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Smitsomme sygdomme. Infektioner

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  • af Burke A. Cunha
    1.100,95 kr.

    This new edition features chapters that explain the tenets of differential diagnostic reasoning, differential diagnostic characteristics of fever patterns in the CCU. The proper interpretation of rapid diagnostic tests, in the appropriate clinical context, is included.

  • af Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales
    1.523,95 kr.

  • af Edin Pujagic
    1.055,95 kr.

    Filling the need for a clinically relevant, concise, and affordable infectious disease exam preparation tool, A Case-Based Review of Infectious Disease offers a practical, proven approach to increasing your understanding and knowledge of this critical area of medicine. This comprehensive text is both challenging and enjoyable-an ideal resource for a variety of medical board and MOC exams, including internal medicine, family medicine, and infectious disease. Contains 100 case-based clinical vignettes that showcase both common and less common presentations of various infectious diseases.  Presents each case in a classic board-style question format, with detailed answers and explanations that reinforce relevant concepts.   Includes explanations of the main concept and correct answer for each question, as well as why incorrect answer choices are incorrect.  Features figures and tables embedded in explanations that highlight must-know information.  Provides references at the end of each explanation for further reading.  Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

  • af Gerard McCann, Padraig Carmody & Nita Mishra
    389,95 kr.

    This book examines the unique implications of the pandemic in the Global South. International contributors investigate the pandemic's effects on development, medicine, gender (in)equality and human rights among other issues.

  • af Sarah Ignor
    314,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - and. Länder - Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit, Note: 1,3, Universität Hamburg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der folgenden Arbeit wird der strukturelle Aufbau von Pestordnungen im damaligen Preußen untersucht. Dabei wird die Frage, inwiefern die Pestordnungen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts als Wegbereiter des Gesundheitswesens angesehen werden können, eine zentrale Position einnehmen. Im Zuge dessen wird zunächst die Fragestellung kontextualisiert, indem ein kurzer Überblick zum Inhalt von Pestordnungen und deren Veränderung im 14., 16. und schließlich im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert geben wird. Danach erfolgt eine kurze Definition des Begriffes Gesundheitswesen, die aus dem Jahre 2007 stammt, um einen Ausblick geben zu können, welche Aufgaben ein Gesundheitswesen heutzutage hat. Im Fokus des dritten Teils steht die Betrachtung der ergriffenen Maßnahmen zur Vor-, Für- und Nachsorge der Pest in der Frühen Neuzeit in Preußen. Im 14. Jahrhundert wurden besonders in italienischen Städten vielerlei Maßnahmen präventiver Art ergriffen, die ihre Triebfeder in der Miasmen-Theorie fanden. Dazu zählten die Isolierung sowohl von kranken Menschen als auch solchen, die lediglich im Verdacht der Seuche standen, das Ausräuchern von Häusern, das Benutzen von Duftwässern und das Tragen von Schutzmasken, um die schlechten Gerüche abzuhalten und zu vertreiben. Des Weiteren das Säubern der Straßen und das Verriegeln von Häusern, in denen Infizierte wohnten. Als wirksamstes Mittel gegen die Pest galt die ¿Flucht aus den verpesteten Gebieten¿. Im Jahre 1549 wurde auf Geheiß des Bürgermeisters und Rates von Königsberg, welches seit 1724 die Königliche Haupt- und Residenzstadt in Preußen war, ein Pestbuch vom deutschen Arzt Andreas Aurifaber publiziert. Er spezifizierte die Maßnahmen, indem er sie in ¿vorbeugende öffentliche Maßnahmen¿ und ¿individuelle vorbeugende Maßnahmen¿ unterteilte. Zu den vorbeugenden öffentliche Maßnahmen gehörte wenig das Haus zu verlassen und jegliche Feierlichkeiten zu untersagen, das Verbot, die Nachttöpfe auszugießen und die Aufforderung durch Räucherungen die üblen Gerüche zu vertreiben. Zu den individuellen vorbeugenden Maßnahmen zählte das Tragen von ¿Holzbüchsen mit Schwämmen, die mit Riechstoffen getränkt¿ waren, die Kontrolle des Gewichts durch ¿Diät¿ oder ¿Abführen¿ sowie ¿Aderlässe¿. Die Menschen sollten sich ¿nicht baden¿, sondern lediglich ¿Abreibungen mit warmen Tüchern [¿] vornehmen¿. Auch zu den Ruhezeiten wurden besondere Verordnungen angeführt: ¿höchstens sieben Stunden Schlaf, höchstens eine Stunde Mittagsruhe¿

