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Balance i stofskiftet beskriver de særlige personlighedstræk, som er i spil ved stofskifteproblemer, og forklarer, hvordan de skaber en kronisk indre stress, som ødelægger stofskiftet. Epigenetikken viser nemlig, at vores gener i høj grad aktiveres og reguleres som følge af det miljø, vi skaber i vores celler. Og vores personlighed i form af vores tanker og følelser spiller en stor rolle for dette miljø. Kort sagt, vi er vores egen genteknolog og kan påvirke vores genetiske udtryk, som bestemmer, om vi bliver syge eller raske. Når du ændrer de negative tanker og følelser, som stresser dig, og erstatter dem med støttende tanker og overbevisninger, så begynder du at aktivere dine sundhedsfremmende gener. I bogen får du viden og værktøjer, som hjælper dig til at droppe en ødelæggende stofskiftepersonlighed og erstatte den med en ny og selvhelbredende personlighed. Endelig kan du forstå årsagen til de symptomer, der giver dig for højt eller for lavt stofskifte, og pludselig kan du gøre noget ved det, så hverdagen igen bliver overkommelig.
Mange danskere har problemer med stofskiftet. Det giver en række symptomer, som kan afhjælpes med de gode råd i denne bog af to danske eksperter. Er du træt og drænet for energi? Har du kun overskud til at gøre det mest nødvendige, og har du svært ved at overskue tingene og bliver let ked af det? Føles dit hoved som en candyfloss, kan du ikke huske fra næse til mund, og har du svært ved at koncentrere dig? Har du fået vægtproblemer, og er din hud blevet slap og løs, og håret tyndt og skørt? Er dine muskler trætte og ømme? Har man flere af disse ubehagelige symptomer, kan det være et tegn på, at stofskiftet er i ubalance. Denne bog hjælper med at gå bagom symptomerne og finde årsagen. Den forklarer, hvordan man bliver diagnosticeret, og hvor man får hjælp og vejledning. Men ikke mindst beskriver den, hvad man selv helt konkret kan gøre for at få stofskiftet tilbage i balance igen. Få styr på dit stofskifte giver i otte trin viden, inspiration og konkrete værktøjer til at sammensætte og gennemføre en individuelt tilpasset behandlingsstrategi, så man igen kan få energi og overskud i hverdagen. Bogen bygger på anerkendt evidens- og erfaringsbaseret forskning med den nyeste viden og er fyldt med inspiration, eksempler, tests og øvelser. Den henvender sig til alle, uandet om man har højt eller lavt stofskifte, er diagnosticeret eller blot har en fornemmelse af, at stofskiftet er ude af balance. Bogens behandlingsstrategi tager udgangspunkt i naturlig behandling, men bygger bro til konventionel behandling og kan således kombineres med stofskiftemedicin.
Lægen Carsten Vagn-Hansen, i mange år praktiserende læge og berømt i det ganske land som Radiodoktoren, beskriver i denne bog menneskets fordøjelseskanal "fra mund til bund". Hvert stadium på madens vej fra munden, gennem spiserøret, mavesækken og ud i tarmene beskrives. Undervejs beskrives også lever, galdeblære og bugspytkirtel. Der fortælles om, hvilke sygdomme de forskellige organer kan blive ramt af, og hvordan man kan lindre og afhjælpe dem. Forfatteren kommer med mange gode råd og forslag til, hvordan man holder sig rask og netop undgår disse sygdomme, ikke mindst ved at sørge for at få en sund kost. Kostens betydning og vigtigheden af en god madkultur fremhæves. Bogen er skrevet i et ligefremt sprog og er forsynet med et grundigt stikordsregister, så læserne hurtigt kan finde frem til lige netop det organ eller den sygdom, de er interesseret i.
