guidance on this topic.

  • af Fredrik Svenaeus
    497,95 - 966,95 kr.

  • af Walter Swoboda
    467,95 kr.

    Technische Unterstützung für kompetente Fürsorge und Pflege!Dieses Buch zeigt den aktuellen Stand digitaler Innovation in der Pflege und richtet sich an diejenigen, die sich mit ihr auseinandersetzten und die Entwicklung vorantreiben. Prozessmanagement und Prozessoptimierung werden durch digitale Systeme vereinfacht, zusätzlich können technische Lösungen Pflegefachpersonen entlasten. Das ist wichtig, um Ressourcen zu erhalten und Personal richtig einzusetzen. Ziel ist es, die Attraktivität des Pflegeberufs zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig eine hohe Qualität der Pflege sicherzustellen.Welche Angebote und Erfahrungen wurden bisher gemacht und wie werden Produkte erfolgreich eingeführt? Warum sind valide Daten Grundlage einer guten Pflege? Welche ethischen Anforderungen sind zu erfüllen? Zu diesen relevanten und sensiblen Themen bieten die Autoren wissenschaftliche fundiertes und praxisnahes Wissen.

  • af Lilian Alice Nolden
    464,95 kr.

    Bei der Behandlung schizophrener Patienten mit Fremdgefährdungspotential für Dritte stehen Behandelnde medizinisch und rechtlich oft im Spannungsfeld kollidierender Interessen und Grundrechte. Durch das Symptom der Fremdaggressivität tritt in der Psychiatrie neben den originär ärztlichen, an den Interessen des Patienten ausgerichteten Heilauftrag eine Verantwortung der Behandelnden auch gegenüber gefährdeten Dritten. Die Autorin zeigt unter Berücksichtigung der Besonderheiten der Behandlung schizophrener Patienten insbesondere mit Blick auf Unsicherheiten in der Diagnostik auf, unter welchen Voraussetzungen Behandelnde bei Verletzung ärztlicher Sorgfaltspflichten unter Berücksichtigung deren Schutzzwecke für drittschädigendes Patientenverhalten haften.

  • af Hans-Georg Dederer
    941,95 - 1.274,95 kr.

    This volume elucidates the pivotal ethical and legal issues arising from the use of brain organoids for research, therapeutic and enhancement purposes.The function of the human brain is still a mystery. Until recently, only post-mortem tissue was available for a structural examination of the brain. Consequently, the examination results could only reflect the state at the end of life. However, in order to better understand the development and function of the human brain, dynamic and functional investigations of different human brain cells are necessary. This is where brain organoids, artificially grown in vitro miniature brains, provide the opportunity for more flexible research scenarios.At the same time, however, the use of brain organoids in research and therapy raises the question of how these new entities are to be treated from an ethical and legal point of view. Against this background, this volume aims at clarifying the normative implications of the use of brain organoids in research and therapy.  The ethical reflections on the status of brain organoids, informed consent, human-to-animal chimeras and neuro-enhancement are mirrored by corresponding legal analyses. The ethical and legal assessments are preceded by an introduction to the scientific and medical background of the brain organoid technology. A final chapter will be devoted to the issue of whether international harmonization of normative standards for brain organoid research and therapy is feasible and advisable.

  • af Andreas Reiß
    1.392,95 kr.

