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This is the third and final volume of essays issuing from the Leverhulme International Network 'Renaissance Conflict and Rivalries: Cultural Polemics in Europe, c. 1300-c. 1650'. The overall aim of the network was to examine the various ways in which conflict and rivalries made a positive contribution to cultural production and change during the Renaissance. The present volume, which contains papers delivered at the third colloquium, draws that examination to a close by considering a range of different strategies deployed in the period to manage conflict and rivalries and to bring them to a positive resolution. The papers explore these developments in the context of political, diplomatic, social, institutional, religious, and art history.
Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen Wandmalereien, Skulpturen, Bilderhandschriften sowie Körperbilder des 16. Jahrhunderts in Mexiko. Julia Kloss-Weber analysiert, inwiefern viele der im Rahmen der Neuspanien-Mission entstandenen Bilder Alterität, also Identität stiftende Andersartigkeit, thematisieren. Gleichzeitig fragt sie nach jener Form von Alterität, die Bildern als Spannungsfelder einer ,ikonischen Differenz' (Gottfried Boehm) zukommt. Dadurch werden zwei Diskursfelder zusammengeführt, die sich bisher weitgehend unabhängig voneinander entwickelt hatten: Reflexionen auf Konstruktionen des ,Anderen' im Rahmen der Postcolonial Studies und bildtheoretische Debatten. So wird deutlich, inwiefern Bilder nicht nur zwischen Kulturen vermitteln, sondern selbst Gegenstand transkultureller Übersetzungsprozesse sind.
The permanent exhibition in the north wing of Dresden's Royal Palace presents the surviving, magnificent vestments from the possessions of the Saxon electors, dating from around 1550 to 1650. This unique treasure trove of European fashion and textile history from the Renaissance and early Baroque has now been re-opened to the public after more than 80 years in storage and many years of conservation and restoration measures. This exhibition guide is the first work to do justice to a collection rich in silk, gold and silver. It covers all the rulers' robes on display, including complete costume ensembles, suits with doublet and trousers, ladies' dresses, and individual garments. There are also introductions to the many portraits, accessories and sumptuous armoury on display. Clothes make the man - clothes make politics: rulers' costumes and haute couture from the period 1550 to 1650
An edition of the first part of the Account and Memoranda Book compiled by William Porlond, clerk to the Brewers' Company (1418-40), translated and made available for publication for the first time.
Up late studying for that history test tomorrow? Stumped over a date or event from somewhere in the mists of time? Look no further than this tongue-in-cheek reference for the ancient and early modern world. Fling those Wikipedia entries to the wind!
Neben Albrecht Dürer gelten Hans Holbein d. Ä. und Hans Burgkmair als Wegbereiter der Renaissancemalerei im Norden. Wichtiges Zentrum dieser künstlerischen Blütezeit war die wohlhabende Reichs- und Handelsstadt Augsburg. Anhand hochkarätiger Werke bietet der Band einen umfassenden Einblick in den epochalen Umbruch vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit.Augsburg wurde früh von der humanistischen Kultur Italiens beeinflusst. Aufgrund der Kunstsinnigkeit international agierender Handelshäuser, wie der Fugger, der zahlreichen Aufenthalte Kaiser Maximilians I. und der häufigen Reichstage bot die Kulturmetropole Künstlern wie Holbein d. Ä. und Burgkmair einen idealen Nährboden für die Entwicklung einer neuen Kunst. Anhand ihrer wichtigsten Tafelbilder, die unter anderem Werken von Dürer gegenübergestellt werden, wird die überaus fruchtbare wie auch unterschiedliche Aneignung der italienischen Renaissance durch die beiden Protagonisten nachgezeichnet.
