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Alternativ medicin

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  • af Luan Ferr
    162,95 kr.

    Este primeiro compêndio sobre a Medicina Ayveda representa uma incursão profunda no conhecimento ancestral da Medicina Ayurveda, um sistema médico tradicional cujas raízes remontam 5 mil anos na Índia. Em suas páginas, são cuidadosamente compilados princípios, métodos diagnósticos e terapias destinados a proporcionar um tratamento efetivo para as dores mais prevalentes.O livro inicia traçando um panorama abrangente da cosmovisão holística subjacente à Ayurveda. Em seu cerne, está uma exploração aprofundada dessa abordagem revelando como a Ayurveda integra corpo, mente e espírito em seu entendimento da saúde e do bem-estar.Ao longo das páginas, a obra desvenda a história e os fundamentos conceituais da Ayurveda, destacando sua natureza vitalista. Este sistema médico não apenas trata sintomas isoladamente, mas considera a pessoa como um todo, enfatizando a importância da harmonia interna.O texto prossegue, delineando diretrizes gerais de avaliação e terapia no contexto ayurvédico. Central nesse processo é a identificação dos desequilíbrios dos doshas que podem estar na origem das manifestações mórbidas. O leitor é guiado por uma compreensão prática de como a Ayurveda avalia e aborda os desequilíbrios para restaurar a saúde.Ao alcançar o desfecho, o livro se aprofunda especificamente no enfoque ayurvédico no tratamento dos quadros álgicos, que frequentemente ocupam o cenário da prática clínica. Explora as nuances da abordagem ayurvédica para entender e tratar efetivamente essas condições dolorosas.A linguagem empregada ao longo do livro é simples e didática, tornando acessíveis os ricos conceitos da Medicina Ayurveda. Essa obra se apresenta como uma valiosa contribuição à disseminação dos princípios ayurvédicos como uma opção terapêutica eficiente e integral no alívio das dores crônicas, uma demanda cada vez mais expressiva nos centros urbanos contemporâneos.

  • af Eyumirce Medina Sanchez
    422,95 kr.

    Sexually transmitted infections in adolescents are on the rise, a pre-experimental before and after study was carried out with adolescents from the population of the Family Medical Clinic 22 of the Lugones Popular Council between the ages of 10 and 19 years in the period between September 2017 and March 2018. The universe was the totality of the adolescents of the clinic 22, made up of 129 adolescents of both sexes. The universe was divided into two groups taking into account the age of the adolescents, which influenced their interests and behaviour. This division of the universe facilitated the adaptation of the language according to the interests of the research, which made it possible to work with a smaller group than the previous one, with the possibility of reaching the intervention in an easier and more intimate way. The meetings were held fortnightly, three times a week and lasted 45 minutes, for a period of 5 months, for a total of 10 meetings, after the educational intervention, 100% presented excellent knowledge on the subject.

  • af Ibrahín Adán Larrosa
    522,95 kr.

    Zwischen Januar 2018 und Januar 2019 wurde in der Klinik Nr. 35 des Policlínico Docente "Francisco Peña Peña" der Gemeinde Nuevitas eine analytische Studie (Querschnitt) durchgeführt, um die Risikofaktoren zu charakterisieren, die die ischämische Herzkrankheit beeinflussen. Das Universum der Studie bestand aus 104 Patienten über 40 Jahren, die an dieser Krankheit leiden, die anhand von Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien bestimmt wurde. Die Informationen wurden durch eine Befragung und eine körperliche Untersuchung gewonnen. Für die Analyse der Daten wurden deskriptive und inferentielle Statistiken verwendet: Häufigkeitsverteilung, absolute Häufigkeit und Prozentsatz. Die Ergebnisse wurden in Tabellen und Texten dargestellt. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Patienten im Alter von 50 bis 59 Jahren, weiblichen Geschlechts und weißer Hautfarbe in der untersuchten Population überwiegen.

  • af Ibrahín Adán Larrosa
    522,95 kr.

