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Alternativ medicin

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  • af Miladys Noa Garbey
    677,95 kr.

    La recherche aborde la question de la préparation des enseignants à la prévention des femmes présentant un risque maternel préconceptionnel, qui est un problème dans la pratique médicale actuelle et nécessite une attention urgente dans la préparation des professionnels de la santé.Les résultats ont permis l'élaboration d'un système d'actions didactiques qui intègre dans sa conception quatre étapes, destinées aux étudiants et aux enseignants, visant à l'identification, la classification et la conduite à suivre dans l'orientation de la prévention pour les femmes présentant un risque maternel préconceptionnel. L'évaluation de la faisabilité a été réalisée par le biais d'une consultation de spécialistes, qui a abouti à un consensus sur la pertinence de la proposition. L'analyse des résultats obtenus montre que la recherche effectuée offre une solution au problème scientifique.

  • af Katherine Rivadeneira
    422,95 kr.

    The population needs social networks as a support to face life. From this point arises the caregiver who is in charge of satisfying both their basic needs and daily activities, as well as those of a person with a disability or dependency. In most cases these are known as informal caregivers as they are people without specialization in such care, usually the closest family member. The family members in charge of providing care and attention to people with disabilities play a fundamental role in the well-being and improvement of their quality of life, for this reason it is of vital importance to keep in mind the dependency system between the person with disabilities and the caregiver, this means that if the caregiver is in a good physical, psychological and social state, he/she can provide quality attention and care to the family member with disabilities, for this reason it is essential to attend first to the needs of the caregiver so that he/she can meet the needs of the person being cared for.

  • af Antonella de las M. Biasi
    422,95 kr.

    In aging there is an evident diminished capacity to maintain homeostasis. In this sense, in the elderly, deficit malnutrition is frequent, a fact that is related to increased morbidity and mortality. It is also common the decrease of motor processes from the esophagus to the small intestine.This feeding manual includes nutritional requirements for energy and nutrients, food selection, techniques and strategies to prevent nutrient loss during food preparation, common replacements and general dietary recommendations for the elderly population. In addition, guidelines were designed to enrich preparations for the older adult with low weight and dysphagia. For these two pathologies, options for breakfasts, lunches, snacks, dinners and snacks were planned. Finally, specific examples of menus with their respective ingredients, quantities, home measurements and preparation methods were provided, according to the nutritional requirements for this biological group and for the mentioned pathologies.

  • af Anna Miller
    236,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with Anna Miller in 'Healing Seeds: Transforming Health with Psyllium,' where she unveils the miraculous powers of psyllium seeds in revitalizing health. Plagued by persistent digestive woes and the shadows of irritable bowel syndrome, Anna's life was one of constant struggle and discomfort. But in these pages, she shares her groundbreaking discovery ¿ the humble psyllium seed. Witness her remarkable transformation, as she regains control over her health, experiencing newfound energy, regulated digestion, and an overall vitality. This compelling narrative is not just Anna's story; it's a beacon of hope for anyone seeking natural remedies to chronic health issues. 'Healing Seeds' is more than a personal account; it's a testament to the profound healing capabilities of nature, encouraging readers to embark on their own journey of health and rediscovery. Let Anna Miller guide you to a life of wellness and joy, proving that sometimes, the smallest seeds can yield the most significant changes.

  • af Kanika Dhote
    346,95 kr.

    Hair colorants, or hair dyes as they are popularly known, occupy a large market today. They are used either to hide gray hair or to change the colour of the hair by individuals, either at home or at a hairdressing saloon. Colouring of hairs, eyebrows and eyelashes is not new and practiced from the earliest antiquity but in crude form. Avoid products that containing paraphenylenediamine (PPD), p - Aminophenol or Lawsone. The chemical have been reported associated with contact dermatitis (ranged from blister to full thickness chemical burn). This chemical also reported associated with cancer, however there is no sufficient data to support the relationship between hair dye use and cancer.

  • af Jenifer Montecinos Choque
    482,95 kr.

    An effective and aesthetic technique for umbilical port closure is proposed, taking into account the risk factors that could trigger complications previously seen with other common techniques. The complications with the present technique were minimal, therefore the degree of acceptance by the patients is acceptable since the scar is practically invisible in the umbilical scar.

