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  • Spar 10%
    af Ingrid Poulsen, Jacob Birkler, Nina Beyer, mfl.
    341,95 kr.

    Sygepleje til ældre er en lærebog i geriatrisk sygepleje, som beskriver hyppigt forekommende fænomener i sygeplejen til ældre. Bogen er skrevet i et konstruktivt samarbejde mellem især læger og sygeplejersker, og den bygger på en god kombination af ekspertviden, stor klinisk erfaring og forskningsmæssig indblik. Målet er, at læseren får større viden om de mest almindelige kognitive, psykologiske og fysiologiske ændringer, der har betydning for ældres sundhedstilstand og reaktioner på sygdom.Bogen henvender sig især til sygeplejestuderende, og den kan benyttes i den teoretiske undervisning relateret til ældre og i klinisk undervisning i både primær- og sekundær sektor. Bogen er også relevant for sygeplejersker ansat i det geriatriske speciale, det samme gælder på akutte modtageafsnit, på medicinske afdelinger og i hjemmeplejen. Den er også oplagt på diplomniveau og til kortere kursusforløb og efter- og videreuddannelse inden for sygepleje til ældre generelt.Sygeplejersker skal være gode til at identificere aktuelle og latente, potentielle behov hos ældre, og dette kræver indsigt i de særlige forhold, der knytter sig til høj alder og skrøbelighed. Sygepleje til ældre har derfor fokus på observationer, sygeplejerskens opgaver og ansvarsområder samt værktøjer, som kan anvendes til at håndtere typiske kliniske udfordringer på en hensigtsmæssig måde.Cases er et bærende element i bogen, og her gives eksemplariske kliniske eksempler på de enkelte hovedemner.

  • - Basisbog
    af Finn Rønholt Hansen, Claus Moe, Marianne Schroll, mfl.
    458,95 kr.

    Fokus er lagt på udredning, behandling og forebyggelse af de mest almindelige sygdomme, som rammer ældre. Målet er, at bogen kan anvendes som grundlæggende lærebog i geriatri. Der redegøres for geriatriens definitioner og begrebsapparat, og de forhold, der adskiller den almindelige aldringsproces fra sygdom og svækkelse. De efterfølgende kapitler omhandler hyppigt forekommende sygdomme og andre tilstande af betydning for geriatriske patienter. I bogens sidste del beskrives hvordan geriatrisk rehabilitering i dag organiseres og udføres på landes sygehuse.

  • Spar 10%
    - - en tværfaglig og problembaseret tilgang
    af Else Marie Skjøde Damsgaard, Dorte Nielsen & Kirsten Rahbek
    359,95 kr.

    Geriatri er et område, som kræver en tværfaglig indsats, hvor alle bidrager med deres kernekompetencer til opnåelse af et fælles mål. Denne bog er da også skrevet af en tværfaglig forfattergruppe, der omfatter læger, sygeplejersker, ergo- og fysioterapeuter m.fl.Ingen faggruppe dækker hele området, da den geriatriske patient ofte frembyder et særdeles komplekst sygdomsbillede med komorbiditet og flere konkurrerende problemer.Det er ikke alle gamle mennesker, der kan betegnes som geriatriske patienter. Ældre mennesker kan få de samme sygdomme som yngre og blive behandlet på samme måde, som man behandler yngre. Når man taler om geriatriske patienter er det gamle mennesker, der er sårbare og har et komplekssygdomsbillede kombineret med funktionstab og evt. sociale problemer.Kompleksiteten betyder, at de problemer, den ældre kommer med, kan være mangfoldige og mangeartede. Geriatriens kerneopgave er derfor at foretage systematisk og tværfaglig helhedsvurdering og -indsats.Formålet med den helheldsorienterede udredning og behandling er at tilrettelægge et koordineret og sammenhængende forløb, der rækker ud over hospitalet og som sikrer den ældres tilbagevenden til hverdagslivet med mindst muligt funktionstab.Den problemorienterede tilgang til den geriatriske patient består af en målrettet og tidsbestemt indsat i en samarbejdsproces mellem en patient, pårørende og fagfolk, der baserer sig på patientens hele livssituation og inddrager patientens præferencer og beslutninger. Det er en koordineret, sammenhængende og vidensbaseret indsats.Det er denne tilgang til en geriatriske patient, som bogen kapitler behandler ud fra forskellige perspektiver.

  • af Nathan E Goldstein
    1.055,95 kr.

    Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart from other texts in the field, with concise, readable chapters organized around clinical questions that you’re most likely to encounter in everyday care. Uniquely organized using a question-and-answer approach, making it easy to find answers to common questions asked by practitioners and patients. Up-to-date, reader-friendly chapters explore interventions, assessment techniques, treatment modalities, recommendations and guidelines, communication techniques, and available resources for palliative care. Expanded discussions on hospice in every chapter, and a new emphasis on pediatrics, with increased material on pediatric malignancies, developmental delays, cystic fibrosis, and perinatal palliative care. New chapters on wellness of the palliative care practitioner, patients with opioid use disorders, telehealth in palliative care, health disparities, rural palliative care, caring for people with hematologic malignancies, integrative and alternative therapies, LGBTQ+ populations, mobile health technologies, and national palliative care implementation strategies. High-quality evidence gathered and reviewed by leading experts in palliative medicine, including clinicians, educators, and researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Numerous algorithms throughout help you make informed decisions, and "take-home" points in every chapter provide a quick summary of key content. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text and figures from the book on a variety of devices. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • af Kristoffer K. Brockhattingen & Katja Thomsen
    338,95 kr.

    GERIATRISKE CASESGERIATRISKE CASES gennemgår med en kliniknær og casebaseret tankegang de hyppigste og vigtigste scenarier inden for vurdering og behandling af geriatriske patienter.Modtagelsen af uafklarede og skrøbelige ældre patienter kræver en helt særlig faglighed, og det kan være en diagnostisk udfordring, ikke mindst fordi uspecifikke og atypiske symptomer forekommer hyppigere hos ældre end hos yngre. Casene i denne bog gennemgår de typiske patientforløb med udgangspunkt i temaerne den akutte ældre patient, fald og faldudredning, demenssygdom, polyfarmaci, tværsektorielle overgange samt etik og palliation.GERIATRISKE CASES er tilpasset prægraduate medicinstuderende og postgraduate yngre læger under KBU-, intro- og HU-uddannelse, og bogen kan med fordel bruges til at øve den kliniske tankegang, hvor relevant optagelse af anamnese, valg af undersøgelser og kommunikation med patienten følges op af overvejelser om differentialdiagnoser, gennemgang af medicinliste, udredning og behandling.

  • af Tammi L Shlotzhauer
    252,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Karen Marie Humphreys
    208,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Igor Grabovac
    858,95 - 1.043,95 kr.

  • af Emily Roberts
    741,95 - 1.046,95 kr.

  • af Francesco Marotta
    1.228,95 - 1.731,95 kr.

  • af Gary Gerstenblith
    858,95 - 1.135,95 kr.

  • af Andrea Heurteur
    238,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Manuel Eskildsen
    790,95 kr.

    In this issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, guest editors Drs. Manuel Eskildsen and Carl Henry Burton bring their considerable expertise to the topic of LGBTQIA+ Health in Aging Adults. Top experts in the field discuss topics regarding mental and physical care for aging LGBTQIA+ adults, including end-of-life care, long-term care, and sexual health.Contains 13 relevant, practice-oriented topics including affirming care for LGBTQ[RM1] + patients; gender-affirming care for older transgender and gender diverse older adults; mental health for LGBTQ+ older adults; federal and state policy affecting LGBTQ+ older adults; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on LGBTQIA+ health in aging adults, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Kathrin Kürsten
    735,95 kr.

    Im Rahmen dieses Buches wird erforscht, inwiefern sich das Alter(n) von queeren Menschen von dem der heteronormativen Mehrheit unterscheidet und wie ein gelingendes Alter(n) dieser spezifischen Minderheitengruppe gewährleistet werden kann. Die mittels themenzentrierter Interviews erhobenen und anhand einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse interpretierten Daten werden vor dem theoretischen Hintergrund der Anerkennungstheorie (Honneth), dem Queer-Feminismus (Butler) und dem Minderheitenstressmodell (Meyer) diskutiert. Zum Abschluss erfolgt eine Proposition einer Theorie zum gelingenden Alter(n) queerer Menschen, die neben einer inhaltlichen Auseinandersetzung auch praktische Empfehlungen für den pflegerischen Alltag anbietet.

  • af Benjamin Ball Jean Martin Charcot
    293,95 kr.

  • af Barnard Van Oven
    258,95 kr.

  • af Yuval Palgi
    1.135,95 - 1.145,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the concept of subjective views of aging. This concept refers to the way individuals conceptualize and perceive the aging process. Social and cultural perceptions regarding older adults are incorporated and internalized into views people hold regarding their own aging process. The book contains three parts which present theoretical, empirical, and translational perspectives about subjective views of aging. The theoretical section expands the framework of subjective views of aging with the inclusion of additional concepts, and further integrates these concepts by accounting for their synergistic effects. The empirical section presents recent developments in the field starting at the intra-individual level as assessed by ecological momentary assessments, going through the level of interpersonal relationships, and concluding at the social and cultural levels. Finally, the translational section presents recent endeavours to develop interventions aimed at advancing favourable views of aging. This cutting-edge edited book includes chapters written by internationally renowned scholars in the field and serves as an up-to-date resource for scholars in the field as well as a textbook for students in courses like social gerontology, lifespan psychology, and life course sociology.

