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De fleste genkender nok ordene coroner og retsmediciner fra Hollywood-film, TV-serier og krimier. Men hvad indebærer denne titel egentlig – og hvor går grænsen mellem fakta og fiktion? Hvornår bliver underholdning vægtet højere end sandhed? I Liv og Død svarer en af verdens førende retsmedicinere og professor emeritus Jørgen Lange Thomsen på disse spørgsmål ved at genfortælle nogle af de mest interessante og grusomme sager fra sin mangeårige karriere. Der er hverken mangel på underholdning eller sandhed, når han beretter om en dag i en retsmediciners liv. Men det er ikke en bog for sarte sjæle, for en retsmediciner ser alt.
Som retsmediciner har Hans Petter Hougen set lidt af hvert, både når det gælder naturlige og mindre naturlige måder at komme af dage på. I denne bog gennemgår han drabsmetoder og kommer med eksempler fra blandt andet sit arbejde på Retsmedicinsk Institut i København og fra sin oplæring i Miami, USA.Hans Petter Hougen tager os også med ud til findesteds- og gerningsstedsundersøgelser og svarer på spørgsmål som: Hvordan finder retsmedicineren frem til en dødsårsag? Hvordan kan retsmedicinerens konklusioner hjælpe politiets efterforskning? Kan et drab kamufleres som ulykke eller naturlige årsager, og hvordan afslører retsmedicineren det?Hans Petter Hougen, f. 1949 i Oslo. Cand.med. 1978 og dr.med. 1991. Speciallæge i patologi 1991, specialistuddannelse i retsmedicin i Miami, Florida, og København, speciallæge i retsmedicin 2008. Professor i retsmedicin, KU, 2005-2018. Medlem af den danske ID-gruppe under Rigspolitiet (2005-2016), Gerningsmandsprofileringsgruppen under Rigspolitiet (1995-2005), Amnesty Internationals lægegruppe (1985-1998) og af ICRC’s Advisory board on Forensic Medicine (2004-2014). Sagkyndig i Retslægerådet 2005-2018. Har deltaget i udlandsopdrag for FN, OAS, Rigspolitiet, Amnesty International og flere andre internationale NGO’er
Gennem 30 år har Hans Petter Hougen beskæftiget sig med levende og døde inden for retsmedicinen. I denne bog fortæller han om et liv, der har ført ham fra fødelandet Norge via Spanien til Danmark. Han tager os også med til USA, hvor han uddannede sig til retsmediciner og fik set sin del af skudofre og narkorelaterede dødsfald. Gennem sin karriere har han udført eller superviseret tusindvis af obduktioner i Danmark og i mange andre dele af verden, bl.a. et krigshærget Balkan i 1999, et tsunami-ramt Thailand i 2004 og et smadret Gaza i 2014, som er noget af det værste, retsmedicineren har oplevet. I bogen reflekterer Hans Petter Hougen over livets skyggesider, som har udgjort så stor en del af hans arbejdsliv. Han fortæller om mange af de sager, der har gjort indtryk på ham undervejs. Fra den menneskelige ondskab, som folder sig ud i krige og kriminalsager, til naturkatastrofer og trafikulykker, som brat kan smadre familiers liv. Hvordan vænner man sig til det, og bliver det aldrig for meget?
RETSMEDICIN I NY 4. UDGAVEHermed foreligger 4. udgave af klassikeren Retsmedicin, hvor den studerende får en forståelse af, viden om og kendskab til læren om medicinens anvendelse i retsvæsenets tjeneste. Heri dokumenteres etik og lovgivning, obduktion, traumatologi, dødsmåder, dødsårsager, forgiftninger, klinisk retsmedicinsk samt metoder og forskning.I denne 4. udgave er bogens kapitler revideret efter nyeste retningslinjer og lovregler, ligesom bogens kapitler er strammet op, gjort mere pædagogiske og opdateret efter aktuelle læringsmål på landets fire medicinske fakulteter i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg.Flere kapitler er udgået, mens 4. udgaven er opdateret med et kapitel om gerningsmandsprofiler og om undervisning i retsmedicin.fagredaktør er Jørgen Lange Thomsen.
