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Søvnbesvær og terapi

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  • Spar 24%
    af Peter Lund Madsen
    228,95 kr.

    Peter Lund Madsen tager os med på en rejse gennem hjernens evolutionshistorie og forklarer, hvorfor alle moderne mennesker bærer kimen til mental ubalance i sig. Peter Lund Madsen fortæller også om dengang, han selv var bange for at blive sindssyg. Men hvad sker der egentlig i hjernen, når virkelighedsopfattelsen forsvinder, og man ikke kan kende sig selv i spejlet? Når man bliver så angst, at hjertet hamrer, gulvet forsvinder, og man ikke kan trække vejret? Læs om den betydning hjernens funktionsevne har for stress, demens, angst, skizofreni og meget mere.

  • - En guide til at skabe trygge sovevaner for dit 0-4 årige barn
    af Sine Ditlev Bihlet
    168,95 kr.

    Nogle børn sover igennem fra starten. De fleste gør ikke. Faktisk er det helt normalt for forældre til 0-4 årige børn at opleve en eller flere svære perioder:Udfasning af den vuggende bevægelseNedtrapning og afvænning fra mælkSove selvTidlige morgenerNår putningen bliver ved og vedDenne bog gør dig i stand til at håndtere situationer som disse, og klæder dig på til at møde dit barn i øjenhøjde når det er træt og skal sove. Redskabet Putteritualet giver dig ro i maven når dit barn skal puttes og når det vågner om natten. Måske du endda selv vil få mere søvn. Tilgangen til barnets søvn er baseret på den nyeste forskning indenfor området børn og søvn, Sundhedsstyrelsens anbefalinger samt erfaringsbaseret praksis.Om forfatteren:Sine Ditlev Bihlet driver Søvnplejersken for at hjælpe forældre og dit børn til gode og trygge sovevaner. Udover privatkonsultationer afholder Sine mange foredrag, webinarer og kurser om børns søvn - for forældre, sundhedsfaglige og pædagogisk personale. Hun er aktiv på Instagram og Facebook, hvor hun også deler sin viden og erfaring om børns søvn. Anbefalinger: "Denne bog skiller sig ud ved at lade tilknytningen stå centralt i formidlingen af barnets søvn, og samtidig prioritere forældrenes trivsel i lige så høj grad. Det er enormt meningsfuldt, og jeg ved, at det gør – og vil gøre – en stor forskel for rigtig mange familier.” Lena Adalberth – Cand. mag. i sprogpsykologi og skaber af MOAR.”Sines vidensdeling giver masser af tryghed til alle familier. Relevant, autentisk og nærværende.” Karina Byrialsen Fragtrup, mor til Freja på 13 måneder.

  • Spar 15%
    - Banebrydende ny viden om søvn og drømmes betydning
    af Matthew Walker
    238,95 kr.

    "Forskere har opdaget en revolutionerende ny behandling, som giver dig et længere liv. Den forbedrer din hukommelse, gør dig mere attraktiv. Den holder dig slank og dæmper din spisetrang. Den beskytter dig mod cancer og demens. Den gør dig mere modstandsdygtig over for forkølelse og influenza. Den nedsætter din risiko for hjerteanfald, for ikke at tale om diabetes. Du vil sågar føle dig gladere, mindre nedtrykt og mindre angst. Interesseret?" (citat fra bogen) Indtil for ganske nylig havde videnskaben ingen svar på spørgsmålet om, hvorfor vi sover, hvad søvnen betyder for os, eller hvorfor det er så fatalt for vores helbred ikke at få søvn. Men en eksplosion af videnskabelige opdagelser i de sidste 20 år har kastet nyt lys over dette fundamentale fænomen i vores liv. Matthew Walker, førende neurolog og søvnekspert, giver os en ny forståelse af den vitale betydning, søvn og drømme har. Pressen skriver: »I sin nye bog giver Matthew Walker læserne os en opdateret forståelse af den vitale betydning, søvn og drømme har... Ifølge forfatteren, der er en førende britisk neurolog og søvnekspert, forbedrer en god og sund søvn menneskers hukommelse og koncentrationsevne. Den beskytter mod cancer, demens og diabetes samt gør én mere modstandsdygtig over for forkølelse og influenza.« – Tidsskriftet Epsilon »Jeg synes, at det er en fantastisk bog, som alle skal læse, så jeg har svært ved at finde svagheder ved bogen. Hvis jeg skal finde på noget må det være, at jeg savner endnu flere konkrete tips og strategier til at forbedre søvnen.« – P – Psykologernes Fagmagasin

