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  • Spar 10%
    af Juri Lindy Pedersen
    494,95 kr.

  • af Katrine Wochner
    248,95 kr.

    Har du født for tidligt? Sidder du ved kuvøsen med dit nyfødte barn, eller tumler du stadig med uafklarede tanker, selvom dit lille barn er blevet stort? Måske er du bedsteforælder eller kender en, der har født for tidligt? Denne bog er til dig.Mød tvillingemoren Christina, journalist Camilla Lindemann og brandmanager Mette Holbæk og læs deres personlige historier om fødslen og opholdet på en neonatalafdeling. Hvordan de har klaret hverdagen, dengang og nu, og hvilke udfordringer, de har mødt undervejs. Mødrene fortæller ærligt om kriser, stjernestunder og de svære relationer til kæresten, manden, barnet og omgivelserne og om de følelser, man slås med som mor – og far.Mød også eksperterne. Præsten, psykologen, sygeplejersken, familievejleder Lola Jensen og sundhedsplejerske Sigrid Riise, der øser af deres erfaring med for tidligt fødte børn og giver konkrete råd til mor og far. Om hvordan du takler barnet og bekymringerne, og hvordan du kommer styrket videre.

  • af Jonna Jepsen
    223,95 kr.

    En for tidlig fødsel kommer næsten altid uventet. Derfor er mange forældre ikke forberedte på de specielle forhold, der gør sig gældende for præmaturfødte børn under indlæggelsen og den første tid hjemme.”Født for tidligt”, som blev udgivet første gang i 1998 og siden revideret i 2007 og 2024, er en praktisk håndbog med mere end et halvt hundrede emner ordnet alfabetisk. Bogen gør det nemt at finde svar på de spørgsmål, som melder sig: Hvordan finder man sig til rette og føler sig tryg og oplyst i forløbet på neonatalafsnittet? Hvad kan man som forældre selv gøre for at hjælpe barnet? Hvordan får man det lille barn til at die? Hvad kan man forvente, når man kommer hjem fra hospitalet? Hvordan udvikler barnet sig? Ud over de hundredvis af praktiske råd beskriver bogen også de følelsesmæssige reaktioner, forældre oplever ved og efter en for tidlig fødsel.Bogens indledning er skrevet af professor og overlæge i pædiatri Gorm Greisen, der er tilknyttet Afdeling for intensiv behandling af nyfødte og mindre børn på Rigshospitalet.Læs den og brug den! Det er en grundig, nænsom og kærlig bog. – Forældre og FødselUundværlig for forældre til for tidligt fødte børn. – Vores BørnUd over at være forfatter til en række bøger og artikler om især for tidligt fødte børn er Jonna Jepsen foredragsholder, underviser, coach og specialkonsulent. Hun er desuden stifter af og tidligere formand for Dansk Præmatur Forening, og ikke mindst er hun mor til ekstremt tidligt fødte tvillinger født i 1992.

  • Spar 11%
    af Tom G. Hansen, Arash Afshari & Nicola Groes Clausen
    533,95 kr.

    UUNDVÆRLIGT OPSLAGSVÆRK OM BØRNEANÆSTESINU I 3. UDGAVE BØRNEANÆSTESI giver et bredt overblik over hele børneanæstesien. Risikoen i forbindelse med anæstesi og operation er større, jo yngre barnet er, og mens området omfatter anæstesi til alle børn under 15 år, er børneanæstesiologisk kompetence af særlig betydning, når det drejer sig om børn under tre år. Bogen er skrevet af de største kapaciteter fra hele landet med særlige kompetencer inden for området, og denne 3. udgave er opdateret med den nyeste viden, patientcases samt helt nye kapitler om bl.a. kritisk syge børn og neurotoksicitet. Bogens målgruppe er primært læger i anæstesiologiske introduktionsstillinger og i speciallægeuddannelsen. Den henvender sig desuden til anæstesisygeplejersker i deres daglige arbejde, og medicinstuderende kan ligeledes have gavn af bogen. BØRNEANÆSTESI er et referenceværk, som er nødvendigt på hylden på de kliniske afdelinger, hvor man har med børn at gøre.