Im Venedig der Renaissance ergründeten Meister wie Bellini, Giorgione, Palma Vecchio und Tizian das Wesen von Mensch und Natur sowie deren Verhältnis zueinander mit nie dagewesener Intensität. Anhand bedeutender Porträt- und Landschaftsdarstellungen zeigt der attraktive Band die bahnbrechenden Neuerungen der venezianischen Malerei, die bis weit in die Moderne wirkten.Die Malerei der Lagunenstadt besticht nicht nur durch die Fülle der Farben und Nuancen des Lichts, sondern auch durch das besondere Einfühlungsvermögen, mit dem sich die Künstler ihren Darstellungen widmeten. Es entstanden feinsinnige Porträts, verführerische Idealbildnisse und Historienbilder, deren eigentliche Protagonistin die stimmungsvolle Landschaft ist. Eindrücklich befragt das Buch diese Meisterwerke hinsichtlich ihrer hohen Innovationskraft, ihrer Entstehungszusammenhänge und zeitgenössischen Lesarten.KÜNSTLERGiovanni Bellini | Paris Bordone | Giovanni Cariani | Cima da Conegliano | Giorgione | Bernardino Licino | Lorenzo Lotto | Sebastiano del Piombo | Tintoretto | Tizian | Palma Vecchio u. a.
Isaac Newton by¿ angielskim matematykiem, astronomem i fizykiem powszechnie uznawanym za jednego z najbardziej wp¿ywowych naukowców wszech czasów. Najbardziej znany ze swoich praw ruchu i teorii powszechnej grawitacji, Newton by¿ pasjonuj¿cym naukowcem, którego odkrycia miäy ogromny wp¿yw na ¿wiat nauki. W ci¿gu zaledwie 50 minut odkryjesz, jak jego badania fundamentalnie zmieni¿y sposób, w jaki rozumiemy ¿wiat, i poznasz jego g¿¿boki wp¿yw na pokolenia naukowców, którzy przyszli po nim. Ta prosta i pouczaj¿ca ksi¿¿ka zawiera dok¿adne omówienie najwäniejszych osi¿gni¿¿ i odkry¿ Newtona, w tym jego metody rachunku niesko¿czono¿ci, prac nad optyk¿ i najwäniejszego ze wszystkich odkry¿: teorii powszechnej grawitacji. Zawiera tak¿e pe¿n¿ biografi¿, cenne wprowadzenie do kontekstu epoki i ocen¿ wp¿ywu jego odkry¿ na spo¿eczno¿¿ naukow¿, daj¿c ci wszystkie niezb¿dne informacje o tym gigancie wspó¿czesnej nauki.
Volume 5 of The New Cambridge History of Islam examines the history of Muslim societies from 1800 to the present.
The Renaissance was a highly mobile, turbulent era in Europe, when war, poverty, and persecution pushed many people onto the roads in search of a living or a safe place to settle. In the same period, the expansion of European states overseas opened up new avenues of long-distance migration, while also fuelling the global traffic in slaves. The accelerating movement of people stimulated commercial, political, religious, and artistic exchanges, while also prompting the establishment of new structures of control and surveillance. This Element illuminates the material and social mechanisms that enacted mobility in the Renaissance and thereby offers a new way to understand the period's dynamism, creativity, and conflict. Spurred by recent 'mobilities' studies, it highlights the experiences of a wide range of mobile populations, paying particular attention to the concrete, practical dimensions of moving around at this time, whether on a local or a global scale.
Isaac Newton was een Engelse wis-, astronoom en natuurkundige die algemeen wordt erkend als een van de meest invloedrijke wetenschappers aller tijden. Newton, vooral bekend om zijn bewegingswetten en theorie van de universele zwaartekracht, was een gepassioneerd wetenschapper wiens ontdekkingen een enorme impact hadden op de wereld van de wetenschap. In slechts 50 minuten ontdekt u hoe zijn onderzoek de manier waarop wij de wereld begrijpen fundamenteel veranderde en leert u over zijn diepgaande invloed op generaties wetenschappers die na hem kwamen. Dit eenvoudige en informatieve boek geeft een grondige bespreking van Newtons belangrijkste prestaties en ontdekkingen, waaronder zijn methode van infinitesimaal rekenen, zijn werk aan de optica en zijn allerbelangrijkste bevinding: de theorie van de universele zwaartekracht. Het bevat ook een volledige biografie, een waardevolle inleiding tot de context van die tijd en een evaluatie van de impact van zijn ontdekkingen op de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap, waardoor u alle essentiële informatie krijgt over deze reus van de moderne wetenschap.
