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  • af Rabih Chaoui
    817,95 kr.

    Initially known for its beautiful images of the faces of babies, 3D ultrasound has, however, become an important tool in prenatal diagnosis for its ability to image fetal organs in normal and abnormal conditions. This book is a state-of-the-art work conceived as a practical guide to the application of 3D ultrasound in obstetrics. The authors of this book have extensive expertise in 3D ultrasound that spans for more than 25 years. The book has three sections: one section on the technical principles of 3D ultrasound, a second section on various 3D rendering tools with a step-by-step explanation of its use. The third section is dedicated to the clinical use of 3D in the examination of the fetal organs. In this 2nd edition, the entire book has been revised and actualized.

  • af Rabih Chaoui
    842,95 kr.

    Die 3D-Ultraschalldiagnostik hat in den letzten Jahren die Betreuung in der Schwangerschaft erobert. Anfänglich bekannt für die schönen Bilder der Gesichter der Feten, hat sich der 3D-Ultraschalldiagnostik jedoch zu einem wichtigen Werkzeug in der Pränataldiagnostik entwickelt, das er in der Lage ist, die fetalen Organe unter normalen und auffälligen Bedingungen räumlich abzubilden. Dabei können viele Funktionen wie eine neu zu erlernende Software bedient werden. Die Autoren verfügen über 25 Jahre Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der 3D-Sonographie. Dieses Werk versteht sich als praktischer Leitfaden, um die vielen 3D-Funktionen zu erläutern. Das Buch ist in drei Abschnitte gegliedert: ein Abschnitt über die technischen Grundlagen des 3D-Ultraschalls, ein zweiter Abschnitt über verschiedene 3D-Rendering-Programme mit einer schrittweisen Erklärung ihrer Anwendung. Der dritte Abschnitt ist dem klinischen Einsatz von 3D bei der Untersuchung der fetalen Organe gewidmet. In dieser 2. Auflage wurde das gesamte Buch neu überarbeitet.

  • af Kathryn Peckham
    207,95 kr.

    Nurturing Babies explores the key processes behind how a child's mind and body develops in their first year, underpinned by the latest research in the fields of child development, psychology, health and well-being.

  • af Kathryn Peckham
    207,95 kr.

    Children undergo tremendous physical growth and cognitive development during their toddler years. Nurturing Toddlers explores the knowledge behind how a child's mind and body develops during this stage of development, underpinned by the latest research in the fields of child development, psychology, health and well-being.

  • af Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
    451,95 kr.

    Depression in New Mothers, Volume 1: Causes, Consequences, and Risk Factors provides a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to understanding symptoms and risk factors of depression, anxiety, and PTSD in perinatal women.

  • af Ella Gilbert
    1.582,95 kr.

    Maternal-fetal medicine refers to a subdivision of medicine that aims to manage the health concerns of the fetus and mother before, during and after the delivery of the baby. It is concerned with taking care of pregnant women who are suffering from chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and kidney and heart disease. It also focuses on the clinical management of pregnancy-related complications, such as twin or triplet pregnancies, pre-eclampsia and preterm labor, along with women whose fetus is at risk. Congenital abnormalities, genetic diseases, maternal infections and diseases can pose a risk to the fetus. The occurrence of infections is common when a woman is pregnant, as the immune system is suppressed naturally. Maintenance of human pregnancy needs strictly regulated tolerance mechanisms and immune interactions, which comprise molecular, microvesicular and cellular transport of biological signaling and information between fetus and mother. Maternal-fetal medicine manages all the conditions related with pregnancy and helps in achieving better patient outcomes. This book unravels the recent studies in maternal-fetal medicine. It is appropriate for students and professionals seeking detailed information on the physiology, pathophysiology and clinical management in this area of medicine.

  • af Santiago Alicea
    1.552,95 kr.

    Pediatrics and neonatal care refers to a type of medical specialty that cares for newborn infants, premature babies, young children and teenagers. It focuses on various fields including pulmonary rehabilitation, child obesity, pediatric sinusitis, pediatric endocrinology, childhood asthma, and pediatric oncology. It also deals with innate immunity, inborn errors, protein misfolding disorder and interventional cardiac catheterization. Pediatric care provides medical therapy for children who are chronically or acutely ill, and delivers preventative health care for children who are otherwise healthy. The provision of neonatal intensive care has improved the outcomes of high-risk newborns, who were born prematurely, or with severe surgical or medical issues. It encompasses the care of infants who are ill or require specific medical attention because of medical conditions such as intrauterine growth restriction, sepsis, preterm conditions, congenital anomalies, low birth weight, birth asphyxia or pulmonary hypoplasia. This book explores all the important aspects of pediatric and neonatal care in the present day scenario. It contains researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. This book is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

  • af Jerome Holyfield
    1.542,95 kr.

