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Galakser og stjerner

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  • af Stephen Hawking
    237,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Den verdenskendte kosmolog og bestsellerforfatter til En kort historie om tid har efterladt os sine sidste tanker om universets største spørgsmål i dette betagende posthume værk. Hvordan opstod universet? Kan menneskeheden overleve på Jorden? Findes der intelligent liv uden for vores solsystem? Kommer kunstig intelligens til at udkonkurrere os? Igennem sin enestående karriere udvidede Stephen Hawking vores forståelse af universet og opklarede nogle af dets største mysterier. Men selv når hans teoretiske arbejde med sorte huller, imaginær tid og multivers førte hans tanker til rummets yderste grænser, troede Hawking fuldt og fast på, at videnskaben skulle spille en rolle i løsningen af Jordens største problemer. Nu hvor vi står over for potentielt katastrofale forandringer – herunder klimaforandringer, truslen om atomkrig og udviklingen af kunstig super-intelligens – har Stephen Hawking rettet sin opmærksomhed mod menneskehedens mest presserende anliggender. Med en fascinerende argumentation og karakteristisk humor er 'Korte svar på de store spørgsmål' den sidste bog fra en af historiens største begavelser, en intellektuelt stimulerende tour de force fra universets uendelige vidder til de allermest vedkommende udfordringer, som vi og vores klode står over for. En procentdel af indtægterne fra bogen går til velgørende formål.

  • af Anja C. Andersen
    92,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Teorien om Big Bang er den bedste model, vi i øjeblikket har om universets skabelse; men det betyder ikke, at det er den endelige sandhed. Men hvorfor er der stort set enighed om, at universet for 13,7 milliarder år siden blev skabt af en tætpakket klump, der rummede al energi og alt stof? Og eksisterede der noget inden Big Bang? Astrofysikeren Anja C. Andersen formidler teorier og forskningsresultater udogmatisk og letforståeligt.

  • af Børge Svanhof
    87,95 kr.

    Gyldendals stjernekort er et let anvendeligt redskab til at orientere sig i stjernevrimlen. Kortet kan bruges året rundt: Den øverste plastskive drejes, således at dato og klokkeslet kommer til at stå ud for hinanden, og den aktuelle stjernehimmel for det pågældende tidspunkt fremkommer. Sammen med kortet følger en grundig vejledning, som giver eksempler på de for årstiden karakteristiske stjernebilleder. Kortet er tegnet til at kunne bruges i Danmark, men kan med god nøjagtighed anvendes i det øvrige Skandinavien.

  • af Anja C. Andersen
    314,95 kr.

    Der sker hele tiden noget nyt og spændende inden for rumforskningen. I 2022 lykkedes det forskerholdet Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration at optage et billede af det sorte hul i Mælkevejen. James Webb Teleskopet leverer billeder af galakser, der ligger 13 milliarder lysår borte. De opdagelser, som den danske forsker Albert Sneppen har gjort omkring neutronstjerners sammenstød, kan måske bruges til at beregne universets udvidelseshastighed. I ”Det gådefulde univers” giver Danmarks mest anerkendte astrofysiker et overblik over himmelrummet fra Solsystemet og ud til de fjerneste galakser og over universets udvikling fra Big Bang frem til i dag.Universet blev skabt for 13,7 milliarder år siden. Et lysår er ca. 9,5 billioner kilometer, og afstanden til de fjerne kvasarer er 12 milliarder lysår. Når man beskæftiger sig med universet, handler det om svimlende tidshorisonter og afstande; men Anja C. Andersen formår at gøre det uoverskuelige begribeligt. Stor gavebog med fantastisk billedmateriale.

  • - Historien om opdagelsen af exoplaneter og jagten på verdener som vores
    af Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård
    118,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Der er ikke otte, men milliarder af planeter i Universet, og mange af dem ligger i et lunt smørhul, hvor de potentielt kan huse liv. Den opdagelse er en af de største i den moderne astronomi, og vi er kun lige begyndt at forstå, hvad der egentlig gemmer sig derude i kosmos af bizarre kloder. 'Fjerne kloder' beskriver erkendelsesrejsen, fra Giordano Bruno blev brændt på bålet i år 1600 for sin kætterske idé om uendelig mange planeter – og til konstruktionen af små satellitter, som måske kan besøge de nærmeste af disse exoplaneter og lede efter livstegn på dem. Undervejs møder vi forskerne ved fronten, som kigger hinsides solsystemet og kæmper for at besvare det ultimative spørgsmål: Er vi alene?