  • Spar 13%
    af Ulrikka Nygaard, Kjeld Schmiegelow & Nadja Vissing
    913,95 kr.

    Det danske standardværk i pædiatri foreligger hermed i 3. udgave. Bogen er gennemgribende revideret, samtlige kapitler opdaterede, ligesom der er kommet nye figurer, bokse og tabeller til.Lærebogen er grundigt bearbejdet til danske forhold af børnelægerne Ulrikka Nygaard, Nadja Hawwa Vissing og Kjeld Schmiegelow.Pædiatri har en omfattende mængde illustrationer, bokse, tabeller og cases, der gør stoffet nemt at orientere sig i og let at tilegne sig. Pædiatri dækker pensum og svarer til målbeskrivelserne på medicinstudiet i både Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg og København.Bogen er desuden velegnet til og relevant for yngre læger, alment praktiserende læger, andre speciallæger og andet sundhedspersonale, der har kontakt med børn.

  • - Diagnosis and Treatment
    af Jean-Marie Saudubray
    2.315,95 kr.

    Being up to Date: Status Quo and Trends of TreatmentFor those involved in the identification and management of patients with inborn errors of metabolism, this book is now recognised as the standard textbook in this interdisciplinary field. It has proved to be indispensable for professionals in specialities ranging from pediatrics, neonatology, pathological biochemistry and genetics to neurology, internal medicine, nursing, dietetics and psychology. This 5th edition has been extensively revised and updated.What's new- Additional chapter focusing on inborn errors affecting adults, particularly the late neurological presentations- Numerous updates on diagnostic procedures and treatment- Newly discovered disorders.As with previous editions, the book opens with a section presenting the clinical approach to inborn metabolic diseases for those cases in which a diagnosis is being sought. This now includes a chapter on the clinical presentation of metabolic diseases in the older age range, using an analogous structure. If a particular diagnosis is already suspected, the reader may refer to the following sections of the book containing general chapters on diagnostic procedures and treatment, and on specific groups of disorders. As with earlier editions, the chapters have been written by authors who are internationally recognised experts on their subjects. They provide information in a clear, relevant and concise manner using a coherent structure.

  • af Ola Didrik Saugstad
    168,95 kr.

    Bogen, som er en oversættelse fra norsk, er en gave til danske forældre med for tidligt fødte børn og til det personale, der arbejder indenfor området.Det er første danske bog om emnet skrevet af en læge, og den bygger på forfatterens mere end 30 års engagement og erfaring på området. Han omsætter på bedste vis sin store viden til brugbar og nødvendig information.Bogen bliver dermed en hjælp for både forældre og behandleres i deres fælles ansvar for de for tidligt fødte børn.

  • - Det raske og det syge nyfødte barn
    af Birgit Peitersen, Ole Pryds & Mette Arrøe
    368,95 - 498,95 kr.

    Neonatologi - Det raske og det syge nyfødte barn er en lærebog og en håndbog til sundhedspersonale på neonatalafdelinger, fødeafdelinger og barselgange. Bogens første kapitler handler om fosterudviklingen, fødslen - den normale såvel som den komplicerede - om præmature og intrauterint væksthæmmede børn og om undersøgelse og ernæring af såvel det raske som det syge nyfødte barn. Herefter følger beskrivelser af en række sygelige tilstande og medfødte lidelser hos barnet med fokus på symptomer, diagnose, behandling og prognose for barnet. Denne 3. udgave af bogen er gennemrevideret og tilpasset de seneste ændringer på området. Der er kommet nye illustrative tegninger og fotos til, som letter forståelsen og gør indlæringen nemmere. Bogen er som tidligere forsynet med et afsnit om lægemidler til nyfødte, ordforklaringer og et omfattende register, som gør bogen brugervenlig. Birgit Peitersen og Ole Pryds er overlæger på Hvidovre Hospitals børneafdeling og Mette Arrøe er speciallæge i pædiatri og neonatologi. Alle tre forfattere har mange års erfaring i arbejdet med nyfødte børn.

