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Palliativ medicin

Her finder du spændende bøger om Palliativ medicin. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 49 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Lindrende behandling for patienter med uhelbredelig sygdom.
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  • af Nathan E Goldstein
    1.055,95 kr.

    Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart from other texts in the field, with concise, readable chapters organized around clinical questions that you’re most likely to encounter in everyday care. Uniquely organized using a question-and-answer approach, making it easy to find answers to common questions asked by practitioners and patients. Up-to-date, reader-friendly chapters explore interventions, assessment techniques, treatment modalities, recommendations and guidelines, communication techniques, and available resources for palliative care. Expanded discussions on hospice in every chapter, and a new emphasis on pediatrics, with increased material on pediatric malignancies, developmental delays, cystic fibrosis, and perinatal palliative care. New chapters on wellness of the palliative care practitioner, patients with opioid use disorders, telehealth in palliative care, health disparities, rural palliative care, caring for people with hematologic malignancies, integrative and alternative therapies, LGBTQ+ populations, mobile health technologies, and national palliative care implementation strategies. High-quality evidence gathered and reviewed by leading experts in palliative medicine, including clinicians, educators, and researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Numerous algorithms throughout help you make informed decisions, and "take-home" points in every chapter provide a quick summary of key content. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text and figures from the book on a variety of devices. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • af Steen Kåre Fagerberg, Olav Lilleholt Schjørring, Lars Wiuff Andersen & mfl.
    758,95 kr.

    NY DANSK LÆREBOGINTENSIVTERAPIBogen giver en evidensbaseret, praktisk anvendelig og sammenhængende indføring i observation, diagnostik, behandling og pleje af patienter i alle aldersgrupper med potentielt reversible svigt af et eller flere vitale organsystemer.Over 55 kapitler dækker bogen bredt det komplekse arbejdsfelt, og indholdet er organiseret efter fem temaer:DEL 1: Organisation, indlæggelse og kommunikationDEL 2: Vurdering og understøttende behandlingDEL 3: Tilstande på intensivafdelingDEL 4: Palliation, organdonation og følger efter intensivterapiDEL 5: Sygepleje og genoptræningBogen henvender sig primært til læger under speciallægeuddannelse i anæstesiologi, men læger fra andre specialer med interesse for intensivterapi, speciallæger på intensiv og anæstesiologiske afdelinger samt sygeplejersker under specialuddannelse i intensivsygepleje vil også finde indholdet relevant. Derudover kan den interesserede medicinstuderende også være med.Bogens 85 forfattere kombinerer høj faglighed og forsknings- og formidlingserfaring og inkluderer intensivlæger, anæstesiologer, intensivsygeplejersker, fysioterapeuter og ergoterapeuter såvel som speciallæger fra andre specialer i berøring med intensivterapi.

  • - En quickguide
    af Mette Asbjørn Neergaard, Merete Paludan & Bodil Abild Jørgensen
    288,95 kr.

    Ny 7. udgave om symptomkontrol i palliativ medicin- din uundværlige quickguideHermed foreligger en revideret og udvidet udgave af den klassiske håndbog i pallierende medicin og behandling. Denne udgave indeholder en række nye kapitler om bl.a. demens, sår og komplementær behandling samt reviderede afsnit om farmakologiskbehandling.Blandt de centrale opgaver hos patienter med behov for palliativintervention er identifikation, vurdering og behandling af generende symptomer. Det er vigtigt løbende at evaluere patientens samlede situation og foretage de nødvendige interventioner for der med at forbedre patientens livskvalitet og velvære i den palliative fase.SYMPTOMKONTROL I PALLIATIV MEDICIN – EN QUICKGUIDE giver en hurtig indføring i behandling af de hyppigst optrædende symptomer hos patienter med livstruende sygdom. Kittelbogen bygger på ny viden og klinisk erfaring og bidrager til, at du som sundhedsprofessionel udvikler de nødvendige og opdaterede palliative kompetencer i din daglige praksis. Håbet er, at bogen vil medvirke til hurtig klinisk indsats samt effektiv smertelindring af generende symptomer hos patienter i den palliative fase af deres sygdom. Bogen henvender sig til sundhedsprofessionelle, der arbejder med palliation, herunder læger og sygeplejersker.

