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Videnskabelig forskning

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  • af Calwius
    329,95 kr.

    Nature Does Not Answer ¿ a groundbreaking book that redefines the understanding of science and its role in our society. Inspired by Immanuel Kant¿s statement that true scientific discovery lies not in mere observation but in asking specific questions, this book takes us on an exciting journey through the methods of physics and beyond.Have you ever wondered what exactly lies behind the experiments and measurements of science? Or why we often believe that scientific knowledge provides the ultimate answers? This book reveals that the scientific method often says more about how the world reacts when we intervene, rather than why it reacts that way. It powerfully illuminates that the findings we often take as absolute truths are complex descriptions rather than simple explanations.Particularly fascinating is the analysis of the concepts and ideas of modern physics. Discover how some of the most fundamental ideas we have about physics actually contradict their own findings. A valuable book for anyone who wants to scratch beneath the surface of science and see it in a completely new light.But this is not just a book about science. It is also a deep look at our society and the often technical view of human beings. The author challenges us to think beyond the boundaries of science and to realize that although it makes valuable contributions in many areas, it does not have all the answers.Nature Does Not Answer is not just a book for science enthusiasts. It is a guide for all who want to better understand the world they live in and find their place in it. It invites us to appreciate scientific knowledge, but also to question it critically. It is a reminder that there is more to the world than what we can measure, and that the search for truth is often more complex than we think.Invest in a book that will expand your thinking, change your perspective, and inspire you to see the world with new eyes. It could be the most valuable read for you this year.

  • af Pedro Rodenas
    437,95 kr.

    En los últimos años, se ha dado un incremento significativo en el impulso de la investigación en todas las instituciones privadas y del estado, en áreas de la contaminación y medio ambiente, siendo la finalidad de brindar sostenibilidad del bienestar de la sociedad en el país. El presente libro analiza, sobre las bases de la revisión de fuentes primarias y secundarias, sobre los conceptos y definiciones de la zona costera, la bioecologia y contaminación de las zonas de transición e intermareales de los espigones, suelo y subsuelo de las playas, donde habitan organismos hidrobiológicos animales y vegetales en la costa verde en el Perú. Además, se da a conocer sobre las investigaciones realizadas para determinar el grado de contaminación por el comportamiento de los bañistas y visitantes en las playas antes y después de la pandemia, por residuos sólidos costeros en la bioecología marina de las playas de San Isidro, Miraflores, Barranco y Chorrillos; así como, las playas de Cantolao en el Callao.

  • af Christopher Paul
    277,95 kr.

    Using the principles of necessity, effectiveness, and proportionality, the authors develop a framework for evaluating influence operations with an initial screening, conducting a full ethical risk assessment, and preparing a justification statement.

  • af Tom Wingfield
    277,95 kr.

    The authors apply the concept of selective overmatch to reevaluate current U.S. cyber operations in light of competition and possible conflict with China and show how this framework can provide a roadmap for U.S. Cyber Command's future operations.

  • af Muriel Le Roux
    727,95 kr.

    Si communiquer est aujourd¿hui pour les scientifiques une injonction, ce livre a pour ambition d¿explorer les arcanes des processus éditoriaux, communicationnels ou de vulgarisation, et de mettre en lumière les évolutions de cette activité inhérente aux sciences. La communication s¿est ainsi, au fil du temps, codifiée, normalisée, du fait des scientifiques, d¿institutions académiques d¿État, d¿éditeurs ou d¿entreprises médiatiques. De façon générale, elle nécessite un émetteur, un message et un destinataire. Les communications scientifiques ne dérogent pas à la règle ; après validation des résultats par des spécialistes, les travaux sont communiqués à un plus grand nombre de chercheurs, puis vers différents « utilisateurs de connaissances » jusqüau grand public. Elles proposent de partager l¿état des connaissances disponibles sur un sujet donné à un moment T et peuvent concerner de grandes périodes de temps comme de longues distances. Il existe de nombreuses façons de communiquer : communication non verbale, visuelle, orale, écrite, imprimée, numérique, formelle, informelle¿ Dans ce volume, il n¿est question que de communication sur des supports pérennes. L¿histoire de la communication est aussi une histoire technique, depuis les tablettes d¿argile sumériennes jusqüà l¿imprimé, sans omettre le télégraphe, le téléphone, la radio, la télévision, l¿internet, ce dernier offrant la possibilité de correspondre et de lire les dernières communications sur un même support. Ce livre, en étudiant différents cas de l¿époque moderne à nos jours, donne à voir les stratégies des scientifiques, leurs rapports avec les « promoteurs » de sciences quels qüils soient et souligne combien la communication scientifique est une affaire de culture et de politique. Histoire de ruptures, de continuités et d¿invariants, l¿histoire de la communication scientifique est aussi celle de notre rapport au monde.

