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Grupper og gruppeteori

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  • af Borrik Schjødt & Thor Aage Egeland
    227,95 kr.

    Målet med denne bog er at give læseren en grundig indføring i familieterapiens historie, grundlag og de vigtigste familieterapeutiske modeller i en aktuel og let forståelig fremstilling. Fra Systemteori til Familieteori, er oprindeligt skrevet af Borrik Schiødt og Thor Aage Egelund og er oversat til dansk med forord af en af Danmarks ledende specialister, Torben Marner som har skrevet bogens forord og forsynet den med et kapitel om familieterapien i Danmark i dag. Bogens forfattere har opdelt bogen i 4 overordnede dele hvor læseren indledningsvis får et indblik i Familieterapiens historie og fremvækst. Derefter præsenteres det bagvedliggende teoretiske grundlag, hvor bl.a. en indføring i kommunikationsbegreber, niveauer af logiske typer og definitioner af relationer gennemgås. Tredje del går i dybden med en nærmere beskrivelse af familien, og beskriver diagnoser, medicinske & psykiatriske modeller, familie typologier og et særskilt afsnit om familiens udviklingFjerde del bearbejder emner som strukturel familieterapi, strategisk familieterapi og systemisk familie terapi samt relaterede terapi modeller. Læseren har adgang til en uddybende ordliste, modeller og litteraturhenvisninger Bogen er nu udgivet i 4 oplag og er bredt anerkendt indenfor sit felt.

  • - En guide til facilitering af mandegrupper
    af Jørgen Juul Jensen
    167,95 kr.

    Otte mænd samles hen over otte uger omkring otte temaer, der forbinder dem omkring en fælles livsudfordring. Denne bog er skrevet til dig, der søger inspiration til at facilitere livsstyrkende og meningsskabende gruppeprocesser for mænd, hvor samlivet slår knuder. I bogen deler Jørgen Juul Jensen ud af det gruppesamtaleformat, som han har udviklet, afprøvet og undervist i gennem 14 år. Dels i Mandecentret København og dels i et samarbejde med Frivilligcentre & Selvhjælp Danmark og Socialt Udviklingscenter. Bogen tilbyder læseren en "gør det selv guide", der indeholder et teoretisk perspektiv, en række metodiske greb til at facilitere komplekse gruppeprocesser og ideer til hvordan de enkelte gruppemøder kan gribes an. Alt er spækket med spændende spørgsmålstyper. Det er forfatterens erfaring, at når mænd mødes i et nærende fællesskab omkring nogle af de samme udfordringer, lærer kunsten at lytte og agere vidner til hinandens fortællinger, kan det gøre en verden til forskel. Det er denne proces, hvor der skabes et rum for personlig og fælles bevægelse, forfatteren ønsker at bidrage til.Bogen giver et indblik i mænds udfordrede position i samfundet og tilbyder et udsyn til den stille kulturrevolution, som foregår i det daglige samspil i familien og mand og mand imellem. Du er hermed inviteret til at være med i skabelsen af bedre sociale verdener. "Otte mænd Otte" uger finder i dag bred anvendelse rundt i landet, og forfatteren bistår gerne, hvis du/ I vil guides på vejen.

  • af Michel Broue
    774,95 kr.

    This textbook provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of algebra at upper undergraduate to graduate level, covering the theory of rings, fields and modules, as well as the representation theory of finite groups.Throughout the book, the exposition relies on universal constructions, making systematic use of quotients and category theory ¿ whose language is introduced in the first chapter. The book is divided into four parts. Parts I and II cover foundations of rings and modules, field theory and generalities on finite group representations, insisting on rings of polynomials and their ideals. Part III culminates in the structure theory of finitely generated modules over Dedekind domains and its applications to abelian groups, linear maps, and foundations of algebraic number theory. Part IV is an extensive study of linear representations of finite groups over fields of characteristic zero, including graded representations and graded characters as well as a final chapter on the Drinfeld¿Lusztig double of a group algebra, appearing for the first time in a textbook at this level.Based on over twenty years of teaching various aspects of algebra, mainly at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris) and at Peking University, the book reflects the audiences of the author's courses. In particular, foundations of abstract algebra, like linear algebra and elementary group theory, are assumed of the reader. Each of the of four parts can be used for a course ¿ with a little ad hoc complement on the language of categories. Thanks to its rich choice of topics, the book can also serve students as a reference throughout their studies, from undergraduate to advanced graduate level.

  • af Derval Ambrose
    511,95 - 1.575,95 kr.

