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Ortopædisk kirurgi og knoglebrud

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  • Spar 10%
    af Christian Dippmann & Camilla Ryge
    512,95 kr.

    ”Hvilke sener består rotator cuff´en af? Skal en platfod behandles? Er denne skade så alvorlig at patienten hellere skal ses af en mere erfaren kollega?” Alle som har eller skal stifte bekendtskab med det ortopædkirurgiske speciale vil blive mødt af disse eller lignende spørgsmål. Om man er nyuddannet læge, i begyndelsen af sin speciallægeuddannelse, medicinstuderende eller sygeplejerske på en ortopædkirurgisk afdeling, eller hvis man sidder i almen praksis, vil man ofte blive mødt med nye problemstillinger, som kræver et mere eller mindre hurtigt svar.Ortopædkirurgi i klinisk praksis er første udgave af en ny lærebog om det ortopædkirurgiske speciale. Bogens formål har været at give et overblik over de mest relevante kliniske problemstillinger og diagnoser, og samtidig formidle denne viden kompakt og let læselig.På lidt mere end 500 sider giver de to forfattere en struktureret gennemgang af akutte og kroniske tilstande og af, hvordan disse tilstande diagnosticeres, udredes og behandles. Opbygningen af bogen er tænkt lidt anderledes end tidligere danske basisbøger i ortopædkirurgi, hvor teksten har båret mere præg af sammenhængende prosaafsnit.En masse kliniske billeder, tegninger, tabeller og faktabokse gør de kliniske tilstande mere håndgribelige og gør det desuden muligt at bruge denne lærebog som opslagsbog i den travle kliniske hverdag.I bogen gennemgås alle relevante kliniske tilstande (del I) med særlig fokus på de akut behandlingskrævende tilstande (del II). Desuden belyses de systemiske tilstande som tumorer, osteoporose, blødninger, koagulopatier og gigt (del III), som ikke direkte ligger indenfor det ortopædkirurgiske speciale, men som ofte har stor betydning for patientens udredning og behandling. Afslutningsvis vender vi blikket mod de praktiske færdigheder som suturteknik, bandageringsteknik, den ortopædkirurgiske patient og smertebehandling (Del IV), som gør bogen til en nyttig ledsager i den kliniske hverdag.Bogen giver desuden adgang til en online version, som vil gøre det muligt at nærlæse enkelte kapitler, når man støder på problemet og ikke har bogen med sig.

  • Spar 10%
    - Sygdomslære og sygepleje
    af Ingrid Poulsen, Hanne Mainz, Susanne Poulsen, mfl.
    431,95 kr.

    Ortopædkirurgi – Sygdomslære og sygepleje er nyskrevet og opdateret med de nyeste principper inden for sygepleje og behandling af de forskellige ortopædkirurgiske specialer. En lang række forfattere har bidraget med deres specialviden, og bogen er opdelt i en generel og en speciel del.I bogens generelle del beskrives præ-, per- og postoperativ sygepleje til den ortopædkirurgiske patient. Derudover indeholder den generelle del kapitler om modtagelse af patienten, ernæring, forebyggelse af komplikationer, træning af patienten, kvalitetsudvikling samt patientsikkerhed.I den specielle del gennemgås både sygeplejefaglig og lægefaglig behandling af lidelser og traumatiske tilstande i henhold til den fagområdespecialisering, der over de seneste år er sket inden for ortopædkirurgien.Bogen henvender sig til såvel sygeplejestuderende som uddannede sygeplejersker inden for alle grene af det ortopædkirurgiske speciale. Bogen er endvidere velegnet som opslagsværk for sygeplejersker ansat i akutmodtagelse, ambulatorier, sengeafdelinger samt opvågnings- og anæstesiafsnit. Endelig vil andre faggrupper inden for sundhedsvæsenet - herunder medicinstuderende - også have stor gavn af bogen.

  • Spar 13%
    af Cody Bünger, Ivan Hvid, Kjeld Søballe & mfl.
    1.044,95 kr.

    ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI9. udgaveOver 1.000 illustrationer!Hermed foreligger 9. udgave af lærebogen ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI. Bogen markerer næsten 40 års udgivelse af standardværket, der for længst er blevet en klassiker inden for faget.Bogen giver en grundig indføring i ortopædkirurgiens diagnostik og behandling og omfatter også en systematisk gennemgang af både de generaliserede og de topografisk afgrænsede lidelser i bevægeapparatet.Den nye udgave er grundigt revideret med faglig viden inden for alle ortopædkirurgiske subspecialer og tværfaglige krydsfelter, bl.a. ortogeriatri, reumatologi, smertebehandling og troboseprofylakse. Bogen er rigt illustreret, og lettilgængelige tabeller og kliniske fotos understøtter patientundersøgelser og teknik inden for hver anatomisk region.ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI er skrevet af førende danske eksperter, og lærebogen egner sig for medicinstuderende og postgraduate yngre læger under ortopædkirurgisk speciallægeuddannelse. Herudover kan fysioterapeuter og sygeplejersker anvende den som opslagsværk.

  • af Lars Hyldstrup & Jens Erik Beck Jensen
    298,95 kr.

    Op mod 650.000 danskere lider af osteoporose – langt størstedelen uden selv at vide det. Osteoporose har ingen symptomer, før det første brud indtræffer. Denne bog om en af de store folkesygdomme i Danmark er skrevet til alle, der har osteoporose inde på livet – som ramt, påvirket eller fagperson – og som ønsker at blive klogere. Bogen igennem tages der udgangspunkt i de spørgsmål, som forfatterne Lars Hyldstrup og Jens-Erik Beck Jensen i årevis har fået fra osteoporosepatienter, og de svar, man aktuelt kan give herpå. Bogen er rigt illustreret af uddybende faktabokse, forklarende figurer og visuelle grafer, der hjælper med at formidle al den data og forskning, som ligger til grund for den aktuelle viden om osteoporose.Bliv fx klogere på:Knoglernes biologiForskellige typer af knoglebrudÅrsager og risikofaktorerSymptomer og differentialdiagnoserDiagnostik og undersøgelsesmetoderRåd til knoglesund livsstilMedicinsk behandlingVejledning om fysisk aktivitetForsknings- og patientmiljøerBogen er opslagsvenlig, så man nemt kan finde svar på specifikke spørgsmål, men den kan ligeledes læses i sin helhed for en grundig indføring i sygdommen. Gennemgående i bogen findes derudover henvisninger til relevant litteratur, der giver mulighed for at dykke dybere ned.

  • af Joseph Ivan Krajbich
    3.163,95 kr.

    Now in one convenient volume, Atlas of Amputations and Limb Deficiencies: Surgical, Prosthetic, and Rehabilitation Principles, Fifth Edition, remains the definitive reference on the surgical and prosthetic management of acquired and congenital limb loss. Developed in partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and edited by Joseph Ivan Krajbich, MD, FRCS(C), Michael S. Pinzur, MD, FAAOS, COL Benjamin K. Potter, MD, FAAOS, FACS, and Phillip M. Stevens, MEd, CPO, FAAOP, it discusses the most recent advances and future developments in prosthetic technology with in-depth treatment and management recommendations for adult and pediatric conditions. With coverage of every aspect of this complex field from recognized experts in amputation surgery, rehabilitation, and prosthetics, it is an invaluable resource for surgeons, physicians, prosthetists, physiatrists, therapists, and all others with an interest in this field.

  • af Richard Buckley
    1.752,95 kr.

    Derived in part from the iconic Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach, the fully revised second edition of Surgical Exposures in Foot and Ankle Surgery: The Anatomic Approach provides a clear view of orthopaedic anatomy from the surgeon's perspective using easy-to-follow descriptions and more than 300 superb, full-color illustrations. Co-authored by Dr. Richard Buckley and Piet de Boer, this edition carries on the legacy of Dr. Stanley Hoppenfeld (1934-2020), offering unique, time-tested coverage of orthopaedic approaches to the ankle, the hindfoot, the midfoot, and the forefoot. New approaches, descriptions, and high-quality illustrations make this an ideal resource for both orthopaedic surgeons and podiatrists.