    Pandemics such as Covid-19, Ebola, SARS, and influenza, as well as the necessary measures for their research, prevention, and treatment, raise a number of ethical issues that confront science, the medical profession, and health policy.This overview volume, written by renowned experts from medicine, the humanities, and the social sciences, addresses the central ethical issues in pandemics. Focusing on the disciplines of philosophy, public health, bioethics, and law, the book discusses issues of resource allocation, triage, and research, as well as restrictions on freedom, rights and duties of health professionals, and ethical aspects of digital medicine in crises. The volume is intended to serve as a handbook and to provide physicians as well as nurses, politicians and interested laypersons with valuable advice on how to deal with the difficult moral problems of epidemics and pandemics.With expert contributions by Steffen Augsberg (Giessen), Klaus Bergdolt (Cologne), Nikola Biller-Andorno (Zurich), Walter Bruchhausen (Bonn), Christiane Druml (Vienna), Hans-Jörg Ehni (Tuebingen), Alice Faust (Berlin), Sophia Forster (Erlangen-Nuremberg), Andreas Frewer (Erlangen-Nuremberg), Sara Gerke (Boston/Cambridge), Patrik Hummel (Eindhoven), Elena Jirovsky-Platter (Vienna), Katharina Kieslich (Vienna), Otmar Kloiber (Ferney-Voltaire), Ulrich H. J. Körtner (Vienna), Eva Kuhn (Bonn), Georg Marckmann (Munich), Timo Minssen (Copenhagen), Tim Nguyen (Geneva), Barbara Prainsack (Vienna), Andreas Reis (Geneva), Anita Rieder (Vienna), Stephan Rixen (Bayreuth), Lana Saksone (Berlin), Martina Schmidhuber (Graz), Harald Schmidt (Philadelphia), Annabel Seebohm (Brussels), Daniel Strech (Berlin), Sebastian Wäscher (Zurich), Hans-Werner Wahl (Heidelberg), Stefanie Weigold (Berlin), and Lena Woydack (Berlin).

  • af Andrew Sola
    1.097,95 kr.

    This book is for readers who wish to understand the ethical implications of the COVID-19 pandemic ¿ holistically ¿ on communities, politics, the economy, the environment, international relations, public health, and, most importantly, on their own lives and their own futures. It also helps readers to think through the wide-ranging ethical implications of the new age of global pandemics.The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed all of our lives to such an extent that no single publication will ever be able to capture its complexity. The book acknowledges this complexity by embracing interdisciplinary dialogue. It is open to diverse points of view, different ethical systems, and a wide variety of academic disciplines. It suggests three broad avenues to exploring the subject: Ethics for Pandemics: What ethical theories are useful for pandemic living?Ethics in Pandemics: How are long-standing ethical dilemmas revealed in pandemics? Ethics of Pandemics: How should politicians and public health professionals create ethical systems of pandemic management? Interdisciplinary perspectives are another key feature of the book and reflect the important insights that many academic disciplines ¿ medical ethics and public health, history, political science, economics, behavioral and evolutionary psychology, and climate science ¿ bring to bear on the subject. In the chapters, the author joins theory and practice, providing an overview of the major ethical theories: Kant and DeontologyUtilitarianism and Consequentialist EthicsSocial Contract TheoryEgoism and AltruismVirtue Ethics It then uses these theories to analyze both COVID-19 and also historical pandemics, including typhus, smallpox, the Black Death, HIV/AIDS, and polio.Ethics and Pandemics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on COVID-19 and Future Pandemics prepares readers to better understand ethical living during times of crisis. While written for students pursuing any discipline, it is particularly suited for those seeking degrees in public health, health care, political science, and philosophy. Furthermore, non-specialized readers and members of the general public will find the book of interest.

  • af Daniel J. Hurst
    1.191,95 kr.

    This is the first volume to comprehensively discuss the ethical, regulatory, and social aspects of xenotransplantation research.Organized into four parts, Xenotransplantation begins by examining ethical issues around informed consent of the potential xenograft recipient, the major ethical issues encountered when doing this research on pigs, and allocation issues. Part two examines regulatory aspects from a global perspective, specifically from three major regions of the world doing xenotransplantation research currently, of which include the United States, Western Europe, and Asia. Following this, part three describes religious aspects of xenotransplantation amongst the major world religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. The book closes with an analysis of quantitative and qualitative studies conducted by the editors that assess the public¿s perception of xenotransplantation. Featuring original data collectedby the editors, this book is an instrumental resource for all clinicians involved in the research and practice of xenotransplantation.