  • af Nicole M. Burkemper
    790,95 kr.

    In this issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, guest editor Dr. Nicole Burkemper brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Geriatric Dermatology Update. Top experts discuss key topics such as diagnosis and management of common inflammatory skin diseases in older adults; bullous disease; pruritus and scabies; cutaneous drug eruptions; bacterial skin and soft tissue infections; cutaneous fungal infections; and more. Contains 11 relevant, practice-oriented topics including common skin cancers in older adults: approach to diagnosis and management; diagnosing and managing ulcers and venous stasis disease; diagnostic methods and management strategies of herpes simplex and herpes zoster infections; cosmetic dermatology concerns in older adults; and more. Provides in-depth clinical reviews on geriatric dermatology, offering actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af George Tadros
    603,95 kr.

    "A unique and complete overview of the mental health challenges facing older people in hospital. Offering a practical guide to the assessment and management of the impact of the hospital on the medical, social and psychological wellbeing of older people. An essential and accessible resource for acute hospital clinicians across all specialties"--

  • af Gerhard Sprakties
    199,95 kr.

    Dieses essential veranschaulicht Psychotherapeuten und Beratern die Bedeutung von Spiritualität für die Stärkung der persönlichen Resilienz. Wir leben in einer oftmals kräftezehrenden und schnelllebigen Zeit. Das 21. Jahrhundert begann mit einer Reihe Krisen von globalem Ausmaß: den Terroranschlägen von 9/11, der Finanzkrise, dem Klimawandel, der Coronapandemie und dem Ukrainekrieg. Viele Medien sind heute wahre Künstler in der Beschreibung misslingenden Lebens. Wer sich ständig mit negativen Nachrichten beschäftigt, läuft Gefahr, sein inneres seelisches Gleichgewicht zu verlieren. Er droht in eine von Trübsinn und Resignation geprägte Stimmung zu geraten. Der erfahrene Altenseelsorger und Logotherapeut Gerhard Sprakties zeigt auf, wie uns eine tiefe spirituelle Verankerung helfen kann, mit diesen Herausforderungen in konstruktiver Weise umzugehen.

  • af Collin E. M. Brathwaite & Patrizio Petrone
    1.320,95 kr.

    This comprehensive text will provide a state-of-the art review of the field of geriatric acute care surgery, reviewing new epidemiology data about risk factors for this type of trauma. Assessment of the geriatric trauma patient is unique, and this population requires special attention. Moreover, geriatric patients often suffer from mild to severe cognitive impairment, cardiovascular, and pulmonary insufficiency, which can complicate trauma. This comorbidity informs the evaluation, diagnosis and management of geriatric trauma and stresses the importance of team-based interprofessional care for affected patients. Opening chapters describe general principles of geriatric acute care, the physiology of aging, frailty, injury prevention, and goals of care. The main section of the book presents the latest treatment strategies for traumatic orthopedic, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal trauma, including sepsis, complications and critical care monitoring, before turning to nursing considerations for this ever-growing population. Additional chapters on outcomes and COVID management complete the presentation. Providing a concise yet comprehensive summary of the current status of the field that will help guide patient management and stimulate investigative efforts, this text will serve as a very useful resource for physicians, medical students, residents, nurses, therapists, and researchers dealing with, and interested in this challenging type of trauma.

  • af Antonio Cherubini
    1.228,95 kr.

    This book summarizes the broad and rapidly evolving field of geriatric pharmacotherapy, which is becoming increasingly relevant for practicing physicians who care and prescribe medications for older patients. Around the globe, ageing populations are associated with an increased prevalence of chronic diseases. Older adults are often affected by multimorbidity, i.e., suffer from more than one chronic disease. The main consequence of multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which is commonly defined as the regular use of five or more medicines. Polypharmacy has now reached epidemic proportions in our societies, and is associated with an increased risk of drug-drug interactions, drug-disease interactions and adverse drug reactions. The management of polypharmacy in older patients with complex multimorbidity poses several challenges and needs to be based on specific knowledge and prescribing expertise.The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive update on thefield, and to share the expertise needed to optimize the management of pharmacotherapy in older patients.

  • af Michael Hecht Olsen
    1.282,95 kr.