  • af Alexander Moreira-Almeida
    509,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch untersucht die besten verfügbaren empirischen Beweise für eine der schwierigsten und allgegenwärtigsten Fragen in allen Zeitaltern, Kulturen und Religionen: das Überleben des menschlichen Bewusstseins nach dem Tod. Es beginnt mit einem kontextuellen Überblick über den Glauben an ein persönliches Überleben und widerlegt fehlgeleitete historische und erkenntnistheoretische Argumente gegen die Vorstellung eines Überlebens nach dem Tod (z. B. irrational, rein religiös, wissenschaftlich unmöglich, von der Neurowissenschaft als falsch erwiesen). Das Buch gibt einen Überblick über die wissenschaftlichen Beweise für das Fortleben des menschlichen Bewusstseins nach dem Tod und konzentriert sich dabei auf Studien über Medialität, Nahtoderfahrungen, außerkörperliche Erfahrungen und Reinkarnation.Zu den behandelten Themen gehören:Der Glaube an ein Leben nach dem Tod in der heutigen Welt sowie in der Geschichte der Religionen und der Philosophie.Die wichtigsten fehlgeleiteten Argumente und Vorurteile gegen die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Überlebens nach dem Tod.Was sind empirische Beweise für ein Überleben nach dem Tod?Die wichtigsten alternativen Erklärungshypothesen für das Überleben nach dem Tod.Die wichtigsten kulturellen Hindernisse für eine faire Untersuchung der verfügbaren Beweise für das Weiterleben des Bewusstseins nach dem Tod.Science of Life After Death ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für Forscher, Professoren und Doktoranden sowie für Kliniker, Therapeuten und andere Fachleute in den Bereichen Entwicklungs- und klinische Psychologie, Spiritualität, Religions- und Bewusstseinsforschung, Psychiatrie, Neurowissenschaft/Neurologie, Phänomenologie/Philosophie, Komplementär- und Alternativmedizin und allen damit verbundenen Disziplinen.

  • af Luan Ferr
    162,95 kr.

    Cura ArcturianaDespertando o Poder da Energia CósmicaVocê está cansado de sofrer com doenças físicas ou mentais?Você deseja encontrar uma maneira natural e eficaz de curar seu corpo, mente e espírito?Se sim, então você precisa conhecer a cura arcturiana.A cura arcturiana é uma antiga sabedoria que vem de uma raça alienígena avançada, os Arcturianos.Os Arcturianos possuem um profundo conhecimento da energia cósmica e sabem como usá-la para curar doenças e promover a saúde e o bem-estar.Neste livro, você aprenderá tudo o que precisa saber sobre a cura arcturiana.Você descobrirá:Os princípios fundamentais da cura arcturianaAs técnicas passo a passo para acessar e canalizar a energia cósmicaComo usar a cura arcturiana para curar uma ampla gama de condições físicas e mentaisA cura arcturiana pode ajudá-lo a:Aliviar a dor e o desconforto físicoMelhorar sua saúde mental e emocionalAumentar sua energia e vitalidadeDesbloquear seu potencial espiritualNão espere mais! Comece sua jornada de cura arcturiana hoje mesmo.

  • af Andrew Low
    122,95 kr.

