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• Føler du, at du har mistet dig selv i dit forhold?• Er din længsel efter kærlighed endt med at blive en ulykkelig kamp?• Savner du svar på, hvorfor du har så svært ved at slippe ham og stå op for dig selv?Når man gør et andet menneske til sin største kilde for kærlighed, stilles man i en sårbar og afhængig position. Følelsesmæssig afhængighed er en pinefuld tilstand, der medfører smerte, stress og afmagt.Jagten efter kærlighed og anerkendelse får dig til at ofre egne grænser og værdier. Som følelsesmæssig afhængig er du desværre ofte et match til personer med narcissistiske træk eller andre dysfunktionelle mønstre.Kvinder der mister sig selv giver dig indblik i hvorfor du ender med at opgive dig selv, og må kæmpe så hårdt for kærligheden.Bogen udstyrer dig med viden, der fortæller dig hvordan du kan slippe ud af dine hjertesorger, ved hjælp af kærligheden til dig selv.Du lærer hvad Selvkærlighed er og får vejledning og øvelser i at tage små, trygge skridt til at genvinde din indre ro, og dit selvværd.Om forfatterenNicole Albæk (f. 1971) Uddannet som Coach og Afhængighedsrådgiver med speciale i at hjælpe kvinder, der lider af ulykkelig kærlighed på grund af følelsesmæssig afhængighed.Hendes personlige rejse har givet hende stor viden og erfaring, samt et dybt ønske om at give sin viden og værktøjer videre til dem, der sidder fast i ødelæggende forhold.
Over en halv million danskere er vokset op i et alkoholiseret hjem. Er du en af dem?Var dine forældre venner med flasken, kæmper du ganske givet med ensomhed, stress, en følelse af forkerthed, en jagt på anerkendelse eller en frygt for at blive forladt.Ofte er de problemer, voksne børn af alkoholikere kæmper med, oversete, fordi mange udefra set lever et liv med styr på job og familie. Men bag facaden er livet rigtigt svært.I Vores forældre drak guider Camilla Schou dig til at bryde dine mønstre, føle, at du er god nok, og lære dine grænser at kende, så du kan leve uden stress, konflikter og kaos. Bogen hjælper dig trin for trin med øvelser og refleksioner, der gør dig i stand til at skabe kærlige, rolige relationer – også til dig selv.Vores forældre drak har ærlige samtaler med blandt andre psykolog Marie Brixtofte, DJ Jean Von Baden og skuespiller Ditte Hansen, der alle har skullet overvinde en svær barndom med alkohol. I alt fortæller mere end 40 voksne børn af alkoholikere om barndommens barske oplevelser – om at leve med dem og gøre sig fri af dem.
Afhold dig fra at drikke I tredive dage og find ud af hvordan du har det. Annie Grace væbner sine læsere med forskningsbaseret information for at gore noget ved den kulturelle og følelsesmæssige programmering, vi udsættes for i forbindelse med alkohol. Resultatet er en opmærksom fremgangsmåde, som giver læseren kontrollen tilbage og permanent standser trangen. Der er et kapitel viet til hver dag i eksperimentet - der er visdom, testede strategier, og provokerende ny information, som supplerer planen og støtter den trinvise succes, når man opdager, hvad der føles rigtigt.
Vi er alle sårbare over for afhængighed. Det kan være en næsten tvangslignende drift efter at tjekke mobilen eller at overspise, at ryge, at drikke eller noget helt andet, men driften er kendetegnet ved ukontrollable gentagelser.– Hvorfor er de dårlige vaner så svære at overvinde?– Hvordan overkommer vi trangen til det, vi ved, er usundt for os?Denne bog giver banebrydende svar på de vigtigste spørgsmål om afhængighed.– Den viser, hvordan vi kan sætte fingeren på de processer, som stimulerer afhængighed, og derved slippe fri af dem.– Den beskriver de mekanismer, som ligger bag vanetænkning og dannelsen af afhængighed, og hvordan mindfulness kan bryde med disse mekanismer.– Den peger via konkrete patientforløb, egne erfaringer med mindfulness og videnskabelige fakta på en vej væk fra trang og stress – en vej mod et rigere liv.