  • - En lommebog for børnelæger og andre interesserede
    af Martin Lehmann Boesen, Charlotte Myrup & Marek Zak
    158,95 kr.

    Formålet med denne bog er at give en kortfattet oversigt over klassifikation og behandling af pædiatriske reumatologiske sygdomme. Den indeholder udredningsforslag, et indblik i diagnostiske kriteriersamt simple monitoreringsredskaber. Herudover indeholder bogen en liste over de hyppigst anvendte lægemidler. Bogen er tænkt som et redskab i det daglige kliniske arbejde og vil forhåbentlig tjene som kilde til inspiration i forbindelse med udredning af patienter med bindevævslidelser.

  • af Sara Golkari
    1.043,95 kr.

    This book serves as a quick reference for all dentists who perform physical exam before the sedation and treatment of pediatric patients. In the dental care setting, pediatric patients present unique challenges to proper sedation and management of dental pathology. A prior history and physical exam is often absent. Learning how to properly conduct a history and physical exam on Pediatric patients is an essential skill for dentists, and has significant implications for parents, patients, and our healthcare system. This book aims for a comprehensive coverage of the review of systems, improve patient care and identify possible complications in pediatric sedation.Each chapter will focus on a single system, discussing its important features and difficulties, and highlighting implications for the dental management. The book includes checklists for practitioners as they go through the physical exam of a pediatric patient, and helps to adequately prepare for comprehensive dental treatment. It includes contributions by leading experts in the field and is structured for quick reference making it a necessary tool in every dental office. This book will bridge the gap between the dental and medical professionals when it comes to the history and physical of the pediatric patient.

  • af James Ip
    957,95 kr.

    "A comprehensive and user-friendly guide to paediatric anaesthesia written by practising experts. Thoroughly updated to reflect current clinical practice and now covering advances in interventional practice, neonatal anaesthesia, and the effects of anaesthesia on the developing brain. An ideal resource for both trainees and practitioners"--

  • af Herman Hay Ming Lo
    1.619,95 kr.

    This book examines mindfulness-based programs for children and adolescents with diverse needs as well as their parents and other family members. It addresses how a mindfulness approach has been translated to this specific population. Chapters explore theories and evidence in this growing field of interest, adaptations for children and teens with different diagnoses and their families, mindful parenting in relation to the developmental needs of children, implementation issues in everyday life, and the required competencies of mindfulness instructors. Key areas of coverage include:Application of mindfulness-based programs to address the developmental tasks and diverse needs of children and adolescents encountering challenges in mental health and social care.Mindfulness-based programs for parents and teachers and their impacts on children.Implementation science and ethics of mindfulness training across child developmental stages. Mindfulness for Children, Adolescents, and Families is an essential resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and allied practitioners in developmental psychology, school psychology, child and adolescent psychology, social work, public health, pediatrics, complementary and alternative medicine, and all related disciplines.

  • af Jessica Broitman
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book addresses the need to view specific learning disorders (SLDs) within a mental health framework, as supported by their placement alongside autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). It describes how policy and practice point to a different perspective ¿ specifically that SLDs are often treated as educational rather than psychological problems ¿ and examines the implications of this dichotomy. The book reviews empirical research that suggests children need access to treatment for clinical components of SLDs that may respond to psychological intervention separately from, and in addition to, educational interventions. It provides a theoretical framework for organizing research findings and clinical perspectives that support understanding the clinical components of SLDs and addresses the need for a mental health framework within which to approach theory, treatment, and assessment of SLDs.Key areas of coverage include:Examining different theoretical orientations to learning disorders (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, neuropsychoeducational, psychoanalytic).Adapting evidence-based therapeutic techniques for use with children and adolescents who have learning disorders.The need for accurate and well characterized assessment of SLDs.How incorporating a cognitive neuroscience perspective into assessment can move LD treatment and research forward.Learning Disorders Across the Lifespan is an essential reference for clinicians, therapists, and other professionals as well as researchers, professors, and graduate students in school and clinical child psychology, special education, speech-language therapy, developmental psychology, pediatrics, social work as well as all interrelated disciplines.