8 CASES I MEDICINSK ETIK er en træningsbog for medicinstuderende og andre sundhedsprofessionelle. I sundhedsvæsenet træffes der kontinuerligt beslutninger, og enhver beslutning involverer en vurdering baseret på værdier og hermed etik. Bogen præsenterer 8 cases, der både tjener som eksempler på de komplekse etiske og filosofiske spørgsmål, der ligger bag medicinsk beslutningstagning, og viser den måde, hvorpå sundhedsydelser konstant udvikler sig gennem teknologisk innovation.Eksempler på cases, der optræder i bogen er: den aktuelle praksis med operation af nyfødte med atypiske kønskarakteristika (Kapitel 4); forslag om såkaldt formodet samtykke i forbindelse med organdonation og brugen af nudging i den sammenhæng (Kapitel 5 og 6); brugen af specifikke teknologier såsom IBM Watson (Kapitel 8) og Sundhedsplatformen (Kapitel 7). Hvert kapitel afsluttes med studiespørgsmål.Bogens hensigt er, at de principper, sondringer, teorier og begreber, som bruges til at analysere de 8 udvalgte cases med, kan overføres til mange andre cases inden for sundhedsvæsenet og dermed hjælpe den sundhedsprofessionelle til at træffe de rigtige valg i en kompleks hverdag.
National Bestseller as seen on Tucker Carlson, The Ingraham Angle, The Megyn Kelly Show, The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton and more! What really happened behind the scenes at the Trump White House during the COVID pandemic?When Dr. Scott W. Atlas was tapped by Donald Trump to join his COVID Task Force, he was immediately thrust into a maelstrom of scientific disputes, policy debates, raging egos, politically motivated lies, and cynical media manipulation. Numerous myths and distortions surround the Trump Administration’s handling of the crisis, and many pressing questions remain unanswered. Did the Trump team really bungle the response to the pandemic? Were the right decisions made about travel restrictions, lockdowns, and mask mandates? Are Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx competent medical experts or timeserving bureaucrats? Did half a million people really die unnecessarily because of Trump’s incompetence? So far no trusted figure has emerged who can tell the story straight—until now. In this unfiltered insider account, Dr. Scott Atlas brings us directly into the White House, describes the key players in the crisis, and assigns credit and blame where it is deserved. The book includes shocking evaluations of the Task Force members’ limited knowledge and grasp of the science of COVID and details heated discussions with Task Force members, including all of the most controversial episodes that dominated headlines for weeks. Dr. Atlas tells the truth about the science and documents the media’s relentless campaign to suffocate it, which included canceled interviews, journalists’ off-camera hostility in White House briefings, and intentional distortion of facts. He also provides an inside account of the delays and timelines involving vaccines and other treatments, evaluates the impact of the lockdowns on American public health, and indicts the relentless war on truth waged by Big Business and Big Tech. No other book contains these revelations. Millions of people who trust Dr. Atlas will want to read this dramatic account of what really went on behind the scenes in the White House during the greatest public health crisis of the 21st century.
ETIK OG MEDICINDen medicinske profession rejser, som så mange andre professioner, etiske spørgsmål og dilemmaer. At udøve den medicinske gerning indebærer en intervention i andre menneskers liv med en myriade af konsekvenser for den enkelte patient, de pårørende, den fagprofessionelle selv og samfundet. En medicinsk etisk bevidsthed er vigtig, da den fremmer forståelsen for de etiske aspekter af den medicinske profession og de dertil knyttede etiske pligter.Gennem bogens tre dele føres læseren gennem et bredt udsnit af det medicinsk etiske område, fra den filosofiske etik over centrale medicinsk-etiske principper til dødshjælp, reproduktionsetik, prioritering i sundhedsvæsenet, forskningsetik, kunstig intelligens m.m. Videnskabelige og teknologiske landvindinger sætter konstant aftryk på den medicinske verden i form af nye teknologier og innovative behandlingsformer. De politiske og økonomiske forhold i sundhedsvæsenet ændrer sig, og lovgivning revideres og udbygges konstant. I en hastigt foranderlig verden er et etisk kompas nødvendigt for at kunne tilvejebringe og fastholde en ønskværdig samfundsmodel.Medicinsk etik er tænkt som et sæt af værktøjer og redskaber, der giver læger og andre sundhedsfaglige læsere evnen til at navigere i tider med skiftende udfordringer. Bogen er derfor som udgangspunkt en lærebog rettet mod medicinstuderende og fagprofessionelle, men kan læses af alle, der har interesse for etik.