  • Spar 30%
    af Mette Bender & Birgitte Rahbek Kornum
    208,95 kr.

    Søvnforsker Birgitte Rahbek Kornum omsætter den nyeste viden til praktiske råd for alle, der kæmper med søvnen nat efter nat.Hvorfor ligger jeg vågen om natten? Hvad skal jeg spise for at sove bedre? Er det skidt at sove til middag? Hvordan stopper jeg min partners snorken? Virker sovemedicin og melatonin? Hvad gør jeg for at fungere bedst muligt efter en dårlig nat?Vi ved i dag, at god og rigelig søvn er lige så vigtig for os som at spise sundt og bevæge os hver dag. Ikke desto mindre er det svært at finde et moderne menneske, der ikke i perioder har problemer med at sove, og alt for mange kæmper med søvnen nat efter nat.Her kommer bogen, der forklarer den vigtigste og den nyeste viden om søvn på en lettilgængelig måde – og giver de råd, vi alle sammen kan have brug for. Den internationalt anerkendte søvnforsker Birgitte Rahbek Kornum svarer på 123 spørgsmål om søvnens og dens væsen. Hun løfter sløret for de nyeste landvindinger inden for søvnforskning, afliver gamle myter og øser ud af sin viden om søvnens indflydelse på sundhed, hukommelse, humør, appetit og præstationsevne. Bogen kommer også ind på de mest almindelige søvnforstyrrelser og -sygdomme og særlige søvnbehov hos børn, teenagere, voksne og ældre.

  • - en personlig værktøjskasse til en bedre søvn
    af Lisbeth Zornig Andensen
    228,95 kr.

    Din personlige værktøjskasse til bedre søvn.Stress, sundhed, alder og dårlige vaner - mange ting spiller ind, når vi taler om søvnkvalitet. Lisbeth Zornig Andersen erkendt for en række populære fagbøger om sundhed, og nu er hun tilbage med en guide til søvn. Lisbeth var selv en 'psyko-sover', der roterede som en grillkylling, og lod frygten for søvnmangel stresse hende til mangelfuld søvn. Hun satte sig derfor for at nørde søvnteorier og afkræfte nogle af de myter, vi alle er vokset op med som børn. Kan søvn kun være god, hvis den er uafbrudt? Skal du have 8 timers søvn for at være veludhvilet? Er en lur i løbet af dagen altid et no go?Få svar på dette, og læs Lisbeths personlige historie om vejen til den gode søvn.

  • af Russell Foster
    106,95 kr.

    A GUIDE TO USING THE SCIENCE OF THE BODY CLOCK TO CREATE THE OPTIMUM PERSONAL ROUTINE. SLEEP BETTER, WORK BETTER, FEEL BETTER.'A superlative guide to some of the most intriguing questions of human existence' Bill BrysonIn the twenty-first century, we increasingly push our daily routines into the night, carrying out work, exercise and our social lives long after dark. But we have forgotten that our bodies are governed by a 24-hour biological clock which guides us towards the best time to sleep, eat and think. New science has proven that living out of sync with this clock is not only disrupting our sleep, but leaving us more vulnerable to infection, cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and mental illness.In Life Time, Professor Russell Foster shares his life's work, taking us on a fascinating and surprising journey through the science of our body clocks. Using his own studies, as well as insights from an international community of sleep scientists and biologists studying circadian rhythms, he illustrates the surprising effects the time of day can have on our health:- how a walk outside at dawn can ensure a better night's sleep- how eating after sundown can affect our weight- the extraordinary effects the time we take our medication can have on our risk of life-threatening conditions, such as strokesIn the modern world, we have neglected an essential part of our biology. But with knowledge of this astonishing science, we can get back into the rhythm, and live healthier, sharper lives.

