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Her finder du spændende bøger om Urologi. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 175 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Erektil dysfunktion, sygdomme i nyrerne og urinvejssygdomme.
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  • af Søren Ekman
    118,95 - 168,95 kr.

    En fuldt opdateret 2. udgave af det bedste og sundeste alternativ til potenspiller. Ved hjælp af bogens øvelser kan muskulaturen i mandens bækkenbund forstærkes væsentligt. Når mandens penis ændrer karakter fra regnorm til anakonda, er det ikke ved hjælp af magi, selv om det måske kan virke sådan. Det drejer sig om forholdsvis simple kropslige processer. I lighed med hvad der gælder for resten af kroppen, kan disse processer forbedres ved hjælp af træning. Træningen hjælper både på rejsningen, til at holde tæt og til at tømme de sidste dråber ud efter vandladning. Bogen henvender sig til alle, som ønsker at vedligeholde, forbedre eller genvinde bækkenbundens funktioner. Søren Ekman er bevægelsespædagog og underviser på Gotvedskolen.

  • - 3. udgave
    af Inge Eidemak, Thomas Elung-Jensen & Marianne Rix
    268,95 kr.

    DIALYSE er en håndbog, der omhandler behandlingen af patienter med nyreinsufficiens og dialysebehov. Bogen indeholder bl.a. kapitler om de forskellige dialyseformer, plasmaferese, dialysebehandling af forgiftninger samt forebyggelse og behandling af komplikationer til kronisk nyreinsufficiens. Bogen er skrevet for yngre læger, men henvender sig i høj grad også til sygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og andet sundhedsfagligt personale, som kommer i kontakt med dialysepatienter. Bogen er skrevet af en række danske eksperter på området, og alle kapitler er opdateret mht. teoretisk viden og nyeste behandlingsprincipper. Bogen er rigt illustreret, logisk opbygget og skrevet i et klart og lettilgængeligt sprog. DIALYSE 3. udgave, er en gennemgribende revideret udgave af den bog, som udkom første gang i 1999.

  • Spar 10%
    af Cecilie Lyngsø & Lene Boesby
    359,95 kr.

    OPSLAGSVÆRK TIL ALLE, DER ER I KONTAKT MED PATIENTER MED DIALYSEBEHOVNU I 4. UDGAVEDIALYSE giver et bredt indblik i behandlingen af patienter med nyreinsufficiens og dialysebehov. Bogen indeholder bl.a. kapitler om de forskellige dialyseformer, plasmaferese, dialysebehandling af forgiftninger samt forebyggelse og behandling af komplikationer til kronisk nyreinsufficiens.Bogen er skrevet af de førende eksperter på området fra hele landet, og denne 4. udgave er grundigt revideret med den nyeste teoretiske viden, de nyeste behandlingsprincipper samt tre helt nye kapitler om hhv. dialysevalg, palliation og maksimal medicinsk uræmibehandling.Bogen er primært skrevet til yngre læger, men den henvender sig i høj grad også til sygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og andet sundhedsfagligt personale, som kommer i kontakt med dialysepatienter.DIALYSE er et rigt illustreret, koncist og lettilgængeligt opslagsværk.

  • af Grit Scholz
    418,95 kr.

    Ich möchte mit diesem Buch eine natürliche, selbstverständliche Sichtweise auf die sonst den Blicken verborgenen weiblichen Genitalien, im Sanskrit "Yoni" genannt, ermöglichen. Das geschieht mit Hilfe von Fotografien, Fotomontagen sowie kreativer, künstlerischer Einbeziehung von Naturbildern und Malerei.Es soll die Schönheit, Vielfältigkeit und Einzigartigkeit der Yoni gezeigt werden. Wir alle können uns dabei erinnern, dass wir fast alle aus dem Inneren unserer Mutter durch dieses - Tor ins Leben - gekommen sind. Die Großartigkeit der Schöpfung und die Achtung vor dem Wunder LEBEN sind der Hintergrund dieses Buches, welches als Aufklärendes Anschauungsmaterial dienen möchte.

