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Autisme og Aspergers syndrom

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  • af Ryan Hendrix, Kari Zweber Palmer, Nancy Tarshis & mfl.
    267,95 kr.

    GPS – Gruppesamarbejde, Problemløsning, Social leg er udformet til at hjælpe dig som lærer og pædagog til bedre at forstå, hvordan børn med forskellige niveauer af social kompetence kan deltage i social leg – og til at bruge den viden til at lære børnene at bruge de centrale begreber i Social Tænkning: Gruppesamarbejde, Problemløsning og Social leg. GPS-bogen vil lære dig:Hvorfor social leg med jævnaldrende er så afgørende for børns udvikling, både følelsesmæssigt, socialt og fagligt. Hvorfor der er behov for en legeskala, som kan vise forskellene på børns evner til at lege med deres jævnaldrende.At forstå GPS-legeskalaens fem niveauer og fastslå et barns legeniveau ved hjælp af GPS-observationsredskaberne. Hvordan du kan strukturere barnets social læring og vælge de af GPS-bogens Differentierede Interaktive Legeaktiviteter, der bedst passer til barnets nuværende niveau. GPS’en er den sidste brik i Vi Tænker!-serien. Bogens materialer bør bruges parallelt med Lærebog for sociale problemløsere for bedst muligt at understøtte børnenes sociale læring. Yderligere baggrund: At lege med andre børn er en vigtig men som regel underforstået del af barndommen – for hvor ofte standser vi egentligt op og tænker over selve legeoplevelsen? Social leg er nemlig alt andet end simpelt. For børn, der er udfordret på det sociale og følelsesmæssige område, er det langt fra altid sjovt at lege med andre. Desuden er social eller interaktiv leg et temmelig vidt begreb. Nogle børn leger kun med voksne. Andre prøver at lege med deres jævnaldrende men har svært ved at få legen til at lykkes. Andre igen får det hele til at virke, ja, legende let. Og leg er ikke bare leg. Samarbejdsbaseret leg er den primære måde, børn lærer at deltage i alle former for fælles aktiviteter på. Leg med jævnaldrende bidrager til deres sproglige udvikling, lærer dem at tænke abstrakt, se ting fra andres perspektiv, forstå sociale konventioner og samarbejde om et fælles mål.

  • - En bog om asperger
    af Malin Roca Ahlgren
    81,95 kr.

    Julia sparkede til døren og mødte blikket fra Mike, hendes matematiklærer. Han var stoppet op og havde lagt en hånd på hendes skulder. Julia trådte straks et skridt tilbage for at få hånden væk. Mike lagde hovedet på skrå. Julia kunne mærke det. Hun vidste det, og hun så det, selvom hun ikke kiggede på ham. Hun havde prøvet det før. Men der var ingen, der kunne forstå det, ingen der kunne forstå hende. Første skoledag i 7. klasse. Julia og hendes klassekammerater Lisa og Alice har fået ny lærer. Desuden er pigerne i 7.C allerede begyndt med deres blikke og hvisken. Skolestart er ikke, som Julia håbede, men med hjælp fra en forstående far, erfarne lærere og en støttende vejleder vender det. Julia og skolen har indset, at Julia er i besiddelse af nogle helt særlige superkræfter. Julias superkræfter er en bog om asperger, og den kan forhåbentlig støtte forældre og deres børn samt personalet på skoler.

  • af Eleverne fra Limpsfield Grange School & Vicky Martin
    216,95 - 227,95 kr.