Isaac Newton è stato un matematico, astronomo e fisico inglese, riconosciuto come uno degli scienziati più influenti di tutti i tempi. Conosciuto soprattutto per le sue leggi del moto e la teoria della gravità universale, Newton è stato uno scienziato appassionato le cui scoperte hanno avuto un enorme impatto sul mondo della scienza. In soli 50 minuti, scoprirete come la sua ricerca ha cambiato radicalmente il modo in cui comprendiamo il mondo e conoscerete la sua profonda influenza sulle generazioni di scienziati che sono venute dopo di lui. Questo libro, semplice e ricco di informazioni, offre una trattazione approfondita delle più importanti conquiste e scoperte di Newton, tra cui il suo metodo di calcolo infinitesimale, il suo lavoro sull'ottica e la sua scoperta più importante di tutte: la teoria della gravità universale. Include inoltre una biografia completa, una preziosa introduzione al contesto dell'epoca e una valutazione dell'impatto delle sue scoperte sulla comunità scientifica, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali su questo gigante della scienza moderna.
Windsor Castle in Berkshire England was started by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. It has been used by the reigning monarch and is the longest-occupied palace in Europe. Originally designed to project Norman dominance around the outskirts of London and oversee a strategically important part of the River Thames, Windsor Castle was built with three wards surrounding a central mound. Windsor Castle grounds cover 13 acres (52,609 square metres) and combines the features of a fortification, a palace, and a small town. Consisting of Upper, Middle and Lower Wards, State Apartments, Parks and Gardens, Windsor Castle has undergone many changes through the centuries and remains one of the world's most-visited sites.
Kings and Queens: The Power Struggles of Medieval Europe is a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the power struggles of medieval Europe. The book provides an in-depth look at the lives and legacies of the kings and queens who ruled during this time, and it examines the ways in which their actions and ambitions helped to shape the course of European history.With a focus on major events and developments of the medieval period, including the Crusades, the Black Death, and the Reformation, this book provides a unique and fascinating look at the power struggles of the time. It explores the complex web of political, religious, and military factors that shaped the medieval period, and it provides a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the actions and ambitions of the kings and queens who ruled during this time.Kings and Queens: The Power Struggles of Medieval Europe is written in an accessible and engaging style, making it suitable for students of history, lovers of medieval literature, or anyone who is interested in the power struggles of the past. With its rich and detailed exploration of the medieval period, this book provides a comprehensive and engaging look at one of the most fascinating and important periods in European history.Whether you are a student of history, a lover of medieval literature, or simply someone who is interested in the power struggles of the past, Kings and Queens: The Power Struggles of Medieval Europe is a must-read book that provides a rich and engaging look at the lives and legacies of the kings and queens who ruled during this time.
Das Handbuch gibt einen fundierten Einblick in die Epochen des Mittelalters und der Renaissance in der Romania. Es ist für Studierende und Fachkolleg*innen aus angrenzenden Disziplinen konzipiert. Das Buch vermittelt historisches, kulturelles und sprachlich-literarisch-künstlerisches Grundlagenwissen über die gesamte romanischsprachige Welt, vom Gebiet der Dakoromania auf dem Balkan über die Italo- und Galloromania sowie die Iberische Halbinsel bis hin zum amerikanischen Kontinent. Die Beiträge des ersten Themenbereichs führen in Wissens- und Denktraditionen von der Antike bis zum 16. Jahrhundert ein, der zweite Bereich zeichnet die religiöse, gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung nach und im dritten Abschnitt werden sprachliche, literarische sowie künstlerische Phänomene exemplarisch erläutert.