  • af Peter Stimpfle
    408,95 - 529,95 kr.

  • af Richard Louis Miller
    167,95 kr.

    A cutting-edge exploration of the role of psychedelics in the end-of-life experience

  • af Martin W. Schnell
    784,95 kr.

    Heilberufler, d.h. Ärzt*innen, Pflegende und Vertreter anderer Professionen, die in der Versorgung sterbender Menschen und deren Angehöriger tätig sind, haben Vorstellungen vom Tod ausgebildet. Diese leiten die Behandlungsweise von sterbenden Menschen, da sie Antworten auf fundamentale Fragen geben. Was ist der Tod? Wann tritt ein Mensch in seine letzte Lebensphase ein? Todesvorstellungen sind meist Mischkonzepte. Wissenschaft, Berufserfahrung, Mythologie, Religion, allgemeine Werte gehen in sie ein. Die vorliegende Publikation erforscht die Todesvorstellungen von Heilberuflern und stellt sie in ihrer Diversität dar. Der Band führt dabei Methoden der Literaturzusammenfassung vor, die von fortgeschrittenen Studierenden, Doktoranden und jungen Forscher*innen verwendet werden können, um einen relevanten Forschungsstand zu dokumentieren. Eine wissenschaftshistorische und methodische Reflexion fundiert diese Vorstellung.

  • af Sylvia Poss
    421,95 - 1.263,95 kr.

  • af Arndt Bussing
    538,95 kr.

    Die Beiträge in diesem Buch bieten einen breitgefächerten Überblick und thematischeTiefenschärfung zu ethischen, rechtlichen und strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen von Spiritual / Existential Care: Vorgestellt werden trägerübergreifende oder trägerspezifische Überlegungen zur Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung, sowie neu entwickelte Implementierungsstrategien von Spiritual / Existential Care im Gesundheitswesen. Neben empirischer Forschung und Bildungskonzeptionen werden interprofessionell erarbeitete Handlungsempfehlungen als Teil eines allgemeinen Behandlungsstandards in Medizin und Pflege dargelegt, um Mitarbeitende im Umgang mit existenziellen Fragen Schwerkranker und sterbender Menschen zu schulen.Mitwirkende aus der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin (DGP), dem Deutschen Hospiz- und Palliativverband (DHPV), der Diakonie Deutschland und dem Diözesan-Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Köln haben verbandsübergreifend zur Federgegriffen, um multiperspektivisch Blickwinkel des weltanschauungs- und religionsübergreifenden Themenfelds Spiritual / Existential Care auszuleuchten. Die Autorinnen und Autoren eint dabei das Anliegen, Patienten, Bewohnerinnen, Schwerkranke und sterbende Menschen mit ihren An- und Zugehörigen nicht alleine und unbegleitet zu lassen in ihren existenziellen Fragen und spirituellem Schmerz.Das Buch Existential / Spiritual Care interprofessionell (SpECi) richtet sich an Mitarbeitende im Gesundheitswesen im Haupt- und Ehrenamt, an Träger von Einrichtungen der gesundheitlichen Versorgung, Kostenträger und Gesundheitspolitik mit dem Anliegen der Verbesserung der spirituellen Begleitung Schwerkranker und sterbender Menschen sowie deren An- und Zugehörigen. Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.

  • af Diane Fasselius
    205,95 kr.

    This book is a thought-provoking read that delves into the complex world of end-of-life care. As a nurse with years of experience in chronic illness and hospice care, the author shares stories gathered personally and from co-workers into insights that offer a unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of the important field of end-of-life care.This book is recommended for anyone interested in health care, spirituality, loss, or grief and is a must-read for anyone in the medical profession or anyone who wants to better understand the emotionally charged gift of caring for the dying. It is a reflection that offers comfort and guidance to those who are grieving. It is a powerful and uplifting read that will be of great value to anyone who has experienced loss. A very informative read.