  • af Nick Littlehales
    263,95 kr.

    Der er noget galt med vores søvn. Vi er konstant online, vores kalendere er fyldt op, og vi holder os gående på kaffe og sukker for at følge med. Noget må gå galt på et tidspunkt, og det noget er i stigende grad diabetes, hjertesygdomme, depression og Alzheimers. Hvordan er det gået så galt? Nick Littlehales er sovecoach for nogle af verdens største sportsstjerner. Han har opfundet metoden "R90", som handler om at tænke i søvnperioder frem for i timer, og som vil revolutionere den måde, vi tænker på søvn og hvile. Han har hjulpet med at omdefinere sovevaner for engelske fodboldspillere, Tour de France-cykelryttere og olympiske atleter – og han vil gøre det samme for alle andre i denne bog. Det er lige meget, om man er ung eller gammel, nybagte forældre eller et par, der skal købe en seng for første gang, en sygeplejerske med skiftende vagter eller en topchef – alle kan få glæde af de erfaringer og den forskning, der er samlet i denne bog. Læse bl.a. hvordan du får nok søvn uden nødvendigvis at sove otte timer hver nat. Hvordan du kan drikke et ekstra glas vin, en kop kaffe eller spise sent uden at bekymre dig om din nattesøvn. Hvordan du køber den rigtige madras (og den behøver ikke koste en formue). Hvordan du forholder dig til jetlag, små børn, snorken og andre natlige udfordringer. Nick Littlehales er Englands førende søvncoach med mere end 30 års erfaring fra arbejdet med især sportsfolk. Blandt hans klienter er topfodboldklubber, cykelryttere og olympiske atleter.

  • af Colin A Espie
    505,95 kr.

    "A comprehensive guide to assessing and treating insomnia using evidence-based cognitive and behavioural therapeutics (CBTx). With detailed instructions on treatment formulation and delivery, alongside practical examples, the book equips clinicians to select the most appropriate CBTx for each patient and implement treatment in everyday practice"--

  • af Robertino Bedenian
    173,95 kr.

    If you have ever wanted to learn about the causes, treatment options, and chances of success for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders without having to read through a medical tome, please read on...Did you know that sleep apnea is one of the most underrated "diseases"?Have you been aware that millions of adults suffer from sleep apnea and don't even know it?Did you know that there are typical symptoms of sleep apnea, but that most people would never associate those symptoms with sleep apnea?Have you been aware that sleep apnea could be treated quite effectively and that there is a highly effective form of therapy you need to apply?Has it ever occurred to you that there is an almost causal relationship between sleep disorders, sleep apnea, and snoring?Just imagine for a moment what joy of life and energy you would gain if you finally solved the "sleep apnea issue" because then you would wake up every morning refreshed and in a good mood, and you would finally no longer have to worry about how to get through the day.Why This Book Is Different!This book is different because it is written in a simple, informative, coherent, pragmatic, and, above all, practical way, in which the promising and less promising therapy options are discussed, without concealing their side effects.In this book, you will learn...what sleep apnea is all about and what causes it, while millions of adults do not even know that they suffer from this "disease".what signs and symptoms point to sleep apnea that most people would never associate with sleep apnea.which form of diagnosis is best to diagnose sleep apnea.which form of therapy works, which doesn't, and what side effects you should expect.which abnormalities in children point to sleep apnea!...and much more!If you have ever wanted to learn about the causes, treatment options, and chances of success for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders without having to read through a medical tome, then this book is for you!