    Preterm birth refers to a condition when infant baby is born too early, before the completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy. There are four sub-categories of preterm birth which are defined on the basis on gestational age. These categories are extreme preterm, very early preterm, early preterm birth, and late preterm birth. Common causes of preterm birth include multiple pregnancies, infections, and chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The most frequent and severe type of injury during preterm birth is hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) or perinatal asphyxia. HIE refers to brain damage that occurs due to inadequate supply of oxygen or blood flow in the brain. The common signs and symptoms of HIE are abnormal movements or seizures, weak cry, and organ dysfunction (especially of heart, kidney and liver). The signs of brain damage can be diagnosed using neuroimaging tests, such as through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This book includes some of the vital pieces of works being conducted across the world, on various topics related to neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm birth. With its detailed analyses and data, it will prove immensely beneficial to professionals and students involved in this area at various levels.

  • af Ella Gilbert
    1.597,95 kr.

    Maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) is a branch of medicine that is concerned with the health of the mother and fetus before, during, and immediately after pregnancy. MFM concerns those patients who fall under defined levels of maternal care such as the mother, baby or both throughout the pregnancy. Furthermore, this field of medicine is concerned with providing care to pregnant women having chronic conditions, patients at risk for pregnancy-related problems, and pregnant women with fetuses at risk. Congenital and chromosomal abnormalities, infections, maternal sickness, growth restriction and genetic diseases are the reasons causing risk for fetuses. This book includes some of the vital pieces of work being conducted across the world, on various topics related to maternal-fetal medicine. It is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex advancements in this area of study. This book will serve as a valuable source of reference for medical professionals and students.

  • af Katie Beckett
    1.562,95 kr.

    Maternal health refers to the well-being of women during pregnancy and after the birth of the child. It also relates to maintaining the health of mothers in the postpartum period. Infant health is an area of study within medicine dealing with the well-being and prevention of diseases in infants. The significant aspect of this field is to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Several other health care dimensions such as family planning, preconception, and prenatal and postnatal care are also covered under the domain of maternal and child health. The several factors affecting maternal health include poverty and access to healthcare, pre-existing conditions such as HIV/AIDS and maternal weight. The leading cause of death among women of reproductive age is considered to be complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Maternal bleeding, postpartum infections including maternal sepsis, hypertensive diseases of pregnancy, obstructed labor, and pregnancy with abortive outcome including miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy are some causes that can be attributed to maternal mortality. This book brings forth some of the most innovative concepts and elucidates the unexplored aspects of maternal and infant health. It will help the readers in keeping pace with the rapid developments in this field of study.

  • af Julian Lewis
    1.512,95 kr.

    Human milk is considered to be the optimum food for newborn nutrition. It is widely acknowledged as the ideal food for almost all infants due to its proven health advantages for both children and their mothers. It has particularly significant health advantages for preterm infants. Human milk is a very complex composite liquid of nutrients for newborn growth that is predominantly composed of proteins, fats and carbohydrates as well as vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. The fat in human milk promotes the development of baby's neurologic tissues and brain which is crucial for premature infants. This book aims to shed light on the role of human milk for preterm infants. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. The extensive content of this book provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.

  • af Jerome Holyfield
    1.532,95 kr.

    Premature birth or preterm birth refers to the birth of a baby before completing 37 weeks of gestation, as opposed to full term delivery of approximately 40 weeks. Preterm birth may lead to various problems such as increased threat of morbidity and mortality, brain damage, and cerebral palsy. There are various factors that lead to the development of brain injury in preterm infants. Factors such as perinatal asphyxia, infection/inflammation, chronic hypoxia, and exposure to treatments such as mechanical ventilation, and corticosteroids causes severe damage to parts of the brain. One of the conditions which are caused due to brain damage in preterm infants is cerebral palsy. Children suffering from cerebral palsy (CP) face problem with hearing, speaking, sensation and vision. A child with cerebral palsy has impaired muscle tone, reflexes, motor development, and coordination. Brain damage can be prevented partly through maternal immunization and minimization of head traumas in children. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of preterm birth and related brain damage, and the recent researches related to it. Researchers and students engaged in this area of study will be greatly assisted by it.