  • af Ea Suzanne Akasha
    218,95 kr.

    Få bedre orgasmer og hold på tisset – en stærk bækkenbund har mange forcer. En stærk og velfungerende bækkenbund er vigtig for god kropslig funktion og velvære gennem hele livet. Alligevel bliver bækkenbunden overset i næsten alle træningsformer. Og det er synd og skam, for en bækkenbund i topform mindsker risikoen for inkontinens, og med træningen følger også et bedre sexliv. Og det er aldrig for sent at gå i gang! Bogen instruerer i at lokalisere, aktivere, strække og afspænde bækkenbunden og giver forslag til enkeltstående øvelser med og uden redskaber samt til en række træningsprogrammer. Mange af øvelserne er illustrerede, så det er nemt selv at udføre dem derhjemme.Bogen er for alle, der ønsker viden om – og inspiration til – træning af bækkenbunden. Ea Suzanne Akasha er psykomototrisk terapeut og tidligere formand for Danske Afspændingspædagoger. Hun underviser i træning og afspænding og har skrevet flere bøger om krop, bevægelse og afspænding.

  • af Jeffrey M Holzbeierlein
    912,95 kr.

    In this issue of Urologic Clinics of North America, guest editors Drs. Jeffrey M. Holzbeierlein and Philippe E. Spiess bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Advances in Penile and Testicular Cancer. Top experts in the field provide important clinical updates on the management of penile and scrotal cancer, discuss the current standards of care using evidence-based treatment guidelines, and provide insight on emerging discoveries. This issue provides critical information and updates needed to improve outcomes in patients with diseases that urologists do not see on a daily basis.Contains 12 relevant, practice-oriented topics, including the psychosocial impact of penile cancer: an unmet need; what is on the horizon in clinical trials for penile and testicular cancer; the use of miRNA to predict teratoma and viable GCT after chemotherapy; testicular cancers survivorship and fertility preservation; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on advances in penile and testicular cancer, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Mark E. Lockhart
    3.373,95 kr.

    Develop a solid understanding of vascular ultrasound with this practical, point-of-care reference in the popular Diagnostic Ultrasound series. Written by leading experts in the field, Diagnostic Ultrasound: Vascular offers detailed, clinically oriented coverage of ultrasound anatomy, pathology, technique, and diagnosis. This wealth of up-to-date information helps you achieve an accurate vascular ultrasound diagnosis for every patient. Ensures that you stay on top of rapidly evolving vascular ultrasound practice and its expanding applications for everyday clinical use Includes extensively illustrated coverage of sonographic anatomy that depicts pertinent vascular structures of the head and neck, chest and abdomen, and extremities Features image-rich chapters on vascular ultrasound techniques, covering grayscale, color, power, and spectral (pulsed) Doppler imaging, as well as imaging artifacts Provides detailed sonographic descriptions for the vascular diseases and anomalies encountered in clinical practice, including lesions of head and neck, chest and abdomen (including transplants), and extremities, including tips, tricks, and pitfalls Contains a gallery of typical and atypical ultrasound appearances covering a wide spectrum of disease, correlated with CT and MR imaging where appropriate, and detailed artistic renderings Discusses key vascular ultrasound intervention techniques for both diagnosis and treatment Uses a bulleted, templated format that helps you quickly find and understand complex information, as well as thousands of high-quality images and illustrations An ideal reference for radiologists, sonographers, vascular surgeons, and those who are training in these fields

  • af Mahmoud Abdel-Gawad
    1.320,95 kr.