  • af Reiner Bartl
    222,95 kr.

    Mit Einführung der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) als bildgebende Methode für die klinische Routine in den 80er Jahren kann erstmals das Knochenmarködem (KMÖ) eindeutig diagnostiziert werden. Der lokale Nachweis eines KMÖ im Rahmen von orthopädischen, sportmedizinischen und unfallchirurgischen Erkrankungen führte zum Begriff des ¿Knochenmarködem-Syndroms¿ (KMÖS). Diese radiologisch-klinische Entität ist mit massiven Schmerzen und Bewegungseinschränkung verbunden. Während früher eine Anbohrung des ödematösen Bezirks als ¿Mittel der Wahl¿ galt, stehen heute effektive Medikamente, biophysikalische Verfahren und Kombinationstherapien zur Verfügung, die zu einer Ausheilung des Ödems führen.

  • af Patrick Lenehan
    1.319,95 kr.

    Anabolic steroids have traditionally been controversial in the sporting arena. Today, research indicates a dramatic increase in the use of anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs outside of competitive sports. With evidence of widespread steroid abuse among the general population, health professionals are citing the emergence of an

  • af Jörg Reichrath
    636,95 kr.

    Welchen Einfluss hat Vitamin D auf die Entstehung von Krebs­erkrankungen, Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Stoffwechsel- und Autoimmunerkrankungen? Wie gelingt die Balance zwischen notwendiger Sonneneinstrahlung und Vermeidung des Haut­krebsrisikos? Antworten auf diese und viele weitere Fragen zu diesem wichtigen Vitamin sowie der Vitamin D Mangelerkrankung Rachitis liefert das vorliegende Werk. Es räumt dabei mit häu­figen Irrtümern über Aufbau, Funktion und Wirkung von Vitamin D auf und liefert darüber hinaus zahlreiche, praxisrele­vante Fakten für eine optimale Versorgung. Der Autor ist ausge­wiesener Experte auf dem Gebiet und seit über drei Jahrzehnten in der Forschung zu Vitamin D tätig. Das Buch wendet sich an Ärztinnen und Ärzte, die ihre Patientinnen und Patienten auf Basis neuester wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse rund um das Thema Vitamin D bestmöglich versor­gen und informieren möchten.Der AutorProfessor Dr. med. Jörg Reichrath ist leitender Oberarzt der Klinik für Dermatologie und Leiter des Zentrums für klinische und experimentelle Photodermatologie am Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes.

  • af Armando Reyes Rojas
    673,95 - 676,95 kr.

  • af Giorgio Tamborrini
    263,95 kr.


  • af Kai-Ming G. Fu
    868,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

  • af Gernot Felmet
    673,95 - 950,95 kr.