  • af Roger J. Stancliffe, Philip Mccallion, Mary McCarron & mfl.
    1.732,95 kr.

  • af Carlo V. Bellieni
    868,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

  • af Carol Robinson
    1.421,95 kr.

    This book uses empirical data gathered using ethnographic methods in two contrasting prisons to provide a rare insight into death and dying in prisons in the UK. The majority of deaths in prison custody in England and Wales result from natural causes, yet the experiences of people dying in prison and the impact of these deaths on the wider prison are under-researched areas. It provides a novel insight into the impact of deaths from natural causes on the prison as an institution and challenges existing work juxtaposing occupational philosophies of ¿care¿ and ¿control¿. It also identifies how end of life care is provided in prisons and the impact this has on culture and relationships shows how deaths from natural causes in prison custody ¿soften¿ prison regimes, culture and relationships. It speaks to an international audience by drawing on the global literature including from the US.

  • af Cynthia Pereira de Araújo
    1.417,95 kr.

    This book presents an important reflection on the concept and limits of the Fundamental Right to Health as opposed to a supposed ¿Right to Hope¿ in the context of the treatment of patients with advanced cancer. The central idea of the work is the question of whether and to what extent patients with advanced cancer have the right to legally demand a palliative treatment whose efficacy has not been proven from the point of view of the desired objectives. The book demonstrates how hope cannot be subject to legal protection and, also, that, even if theoretical-legal reasons were not sufficient for the absence of an abstract right to hope, ethical reasons would be. The work concludes that the best palliative care, rather than palliative treatment, guarantees the best right to health for advanced cancer patients, especially in terminal cases.In addition to this theoretical discussion, the book also presents the results of a qualitative research the author conducted with 48 advancedcancer patients in Brazil and Germany to investigate their expectations towards chemotherapy. This study has confirmed that many patients decide to undergo often toxic and exhausting treatments, unrealistically believing that their cancer is curable or that, as long as they continue with a course of chemotherapy, cancer may be beaten. Palliative Treatment for Advanced Cancer Patients: Can Hope Be a Right? will be of interest to health professionals and social workers working with advanced cancer patients, as well as to researchers in the fields of public health, bioethics, medical ethics and health law, especially those interested in the growing interdisciplinary field of end-of-life decision-making.

  • af Stephanie Nimmo
    201,95 kr.

    Fuelled by personal experience and interviews with clinicians and families, this compassionate book explores the realities of caring for a child with complex medical needs. It provides a vital insight into different parents' experiences to help medical professionals understand the roots of conflict and work with families to support patients.

  • af Renae Green
    233,95 kr.

    This story is about how one brave woman chose to live her life with faith and love despite having ALS. Michelle Serlet was not only my sister but a daughter, aunt, cousin, wife, mother, Mimi, and friend to hundreds of people. Although her journey with ALS was not an easy one, she chose to live "Only Today" and reassign the ALS acronym to write A Love Story that epitomizes all she learned through her illness. We hope that you can use her story as an inspiration for your own walk, whether you are a person diagnosed with a terminal illness or a precious caregiver. You will also find many tips and suggestions offered by other caregivers that may make the tremendous job of caregiving a little easier. Please note that all of the book's proceeds are going to the ALS of the Heartland. To God be the Glory!

  • af Rick Schneider
    208,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Sabine Hoherz
    199,95 kr.

    In diesem essential erfahren Sie, welche Bedeutung der Atem für den Menschen und insbesondere für Schwerstkranke und Sterbende hat. Der Band beschreibt die Grundlagen und Wurzeln der Palliativen Atemtherapie, ihre Wirkfelder und die Möglichkeiten ihrer Anwendung und vermittelt, was die Therapieform für Schwerstkranke und ihre Angehörigen zu leisten vermag. Auch die tiefgreifende spirituelle Dimension wird beschrieben, in der die Palliative Atemtherapie ihre Wirkung entfalten und den sterbenden Menschen auf heilsame Weise berühren kann.