    An analytical study (cross-sectional) was carried out in the Clinic No 35 of the Policlínico Docente "Francisco Peña Peña" of the Nuevitas municipality between January 2018 and January 2019, with the aim of characterizing the risk factors that influence ischemic heart disease. The study universe consisted of 104 patients over 40 years of age who suffer from this disease, determined according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The information was obtained through a survey supported by questioning and physical examination. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the analysis of data frequency distribution, absolute frequency and percentage. The results were illustrated in tables and texts. It was concluded that patients aged 50 to 59 years, of female sex and white race prevailed in the studied population.

  • af Deborah Bohn
    67,95 kr.

    Discover the simplicity of herbal remedies for common ailments with these Top 10 everyday herbs you can grow on your windowsill. Crafting herbal recipes is straightforward with a handful of herbs that can be used to treat many conditions. Get the information and the instructions you need with this easy-to-find guide, featuring: Top 10 healing plantsWhat they doSimple at home recipes for beginners Embrace your mind-body connection. Alternative medicine offers a range of herbal remedies that can be used at home for energy, meditation, and spiritual healing. These DIY (Do-It-Yourself) natural remedies harness the power of plants to promote overall well-being. By incorporating these herbal remedies into your daily routine, you can experience the benefits of natural healing in a way that works for you. Bonus: a plant that has more uses than any plant on earth. Full of nourishment, easy to grow, easy to use.

  • af Osvaldo Angel Pérez Mayo
    522,95 kr.

    Taking into account that the heart has a complex structure, understanding the functionality of all its components makes it more difficult, especially when internal or external disorders intervene and partially modify the configuration of a tissue or the organ as a whole. Cardiac arrhythmias are caused by electrical and structural transformations of the heart, in some cases due to congenital alterations and in others acquired, such as Chagas disease or coronary heart disease. In our Clinical Electrophysiology Service of the Posadas Hospital, under the direction of Dr. Claudio de Zuloaga, we have followed the evolution of patients with severe ventricular arrhythmias for years. The subject of analysis of the text is the functional and evolutionary changes, observing different clinical expressions of the arrhythmogenic substrate, such as arrhythmia morphology, haemodynamic tolerance, sensitivity to pharmacological treatment and others, comparing both heart diseases.

  • af Ricardo Alfaro Gamboa
    522,95 kr.

    Clinical aptitude is a quality that implies constant improvement to adapt to changing medical and patient situations in order to be able to favourably influence the patient's health condition. Therefore, it is important to address clinical competence in the educational process. In this book, the clinical practice on appendicitis, we can see the importance of decision-making in patient care, because this is where the medical art is expressed, and education is expected to contribute to improving health care and quality of life. It is clear that the family doctor or any medical specialist should be alerted to any abdominal pain that may be acute appendicitis, as well as make the diagnosis and act, this diagnostic capacity is based on the clinical aptitude of our health professionals.

  • af Various Authors
    311,95 kr.

    This textbook offers a complete overview of the ethics surrounding acupuncture practice. It is supplemented with practical online material for teachers and includes chapters on research ethics, boundaries, HIPAA and confidentiality, scope of practice, and legal implications, as well as guidance on trauma, finance, gender, sexuality, and race.

  • af Kathryn Shafer
    289,95 kr.

    This book provides a toolbox of strategies for clinicians and individuals to integrate the brainbody therapies, EMDR, Brainspotting, and Yoga Nidra in recovery or self-care programs. Based on the author's internationally renowned research, clinicians will be able to learn the science behind these modalities and their integrated applications.

  • af Toshia Myers
    247,95 kr.

    "Reports on classic and cutting-edge fasting research, concepts, and data, including clinical trials and case reports published by the TrueNorth Health Foundation in peer-reviewed journals. Further describes the capacity of fasting to reduce visceral fat, and to lower biomarkers of fatty liver, systemic inflammation, and insulin resistance, thereby allowing cells, tissues, and organs to recover from conditions that are conventionally considered unresolvable"--

  • af Sunny Cohen
    272,95 kr.