  • af Ignacio E Tapia
    688,95 kr.

    Ideal for sleep specialists, pediatricians, or family medicine practitioners, Assessment and Treatment of Infant Sleep provides in-depth information about normal aspects of sleep in infancy, as well as both medical and behavioral sleep problem assessment and management. This unique resource offers concise, consolidated guidance when preparing for a clinic or rotation with patients in infancy or when engaging in treatment planning for young children with sleep problems.Covers normal and abnormal aspects of infant sleep and provides evidence-based tools to direct assessment and treatment of medical and behavioral sleep concerns.Discusses new protocols and treatments specific to children under 24 months of age.Highlights the unique evaluation and management of medical sleep disorders specific to infants, with a focus on special populations.Contains full-color illustrations throughout, including diagrams, photographs, and sleep studies (polysomnography).Distills a growing body of research related to the spectrum of medical and behavioral disorders in infant sleep in a single reference ideal for clinicians or researchers.An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • af Stephen H Sheldon
    1.071,95 kr.

    Globally recognized as the definitive resource for any health practitioner who treats children, Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine provides state-of-the-art information on virtually all sleep-related problems encountered in pediatric patients. Written by preeminent sleep medicine experts Drs. Stephen H. Sheldon, Meir H. Kryger, David Gozal, and Craig Canapari, this full-color 3rd Edition equips you with a complete understanding of both medical and psychiatric pediatric sleep disorders in one convenient, trustworthy resource.Separates content into normal and abnormal sleep for quick access to key information.Offers four distinct parts: Principles, Diagnosis, Clinical Practice, and an all-new two-section Atlas to support diagnostic and treatment decisions, covering both normal development and specific sleep disorders.Includes a new chapter on ambulatory monitoring of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea and a new, combined section covering history and differential diagnosis.Provides extensive, up-to-date coverage of obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment; sleep-related breathing disorders; parasomnias; evaluation and management of sleepy children; evaluation and management of circadian rhythm abnormalities; and pharmacology.Includes a section on scoring and assessment of sleep and related physiological events.Features sleep studies (polysomnography), graphs, charts, and diagrams to support the text, as well as abundantly referenced chapters to help you investigate topics further.An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • af Kevin Milborne
    133,95 kr.

    I'm going to give away the keys that will, at last, enable you or a loved one to stop snoring and have a restful night's sleep tonight, tomorrow, the night after that, and so forth!But first, allow me to ask you a brief question before we continue:Did you know that snoring is frequently a symptom of a far more serious health condition rather than just a little annoying problem?

  • af Leopoldo P Correa
    825,95 kr.

    In this issue of Dental Clinics, guest editor Dr. Leopoldo P. Correa brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Dental Sleep Medicine. Top experts in the field discuss the use of oral appliance therapy to treat sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This issue covers new appliances for OSA, as well as the latest updates in sleep medicine, including surgical management, legal issues, chronobiology, and insomnia. Contains 15 relevant, practice-oriented topics including temporomandibular disorders and dental sleep medicine; dental sleep medicine and orofacial pain; pediatric dental sleep medicine; combination therapies with an oral appliance in the management of OSA; oral appliances for OSA; and more. Provides in-depth clinical reviews on dental sleep medicine, offering actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Richard B Berry
    1.030,95 kr.

    Master the basics of sleep medicine with this easy to read, award-winning text! Fundamentals of Sleep Medicine, 2nd Edition, by Drs. Richard B. Berry, Mary H. Wagner, and Scott M. Ryals, is an ideal resource for sleep medicine fellows and trainees, sleep technicians, and sleep medicine practitioners as a concise, clinically focused alternative to larger references. Beginning with core content, it then proceeds to information useful for everyday practice-all written in a clear, direct style designed for quick and easy access.Features video content that demonstrates common sleep disorders.Includes more than 350 updated multiple-choice questions and answers for self-assessment and board preparation.New! Offers concise Key Points at the end of each chapter, expanding on information from Drs. Berry and Wagner’s popular book Sleep Medicine Pearls to enhance your understanding.Provides updated references to AASM scoring guidelines and diagnostic criteria for sleep disorders.Illustrated with numerous diagrams, charts, and polysomnograms (sleep studies) to clarify complex concepts.An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • af Nicola Elliott
    166,95 kr.