  • af Tami D Benton
    790,95 kr.

    In this issue of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, guest editors Drs. Tami D. Benton, Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy, and Wanjiku F.M. Njoroge bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Bringing the Village to The Children: Addressing the Crisis of Children's Mental Health. In this biannual AACAP presidential issue, top experts in the field discuss how child and adolescent psychiatrists can leverage strategic partnerships to shape the future of children's mental health by advancing policy, practice, and research in health care innovation; promoting school and community-based interventions and community partnerships; and reimagining their role from clinicians and researchers to public health experts. Contains 18 relevant, practice-oriented topics including the declaring of the children's mental health crisis and the role of health care partnerships to address children's mental health; strengthening support for community mental health programs through partnerships and collective impact; collaborative approaches to universalize suicide prevention; workforce initiatives to advance health equity and diverse representation; media and innovation; and more. Provides in-depth clinical reviews on the crisis of children's mental health, offering actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Andreas Schäffler
    932,95 - 1.238,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch bietet Sicherheit: Effiziente Diagnostik, verwertbare Ergebnisse, zuverlässige Bewertung. Fehlinterpretationen können zu aufwändiger Zusatzdiagnostik und Therapie führen und belasten unnötig den Patienten.Für alle, die endokrinologische Funktionstests durchführen und bewerten: Endokrinologen, Diabetologen, Gynäkologen, Urologen, Andrologen, Pädiater, Internisten ¿Alles, was wichtig istDie 200 wichtigsten Funktionstests und HormonparameterRadiologisches/nuklearmedizinisches Basiswissen für die DiagnostikGenotyp-Phänotyp-Beziehung für genetisch bedingte EndokrinopathienValidierte Scoring- und Grading-Systeme für die EndokrinologieAusführliche Tabellen zu Normbereichen und verlässlichen Cut-off-Werten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Geschlecht, Alter, BMI, Pubertätsphasen, Zyklusphasen, akuten Erkrankungen, Medikamenten ¿Detailiert und praxisrelevantIndikationen, Kontraindikationen, NebenwirkungenTestvorbereitung, RahmenbedingungenKonkrete Handlungsanleitungen zur TestdurchführungSichere Bewertung der ErgebnissePraxistipps und potentielle FallstrickeNEU u.a24-h-Blutdruckmessung, Analyse der PulswellengeschwindigkeitDurchführung und Auswertung der SchilddrüsenpunktionOsteodensitometrie mit BefundungsbeispielenScoring/Grading-Systeme in der Endokrinologie incl. Fibrose ScoresTestverfahren für periphere und autonome Neuropathie-DiagnostikOrientierend an Empfehlungen nationaler und internationaler Fachgesellschaften

  • af Alfred P. Kennedy Jr
    1.320,95 - 2.423,95 kr.

  • af Christophe Faure, Carlo Di Lorenzo & Nikhil Thapar
    1.791,95 - 2.423,95 kr.

  • af Akbar Dorgalaleh
    1.690,95 kr.

  • af Peter M. Hermanns
    646,95 kr.