    Inner Growth Thru Reiki is a memoir chronicling the recovery of Reiki Master Dr. Sunny Cohen from a perilous illness. Now a Reiki Master and elder, Cohen's rescue from Environmental illness over 30 years ago involved the release of childhood Trauma and a reset of her nervous system through alternative healing modalities including Reiki, Yoga, and the Expressive Arts. In this memoir, Cohen describes the events leading to her return to wellness and her experiences working as a Reiki healer. She also discusses how the practice of Reiki nurtured her in her middle age and is supporting her as an elder, cultivating her intuition and assisting her in assuming agency in her life.

  • af Mats Sven Melander
    322,95 kr.

    I "Ernæringspsykologi - fra beslutning til virkelighet" tar forfatteren deg med på en fascinerende reise gjennom de skjulte psykologiske mekanismene som former spiseatferden vår. Det handler ikke bare om hvorfor vi spiser det vi spiser, men også om hvordan vi kan bygge bro mellom gode intensjoner og faktisk atferd. Med solide vitenskapelige funn og praktiske tips tar boken leseren i hånden og gir omfattende veiledning i hvordan man kan forbedre sitt eget forhold til mat på en bærekraftig måte. En rekke faktorer som emosjonell spising, sosial påvirkning og underbevissthetens ofte undervurderte rolle blir belyst. Denne boken er mer enn en guidebok; den er en omfattende håndbok for alle som ønsker å avslutte kampen med vekten for godt og leve et mer tilfredsstillende og sunnere liv. Den viser at tankens kraft ikke bør undervurderes når det gjelder å gjøre reelle endringer i spisevanene. Et must for alle som ønsker å gi næring ikke bare til kroppen, men også til sinnet.

  • af Dra Lina Rubiano
    207,95 kr.

    "Esta lectura te ayudará a ser tu propio médico en el área del autocuidado preventivo, de tal forma que puedas ayudar a tu médico a proteger y mejorar tu salud". Dra. Elsa Lucía Arango ¿Tienes espasmos musculares, ojos secos y acné? ¿Tus menstruaciones son abundantes y dolorosas? ¿Se te cae el pelo, te duelen las rodillas y sufres de fatiga? ¿Estás irritable, tienes insomnio y te cuesta bajar de peso? En la medicina occidental cada síntoma debe tratarlo un especialista diferente, mientras que la Medicina China demuestra que el origen de la enfermedad está en el desequilibrio de un órgano o víscera y los trata directamente.   La Medicina China, con 5.000 años de antigüedad, nos enseña que el cuerpo, la mente y las emociones están interrelacionados y son indivisibles: somos un todo y no la suma de las partes. Por eso, los pensamientos y las emociones afectan al cuerpo de la misma forma como los alimentos afectan a la mente. La doctora Lina Rubiano recoge las enseñanzas que recibió de sus maestros en China y capítulo a capítulo revisa las funciones de cada órgano, los síntomas que revelan fallas y las herramientas para revertir el daño a través de terapias milenarias. Con este conocimiento será más fácil despertar la sabiduría de tu cuerpo y su capacidad de sanar.ENGLISH DESCRIPTION"This book will teach you how to engage in preventive self-care, helping your doctor protect and improve your health.”- Dr. Elsa Lucía Arango Do you have muscle spasms, dry eyes and acne? Do you suffer from menstrual cramps and heavy periods? Is your hair falling out, do you have knee pain and fatigue? Are you irritable, have trouble sleeping and can’t seem to lose weight? While Western medicine has a specialist for every symptom, Chinese medicine treats imbalances in body symptoms that are believed to be the root cause of illness.   Chinese medicine, a 5000-year tradition, holds that the body, mind and emotions are intertwined and indivisible; in other words, that we are a whole and not the sum of our parts. Our thoughts and emotions affect our bodies, just as the food we eat affects our minds. Based on her studies in China, Dr. Lina Rubiano summarizes the functions of each organ, symptoms that reveal underlying problems, and traditional cures for reversing the damage. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll learn to harness the wisdom of your body and its healing capacity.