  • af Ann-Christin Plach
    314,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Gesundheit - Pflegewissenschaft - Sonstiges, Note: 1,7, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt Interventionsmöglichkeiten und Hygienemaßnahmen zur Prävention von MRSA in Akutkrankenhäusern auf. Es wurde eine Literaturrecherche in den Datenbanken Carelit, Cinahl und Pubmed durchgeführt. Verwendbare Dokumente wurden auf der Internetseite des Springer Verlages und durch die Suchmaschine Google Scholar gesichtet. Per Handsuche wurde in den Bibliotheken der Fachhochschule Bielefeld recherchiert. Die Literaturrecherche wurde auf deutschsprachige und englischsprachige Literatur begrenzt.Seit dem ersten Auftreten von Methicillin-resistentem Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) im Jahr 1961 steigt die Häufigkeit kontinuierlich an und ist die häufigste nosokominale Infektion. In deutschen Krankenhäusern ist die MRSA Prävalenz von 1990 mit 1,7% auf Gegenwärtige 20% angestiegen. Um die Verbreitung von MRSA zu vermeiden, wurden folgende Präventionsmaßnahmen identifiziert: Standardhygienemaßnahmen, Patientenscreenings, Isolierung und Dekolonisierung. Die Resistenz Entwicklung von Erregern in den Krankenhäusern nimmt deutlich zu. Insbesondere in Deutschland ist ein relativer Anstieg zu verzeichnen. Methicillin-resistenter Staphylococcus aureus, der im gesundheitlichen Bereich auch als MRSA bezeichnet wird, entwickelte sich seit der Erstbeschreibung 1961 zum häufigsten multiresistenten Erreger in Europa und wurde schnell zu einem infektiologischen Problem. S.aureus gehört zu den fakultativ pathogenen Erregern des Menschen, welche die Körperoberfläche, Schleimhautareale und insbesondere Nasenvorhof und Rachen kolonisieren können. Alle S. aureus Stämme können diverse leichte bis schwere Infektionen, die einen tödlichen Verlauf nehmen können, auslösen. Bei Staphylokkoken tritt durch den Erwerb von Resistenzgenen oder durch Mutation eine schnelle Entwicklung von Resistenzen ein. Eine Resistenz ist eine Unempfindlichkeit von Mikroorganismen gegenüber antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen. Seit den 1990er Jahren steigt die Anzahl der MRSA-Infektionen deutlich an. In Deutschland beträgt die Prävalenz etwa 20%, in den Niederlanden hingegen

  • af Lee Scott Friend
    208,95 kr.

    Nutrition - The missing link in Covid-19Virus prevention, not cure We have been on a knife-edge in terms of nutritional support for our immune system for 100 years now, ever since the outbreak of Spanish flu. Together, the factory farming, processed foods and even toxic food additives introduced after World War I have left our bodies nutrient deficient, most notably in amino acids. Our reliance on pharmaceuticals to treat the outcomes is a result. Perhaps Covid-19 can act as a wake-up call. Our body is 80 percent protein, which is made up of 20 primary aminos acids. In layman's terms, our immune system relies as much on aminos as it does on vitamins. When was the last time you considered the amino content of your food or supplemented with these nutrients? If we exposed 1000 people to the Ebola virus, half of them would probably die and all would most likely require hospital support. Yet if we exposed 1000 people to Covid-19, it's unlikely that any would die and only a fraction would require hospital care. What does that tell us? Why weren't you told that your immune system relies on nutrition not just vaccines, which in turn require a normalised immune system to function. Why has no proper guidance been provided? Do you realise that the human body already has a natural defence to viruses including Covid-19? This is evidenced by the majority of patients who recover quickly and without any hospital care. You can strengthen this defence by supplementation and diet. Do you know that your immune system gradually becomes less effective every year after the age of 20 unless you support it? It's doubtful that even your doctor will advise you of this.Did you realise that the alcohol in alcoholic drinks is one of the most toxic poisons you can ingest? Excessive use can easily disable your immune defence - just when you need it most.

  • af Peilin Sun
    2.023,95 kr.