    Uncover the secrets of holistic living as you learn to cultivate mindfulness, enhance your physical well-being, and nurture a healthy mind-body connection."The Art of Holistic Living" provides practical tools and techniques that empower you to create a personalized yoga practice tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, this book offers a wealth of knowledge, making yoga accessible to all. From rejuvenating yoga poses to mindfulness exercises, nutritional tips, and guidance on stress management, each chapter is a step towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.Let the ancient wisdom of yoga guide you on a journey towards a healthier, happier, and more holistic existence. Embrace the art of holistic living, and watch as your life transforms into a masterpiece of well-being.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    337,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey through the enchanting landscapes of Kerala with our book, "Kerala's Ayurvedic Retreats: Mapping the Landscape of Health Tourism." This captivating literary exploration serves as a comprehensive guide to the ancient healing traditions of Ayurveda, intricately woven into the rich tapestry of Kerala's wellness retreats.Discover the Soul of God's Own Country: Delve into the heart of Kerala, where lush greenery, serene backwaters, and the echoes of ancient traditions create a perfect backdrop for holistic well-being. Our book invites you to explore the soul of God's Own Country, unraveling the secrets of Ayurvedic retreats nestled within this picturesque haven.A Holistic Map to Wellness: Embark on a journey of self-discovery as we intricately map the landscape of health tourism in Kerala. From the tranquil retreats nestled in the lap of nature to the profound practices of Ayurveda, each page unfolds a new chapter in the holistic map to wellness. Navigate through the various dimensions of health tourism, where ancient wisdom meets modern luxury in perfect harmony.Ayurvedic Wisdom Unveiled: Uncover the depths of Ayurvedic wisdom as our book takes you on a guided tour through the principles, practices, and personalized experiences offered by Kerala's Ayurvedic retreats. Understand the profound connection between the cultural heritage of Kerala and the transformative journey that Ayurveda facilitates.Immersive Cultural Experiences: Beyond the spa treatments and wellness routines, our book illuminates the cultural immersion that defines health tourism in Kerala. Witness traditional performances, savor local culinary delights, and engage in the vibrant traditions that contribute to the overall well-being experience. Kerala's Ayurvedic retreats offer not just rejuvenation but a profound connection with the local culture.Future Trends and Innovation: Stay ahead of the curve with insights into the future trends and innovations shaping Ayurvedic health tourism in Kerala. From technology-driven solutions to sustainable practices, our book provides a glimpse into the evolving landscape of wellness, where tradition and innovation coalesce to redefine the future of health tourism.Personalized Wellness Journeys: Navigate through the personalized wellness journeys crafted by Kerala's Ayurvedic retreats. Discover how individualized dosha assessments, tailored treatments, and bespoke retreat experiences elevate the transformative potential of each health seeker. Learn the art of co-creating a wellness journey that aligns with your unique well-being goals.A Cultural Odyssey in God's Own Country: Celebrate the cultural odyssey that unfolds within the pages of our book. Immerse yourself in the timeless traditions, artistic expressions, and community engagements that make Kerala's Ayurvedic retreats not just destinations but transformative cultural experiences. This literary adventure captures the essence of God's Own Country, where every page resonates with the soulful symphony of well-being."Kerala's Ayurvedic Retreats: Mapping the Landscape of Health Tourism" is not just a book; it's a portal to a world where nature, culture, and ancient healing converge to create an unparalleled journey of holistic well-being. Let the pages be your guide as you navigate the landscapes of health tourism and embark on a transformative odyssey in the heart of Kerala.

  • af Monika Liegl
    322,95 kr.

    In Zeiten mit starkem Gegenwind eine Lanze für die klassische Homöopathie zu brechen, ist der Autorin eine Herzensangelegenheit. Es ist ein Buch entstanden, wie sie es sich selbst als interessierte Patientin und bereits während ihrer homöopathischen Ausbildung gewünscht hätte. Sie beschreibt nicht nur ihren persönlichen Weg zu dieser Heilkunst, sondern befasst sich auch mit den Theorien zur Wirkungsweise der Homöopathie und beleuchtet die aktuelle Studienlage. Die historischen Erfolge der Homöopathie während der Zeit der großen Epidemien finden genauso Beachtung wie die aktuelle Placeboforschung.Im 2. Teil des Buches stellt die Autorin zahlreiche gut gelöste Fälle aus ihrer Praxis vor und schließt mit einem Brückenschlag zur klassischen Medizin.

  • af Elsa Henschel
    172,95 kr.