  • - Stephen Hawkings sidste teori
    af Thomas Hertog
    267,95 - 269,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er vores univers, som det er? Hvordan begyndte alting? Hvordan vil det ende? Fysikeren Thomas Hertog granskede disse store spørgsmål sammen med Stephen Hawking og fik derved et helt særligt kendskab til de forbløffende indsigter, som Hawking, trods enorme fysiske udfordringer, arbejdede med sent i livet. Denne yderst velskrevne bog af Hawkings tætteste samarbejdspartner gennem 20 år giver et unikt indblik i et ekstraordinært menneske, hvordan kreative processer fungerer, samt omfanget og begrænsningerne af vores nuværende forståelse af kosmos. Tidens oprindelse er en tankevækkende beretning om videnskaben og de personligheder, der medvirkede i Stephen Hawkings ihærdige forsøg på at forstå kosmos.

  • - På sporet af min far og de flyvende tallerkener
    af Frederik Dirks Gottlieb
    197,95 kr.

    En dag befinder Frederik Dirks Gottlieb sig i sin fars gamle sommerhus. Han er taget derop, fordi faren er død, og midt i alt flytterodet finder han nogle gamle kasser med farens efterladte papirer og bunker af ufo-blade. Uden at vide det, er det begyndelsen til en ny og vild drejning i Frederiks liv.Kasserne gemmer nemlig på hemmeligheder, Frederik ikke kendte til. Nu begynder han en intensiv jagt efter svar på, hvem faren var, og før han aner det, har han kilder i røret fra Pentagon. Hvad er det, faren vidste? Og holder nogen noget hemmeligt for os?Ufo-mysteriet er en virkelig fortælling om mystik og dybe hemmeligheder. Det er en historie om mennesker, der hele deres liv er blevet hånet for at have troet på liv i rummet, men som endelig får oprejsning.Mens Frederik Dirks Gottlieb søger efter svar, tager han læserne med gennem ufoernes historie og fortæller om de folk, der gennem tusindvis af år har søgt svar på spørgsmålet over alle spørgsmål: Er vi alene?

  • - Beretningen om det første tegn på intelligent liv i rummet
    af Avi Loeb
    118,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Avi Loeb, ledende astrofysiker ved Harvard University, fremlægger sin kontroversielle teori om, at vores solsystem for nylig blev besøgt af avanceret og fremmed teknologi fra en fjern stjerne. I slutningen af 2017 fik nogle forskere på et observatorium i Hawaii øje på et objekt, der kom flyvende gennem vores indre solsystem og bevægede sig så hurtigt, at det nødvendigvis måtte stamme fra en anden stjerne. Avi Loeb påviste, at det ikke kunne være en asteroide. Objektet bevægede sig ganske enkelt for hurtigt og langs en underlig bane – og det forsvandt sporløst. Bogen er en tankevækkende rejse til videnskabens og den menneskelige forestillingsevnes yderste grænser.

  • af Andrew Cohen
    117,95 - 242,95 kr.

    Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell.

  • - 50 ting, du kan se med en almindelig kikkert
    af Anja C. Andersen & Sune Hermit
    138,95 - 247,95 kr.

    At stå ved en strand eller ved en åben mark en aften i september, mens solen går ned, og fuglene langsomt går til ro, er et magisk øjeblik. Vinden lægger sig, himlen får først et orange og senere et rødt skær, skygger og konturer udviskes. Og efterhånden toner de første, klare stjerner op på himlen. Langsomt dukker de op - en efter en - og pludselig myldrer det frem med stjerner.En observationsaften kan begynde - med genbesøg hos gamle himmelske bekendtskaber og måske nogle nye, som man ikke har hilst på før.Bogen giver praktiske råd til, hvordan man bedst studerer stjernehimlen, hvor de bedste dark sky-områder er, og om hvilke typer håndkikkert, der er bedst egnet.Hovedafsnittet er inddelt i årstider: sommer, efterår, vinter, sommer, og det beskrives grundigt, hvordan man bedst pejler sig frem til de enkelte stjernebilleder og galakser.

  • - Astrologi og varselstagning i Oldtidens Mesopotamien
    af Ulla Koch
    106,95 kr.