  • af Holger Göbel
    372,95 - 597,95 kr.

  • af Dael Lee Wolfle
    250,95 kr.

  • af Michael Merkel
    201,95 - 274,95 kr.

  • af Gweneth Glover
    1.357,95 kr.

    Scientific article present the findings of a research and must follow a standard structure of a scientific manuscript. This structure must be followed in all aspects including the references and content of the manuscript. It offers significant contributions to the body of knowledge on topics that are interesting and pertinent to a wide range of readership groups and constituencies including research practitioners, public policymakers, the general public, managers, marketing educators and other academic researchers. Scientific articles must be written concisely in order to be more understandable. Scientific writing and publication are critical for advancing public health knowledge and practice. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of writing and publishing scientific articles. It is an essential guide for both academicians and those who wish to learn the craft of writing scientific articles.

  • af Kendrick Kay
    976,95 kr.

    Computational and Network Modeling of Neuroimaging Data provides an authoritative and comprehensive overview of the many diverse modeling approaches that have been fruitfully applied to neuroimaging data. As neuroimaging is witnessing a massive increase in the quality and quantity of data being acquired, this book gives an accessible foundation to the field of computational neuroimaging, suitable for graduate students, academic researchers, and industry practitioners who are interested in adopting or applying model-based approaches in neuroimaging. It is widely recognized that effective interpretation and extraction of information from complex data requires quantitative modeling. However, modeling the brain comes in many diverse forms, with different research communities tackling different brain systems, different spatial and temporal scales, and different aspects of brain structure and function. This book takes a critical step towards synthesizing and integrating across different modeling approaches.

  • af Peter Hartl
    473,95 kr.

    This book addresses the complex relationship between the values of liberal democracy and the values associated with scientific research. The contributors utilize various approaches to address this timely subject, including historical studies, philosophical analysis, and sociological case studies.

  • af Avery Calkins
    522,95 kr.

    This report presents results of an effort to determine how the U.S. Army might modernize special and incentive pays to better reward Army aviators' career advancement while cost-effectively achieving retention objectives.

  • af Matthew Walsh
    352,95 kr.

    This report describes how computational cognitive models can enhance learning gains and reduce training time for mission-critical knowledge, skills, and abilities, with emphasis on second-language learning, for the U.S. Department of the Air Force.

  • af Carra S Sims
    367,95 kr.

    The authors found that awareness of new U.S. Army Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG) policy is not widespread among Army spouses, and aspects of the program could be improved. However, findings also suggest that SFRGs can be effective.

  • af Raymond Kuo
    242,95 kr.

    This paper shares the results of an exercise hosted by the RAND Corporation to explore the risk of escalation from Chinese activities in the gray zone to conventional war. The results showed an overall low risk of Taiwanese escalation.

  • af Frank Albert
    162,95 kr.

  • af Justin Browler
    2.052,95 kr.

    "Dive into the Deep: A Journey Through the Ocean's Mysteries" is a captivating voyage into the mysteries, marvels, and majesty of our world's oceans. Renowned oceanographer Rogs Martins takes you on a thrilling adventure beneath the waves, exploring everything from the sun-drenched surface to the deepest, darkest abyss.Discover the fascinating creatures that inhabit these otherworldly realms, investigate the ghostly remains of human endeavors swallowed by the sea, and confront the urgent ecological challenges facing our oceans today. Packed with historical insights, cutting-edge science, and tales of intrepid exploration, this book uncovers the ocean's secrets and illuminates why this watery world is so vital to our existence."Dive into the Deep" is a testimony to human curiosity, a love letter to the ocean, and a wake-up call for us all. Join Rogs Martins on this unforgettable journey and see the ocean - and your place in it - in a whole new light.