    Ein Weg für Dich - und die Evolution des menschlichen Bewusstseinsist eine sehr unterhaltsame philosophische Betrachtung über die Entstehung unserer Welt und die allgemeine Entwicklung des menschlichen Denkens vom Beginn unserer Spezies an bis hin zur heutigen Gesellschaft. Die Autorin trägt während dieser Zeitreise durch verschiedene Kulturkreise altes und neues Wissen über die Gesundheit zusammen, verbindet es mit ihren eigenen Kenntnissen und schenkt den Leserinnen und Lesern einen wunderbaren Strauß mit praktischen Empfehlungen für die Gesundheit.Die Autorin beschreibt hier den Weg, den die Menschheit in ihrem Denken genommen hat, um ins Heute zu gelangen. Gleichzeitig richtet sie den Blick auf die vielen Möglichkeiten, mit denen jede Leserin und jeder Leser, den eigenen individuellen Weg für eine gesunde Gegenwart und Zukunft finden kann. Jeder Gedanke ist ein Tropfen im Meer der Wirklichkeit von Gegenwart und Zukunft. Das gilt sowohl persönlich als auch global.Drei Vorträge über Gesundheit runden die fantastische Entwicklung unseres Bewusstseins ab. Es geht darin um Heilung und Vertrauen, gesunde Gewohnheiten, Gefühle, Selbstwirksamkeit und noch viel mehr.

  • af Thomas Breinholt
    2.427,95 kr.

    Vores sind har en langt større effekt på både sygdom og helbredelse, end de fleste forestiller sig. Thomas Breinholt har interviewet førende forskere og fremlægger videnskaben om, hvordan vores sind og krop påvirker hinanden. Han stiller spørgsmålet, om vi har indrettet vores samfund og sundhedssystem rigtigt. Forstår vi overhovedet mange af folks sygdomme, hvis vi ikke kender deres livshistorier? Denne bog handler om årtiers forskning i kroppens selvhelbredende kræfter. Vi hører om placeboens forunderlige effekter og dens onde tvilling nocebo, som kan gøre os syge. Om traumers betydning for fysiske og psykiske sygdomme. Og om mennesker, der har oplevet overraskende helbredelser. Udgivelsen er en storskrift-udgave til svagsynede i serien MAGNUMBØGER Lindhardt og Ringhof.

  • af Maria M
    297,95 kr.

    Welcome to Holistic Healing Multispeciality Hospital, where excellence in healthcare meets a compassionate approach to holistic healing. Our hospital is a beacon of wellness, dedicated to providing comprehensive and integrated healthcare services that cater to the diverse needs of our patients.At Holistic Healing, we believe in treating the whole person, addressing not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Our team of highly skilled and experienced healthcare professionals is committed to delivering personalized care that goes beyond conventional medicine, embracing a holistic philosophy that encompasses the mind, body, and soul.What sets us apart is our commitment to excellence in every aspect of healthcare delivery. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest medical technology, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. We have assembled a team of specialists across various medical disciplines, providing a comprehensive range of services, from advanced surgeries to wellness programs aimed at preventive care.Holistic Healing Multispeciality Hospital takes pride in fostering a patient-centric environment where individuals feel supported and understood. Our caring and compassionate staff are dedicated to creating a healing atmosphere, promoting not only physical recovery but also emotional and mental well-being. We understand that each patient is unique, and we tailor our treatments to meet individual needs, fostering a sense of empowerment and collaboration in the healing process.Our commitment to excellence extends to our continuous pursuit of medical advancements and innovative therapies. We strive to stay at the forefront of medical science, ensuring that our patients benefit from the latest breakthroughs in healthcare. Holistic Healing is not just a hospital; it is a center of excellence where healing is approached with a multidimensional perspective, embracing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.As you entrust us with your health, we invite you to experience the difference at Holistic Healing Multispeciality Hospital. Our commitment to excellence, compassion, and holistic healing sets us apart as a beacon of hope and wellness in the realm of healthcare.

  • af Maria Fernanda L. J. Cromack
    537,95 kr.

    This paper reviewed studies on interventions based on Neurological Reorganization in the autistic spectrum, the main measure discovered by Temple Fay and applied by Glenn Doman and Beatriz Padovan. The justification for the study is based on the scarcity of studies on the subject and the wide discussion about the effectiveness of neurological reorganization previously applied without proof of neuroplasticity. The aim was to carry out a literature review covering the bases that can concretely underpin the method, today supported by neuroscience, and to expose interventions of other kinds as adjuncts in the treatment. Among the main results, this study revealed a very concrete theoretical foundation through neuroscience, although the practice of the Doman-Delacato method is considered controversial and the results of field studies are rather inconclusive. The conclusion suggests a new protocol following the theory now supported by neuroscience and new field studies. This is the second study in a series of three works that seek treatment and raise consistent hypotheses about the origins of the disorder.