    Det er et uforanderligt vilkår for os mennesker ikke at vide, hvad fremtiden vil bringe. Det er ikke et let vilkår at leve med, og gennem hele den menneskelige historie har vi på alskens måder forsøgt at finde måder at forudsige fremtiden på. Blandt de tidligst kendte af disse er at se på stjerner, læse i teblade og olier eller undersøge offerdyrs indvolde og fortolke bestemte observerbare tegn som gode eller onde varsler. Denne slags spådomme går helt tilbage til Oldtidens Mesopotamien, og de ældste, der findes bevaret, er over tre årtusinder gamle.I dag vil de færreste nok tro på, at stjernernes bevægelser eller markeringer på dyreindvolde har nogen egentlig indflydelse på vores hverdag – vi forlader os i stedet på meteorologer, statistikere, politiske eksperter og deslige for at se ind i fremtiden. Men i Mesopotamien var disse ritualer noget, der blev taget dybt alvorligt. Ved hofferne var der ansat professionelle varselstagere, og man foretog sig intet af vigtighed, før man havde fået et positivt varsel og vidste, at guderne var på ens side – selv konger drog ikke i krig foruden.Det kan måske virke fjernt for en moderne verdensborger, men i virkeligheden er forskellen på en varselstager, der fortolker varsler i fårelevere, og en børsmægler, der bruger statistik til at forsøge at forudsige markedssvingninger, slet ikke så stor. Sandsynligheden for, at de tager fejl, er omtrent lige stor, og fra et psykologisk synspunkt er begge blot tilgange til at løse et behov, vi har haft så længe vi kender til: at afdække fremtidens mysterier.I Hvad er værre end uvished? fortæller Ulla Koch på indlevende, tilgængelig og spændende vis om varselstagningens og astrologiens historie fra deres oprindelse i Oldtidens Mesopotamien, med inddragelse af nobelpristageren, adfærds- og økonomipsykologen Daniel Kahnemans forskning.

  • - lær at læse nattehimlen stjerne for stjerne
    af Robin Kerrod
    127,95 kr.

    Alle stjernetosser kan være med her. Bogen fokuserer på de stjerner, planeter, stjernebilleder og andre himmellegemer, som kan ses med det blotte øje eller en almindelig håndholdt kikkert. Du behøver ikke noget særligt udstyr andet end evnen til at være vågen, når det er mørkt.Bag i bogen er der et drejeligt stjernekort, som viser himmelen på et hvert tidspunkt hele året rundt. Stjernekortet er tilpasset vore breddegrader.

  • af Brian Cox
    237,95 kr.

    By the star physicist and author of multiple #1 Sunday Times bestsellers, a major and definitive narrative work on black holes and how they can help us understand the universe. At the heart of our galaxy lies a monster so deadly it can bend space, throwing vast jets of radiation millions of light years out into the cosmos. Its kind were the very first inhabitants of the universe, the black holes.Today, across the universe, at the heart of every galaxy, and dotted throughout, mature black holes are creating chaos. And in a quiet part of the universe, the Swift satellite has picked up evidence of a gruesome death caused by one of these dark powers. High energy X-ray flares shooting out from deep within the Draco constellation are thought to be the dying cries of a white dwarf star being ripped apart by the intense tides of a supermassive black hole ? heating it to millions of degrees as it is shredded at the event horizon.They have the power to wipe out any of the universe's other inhabitants, but no one has ever seen a black hole itself die. But 1.8 billion light years away, the LIGO instruments have recently detected something that could be the closest a black hole gets to death. Gravitational waves given off as two enormous black holes merge together. And now scientists think that these gravitational waves could be evidence of two black holes connecting to form a wormhole ? a link through space and time. It seems outlandish, but today's physicists are daring to think the unthinkable ? that black holes could connect us to another universe.At their very heart, black holes are also where Einstein's Theory of General Relativity is stretched in almost unimaginable ways, revealing black holes as the key to our understanding of the fundamentals of our universe and perhaps all other universes.Join Professors Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw in exploring our universe's most mysterious inhabitants, how they are formed, why they are essential components of every galaxy, including our own, and what secrets they still hold, waiting to be discovered.

  • af Dylan Hayes
    217,95 kr.

    The thorough and helpful e-book "Sunlit Solutions: A Practical Handbook for Off-Grid Solar Power" aims to empower people and communities looking for sustainable energy options outside the traditional grid. Written with a careful balance of knowledge and readability, this manual is an excellent resource for anyone interested in exploring off-grid solar energy. In a time when energy independence and environmental awareness are critical, "Sunlit Solutions" is a valuable tool that provides a path forward for realizing solar energy's limitless potential. The e-book begins with a comprehensive examination of off-grid living, exploring the benefits and drawbacks of cutting off conventional power sources. The book offers specific insights for both new and experienced off-gridders, covering everything from eco-friendly homesteads to distant cabins. It is written for a broad readership.The manual's thorough discussion of solar power systems forms its core. The book walks readers through the nuances of choosing solar panels, finding battery storage options, and adequately scaling systems so they can deeply understand the technologies underlying off-grid living. The e-book skillfully balances valuable guidance and technical details, making even the most challenging ideas understandable to readers of all backgrounds

  • af Olivia Bennett
    212,95 kr.