  • af Matthew Walsh
    281,95 kr.

    To weigh options in managing military personnel costs, the U.S. Air Force explores trade-offs in a workforce futures policy game that simulates the monetary and nonmonetary effects of workforce and personnel policies in real time.

  • af Lothar Arendes
    225,95 kr.

    Im 20. Jahrhundert kam es durch Relativitätstheorie und Quantenmechanik zu tiefgreifenden Veränderungen unserer wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung. In dieser Arbeit werden die grundlegenden Begriffe, Objekte und Phänomene unserer heutigen wissenschaftlichen Theorien detailliert erläutert, welche vor allem folgende sind: Quantenvakuum; Elementarteilchen und Wechselwirkungen; Naturgesetz und Information; Emergenz; Raumzeit und das Universum; Selbstorganisation und Evolution; Einheit, Ganzheit, System und Synergetik; Schachtelung der Objekte; Schichtung der Naturgesetze; Kausalität; Teleonomie, Teleologie und Zufall. Hierauf aufbauend wird eine zusammenfassende kurze Beschreibung unserer heutigen wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung gegeben, um damit anschließend für die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche Forschungsanregungen zu geben; insbesondere für Biologie und Psychologie (Teleonomie, Biodynamik, Evolution, Bewusstsein und Leib-Seele Problem). In Zusammenhang mit Nahtoderlebnissen, Sterbebett-Visionen und Medienkundgebungen in Séancen wird beispielsweise die Frage behandelt, ob es ein Überleben des körperlichen Todes durch eine Seele oder Entelechie geben kann. Neben diesen Fragestellungen werden außerdem grundlegende Probleme der Physik und Soziologie besprochen.

  • af Jessie Coe
    397,95 kr.

    The authors examine compensation differences for gender, racial, and ethnic groups in the Department of Defense civilian science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce and explore ways to address these differences.

  • af Osonde A Osoba
    322,95 kr.

    This report describes the resilience assessment framework that RAND Project AIR FORCE developed to assess the potential impact of integrating select commercial space services on U.S. Space Force mission performance.

  • - Digital Transformations of the Sciences and Humanities
    af Eric T. Meyer & Ralph Schroeder
    657,95 kr.

    In Knowledge Machines, Eric Meyer and Ralph Schroeder argue that digital technologies have fundamentally changed research practices in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Meyer and Schroeder show that digital tools and data, used collectively and in distributed mode -- which they term e-research -- have transformed not just the consumption of knowledge but also the production of knowledge. Digital technologies for research are reshaping how knowledge advances in disciplines that range from physics to literary analysis. Meyer and Schroeder map the rise of digital research and offer case studies from many fields, including biomedicine, social science uses of the Web, astronomy, and large-scale textual analysis in the humanities. They consider such topics as the challenges of sharing research data and of big data approaches, disciplinary differences and new forms of interdisciplinary collaboration, the shifting boundaries between researchers and their publics, and the ways that digital tools promote openness in science.This book considers the transformations of research from a number of perspectives, drawing especially on the sociology of science and technology and social informatics. It shows that the use of digital tools and data is not just a technical issue; it affects research practices, collaboration models, publishing choices, and even the kinds of research and research questions scholars choose to pursue. Knowledge Machines examines the nature and implications of these transformations for scholarly research.

  • - En antologi om betydningen af forskning og innovation
    af Søren Barlebo Rasmussen, Per Jørgensen & Mickael Bech
    287,95 kr.