  • af Karol Prosser
    1.552,95 kr.

    Infancy is the time of rapid growth after the fetal period. This stage of life requires optimized nutrition in order to achieve proper growth and organ development. The amount of nutrition needed to support and maintain adequate growth and optimal health, while maintaining homeostasis with other nutrients is determined by the individual requirements of infants. Nutritional needs differ during infancy and growth patterns are directly related to optimal nutrition. In the first six months, breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants. Human milk may have particular advantages for premature infants due to the interrelationships between host defense, nutritional support and gastrointestinal development. Carbohydrates and protein, folate, calcium, zinc, fat and iron are a few of the nutrients that infants require to grow and stay healthy. This book unravels the recent studies on the role of nutrition in newborn and infant health. It consists of contributions made by international experts. The extensive content of this book provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.

  • af Elizabeth Curling
    1.542,95 kr.

    Newborn screening refers to tests that aim to find out the risk of developing uncommon but severe medical conditions that could affect the growth in infants. It seeks to identify metabolic, genetic and developmental disorders as early as possible. Newborn screening allows for rapid diagnosis of the conditions of newborns and then initiating treatment, at the earliest possible time. The forms of newborn screening tests include hearing test, blood tests and critical congenital heart disease screen. Infants undergo a simple blood test, as soon as they are born to look for conditions that do not manifest directly after birth. Galactosemia, biotinidase deficiency, maple syrup urine disease, congenital hypothyroidism, sickle cell disease, homocystinuria, hearing loss and congenital adrenal hyperplasia are a few of the conditions that may be detected during newborn screening tests. This book explores all the important aspects of newborn screening in the modern day. It provides comprehensive insights on newborn screening and its significance in the diagnosis of diseases and disorders. This book will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in the field of pediatrics.

  • af Omega Lauryn
    1.557,95 kr.

    Neonatal nutrition involves the management of the nutritional demand of neonates. The nutritional care of newborns and infants particularly, premature newborns and infants, is challenging because of their growth and organ development needs. A child's health depends on proper infant nutrition from birth to adulthood. Breast milk is ideal for a neonatal, as it contains all of the essential vitamins and minerals. Neonatal malnutrition is a major cause of diseases, and leads to an elevated risk of infection, stunted growth, hemorrhage and neonatal death. The newborn's short and long-term survival depends on receiving the best nutritional care throughout the neonatal period. The strategy for newborn nutritional management is dependent on the mother's nutritional status, co-morbidities during pregnancy, the length of the pregnancy, the circumstances surrounding the birth, the baby's birth weight, and the resources that are available for postpartum care of the baby and mother. This book explores the role of neonatal nutrition in health and disease. Different approaches, evaluations, and advanced studies on this topic have been included herein. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

  • af Karol Prosser
    1.557,95 kr.

    Infant nutrition refers to the study of the nutritional requirements of infants. A diet that lacks in vital minerals, calories, fluids or vitamins is deemed insufficient. Breast milk offers the best nutrition for the crucial early months of growth as compared to infant formula. It has numerous benefits for neonates and infants, including improved immunity, growth and development. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, anemia and obesity. Solid foods are often provided to infants after four to six months from their birth. Proper infant nutrition requires the provision of vital nutrients that promote development, appropriate growth, function, and resistance to disorders and infections. An expectant mother can ensure optimal nutrition by choosing whether to bottle-feed or breastfeed the infant after birth. The topics covered in this book offer the readers new insights on infant nutrition. It is a vital tool for all researching and studying this field. This book is a resource guide for experts as well as students.

  • af Elizabeth Curling
    1.552,95 kr.

    Newborn screening involves a specialized collection of point-of-care tests and laboratory assessments that are conducted on newborn infants for discovering clinically occult but potentially serious illnesses, which requires immediate intervention. Furthermore, newborn screening can also consist of skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and the mother, newborn examination, safe-sleep principles, newborn mental health issues, etc. It encompasses various processes such as diagnostic testing, parental education, disease management, follow-up and continuous assessment. The most important aspect of newborn screening is collecting a blood sample to test for hematologic, inheritable, metabolic and endocrine disorders. The targets of newborn screening usually comprise of those medical conditions, which will result in significant intellectual disability, mortality and morbidity without clinical intervention. This book aims to understand the clinical perspectives of newborn screening. Researchers and students in the field of neonatal care will be assisted by it.