  • af Elmar Ludolph
    419,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch werden die wichtigsten rechtlichen Begriffe, die der ärztliche Gutachter kennen sollte, übersichtlich, kompakt und vor allem präzise erläutert. Derselbe Begriff kann in Medizin und Rechtswissenschaft durchaus unterschiedlich verstanden werden. So ist die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation zwischen ärztlichen Sachverständigen und Gerichten/Verwaltung/Versicherungen eine schwierige Aufgabe für alle Beteiligten. Viele Streitfragen könnten allerdings vermieden werden, wenn man gerade bei diesen von Juristen und Medizinern gemeinsam benutzten Begriffen nicht aneinander vorbeireden würde. Hier setzt das Buch an: Für alle nachvollziehbar und dennoch mit höchster Präzision werden die wichtigsten Begriffe ¿ sortiert von A ¿ Z ¿ definiert. Stolpersteine ¿ ¿Cave¿ ¿ werden thematisiert und hervorgehoben. Darüber hinaus runden Hinweise auf die Pflichten des ärztlichen Gutachters und zahlreiche Tipps für die Erstellung und Abrechnung von ärztlichen Gutachten das Werk ab.Der Schwerpunkt der Erläuterungen betrifft den orthopädisch-unfallchirurgischen Bereich, den Herr Dr. Ludolph vertritt.In der 3. Auflage werden folgende Neuerungen berücksichtigt:· Zum 01.01.2024 ist das SGB XIV mit neuen Anspruchsgrundlagen und bisher in der Sozialgesetzgebung nicht bekannten Beweiserleichterungen in Kraft getreten· Ab 2021 wurde das Justizvergütungs- und Entschädigungsgesetz geändert. Die Vergütung des ärztlichen Sachverständigen, die auch Grundlage zahlreicher Vergütungsregelungen außerhalb des Gesetzes ist, wurde erhöht, die Zuordnung der Leistungen des ärztlichen Sachverständigen zu den einzelnen Vergütungsgruppen (M1 bis M3) wurde geändert.· Zum 01.07.2023 wurde die Vergütung von Gutachten für Berufsgenossenschaften und Unfallkassen erhöht (UV-GOÄ).· Entfallen ist zum 01.01.2021 der Unterlassungszwang. 9 der 80 Berufskrankheiten sahen als Tatbestandsvoraussetzung die Unterlassung der als ursächlich für die Erkrankung zu diskutierende Tätigkeit voraus. Ersetzt wurde dieser durch Mitwirkungspflichten. · Berücksichtigt wurden zudem eine Vielzahl rechtlicher Änderungen und aktuelle Gerichtsentscheidungen.

  • af Javier Quillo-Olvera
    950,95 - 1.429,95 kr.

    Endoscopic spinal surgery has become popular due its procedure-related benefits. The biportal endoscopic surgery is a recent technique, which has gained popularity in Asia, Europe, and Latin America since it can be applied to treat many diseases of the whole spine as cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral.Divided into thirty-four chapters, this first-ever book on unilateral biportal endoscopic spine surgery presents the technique history review and its current applications; the currently available technology and basic principles of this surgery: anesthesia, position, and operative room setup; endoscopic instruments, hydrostatic pressure, and intraoperative radiology; as well as anatomical considerations of basic approaches. It also details the techniques to resolve lumbar, cervical and thoracic spine diseases.Written by the world's most influential groups that perform the method, Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy of the Spine: An Atlas of Surgical Techniques will certainly be widely accepted by all surgeons interested to improve their daily practice in minimally invasive spine surgery.

  • af Alonso Moreno-Garcìa
    868,95 kr.

    This book comprehensively discusses existing controversies in orthopedic and trauma surgery of the upper limb, i.e. of the shoulder, humerus, elbow, wrist and hand. Real-world examples by experts from leading institutions equip the reader with the necessary knowledge and insights to address controversial issues and clinical presentations.The volume is subdivided into 5 sections, each of which discusses the most relevant controversies related to each joint, such as surgical versus conservative interventions, resection vs. prosthetic arthroplasty and more generally if, when and how to intervene in diverse pathologic conditions.This comprehensive guide is a valuable resource for all orthopedic surgeons, residents and fellows practicing in the field of upper limb surgery.

  • af Uma Srikumaran
    1.262,95 kr.

  • af Joachim Grifka
    238,95 kr.