  • af Peter Jackson-Main
    288,95 kr.

    A guide to the the relationship between the human iris and psychological characteristics.

  • af Jason Jishun Hao
    177,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Tong-Zheng Hong
    797,95 kr.

    Extra acupoints seldom attract attention on account of the efficacy; however, extra acupoints in truth cannot only be selected in clinical practice alone, but also work with the traditional acupoints on the tweleve channels for the best efficacy.The model combining extra acupoints with traditional acupoints is presented for acupuncture practitioners to take principles combining extra acupoints with traditional acupoints into consideration. The application of the newly discovered extra acupoint Gangshui is presented for discussion.

  • af Nirmala Ganesan
    505,95 kr.

    Aquaculture is currently the fastest-growing food production sector in the world, but diseases, especially bacterial infections, remain the primary constraints to its continued expansion. The use of antibiotics to control diseases creates some problems. These effects include antibiotic resistance, accumulation in the tissue, immunosuppression, and an ecological threat to coastal areas heavily exploited for the industrial cultivation of fish. Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when ingested, provide a health benefit to the host. Therefore, the development of suitable probiotic strains for L. rohita holds promise for sustaining aquaculture production of this tropical freshwater fish. In the current work, we review the impact of probiotics on freshwater fin fish aquaculture. Data were gathered from articles published during the last decade that examined the effects of probiotics on fish growth, FCR, and water quality in freshwater fishponds/tanks.

  • af John T. Leroy
    253,95 kr.

    Discover the Secrets of Longevity with 'Astragalus: The Way to Youth'Embark on an enlightening journey through the pages of 'Astragalus: The Way to Youth - Natural Anti-Aging Strategies with Astragalus,' where authors Marion S. Hummer and John T. Leroy unlock the ancient wisdom and modern science behind one of nature's most potent anti-aging remedies. This definitive guide takes you deep into the heart of traditional and contemporary health practices, revealing how Astragalus, a revered plant with a rich history in medicine, can significantly slow the aging process, revitalize your immune system, and restore youthful vitality.Explore detailed chapters that delve into the fascinating botany of Astragalus, its historical use in various cultures, and its myriad health benefits, including immune support, cardiovascular protection, energy balance, and skin rejuvenation. Learn about its profound impact on mental health and stress management, its role in maintaining hormone balance, and its promising potential in modern anti-aging medicine.'Astragalus: The Way to Youth' is more than a book; it's a gateway to a healthier, more vibrant life. It meticulously presents clinical studies, user experiences, and holistic approaches, offering a comprehensive view of how Astragalus is not just a supplement, but a lifestyle choice that could lead to a longer, more fulfilling life. Whether you're well-versed in herbal remedies or new to the concept of re-aging, this book will empower you with the knowledge and tools to embrace a naturally enriched path to wellness and longevity. Join us on this transformative journey and rediscover your body's innate ability to heal and thrive. Your quest for a life of improved health and sustained youthfulness begins here.

  • af Rayan Musk
    327,95 kr.