    Solar Independence stands out as a beacon of hope and innovation in a world increasingly driven by environmental consciousness and a quest for sustainable living. Greetings and welcome to "Solar Independence: A Comprehensive Guide to Off-Grid Solar Power," where we'll explore the revolutionary possibilities of using solar energy to live off the grid.The need for energy is rising along with the world's population. However, the effects of conventional energy sources on the environment have revolutionized our understanding of and use of power. This e-book is more than simply a guide; it's a manifesto for those who want to live a life unencumbered by conventional electricity systems and are determined to reduce their carbon impact.The subtitle of this guide, "Harnessing Sustainable Energy for Off-Grid Living," sums it up perfectly. We explore the complexities of solar energy and uncover its potential to free people and communities from reliance on centralized electrical infrastructure. Understanding off-grid life, investigating its benefits, and clearing up common misconceptions are the first steps.

  • af Jimson Lewis
    212,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Alina Hazel
    312,95 kr.

    "Solar Radiance: Powering Tomorrow's World" illuminates a visionary journey into the heart of sustainable energy, where the sun becomes the catalyst for a brighter and more eco-friendly future. This narrative unfolds as a compelling exploration of solar power's transformative potential, showcasing its capacity to redefine the way we generate, consume, and envision energy.The description delves into the awe-inspiring technology behind harnessing solar radiance, capturing the brilliance of photovoltaic systems and solar thermal technologies. It highlights the efficiency, innovation, and scalability that make solar energy a cornerstone in the global shift toward renewable resources.As the narrative progresses, it ventures into the diverse applications of solar power across industries and communities. From residential solar panels to massive solar farms, the description paints a vivid picture of how solar radiance is becoming a driving force behind sustainable development, offering a clean and abundant alternative to conventional energy sources.Beyond the technical marvels, "Solar Radiance" explores the profound impact of solar energy on environmental conservation and climate change mitigation. It captures the spirit of a world where communities, businesses, and nations collaborate to harness the sun's energy, reducing carbon footprints and paving the way for a more sustainable and resilient planet.This narrative isn't just about solar panels and photovoltaic cells; it's an invitation to dream of a future where the sun powers our homes, industries, and aspirations. "Solar Radiance: Powering Tomorrow's World" is a celebration of innovation, a call to embrace renewable possibilities, and a roadmap to a world where the brilliance of solar radiance lights the way toward a sustainable and thriving tomorrow.

  • af Giovanni
    272,95 kr.

    In today's rapidly changing world, the importance of renewable energy, particularly solar energy, cannot be overstated. As concerns about climate change, air pollution, and dwindling fossil fuel reserves continue to grow, the adoption of renewable energy sources has become a global imperative. This subchapter aims to shed light on the significance of renewable energy, with a particular focus on solar power, as a solution for powering commercial buildings.First and foremost, renewable energy is clean and sustainable. Unlike traditional sources such as coal and oil, solar energy produces no greenhouse gas emissions or harmful pollutants when converted into electricity. By harnessing the power of the sun, commercial buildings can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable environment for everyone. Moreover, solar energy is an abundant resource that will never run out, ensuring a long-term and reliable energy supply.From an economic perspective, the adoption of solar energy can bring substantial benefits. Commercial buildings that utilize solar power can drastically reduce their dependence on expensive fossil fuels, resulting in significant cost savings over time. As the cost of solar technology continues to decline, the return on investment for solar installations has become even more appealing. Moreover, solar energy systems require minimal maintenance, offering long-term financial stability and predictability in energy costs for commercial building owners.Furthermore, solar energy promotes energy independence and resilience. By generating electricity on-site, commercial buildings can become less reliant on the grid, reducing the risk of power outages and disruptions. This is particularly crucial during times of natural disasters or emergencies, when reliable access to electricity is vital.The importance of renewable energy, specifically solar power, extends beyond environmental and economic considerations. It also presents an opportunity to foster innovation and create jobs. The growing demand for solar installations has led to the emergence of a thriving industry, creating employment opportunities and driving economic growth. By investing in solar energy solutions for commercial buildings, we can stimulate technological advancements and contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous future.