  • af Jonnie Ramsey Brown
    242,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • - En guide til sundhedsfagene
    af Ezio Di Nucci
    253,94 kr.

    Hvad vil det sige at gøre det rigtige? Og ifølge hvilke principper? Skal man for eksempel altid respektere patientens ønsker? Hvad med de tilfælde, hvor (du mener) du ved bedre? Hvad med vanskelige sager som aktiv dødshjælp? Og hvilket ansvar har man som henholdsvis sundhedsprofessionel og patient?Sundhedsprofessionelle stilles hver dag over for svære afgørelser. Og derfor er det vigtigt – ja, faktisk helt grundlæggende – at sundhedsprofessionelle kan håndtere etiske og filosofiske spørgsmål.Denne bog ruster læseren til den etiske refleksion. I et dagligdags sprog og ved brug af mange eksempler bliver læseren præsenteret for redskaber fra filosofiens værktøjskasse og for centrale begreber som utilitarisme og paternalisme samt de dilemmaer, der knytter sig til begreberne.Ethics4Medics er en guide til etik og filosofi, skrevet for studerende og professionelle inden for sundhedsfagene.

  • af Anh-Nhi Thi Huynh, Danny Yu, Emil Ejersbo Iversen, mfl.
    427,95 kr.

    Træn dine kliniske evner med akutmedicinske casesAkutmedicinske cases gennemgår ud fra en kliniknær og casebaseret tankegang nogle af de hyppigste og vigtigste scenarier inden for det akutmedicinske speciale. Modtagelsen af akutte og uafklarede patienter kræver en helt særlig faglighed. Akutlægen skal under tidspres kunne vurdere og sandsynliggøre mellem forskellige differentialdiagnoser, skal kunne flowstyre, triagere og prioritere mellem kritiske patienter, og det kræver samarbejde, lederskab og overblik – alt sammen kernekompetencer, som denne bog sætter fokus på via patientcases. Her bygges bro til virkelighedens akutmedicin i praksis, fra primærmelding, over patientmodtagelse og udredning til behandling og plan fremefter – og du er som læser hovedperson!Bogens 51 patientcases henvender sig til medicinstuderende og yngre KBU- og introlæger, som er på vej ind i det akutmedicinske speciale, men også andre lægefaglige specialområder med interesse for det akutte felt kan med fordel læse med.

  • af Mohammed Yahya Alnaami
    941,95 kr.

    This book describes a novel health interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) program established at King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The book has three main sections. The first section introduces interprofessional education's background, theory, and context for collaborative practice. This section elaborates on defining and developing centers of excellence in IPECP, defining and exploring the meaning of interprofessional collaborative practice in contemporary health care, theories of the team working relevant to health and social care systems, and learning in and about interprofessional groups and broader collaboration. The second section explains how to formulate and implement strategies for effective IPECP. It involves developing and implementing a novel health IPECP curriculum, governance, IPECP's impact and implications on health care outcomes, IPE accreditation standards, regulatory policies, and legal structures. The third section describes the result of a case study of an IPECP program established at KSU. This program is developed by the vice-rectorship for health specialties at KSU (VRHS-KSU) in collaboration with partners harvard medical international (PHMI) to enhance health professional education further through interprofessional education and collaboration. For that purpose, a strategic plan is developed to develop learning, teaching, and assessment in all health sciences colleges (HSCs), along with a governance structure to establish a joint "center of excellence in interprofessional education and collaborative practice (CoE-IPECP)". The strategic plan and design of the program summarized in this book were accomplished through several meetings, workshops, and courses conducted at KSU in Riyadh, and harvard macy institute (HMI) in Boston, USA. The toolkit for successful program implementation includes a pro forma business plan, implementation groups' training, matching needs with feasibility, and expected impact on HSCs. Initiation of pilot projects started with implementing some interprofessional courses, establishing an initial physical and IT infrastructure of the center, developing the webpage, newsletter, and listservs, and improving faculty development programs to enhance IPECP at HSCs. Also, this book is a helpful road map for other national and international universities and institutes aiming to develop their professional health education, particularly interprofessional education and collaborative practice.