    This book explores how different social psychology theories and concepts can be applied to practice. Considering theories from attribution theory to coercion theory, social identity theories to ostracism, the authors offer a greater understanding and appreciation of the ways in which social psychology can contribute to forensic practice.

  • af Vladimir Dobrev
    2.367,95 - 2.377,95 kr.

    This volume presents modern trends in the area of symmetries and their applications based on contributions to the Workshop "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics" held in Sofia, Bulgaria (on-line) in June 2021.Traditionally, Lie theory is a tool to build mathematical models for physical systems. Recently, the trend is towards geometrization of the mathematical description of physical systems and objects. A geometric approach to a system yields in general some notion of symmetry which is very helpful in understanding its structure. Geometrization and symmetries are meant in their widest sense, i.e., representation theory, algebraic geometry, number theory, infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and groups, superalgebras and supergroups, groups and quantum groups, noncommutative geometry, symmetries of linear and nonlinear partial differential operators, special functions, and others. Furthermore, the necessary tools from functional analysis are included. This is a big interdisciplinary and interrelated field.The topics covered in this Volume are the most modern trends in the field of the Workshop: Representation Theory, Symmetries in String Theories, Symmetries in Gravity Theories, Supergravity, Conformal Field Theory, Integrable Systems, Quantum Computing and Deep Learning, Entanglement, Applications to Quantum Theory, Exceptional quantum algebra for the standard model of particle physics, Gauge Theories and Applications, Structures on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras.This book is suitable for a broad audience of mathematicians, mathematical physicists, and theoretical physicists, including researchers and graduate students interested in Lie Theory.

  • af Melvyn B. Nathanson
    1.952,95 - 1.961,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Johnson-Leung
    719,95 kr.

    This book describes a novel approach to the study of Siegel modular forms of degree two with paramodular level. It introduces the family of stable Klingen congruence subgroups of GSp(4) and uses this family to obtain new relations between the Hecke eigenvalues and Fourier coefficients of paramodular newforms, revealing a fundamental dichotomy for paramodular representations. Among other important results, it includes a complete description of the vectors fixed by these congruence subgroups in all irreducible representations of GSp(4) over a nonarchimedean local field.Siegel paramodular forms have connections with the theory of automorphic representations and the Langlands program, Galois representations, the arithmetic of abelian surfaces, and algorithmic number theory. Providing a useful standard source on the subject, the book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers working in the above fields.

  • af Federico Vigolo
    497,95 kr.

    This book lays the foundation for a theory of coarse groups: namely, sets with operations that satisfy the group axioms ¿up to uniformly bounded error¿. These structures are the group objects in the category of coarse spaces, and arise naturally as approximate subgroups, or as coarse kernels.The first aim is to provide a standard entry-level introduction to coarse groups. Extra care has been taken to give a detailed, self-contained and accessible account of the theory. The second aim is to quickly bring the reader to the forefront of research. This is easily accomplished, as the subject is still young, and even basic questions remain unanswered.Reflecting its dual purpose, the book is divided into two parts. The first part covers the fundamentals of coarse groups and their actions. Here the theory of coarse homomorphisms, quotients and subgroups is developed, with proofs of coarse versions of the isomorphism theorems, and it is shown how coarse actions are related to fundamental aspects of geometric group theory. The second part, which is less self-contained, is an invitation to further research, where each thread leads to open questions of varying depth and difficulty. Among other topics, it explores coarse group structures on set-groups, groups of coarse automorphisms and spaces of controlled maps. The main focus is on connections between the theory of coarse groups and classical subjects, including: number theory; the study of bi-invariant metrics on groups; quasimorphisms and stable commutator length; groups of outer automorphisms; and topological groups and their actions.The book will primarily be of interest to researchers and graduate students in geometric group theory, topology, category theory and functional analysis, but some parts will also be accessible to advanced undergraduates.

  • af Yuqi Guo
    1.287,95 kr.

    By combinatorial semigroups, we mean a general term of concepts, facts and methods which are produced in investigating of algebraic and combinatorial properties, constructions, classifications and interrelations of formal languages and automata, codes, finite and infinite words by using semigroup theory and combinatorial analysis. The main research objects in this field are the elements and subsets of the free semigroups and monoids and many combinatorial properties of these objects, which are closely related to algebraic theory of semigroups.This book first introduces some basic concepts and notations in combinatorial semigroups. Since many contents involving the constructions of (generalized) disjunctive languages and regular languages are closely related to the algebraic theory of codes, some selected topics are introduced in the following chapter, including the method of defining codes by using dependence systems, the maximality and completeness of codes, and the detailed discussion of some special kinds of codes such as convex codes, semaphore codes and solid codes. Then the remaining chapters present the main topics of the book - regular languages, disjunctive languages, and their various kinds of generalizations.This book might be useful to researchers in mathematics who are interested in combinatorial semigroups.