    Dieser Ratgeber hilft allen Menschen, die unter Schulterproblemen leiden. Hier erfahren sie mehr über ihre Krankheit, verstehen damit die Zusammenhänge besser und können empfohlene Behandlungen nachvollziehen. Darüber hinaus lernen Betroffene, was sie selbst gegen die Beschwerden tun können, denn gerade bei Schultererkrankungen kann und sollte der Patient vieles selbst tun, um die Belastbarkeit zu verbessern und Beschwerden entgegenzuwirken. Ein Video-gestütztes Trainingsprogramm dient als Information und Schulung; die enthaltenen Videos zeigen Übungen und geben Tipps für richtige Verhaltensmaßnahmen und ein gezieltes Training. Patienten sprechen immer wieder Fragen und Probleme an - auch darauf geht dieser Ratgeber gezielt ein. Mittels der Prinzipien der Schulterschule ist es heute möglich, mit Verhaltensmaßnahmen und gezielten Übungen eine Vielzahl von Beschwerden ohne Operation erfolgreich zu behandeln. Alle Übungen können Sie ohne spezielle Geräte einfach und sicher zuHause durchführen.Der Autor und seine Arbeitsgruppe sind mit dem höchst dotierten Preis für Prävention in Deutschland ausgezeichnet worden.Empfohlen vom Berufsverband für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, vom VDB-Physiotherapieverband ¿ Berufs- und Wirtschaftsverband der Selbständigen in der Physiotherapie und dem Deutschen Verband für Physiotherapie (ZVK) e.V.

  • af Victor Valderrabano
    1.432,95 kr.

    With its high number of pathology and even higher number of treatments, forefoot surgery is a complex and ever-expanding field. In this book, the editors have assembled an international panel of experts to address the most common forefoot pathologies. The first clinical part, which comprehensively addresses etiology, classifications, and diagnosis, is followed by a practical part, where surgical techniques, implants, and postoperative indications are discussed in bullet points to ensure quick and efficient consultation. The book concludes with a selection of extensively illustrated clinical cases where clinical and radiological outcomes of surgical procedures can be appreciated. Forefoot Disorders: Basic Considerations and Treatment Strategies constitutes an indispensable growth tool for the foot surgeon who wants to stay up to date with the latest developments in the field and who often seeks quick and practical consultation. The step-by-step description of surgical procedures will become an essential resource for readers looking for expert advice to enhance their surgical abilities in this field.

  • af Stephan Klessinger
    1.163,95 kr.

  • af Roth Bernard
    338,95 kr.

    This book provides a detailed account of the treatment of lateral curvature of the spine through posture and exercise alone, without the need for mechanical supports. The authors draw on their vast experience with 1000 consecutive cases to provide a comprehensive analysis of the condition and its management.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Joshua S. Dines
    1.228,95 - 1.243,95 kr.

    Bringing together the top elbow surgeons from around the world, this contemporary, up-to-date text presents surgical tips and techniques for the most common elbow procedures. Because authorship will be limited to leaders in the field, the emphasis will be on practical tips and techniques that can readily be implemented in the clinical and surgical environment.This text covers approximately 50 of the most common elbow surgical procedures, which are further subdivided into the following five categories: Trauma, Degenerative, Arthroscopy, Sports, and Neurologic. The focus of each chapter is on describing the precise clinical and surgical techniques used by the experts in each of these areas. Each chapter highlights a specific procedure and benefits from a consistent chapter approach: Description, Principles, Indications, Contraindications, Procedural Steps, Handling Difficulties, and Bailout and Salvage options. Given the international representation of the editors and authors, Tips and Techniques in Elbow Surgery will appeal to a very wide audience and will be of benefit to any surgeon who treats elbow injuries.

  • af Tracey C. Vlahovic
    2.003,95 - 2.809,95 kr.

    Lower extremity skin disorders are often overlooked by clinicians. Ailments such as eczema, psoriasis and tinea at times prove difficult to distinguish clinically, and misdiagnosis can lead to inappropriate therapy. Many practitioners are mystified when confronted with an abnormal appearing nail. Delay in recognizing skin cancer may adversely impact morbidity and mortality. This full-color atlas is a concise guide for medical professionals who deal with the lower extremities and will aid in both diagnosis and treatment. Topics featured in the Atlas include nail pathology, fungal and bacterial infections, xerotic and hyperkeratotic disorders, autoimmune diseases and vasculopathies, benign and malignant lesions, systemic diseases, and ulcerations. Each chapter contains vibrant photographic representative examples. Concluding chapters present a review of biopsy techniques as well as an overview of current dermatological therapies.  The Atlas of Lower Extremity Skin Disease is a unique resource for podiatrists, dermatologists, and primary care physicians as well as nurse practitioners and physician assistants.