    M. Det vil jeg gerne have, at du kalder mig, så er du sød. Jeg skal nok fortælle dig grunden til det senere. Velkommen til min verden. Den er hulter til bulter, sød og sur. Angstmonstret ligger på lur uden for klasseværelset og forhindrer mig i at have et normalt liv. Jeg vil have et NORMALT liv. Jeg vil gerne være ligesom alle de andre piger på min alder, som ved, hvad de skal sige, og hvad de skal gøre. Jeg vil være sammen med Lynx med de frække læber og det lækre hår, mit livs kærlighed. Hvordan kan det så være, at det føles, som om jeg lever i en helt anden verden end alle andre? Og hvad vil det overhovedet sige at være normal? - fra bogen Limpsfield Grange School er en skole i England for piger mellem 11 og 16 år med autisme. Denne beretning om teenagepigen M, der har autisme, er skrevet af eleverne på skolen. Den giver et enestående og fantastisk godt indblik i den verden, som piger med autisme lever i, og de udfordringer de hver dag møder. M's historie kan hjælpe andre piger med autisme gennem de svære teenageår, så de kan finde troen på sig selv og et fast ståsted i en turbulent verden.

  • - Autistens guide til galaksen
    af Clara Törnvall
    173,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Der findes mange bøger om autisme. De er skrevet af neurotypikere, som vil hjælpe autister med at tilpasse sig – det vil sige opføre sig mindre autistisk. Det her er ikke sådan en bog. Det er en autistisk guide skrevet af en autistisk forfatter. Nu er det vores tur til at beskrive dem.Neurotypikere kalder man mennesker, som ikke har autisme, adhd eller add. Ved hjælp af tips, ordlister og beretninger fra autister lærer vi neurotypikernes ofte tvetydige verden at kende. Vi lærer også om autistens verden, og bogen er på den måde med til at bygge bro mellem de to verdener.I denne bog vil du møde forskellige autister, som fortæller om deres erfaringer med “normale” mennesker. Du finder også råd, som måske kan hjælpe dig, der er ung og autistisk. Bogen er skrevet af Clara Törnvall.

    af Juana Jeppesen
    147,95 kr.

    MIN DAGBOG – HYGGELIGE AFTEN-SAMTALER er skrevet af psykolog og forfatter Juana Jeppesen. Logbogen kan bruges som et supplement til bogen “Sådan møder du dit barn med autisme – en håndbog til forældre.“Bogen, der inviterer til hyggelige fællessamtaler sammen med en, du holder af.Sådan møder du dit barn med autisme – er for alle!Selvom bogen primært er skrevet til forældre, så vil pårørende og fagpersoner også kunne finde inspiration og nyttig viden, som de kan omsætte i deres eget arbejde. Det kan være fagpersoner, som arbejder med børn på spektret, og fagpersoner som arbejder med at vejlede og støtte forældre.Dag- & Logbog:Se også den tilhørende Logbog.

    af Juana Jeppesen
    147,95 kr.

    MIN LOGBOG – HVAD PÅVIRKER MIN PULS? er skrevet af psykolog og forfatter Juana Jeppesen. Logbogen kan bruges som et supplement til bogen “Sådan møder du dit barn med autisme – en håndbog til forældre.“Bogen, der inviterer til sjov træning og ny viden om din krop og din puls.Sådan møder du dit barn med autisme – er for alle!Selvom bogen primært er skrevet til forældre, så vil pårørende og fagpersoner også kunne finde inspiration og nyttig viden, som de kan omsætte i deres eget arbejde. Det kan være fagpersoner, som arbejder med børn på spektret, og fagpersoner som arbejder med at vejlede og støtte forældre.Dag- & Logbog:Se også den tilhørende Dagbog.

  • af Nikki Saunders
    128,95 kr.

    Part of the Ready, Eddie, Go! series, based on the TV show of the same name, in this book Eddie plays dressing up with his friends, and finds out pretending can be fun rather than scary!

  • af Nikki Saunders
    128,95 kr.

    Part of the Ready, Eddie, Go! series, based on the TV show of the same name, in this book Eddie goes to his friend Nina's birthday party. He finds out what to expect at parties, as well as what he can do if they start to become a bit overwhelming. Eddie has a lot of fun with his friends!

  • af Nikki Saunders
    128,95 kr.