  • af Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein
    1.671,95 - 1.680,95 kr.

    This monograph adopts an operational and functional analytic approach to the following problem: given a short exact sequence (group extension) 1 N G H 1 of finite groups, describe the irreducible representations of G by means of the structure of the group extension. This problem has attracted many mathematicians, including I. Schur, A.H. Clifford, and G. Mackey and, more recently, M. Isaacs, B. Huppert, Y.G. Berkovich & E.M. Zhmud, and J.M.G. Fell & R.S. Doran.The main topics are, on the one hand, Clifford Theory and the Little Group Method (of Mackey and Wigner) for induced representations, and, on the other hand, Kirillov's Orbit Method (for step-2 nilpotent groups of odd order) which establishes a natural and powerful correspondence between Lie rings and nilpotent groups. As an application, a detailed description is given of the representation theory of the alternating groups, of metacyclic, quaternionic, dihedral groups, and of the (finite) Heisenberg group. The Little Group Method may be applied if and only if a suitable unitary 2-cocycle (the Mackey obstruction) is trivial. To overcome this obstacle, (unitary) projective representations are introduced and corresponding Mackey and Clifford theories are developed. The commutant of an induced representation and the relative Hecke algebra is also examined. Finally, there is a comprehensive exposition of the theory of projective representations for finite Abelian groups which is applied to obtain a complete description of the irreducible representations of finite metabelian groups of odd order.

  • af Roberto J. Miatello
    457,95 kr.

    This book studies the modules arising in Fourier expansions of automorphic forms, namely Fourier term modules on SU(2,1), the smallest rank one Lie group with a non-abelian unipotent subgroup. It considers the ¿abelian¿ Fourier term modules connected to characters of the maximal unipotent subgroups of SU(2,1), and also the ¿non-abelian¿ modules, described via theta functions. A complete description of the submodule structure of all Fourier term modules is given, with a discussion of the consequences for Fourier expansions of automorphic forms, automorphic forms with exponential growth included.These results can be applied to prove a completeness result for Poincaré series in spaces of square integrable automorphic forms.Aimed at researchers and graduate students interested in automorphic forms, harmonic analysis on Lie groups, and number-theoretic topics related to Poincaré series, the book will also serve as a basic reference on spectral expansion with Fourier-Jacobi coefficients. Only a background in Lie groups and their representations is assumed.

  • af Xiaoxiang Zhang
    1.392,95 kr.

    Most of the existing monographs on generalized inverses are based on linear algebra tools and geometric methods of Banach (Hilbert) spaces to introduce generalized inverses of complex matrices and operators and their related applications, or focus on generalized inverses of matrices over special rings like division rings and integral domains, and does not include the results in general algebraic structures such as arbitrary rings, semigroups and categories, which are precisely the most general cases.In this book, five important generalized inverses are introduced in these algebraic structures. Moreover, noting that the (pseudo) core inverse was introduced in the last decade and has attracted much attention, this book also covers the very rich research results on it, so as to be a necessary supplement to the existing monographs. This book starts with decompositions of matrices, introduces the basic properties of generalized inverses of matrices, and then discusses generalizedinverses of elements in rings and semigroups, as well as morphisms in categories. The algebraic nature of generalized inverses is presented, and the behavior of generalized inverses are related to the properties of the algebraic system.Scholars and graduate students working on the theory of rings, semigroups and generalized inverses of matrices and operators will find this book helpful.

  • af Olaf Manz
    196,95 kr.

    Bei klassischer Vorgehensweise werden die Identität des Erstellers und die Echtheit eines Dokuments durch manuelle Unterschrift auf Papier bezeugt. Dieses Vorgehen ist bei digitalen Texten und Nachrichten so nicht mehr möglich. Will man digitalisierte Daten unterschreiben und somit deren Echtheit und die eigene Identität bezeugen, so spricht man von einer digitalen Signatur. Dieses Buch beschreibt die drei wichtigsten Verfahren, nämlich die RSA-Signatur, die DSA-Signatur und die ECDSA-Signatur. Hierfür werden die jeweiligen algebraischen Grundlagen bereitgestellt.

  • af Arnout Ceulemans
    1.679,95 - 1.692,95 kr.

  • af Jin-Ho Park
    880,95 kr.