    The stunning book from wellbeing experts NEOM and discover the secrets to BETTER SLEEP. LESS STRESS. MORE ENERGY. MOOD BOOST.'A bible of knowledge with lots of great advice' Alesha Dixon'An invaluable guide to holistic wellbeing' Joshua Fletcher (@anxietyjosh) anxiety therapist and author************These are the four pillars of wellbeing and there is no one better placed to show you how to achieve each of them than Nicola Elliott, founder of NEOM.After eighteen years of building the UK's leading wellbeing business, Nicola has been there, done that and got the weighted blanket. In this beautifully illustrated guide, she combines her own no-nonsense advice with insights from experts on sleep, stress, energy and mood, so that you can find the solutions that work for you.Wellbeing starts with the little moments so whether you've got 30 seconds or 30 minutes, you will find simple tips and tricks that will suit your lifestyle and help you feel better than ever, the NEOM way.

  • af Monica L. Andersen
    579,95 kr.

    In this issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, guest editor Dr. Monica L. Andersen brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Sleep in Women. Top experts discuss topics such as the relationship between mood and sleep in different female reproductive states; sleep parameters across the menstrual cycle; sleep duration, obesity and mortality risk in women; sleep during menopause; and more. Contains 8 more practice-oriented topics including the effects of hormonal contraceptives on the sleep of women of reproductive age; sleep patterns in women with dysmenorrhea; the cardiovascular impact of obstructive sleep apnea in women; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on sleep in women, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Steven Holfinger
    625,95 kr.

    In this issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, guest editor Dr. Steven Holfinger brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Advances in Technology for the Sleep Field. Top experts discuss current development and use of multi-modal sensors and technologies which make accurate sleep monitoring at scale a possibility in today's sleep medicine. Contains 15 practice-oriented topics including using telehealth platforms to transform sleep care models; are consumer wearable sleep trackers ready for clinical use; potential implications of screen time in an age of augmented/virtual reality; advancements in sleep health to optimize human performance; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews of advances in technology for the sleep field, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Marie Darrieussecq
    126,95 kr.

    What is it like to live with chronic insomnia? In Sleepless, Marie Darrieussecq recounts her own experiences alongside those of fellow insomniacs, writers and artists including Virginia Woolf, Marguerite Duras and Franz Kafka.

  • af Philip Carr-Gomm
    146,95 kr.

    A fast and easy six-step approach for addressing insomnia and other sleep disorders.

  • af Catherine Kurosu
    358,95 kr.

    Learn how to combine the best of Western and Eastern medical traditions to treat sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression. True Wellness the Mind is a step-by-step guide to better mental health, blending the best of Western and Eastern medical traditions to reduceSleep DisordersAnxietyDepressionThe authors recognize that the conventional way of managing sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression may not be sustainable for many who continue to struggle with these problems. In their own practices they have discovered a path to optimal mental health by combining the best of Western and Eastern medicine. "We have seen among our own patients how chronic stress can wear away at their well-being, often first by stealing their sleep, then dampening their mood, and finally disrupting their health."With this book you will:Discover the strengths and benefits of both Western and Eastern medicineCombine Western and Eastern healing methods for sleep disorders, anxiety, and depressionUse questions, worksheets, checklists, and practical advice to prepare for and begin new, healthy behaviorsLearn to create a multidisciplinary care team for a strong alliance between your Western health-care providers and Eastern practitionersThe authors explain how exercise, nutritious food, stress management, acupuncture, and qigong affect the body, so you can make healthier choices. To make this easy, they provide practical advice and worksheets to start simple daily exercise routines, help you increase more plants in your diet, and begin a stress reducing qigong practice. True Wellness the Mind encourages individual responsibility and prepares you to take the first step on your healing journey. By combining ancient wisdom, cutting-edge scientific discoveries, and practical advice, these tools can lead you through a transformation to true well-being in body, mind, and spirit. Remember, emotional health, physical health, and sleep are intertwined, each affecting the others.