  • af Gloria Treister
    497,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Veronica Jensen
    232,95 kr.

    Biomedical engineering is an exciting and rapidly growing field that combines principles of engineering and medicine to improve healthcare outcomes. It encompasses a wide range of applications, from developing medical devices and diagnostic tools to designing innovative therapies and rehabilitation techniques. In this subchapter, we will explore the field of biomedical engineering, its key concepts, and its relevance to students interested in pursuing a career in this niche.Firstly, it is important to understand the fundamental principles that underpin biomedical engineering. This field draws upon knowledge from various disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. By applying engineering principles to biological systems, biomedical engineers aim to develop solutions that address medical challenges and improve patient care.Biomedical engineering has a broad range of applications, making it an exciting field for students to explore. Some areas of focus within this field include medical imaging, biomaterials, biomechanics, tissue engineering, and rehabilitation engineering. Students can delve into these subdisciplines and gain expertise in specific areas of interest.One of the key goals of biomedical engineering is to develop medical devices and technologies that enhance patient care. This includes designing and improving medical imaging devices such as MRI and CT scanners, developing prosthetics and assistive devices to improve mobility and quality of life, and creating innovative drug delivery systems. Through these advancements, biomedical engineers contribute to the overall well-being of patients and the healthcare industry as a whole.Moreover, biomedical engineering plays a crucial role in advancing the field of diagnostics. Students interested in this niche can explore the development of cutting-edge diagnostic tools, such as biosensors and lab-on-a-chip devices. These technologies enable early detection and accurate diagnosis of diseases, leading to improved treatment outcomes and better patient management.In addition to medical devices and diagnostics, biomedical engineering also focuses on the development of therapies and treatments. This includes research in areas such as tissue engineering, where scientists work towards creating artificial organs and tissues, and regenerative medicine, which involves stimulating the body's natural healing processes. Students can contribute to these fields by developing innovative techniques and approaches to improve patient outcomes and revolutionize the healthcare industry.

  • af Eleanor Haspel-Portner
    257,95 kr.

    Reiki, a healing technique to channel energy by means of touch to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being, has long been used as an alternative method for healing personal illnesses and pain. The practice unlocks a white light healing power that already exists within each of us. First Degree Reiki Manual is designed to give students new to Reiki a guidebook to follow when offering a Reiki Treatment, as well as an overview of what Reiki is and what it does. Reiki hand positions are illustrated with descriptions of what the position treats in the Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Worlds, or dimensions of consciousness. By following the illustrations, the First Degree Reiki student will broaden their knowledge and recognize the power of Reiki healing. Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner is the tenth Reiki Master/Teacher initiated by Reiki Grandmaster, Mrs. Takata, who brought Reiki to the West after World War II. This manual incorporates Dr. Eleanor's notes from the First Degree Reiki class that she attended in Mrs. Takata presence. This manual incorporates Mrs. Takata's recommendations for Reiki treatment and the nuances of the practice in terms of hand position.

  • - 12 gode valg for livet
    af Audun Myskja
    207,95 - 217,95 kr.

    ”Ungdomskilden ligger ikke i et fjernt land eller i en magisk trylledrik. Ungdomskilden ligger i dig selv, i enkle valg, værdier og sundhedsvaner. Ungdomskilden ligger i relationer, i disciplin, kærlighed og medfølelse. Nogle af denne bogs pointer og konklusioner er velkendte, andre vil måske overraske og måske provokere.”Ordene tilhører lægen Audun Myskja. Hans budskab er, at vi kan gøre meget selv for at holde os unge og raske – uanset om vi er 30 eller 90. Det er nemlig aldrig for sent.Ved at bruge den viden, du får i denne bog, kan du tage de rigtige valg nu og sørge for at årene, der kommer, bliver gode.