Deaths from preventable diseases have decreased life expectancy in the United States for the first time in a century, making it clear that we must deal with the crisis by embracing prevention as our nation's top health sector priority.
How a coalition of Black health professions schools made health equity a national issue.Racism in the US health care system has been deliberately undermining Black health care professionals and exacerbating health disparities among Black Americans for centuries. These health disparities only became a mainstream issue on the agenda of US health leaders and policy makers because a group of health professions schools at Historically Black Colleges and Universities banded together to fight for health equity. We'll Fight It Out Here tells the story of how the Association of Minority Health Professions Schools (AMHPS) was founded by this coalition and the hard-won influence it built in American politics and health care. David Chanoff and Louis W. Sullivan, former secretary of health & human services, detail how the struggle for equity has been fought in the field of health care, where bias and disparities continue to be volatile national issues. Chanoff and Sullivan outline the history of Black health care, from pre-Emancipation to today, centering on the work of AMHPS, which brought to light health care inequities in 1983 and precipitated virtually all minority health care legislation since then. Based on extensive research in the literature, as well as more than seventy interviews with the people central to this fight for legislative and policy change, We'll Fight It Out Here is the important story of a vital coalition movement, virtually unknown until now, that changed the national understanding of health inequities.The work of this coalition of Black health schools continues, both in supporting the training of more doctors and health professionals from minority backgrounds and in advancing issues related to health equity. By highlighting these endeavors, We'll Fight It Out Here brings attention to a pivotal group in the history of the health equity movement and provides a road map of practical mechanisms that can be used to advance it.
Outlines how the social dimensions of medical diagnosis can deepen our understanding of health.Diagnosis is central to medicine. It creates order, explains illness, identifies treatments, and predicts outcomes. In Putting a Name to It, Annemarie Jutel presents medical diagnosis as more than a mere clinical tool, but as a social phenomenon with the potential to deepen our understanding of health, illness, and disease. Jutel outlines how the sociology of diagnosis should function by situating it within the broader discipline, laying out the directions it should explore, and discussing how the classification of illness and the framing of diagnosis relate to social status and order. This second edition provides important updates to the groundbreaking first edition by incorporating new research that demonstrates how the social nature of diagnosis is just as important as the clinical. It includes new perspectives on diagnostic recognition, diagnostic coding, lay diagnosis, crowdsourced diagnosis, algorithmic diagnosis, diagnostic exploitation, diagnostic systems, stigmatizing diagnosis, and contested diagnosis. The new edition also features a case study of COVID-19 from a critical sociological perspective and a new conclusion.Both a challenge and a call to arms, Putting a Name to It is a lucid, persuasive argument for formalizing, professionalizing, and advancing long-standing practice. Jutel's innovative, open approach and engaging arguments illustrate how diagnoses have the power to legitimize our medical ailments--and stigmatize them.
Die Kryokonservierung ermöglicht es, Keimzellen, 2-PN-Zellen und Embryonen einzufrieren und über Jahrzehnte zu lagern. Ihre Bedeutung für die Kinderwunschbehandlung wächst stetig. Dennoch bedürfen viele Aspekte vor, während und nach der Kryokonservierung rechtlicher Klarheit. Dies betrifft neben dem rechtlichen Status des Kryogutes vor allem die Entscheidungsrechte der intendierten Eltern. Weitere Problemfelder bilden die zulässigen Handlungen im Umgang mit dem Kryogut, die fehlende zeitliche Höchstlagerungsdauer, die Kinderwunschbehandlung post mortem und der Umgang mit überzähligem Kryogut. Der Autor arbeitet die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Kryokonservierung heraus. Hierbei zeigt er auf, an welchen Stellen ein gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf besteht und unterbreitet konkrete Regelungsvorschläge.