    In the worldview of comprehensive prosperity, the idea of wellness has developed past simple actual ability to envelop an exhaustive methodology that coordinates body, psyche, and soul. The redefinition of wellness goes past the conventional thoughts of work-out schedules and diet plans, welcoming people to leave on an excursion that sustains the body's solidarity as well as the flexibility of the brain and the essentialness of the spirit. At its center, rethinking wellness recognizes that a solid body is nevertheless one feature of a really adjusted and satisfying life. It perceives that psychological and close to home prosperity are interwoven with actual wellbeing. This change in outlook urges people to investigate rehearses that improve mental strength, like care, reflection, and stress the board. In rethinking wellness, the brain is viewed as a powerful part that requires sustaining and practice very much like the body. Besides, the spirit is perceived as an indispensable piece of the wellness condition. Past the physical and mental domains, the spirit epitomizes the more profound parts of one's being - their interests, reason, and feeling of association with the more prominent universe. Rethinking wellness includes exercises that feed the spirit, whether through inventive pursuits, profound practices, or snapshots of calm reflection. This all encompassing methodology recognizes that genuine prosperity emerges from the amicable arrangement of the body, brain, and soul. Work-out schedules are rethought as any open doors for self-disclosure and self-improvement as opposed to simple actual effort. Whether taking part in yoga, strength preparing, or cardiovascular exercises, people are urged to move toward their exercises with care and aim, encouraging a more profound association between the body and psyche. The accentuation shifts from outside objectives to inner mindfulness, making a more supportable and satisfying wellness practice. Nourishment, as well, goes through a change in the re-imagined wellness story. It is seen not exclusively as a way to accomplish a specific physical make-up yet as a method for sustaining the body, support mental lucidity, and advance in general essentialness. decisions in the kitchen become an impression of taking care of oneself, lining up with the more extensive objective of sustaining the total prosperity of body, brain, and soul. Local area and backing assume a pivotal part in this reclassified wellness venture. Shared encounters, support, and a feeling of having a place become fundamental components in cultivating flexibility and strength. Whether in bunch exercises, wellness classes, or virtual networks, the aggregate energy adds to the all encompassing development of people. Generally, reclassifying wellness rises above the impediments of customary wellbeing standards. It recognizes that genuine wellbeing is a unique exchange of physical, mental, and otherworldly features. This change in outlook enables people to embrace a more adjusted and manageable way to deal with prosperity, perceiving that the excursion to wellness includes the consistent refinement of the body, psyche, and soul.

  • af William J. Lowry
    172,95 kr.

    "Breaking the Chains of Osteoporosis: Your Path to Stronger Bones for a Stronger Tomorrow" is a comprehensive and empowering guide to understanding, preventing, and managing osteoporosis. This book takes readers on a journey through the intricate landscape of bone health, providing essential knowledge about osteoporosis causes, risk factors, and the silent progression of the condition.Written in an accessible and engaging style, the book offers practical insights into building and maintaining strong bones at every stage of life. From lifestyle adjustments and nutritional considerations to the latest in medical advancements, this guide equips readers with the tools they need to take charge of their bone health."Breaking the Chains of Osteoporosis" emphasizes a holistic approach, addressing not only the physical aspects of bone strength but also the psychological and emotional dimensions of living with osteoporosis. Through actionable advice and empowering strategies, readers will discover how to break free from the limitations of osteoporosis, foster resilience, and embrace a future of stronger bones and overall well-being.Whether you are proactively seeking to prevent osteoporosis or navigating the challenges of managing the condition, this book serves as a valuable companion on your journey to optimal bone health. It is a call to action, an informative resource, and a roadmap for building a foundation of strength that lasts a lifetime. With "Breaking the Chains of Osteoporosis," a stronger tomorrow begins today.

  • af Sandeep
    262,95 kr.

    The Future of Medicine: Identifying and Validating Therapeutic Targets in Drug DevelopmentDrug development is a complex and multi-faceted process that can take decades and billions of dollars to invest. At the heart of this process is the identification and validation of therapeutic targets, that is, biological molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, or metabolites that play a critical role in the disease process and have the potential for therapeutic intervention.Target DiscoveryTherapeutic targets can be discovered in a number of ways, including:· Disease biology research: Researchers conduct basic and clinical research to understand the causes and effects of disease. This research can identify pathways that play a critical role in disease progression and can serve as targets for therapeutic intervention.· Genomics and proteomics: Through large-scale analysis of genetic and protein data, researchers can identify new targets. For example, genes or proteins associated with disease can be identified and evaluated as potential therapeutic targets.Target ValidationOnce a potential therapeutic target has been identified, it must be validated to ensure that it is a viable target for intervention. This validation process typically involves a number of steps, including:· In vitro studies: In vitro studies are conducted to assess the effect of a drug or other therapeutic agent on the target in a controlled laboratory setting.· In vivo studies: In vivo studies are conducted to assess the effect of a drug or other therapeutic agent on the target in a living organism.

  • af Tom Murungi
    346,95 kr.