  • af Andrea Ferretti
    575,95 - 587,95 kr.

    This book comprehensively discusses anterolateral rotatory instability in the ACL deficient knee, exploring anatomy, biomechanics, diagnostics, clinics, surgical techniques as well as short and long term outcomes.  The author also offers an historical perspective ranging from the birth of modern anterior cruciate ligament surgery to the renewed global interest towards the role of secondary restraints and extra-articular reconstructions. Step-by-step guidance throughout each surgical technique further equips the reader to handle this complex condition.Covering all theoretical and practical aspects, as well as future perspectives, this book is a must-read for all orthopedic surgeons and sports physicians wanting to gain insights into this promising field.

  • af Jarrett D. Cain
    858,95 kr.

    Injuries of the foot and ankle can be debilitating and lead to chronic instabilities that can impede the daily activities of patients. As a result, it requires a solid understanding of foot and ankle anatomy and pathology in order to diagnosis these types of injuries and establish a clear treatment regimen for the patient to be functional and prevent long-term complications. For the foot and ankle specialist, the understanding of the injury patterns and treatment algorithms continues to evolve with the addition of new information on non-surgical and surgical techniques that are continuing to be introduced to the medical community. However, it is important to determine how the latest developments and treatment advances are disseminated through an evidence-based approach, to allow for proper evaluation of their usefulness as well as how to properly initiate and perform these treatments during patient care.  To that end, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and management of muscle, tendon and ligament injuries of the foot and ankle. Opening with a review of diagnostic and imaging procedures, focused, concise chapters then describe the current evaluation and management strategies for a wide variety of soft tissue conditions, including turf toe, Lisfranc injuries, acute and chronic later ankle injuries, subtalar joint injuries, peroneal tendon injuries, and Achilles tendon injuries, among others. Each chapter brings together and reviews the latest literature on the topic, offering evidence-based guidelines for foot and ankle specialists, orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists as well as residents, fellows and all staff involved in the treatment of these injuries and conditions. 

  • af Ary Jr. S.
    133,95 kr.

    Athletes' lives are frequently shaped by the shadows of injuries in the competitive world of sports, where glory and victory are entwined with bravery and tenacity. Readers are taken on an insightful journey into the realm of sports injuries in "Sports Injuries: Tackling Adversity," which reveals their causes, impact, and the never-ending pursuit of recovery.

  • af Anand M. Murthi
    673,95 - 988,95 kr.

  • af Mark E Easley
    868,95 kr.

    In this issue of Foot and Ankle Clinics, guest editor Dr. Mark Easley brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Updates on Total Ankle Replacement. Top experts in the field cover total ankle arthroplasty outcomes assessed through gait analysis; total ankle arthroplasty in younger patients; outcomes of lateral transfibular approach for total ankle replacement; outcomes of staged versus simultaneous total ankle replacement; outcomes of total ankle arthroplasty after reoperation; and more.Contains 15 relevant, practice-oriented topics including interpreting outcomes measures in total ankle research; results of total ankle arthroplasty versus ankle arthrodesis; diagnosing and managing infection in total ankle replacement; complications in total ankle replacement; outcomes of revision total ankle replacement; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on total ankle replacement, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Rosa Ballis
    950,95 - 1.228,95 kr.

    Enriched by original anatomical artworks this atlas comprehensively presents the diverse orthopaedic approaches to lower limb surgery. Combining  clear visual information with a consistent and concise structure, including tips, tricks and pitfalls, this manual presents all the most used approaches in orthopaedic prosthetic surgery and traumatology.Ranging from the hip to the ankle each chapter includes a clear presentation of the joint' s anatomy, with particular emphasis on vessels, nerves and other relevant anatomic structures. Beautiful water-colour illustrations realized by one of the authors accompany the reader step-by-step through each of the approaches described.This atlas offers a timely and up-to-date resource for both practicing and fellow orthopaedic surgeons with an interest in lower limb surgery.

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