Detailing how Australia's Therapeutics Goods Administration conducted horizon scanning for new vaccines during the pandemic to assist ADB, this report is designed to help countries in Asia and the Pacific prepare for future outbreaks.It provides details of 16 vaccine manufacturers with novel and established vaccine technologies adapted to new pathogens like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Offering information on their vaccine pipeline and partnerships, the report shows their approach to working with ADB's developing member countries and can be used to inform decisions related to vaccine manufacturing and procurement.
When something health-related goes wrong, it typically impacts lives. It's not a broken computer, stalled vehicle, or a large home repair; it's a loved one's well-being on the line. In the middle of this angst, families are further burdened by exorbitant healthcare costs. Many are unprepared, and even the well-insured may be launched into multiple-thousands of dollars in debt. None of this has to be your reality! Did you know two prices exist for any hospital procedure? Let's discuss how you can get the best pricing. Do you feel healthcare costs are too high? We'll explore real examples of why that is. Is a hospital the best place for overall care? No-and you'll clearly see why not. Has mainstream healthcare impacted us positively or negatively? To find out, we will explore real case studies of patients, employers, and doctors. What is subscription-based, direct-pay healthcare? It's the way you beat the mainstream healthcare system. There are established solutions to our current health insurance cost crisis. Importantly, these solutions work together with both uninsured and insured patients and their employers, as well as physicians. The health coverage model highlighted in this book will save money for every patient, business owner, and medical professional who participates.Dr. Cristin Dickerson is a board-certified radiologist who has developed an award winning, direct-pay network of imaging centers an outpatient diagnostic testing. She's seen the good, the bad, and the ugly ways patients, doctors, and employers utilize health coverage. If you are ready to think outside the box regarding health insurance and save substantial cold, hard dollars on the critical need for healthcare, you've come to the right place.Let us show you how to align yourself with affordable, wellness-focused healthcare!
"Offering examples of how to make medicine better for the healers and those they serve, If I Betray These Words profiles clinicians across the country who are tough, resourceful, and resilient, but feel trapped between the patient-first values of their Hippocratic oath and the business imperatives of a broken healthcare system"--
In today's digital age, technology plays a vital role in almost every aspect of our lives. From communication and education to healthcare and entertainment, technology has revolutionized the way we live and work. However, just like any other tool, it can be used for both positive and negative purposes. This is where the importance of technology ethics comes into play.Technology ethics refers to the moral principles and guidelines that govern the use of technology. It involves understanding the impact of technology on individuals, society, and the environment, and making responsible choices that align with ethical values. As students and future coders, it is crucial to grasp the significance of technology ethics and integrate it into our work and decision-making processes.One of the primary reasons why technology ethics is essential is because it helps protect individuals' privacy and security. In today's interconnected world, the collection and use of personal data have become widespread. Ethical considerations ensure that individuals' information is handled with care, and their privacy is respected. By adhering to ethical practices, we can prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cybercrimes that compromise people's sensitive information.Furthermore, technology ethics helps promote fairness and equality. As the digital divide widens, it is crucial to ensure that everyone has equal access to technology and its benefits. Ethical considerations help prevent discrimination and bias in the development and deployment of technology. By designing inclusive and accessible technologies, we can bridge the gap between different socio-economic backgrounds and create a more equitable society.Additionally, technology ethics encourages sustainability and environmental responsibility. The production and disposal of technology have significant environmental impacts. Ethical practices prioritize the use of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient designs, and responsible e-waste management. By considering the environmental consequences of our technological choices, we can minimize our carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.Moreover, technology ethics fosters transparency and accountability. As creators and users of technology, it is important to understand the potential consequences of our actions. Ethical considerations help us take responsibility for the outcomes of our technological advancements. By being transparent about the intentions and potential risks associated with technology, we can build trust among users and ensure that our innovations serve the greater good.