At tabe sig er ligesom at låne penge i banken –Det skal betales tilbage med renter!Hvis du er enig… så vil denne bog give dig mange AHA-øjeblikke og for altid ændre dit syn på krop og vægt. Din krop er den egentlige chef. Den har alle kort på hånden, for den kontrollerer dit fedtstofskifte såvel som mange af dine andre grundlæggende overlevelsesfunktioner i et lillebitte område nederst i hjernen, ’dyrehjernen’. Hvis du behøver mere søvn, vil den gøre dig træt. Hvis du behøver mere ilt, vil den give dig lyst til at trække vejret hurtigere. Og hvis du behøver mere fedt, vil den gøre dig sulten. Så enkelt er det! Så glem alt om, at du ”bare skal begrænse kalorierne og sørge for motion” for at tabe dig. Din krop har nemlig visse indbyggede genetiske overlevelsesprogrammer, som er designet til at tvinge dig til enten at blive tykkere eller tyndere, hver gang den føler, at dette vil hjælpe med til at holde dig i live. Jon Gabriel kalder disse programmer: ’FAT-programmer’ – Famine And Temperature (hungersnød og temperatur). Din krop kan blive narret til at aktivere FAT-programmerne, selv om du ikke behøver at lagre yderligere fedt. Det gode er, at du også på samme måde kan narre kroppen til det modsatte – at forbrænde fedt.Så snart du forstår og identificerer problemerne, og du begynder at tage hånd om dem, ændrer alt sig.
New York Times bestsellerBestselling author Dr. Sara Gottfried shares a new, female-friendly keto diet that addresses women's unique hormonal needs, so readers can shed pounds and maintain the loss more easily.It's no surprise that most diet plans don't work for women?most health studies are based on men instead of women, so women have no choice but to follow plans that were created by and for men. The trouble is: women's bodies don't work the same way. Popular programs can actually make it harder for women to lose weight, because they can wreak havoc on a woman's complex and delicate hormonal system. New York Times bestselling author Dr. Sara Gottfried has spent her career demystifying hormones and helping patients improve their health with personalized medicine. In Women, Food, and Hormones, she presents the Gottfried Protocol, a science-based, road-tested plan designed to reset and balance your hormones and accelerate fat loss. Featuring a female-friendly fasting protocol and ketogenic diet that's tailor-made for women, the Gottfried Protocol is designed to: Work with, not against, women's hormones?unlike other keto plans. Improve detoxification and blood sugar levels while decreasing stress, hunger, and cravings. Target belly fat and reduce inflammation.Increase levels of key anti-aging hormones.Complete with essential troubleshooting tips and more than 50 delicious and filling recipes, Women, Food, and Hormones is your all-in-one-guide to hormonal balance and a healthy new you.
Bind 1 af naturlige næringsstoffer til et sundere liv,sætter fokus på vitaminerne og deres optimaleforekomst i naturlige fødevarer. Under de enkeltevitaminer er der omfattende levnedsmiddel tabeller,der viser næringsindholdet i forskellige naturligefødevarer. Der skitseres forskellige forslag til dagligforebyggelse af velfærdssygdomme, gennem optimaleindtag af næringsstofferne og forskellige udrensningskure.Bogen indeholder også nogle råd til advarselssignalerfor om man er ved at udvikle sygdomme og forslag tilhvordan man kan bruge mad som medicin.
The HBD Cookbook, penned by the talented Petronella Ravenshear, is a must-have addition to your culinary library. Published in 2023 by the renowned HarperCollins Publishers, this book is a delightful journey through the world of HBD cuisine. The book is written in English and caters to a wide range of readers who are passionate about cooking and exploring new recipes. As an acclaimed author in the genre of cookbooks, Ravenshear brings her unique flair and understanding of HBD cuisine to the table, making this book a treasure trove of culinary delights. The HBD Cookbook is not just a book; it's an experience that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for cooking and a palate eager for more.
Quick Guide to Endocrinology, The Pediatric Version, Second Edition, continues to be an essential resource which focuses on the physiology, diagnostics, and laboratory testing of endocrine (hormone-mediated) disorders encountered in the field of endocrinology with expanded coverage of pediatric endocrinology. The guide is for laboratory scientists and technicians, as well as trainees and clinicians in the field of pediatrics and pediatric endocrinology including fellows, residents, medical students, nursing students, and advance practice providers and students. It is presented in an easy to read, quick format, the physiology and method of measurement for hormones essential to many bodily processes and how their dysregulation results in disease. The characteristics of such diseases and diagnostic testing including up-to-date molecular testing is addressed.