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 and Long COVID will remain conditions of great concern for medical practitioners for the foreseeable future. Mainstream treatments recommended for less severe cases of COVID-19 infection include isolation and taking over-the-counter or prescription painkillers, while more severe cases may require hospitalization and treatments such as ventilation. The long-term impact of post-viral conditions such as Long COVID is only beginning to emerge, and so far no effective biomedical treatment methods have been identified.Mainstream treatment is effective, but to what extent? Is there another course of treatment available for patients who do not respond well to mainstream treatments? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an alternative, due to its history of effectiveness in treating various viral infections such as hepatitis, mumps, the common cold, and herpes zoster. Yet although TCM has advantages in effectively regulating immunity, few practitioners have enough advanced knowledge in treating COVID-19 and Long COVID using TCM methods. This book aims to provide TCM practitioners with comprehensive, elaborate, and up-to-date information and training to manage COVID-19 and Long COVID complaints. Each chapter provides detailed discussions on complete clinical patterns of COVID-19, wide coverage on Long COVID treatments, Chinese herbs and its corresponding acupuncture treatment, provision of various clinical modifications and valuable clinical case studies.

  • af Iván Valenciano
    405,95 kr.

    Gas, Food, and Lodging is a series of paintings by Glen Rubsamen from 2020. The book includes 19 color illustrations from this series and an essay explaining the social and political implications of the works by Iván Aimé Valenciano. In these works, Valenciano explains, "Chain store signage is juxtaposed with telecommunications apparatus and vestiges of roadside architecture and vegetation. These disparate compositional elements fuse into a personal, local, and heterogeneous intimacy that is then re-embedded in the indigenous structure of the landscape. Rubsamen's paintings address the subterfuge of cultural imperialism and its local adaptation; they depict moments of systemic conflict: standardization, efficiency, calculability, predictability, the chaos of historic neglect and natural decay. The paintings are infused with an apocalyptic calm, as if caught in the temporary stillness of a hurricane's eye. They suggest a global post-pandemic society that roams about in cars looking for quick nutrition and the temporary safety of chain stores, motels, and gas stations. Gas, Food, and Lodging becomes a mantra of identity, a comfort zone, the way nationality used to be..."

  • af Saif Ul Islam
    1.688,95 kr.

    Infectious Diseases: Smart Study Guide for Medical Students, Residents, Physicians and Clinical Pharmacists attempts to consolidate knowledge and information into a step-by-step process that would be easy to understand, remember, and apply in a clinical setting. High-yield information presented in this book is necessary for medical students and residents. This book has provided information for all disciplines working in infectious diseases, whether students, residents, physicians, pharmacists, or nurses. The book is organized for quick and easy to retrieve information for all professionals.

  • af Pedro Elkins
    223,95 kr.

  • af Lynn Pohl
    233,95 - 383,95 kr.

  • af Robert Sweet
    223,95 kr.

  • af Habiba Sultana
    562,95 - 1.786,95 kr.

  • af Naomi M. Hall
    664,95 kr.

    This book explores the various psychosocial, sociocultural, and contextual factors that affect the sexual health of Black students who attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and how this environment can help develop strategies to improve sexual health outcomes for its students.The college environment provides young people with a new sense of independence, self-determination, and peer pressure to engage in risky sexual behaviors, and research has shown that Black students at HBCUs bear a disproportionate burden of poorer sexual health outcomes than students at predominately white institutions (PWIs). Uniquely focusing on the sexual milieu of Black students, Hall-Byers explains why a better understanding of these settings is needed to guide successful interventions that benefit and support the sexual health of Black students. Chapters compare data and research on sexual health outcomes of young Black men and women in comparison to those at predominately white institutions, as well as looking at the role of HBCU campus contexts and cultures, the potential psychosocial and sociocultural influences, what culturally responsive approaches may look like, and recommendations on how HBCU campuses can increase positive sexual health, such as through access, collaborative efforts among administrative offices, and reallocating resources.Sexual Health and Black College Students aims to advance the translation of culturally grounded research into effective practice and is essential reading for researchers and practitioners in sex therapy, public health, and social science as well as for college health staff, including nurses, student affairs, and campus wellness centers.

  • af Candace J. Gibson
    878,95 kr.

    Examines the nature of pandemics as a phenomenon, how to mount a global response to lethal bioevents--detailing strategoes for readiness, military and security issues, government roadblocks to response, mutual aid, ethics, global health and response.

  • af Yamuna Deepani (Department of Parasitology Siriwardana
    663,95 kr.

  • af Lily Wang
    917,95 kr.