  • af Rose Kearney Nunnery
    992,95 kr.

    "This book is directed to the RN student returning to school. The intent is to provide you, the practicing RN, with professional concepts to advance your practice. These concepts build on your prior nursing education, and their application will greatly enhance your professional practice and growth. The aim is to engage you intellectually in an ongoing professional dialogue and journey with your peers, colleagues, and instructors; broaden your professional development; and build on your pre-existing knowledge and experiences. You are challenged to delve further into professional education and conceptual practice. The book is written for the adult learner with the characteristics of self-direction, prior experiences, applicability to practice, and motivation to meet the challenge to expand his or her knowledge base"--

  • af Jeff Nisker
    122,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Cynthia Pereira de Araújo
    1.127,95 kr.

    This book presents an important reflection on the concept and limits of the Fundamental Right to Health as opposed to a supposed ¿Right to Hope¿ in the context of the treatment of patients with advanced cancer. The central idea of the work is the question of whether and to what extent patients with advanced cancer have the right to legally demand a palliative treatment whose efficacy has not been proven from the point of view of the desired objectives. The book demonstrates how hope cannot be subject to legal protection and, also, that, even if theoretical-legal reasons were not sufficient for the absence of an abstract right to hope, ethical reasons would be. The work concludes that the best palliative care, rather than palliative treatment, guarantees the best right to health for advanced cancer patients, especially in terminal cases.In addition to this theoretical discussion, the book also presents the results of a qualitative research the author conducted with 48 advancedcancer patients in Brazil and Germany to investigate their expectations towards chemotherapy. This study has confirmed that many patients decide to undergo often toxic and exhausting treatments, unrealistically believing that their cancer is curable or that, as long as they continue with a course of chemotherapy, cancer may be beaten. Palliative Treatment for Advanced Cancer Patients: Can Hope Be a Right? will be of interest to health professionals and social workers working with advanced cancer patients, as well as to researchers in the fields of public health, bioethics, medical ethics and health law, especially those interested in the growing interdisciplinary field of end-of-life decision-making.

  • af Ruiping Fan
    1.136,95 kr.

    This book provides the first systematic study on three types of incentives for organ donation. It covers extensive research conducted in four culturally different societies: Hong Kong, mainland China, Iran and the United States, and shows on the basis of the research that a new model of incentives can be constructed to enhance organ donation in contemporary societies. The book focuses on three types of incentives: honorary incentives, commonly adopted in the United States and other Western countries by offering things such as a thank-you card and a memorial park for donors to encourage donations motivated by pure altruism; compensationalist incentives, adopted in the Islamic Republic of Iran to encourage donation by providing monetary compensation to unrelated living donors for appreciating their altruistic contribution of donation; and familist incentives, implemented in Israel and mainland China to provide priority to organ transplantation to donors and/or their family members. The book demonstrates that a new model of incentives must go beyond offering only one type of incentives and should rather include different types of incentives that are practically effective, politically legitimate and ethically justifiable for particular societies. This implies that suitable incentive measures may vary from society to society to optimize organ donation. This book provides a clear reference for both the scholars and practitioners in the field of organ transplantation, as well as for general readers interested in bioethics and health care policy.

  • af Monika Micha¿owska
    1.097,95 kr.