Psykedeliske stoffer udbredes med hastig fart i Danmark, hvor stadig flere prøver f.eks. MDMA eller psykedeliske svampe i terapeutiske sammenhænge. Men hvad kan disse stoffer og hvad kommer det til at betyde for vores samfund? Det svarer Et psykedelisk Danmark på. Bogen er en antologi med bidrag fra flere end 30 af de førende eksperter på området i Danmark. Imponerende forskningsresultater, medrivende fortællinger og passionerede aktivister har bidraget til at både medier, medicinalindustrien og offentligheden for alvor er begyndt at åbne øjnene for disse substanser, som nogle mener kommer til at blive en revolution for psykiatrien. Også i Danmark er området i rivende udvikling og der forskes i psykedelika på de fleste danske universiteter, mens et stigende antal terapeuter udbyder såkaldt “undergrundsterapi”. Nogle indtager psykedelika i nattelivet i de danske byer, mens andre tager til Peru for at prøve ayahuasca i junglen.Alle vil være med; psykologer, psykoterapeuter og psykiatere, neuroforskere, socialforskere, bioforskere og psykoforskere, big pharma, small pharma, new pharma, old pharma, shamaner, healere, influencere, magikere og undergrundsfacilitatorer, oprindelige kulturer, moderne teknologi, lokale fællesskaber og internet-psykiatri, aktivister, pessimister, optimister og hedonister. Men hvor er vi på vej hen? Og er der et fælles fodslag? I denne bog deler Danmarks førende eksperter på det psykedeliske område deres tanker om effekterne af psykedelika, hvordan de kan bruges i behandlingsøjemed, hvordan de allerede bliver brugt ude i samfundet, hvordan og hvorfor nogle individer anvender dem i deres personlige udvikling, hvad man skal være opmærksom på, og hvilket potentiale de har for vores samfund.Om redaktøren:Kevin Mikkelsen er daglig leder i Center for Psykedelisk Dannelse og selvstændig terapeut ved Liminala Terapi. Han har en BA i Socialpsykologi og Kulturstudier og er derudover uddannet psykoterapeut og naturterapeut ved Human Education Group, hvor han også underviser i naturterapi. I 2021 var han direktør på konferencen Psykedelisk Dannelse 2021.
#17 on the PW Bestseller Trade Paper Frontlist Growing up amid addiction and chaos in a Minnesota trailer park, Tyler Zed and his two brothers broke the cycle of abuse and forged a different path.
Now in a fully rewritten fourth edition, this is the authoritative presentation of motivational interviewing (MI), the powerful approach to facilitating change. It has been updated and streamlined to be even more user-friendly as a practitioner guide and course text.
For readers of Nine Lessons I Learned from My Father and Hockey Confidential, Down and Back tells broadcaster Justin Bourne’s story of following his Hall-of-Fame father not only to the NHL, but also into rehab.Bob Bourne was everything a son wants to emulate—an NHL All-Star, a Sports Illustrated “Sportsman of the Year,” a Stanley Cup champion. Justin Bourne followed in those huge footsteps, leading his teams in scoring year after year, and finally garnering an invitation to the New York Islanders’ training camp—the same team his father had played for. But Bourne was also following his father down a darker path.Though he hadn’t begun drinking until he was 21, by 36 his drinking had nearly swamped his career and his marriage. In an act of brutal self-honesty—which may not have been possible if not for his understanding of how lying spurred by alcoholism can cause a family pain—Bourne got help, got sober, and confronted what his father and the game mean to him.Down and Back is a frank and unflinching appraisal of the game and Bourne’s relationship with it: the violence and danger, the booze and drugs, the consequences of fame. But it is also an honest look at what is redeeming about the sport, through the eyes of someone who grew up in NHL dressing rooms, who has skated on NHL ice as both a player and a coach, and who inherited the game from a man he’s grown to better understand by looking more closely at himself.