  • af Rahul Magare
    477,95 kr.

    In der heutigen Zeit ist der Mensch aufgrund seines sitzenden Lebensstils, der schrecklichen Umwelt, der unausgewogenen Ernährung und der stressigen mentalen Bedingungen Opfer von tödlichen Krankheiten geworden, die viele Komplikationen verursachen, die nur schwer wieder rückgängig zu machen sind. Meda Dhatu Vikara oder Hyperlipidämie ist ein Zustand, der durch eine Störung von Agni verursacht wird und zu verschiedenen Krankheiten führt. Trotz enormer Forschung und der Entdeckung einiger nützlicher Heilmittel in der modernen medizinischen Wissenschaft bleiben viele Fragen zu diesen Komplikationen unbeantwortet. Darüber hinaus ist die Behandlung kostspielig und mit unerwünschten Wirkungen verbunden. Die langfristigen Gefahren der Hyperlipidämie sind wie ein Schwert, das an einem schwachen Faden über dem Kopf hängt und jederzeit zuschlagen und zahlreiche Schwierigkeiten und grenzenloses Elend verursachen kann. Heute entwickelt sich ein weltweites Interesse an der alternativen Medizin, insbesondere an Ayurveda, um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen, da es vor solchen Frustrationen schützt. Ayurveda kann viel bieten, da es pflanzlich-mineralisch ist und weniger Komplikationen mit sich bringt. Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um eine Brücke zwischen Meda Dhatu und Lipiden zu schlagen, um weitere Komplikationen zu verstehen und zu behandeln.

  • af Rosío de la C Estrada Fonseca
    792,95 kr.

    Bei Prostatakrebs ist eine frühzeitige Erkennung von entscheidender Bedeutung für eine günstige Entwicklung oder Heilung des Patienten. Um die Übereinstimmung zwischen den Werten des prostataspezifischen Antigens und der Schmerzempfindlichkeit der Warnpunkte für Prostatakrebs in der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin zu ermitteln, wurde eine deskriptive Untersuchung an der kriminellen Bevölkerung über 40 Jahren im Zentrum von La Alambrada durchgeführt, und 200 Patienten wurden zufällig ausgewählt. Die Informationen wurden durch eine detaillierte Untersuchung der Schlüsselpunkte (XINDAXI; ZHONGJI und SHENGZHIDIAN), ein halbstrukturiertes Interview und die Bestimmung von PSA im Blut gesammelt. Es überwiegen Patienten ohne Prostata-Antigen-Anomalien und ohne Symptome, die auf Prostatakrebs hindeuten. Die Diagnose Prostatakrebs wurde nicht bestätigt, die Kombination der Warnpunkte für die Diagnose dieses Krebses stimmte nur bei einem Patienten überein, der auch veränderte Antigenwerte aufwies; im Allgemeinen wurde eine Übereinstimmung bei allen Patienten mit Prostatabeschwerden und den Standortpunkten REN 3 und SHENGZHIDIAN festgestellt.

  • af Rosio de La K Jestrada Fonseca
    272,95 kr.

    Pri rake predstatel'noj zhelezy rannqq diagnostika imeet bol'shoe znachenie dlq blagopriqtnogo razwitiq ili izlecheniq pacienta. Dlq opredeleniq sootwetstwiq mezhdu znacheniqmi prostat-specificheskogo antigena i bolewoj chuwstwitel'nost'ü tochek opowescheniq o rake predstatel'noj zhelezy w tradicionnoj kitajskoj medicine bylo prowedeno opisatel'noe issledowanie kriminal'nogo naseleniq starshe 40 let w centre La Alambrada, w hode kotorogo sluchajnym obrazom byli otobrany 200 pacientow. Sbor informacii osuschestwlqlsq putem podrobnogo izucheniq klüchewyh tochek (XINDAXI; ZHONGJI i SHENGZHIDIAN), polustrukturirowannogo interw'ü i opredeleniq urownq PSA w krowi. Preobladali pacienty bez otklonenij ot normy po antigenu prostaty i bez simptomow, ukazywaüschih na rak prostaty. Diagnoz raka prostaty ne byl podtwerzhden, sochetanie tochek opowescheniq dlq diagnostiki ätogo onkologicheskogo zabolewaniq sowpalo tol'ko u odnogo pacienta, u kotorogo takzhe byli wyqwleny izmenennye znacheniq antigena; w celom sootwetstwie nablüdalos' u wseh pacientow s narusheniqmi w predstatel'noj zheleze i tochkami lokalizacii REN 3 i SHENGZHIDIAN.