    Når forskning og innovation både er udfordringen og løsningenDet danske sundhedsvæsen er ramt af udfordringer. Med den demografiske udvikling forventes flere ældre og multisygdomsramte patienter, og hertil føjer sig et stigende problem med at sikre et godt arbejdsmiljø med kvalificeret personale.I denne antologi tager en række eksperter afsæt i sundhedsvæsenets udfordringer, når de undersøger, hvordan vi kan afhjælpe problemerne og skabe fremtidens sundhedsvæsen. Potentialet ved strategisk at inkorporere forskning og innovation i forskellige udviklingstendenser udfoldes, og flere vinkler på, hvordan man kan sammentænke drift, forskning, innovation og uddannelse i praksis, præsenteres:- Missionsorienteret forskning og innovation- Udvikling af forskningskultur på tværs af en stor organisation- Det offentlig-private samarbejde- Det digitaliserede sundhedsvæsen- Forsknings- og innovationsbroen- Klinisk kvalitet som outcome- Brugerinddragelse.Det danske sundhedsvæsen har behov for ledere, der kan lede i en kompleks organisatorisk virkelighed og forstår at lede udvikling og innovation ind i driften, så det får reel impact for både personale og patienter. Bogen kan læses som inspiration og debatoplæg af alle i sundhedssektoren med lederambitioner og -ansvar.

  • af Robert A. M. Gregson
    307,95 kr.

  • af Brian Kennett
    287,95 kr.

    Although there are many books on project management, few address the issues associated with scientific research. This work is based on extensive scientific research and management experiences and is designed to provide an introduction to planning and managing scientific research for the beginning researcher.

  • af David McDonald
    312,95 kr.

  • af Simone Malacrida
    132,95 kr.

    O livro é concebido como uma viagem através da Itália da investigação, através de sucessivos encontros com cada um dos investigadores. O autor do livro funciona como o elo de ligação, reunindo as diferentes histórias, fazendo perguntas e reflexões, anotando ideias e impressões de lugares e pessoas. O autor serve também como espectador e protagonista, sendo ele próprio em busca de algo durante esta viagem. Várias cidades são abordadas durante a viagem de um ano, incluindo Roma, Trieste, Milão, Lodi, Nápoles, Turim, Cosenza, Bolonha, Bari e Pádua, que são o pano de fundo dos encontros. As histórias destes investigadores são extrapoladas seguindo uma forma dialógica e enfatizando, de tempos a tempos, diferentes aspectos de modo a formar um quadro completo, especialmente sobre o que leva uma pessoa a seguir o caminho da investigação e quais são as motivações subjacentes e possíveis sucessos das aplicações e estudos. Estas histórias contam sobre pessoas "normais", e todas as pessoas envolvidas no livro têm um traço geracional comum, tendo a maioria nascido em meados dos anos 70, pelo que será discutida uma geração de 30-35 anos de idade. As dez histórias cobrem diferentes campos, não só a nível científico ou médico, e destacam diferentes vias de crescimento, pelo que não só se falará de investigadores "puros" (campo académico e universitário), mas também daqueles que trabalham na indústria como empregados ou aqueles que fundaram uma empresa.

  • af Simone Malacrida
    132,95 kr.

    El libro se concibe como un viaje por la Italia de la investigación, a través de sucesivos encuentros con cada uno de los investigadores. El autor del libro se configura como el nexo de unión, acercando las distintas historias, planteando preguntas y reflexiones, captando ideas e impresiones de lugares y personas. El autor también actúa como espectador y protagonista, siendo él mismo en busca de algo durante este viaje. Durante el viaje de un año, se visitan varias ciudades, como Roma, Trieste, Milán, Lodi, Nápoles, Turín, Cosenza, Bolonia, Bari y Padua, que representan el trasfondo de las reuniones. Las historias de estos investigadores se extrapolan siguiendo una forma dialógica y enfatizando, cada cierto tiempo, diferentes aspectos para formar una imagen completa, sobre todo, de lo que impulsa a una persona a emprender el camino de la investigación y de cuáles son las motivaciones y posibles éxitos de aplicaciones y estudios. Estas historias hablan de gente "normal" y todas las personas involucradas en el libro tienen un rasgo generacional común, habiendo nacido en su mayoría a mediados de los setenta, por lo que estaremos hablando de una generación de 30-35 años. Las diez historias abarcan diferentes sectores, no solo a nivel científico o médico, y destacan distintas vías de crecimiento, por lo que no hablaremos exclusivamente de investigadores "puros" (ámbito académico y universitario), sino también de quienes trabajan en la industria como empleados. o que fundó una empresa.

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