Russell Brand: "Faktum er, at det er ligegyldigt, om du gambler i en grad, så det skader dig, om du drikker for meget, om du er faret vild i dit liv, eller om du er bange for at sætte ord på, hvor ulykkelig du er, selv over for dig selv; hvor meget du frygter fremtiden, døden, andre mennesker, at være fattig, ikke at være god nok, sexet nok, tynd nok, rå nok, berømt nok, og hvis du bare kunne få ’X, Y eller Z, så ville alt være fint’. Hvis du har det sådan, er jeg ret sikker på, at du er en del af afhængighedsspektret. Ud fra denne definition: Du prøver at løse et indre problem ved hjælp af ydre midler på trods af de negative konsekvenser."1. Er du lidt fucked?2. Kunne du være ikke-fucked?3. Kan du helt alene klare at ’unfucke’ dig selv?4. Skriv alt det ned, som fucker med dig, eller som har fucket med dig, og lad være med at lyve eller udelade noget.5. Fortæl en, du stoler på, ærligt, hvor fucked op du er.6. Nå, det afslørede en masse fucked op mønstre. Vil du stoppe de mønstre? Seriøst?7. Er du villig til leve på en ny måde, som ikke kun handler om dig og dine tidligere fucked op ting? Det er du nødt til.8. Forbered dig på at undskylde til alle for alt, som er påvirket af, at du er så fucked op.9. Undskyld så. Medmindre det gør tingene værre.10. Pas på fucked op tænkning og adfærd, og vær ærlig, når det sker.11. Forbliv forbundet til dit nye perspektiv.12. Se mindre egoistisk på livet, vær venlig mod alle, hjælp folk, hvis du kan.Hvilke usunde vaner og bindinger holder sammen på dit liv? Er du ubevidst afhængig af mad? Usunde forhold? Et arbejde, der er utilfredsstillende for dig? Er du følelsesløs, tjekker hele tiden din telefon, på udkig efter hvad?
Feeling overwhelmed by today's parenting challenges in a world abundant with substances? Are you searching for ways to fortify your child against temptation? Would you recognize the signs of substance use?Navigating the complexities of modern parenting in an era where substance abuse is no longer an anomaly but a reality, it's imperative to be well-armed. The omnipresent specter of substance abuse looms, threatening to undermine the stability and well-being of families everywhere. As parents, it's natural to assume: "It's a passing phase-they'll outgrow it.""Vigilance is enough to keep them safe.""It's not our child; it's their friends. They are a bad influence."However, the statistics from the National Center for Drug Abuse cast a bleak shadow, indicating that no family is truly immune. But forewarned is forearmed, and knowledge remains the most potent weapon."Parenting in a Substance Abundant World" is more than just a book; it's a strategic roadmap. Through its pages, you'll: Empower with Protective Factors: Delve deep into strategies to reinforce resilience in your child from a young age.Recognize the Subtle Signs: Understand the nuances of substance use behaviors and the indicators that are often missed.Engage in Constructive Conversations: Communicate concerns without alienating or pushing your child further into problematic substance use.Navigate Addiction's Labyrinth: Find the path to recovery and embrace it as a united front.Explore Tailored Treatment: Recognize that recovery isn't one-size-fits-all and discover the routes that align with your child's unique needs.Heal Together and Apart: Understand the importance of collective and individual healing for your child, yourself, and your family.Embrace a Brighter Future: Equip your child with tools for a sustainable recovery, ensuring they're not just surviving but thriving.With the guidance and involvement of loving parents, the majority of teens mature out of this worrying phase without the need for formal treatment. You have the potential to be the bulwark against substance abuse for your child.While the challenges are undeniably formidable, with this comprehensive guide, you're not facing them unarmed.Are you ready to navigate these parenting challenges with more clarity and confidence? I truly believe this book will help. Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" now.
This book provides a toolbox of strategies for clinicians and individuals to integrate the brainbody therapies, EMDR, Brainspotting, and Yoga Nidra in recovery or self-care programs. Based on the author's internationally renowned research, clinicians will be able to learn the science behind these modalities and their integrated applications.
The Psychology and Neuroscience of Impulsivity is the first book to provide a comprehensive overview of impulsivity and related psychological and neural substrates. The book is divided into four sections that provide the readers with a general overview of impulsivity, neural and cognitive substrates of impulsive behaviors, and the relationship between impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors. The second section discusses the links between impulsivity and erroneous behaviors, such as anger and aggressive behaviors and interpersonal violence. The third section reviews how impulsive behaviors are key features of several clinical disorders, such as pathological gambling, drug abuse, and antisocial personality disorder.The last section presents possible treatment options for impulsivity, including a number case studies.