  • af Rosío de la C Estrada Fonseca
    792,95 kr.

    In prostate cancer, early detection is fundamental for a favorable evolution or cure of the patient. In order to determine the correspondence between the values of prostate specific antigen and the painful sensitivity of alert points for prostate cancer of traditional Chinese medicine, a descriptive investigation was carried out on the criminal population over 40 years of age of the La Alambrada center, 200 patients were randomly selected. Information was collected through a detailed exploration of the key points (XINDAXI; ZHONGJI and SHENGZHIDIAN), a semi-structured interview and the determination of PSA in blood. Patients with no prostate antigen alterations and no symptoms suggestive of prostate cancer predominated. No diagnosis of prostate cancer was confirmed, the combination of alert points for the diagnosis of this cancer only coincided in one patient who also presented altered antigen values, in general, correspondence was observed in all patients with prostate affections and the REN 3 and SHENGZHIDIAN location points.

  • af Andrew Martinez
    307,95 kr.

    VAGUS NERVE BIBLE 2 in 1: A Practical Guide on How to Overcome Stress and Physical Pain Through Activation of the Longest Nerve in Our Body. Bonus: Breathing Techniques for Vagus Nerve Stimulation

  • af Zofia
    177,95 kr.

    "Dive into a journey of well-being that will change your life with "Wellness through a Holistic Lens: Integrating the Mind and Body" is Zofia's book from that title. This groundbreaking book looks at the newest trends in holistic health and gives readers a wise way to make their mind and body work together in balance.As more people around the world adopt more holistic methods to health, Zofia reveals the complex link between mental and physical health by exploring mindfulness, nutrition, and mind-body practices in great detail. This book is a fascinating look at integrative wellness modalities, stress management techniques, and the powerful effects of personalized exercise plans. It focuses on the most popular wellness keywords.Start an adventure that goes beyond common ideas about health and look into the science proof of the mind-body link. Zofia expertly gets past common wellness myths and sheds light on the complicated connection between our ideas, feelings, and bodies. Find out how awareness and meditation can help you, and find out how nutrition can help you be healthier all around."Wellness through a Holistic Lens" is the best way to keep up with the latest trends in holistic health, whether you're a wellness fanatic, a health professional, or someone who wants to make big changes to their life. This book is a must-read because of Zofia's expert knowledge and interesting writing style. It gives you useful information on how to connect your mind and body for a complete and happy life.

  • af Foster
    272,95 kr.