    This book provides a contemporary panorama of advanced knowledge on the ureter. It covers basic knowledge and recent advances in a range of well-organized topics such as stone diagnosis, treatment, ureteroscopy, laser technology, reconstruction, oncology, trauma, embryology and radiology of the ureter. As shown in the table of contents, the book is written by a group of urology and non-urologic experts in their field and is enriched with many illustrations and summary tables. The 26 chapters are each dedicated to specific topics related to ureteral pathology and abnormality as well as diagnostic steps and treatment. Rare diseases that may affect the ureter are also included.Additionally there are basic educational materials that will be suitable for teaching, tutorials as well as electronic supplementary video clips and powerpoint presentations for demonstrations. The future perspectives of ureteral diseases, endoscopic and laparoscopic handling are covered.Fellows and medical professionals will find this a useful book with up-to-date knowledge of the various diseases and to demonstrate specific recent techniques involving stones, strictures and other pathologies of the ureter. Additional questions via app: Download the Springer Nature Flashcards app for free and use exclusive additional material to test your knowledge.

  • af Andreas Schäffler
    932,95 - 1.238,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch bietet Sicherheit: Effiziente Diagnostik, verwertbare Ergebnisse, zuverlässige Bewertung. Fehlinterpretationen können zu aufwändiger Zusatzdiagnostik und Therapie führen und belasten unnötig den Patienten.Für alle, die endokrinologische Funktionstests durchführen und bewerten: Endokrinologen, Diabetologen, Gynäkologen, Urologen, Andrologen, Pädiater, Internisten ¿Alles, was wichtig istDie 200 wichtigsten Funktionstests und HormonparameterRadiologisches/nuklearmedizinisches Basiswissen für die DiagnostikGenotyp-Phänotyp-Beziehung für genetisch bedingte EndokrinopathienValidierte Scoring- und Grading-Systeme für die EndokrinologieAusführliche Tabellen zu Normbereichen und verlässlichen Cut-off-Werten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Geschlecht, Alter, BMI, Pubertätsphasen, Zyklusphasen, akuten Erkrankungen, Medikamenten ¿Detailiert und praxisrelevantIndikationen, Kontraindikationen, NebenwirkungenTestvorbereitung, RahmenbedingungenKonkrete Handlungsanleitungen zur TestdurchführungSichere Bewertung der ErgebnissePraxistipps und potentielle FallstrickeNEU u.a24-h-Blutdruckmessung, Analyse der PulswellengeschwindigkeitDurchführung und Auswertung der SchilddrüsenpunktionOsteodensitometrie mit BefundungsbeispielenScoring/Grading-Systeme in der Endokrinologie incl. Fibrose ScoresTestverfahren für periphere und autonome Neuropathie-DiagnostikOrientierend an Empfehlungen nationaler und internationaler Fachgesellschaften

  • af René Sotelo
    868,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

  • af Sanchia S. Goonewardene
    628,95 - 950,95 kr.

  • af Jean-Bernard Dubuisson
    663,95 - 1.043,95 kr.

  • af Sivapatham Sundaresan
    1.268,95 kr.

    Bladder cancer is the most common malignancy of the urinary tract and one of the most prevalent cancers worldwide. The bladder microbiota is strongly associated with different statuses of bladder cancer. The increased abundance of microbes such as Schistosoma, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Mycobacterium, Bacteroidetes, and Klebsiella is associated with the development of bladder cancer during tumorigenesis. Improved understanding of age-related alterations to the immune system and gut and urinary microbiomes could provide possible insights into bladder cancer development and progression in the elderly. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content has been shown to be associated with cancer susceptibility. Patients diagnosed with bladder cancer have significantly decreased mtDNA. Cancer prevention strategies are theoretically appealing although often difficult to implement, owing to the multifactorial pathogenesis of most cancers. This book focuses on the diagnosis and prevention of bladder cancer.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    243,95 kr.