A team of University of Toronto sociologists examined Fyodor Dostoyevsky's life to determine the origins of his gambling addiction and draw interesting parallels with the experience of modern day gamblers that they interviewed and took bibliographical accounts from in their study of Toronto area residents.
Dr. Patrick Carnes' follow up text to "Facing the Shadow." This book leads readers further into recovery.
Unlike most books on families and addiction that provide prescriptive advice, When The Solution Becomes the Problem takes a different approach. This book partners with families, aiming to help them understand why implementing expert recommendations can be so challenging. By delving in the "why," families gain insights into their current crisis and the factors contributing to it. The book's primary goals are twofold. Firstly, it aims to provide comprehensive information on addiction and trauma, drawing from scholarly literature while presenting it in a family-friendly style with relatable stories and clinical descriptions. Real-life scenarios woven through the chapters allow readers to recognize themselves and their family's circumstances from fresh perspectives. Secondly, the book encourages readers to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, leading to growth, healing, and positive change for the entire family system. Divided into two parts, the educational section offers insights into addiction as a chronic, progressive disease that hijacks the brain's reward system and impairs a loved one's self-awareness of their problem. The trauma chapters introduce readers to a continuum of traumas, including Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Transgenerational Trauma, Complex/Developmental Trauma, and Secondary Trauma arising from living with a loved one struggling with addiction and trauma. The second part of the book expands on resilience as both an individual and family process, exploring the dynamics of change, improving communication, and the path to family healing. These chapters provide practical steps empowering individual family members to effect positive changes that ripple into transformative shifts for the entire family. The book guides families in supporting their loved ones' journey to recovery and reintegration into the family with full membership. Ultimately, the book aims to guide families away from the perspective of "we are a family with a loved one who struggles with addiction" towards embracing the identity of "we are a family in recovery from addiction and trauma." By fostering understanding, empathy, and actionable guidance, this book seeks to empower families to break free form the cycle of addiction and trauma, promoting healing and a renewed sense of togetherness.
Stories of Recovery: Navigating Self-Governance in the Realm of Addiction" is a compellingand insightful exploration of the human experience within the challenging landscape ofaddiction. This thought-provoking book delves deep into the intricate interplay betweennarrative, self-governance, and the arduous journey of overcoming addiction.Drawing from a rich tapestry of personal narratives, scientific research, and psychologicalinsights, this book illuminates the transformative power of storytelling in the process ofrecovery. It showcases the remarkable stories of individuals who have confronted addictionhead-on, offering a diverse array of experiences, perspectives, and pathways to healing.As readers delve into these narratives, they will discover how individuals grapple withaddiction as they navigate the complexities of their own lives. The book explores thefundamental role of self-governance, emphasizing the agency and resilience required to breakfree from the clutches of addiction and embark on the path to recovery."Stories of Recovery" is not just a book about addiction; it is a testament to the strength of thehuman spirit and the capacity for transformation. It sheds light on the unique challenges facedby those dealing with addiction, while also highlighting the myriad ways in which individualsharness their own narratives to regain control of their lives.This book is an invaluable resource for anyone touched by addiction, whether as a personstruggling with it, a family member, a friend, or a healthcare professional. It offers acompassionate and empathetic lens through which to view addiction, encouraging a deeperunderstanding and a more supportive approach to recovery. "Stories of Recovery" invitesreaders to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, resilience, and hope, reminding usall that recovery is not just possible but achievable through the power of narrative and selfgovernance.
Trusting Recovery and Desistance synthesises and presents research on the social influences of recovery and desistance.
This book surveys the historical context of substance use disorders in communities of color and offers strategies to support and empower them.