  • af Chetan Parashottambhai Vora
    232,95 kr.

    Evacuated Glass Tube Solar Collector as an Air Heater" is a comprehensive book that explores the design, performance, and applications of evacuated glass tube solar collectors for air heating purposes. The book focuses on the analysis, optimization, and practical implementation of these innovative solar heating systems. The book begins by providing an overview of solar thermal energy and the importance of utilizing renewable energy sources for space heating. It introduces the concept of evacuated glass tube solar collectors, which are highly efficient and capable of harnessing solar energy even in challenging weather conditions. Readers will gain a fundamental understanding of the principles and working mechanisms of evacuated glass tube collectors as air heaters. Moving forward, the book delves into the design considerations and engineering aspects of evacuated glass tube solar collectors. It covers topics such as collector configuration, absorber plate design, heat transfer mechanisms, and insulation techniques. The book explores the impact of various design parameters on the thermal performance and efficiency of the collectors. It provides guidelines for optimizing the design and construction of evacuated glass tube solar collectors to maximize heat transfer and energy conversion. Throughout the book, practical aspects of using evacuated glass tube solar collectors as air heaters are addressed. It discusses considerations such as installation, operation, and maintenance of these systems. The book explores the integration of solar air heaters with existing heating systems, such as forced-air systems or radiant floor heating, to provide sustainable and cost-effective heating solutions. It also covers the economic and environmental benefits of using evacuated glass tube collectors for air heating applications. Furthermore, "Evacuated Glass Tube Solar Collector as an Air Heater" examines the performance analysis and simulation techniques for evaluating the thermal performance of these systems. It discusses mathematical modeling, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and experimental methods for assessing heat transfer rates, energy efficiency, and system performance. The book also explores advanced control strategies and automation techniques to optimize the operation of evacuated glass tube solar collectors as air heaters. This book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, architects, and students in the field of solar energy and sustainable building systems. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical insights, offering guidelines, design principles, and case studies for the effective utilization of evacuated glass tube solar collectors as air heaters. The goal is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the potential and practical implementation of these systems, enabling them to design and implement efficient and environmentally friendly heating solutions.

  • af Ramon Miles
    337,95 kr.

    TiO2 Nanomaterials for Photocatalysis Antibacterials, written by M. Nagalakshmi, is a comprehensive book that delves into the synthesis, characterization, and application of TiO2 nanomaterials in the field of photocatalysis and antibacterials. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the use of TiO2 in solar energy conversion, visible light photocatalysis, and the generation of reactive oxygen species.The author provides an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms involved in TiO2-based photocatalysis and photodegradation, which are essential for water treatment, air pollution control, and self-cleaning surfaces. Furthermore, the book explores the use of TiO2 nanomaterials in biomedical applications, both in vitro and in vivo, for their antibacterial activity and biocompatibility.The book also covers the synthesis of TiO2 nanomaterials, including nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanorods, and nanosheets, as well as their doping and surface modification. The author discusses bandgap engineering, metal nanoparticles, and hybrid materials, including heterojunctions, which are crucial for efficient electron transfer, photocurrent, and charge separation.Moreover, the book examines the use of TiO2 nanomaterials in environmental remediation, such as in the development of nanocomposites for water purification and the use of biocidal surfaces for sterilization. The author also discusses the cytotoxicity of TiO2 nanomaterials and their potential use in cellulose, textiles, coatings, paints, food packaging, and medical devices.Overall, TiO2 Nanomaterials for Photocatalysis Antibacterials is an essential resource for researchers, scientists, and students in the field of materials science, nanotechnology, and biomedical engineering, who are interested in understanding the properties and applications of TiO2 nanomaterials. The book provides a comprehensive overview of TiO2 nanomaterials, their synthesis, characterization, and applications, and it highlights their potential in addressing some of the most pressing challenges in environmental remediation and antibacterial applications.

  • af Jonnadula V S Krishna
    262,95 kr.