    Part of the Ready, Eddie, Go! series, based on the TV show of the same name, in this book Eddie plays boardgames with his friends. He finds out about winning and losing, and how you can manage all the emotions that come with playing together.

  • af Nikki Saunders
    128,95 kr.

    Part of the Ready, Eddie, Go! series, based on the TV show of the same name, in this book Eddie tries some painting - and finds out that its ok to get messy and to make mistakes. Art is all about enjoying yourself and having fun!

  • af Nikki Saunders
    128,95 kr.

    Part of the Ready, Eddie, Go! series, based on the TV show of the same name, in this book Eddie gets his hair cut. He learns what to expect at the barbers, and that getting his hair cut can be fun!

  • af Ellen Notbohm
    192,95 kr.

    Translation of: Ten things every child with autism wishes you knew.

  • - en håndbog til forældre
    af Juana Jeppesen
    248,95 kr.

    Bogen hviler på følgende grundantagelser. Alle børn skal mødes i udviklingsstøttende samspil med en voksen. Det er de samme grundingredienser som virker udviklingsfremmende – og støttende for alle børn. Og det er afgørende at disse samspil bliver tilpasset barnet med autisme.Bogen har ligeledes det sigte, at give dig en oplevelse af at få viden og indsigt i noget meget komplekst og svært tilgængeligt inden for neuropsykologisk viden. Her beskrevet på en måde, som opleves som let at forstå, og som let at omsætte i en families hverdag.De udviklingsstøttende metoder og strategier i bogen er med udgangspunkt i hverdagsaktivitet, leg og nysgerrig udforskning, og kræver ikke faglig uddannelse for at kunne omsætte. Med viden fra denne bog, skal du blot tilsætte nysgerrighed, tålmodighed og masser af kærlighed. Så har du den perfekte kombination, der støtter dit barns vej ud i livet med muligheder for udvikling af potentiale, kompetencer, håb og drømme.

  • af Lynn Kern Koegel
    314,95 kr.

  • af Temple Grandin
    197,95 kr.

  • af Eric Garcia
    192,95 kr.

    "This book is a message from autistic people to their parents, friends, teachers, coworkers and doctors showing what life is like on the spectrum. It's also my love letter to autistic people. For too long, we have been forced to navigate a world where all the road signs are written in another language."With a reporter's eye and an insider's perspective, Eric Garcia shows what it's like to be autistic across America.Garcia began writing about autism because he was frustrated by the media's coverage of it: the myths that the disorder is caused by vaccines, the narrow portrayals of autistic people as white men working in Silicon Valley. His own life as an autistic person didn't look anything like that. He is Latino, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and works as a journalist covering politics in Washington, DC. Garcia realized he needed to put into writing what so many autistic people have been saying for years-autism is a part of their identity, they don't need to be fixed. In We're Not Broken, Garcia uses his own life as a springboard to discuss the social and policy gaps that exist in supporting those on the spectrum. From education to healthcare, he explores how autistic people wrestle with systems that were not built with them in mind. At the same time, he shares the experiences of all types of autistic people, from those with higher support needs, to autistic people of color, to those in the LGBTQ community. In doing so, Garcia gives his community a platform to articulate their own needs, rather than having others speak for them, which has been the standard for far too long

  • af Asher Shadowborne
    232,95 kr.