  • af Haviva Veler
    625,95 kr.

    In this issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, guest editor Dr. Haviva Veler brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Pediatric Sleep Clinics. Sleep disorders in children span the gamut from behavioral issues to medical disorders. In this issue, top experts cover a wide variety of topics in the field, including measuring pediatric sleep health, circadian rhythm disorders, narcolepsy and idiopathy hypersomnia, and much more. Contains 17 practice-oriented topics including what's new in pediatric OSA; sleep and inflammation; pediatric sleep pharmacology; sleep during the pandemic; sleep technology, sleep and mental health, the PHAT study update; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on pediatric sleep, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Stephanie Modell
    96,95 kr.

  • af Deepak Shrivastava
    498,95 kr.

    This is a practical and patient-complaint focused handbook, directed to motivate non-sleep experts and beginners in sleep medicine and technology. This book provides a basic review of the area of sleep, identifies some common patient presentations and illustrates the types of investigations that should be requested. With sleep and breathing problems being so common and affecting many other chronic clinical conditions, it is important that primary care and other general physicians as well as allied health practitioners have a greater appreciation of this area. This text is a valuable "go-to" handbook for the occasional "sleep" practitioner to refer to.Key Features:¿ Contains specially packaged with Specific Learning Objectives to each chapter followed by self-assessment questions, case scenarios, basic sleep monitoring techniques in detail with sample reports.¿ Provides direction to health care professionals who encounter patients with sleep and breathing disorders in their practice.¿ Uses algorithms and concept maps for dealing with specific symptoms.

  • af Thoru Yamada
    1.316,95 kr.

    Focusing on the technical aspects of clinical neurophysiologic testing, Practical Guide for Clinical Neurophysiologic Testing: EP, LTM/ccEEG, IOM, PSG, and NCS/EMG 2nd Edition, offers comprehensive guidance on neurophysiologic testing that picks up where the companion Practical Guide for Clinical Neurophysiologic Testing: EEG ends. Dr. Thoru Yamada and Elizabeth Meng provide advanced content on evoked potentials, intraoperative monitoring, long-term EEG monitoring, epilepsy monitoring, sleep studies, and nerve conduction studies. All chapters have been updated to incorporate recent advancements and new studies and articles.

  • af Niall Breslin
    166,95 kr.

    Niall Breslin's latest Mindful Moments picture book brings calm to bedtime by teaching children a body scan meditation technique for an easy countdown to sleep.

  • af Kelley Richardson
    193,95 kr.

    The Very Stuffy Nose is the story of a boy who starts breathing through his mouth after getting a cold. His habitual mouth breathing leads to long term nasal congestion which also affects his ability to smell. Join Finn on this journey as he discovers how to unstuff his stuffy nose and that his nose is for smelling and breathing.To purchase Spanish, German, French, and Polish versions, visit story educates on the consequences of mouth breathing and the benefits of breathing through the nose. In addition to being a decongestion suggestion, the author, Kelley Richardson, details her own experience as a parent struggling to help her young son with chronic congestion, inflammation, poor sleep and restlessness. Kelley hopes to spark awareness of how simple changes in breathing and sleep can result in positive improvements in behavior, growth and development.

  • af Lynn Lipskis
    163,95 kr.

    In today's world, health care can be unforgiving, impersonal, and frustrating. It doesn't have to be that way. Drs. Edmund and Lynn Lipskis wrote Breathe, Sleep, Live, Smile to address issues in their field of expertise, and to also highlight the importance of getting to the root of your medical problems in order to eliminate the symptoms which negatively impact your life.

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