    With a quick start guide to epidemiological data visualization and analysis in R, this book spans the gulf between academia and practices providing many lively, instructive data analysis examples using the most up-to-date data, such as the newly discovered COVID-19.

  • af Lloyd N. Friedman
    1.100,95 kr.

    Entirely updated and revised, the 6th edition of Clinical Tuberculosis continues to provide the TB physician with a definitive and erudite account of the latest techniques in diagnosis, treatment and control of TB, including an overview of the latest guidelines from the CDC and WHO.

  • af Annamarie Bliss
    540,95 - 1.808,95 kr.

    This edited collection explores disease transmission and the ways that the designed environment has promoted or limited its spread. It discusses the many design factors that can be used for infection and disease control through lenses of history, public health, building technology, design, and education.

  • af Albert Dastre
    123,95 kr.

  • af Prof Ron (Associate Professor Barrett, Dr Molly (Assistant Professor Zuckerman, Dr Matthew Ryan (Assistant Professor Dudgeon & mfl.
    383,95 - 1.074,95 kr.

    This accessible textbook provides the first comprehensive synthesis of both the societal and environmental drivers of emerging infectious disease in humans, from prehistory to the present day. It discusses the applications of these ideas for global health policies and future research.

  • af Zunyou Wu
    213,95 kr.

    This book presents the history of HIV/AIDS in China, which over the last three decades has been a gripping tale of exclusion and fear, and then, by turns, involuntary tragedy, cautious experimentation, and finally vigorous response. It discusses the occurrence, development, and epidemic studies and also introduces China's policies and measures to conquer this epidemic, offering readers valuable insights into China's approach to prevention in this field.

  • af Rita Payan-Carreira
    1.273,95 kr.

    Despite significant worldwide progress in fighting rabies, a zoonotic viral disease, it remains an important public health concern, causing approximately 50,000 human cases per year. This book summarizes current knowledge regarding rabies, the prevalence and genetic diversity of the rabies virus, and modern approaches to rabies diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. It is a useful resource for scientists, doctors, and students.

  • af Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales
    1.273,95 kr.

    Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the pulmonary alveoli that leads to extensive morbidity and mortality. This book presents a comprehensive overview of this disease with chapters on hospital-acquired pneumonia, drug-related problems and hospital readmissions, secondary bacterial infections in viral pneumonia, and iron acquisition in pneumococci.

  • af R. J. Lambert
    218,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Gregg Coodley
    223,95 kr.

    "e;A clearly written, information-rich guide to the impact of infectious diseases on the United States and our responses to each of them. Coodley and Sarasohn demonstrate how science and public health have had to counter fear, ignorance and hubris-along with the microbes themselves-in battles that reached a desultory climax with our misbegotten reckoning with Covid-19."e; Arthur Allen, author of The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl"e;The book is a timely and urgent reminder that the battle against deadly infectious disease must be relentless. It celebrates our victories without losing sight of the horrendous human toll exacted, and it warns us that we repeat the mistakes of the past at our own peril."e; Stephen Coss, author of The Fever of 1721: The Epidemic that Revolutionized Medicine and American Politics---Infection has written its own history of the United States, terrifying, sickening and killing more Americans that all the nation's wars put together. Taming Infection is the story of fifteen of the worst diseases to strike the United States throughout our history and how Americans brought them under control.Some of these diseases now are associated only with far away lands. Yet, at one time, malaria afflicted most of the United States, even infecting multiple Presidents. Plague struck in San Francisco, and cholera and typhoid in New York. Diphtheria was once the great killer of American children, while smallpox infected, but luckily did not kill, both Washington and Lincoln. Thoreau, Hawthorne, Poe and Eleanor Roosevelt died from tuberculosis. Yellow fever shut down the Federal government in the then capitol of Philadelphia, forcing Alexander Hamilton to flee to an involuntary quarantine. Al Capone would succumb to syphilis while his nemesis, Eliot Ness, led the campaign against the disease in the American army in WWII. More modern afflictions, including the influenza, AIDS and Covid-19 pandemics, reminds us that infections still punish and terrify Americans. Sadly, Americans often first reacted to these calamities with ignorance, bizarre therapies and scapegoating of minorities. Protests against vaccines predated the American Revolution, while the Anti-Mask League was formed in 1918, not 2021. Yet Taming Infection is also the story of triumphs and heroes, in medicine and public health and among ordinary citizens, that helped the United States vanquish, or at least tame, these deadly maladies. Each disease has carved its own mark in American history and among Americans; some are still carving.

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