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LØGSTRUP OG LÆGEGERNINGENK.E. Løgstrups originale og indflydelsesrige bidrag til en etisk tænkning har vundet indpas blandt mange fagprofessioner, herunder sygeplejersker og pædagoger. Denne håndbogs dominerende intention er at præsentere Løgstrups tanker for læger og kommende læger, at slå en dør op og gøre Løgstrups begreber tilgængelige i en medicinsk praksis.Mange af Løgstrups grundbegreber – tillid, magt, barmhjertighed, interdependens, suveræne livsytringer mv. – og prægnante formuleringer præsenteres og uddybes i bogen af Lilian Zøllner og sættes samtidig i en medicinsk ramme i relation til arbejdet med patienter, pårørende, sundhedspolitikere og embedsværket.
This book provides an update on recent clinical practice and an in-depth view of selected topics relevant to hospital medicine. It is divided into four sections that explore clinical, administrative, systems and ethical issues. Each section places an emphasis on the opportunities, challenges and potential directions of this bourgeoning subspecialty. An important topic covered extensively is how hospitalists are being called to lead on the current opioid epidemic, given that they are well-suited in responding to complicated challenges crossing all specialties. Other chapters explore worldwide practice patterns and practical application of philosophical tools in daily practice. This up-to-date resource provides hospitalists, advanced nurse practitioners, medical students and administrators with the latest research, trends and issues in hospital medicine.
This book offers a multidisciplinary look at the much-debated concept of "e;personalized medicine"e;. By combining a humanistic and a scientific approach, the book builds up a multidimensional way to understand the limits and potentialities of a personalized approach in medicine and healthcare. The book reflects on personalized medicine and complex diseases, the relationship between personalized medicine and the new bio-technologies, personalized medicine and personalized nutrition, and on some ethical, political, economic, and social implications of personalized medicine. This volume is of interest to researchers from several disciplines including philosophy, bio-medicine, and the social sciences.
This memoir provides a unique insight into the cutthroat politics of academic life and offers a sobering reflection on the damage already done by pseudoscience in the field of medicine.
This book offers an examination of physician-assisted death, but it also extends the discussion to a broader range of end-of-life decisions including suicide, palliative care and sedation until death.
This volume presents the ethical implications of risk information as related to genetics and other health data for policy decisions at clinical, research and societal levels. ¿Ethical, Social and Psychological Impacts of Genomic Risk Communication examines the introduction of new types of health risk information based on faster, cheaper and larger sets of genetic or genomic analysis. Synthesizing the results of a five-year interdisciplinary project, it explores the unsolved ethical and social questions around the sharing of this data, such as: What is best practice in risk communication? What are the normative presumptions and ethical consequences of an increased individual responsibility for ones' health? And how does one deal with the gap between the knowledge of risk and the lack of therapeutic options which often exist for complex diseases, such as dementia or some types of cancer? Drawing on contributions from over 20 experts in the field, this collection examines these questions from a liberal bioethics' perspective, advocating for contextual and cultural-sensitive ethical discussions. ¿This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of theoretical and clinical medical ethics, medical sociology, risk communication and ethics of risk, as well as professionals in clinical genetics.
""Fast Facts about the Nursing Profession" is a brief, accessible, and very informative text in the Fast Facts series, which provides practitioners with vital information leading to success in clinical practice.Clearly and intelligently written, Fast Facts is replete with well-known information and more esoteric facts about the subject under consideration. The book is an important contribution to the series." --Leigh Whaley, Acadia University, CanadaCaptures the essence of pivotal events and individuals in nursing historyReplete with concise and easy-to-read information, this resource captures the essence of pivotal events and individuals in nursing history who have driven the evolution of the nursing role from that of a "handmaiden&" to a key health professional. It distills important historical information--often neglected in today's nursing programs--that fosters an understanding and appreciation of the issues that inform nursing practice today. Content is presented in an easy-access format consisting of short summaries and "Fast Facts in a Nutshell" that identify key points throughout each chapter. An introductory chapter featuring an interview with a prominent nursing historian adds breadth and color to this review of nursing through the ages.Incorporating a global perspective, each chapter highlights significant events during a particular era as they affected the status of the nursing profession and the nursing role. Beginning with the pre-Nightingale period, the book addresses the role of the nurse before the advent of formal training programs. It continues with the contributions of Florence Nightingale, the early 1900s, and new developments in nursing, including public health nursing and the impact of both world wars. The bulk of the book comprises an in-depth account of the tremendous growth and professional development in nursing during the past 100 years, addressing nursing theories and leaders, education, research, professional organizations, and the future of nursing.Key FeaturesProvides important historical content often neglected in today's nursing programsDelivers concise, easy-to-read information about important events and influential nursing luminariesDescribes how nurses have influenced health and wellness across the life spanHighlights key points with "Fast Facts in a Nutshell" boxesIncludes an interview with the president of the American Association for the History of Nursing, a chapter on the relevance of nursing history by a noted nurse historian, and a chapter on influential nurses in history by a noted nursing leader and educator