    This book focuses on symmetries in the analysis and synthesis of architectural designs. Crucial in the history of architecture, principles of symmetry provided the means to achieve balance and harmony of spatial composition in architecture. Less well known is the importance of symmetry principles in the analysis of the distinct constituents in a contemporary architectural design which may, at first glance, appear disorganized or even random. The revelation of different hierarchical levels wherein various types of symmetry or subsymmetry are superimposed provides a key for deciphering the underlying structure of spatial logic. The interaction between local and global subsymmetries is of particular interest. Operating with symmetry concepts in this manner offers architects, designers and students an explicit method for understanding the symmetrical logics of sophisticated designs and gaining insights into new designs.This book has two complementary objectives: to explore the fundamental principles of architectural composition founded on the algebraic structure of symmetry groups in mathematics and to apply the principles in the analysis and synthesis of architectural and urban designs. By viewing and decomposing architectural and urban designs in this manner, the hidden spatial logic and underlying order in a design become transparent.

  • af V. B. Kiran Kumar
    1.561,95 kr.

    This book contains chapters on a range of topics in mathematics and mathematical physics, including semigroups, algebras, operator theory and quantum mechanics, most of them have been presented at the International Conference on Semigroup, Algebras, and Operator Theory (ICSAOT-22), held at Cochin, Kerala, India, from 28¿31 March 2022. It highlights the significance of semigroup theory in different areas of mathematics and delves into various themes that demonstrate the subject¿s diverse nature and practical applications. One of the key features of the book is its focus on the relationship between geometric algebra and quantum mechanics. The book offers both theoretical and numerical approximation results, presenting a comprehensive overview of the subject. It covers a variety of topics, ranging from C¿-algebraic models to numerical solutions for partial differential equations.The content of the book is suitable for active researchers and graduate students who are just beginning their studies in the field. It offers insights and practical applications that would be valuable to anyone interested in the mathematical foundations of physics and related fields. Overall, this book provides an excellent resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the intersections between mathematics and physics.

  • af Rudiger Gobel & Jan Trlifaj
    3.717,95 - 5.486,95 kr.

  • - What It Is and How To Do It
    af Joseph J. Pear, Canada) Martin & Garry (University of Winnipeg
    1.342,95 - 2.933,95 kr.

  • af Myron Owen Tripp
    322,95 kr.

  • af Maurice Potron
    397,95 kr.

  • af Lars Tuset
    837,95 - 1.132,95 kr.

    This volume presents a completely self-contained introduction to the elaborate theory of locally compact quantum groups, bringing the reader to the frontiers of present-day research. The exposition includes a substantial amount of material on functional analysis and operator algebras, subjects which in themselves have become increasingly important with the advent of quantum information theory. In particular, the rather unfamiliar modular theory of weights plays a crucial role in the theory, due to the presence of 'Haar integrals' on locally compact quantum groups, and is thus treated quite extensivelyThe topics covered are developed independently, and each can serve either as a separate course in its own right or as part of a broader course on locally compact quantum groups. The second part of the book covers crossed products of coactions, their relation to subfactors and other types of natural products such as cocycle bicrossed products, quantum doubles and doublecrossed products. Induced corepresentations, Galois objects and deformations of coactions by cocycles are also treated. Each section is followed by a generous supply of exercises. To complete the book, an appendix is provided on topology, measure theory and complex function theory.

  • af Piotr Kielanowski
    1.967,95 kr.

    This volume collects papers based on lectures given at the XXXIX Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, held in Biäystok, Poland in June 2022. These chapters provide readers an overview of cutting-edge research in geometry, analysis, and a wide variety of other areas. Specific topics include:Classical and quantum field theoriesInfinite-dimensional groupsIntegrable systemsLie groupoids and Lie algebroidsRepresentation theoryGeometric Methods in Physics XXXIX will be a valuable resource for mathematicians and physicists interested in recent developments at the intersection of these areas.

  • af M. Ram Murty & Sebastian M. Cioab¿
    564,95 - 812,95 kr.

    This book discusses the origin of graph theory from its humble beginnings in recreational mathematics to its modern setting or modeling communication networks, as is evidenced by the World Wide Web graph used by many Internet search engines. The second edition of the book includes recent developments in the theory of signed adjacency matrices involving the proof of sensitivity conjecture and the theory of Ramanujan graphs. In addition, the book discusses topics such as Pick's theorem on areas of lattice polygons and Graham-Pollak's work on addressing of graphs. The concept of graph is fundamental in mathematics and engineering, as it conveniently encodes diverse relations and facilitates combinatorial analysis of many theoretical and practical problems. The text is ideal for a one-semester course at the advanced undergraduate level or beginning graduate level.

  • af Souvik Roy, Sukanta Das & Kamalika Bhattacharjee
    1.756,95 - 1.765,95 kr.

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