    "The Bladder Infection Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Bladder Infection Management" is a comprehensive guide that empowers readers with knowledge to understand, manage, and prevent bladder infections. From demystifying the science behind symptoms to exploring diagnostic procedures like urine analysis and cystoscopy, this book covers it all. Medical treatment options, holistic health perspectives, and alternative remedies are meticulously detailed, offering a well-rounded approach to managing bladder infections. With insights into self-care, prevention strategies, and the psychological impact of chronic infections, this guide ensures a holistic understanding. From dietary considerations to coping with chronic conditions, the book delves into every aspect of bladder health. Whether discussing pediatric infections, sexual health, or technology's role in healthcare, it addresses diverse topics to cater to various readers. A blend of medical expertise, practical advice, and empowering narratives, this book is your go-to resource for mastering bladder infection management.

    338,95 kr.

    Adolescence is a phase of life where transformation fromchildhood to adulthood takes place. Puberty, as the marker of thisphase, presents a significant opportunity to lay a foundation forreproductive health of young people. Pubertal development affectsfemale adolescents differently to their male counterparts. Withinthis period, the young female will experience significant changes inher body and will start her reproductive journey. It is essential thatyoung females are prepared to ensure a smooth transition and apositive puberty experience. However, little is known about youngfemales' knowledge of reproductive health during puberty or theirsources of information about reproductive health during this criticaltime. Globally, research focuses on adolescents aged 15 years andabove, and there is limited data on early adolescents, specificallyyoung female adolescents age 12 to 15 years. Studies conducted withIndonesian adolescents tend to focus on sexual behaviour as a poorreproductive health outcome and fail to consider the importance ofexploring adolescents' knowledge of reproductive health duringpuberty. This PhD study was designed to address these gaps in theliterature by providing an exploration into young females' knowledgeof reproductive health and the sources of information regardingreproductive health during puberty.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    133,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey to conquer UTIs with "The UTIs Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete UTIs Management." This comprehensive guide explores the basics of urinary tract infections, unraveling the anatomy of the urinary system and detailing various types and symptoms. Dive into statistical overviews, risk factors, and complications, equipping yourself with preventive measures. Medical management, including antibiotics and alternative therapies, is discussed alongside the importance of monitoring and follow-up care. Discover holistic health perspectives, from dietary considerations and herbal remedies to stress management and personal hygiene. Specialized chapters focus on UTIs in different populations, integrating nutrition, probiotics, and lifestyle modifications for prevention. Explore integrative approaches, UTI-friendly foods, and the science of cranberries. The book delves into psychological impacts, coping strategies for chronic UTIs, and building a support system. Self-help techniques, home remedies, and customizable plans empower readers to take control. With detailed insights into creating personalized action plans and long-term strategies, this guide is your companion in the journey towards UTI management and prevention.

  • af Giuseppe Micieli
    1.228,95 kr.

    This book is focused on a clinical-based diagnostic approach of autonomic dysfunctions, highlighting main diagnostic tools and pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies available nowadays. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a subcomponent of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and dysfunction of one or more subdivisions of the ANS, when accompanying other diseases, is linked to a worse prognosis of the latter. In some circumstances or when severe, dysfunction of ANS itself results in symptoms and disability. A myriad of factors can cause autonomic dysfunction and more than one can concur even in the same patient; due to the expansive nature of the ANS, patients can be affected by a wide range of conditions. Each chapter is characterized by a similar structure and is devoted to a different dysfunction. For each pathology, the book offers the essential information on mechanisms of action, treatments and outcomes. Written by experts in the research of these disorders, the volume addresses primarily Neurologists, but will be a useful tool also for Gastroenterologists, Ophthalmologists, Urologists, Cardiologists and Internal medicine specialists.

  • af Shancheng Ren
    1.043,95 - 2.070,95 kr.