In der zeitgenössischen Reproduktionsethik werden intensiv moralische Probleme von Fortpflanzungstechniken wie Leihmutterschaft oder Gametenspende diskutiert. Erstaunlicherweise wird aber die fundamentale reproduktionsethische Frage, ob wir uns fortpflanzen sollten, kaum thematisiert. Auch Ethiken der Elternschaft erörtern zwar normative Probleme des Eltern-Kind-Verhältnisses und fragen nach der Grundlage parentaler Pflichten, äußern sich aber meist nicht zu der Frage, ob wir Eltern werden sollten. Der Anti-Natalismus, als dessen wichtigster zeitgenössischer Vertreter David Benatar gilt, widmet sich dieser zentralen Frage. Anti-Natalisten plädieren dafür, die Frage, ob wir uns fortpflanzen sollten, mit "Nein" zu beantworten. In der vorliegenden Abhandlung wird nach der Tragfähigkeit anti-natalistischer Argumente gefragt; es wird zwischen verschiedenen Formen des Anti-Natalismus differenziert und dargelegt, in welcher Form sich ein Anti-Natalismus verteidigen lässt. Es wird deutlich, dass sich zwar keine Pflicht, sich nicht fortzupflanzen, begründen lässt, der Anti-Natalismus sich aber in einer bestimmten Form als kritikresistent erweist und zeigen kann, dass und warum es auch unter günstigen Umständen moralisch problematisch ist, Kinder in die Welt zu setzen.
Die Wiener Medizin, von schweren Belastungen aus der NS-Zeit geprägt, durchlief in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts ebenso tiefgreifende wie komplexe Wandlungsprozesse. Hierzu trugen neben wissenschaftlichen Innovationen und Netzwerken auch politische Strukturveränderungen sowie sozioökonomische, rechtliche und kulturelle Entwicklungen bei. Die exemplarische Analyse dieser Transformationen, Neupositionierungen und Interdependenzen ist Gegenstand dieses Buches. Es versammelt hierzu über 40 Autorinnen und Autoren aus Medizin, Medizingeschichte, Pflegegeschichte, Zeitgeschichte, Architekturgeschichte, Ethik, Soziologie, Psychotherapie, Kunst, Kunstgeschichte, Musikwissenschaft und Literaturwissenschaft.Viennese medicine, marked by heavy burdens from the Nazi era, underwent processes of change in the second half of the 20th century that were as profound as they were complex. In addition to scientific innovations and networks, political structural changes as well as socioeconomic, legal and cultural developments contributed to this. The exemplary analysis of these transformations, repositionings and interdependencies is the subject of this book. It brings together more than 40 authors from the fields of medicine, medical history, nursing history, contemporary history, architectural history, ethics, sociology, psychotherapy, art, art history, musicology and literary studies.
"Pandemia. Invito al confronto" contiene alcuni dei contributi medico scientifici (ma non solo) che furono presentati all¿omonimo Convegno che si tenne a Roma il 3 e 4 gennaio 2022. Quel Convegno era stato organizzato dall¿Associazione ContiamoCi! e dal Coordinamento 15 Ottobre come parte di un impegno civile magnanimo e propositivo per generare risposte alla pandemia migliori e più rispettose dei diritti, dei problemi e delle esigenze anche etiche delle persone. Al Convegno erano stati invitati anche i membri del Governo e del CTS per istaurare con loro un dialogo scientifico e costruttivo. L¿invito, però, cadde nel nulla. Al Convegno erano presenti alcuni dei migliori studiosi italiani che in questi ultimi due anni hanno cercato di studiare al meglio quel che stava accadendo e di trovare le strade migliori da percorrere insieme. Il libro si apre con due prefazioni, rispettivamente, di Dario Giacomini, Presidente dell¿Associazione ContiamoCi! e di Roberto Perga, Presidente del Coordinamento 15 Ottobre. Gli autori includono Paolo Bellavite, Marco Cosentino, Vincenzo Cuteri, Fulvio Di Blasi, Alberto Donzelli, Giovanni Frajese ed Eugenio Serravalle.
Spiritual Competence for Mental Health Professionals takes a holistic developmental approach toward spirituality in psychotherapy and counseling. This means that it considers an understanding of spiritual development to be as germane to mental health practice as an understanding of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development and that it views spirituality as shaped by developmental processes. Common spiritual issues at each stage in the individual and family life course are discussed. Tools for understanding one's own and one's clients' spiritual orientations and goals along with interventions and practices that foster spiritual growth in the client and the practitioner are presented. Reflection and discussion topics are provided at the end of each chapter. Ultimately, this book aims to help mental health practitioners, educators and students to change their approach from "meet the client where they are spiritually" to "meet the client where they are spiritually and help them develop further."