The book presents an in-depth exploration of adrenal anatomy, physiology, and pathology, authored by a multidisciplinary team of international experts, providing an exposition of the current state of knowledge in the field of adrenal diseases and offering insights into the evolution of their management. The addressed pathologies are intricate and diverse, encompassing conditions such as Cushing¿s disease, primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Each pathology chapter delves into etiopathogenic aspects, clinical evidence, and therapeutic recommendations. This publication caters equally to endocrinologists and professionals from various medical disciplines, serving as a valuable resource for information on the adrenal gland from both a physiological and pathological perspective.
Welchen Einfluss hat Vitamin D auf die Entstehung von Krebserkrankungen, Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Stoffwechsel- und Autoimmunerkrankungen? Wie gelingt die Balance zwischen notwendiger Sonneneinstrahlung und Vermeidung des Hautkrebsrisikos? Antworten auf diese und viele weitere Fragen zu diesem wichtigen Vitamin sowie der Vitamin D Mangelerkrankung Rachitis liefert das vorliegende Werk. Es räumt dabei mit häufigen Irrtümern über Aufbau, Funktion und Wirkung von Vitamin D auf und liefert darüber hinaus zahlreiche, praxisrelevante Fakten für eine optimale Versorgung. Der Autor ist ausgewiesener Experte auf dem Gebiet und seit über drei Jahrzehnten in der Forschung zu Vitamin D tätig. Das Buch wendet sich an Ärztinnen und Ärzte, die ihre Patientinnen und Patienten auf Basis neuester wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse rund um das Thema Vitamin D bestmöglich versorgen und informieren möchten.Der AutorProfessor Dr. med. Jörg Reichrath ist leitender Oberarzt der Klinik für Dermatologie und Leiter des Zentrums für klinische und experimentelle Photodermatologie am Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes.
Una guía completa para abordar la creciente epidemia de enfermedades de la tiroides desde la perspectiva de la tradición ayurvédica
Welcome to the world of Oxytocin and Social Function, an in-depth exploration of the powerful role of this neuropeptide in shaping our social behaviors and interactions. The book delves into the rich and complex relationship between oxytocin and our social functions. Featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, this book offers a comprehensive understanding of oxytocin¿s role in our social lives. It goes beyond the laboratory to explore the hormone¿s potential in real-world applications. The book also highlights recent research on oxytocin¿s role in enhancing empathy, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being. With this book, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the intricate workings of oxytocin and how it shapes our social behaviors and relationships. Oxytocin and Social Function is a must-read for anyone interested in human behavior, psychology, neuroscience, or the ever-growing field of oxytocin research. Turn the page and embark on a captivating journey into the hidden potentials of oxytocin and its transformative effects on our social function.
Exposure of patients to a high oxygen environment is a standard treatment in a select group of patients. The development of oxygen toxicity must be avoided in those patients. This book describes the effects of normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen treatment of animal models on brain biochemical and physiological responses. This book provides a summary of our knowledge on the effects of hyperbaric oxygenation on mitochondrial activity in vivo, and other functions of the brain. A chapter covering the use of hyperbaric hyperoxia in patients¿ brain pathology and care is also included. This is an ideal book for students, research groups, and clinicians studying hyperbaric oxygen and its connection to mitochondrial activity and brain physiological functions.
Diabetes Digital Health, Telehealth, and Artificial Intelligence explains how to develop and use the emerging technologies of digital health, telehealth, and artificial intelligence to address this important public health problem to deliver new hardware, software, and processes. The book explores trends in developing and deploying the three most important emerging technologies for diabetes: digital health, telehealth, and artificial intelligence. This book is essential to clinicians, scientists, engineers, industry professionals, regulators, and investors, offering the tools that will be used to create the next generation products to support a precision medicine approach to manage diabetes. According to the CDC, in the US there are 37 million people with diabetes and 96 million people with prediabetes. Diabetes triples the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke and is the leading cause of blindness, end stage renal failure, and amputations. The management of diabetes is becoming increasingly dominated by digital health tools consisting of wearable sensors, mobile applications providing decision support software, and wireless communication tools. Digital health provides new data streams that can be combined to create unique approaches for diabetes based on a precision medicine paradigm.