"This updated edition provides a practical guide to consultation-liaison psychiatry, covering clinical topics, service development, and a suggested scaffold for research and audit. It will be of practical value to doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals who encounter people with mental health problems complicating physical healthcare"--
Are you or someone you know struggling with addiction? "The Breaking Point: Conquering Addiction for Good" is a powerful and transformative book that offers a lifeline to those caught in the clutches of addiction. Written with empathy, insight, and hope, this book provides a roadmap to freedom from the chains of substance abuse and destructive behaviors. Real Stories of Triumph: "The Breaking Point" delves into real-life story of the author who has battled addiction and emerged victorious. Through these powerful narratives, readers will find inspiration, relatability, and the knowledge that recovery is possible. Expert Insights and Strategies: Authored by a team of addiction specialists and therapists, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of addiction's root causes and effective strategies for overcoming it. Learn about evidence-based treatments, coping mechanisms, and the importance of a supportive community. Breaking the Stigma: With compassion and sensitivity, "The Breaking Point" challenges the stigma surrounding addiction, encouraging readers to view it as a treatable condition rather than a moral failing. This approach promotes healing and self-compassion, crucial elements on the journey to recovery. Empowering Self-Discovery: The book encourages readers to explore the underlying issues that fuel addictive behaviors, empowering them to confront their vulnerabilities and find strength in their journey towards sobriety. Discover the tools needed to reclaim control over one's life and make lasting positive changes. Building Resilience and Preventing Relapse: "The Breaking Point" equips readers with invaluable skills to build resilience and safeguard against relapse. Learn how to navigate triggers, develop healthier habits, and cultivate a future filled with purpose and fulfillment. "The Breaking Point: Conquering Addiction for Good" is more than just a book; it is a beacon of hope, providing a roadmap towards lasting recovery and a life free from the grips of addiction. Whether you're seeking personal growth or aiming to support a loved one through their journey, this compelling guide is a must-read for anyone touched by addiction.
Do you feel you've gone crazy and can't get off the roller coaster of emotions since discovering your partner's secretive behaviours and betrayal?No doubt you are devastated and grieving multilayered losses. Partners of sex addicts frequently experience the anguish of betrayal, which is multifaceted and nuanced. A betrayed partner may experience betrayal-trauma responses such as emotional instability, grief, despair, low self-esteem, body-image issues, anxiety, and depression, to name but a few consequences.This workbook offers a detailed description of the steps involved in grief processing and healing from betrayal trauma. Dr Fai provides a practical picture of suggested techniques that are based on current research and brain science while urging a holistic approach to betrayal-trauma recovery. She also developed a 12-Steps for betrayed partners in this book, which adds a new layer to healing and is influenced by the original 12-Steps.Currently, Dr Fai is the only academic in Australia who holds a PhD in sexual addiction, its impact on female partners' well-being and lived experiences, and betrayal trauma. In addition, Dr Fai is an accomplished author of multiple books and academic articles on sex addiction and betrayal trauma in partners. She is the author of multiple international academic articles, and the #1 Amazon bestsellers, Reclaim Your Life, Recovery Journey Workbook and The Pain And Betrayal Trauma Caused By Sexual Addiction.Dr Fai Seyed is the director of the House of Hope Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre in Brisbane, Australia. She is also a trainer and a supervisor. With her considerable therapeutic experience, Dr Fai has helped adolescents, adults, couples, and families deal with a range of life's challenges.
Internet-based technologies prevail in most of the world. Along with the positive features of digital technologies that permeate our lives in almost every area, including lifestyles and daily practices, the traces of negative aspects have also become evident. Digital addiction is among the most important of these aspects. It is obvious that communication, which has been maintained in various forms since the beginning of humanity, has been shaped by the period in which it is lived. The technology-based transformation has transformed communication, which has been adopted to the "internet" in the world, into a completely different form. Communication, which has become sustainable at any time and anywhere, regardless of location, led by the never-ending elements of "continuity" and "interaction," has turned into an indispensable form. Perspectives on Society and Technology Addiction examines every subject of digital addiction in an interdisciplinary way. It discusses the issues about what technology addiction is, how to deal with this addiction, how to use the existing technology in a positive way, how to deal with this technology for disadvantaged groups, and concerns in the fields of social science and communication science. Covering topics such as Consumer 5.0, experience design, and information markets, this premier reference source is an essential resource for sociologists, policymakers, students and educators of higher education, researchers, and academicians.
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