  • af Fabio Gomes
    950,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    This book summarizes evidence on frailty and ageing, how this may impact patient outcomes and how frailty can be assessed, managed and incorporated in the decision-making process for older patients with cancer.  The book aims to:  empower clinical teams to assess and support older cancer patients with frailty, ideally within a multidisciplinary setting; and to improve the selection of older cancer patients to the most appropriate management/treatment strategies in order to improve the outcomes of this group of patients often underrepresented in research. The reader will learn the methods available for assessing frailty, such as screening tools, but also how to perform different geriatric assessments covering the different key components (physical, nutritional, social, psychological, etc.). The book also provides information on how to manage and intervene on frailty with the role of pre-habilitation and re-habilitation, how to set-up specialised teams and pathways within one's hospital and community for these older cancer patients with frailty. Finally, the management of this challenging group of patients according to the cancer type is discussed in detail, alongside with mapping the unmet research needs and future directions in this field.

  • af Pierre Mallia
    1.043,95 kr.

    This book addresses the problems faced by people and hospitals dedicated to providing optimal end-of-life care and asks whether ethicists can function as experts on this subject. Though ethics consultation is a growing practice in medical contexts, difficult questions surrounding the role of ethicists in professional decision-making remain. The chapters in this book examine the nature and plausibility of moral expertise, the relationship between character and expertise, the nature and limits of moral authority, the question of how one might become a moral expert, and the trustworthiness of moral testimony. This volume not only engages with the growing literature in the debate on end-of-life care but also offers new perspectives from both academics and practitioners. Such perspectives include ways on how to get together to optimize end-of-life care. This book is of particular interest to bioethicists, clinicians, ethics committees, students of social epistemology, patient groups, and institutions, especially religious, who may not be sufficiently imparting the social teachings of end-of-life care. It also shows how they are indeed stakeholders for what is today called 'a good death'. These new essays advance discussions and provide practical information on dying as well as acting as a guide to those interested in actively effecting change.

  • af Timothy Davis, Michael J. DePalma, Peter L. Munk, mfl.
    1.222,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

  • af Vassyl A. Lonchyna, Peggy Kelley & Peter Angelos
    1.758,95 - 2.423,95 kr.

  • af Alua Arthur
    308,95 kr.

    "A deeply transformative memoir that reframes how we think about death and how it can help us lead better, more fulfilling and authentic lives, from America's preeminent death doula"--]cProvided by publisher.

  • af Carol Rose
    308,95 kr.

    This book represents the cutting edge in evidence-based aromatherapy for palliative care. By integrating the appropriate use of essential oils with conventional pharmacological treatments, Rose highlights the efficacy of a patient-centred approach to end-of-life care.

  • af Kathleen O. Lindell
    673,95 kr.

    This book details the benefits of palliative care to improve the lives of patients with serious lung disease and their caregivers. Palliative care is specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness. This type of care is focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness, and is often described as "e;an extra layer of support"e; for patients and their caregivers, as patients with malignant and nonmalignant lung disease experience great symptom burden and have advanced care planning needs.This book has three main objectives:Define the role of palliative care in advanced lung diseaseIncorporate a patient-centered perspective in describing symptom burden and interventions to improve quality of lifeProvide current initiatives to expand evidence-based practice and improve access to palliative careWritten by leading experts in palliative care and respiratory medicine, the chapters seek to answer those objectives by first defining and describing palliative care, advanced lung disease, and inadequate palliative care in this patient population. Patient reported outcomes, quality of life, and interventions to help deal with the psychological toll of serious illness are then detailed, as well as pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for symptom management. Detailed information is additionally provided on current research studies and management for several lung diseases, including COPD, ILD, Lung Cancer, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Neuromuscular disease, and pediatric lung disease. The more administrative aspects of palliative care programs are then covered with an example of a specialty palliative care program for advanced lung disease and advice on how to address policy that promotes palliative care. Finally, palliative care's role during a pandemic is thoughtfully considered.This book is an ideal guide for clinicians, nurses, hospital administrators, teachers, students to help them understand and fill unmet care needs that many patients with serious lung disease experience.