    Navigating Transitions: Strategies for Smooth Transitions is a comprehensive guidebook that provides practical strategies for building thriving classrooms and supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This book goes beyond the label of ASD, demystifying the disorder and providing a deeper understanding of its complexities. From understanding sensory sensitivities to communication challenges and social interaction, this book covers a wide range of topics to help educators and professionals create inclusive and supportive environments.The book emphasizes the power of structure and predictability in supporting individuals with ASD. It provides insights into creating sensory-friendly environments, integrating sensory techniques, and using assistive technology to enhance learning and organization. Additionally, the book explores differentiated instruction, engagement hacks, and positive reinforcement strategies to spark curiosity, motivation, and build confidence in learners with ASD.Furthermore, the book addresses the importance of effective communication and collaboration with parents, caregivers, and professionals. It offers practical tips for building bridges and advocating for individuals with ASD. The book also delves into understanding meltdowns and challenging behaviors, providing strategies for prevention, management, and positive behavior support.Lastly, the book guides readers through the transition to adulthood, offering insights into transition planning, post-secondary education, vocational training, employment, and independent living skills. With its practical strategies and comprehensive approach, Navigating Transitions: Strategies for Smooth Transitions is an essential resource for educators, professionals, and parents seeking to create supportive and inclusive environments for individuals with ASD.

  • af Jacquie C Hamilton
    267,95 kr.

    Jalen is a fun-loving, smart, super kid with autism but sometimes is misunderstood by his peers because he is non-verbal. It is his 1st day of school and he can't wait to carry his brand-new blue backpack! Every day he is faced with challenges and often gets overwhelmed when things are not the same. Mom is his superhero and always makes sure that her son is not defined by his disability by coming to his rescue with his blues (daily survival kit) to get him through the day. This story will take you on a journey of an autistic child adapting to change, the challenge of making new friends, and learning creative ways to help cope when faced with new experiences.

  • af Jodie Hare
    110,95 kr.

    How to build a fairer, more neuro-inclusive society

  • af Temple Grandin
    238,95 kr.

    Temple Grandin draws on her own experience to deliver an essential guidebook for guiding and nurturing autistic youth. She gets to the REAL issues of autistic adolescents--the ones parents, teachers, and individuals on the spectrum face every day.Topics include: Strategies for non-verbal teensAutism and drivingPreparing for collegeAcquiring social skillsDeveloping talentsAnd much more!In these helpful pages, Dr. Grandin offers do's and don'ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips, all based on her insider perspective and extensive research. Interestingly, she argues that adolescents on the autism spectrum must focus on their overlooked strengths to foster their unique contributions to the world. She has packed a wealth of knowledge into this book, which serves as an excellent reference resource for the parents, educators and caregivers of autistic adolescents.Rather than continuing to waste the singular gifts of autistics, driving a collective loss in productivity and innovation, Grandin proposes new approaches to educating, parenting, employing, and collaborating with them. In a highly competitive world, this important book helps us see, we need every mind on board.

  • af Ruth B Eren
    742,95 kr.

    "Written by educators for educators Introducing autism, theory and evidence-based practices for teaching individuals with ASD is an introductory text offering a broad picture of autism spectrum disorder for students, teachers, related service providers, and other school personnel who are engaged in the education of individuals with ASD."--Page [4] of cover.

  • af Janet Lawson
    477,95 kr.

    Special Edition - Full Color Verson. Searching for academic and vocational programs for their post-high school autistic son, Lawson and Swearingen found a distinct lack of services. They soon realized that if they wanted an appropriate program for their son, they would have to build it themselves. In Share the Road they recount their personal experiences and the stories of their students as together they create a pioneering vocational training program that empowers autistic individuals. All proceeds from the sale of this book support the programs of Autistry Studios.

  • af Ricardo Mizos
    92,95 kr.