Dieses Buch bietet Sicherheit: Effiziente Diagnostik, verwertbare Ergebnisse, zuverlässige Bewertung. Fehlinterpretationen können zu aufwändiger Zusatzdiagnostik und Therapie führen und belasten unnötig den Patienten.Für alle, die endokrinologische Funktionstests durchführen und bewerten: Endokrinologen, Diabetologen, Gynäkologen, Urologen, Andrologen, Pädiater, Internisten ¿Alles, was wichtig istDie 200 wichtigsten Funktionstests und HormonparameterRadiologisches/nuklearmedizinisches Basiswissen für die DiagnostikGenotyp-Phänotyp-Beziehung für genetisch bedingte EndokrinopathienValidierte Scoring- und Grading-Systeme für die EndokrinologieAusführliche Tabellen zu Normbereichen und verlässlichen Cut-off-Werten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Geschlecht, Alter, BMI, Pubertätsphasen, Zyklusphasen, akuten Erkrankungen, Medikamenten ¿Detailiert und praxisrelevantIndikationen, Kontraindikationen, NebenwirkungenTestvorbereitung, RahmenbedingungenKonkrete Handlungsanleitungen zur TestdurchführungSichere Bewertung der ErgebnissePraxistipps und potentielle FallstrickeNEU u.a24-h-Blutdruckmessung, Analyse der PulswellengeschwindigkeitDurchführung und Auswertung der SchilddrüsenpunktionOsteodensitometrie mit BefundungsbeispielenScoring/Grading-Systeme in der Endokrinologie incl. Fibrose ScoresTestverfahren für periphere und autonome Neuropathie-DiagnostikOrientierend an Empfehlungen nationaler und internationaler Fachgesellschaften
Endocrinology is one of the most fascinating fields of physiology thatis playing an important role in human health and welfare. The bookwill stimulate the interest of young students and kindle in them adesire to read more intensively since it contains every aspect ofhormonal coordination in the human body. The integration of cellsignalling pathways, involvement of receptors in signal transduction,every aspect of endocrine glands with their dysfunctions, feedbackloops and role of hormones in pharmaceutical industry-all these factsof endocrinology are incorporated in a comprehensive form.The book has been presented in a simple form with appropriatefigures that would appeal to the undergraduate and postgraduatestudents of life sciences including Zoology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy,Health Science, Nursing and Medical Science. It is hoped that thebook will meet the need of students who desire to learn clear, up-todate,and complete instances of endocrine glands that are elaboratedin ten chapters. The presentation of every hormonal disorder with itslaboratory evaluation, related symptoms, and illustrations based on acombination of quality and adequacy are significant markers of thisbook.
Maintaining an ideal weight throughout life is the most beneficial thing someone can do for their body. A healthy body and ideal weight can be achieved with proper nutrition and lifestyle, starting from childhood and even infancy. Therefore, it is important for those raising children to be conscious of this issue and to be good role models and guides for their children by exhibiting the healthiest lifestyle habits. We know that it is almost impossible to remove excess fat tissue acquired during childhood from the body at later ages. Body fat accumulation is usually evaluated by body mass index (BMI), which is calculated using weight and height proportions. BMI is an effective and useful tool for both people and healthcare professionals to track body fat percentage. However, when monitoring body fat with BMI special adjustments need to be made in children, the elderly, different genders, and individuals with high muscle mass. This book provides a comprehensive overview of BMI as a screening measure.
This book offers a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of obesity. The chapters are authored by prominent scholars in the field with direct knowledge, through practice and research, of the real-world problems associated with obesity. Chapters address such topics as obesity in children, stigmatization of people with obesity, metabolic effects of obesity, recent advances in pharmacology and surgical interventions for obesity, and more.