  • af Massimo Romano
    858,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the main topics of Palliative Care in Cardiac Intensive Care Units (CICU), from the changing epidemiology of patients admitted to the ICU, to the main clinical and ethical issues. The changing epidemiology of patients has led to new and emerging patient needs at the end of life. Care has shifted from acute coronary syndrome patients towards elderly patients, with a high prevalence of non-ischemic cardiovascular diseases and a high burden of non-cardiovascular comorbid conditions: both increase the susceptibility of patients to developing life-threatening critical conditions. These conditions are associated with a significant symptom burden, high mortality rate, and increased length of stay.The main new challenges involve shared decision-making, symptom control (pain, dyspnea, etc.), and ethical issues (withholding/withdrawing life sustaining treatments, deactivation of implanted cardiac devices, palliative sedation), all of which necessitate formal education on end-of-life care. Written by opinion leaders in their respective fields, who share their experience with improving the cultural and clinical competence of medical/nursing teams, this volume is chiefly intended for cardiologists, anesthesiologists, palliative care doctors and nursing staff.

  • af Christine Chang & Andrew Leitner
    1.127,95 kr.

  • af Hadley Vlahos
    288,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Passionate advocate for end-of-life care and TikTok star Hadley Vlahos shares moving stories of joy, wisdom, and redemption from her patients’ final moments in this “brilliant” (Zibby Owens, Good Morning America) memoir. “This extraordinary book helps dispel fear around death and dying—revealing it to be a natural part of our soul’s evolution.”—Laura Lynne Jackson, New York Times bestselling author of Signs and The Light Between UsTalking about death and dying is considered taboo in polite company, and even in the medical field. Our ideas about dying are confusing at best: Will our memories flash before our eyes? Regrets consume our thoughts? Does a bright light appear at the end of a tunnel? For most people, it will be a slower process, one eased with preparedness, good humor, and a bit of faith. At the forefront of changing attitudes around palliative care is hospice nurse Hadley Vlahos, who shows that end-of-life care can teach us just as much about how to live as it does about how we die. Vlahos was raised in a strict religious household, but began questioning her beliefs in high school after the sudden death of a friend. When she got pregnant at nineteen, she was shunned by her community and enrolled herself in nursing school to be able to support herself and her baby. But nursing soon became more than a job: when she focused on palliative care and hospice work, it became a calling.  In The In-Between, Vlahos recounts the most impactful experiences she’s had with the people she’s worked with—from the woman who never once questioned her faith until she was close to death, to the older man seeing visions of his late daughter, to the young patient who laments that she spent too much of her short life worrying about what others thought of her—while also sharing her own fascinating journey. Written with profound insight, humility, and respect, The In-Between is a heartrending memoir that shows how caring for others can transform a life while also offering wisdom and comfort for those dealing with loss and providing inspiration for how to live now.

  • af Michael D Connelly
    284,95 kr.

    Our healthcare system is broken-particularly for the elderly and terminally ill. Modern healthcare is obsessed with trying to extend life instead of caring holistically for the patient. The fear of death compounds these problems. The Journey's End offers unique perspectives and solutions to these issues.

  • af Gilbert-Kawai Ned
    1.100,95 kr.

    This comprehensive textbook is essential reading for doctors preparing to complete their training in Intensive Care Medicine. Covering areas such as neurological impairment and injury, perioperative care, infection and immunity, and transport, it is a valuable resource, packed full of practical advice, for all doctors training in the specialty.

  • af Dena M. (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Huisman
    516,95 - 1.618,95 kr.

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