    This book comprehensively covers the techniques available for robot- assisted prostatectomy.  Chapters feature detailed descriptions of how to successfully perform a variety of relevant techniques including the reconstruction of continence mechanisms and the use of the transperitoneal RALP anterior approach. Potential complications, preoperative and postoperative management strategies are also discussed, enabling the reader to develop a thorough understanding of how to apply a range of relevant methodologies into their day-to-day clinical practice and avoid commonly encountered pitfalls.Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: Advanced Surgical Techniques provides a practically applicable resource for all practicing  and trainee urologists seeking a detailed overview of the latest advances in robot-assisted surgical procedures and current management strategies applicable to prostatectomy. 

  • af Jin Wen
    1.006,95 kr.

    This book provides readers information on optimal decision on surgical management of pheochromocytoma and retroperitoneal raraganglioma. After overviewing clinical features and diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and retroperitoneal raraganglioma, following chapter presents surgical treatment of adrenal pheochromocytoma, abdominal paraganglioma, paragangliomas in the bladder and scrotum with selected cases. Treatment options and complications from perspective of urologists, endocrinologists, and thoracic surgeons are highlighted to provide a multidisciplinary approach to treatment of patients. This book is suitable for the urologists, endocrinologists and surgeons in oncology, as well as practitioners who are interested in this field.

  • af John Thomas Stoffel
    868,95 kr.

    In this issue of Urologic Clinics of North America, guest editor Dr. John T. Stoffel brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Updates in Neurourology. Top experts in the field provide important clinical updates to help you manage patients with a range of therapies for neurogenic bladder, including medical management, bladder augmentation, Botox therapy, and sacral neuromodulation. Other key articles address racial and economic disparities and the multidisciplinary team involved in care.Contains 14 relevant, practice-oriented topics covering urologic updates from various neurologic conditions; understanding physiology; tools of neurourologic care; and social factors regarding neurourologic care.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on neurourology, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Alexander Herold
    638,95 kr.

    Die 2. Auflage des Erfolgswerks der Koloproktologie - zusätzlich Open Access für jeden kostenfrei! Das Standardwerk der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie für jeden konservativ und/oder operativ tätigen Koloproktologen bietet das komplette Spektrum von der Ileozökalklappe bis zum Anus in 2 Bänden. In Band 2 finden Sie aktuelles und praxisorientiertes Wissen zu Rektumprolaps, Divertikelerkrankung, Chronische Obstipation, Reizdarmsyndrom, Colitis ulcerosa, Morbus Crohn, Kolon-Karzinom, Analkarzinom, Rektumkarzinom, Hereditäre Kolorektale Karzinome, Seltene intestinale Tumoren, Peritonealkarzinose, Polypenmanagement, Stoma, perioperatives und postoperatives Management, Appendizitis, Mesenteriale Ischämie, Kurzdarmsyndrom und abdominelle Fisteln. Alle sonstigen Erkrankungen der Koloproktologie finden Sie in Band 1. Jedes Kapitel stellt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Ätiologie, Pathogenese, Klassifikation, Symptomatik, Diagnostik, konservative und operative Therapie sowie die Prophylaxe der einzelnen Erkrankungen dar. Abgerundet wird jedes Kapitel von einer Darstellung von Komplikationen, Besonderheiten und der aktuellen Evidenz.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    188,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with "The Kidney Stones Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Kidney Stones Management." In this comprehensive guide, the author shares a personal odyssey with kidney stones, from the first twinge to living in constant fear and the power of support. Unravel the mystery of kidney stones, exploring causes, types, and risk factors. Navigate diagnostic tests and imaging, from the echoes of sound to the clarity of CT scans.Delve into medical management, understanding the pain, and breaking down treatment options, from non-invasive approaches to surgical strikes. Discover holistic approaches with the healing power of nature, herbal remedies, supplements, and lifestyle modifications for kidney health. Master dietary strategies, stress management, hydration, and small lifestyle tweaks that make a significant impact.Explore the psychological impact of kidney stones, overcoming anxiety, despair, and finding resilience through mindfulness and journaling. Manage pain with practical techniques, communication with healthcare providers, and strategies for long-term kidney stone prevention. Understand complications, proactive healthcare, and management in children, empowering parents with cutting-edge treatments.Learn to live well with kidney stones with practical tips for social situations, travel, workplace strategies, and finding inspiration despite pain. Dive into alternative and complementary therapies like acupuncture, herbal medicine, and energy healing. Build a robust support network with shared experiences, support groups, and collaboration with healthcare professionals.Navigate the challenges of kidney stones and pregnancy, unravel the role of genetics, and understand connections with diabetes, obesity, and metabolic disorders. Special considerations for high-risk individuals and innovative breakthroughs in kidney stone management round out this enlightening guide. Reflections and lessons learned from the author's personal journey provide inspiration, transforming pain into purpose.