The endocrine system is a complex network of glands and organs in our bodies that produce and release hormones. These hormones serve as chemical messengers, controlling various bodily functions and maintaining overall homeostasis. As students delving into the field of internal medicine, understanding the intricacies of the endocrine system is crucial, as it plays a significant role in diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions.The main players in the endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, and reproductive glands. Each of these glands produces specific hormones that regulate different bodily functions. For instance, the thyroid gland secretes hormones that control metabolism, while the adrenal glands produce cortisol and adrenaline, which help manage stress responses.The hypothalamus, located in the brain, serves as the master regulator of the endocrine system. It sends signals to the pituitary gland, which in turn controls the other glands. This intricate communication system ensures that hormone levels remain balanced throughout the body.When the endocrine system malfunctions, it can lead to various disorders. For instance, diabetes, a condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, occurs when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin or when the body becomes resistant to its effects. Another common disorder is hypothyroidism, which arises when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, resulting in fatigue, weight gain, and sluggish metabolism.As students of internal medicine, it is crucial to understand how to diagnose and treat endocrine disorders. Physicians use a combination of blood tests, imaging techniques, and patient history to assess hormone levels and identify any abnormalities. Treatment options typically involve hormone replacement therapy, medications, or lifestyle changes.Studying the endocrine system also opens up opportunities for further exploration in specialized areas such as reproductive endocrinology, which focuses on hormonal disorders related to fertility and pregnancy, and endocrine oncology, which deals with hormone-related cancers.
Environmental Pollution and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus elucidates on the global impact of environmental pollution and how it increases diabetes mellitus. Swift urbanization and the industrial revolution have increased environmental pollution to a hazardous level. Environmental pollution is a leading risk factor for several well-known diseases. This book opens venues for students, physicians, researchers, the science community, and policymakers to enhance their knowledge about environmental pollution, weather conditions, climate change, and their impact on insulin resistance and mechanisms allied to Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).Moreover, this book will provide knowledge about the green space environment and its impact on T2DM.
This book addresses and dissects the roles and crosstalk mechanisms for the 48 human nuclear receptors (NR) in human health and disease. After a State-of-the-Art introduction by an undisputed and celebrated field leader to provide an overview of the field and its significance, chapters are organized into six sections. The first three sections discuss NR roles in Reproduction & Development, Metabolism and Central Systems. These present to the reader our current understanding of NR signaling in the development and functioning of the reproductive system; the roles in the regulation of energy metabolism; and how NR signaling is more widely integrated into systemic functions from calcium flux to circadian rhythm. The subsequent three sections dissect how aberrant NR functions drive Cancer; how new insights into Genomic Interaction are helping to reveal how NR disruption drives disease; and finally, how Translational Efforts are exploiting this understanding from developing novel NR ligands to establishing how underlying genetic variation impacts NR function. Within these sections the chapters also illustrate emerging understanding of how the epigenome and non-coding genome combine to regulate NR function and impact dysfunction. Increasingly these insights cross-fertilize over cell and disease boundaries and it is unsurprising that NR are being explored in novel and new arenas such as the context of neurological disorders and depression. Thus, there is wide scope for re-purposing of licensed drugs and development of new NR-targeting therapies for a host of conditions and diseases. This unique book brings together many of the leading figures in NR research from across the globe, to discuss emerging roles and their implications for human health and disease. It summarizes the state of the art and shows signposts for future research to further shape this influential field.
This thorough volume explores protocols of proteome- and metabolome-wide strategies for the identification of protein-small molecule complexes in different organisms, in order to shed light on these important regulatory interactions. Experimental and computational strategies to characterize protein-metabolite interactions are discussed, and recent advances in enabling technologies are featured as well. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include the kind of detail and expert implementation advice to ensure success in future research. Authoritative and practical, Cell-Wide Identification of Metabolite-Protein Interactions will aid researchers seeking a better understanding of the mechanisms of signal transduction occurring in the cell and assessing the effect of complex formation on cell physiology.
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