    This volume discusses the definitional problems and conceptual strategies involved in defining the human. By crossing the boundaries of disciplines and themes, it offers a transdisciplinary platform for exploring the new ideas of the human and adjusting to the dynamic in which we are plunged. The emerging cyborgs and transhumans call for an urgent reconsideration of humans as individuals and collectives. The identity of the human in the 21st century eludes definitions underpinned by simplifying and simplified dichotomies. Affecting all the spheres of life, the discoveries and achievements of recent decades have challenged the bipolar categorizations of human/nonhuman and human/machine, real/virtual and thus opened the door to transdisciplinary considerations. Ours is a new world where the boundaries of normality and abnormality, a legacy of the long history of philosophy, medicine, and science need dismantling. We are now on our way to re-examine, re-understand, and re-describe what normal-abnormal, human-nonhuman, and I-we-they mean. We find ourselves facing what resembles the liminal stage of a global ritual, a stage of being in-between¿between the old anthropocentric order and a new position of blurred boundaries. The volume addresses philosophical, bioethical, sociological, and cognitive approaches developed to transcend the binaries of human-nonhuman, natural-artificial, individual-collective, and real-virtual.

  • af Allen Coin
    1.317,95 kr.

    In this volume the authors explore the landscape of thought on the ethical and policy implications of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology. BCI technology is a promising and rapidly advancing research area. Recent developments in the technology, based on animal and human studies, allow for the restoration and potential augmentation of faculties of perception and physical movement, and even the transfer of information between brains. Brain activity can be interpreted through both invasive and non-invasive monitoring devices, allowing for novel, therapeutic solutions for individuals with disabilities and for other non-medical applications. However, a number of ethical and policy issues have been identified from the use of BCI technology, with the potential for near-future advancements in the technology to raise unique new ethical and policy questions that society has never grappled with before. The volume has three parts: 1) Past, Present and Future of BCI technology, 2) Ethical and Philosophical Issues and 3) Legal and Policy Implications. The rich and detailed picture of the field of BCI ethics with contributors from various fields and backgrounds, from academia and from the commercial sphere may serve as an introductory textbook into the neuroethics of BCI, or as a resource for neuroscientists, engineers, and medical practitioners to gain additional insight into the ethical and policy implications of their work.

  • af Alis Hawkins
    117,95 - 192,95 kr.

  • af Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Sakiko Kanbara & Shoko Miyagawa
    492,95 - 549,95 kr.

  • af H. Russell Searight
    1.097,95 kr.

    Internationally, marginalized populations, including indigenous people, refugees fleeing both war and the effects of climate change and people-of-color, have borne a disproportionate share of serious COVID 19 illnesses and deaths. Each contributor has a background in public health, applied psychology, and international issues, bringing a unique perspective and a valuable lens through which to view these issues. Additionally, the authors are members of the COVID-19 Ethics and Legal Issues Task Force within Division 52 (International Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. The task force has spent the last two years describing how COVID-19 has highlighted pre-existing health disparities within the U.S. and internationally. The topics investigated include strategies to manage the pandemic employed by governments in various countries as well as models of medical ethics guiding healthcare decision-making.

  • af Laurence B. McCullough
    1.207,95 kr.

    This book provides the first comprehensive, historically based, philosophical interpretations of two texts of Thomas Percival¿s professional ethics in medicine set in the context of his intellectual biography. Preceded by his privately published and circulated Medical Jurisprudence of 1794, Thomas Percival (1740-1804) published Medical Ethics in 1803, the first book thus titled in the global histories of medicine and medical ethics. From his days as a student at the Warrington Academy and the medical schools of the universities of Edinburgh and Leyden, Percival steeped himself in the scientific method of Francis Bacon (1561-1626). McCullough shows how Percival became a Baconian moral scientist committed to Baconian deism and Dissent. Percival also drew on and significantly expanded the work of his predecessor in professional ethics in medicine, John Gregory (1724-1773). The result is that Percival should be credited with co-inventing professionalism in medicine with Gregory. To aid and encourage future scholarship, this book brings together the first time three essential Percival texts, Medical Jurisprudence, Medical Ethics, and Extracts from the Medical Ethics of Dr. Percival of 1823, the bridge from Medical Ethics to the 1847 Code of Medical Ethics on the American Medical Association. To support comparative reading, this book provides concordances of Medical Jurisprudence to Medical Ethics and of Medical Ethics to Extracts. Finally, this book includes the first Chronology of Percival¿s life and works.

