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  • af Stephanie Modell
    106,95 kr.

  • af Deepak Shrivastava
    384,95 kr.

    This is a practical and patient-complaint focused handbook, directed to motivate non-sleep experts and beginners in sleep medicine and technology. This book provides a basic review of the area of sleep, identifies some common patient presentations and illustrates the types of investigations that should be requested.

  • af Niall Breslin
    165,95 kr.

    Niall Breslin's latest Mindful Moments picture book brings calm to bedtime by teaching children a body scan meditation technique for an easy countdown to sleep.

  • af Rosey Davidson
    157,95 kr.

    The Just Chill Baby Sleep Book is a remarkable creation by the talented author, Rosey Davidson. Published by Ebury Publishing in 2023, this book has quickly become a favorite among readers. Davidson, known for her insightful writing, takes us on an enlightening journey in this book. It's an exceptional piece that belongs to a genre that appeals to a wide range of readers. The Just Chill Baby Sleep Book is more than just a book; it's a guide that can help new parents navigate the often challenging journey of parenthood. It provides practical advice and strategies to help your baby sleep better and thus, bring some much-needed peace into your life. Ebury Publishing, a renowned publisher, recognized the value of this book and brought it to the public in 2023. Since then, it has been helping parents all over the world. If you're looking for some expert advice on baby sleep, this book is a must-read.

  • af Kelley Richardson
    172,95 kr.

    The Very Stuffy Nose is the story of a boy who starts breathing through his mouth after getting a cold. His habitual mouth breathing leads to long term nasal congestion which also affects his ability to smell. Join Finn on this journey as he discovers how to unstuff his stuffy nose and that his nose is for smelling and breathing.This story educates on the consequences of mouth breathing and the benefits of breathing through the nose. In addition to being a decongestion suggestion, the author, Kelley Richardson, details her own experience as a parent struggling to help her young son with chronic congestion, inflammation, poor sleep and restlessness. Kelley hopes to spark awareness of how simple changes in breathing and sleep can result in positive improvements in behavior, growth and development.

  • af Lynn Lipskis
    162,95 kr.

    Treatment Isn't One-Size-Fits-All In today¿s world, health care can be unforgiving, impersonal, and frustrating. Some doctors will only prescribe symptomatic care¿to the point that weekly doctor visits become the norm. It doesn¿t have to be that way. There is more at the root of health problems than most people would think, and part of healing is knowing enough to ask the correct questions. Drs. Edmund and Lynn Lipskis wrote Breathe, Sleep, Live, Smile: Integrative Treatments for TMJ, Sleep Apnea and Orthodontics to address issues in their field of expertise, and to also highlight the importance of getting to the root of your medical problems in order to eliminate the symptoms which negatively impact your life. This book includes information about: ¿ the relationship between TMJ, chronic pain, and sleep apnea/breathing issues; ¿ the importance of integrative treatments and professional/patient collaboration; ¿ getting to the source of your pain for more permanent solutions without drugs; and ¿ the importance of evaluating children as young as two years old to help prevent major health issues. Every presenting set of symptoms has a different roadmap to health. Don¿t wait¿learn how to get to the source of your health problems before you fall into the cycle of endless treatment.

  • af Shab R Krish
    162,95 kr.

    Improving Your Quality of Life Most people don't think it's a health issue when they are still tired after eight hours of sleep. Many more don't believe that snoring is unnatural and signifies an underlying health issue. Millions of Americans suffer from sleep disorders, with many more not even knowing they are a victim of it. In Restore Your Rest: Solutions for TMJ and Sleep Disorders, Dr. Shab Krish seeks to help improve your health by providing a roadmap to better sleep. In this book, you'll learn about: - how one health issue could be the source for many others, - the relationship between TMJ and sleep disorders, - diets and nutrition for overall wellness, and > If you have excessive daytime tiredness despite maintaining a disciplined sleep schedule, don't wait--find out if yo u may have a sleep disorder, and start on the road to better sleep today.

  • af Daniel Klauer
    162,95 kr.