    Spezifisch zugeschnitten für die Kinder- und Jugendmedizin: Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab mit aktuellen Punktangaben, Eurobeträgen mit dem erhöhten neuen Orientierungswert, Hinweisen auf entsprechende Leistungen in der GOÄ. Stand des EBM nach KBV mit den zahlreichen Änderungen der letzten 4 Quartale aus 2023 inklusive der Anhebung des Orientierungswerts zum 1. Januar 2024 auf 11,9339 Cent je Punkt. Alle relevanten Informationen für die erfolgreich optimierte Abrechnung im Praxisalltag: korrekt, verlässlich, vollständig.Kommentierung der einzelnen Leistungspositionen mit Ausschlüssen: Aktuelle Gerichtsurteile zur Gebührenordnung und vertragsärztlichen Tätigkeit.Praktische Abrechnungstipps, Auslegungshinweise, Beschlüsse, Richtlinien u.a. von KBV und regionalen KVen; G-BA; Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB).Plus: kurze Richtlinien und Übersichtstabellen einzelner Leistungsbereiche.UV-GOÄ mit Hinweisen und Abrechnung vonKita- und Schulunfällen.

  • af Jessica Dym Bartlett
    1.622,95 kr.

    This book examines the critical nature of engaging families in mental health interventions that promote well-being and resilience in young children, from birth to 8 years of age, with a particular focus on the importance of equity and systems of care. It addresses evidence-based and evidence-informed interventions to promote family engagement to improve behavioral, social, and emotional functioning of infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and children in the early elementary school years. The book is grounded in empirical knowledge on reducing health disparities and promoting equity in mental health care for young children, including equitable access, services, and outcomes. It emphasizes a community-based systems of care approach to family engagement in mental health interventions and highlights the most promising policies and practices.Key areas of coverage include:Mental health interventions for different developmental levels, including infancy and toddlerhood, the preschool years, and in early elementary school.Inequities and gaps in systems of care for young children.Evidence-based and evidence-informed prevention practices and intervention strategies to engage families and support children¿s psychological well-being.Family engagement in interventions for young children with special needs or who are recovering from trauma.Family Engagement in Mental Health Interventions for Young Children is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, and other professionals in developmental psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, family and systems therapy, school and clinical child psychology, social work and counseling, pediatrics and school nursing, and all interrelated disciplines.

  • af Peter Mattei
    1.320,95 - 2.682,95 kr.

  • af John M Graham
    819,95 kr.

    **Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Pediatrics**The only reference devoted to the diagnoses and management of birth defects resulting from mechanical forces, Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Deformation, 5th Edition, provides evidence-based management for a range of common pediatric problems affecting the limbs and craniofacial region. Continuing the tradition of excellence established by Dr. Smith’s research and teaching, this title supplies highly readable, well-illustrated guidance needed for timely intervention and effective treatment in order to avoid long-term adverse secondary consequences. It’s an ideal resource offering comprehensive, systematic coverage for residents, pediatricians, practitioners, or parents seeking further information in this complex area.Examines the initial clinical approach to suspected deformation problems, and then walks you through pathogenesis, diagnostic features, management, prognosis, and counseling for each condition.Addresses a full range of lower extremity deformations; joint dislocations; nerve palsies; chest and spinal deformations; head and neck deformations; craniosynostosis and cranial bone variations; problems associated with abnormal birth presentation, birth palsies, and procedure-related defects; infant head shape variations; and torticollis.Includes new chapters on early embryonic disruption and fetal disruption, new Key Points boxes throughout, new insights and references in every chapter, and a new video on the physical examination of a patient with a congenital radial nerve palsy.Distinguishes deformations from malformations for appropriate management.Utilizes four consistent sections in every chapter-Genesis, Features, Management and Prognosis, and Differential Diagnosis-to provide concise yet comprehensive information on 50 common pediatric conditions.Provides evidence-based management recommendations on common fetal complications such as oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, and uterine structural abnormalities, and discusses current management techniques for each.Offers essential information to a range of professionals, including neonatologists, pediatricians, family practitioners, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitative specialists, pediatric nurse practitioners, and residents in all fields.An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • af Silvio Mazziotti
    628,95 - 1.231,95 kr.