  • af Amy Keir
    903,95 kr.

    In this issue of Clinics in Perinatology, guest editors Drs. Ravi Mangal Patel and Amy Keir bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Neonatal Transfusion Medicine. Transfusions to neonates convey both benefits and risks, and evidence-based data for possible adverse effects, preterm morbidities, mortality, and neuro-developmental problems associated with transfusions is needed to make decisions for proper care. This issue fills the gap of evidence-based knowledge in order to improve outcomes in patients. Contains 9 practice-oriented topics including potential mechanisms mediating harm from platelet transfusions in neonates; plasma transfusion in the neonate; neonatal blood banking practices; transfusion in neonatal ECMO; allogenic cord blood transfusion in infants; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on neonatal transfusion medicine, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Brenda Poindexter
    845,95 kr.

    Dr. Richard Polin's Neonatology Questions and Controversies series highlights the toughest challenges facing physicians and care providers in clinical practice, offering trustworthy guidance on up-to-date diagnostic and treatment options in the field. In each volume, renowned experts address the clinical problems of greatest concern to today's practitioners, helping you handle difficult practice issues and provide optimal, evidence-based care to every patient.The thoroughly updated, full-color, 4th Edition of Gastroenterology and Nutrition: Provides in-depth clinical overviews of both common and rare neonatal GI and nutritional disorders, offering guidance based on the most up-to-date understanding of underlying pathophysiology. Places emphasis on controversial areas that can entail different approaches. Features the most current clinical information throughout, including the dynamic composition of human milk for precision nutrition, how the developmental biology of the GI tract relates to optimizing nutrition for the most vulnerable infants, interactions of the gut with the brain and other organs, associations between the GI tract and nutritional health and disease with individual nutrients, microbes, and metabolites, and more. Covers rapidly emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and multiomics for predictive analytics, as well as in augmenting our understanding of mechanisms of pathophysiology. Discusses how diagnoses such as sepsis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and central nervous system disorders relate to a breakdown of homeostasis in the intestinal tract. Utilizes a consistent chapter organization to help you find information quickly and easily, and contains numerous charts, graphs, radiographic images, and photographs throughout. Offers the most authoritative advice available from world-class neonatologists who share their knowledge of new trends and developments in neonatal care. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date. Purchase each volume individually, or get the entire 7-volume Neonatology Questions and Controversies set, which includes online access that allows you to search across all titles! Gastroenterology and Nutrition Hematology and Transfusion Medicine Neonatal Hemodynamics Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology Renal, Fluid, and Electrolyte Disorders Neurology The Newborn Lung

  • af Martin Kluckow
    771,95 kr.

    Dr. Richard Polin's Neonatology Questions and Controversies series highlights the toughest challenges facing physicians and care providers in clinical practice, offering trustworthy guidance on up-to-date diagnostic and treatment options in the field. In each volume, renowned experts address the clinical problems of greatest concern to today's practitioners, helping you handle difficult practice issues and provide optimal, evidence-based care to every patient.The thoroughly updated, full-color, 4th Edition of Neonatal Hemodynamics:  Provides in-depth clinical overviews of the many hemodynamic conditions that are relevant for the neonatologist, offering guidance based on the most up-to-date understanding of underlying pathophysiology.  Places emphasis on controversial areas that can entail different approaches.  Features the most current clinical information throughout, covering everything from basic cardiovascular physiology to advanced monitoring and hemodynamic assessment. Several chapters have been revised to focus on the novel concepts of hemodynamic phenotypes, enhanced diagnostic precision, and phenotypic profiling, and are illustrated by demonstrative case presentations.  Includes new chapters on neonatal hemodynamic pharmacology, hemodynamic management in special circumstances (twin-twin transfusion, infant of a diabetic mother, arteriovenous malformations), neonatal hemodynamic care in the resource-challenged country, chronic pulmonary hypertension assessment and management, and more.   Utilizes a consistent chapter organization to help you find information quickly and easily, and contains numerous charts, graphs, radiographic images, and photographs throughout.  Offers the most authoritative advice available from world-class neonatologists with expertise in neonatal hemodynamics, who share their knowledge of new trends and developments in neonatal care.  An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.  Purchase each volume individually, or get the entire 7-volume Neonatology Questions and Controversies set, which includes online access that allows you to search across all titles!  Gastroenterology and Nutrition  Hematology and Transfusion Medicine  Neonatal Hemodynamics  Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology  Renal, Fluid, and Electrolyte Disorders  Neurology  The Newborn Lung

  • af Jeffrey M Perlman
    845,95 kr.