    Early Vascular Aging (EVA): New Directions in Cardiovascular Protection, Second Edition continues to be the most comprehensive and authoritative resource on premature alterations in artery structure and function. The book presents a novel approach to the problem of cardiovascular disease, showing it in relation to great vessels disease and revealing a comprehensive approach to the problem of increased rigidity of the great vessels, its causes, and further consequences. This second edition contains completely updated content with expanded coverage of basic and translational research, systematic reviews of the most prominent literature, discussion of applicability of new evidence and more. Written by an international team of clinicians and researchers, this is a valuable resource to basic and translational scientists, clinical researchers and clinicians in the cardiovascular field interested in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EVA.

  • af Dorthe S. Nielsen & Kristoffer K. Brockhattingen
    208,95 kr.

    GUIDE TIL GERIATRISK SYGEPLEJEMed HÅNDBOG I SYGEPLEJE: GERIATRI har du altid den erfarne sygeplejerske ekspertise i kittellommen, når det handler om pleje af patienter i det geriatriske speciale.Ældre medicinske patienter præsenterer sig ofte med komplekse problemstillinger, der kræver, at det kliniske personale bruger alle facetter af deres medmenneskelige såvel som faglige kompetencer.Bogen er opdelt i tre hovedkapitler med et væld af relevante underkapitler, så læseren hurtigt kan danne sig et overblik:1. Det levede liv – hvem er den ældre medicinske patient?2. Den geriatriske patient og sygdomme3. Sygeplejefaglige kompetencerBogen henvender sig til sygeplejestuderende og nyuddannede sygeplejersker i det geriatriske speciale, men kan med fordel anvendes af alle sundhedsprofessionelle, som ønsker en lettilgængelig indføring i den geriatriske patient og plejen til denne.

  • af Maura Kennedy
    904,95 kr.

    In this issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, guest editors Drs. Maura Kennedy and Shan Liu bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Geriatric Emergency Care. Top experts in the field cover critical topics or concepts in geriatric emergency medicine and topics for which there is new research, including guidance on "geriatricizing? the ED and ED observation unit, caring for persons with dementia, and examining the intersection of DEI and care of an aging population. Contains 13 relevant, practice-oriented topics including the aging process: physiologic changes and frailty; elder abuse and neglect: recognition and management in the emergency department; best practices in end of life and palliative care in the ED; falls and other trauma in the older adult; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on geriatric emergency care, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Lily J. Thompson
    143,95 kr.

    Are you caring for a loved one with dementia or are you simply interested in learning more about this complex condition? If so, "Memory Matters: A Guide to Understanding and Supporting Older Adults with Dementia" is the book for you!Written by experts in the field of gerontology and dementia care, this comprehensive guide offers a wealth of information and practical advice to help you navigate the challenges of dementia with empathy, understanding, and resilience.With a focus on person-centered care, the book provides an in-depth look at the various types of dementia, their symptoms, and progression, as well as strategies for managing and treating these symptoms. You will also learn how to create a supportive environment for your loved one with dementia, including tips for incorporating meaningful activities into daily life, addressing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, and finding joy and connection in the midst of this challenging condition.The emotional impact of dementia on both the individual and their caregivers is also addressed in detail, with guidance on coping with stress and burnout, finding support and resources, and managing the emotional ups and downs of the disease.In addition to expert insights, "Memory Matters" features inspiring real-life stories from individuals and families living with dementia, highlighting their challenges, coping strategies, and tips for living well with the condition. These stories provide a unique and invaluable perspective on the realities of dementia and offer hope and encouragement to readers.Whether you are a family caregiver, healthcare professional, or simply interested in learning more about dementia, "Memory Matters" is an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand and support older adults with dementia. With its practical tips, expert insights, and inspiring stories, this book is sure to be a valuable addition to your library. Don't wait - order your copy today!

  • af Andreas J. Gross
    1.225,95 kr.

    Benign prostate syndrome (BPS) affects more than half of all men over the age of 50. It is often suppressed for a long time, especially because the corresponding examinations are shied away from. Therapy is varied, and many treatment options have been added in recent years that can help improve symptoms. These options advertise themselves primarily as avoiding the dreaded side effects of surgery: Incontinence, impotence and loss of ejaculation.This book provides an overview of all currently available treatment options for BPH and targeted diagnostics. Under the leadership of the renowned editors, many experts have compiled their knowledge in this practical book. Differential diagnostics with imaging and urodynamics are explained, and the many ways of therapy from watchful waiting to drug therapy to surgery are discussed and the advantages and disadvantages pointed out. A separate chapter is devoted to prevention. In addition, myths that still prevail in many placesas "expert opinion" are discussed. A practical book for every urologist!

  • af Joel Savishinsky
    163,95 kr.

    Drawing on a lifelong career in gerontology & anthropology, the poems of Our Aching Bones, Our Breaking Hearts explore the physical, emotional, and spiritual impact of the aging experience.

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