    Sexual reproductive health and HIV are critical issues affecting African youth. In Uganda, just like other African countries, the Lack of comprehensive sex education, limited access to contraceptives, and cultural stigmas surrounding discussions about sex contribute to the high rates of HIV transmission and unintended pregnancies among this population. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that includes promoting safe sexual practices, increasing awareness about HIV prevention methods, and empowering young people to make informed decisions about their sexual health. This book provides evidence on the issues affecting the optimal use of sexual and reproductive health services as predictors for vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. It highlights the contribution of the religious sector in the multisectoral fight against HIV among the youth.

  • af Eylen Verdura Morales
    677,95 kr.

    This is an alternative in the rehabilitation of patients who have sequelae or disabilities as a consequence of having suffered a cerebrovascular episode, who often abandon rehabilitation treatment when they are discharged from hospital. Alternative solutions are presented that can be used in the patient's own home by means of the manufacture of rustic mechanical means with which the patient can be reincorporated into the activities of daily life, which can be carried out with independence and dexterity. This also improves the quality of life of these people, as well as improving their self-esteem, as on many occasions these patients are associated with some psychological disorder caused by the disability they suffer.

  • af Luan Ferr
    172,95 kr.

    Ce premier compendium sur la médecine ayurvédique représente une plongée profonde dans la connaissance ancestrale de la médecine ayurvédique, un système médical traditionnel dont les racines remontent à 5 000 ans en Inde. Ses pages regroupent soigneusement des principes, des méthodes diagnostiques et des thérapies destinés à fournir un traitement efficace pour les douleurs les plus courantes.Le livre commence par dresser un panorama complet de la vision holistique sous-jacente à l'ayurveda. Au c¿ur de celle-ci se trouve une exploration approfondie de cette approche, révélant comment l'ayurveda intègre le corps, l'esprit et l'âme dans sa compréhension de la santé et du bien-être.Tout au long des pages, l'¿uvre dévoile l'histoire et les fondements conceptuels de l'ayurveda, mettant en évidence sa nature vitaliste. Ce système médical ne traite pas seulement les symptômes de manière isolée, mais considère la personne dans son ensemble, soulignant l'importance de l'harmonie interne.Le texte se poursuit en décrivant les lignes directrices générales d'évaluation et de thérapie dans le contexte ayurvédique. Au c¿ur de ce processus se trouve l'identification des déséquilibres des doshas qui peuvent être à l'origine des manifestations morbides. Le lecteur est guidé par une compréhension pratique de la façon dont l'ayurveda évalue et aborde les déséquilibres pour restaurer la santé.En atteignant la conclusion, le livre se penche spécifiquement sur l'approche ayurvédique du traitement des douleurs, qui occupent souvent le devant de la scène clinique. Il explore les nuances de l'approche ayurvédique pour comprendre et traiter efficacement ces conditions douloureuses.Le langage utilisé tout au long du livre est simple et didactique, rendant accessibles les concepts riches de la médecine ayurvédique. Cet ouvrage constitue une contribution précieuse à la diffusion des principes ayurvédiques en tant qu'option thérapeutique efficace et intégrale pour le soulagement des douleurs chroniques, une demande de plus en plus importante dans les centres urbains contemporains.

  • af Luan Ferr
    162,95 kr.

    Este primer compendio sobre la Medicina Ayurveda representa una incursión profunda en el conocimiento ancestral de la Medicina Ayurveda, un sistema médico tradicional cuyas raíces se remontan a 5 mil años en la India. En sus páginas, se compilan cuidadosamente principios, métodos de diagnóstico y terapias destinadas a proporcionar un tratamiento efectivo para los dolores más prevalentes.El libro comienza trazando un panorama integral de la cosmovisión holística subyacente a la Ayurveda. En su núcleo, hay una exploración profunda de esta aproximación, revelando cómo la Ayurveda integra cuerpo, mente y espíritu en su comprensión de la salud y el bienestar.A lo largo de las páginas, la obra desvela la historia y los fundamentos conceptuales de la Ayurveda, destacando su naturaleza vitalista. Este sistema médico no trata solo los síntomas de manera aislada, sino que considera a la persona como un todo, enfatizando la importancia de la armonía interna.El texto continúa delineando pautas generales de evaluación y terapia en el contexto ayurvédico. En el centro de este proceso está la identificación de los desequilibrios de los doshas que pueden estar en el origen de las manifestaciones mórbidas. El lector es guiado por una comprensión práctica de cómo la Ayurveda evalúa y aborda los desequilibrios para restaurar la salud.Al llegar al desenlace, el libro se adentra específicamente en el enfoque ayurvédico para el tratamiento de las condiciones dolorosas, que a menudo ocupan el escenario de la práctica clínica. Explora las sutilezas del enfoque ayurvédico para comprender y tratar eficazmente estas condiciones dolorosas.El lenguaje utilizado a lo largo del libro es simple y didáctico, haciendo accesibles los ricos conceptos de la Medicina Ayurveda. Esta obra se presenta como una valiosa contribución a la difusión de los principios ayurvédicos como una opción terapéutica eficiente e integral en el alivio de los dolores crónicos, una demanda cada vez más expresiva en los centros urbanos contemporáneos.