    Dr. Richard Polin's Neonatology Questions and Controversies series highlights the toughest challenges facing physicians and care providers in clinical practice, offering trustworthy guidance on up-to-date diagnostic and treatment options in the field. In each volume, renowned experts address the clinical problems of greatest concern to today's practitioners, helping you handle difficult practice issues and provide optimal, evidence-based care to every patient.The thoroughly updated, full-color, 4th Edition of Neurology:  Provides a clear management strategy for common and rare neonatal neurological disorders, offering guidance based on the most up-to-date understanding of underlying pathophysiology.  Places emphasis on controversial areas that can entail different approaches.  Features the most current clinical information throughout, including recent trials for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, acute management of symptomatic seizures, and congenital viral meningoencephalitis: neonatal herpes simplex virus, congenital cytomegalovirus, congenital Zika, and COVID-19.  Includes three new chapters on neurological and neurobehavioral evaluation in the neonatal period; white matter injury; and cerebellar hemorrhage in the premature infant.  Highlights gaps in knowledge that should serve as a strong stimulus for future research.  Utilizes a consistent chapter organization to help you find information quickly and easily, and contains numerous charts, graphs, radiographic images, and photographs throughout.  Offers the most authoritative advice available from world-class neonatologists/neurologists who share their knowledge of new trends and developments in neonatal care.  An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.  Purchase each volume individually, or get the entire 7-volume Neonatology Questions and Controversies set, which includes online access that allows you to search across all titles!  Gastroenterology and Nutrition  Hematology and Transfusion Medicine  Neonatal Hemodynamics  Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology  Renal, Fluid, and Electrolyte Disorders  Neurology  The Newborn LungÂ

  • af Akhil Maheshwari
    845,95 kr.

    Dr. Richard Polin's Neonatology Questions and Controversies series highlights the toughest challenges facing physicians and care providers in clinical practice, offering trustworthy guidance on up-to-date diagnostic and treatment options in the field. In each volume, renowned experts address the clinical problems of greatest concern to today's practitioners, helping you handle difficult practice issues and provide optimal, evidence-based care to every patient.The thoroughly updated, full-color, 4th Edition of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine:  Provides a clear management strategy for complications in premature infants resulting from hematologic and immunologic systems that are not yet fully developed, offering guidance based on the most up-to-date understanding of underlying pathophysiology.  Places emphasis on controversial areas that can entail different approaches.  Features the most current clinical information throughout, including challenging issues in neonatal hematology such as anemia, transfusions, jaundice, leukocyte counts, and thrombocytopenia.  Includes new chapters on neonatal transfusion medicine, with in-depth evaluations of fetal and neonatal iron homeostasis and risk factors for iron deficiency, and up-to-date information on improvements in bilirubin assessment and management.  Utilizes a consistent chapter organization to help you find information quickly and easily, and contains numerous charts, graphs, radiographic images, and photographs throughout.  Offers the most authoritative advice available from world-class neonatologists who share their knowledge of new trends and developments in neonatal care.  An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.  Purchase each volume individually, or get the entire 7-volume Neonatology Questions and Controversies set, which includes online access that allows you to search across all titles!  Gastroenterology and Nutrition  Hematology and Transfusion Medicine  Neonatal Hemodynamics  Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology  Renal, Fluid, and Electrolyte Disorders  Neurology  The Newborn LungÂ

  • af Sharon T Phelan
    996,95 kr.

    In this issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, guest editor Dr. Sharon T. Phelan brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Prenatal Care. Prenatal care can help prevent complications and inform women about important steps they can take to protect their infant and ensure a healthy pregnancy. This issue not only provides timely updates but also touches on current issues in this fast-changing field, including social determinants of health care, health care disparities, and advocacy for the underserved pregnant patient. Contains 15 practice-oriented topics including updates in genetic testing for the general obstetrician; updates on evaluation and treatment of common complaints in pregnancy; social determinants of health and health care disparities; updates in mental health care in the prenatal patient; health advocacy for the underserved pregnant patient; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews of prenatal care, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Brenda Poindexter & Amy B. Hair
    903,95 kr.