    Are you struggling to understand why your neurodivergent loved one thinks and acts the way they do? Does ignorance in autism leave you feeling frustrated, isolated, and unsure of how to bridge the communication gap?In a world where autism is often misunderstood, not knowing how to approach a loved one who is unaware of their condition can leave you doubting whether you can provide them with the life that they deserve.If you want to navigate the challenges of autism and how an autistic person feels about it with empathy and understanding, then you need to read Ignorance in Autism!With this book in your hands, you will learn what ignorance in autism is and how to approach it to help create a world where neurodivergent individuals feel seen, heard, and valued.Inside the pages of Ignorance in Autism, you will learn- how to identify the signs of autism and the inability to notice it.- strategies for effective communication and empathy-building.- the impact of societal norms on neurodivergent self-perception.- methods for nurturing self-acceptance and self-advocacy in neurodivergent individuals.- practical tips for fostering a harmonious environment for neurodivergent loved ones....along with so much more! Now you can see the world through the eyes of autism as you gain insights into the unique perspective, frustrations, and coping mechanisms of a neurodivergent, allowing you to create a deeper connection with your loved one.It's a delicate balance between wanting to help and fearing that your efforts might inadvertently cause discomfort or distress. That is why Ignorance in Autism is here to help you transform from feeling helpless and frustrated to being confident as an advocate for their needs.Your neurodivergent loved one deserves to be celebrated for who they are, so grab your copy today to give them the love and care that they have earned.

  • af Andrea Anderson
    172,95 kr.

    An explorative guide for women to help them work through the challenges arising from late autism discovery including understanding past behaviours, accessing support and developing a positive identity. Interweaving stories of lived experience with practical activities, this is the ideal dip-in/dip-out guide to achieving autistic self-acceptance.

  • af Wendela Whitcomb Marsh
    162,95 kr.

  • af Emilia Misheva
    173,94 kr.

    A concise, easy-to-understand and informative guide to help readers identify autistic girls earlier and offer better support for their distinct profile of needs.

  • af Jodie Clarke
    128,95 kr.

    An updated and expanded version of the self-published book in the same name, The Secret Life of Rose offers a fascinating insight into the experience of being an autistic child alongside thoughtful and compassionate commentary from their parent who is also a professional in the field.

  • af Annie Tasha
    317,95 kr.

    Clinicians and academics have been attempting to understand the college experience of students living with Asperger's Disorder. Absent in this pursuit are the direct opinions and perspectives from the students themselves. This study captured the personal accounts of the beginning college experience for students living with Asperger's Disorder who were participating in a specialized academic and social support program. In an effort to frame this study, college student development theories, critical disability theory, and the medical diagnostic understanding of Asperger's Disorder are discussed. A qualitative research design incorporating interview methodology was utilized. Four students participated in one or two interviews where they were asked questions that pertained to their academic and social college experiences in relation to the specialized support program and pursuits outside of the program. I hope that the outcomes of this study will contribute to the literature about college students living with Asperger's Disorder, and advance the discourse regarding college student development theory in regard to individuals with developmental disabilities. In addition, it is my expectation to inform higher education practice as student affairs personnel plan for the growing numbers of students on their campuses living with Asperger's Disorder.

  • af Renee Thomas Hawkley
    187,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow
    127,95 kr.

    *LONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE FOR FICTION 2023**SHORTLISTED FOR THE AUTHOR'S CLUB FIRST NOVEL AWARD 2024*'Delicate and strong... I loved it' Maggie O'Farrell''Darkly vivacious... mesmerising' Guardian'Immaculate' Financial Times'A triumph' Daily TelegraphFor readers who loved Sorrow and Bliss or Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine - an unforgettable story of a mother and daughter whose lives are upended when a charming new couple move in next door.Sunday Forrester lives with her sixteen-year-old daughter, Dolly, in the house she grew up in. She does things more carefully than most people. On quiet days, she must eat only white foods. Her etiquette handbook guides her through confusing social situations, and to escape, she turns to her treasury of Sicilian folklore. The one thing very much out of her control is Dolly - her clever, headstrong, teenaged daughter.Into this carefully ordered world step Vita and Rollo, a couple who move in next door, disarm Sunday with their charm, and proceed to deliciously break just about every rule in Sunday's book. Soon they are in and out of each others' homes, and Sunday feels loved and accepted like never before. But beneath Vita and Rollo's polish lies something else, something darker. For beneath Vita's charm lies a desperation and a certain entitled ambition - to have a daughter just like Dolly, all to herself.

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