    This second edition is primarily dedicated to MR-Enterography, an imaging modality whose reliability for intestinal assessment in patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases has gained increasing consensus.The performance of this technique has been significantly enlarged over the last years, due to its undoubted advantages in terms of exhaustive evaluation of the abdominal cavity and safeness due to the lack of radiation exposure. The first part is focused on MR-Enterography standard protocol. Nevertheless, additional sequences, technical novelties and common pitfalls are reported and discussed.  In the second section, the typical intestinal and extra-intestinal findings related to Crohn's disease are described in detail. In this edition, more emphasis has been put on practical topics, useful in the daily clinical practice: anatomical changes after surgical procedures, structured reporting and emerging clinical applications over inflammatory bowel diseases.Another part is dedicated to Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the anal canal, including technical aspects and clinical implications.The text is largely complemented by diagnostic images. Nonetheless, at the end of the book 30 illustrated cases show different clinical scenarios evaluated with MR-Enterography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the anal canal.

  • af Rudolf Happle
    1.227,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    This second edition offers a fully revised and updated work on a rapidly growing field of knowledge, and was prepared by two experts whose goal was to explain the molecular basis of mosaic skin disorders in a language that is accessible for practicing physicians and medical students alike. It presents a timely and comprehensive overview of the strikingly manifold patterns and peculiarities of mosaic skin disorders in a straightforward, reader-friendly way that will help physicians to further improve genetic counseling and treatment outcomes.The first two parts of the book are devoted to the mechanisms and patterns of cutaneous mosaicism, and include an explanation of genomic and epigenetic mosaicism and a description of the archetypical segmental patterns including the lines of Blaschko and the flag-like, phylloid and lateralization pattern, the non-segmental pattern of large congenital melanocytic nevi, and the sash-like arrangement as noted in a particular type of cutis tricolor. The concept of lethal mutations surviving as mosaics has now been confirmed by molecular analysis in many sporadically occurring phenotypes. The difference between monoallelic and biallelic traits has deepened our understanding of hereditary mosaics, especially of multiple benign skin tumors. Moreover, recognition of the fundamental difference between the simple segmental and the superimposed types of mosaicism is important for the purpose of genetic counseling. In the third part, the various mosaic skin disorders are examined in depth, including nevi, didymotic disorders, other binary genodermatoses, mosaic manifestations of autosomal skin disorders, and nevoid skin disorders such as phenotypes reflecting functional X-chromosome mosaicism or a superimposed mosaic manifestation of common skin diseases with a polygenic background. Reader-friendly and clearly structured, Mosaicism in Human Skin will appeal to both experienced dermatologists and residents in training, as well as to medical geneticists and pediatricians.  

  • af Dagmara Beine
    218,95 kr.

    "Pediatric oncology specialist Dagmara Beine guides readers through the most difficult scenario a parent will ever face--a child's diagnosis of life-threatening disease--and argues that the greatest tragedy of conventional oncology is its failure to incorporate safe, effective, and potentially life-saving integrative therapies. Beine teaches parents how to effectively incorporate these integrative therapies alongside conventional oncology, including surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Beine's approach is grounded in the metabolic approach to cancer--pioneered by the work of Dr. Nasha Winters--applied to a wildly underserved cancer patient population: children."--

  • af Alyce Hayes
    358,95 kr.