This open access book reflects on matters of social and ethical concern raised in the daily practices of those working in and around precision oncology. Each chapter addresses the experiences, concerns and issues at stake for people who work in settings where precision oncology is practiced, enacted, imagined or discussed. It subsequently discusses and analyses bioethical dilemmas, scientific challenges and economic trade-offs, the need for new policies, further technological innovation, social work, as well as phenomenological research.This volume takes a broad actor-centred perspective as, whenever cancer is present, the range of actors with issues at stake appears almost unlimited. This perspective and approach opens up the possibility for further in-depth and diverse questions, posed by the actors themselves, such as: How are cancer researchers navigating biological uncertainties? How do clinicians and policy-makers address ethical dilemmas around prioritisationof care? What are the patients¿ experiences with, and hopes for, precision oncology? How do policy-makers and entrepreneurs envisage precision oncology? These questions are of great interest to a broad audience, including cancer researchers, oncologists, policy-makers, medical ethicists and philosophers, social scientists, patients and health economists.
Research physicians face intractable dilemmas when they consider introducing new medical procedures. Innovations carry the promise of preventing or curing life-threatening diseases, but they can also lead to injury or even death. How have clinical scientists made high-stakes decisions about undertaking human tests of new medical treatments? In "Lesser Harms," Sydney Halpern explores this issue as she examines vaccine trials in America during the early and mid-twentieth century. Today's scientists follow federal guidelines for research on human subjects developed during the 1960s and 1970s. But long before these government regulations, medical investigators observed informal rules when conducting human research. They insisted that the dangers of natural disease should outweigh the risks of a medical intervention, and they struggled to accurately assess the relative hazards. Halpern explores this logic of risk in immunization controversies extending as far back as the eighteenth century. Then, focusing on the period between 1930 and 1960, she shows how research physicians and their sponsors debated the moral quandaries involved in moving vaccine use from the laboratory to the clinic. This probing work vividly describes the efforts of clinical investigators to balance the benefits and dangers of untested vaccines, to respond to popular sentiment about medical hazards, and to strategically present risk laden research to sponsors and the public. "Concise and extremely well-written. . . . A fascinating synthesis of sociology, history, and institutional theory."--Samuel C. Blackman, "Journal of the American Medical Association "
What does it mean to live in a time when medical science can not only cure the human body but also reshape it? How should we as individuals and as a society respond to new drugs and genetic technologies? Sheila and David Rothman address these troubling questions with a singular blend of history and analysis, taking us behind the scenes to explain how scientific research, medical practice, drug company policies, and a quest for peak performance combine to exaggerate potential benefits and minimize risks. The Rothmans bring an authoritative clarity to a subject often obscured by rumor, commerce and inadequate reporting, revealing just what happens when physicians view patients' unhappiness and dissatisfaction with their bodies-short stature, thunder thighs, aging-as though they were diseases to be treated.
Award-winning physician Philip C. Hébert creates a brave and intimate portrait of the complex ethical imperatives at the heart of good medicine: doctors do not have all the answers; patients must be heard; and their needs, desires, fears, and experiences must be reflected in how practitioners look after them. Medical science continues to advance to previously unimagined heights in its diagnostic and treatment capabilities. With these advances, however, come unexpected ethical dilemmas for practitioners, patients, and families. In Good Medicine, Dr. Hébert approaches these questions of pressing and fundamental importance from the dual point of view of acclaimed physician and long-time patient. With remarkable balance and sensitivity, he explores a range of politically, constitutionally, and ethically contentious matters, including assisted suicide, treatment refusal and suspension, and the overall allocation of medical resources. Hébert pairs his artful analysis with the real-life, often deeply moving stories of those who have lived these challenges. Hébert offers piercing and compassionate insight into the relationship between patients and medical professionals, and guides readers towards the open and empathetic communication needed to ensure good medicine for everyone.
Hvad er mental sundhed? Hvad er en psykisk diagnose – og hvad betyder det? Store spørgsmål, som flere og flere berøres af, ikke mindst fordi diagnosernes antal øges, og en diagnose skal der til for at kunne få en behandling i sundhedssystemet.Har du hørt om DSM 5 – en blandt læger og medicinalindustrien internationalt udbredt manual for, hvad der kan kaldes en psykisk sygdom? For hver ny udgave af DSM kommer der nye diagnoser til, men hvad bygger de på og hvordan spiller sociale forhold og miljø ind? Medicinalindustri har naturligvis straks nogle piller, der kan afhjælpe diagnosen. Hvem der bliver helbredt af det, er der delte meninger om.Hvorfor får vi medicin, og hvad betyder medicinalindustriens profit for folkesundheden? Det er den slags emner, der tages op i denne bog.René Rasmussen, f. 1954, er litterat, mag.art., ph.d. og praktiserende psykoanalytiker. Han har været ansat som lektor på KUA og har udgivet en lang række bøger om litteratur (bl.a. James Joyce, Henrik Bjelke) og om psykoanalyse.
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