    Understanding Natural TreatmentIn today's fast-paced world, people are increasingly seeking natural alternatives to conventional medicine for treating various health conditions. Natural treatment, also known as alternative or holistic medicine, focuses on addressing the root cause of diseases rather than merely alleviating symptoms. This subchapter aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of natural treatment, exploring its principles, benefits, and various modalities.Natural treatment approaches are based on the belief that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself. This holistic philosophy emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. Unlike conventional medicine, which often relies on pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures, natural treatment seeks to stimulate and support the body's healing mechanisms using natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and non-invasive therapies.One of the key benefits of natural treatment is its focus on treating the underlying cause of a health issue rather than just managing symptoms. By identifying and addressing the root cause, natural treatment aims to restore balance and harmony within the body, promoting long-term health and wellness. Additionally, natural treatments often have fewer side effects compared to pharmaceuticals, which makes them a preferred choice for many individuals.The world of natural treatment encompasses a wide range of modalities, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, nutritional therapy, aromatherapy, and many others. Each modality has its unique principles and techniques, but they all share a common goal of supporting the body's natural healing processes.Herbal medicine, for instance, utilizes the medicinal properties of plants to treat various ailments. Acupuncture, on the other hand, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and restore balance. Homeopathy uses highly diluted substances to trigger the body's healing response. Naturopathy combines traditional healing practices with modern scientific knowledge to promote wellness. Nutritional therapy focuses on using specific foods and supplements to support optimal health. Aromatherapy utilizes aromatic plant extracts to enhance physical and emotional well-being.Understanding natural treatment empowers individuals to take charge of their health and make informed decisions about their well-being. By exploring the principles and benefits of natural treatment modalities, individuals can gain insights into various approaches and find the ones that resonate with them. Whether it is managing chronic pain, improving digestion, boosting immunity, or addressing mental health concerns, natural treatment offers a holistic approach to wellness that can benefit everyone.

  • af Silvio Summermatter
    322,95 kr.

    This book, which takes an in-depth look at the role of traditional medicine in today's society, builds a bridge between ancient healing methods and modern scientific research by examining the effectiveness and relevance of traditional healing practices in the context of current medical developments. The book sheds light on how folk medicine has been used in different cultures over the centuries and its relevance in today's world where science-based medicine dominates. One of the key aspects of the book is the detailed examination of various traditional healing methods, from herbal medicine to spiritual healing rituals. It highlights how these practices are based not only on anecdote and belief, but also on genuine therapeutic effects that are increasingly being confirmed by modern scientific studies. Of particular interest is the consideration of the interactions between traditional methods and modern medicines, which have the potential to expand and improve treatment options. The book also encourages critical reflection on how modern medicine and traditional healing methods can have a complementary relationship. It emphasises the need to preserve traditional healing knowledge and integrate it into modern medical practice in order to promote a more holistic and individualised approach to healthcare. Overall, the book offers a profound and insightful perspective on the role of traditional medicine in today's and tomorrow's healthcare landscape. It is an exciting work for anyone interested in the intersection of traditional wisdom and modern science, and offers valuable insights for medical practitioners, researchers and patients alike.

    392,95 - 467,95 kr.

    A book of a jungle journey to Santuario Hushtin Ayahuasca retreat in Peru South America, to heal from plant medicines, in nature, connecting with Spirit, travelling through portholes of the Universe, entering the Spirit world. An epic journey of soul searching, cleansing the body of toxins. A book about the Mother Spirit of Ayahuasca medicine, the journey of Shamanic healing in the rainforest, the mechanical sciences, medicinal properties & Spirits behind Ayahuasca medicine & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix of the Creation built with the Advanced Biotechnology of DNA operated by Ultra Violet Energetic Eternal Spirit Consciousness. Also discussed are other practices of Munay-ki ceremonies, Tambo retreats in solace, in the jungle, connecting to plant spirits, to find clarity in silence in nature, awakening another layer of consciousness, my thoughts on Ayahuasca ceremonies & experiences with light Beings & Spirits, & plant medicines I ingested, there healing & effects on the mind & body. Discussed is the Luminous blue print within our DNA, our Light body. The science behind the building blocks of life, that build the scaffolding of life of our avatars & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix, & discussed are the eternal realms where Spirit resides until becoming animated in this Creation of Advanced DNA Biotechnology. Magical in nature is the Creation, with multiple densities for us Spirits to Manifest into for experience, for growth, raising consciousness, raising our avatars frequency to Ascend, embodied but able to transverse the Matrix in its entirety, in your eternal light body. No space crafts needed. With History of Geomancy & of the Universe.

  • af Léonard Alexandre Salevert De Fayolle
    312,95 - 462,95 kr.

  • af Sidney Licht
    192,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Isaac Burney Yeo
    362,95 - 467,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Graham
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

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