    Victory Is In Reach What would a victory look like to you? Is it waking up pain-free and rested? Or is it getting through the day without dizzy spells or sharp, blinding headaches? People from young athletes to senior citizens are getting used to the norm of chronic treatment for persistent problems¿ but your norm today doesn¿t have to be your norm tomorrow. In Achieve Your Victory: Solutions for TMD and Sleep Apnea, Dr. Daniel Klauer aims to educate anyone willing to revise what they think is the norm, and plan ahead for their future health. This book will teach you how getting to the source of your problems can help you: ¿ improve restless sleep and increase energy, ¿ decrease TMJ pain and keep issues from reoccurring, and ¿ find victory in better, long-term health.

  • af Diane B Boivin
    247,95 kr.

    This book examines sleep-related phenomena, including individual sleep needs, problems related to the biological clock, why people who suffer from chronic anxiety or depression often sleep poorly, snoring and sleep apnea, among others. Special attention is paid to sleep disturbances affecting night workers and new mothers.

  • af Chankisa Mims
    147,95 kr.

  • - din vej til bedre søvn
    af Vibeke Manniche
    157,95 kr.

    ”Sov godt – din vej til bedre søvn” er skrevet af læge og søvnekspert Vibeke Manniche. En tredjedel af vores liv sover vi. Søvn er utrolig vigtigt for vores helbred, og er den enkeltstående faktor, som betyder allermest for vores helbred og velvære. Alligevel synes søvn at være blevet umoderne. Noget vi bare skal have overstået, hvilket jo er helt forfejlet! Sund søvn fører til sundhed på mange fronter og spiller også en væsentlig rolle, når vi skal helbredes. Det gælder ved såvel lettere infektionssygdomme som ved mere alvorlige sygdomme. Dårlig søvn fører desværre omvendt mange dårligdomme og sygdomme med sig. Udover et elendigt humør og mange konflikter i og mellem mennesker. Du skal læse denne bog, hvis du gerne vil holde fast i en sund søvn, eller hvis du har søvnproblemer. Den er højrelevant for alle. Ganske enkelt. God søvn er vejen til et godt, sundt og veloplagt liv. Denne bog giver dig de nødvendige, gode og effektive råd, som får dig til at sove dejligt som en sten. Vibeke Manniche, Læge, Ph.d. er søvnekspert og har i mange år undervist i og rådgivet om søvn. Hun har tidligere bl.a. skrevet den populære bog ”Børns søvn – din lille sovetryne”.

  • - Styrk kroppens naturlige produktion af melatonin
    af Locke Hughes
    97,95 kr.

    SØVNEN SPILLER EN AFGØRENDE ROLLE I FORBINDELSE MED VORES SUNDHED OG VELBEFINDENDEMere end halvdelen af os har udfordringer med at sove godt om natten. Med en stresset dagligdag, tændte blå skærme og indkommende e-mails dagen lang kan det være svært at falde til ro.Bogen har gode råd til at stimulere kroppens produktion af søvnhormonet melatonin i forbindelse med rutinerne inden sengetid, så man kan få sig en god og naturlig søvn.• Hvorfor har vi brug for at sove?• Hvordan fungerer søvnhormonet melatonin?• Gode rutiner før sengetid• Beroligende snacks og drikkevarer• Har jeg brug for tilskud af melatonin?Locke Hughes er journalist, forfatter og sundhedscoach. Hun tog eksamen i engelsk med topkarakter på University of Virginia, og hun har diplom som sundhedscoach fra Emory University

  • - Senkapitalisme og angrebene på søvn
    af Jonathan Crary
    147,95 kr.

    I dens naturlige ubrugelighed og iboende passivitet, med de uberegnelige tab den skaber i produktionstid, cirkulation og forbrug, vil søvn altid kollidere med 24/7-universets krav. Den kæmpe portion af vores liv, som vi bruger i søvne, befriet fra de simulerede behovs sump, er fortsat en af de store menneskelige fornærmelser mod den nutidige kapitalismes grådighed. Søvn er en kompromisløs afbrydelse af kapitalismens tyveri af vores tid.

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