    Crash Course - your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success. A winning formula now for over 25 years, having sold over 1 million copies and translated in over 8 languages, each series volume has been fine-tuned and fully updated with a full-colour layout tailored to make your life easier. Especially written by senior students or junior doctors - those who understand what is essential for exam success - with all information thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, the result is books that exactly meet your needs and you know you can trust. Each chapter guides you succinctly through the full range of curriculum topics in the UKMLA syllabus, integrating clinical considerations with the relevant basic science and avoiding unnecessary or confusing detail. A range of text boxes help you get to the hints, tips and key points you need fast! A fully revised self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats is included to check your understanding and aid exam preparation. The accompanying enhanced, downloadable eBook completes this invaluable learning package. Series volumes have been honed to meet the requirements of today's medical students, although the range of other health students and professionals who need rapid access to the essentials of paediatrics will also love the unique approach of Crash Course. Whether you need to get out of a fix or aim for a distinction Crash Course is for you! Crash Course Paediatrics combines current information with self-assessment and high-yield association tables that will empower students with knowledge to succeed in exams. In this new edition, readers will find new content on anatomy in children, COVID-19, and PIMMS. Fully aligned to UKMLA requirements, with key 'conditions' and 'presentations' highlighted in handy checklists - save valuable revision time and be confident you have the syllabus coveredWritten by senior students and recent graduates - those closest to what is essential for exam successQuality assured by leading Faculty Advisors - ensures complete accuracy of informationFeatures the ever popular 'Hints and Tips' boxes and other useful aide-mémoires - distilled wisdom from those in the knowUpdated self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats - confirm your understanding and improve exam technique fast

  • af Jorge DiMartino
    868,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the scientific, medical, regulatory, and economic considerations associated with the discovery, development, and delivery of novel therapeutics for children with cancer. Co-authored by a diverse team from academic, government, and industry backgrounds, the book describes the steps in the process from the identification of a promising therapeutic target to the evaluation of drug candidates in the various phases of clinical testing and regulatory review. Throughout, special emphasis is placed on the unique biology of pediatric malignancies and the medical and social needs of children and their families. In providing a firm grounding in the drug development process, the book will be of value to all with an interest in how medicines currently used to treat pediatric cancer were made available. This includes trainees as well as established practitioners and others participating in translational and clinical research in the academic setting.

  • af Jim Stevenson
    2.232,95 kr.

    This book addresses the question of whether or not behavioural differences between children can be most appropriately characterised by dimensions of psychological problems or by categorical diagnoses. It describes the concepts and methods that have been developed and applied within developmental psychopathology using this dimensional approach. The book reviews evidence on the interplay between genes and the environment in influencing internalising problems, externalising problems, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and on the hierarchical factor structure underlying these behavioural dimensions. It provides an appraisal of the state of knowledge on the longer-term sequelae of these problems and on the efficacy of treatments that have been developed for them.Key areas of coverage include:Multivariate data analytic methods for investigating behavioural differences (e.g., path analysis, cluster analysis, structural equation modelling, network analysis) and their associated theoretical frameworks (e.g., hierarchical factor models).Methods to investigate the biology of behavioural differences (e.g., quantitative and molecular genetics, epigenetics, and brain imaging).The design of research studies that can test most directly for causality (i.e., randomised controlled trials) and others that can estimate plausible causal relationships from associations and correlations.Reviews of studies that have applied these methods to understand the developmental course of internalising and externalising behaviours and the neurodevelopmental problems of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Developmental Psychopathology is an essential reference for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians and other professionals in developmental psychology, clinical child and school psychology, child and adolescentpsychiatry, paediatrics, clinical social work, public health, educational psychology, and all related disciplines.

  • af Rabih Chaoui
    783,95 kr.

    Initially known for its beautiful images of the faces of babies, 3D ultrasound has, however, become an important tool in prenatal diagnosis for its ability to image fetal organs in normal and abnormal conditions. This book is a state-of-the-art work conceived as a practical guide to the application of 3D ultrasound in obstetrics. The authors of this book have extensive expertise in 3D ultrasound that spans for more than 25 years. The book has three sections: one section on the technical principles of 3D ultrasound, a second section on various 3D rendering tools with a step-by-step explanation of its use. The third section is dedicated to the clinical use of 3D in the examination of the fetal organs. In this 2nd edition, the entire book has been revised and actualized.

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