Understanding the Basics of HackingIn today's digital age, it is crucial for students to be aware of the basics of hacking. Hacking, often portrayed in movies and media as a mysterious and illegal activity, is actually a broad term that encompasses various techniques used to gain unauthorized access to computer systems. While hacking can be used for both good and malicious purposes, it is important for students to understand the fundamentals to protect themselves and their digital assets.Firstly, it is essential to grasp the motivations behind hacking. Cyber criminals use technology to exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems to gain unauthorized access or steal sensitive information. Their motives can vary, ranging from financial gain, personal vendettas, or even political agendas. By understanding the motives behind hacking, students can better comprehend the potential threats they may face and take appropriate precautions to safeguard their devices and data.One of the most significant aspects of hacking is understanding common attack vectors. Cyber criminals exploit various techniques, such as phishing, social engineering, malware, and brute force attacks, to compromise computer systems. Phishing involves tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information through seemingly legitimate emails or websites. Social engineering exploits psychological and behavioral patterns to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential data. Malware, including viruses, worms, and Trojan horses, are malicious software programs that infect computers and allow hackers to gain unauthorized access. Brute force attacks involve repeatedly guessing passwords until the correct one is found.Students must also be aware of the importance of strong passwords and regularly updating them. Weak passwords are easily cracked by hackers using brute force techniques. By creating unique, complex, and lengthy passwords, students can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to their accounts. Additionally, using multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification, such as a fingerprint or a generated code.Another crucial aspect of understanding hacking is the concept of ethical hacking or penetration testing. Ethical hackers, also known as white hat hackers, use their skills to identify vulnerabilities in computer systems and help organizations strengthen their security. By learning about ethical hacking, students can gain valuable insights into the mindset and techniques of hackers while also exploring potential career paths in cybersecurity.
The authors examined trends in the use of virtual behavioral health (VBH) care for U.S. Army soldiers and their spouses from prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic through March 2022 and surveyed soldiers about their perceptions of VBH care.
Christian and other nurses in the hostile modern and increasingly secular age may feel helpless in an environment that created the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) and continues to foster end of life 'care' through sedation and dehydration. The book aims to enlighten both health professionals and the public alike to their rights of conscience and knowledge of the needs of vulnerable patients whether related to ethical care or guidance and the law which can affect them. Indifference to patients'needs and suffering may be injurious to nurses' health all of whom have a conscience. This must be respected, protected and used as a guide to truly care for the patient's benefit, reqardless of laws and professional pathways which may prove harmful to many vunerable patients. The questioning nurse on ethical issues and dilemmas needs consideration, respect and support when attempting to act as the patient advocate. Managers at all levels need to be aware of the concerns of front line nurses and to be mindful that recruitment and retention are both equally important factors for the quality of patient care and nurse morale and work satisfaction. The NHS was a wonderful creation which is only as good as its staff at all levels. Its managers and government ministers must remember that the more authority invested in them, the more the accountability and transparency expected by both health professionals, their patients and the public.
El manual "Medicare y usted" es su guía oficial de Medicare.Tiene información importante sobre:Beneficios, costos, derechos y protecciones de Medicare.Planes de salud y medicamentos.Respuestas a preguntas comunes.
The "Medicare & You 2024" handbook is your official guide to Medicare and Medicaid. It has important information about:Medicare benefits, costs, rights, and protections.Health and drug plans.Answers to common questions.
C¿m nang "Medicare & You" là h¿¿ng d¿n chính th¿c c¿a b¿n v¿ Medicare.Nó có thông tin quan tr¿ng v¿:Các l¿i ích, chi phí, quy¿n và bi¿n pháp b¿o v¿ c¿a Medicare.Các k¿ höch v¿ s¿c kh¿e và thu¿c men.Câu tr¿ l¿i cho các câu h¿i ph¿ bi¿n.
"Medicare ¿¿"¿¿¿¿¿ Medicare ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿"Medicare y¿ nín" sh¿ucè shì nín de Medicare günf¿ng zh¿nán.T¿ b¿ohán y¿xià zhòngyào xìnx¿:Y¿liáo b¿oxi¿n fúlì, fèiyòng, quánlì hé b¿ohù.Jiànk¿ng hé yàowù jìhuà.Chángjiàn wèntí de ji¿dá.
This report characterizes legal, policy, practice, and cost implications of U.S. Department of Defense options to comply with a new congressional requirement allowing service academy cadets and midshipmen who become parents to retain parental rights.
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