  • af Elliott B. Martin
    1.149,95 kr.

    The Virtuous Physician: A Brief Medical History of Moral Inquiry from Hippocrates to COVID-19 traces the origin and development of practical moral inquiry as viewed through a lens of medical history. The cornerstone of the book is a translation of, and commentary on, the second century BC pseudo-Hippocratic Greek text, Precepts, a work not translated into English since 1921, which introduces the idea of the 'virtuous physician', and the 'art' of medicine. Precepts describes the ideal way of being of the physician, and a pragmatic, very modern code of ethics. Through the examination of other early texts the book locates the physician as a seminal figure in ancient society, first with religious significance, and later with increasingly philosophico-intellectual meaning, the physical embodiment of the search for moral-pragmatic professional standardization. This inquiry is put to the test as applied to the existential threat and crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic.The new, updated translation of Precepts makes the book interesting to classicists; and the detailed discussion of the cross-cultural influences between East and West in the Ancient World, especially of the influence of the Ancient Near East on Greek and Roman thought, to historians. It provides an outline of the history of the field for bioethicists and biomedical ethicists, and a seminal reference piece for physicians, from which to ground their own daily decision-making. It can be seen as a more valuable guide than the Hippocratic Oath, in this regard.

  • af Ana Marusic
    369,95 - 454,95 kr.

  • af Barbara Redman
    1.024,95 kr.

    This book exposes significant threats to research integrity and identifies policies and practices that can reverse these trends. It is focused on human research and US policy. Recent assessments have shown inadequacies in institutions, policies, and practices that seriously compromise ethics. The presumed self-regulatory nature of the scientific endeavor has been exposed to have allowed unabated areas of poor-quality science, an incomplete and inaccessible scientific record, conflicts of interest, differing notions of accountability, virtually no evidence base to direct research integrity policy, and a growing sense of alienation, moral injury and even revolt among scientists. Reconstructing Research Integrity aims to capture ways of vigorously moving toward scientific and ethical rigor, including self-correction and emerging or already-successful initiatives.The book begins with analysis of the full system of institutions, policies, and practices involved in production, dissemination, and application of research, including an examination of the blind spots in research ethics ideology, policy, and practice. The book then identifies policies and practices that can reverse harmful ethical trends, such as strengthening Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training and improving self-regulation in the scientific community. Finally, the book discusses the constant evolution of research ethics and integrity, which is illustrated by emerging research fields like gene editing and data science.This book will be of interest to all research administrators in academic, commercial and government positions; to policy advisors at the National Science Foundation and at the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine; to graduate students in research ethics; to advanced bioethics education programs across the globe; and to researchers and consultants in ELSI (ethical, legal, and social implications) programs.

  • af Annette Riedel
    425,95 kr.

    Mitarbeitende moralisch entlasten!Dieses Buch richtet sich an Führungspersonen und Lehrende im Pflegebereich sowie Ethik-Verantwortliche und zeigt, wie moralische Belastungen sich auf Pflegefachpersonen, deren persönliches Empfinden und letztlich auf den pflegerischen Versorgungsprozess und die Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens auswirken.Neben Auslösern moralischen Belastungserlebens werden insbesondere die Entstehung und Wirkung des Phänomens thematisiert sowie Maßnahmen zur Entlastung und Prävention aufgezeigt.Die Interventionen und Strategien beziehen sich auf Pflegefach-, Führungspersonen und organisationsethische Veränderungsbedarfe. Der damit einhergehende Bildungsbedarf wird ebenfalls aufgegriffen und rundet die Perspektiven auf das Thema ab. Ziel ist es, durch präventive und moralisch entlastende Maßnahmen die moralische Integrität und die Berufszufriedenheit der Pflegefachpersonen zu stärken sowie den Berufsverbleib und die Pflegequalität zusichern.

  • af Keith M. Parsons
    227,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

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