    In this issue of Clinics in Perinatology, guest editors Drs. Brenda Poindexter and Amy B. Hair bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Neonatal Nutrition. Emphasizing evidence to support clinical decision making, top experts in the field discuss important topics in the nutrition of neonates with the goals of reducing infant mortality and morbidity. Contains 14 practice-oriented topics including maternal diet for babies in the NICU; myths and fallacies about feeding healthy term and late-preterm infants during neonatal transition; enteral nutrition: evidence for feeding practices; post-NEC nutrition; nutrition management of high-risk neonates after discharge; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews of neonatal nutrition, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Heather C. Kaplan & Mushish Gupta
    903,95 - 951,95 kr.

  • af S. Manohar
    152,95 kr.

    This is not a medical book; it's for mothers & fathers as no medical jargon is used. The author says, "I am here as a mother-baby parental coach with a mission to help a million mothers to have their desired kids through the womb to Harvard hub." The real strength of a tree is in its unseen roots, which allow it to weather storms, extreme temperatures, and other terrifying forces of nature. Similarly, a human being's unseen roots are formed during preconception, conception, womb care, and postnatal care. A child's potential to become a genius is greatly influenced by the intelligent input they receive from their parents. Every parent hopes their child grows up to be successful, healthy, and a bright member of society. They have no idea how to get there or when I can start playing the parent role. Only a small percentage of parents can fulfill their dream of sending their children to the best schools, tuitions, and universities by making substantial financial contributions and paying exorbitant fees. Delay in parental involvement is referred to as ""delayed parenting".He has written this book and is excited to share his strategies from conception till 3 years of age and to give your child the best chance at success, so your little one reaches their full potential, from the womb to Harvard University. _________________________________________________________________________ABOUT THE AUTHORDr. S.Manohar MBBS, DCH (Ireland) DM, MAMS (Vienna) PGPN (Boston) PGPN (Colombia), has 25 years of experience in neonatology & paediatrics and is now a consultant at Rajendra hospital, Calicut.Every mother desires to have a super healthy, sensitive, intelligent smart baby and for the last 25 years, the author has been a very successful newborn & child specialist. People approve of him wherever he is because while he was treating the kids with love and affection, he made parents understand the lifestyle they should follow for their parenting success and to have intelligent babies. He hopes the readers will experience the same.

  • af Christine A. Gleason
    1.652,95 kr.

    Completely revised and updated, Avery's Diseases of the Newborn, 11th Edition, remains your #1 choice for clinically focused, cutting-edge guidance on the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the newborn. Drs. Christine A. Gleason, Taylor Sawyer, and a team of expert contributing authors provide comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of every key disease and condition affecting newborns, keeping you current in this fast-changing field. You'll find the specific strategies you need to confidently provide care for this unique patient population, in a full-color, easy-to-use single volume that focuses on key areas of practice. Reflects the latest developments on all aspects of newborn evaluation and management, featuring new content, new chapters, new contributors, and fresh perspectives from a new co-editor.  Brings you the latest on current topics such as perinatal/neonatal COVID-19, genomics and precision medicine, acute and chronic neonatal respiratory disorders, brain injury and neuroprotection, necrotizing enterocolitis, probiotics, palliative care, prenatal drug exposure, retinopathy of prematurity, and more.  Provides clinically relevant, practical guidance in concise, focused chapters that include summary boxes, suggested readings, and more than 500 full-color illustrations, micrographs, and photographs.  Contains the 2020 American Academy of Pediatrics and American Heart Association neonatal resuscitation guidelines and the 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines on the management of hyperbilirubinemia.  Serves as a reliable quick reference for clinical questions and an excellent resource for board review.  An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

  • af Shyamala Dakshinamurti
    912,95 kr.

    This comprehensive volume by expert authors addresses the origins of hypoxia tolerance, the impact of oxygen on circulatory transition at birth, and the biochemistry of hypoxia in the pulmonary circuit, and the classification, diagnosis and clinical management of hypoxic respiratory failure and persistent pulmonary hypertension in the term neonate.

  • af Tc Callis
    292,95 - 1.372,95 kr.

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