  • af Jean Jacques Wyndaele
    868,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    This book covers sensation in all major components of the pelvic region. The small pelvis is containing many different structures and viscera, and sensations elicited there are important for regulating a normal daily life and for warning that something is going wrong. The sensory system is driving in many aspects the motor activity, and precedes and guides the efferent functions. It is surprising that in the last 60 years the ratio between research and publications about sensory versus motor has gradually become less. There has been undoubtedly a rise in the number of publications written on pelvic sensation but in the same time the number of manuscripts on motor function have increased more.It is the hope that this compilation of most data available on sensation will be of interest for the reader, will incite to perform more research so that an important part of pelvic functional diagnosis and treatment modalities will use the whole of the mechanisms available.The book is intended for all interested in pelvic functions and the interactions between the different structures, specialists in urology, gastroenterology, sexuality, pain, pelvic floor function and dysfunction, paediatricians and geriatricians, neurologists, students and those in training . The reader will find interesting and challenging information, and suggestions for further research.

  • af Faiz Motiwala
    917,95 - 950,95 kr.

    This book provides a guide on how to navigate and avoid medico-legal problems associated with the management of patients with urological diagnosis. Each chapter focuses on a different medical situation related to urology and discusses how they can be managed. The book aims to utilise the experience and understanding of its authors to help its readers manage and avoid medico-legal issues. This book is relevant to urologists, allied health professionals, nurses, physiotherapists, physicians, and medical legal practitioners.

  • af Selcuk Sarikaya
    942,95 - 950,95 kr.

    Andrology & Sexual Medicine is a comprehensive source for urologists, andrologists, sexologists and general practitioners. It contains general and up-to-date information about almost all topics within andrology and sexual medicine, and is a unique source that can be used for both exams and general daily practice. Easily accessible to clinicians and researchers and specialists, it tackles the controversial and complex topics of andrology and sexual medicine for urologists.

  • af Geraldo Bezerra Da Silva Junior
    858,95 - 1.135,95 kr.

    Our world is facing unprecedented technological development, which affects all the sectors of society. The 4th industrial revolution has brought numerous advances that are currently integrated in our daily life, including artificial intelligence (A.I.), internet of things (IoT), genetic engineering, 3D-printing and robotics. The health care sector is one of the most impacted by these technologies of the so-called digital era. From the simple advent of medical records to robotic surgery, health care has significantly changed from the XX to XXI century and is constantly changing, incorporating novel technologies. Nephrology is itself an innovative branch of medicine, created as a discipline in the 1960s, with breakthrough inventions, such as the dialysis machine, which made it possible to prolong life of those who suffer from chronic kidney disease; kidney transplant, with point-of-care immunosuppression that favours maintenance of kidney allografts for long years; kidney biopsy, which made it possible to discover the mysteries of glomerulonephritis and nephropathology. Novel technologies, such as A.I., IoT, robotics, stem cells, 3D-printing, mHealth, eHealth and several others are starting to be applied in nephrology, with promising results. It is possible that a great part of these technologies will become routinely available in clinical practice, and the burden of kidney diseases will significantly decrease once prevention, prediction, detection, monitoring and treatment of kidney diseases are more precise, with patients taking part in the process and becoming more and more connected. This book gathers essential information on the technologies that have been applied in nephrology and that can be applied in the future, with real possibilities of improving the care of kidney diseases. At first glance, this work is directed to the entire nephrology community and all the healthcare professionals that deal with kidney diseases. Researchers from different fields, not directly linked to nephrology, may also be interested in the book since many of the topics presented are related to other areas and serve as examples of their uses in medicine, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and big data. Finally, the content provides an important resource to medical students, discussing technologies that will certainly be integrated in their professional practice.