Selected Hutterian Documents in Translation brings together several earlier communal disciplines of the Hutterian Brethren written during a time-span of more than a century, beginning with the first generation of the Hutterian movement (1542), and continuing into the late Ehrenpreis era (1654).The first section, "Concerning the Upbringing of Children," holds special significance in that the unit forms a major section of a pedagogical codex compiled by Vorsteher Claus Braidl. Although the school problems during the 1540s through the 1570s were certainly difficult to solve, the approach of the whole Brotherhood in general, and the leadership in particular, suggests a fine balance struck in attempting to cope with perennial problems within the schools, highly innovative for their times. The beautiful catechism for children, lifted from a small pedagogical codex at Olomouc, ¿SSR, suggests the depth of the Hutterites' concern for teaching the children who have not yet been baptized; they are still to be brought up in the fear of God and taught respect and appreciation for all of God's creation, but especially for the church-community (Gemeinde), which God established and which the Hutterites were faithfully continuing in their response to God as His people.The Taufreden (baptismal sermons) are unique among those extant in Hutterian literature in that they are the only known, full-length sermons which were not only written in the sixteenth century, but are taken from a sixteenth century codex (1599). The "Regulation Concerning the Matching of the Young People for Marriage" (1643), the "Communal Discipline" (1651), and the "Barber-Surgeon Discipline" (1654) represent a later period of Hutterian life.
In the wide realm of Shakespeare worship, the house in Stratford-upon-Avon where William Shakespeare was born in 1564 - known colloquially as the 'Birthplace' - remains the chief shrine. It's not as romantic as Anne Hathaway's thatched cottage, it's not where he wrote any of his plays, and there's nothing inside the house that once belonged to Shakespeare himself. So why, for centuries, have people kept turning up on the doorstep? Richard Schoch answers that question by examining the history of the Birthplace and by exploring how its changing fortunes over four centuries perfectly mirror the changing attitudes toward Shakespeare himself.Based on original research in the archives of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in Stratford-upon-Avon and the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, and featuring two black and white illustrated plate sections which draw on the wide array of material available at the Folger Shakespeare Library and the Victoria and Albert Museum, this book traces the history of Shakespeare's birthplace over four centuries. Beginning in the 1560s, when Shakespeare was born there, it ends in the 1890s, when the house was rescued from private purchase and turned into the Shakespeare monument that it remains today.
« Aiutando l¿arte con le parole per esprimere suo concetto » : ces mots de Giorgio Vasari trahissent l¿ambivalence de la théorie artistique du Cinquecento devant les inscriptions dans la peinture, son auteur moquant ailleurs la « gofferia » des phylactères tardo-médiévaux.En disgrâce au début du XVIe siècle, l¿intitulation et l¿appareillage scripturaire des décors font retour après le concile de Trente afin de mieux encadrer la réalisation et la contemplation de l¿art religieux. Cet ouvrage explore la place, les types, les formes et enfin les fonctions de ces écritures, dans différents foyers d¿Italie, à compter de la seconde moitié du XVIe siècle."Aiutando l¿arte con le parole per esprimere suo concetto": queste parole di Giorgio Vasari, che altrove giunge persino a deridere la "gofferia" dei filatteri tardo medievali, tradiscono l¿ambivalenza della teoria artistica del Cinquecento nei confronti delle iscrizioni in pittura.In disgrazia all¿inizio del XVI secolo, l¿intitolazione e l¿attrezzatura scritturale delle decorazioni tornarono in auge dopo il Concilio di Trento per regolare meglio la creazione e la fruizione dell¿arte religiosa. Questo libro esplora l¿importanza, la collocazione, i tipi, le forme e infine le funzioni di queste scritture in diversi contesti italiani a partire dalla seconda metà del XVI secolo.
"This Element offers an in-depth reinterpretation of Philip Henslowe's records of new plays, develops a novel account of how theatre companies copied and adapted plays in one another's repertories, and reconstructs an early modern cluster of Hieronimo plays that also allows us to reimagine Ben Jonson's career as an actor"--
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