  • af Juan Walberto Barros Sierra
    662,95 kr.

    The book aims to highlight the mistakes made in the management of the country's salt sector by the Central Government, which wasted the geographical advantages of the production centre of Manaure (La Guajira) for international trade and also lost the possibility of creating trade links with the countries of North America and the Caribbean basin. He also stresses that there is still time to correct the wrong path and get back on the right track for the good of the coastal region, and why not say it, for the whole Colombian nation.

  • af Mark Twain
    297,95 kr.

    In the field of botany, the study of medicinal plants holds a significant place. The exploration of the therapeutic properties of plants has been a subject of fascination for centuries. From ancient civilizations to modern times, medicinal botany has played a crucial role in the development of medicine. For students pursuing a career in botany, understanding the role of medicinal plants in their practice is essential.Medicinal botany involves the study of plants and their active compounds that have medicinal properties. These plants have been used for centuries to treat various ailments and are an integral part of traditional medicine systems around the world. By delving into this field, students gain a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between plants and human health.One of the key benefits of studying medicinal botany is the opportunity to discover new sources of medicine. With the increasing prevalence of drug-resistant pathogens and the side effects associated with synthetic drugs, the search for natural remedies has become more crucial than ever. Students can contribute to this search by identifying and studying plants that possess medicinal potential. Their research and findings may help in the development of new drugs or alternative treatments.Furthermore, studying medicinal botany equips students with invaluable knowledge about plant identification and taxonomy. Identifying plants accurately is vital, as different species may have different therapeutic properties. By learning about plant morphology, taxonomy, and identification techniques, students can confidently identify and utilize medicinal plants in their practice.Additionally, medicinal botany provides students with a holistic approach to healthcare. By understanding the medicinal properties of plants, students can explore natural therapies that may complement conventional treatments. This integrative approach can offer patients a wider range of treatment options and potentially reduce reliance on synthetic drugs.Moreover, exploring medicinal botany enhances students' understanding of the importance of biodiversity conservation. Many medicinal plants are endangered or at risk due to deforestation, habitat destruction, and unsustainable harvesting. By studying medicinal botany, students become advocates for the preservation and sustainable use of these plant species, contributing to the conservation of natural resources.

  • af Xijun Yan
    1.627,95 - 1.942,95 kr.

    This book reviews research on Dan Shen, compiles data from clinical trials and biological experiments, and summarizes the latest research advances. It covers the medicinal herb, herbal pieces, and new proprietary drugs that contain it; it also covers simple and compound, traditional and contemporary formulas, and addresses a broad range of subjects, including: standardized cultivation; biodiversity; effective substances and their biological activities; quality control; and clinical trials. The book goes on to present the clinical trials on Dantonic, especially focusing on its therapeutic effects for coronary heart disease. It discusses compound prescriptions and compatibilities, from the herbal piece level to composition level, and describes approaches to research on modern Chinese medicine.Volume 1 describes the biology and chemistry of Dan Shen, while Volume 2 focuses on pharmacology and quality control. Volume 3 describes the clinical research on Dan Shen.Editor Xijun Yan is the President of Tianjin Tasly Group and a Member of the TCM Standardization Technical Committee. Gathering contributions from more than 100 authors working in the field of pharmaceutical and clinical research, the book presents and analyzes the available information from multiple aspects, reflects the current status of Dan Shen research, and offers an essential reference work for further research and development.

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