  • af Peter Wiklund
    673,95 - 950,95 kr.

    This heavily revised third edition gives an essential textbook which provides a comprehensive guide to robotic surgical techniques in urology. Extensively updated chapters cover general aspects of surgery such as aspects of operating room preparation and anesthesia. Instructions on how to use a variety of the latest techniques for procedures associated with the kidney, prostate, bladder and testicle are covered. Detailed information on how to improve outcomes, avoid potential complications and pitfalls is also provided. Instructive video clips assist the reader in being able to visualize how to enhance their methodologies further.Robotic Urologic Surgery is a detailed up-to-date resource that includes contributions from leading robotic urologic surgeons from around the world.  It assists readers in refining their surgical technique and improving their patient care. Therefore, it is a critical resource for all practicing and trainee physicians involved in the care of these patients.  

  • af Pedro A. Gallardo
    831,95 - 858,95 kr.

    This volume discusses renal function and the mechanisms by which the kidney regulates the composition and volume of the extracellular fluid. It also highlights the role of the kidney in the development and progression of arterial hypertension. Most textbooks of renal physiology are based in mammalians physiology and mostly human physiology of the kidney, but the authors considered that this book should also include other species to include the broad spectrum of students and researchers in the life and biomedical sciences. In this sense, we included chapters such as comparative osmoregulation in non-mammalian vertebrates and we emphasize that in vertebrates like fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds, the kidneys and extrarenal organs are vital to maintain fluid homeostasis. The purpose of the book is to provide a concise frame of knowledge in a clear and direct language, of the renal function to medical and biological sciences students. In the context of normal renal function, we provide pathophysiological basis for chronic renal diseases and hypertension with the participation of renal vasoactive hormones. This book is used as textbook in several physiology courses for medical, nursing and biological sciences students at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Finis Terrae University, Universidad San Sebastian as well as other universities.

  • af Bradley C. Tenny
    442,95 - 473,95 kr.

    Diagnostic cystoscopy is the gold standard procedure in assessing anatomical variations and/or bladder pathologies. For example, for a clinician to adequately rule out carcinoma in situ of the bladder the clinician must directly visualize the whole bladder. Mastering this skill is thus incredibly important for the training MD and training advanced practice provider (Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant). Once mastered, this readily available reference will serve to benefit said clinician in differentiating benign and malignant pathologies.  This text is designed as a comprehensive review by experts in the field of urology on the cystoscope, including both the flexible and rigid instrument, technical use, and certainly bladder pathologies. The rigid cystoscope includes three parts: the scope/lens, bridge, and sheath. These three parts may seem self-explanatory, however there are array of varying options within these three parts that have specific indications for use. Thus, being very familiar with these instruments is vital in being a great cystoscopist. This book will prepare all practitioners to improve and perfect their skills as cystoscopists.Perhaps most significantly, this book will cover numerous topics in normal anatomy, benign and malignant urethral pathology, and benign and malignant bladder pathology. Dialogue on each presented topic includes a brief pathological discussion, associated clinical significance such as common signs or symptoms, suggested treatment for said topic, additional references for further reading, and photographs. Photographs are included on every topic, with a minimum of one image and a maximum of five for reference. A comprehensive reference on diagnostic cystoscopy has been needed for quite some time. This book will satisfy this need for both the developing and experienced cystoscopist. 

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