    Porphyrin Sensitizers for Solar Cells" by Jonnadula V S Krishna is a comprehensive guide to the applications of porphyrin-based dyes in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The book covers the various aspects of porphyrin sensitizers and their potential use in solar cells, including their synthesis, characterization, and performance in solar cells. The book begins with an introduction to the principles of solar energy conversion and an overview of different types of solar cells. It then focuses on the design and synthesis of porphyrin sensitizers, including their electronic and photophysical properties. The author also discusses various techniques for characterizing porphyrin sensitizers, such as UV-vis absorption, fluorescence, and electrochemical methods. The book then delves into the performance of porphyrin sensitizers in solar cells, including their efficiency, stability, and compatibility with different types of electrolytes. The author also explores the various factors that can affect the performance of porphyrin-based solar cells, such as the nature of the sensitizers, the thickness of the dye layer, and the composition of the electrolyte. Overall, "Porphyrin Sensitizers for Solar Cells" is an essential resource for researchers and engineers working in the field of solar energy conversion, as well as for graduate students and advanced undergraduates in chemistry, materials science, and physics. The book provides a thorough and up-to-date overview of the latest research on porphyrin sensitizers, making it an invaluable reference for anyone interested in this exciting field.

  • af Robert Maschmann
    167,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Tikkiwal Vinay Anand
    312,95 kr.

    Photovoltaic systems, which harness solar energy to produce electricity directly, have been successfully employed worldwide for rendering power, thereby, replacing fossil fuels for the purpose. PV has demonstrated extremely high potential to contribute in the renewable energy mix of the urban environment, among the available micro-generation technologies. However, intermittent and variable nature of solar energy leads to inconsistent performance of PV systems. Integration of PV systems with storage and grid mitigates variability issues and helps maximize self-consumption. Inclusion of the storage in the system design helps in maximizing self-consumption and assists in optimizing grid consumption under time-of-use (TOU) tariffs. This work deals with the optimal design and performance enhancement of grid-connected PV-battery systems. The study further investigates the effect of some very significant but mostly assumed parameters including PV degradation, grid-power interruptions etc. on system design and performance.

  • af Alex Thomas
    1.027,95 kr.

    In an era where sustainable living and energy independence are gaining prominence, off-grid solar power systems have emerged as a viable and eco-friendly solution. "Complete Off-Grid Solar Power for Beginners" is your comprehensive guide to understanding, setting up, and thriving with solar power. Whether you're looking to reduce your carbon footprint, cut energy costs, or simply embrace a self-sufficient lifestyle, this guide will empower you to harness the sun's energy and live off the grid.Chapter 1: The Solar RevolutionSolar Energy Basics: An introduction to how solar panels convert sunlight into electricity.Environmental Benefits: Understanding the positive impact of solar power on the environment.Energy Independence: The appeal of disconnecting from the grid and generating your electricity.Chapter 2: Assessing Your Energy NeedsEnergy Audit: Determining your household's energy consumption and needs.Solar Potential: Evaluating your location's solar exposure and suitability for solar panels.Setting Goals: Defining your objectives for going off-grid with solar power.Chapter 3: Components of an Off-Grid Solar SystemSolar Panels: Types, efficiency, and choosing the right panels for your needs.Charge Controllers: Managing and optimizing the flow of energy from panels to batteries.Batteries: Storing excess energy for use during non-sunny periods.Inverters: Converting DC power from the batteries into AC power for your appliances.Chapter 4: Designing Your Solar SystemSizing Your System: Determining the right capacity of solar panels and batteries.Off-Grid System Types: Understanding standalone and hybrid systems.Safety Precautions: Ensuring proper installation and maintenance for safety.Chapter 5: Installation and MaintenanceDIY or Professional Installation: Weighing the pros and cons of self-installation versus hiring a professional.Maintenance Tips: How to keep your solar system operating efficiently and trouble-free.Troubleshooting: Common issues and how to resolve them.Chapter 6: Managing Energy ConsumptionEnergy-Efficient Living: Strategies to reduce your energy consumption.Load Management: Prioritizing and balancing your energy usage.Backup Generator: Integrating a backup generator for extended cloudy periods.Chapter 7: Financial AspectsBudgeting: Estimating the initial costs and long-term savings of your off-grid solar system.Financing Options: Exploring financing, incentives, and tax credits for solar installations.Return on Investment: Calculating the payback period for your investment.Chapter 8: Off-Grid LivingLifestyle Adjustments: Adapting to a self-sufficient lifestyle with solar power.Water and Waste Management: Ensuring a holistic approach to off-grid living.Remote Communication: Staying connected with the world while off the grid.Chapter 9: Future-Proofing Your SystemTechnology Advancements: Keeping abreast of innovations in solar technology.Expanding Your System: Planning for future energy needs and system upgrades.Sustainable Living: Incorporating other eco-friendly practices into your off-grid lifestyle.Conclusion:"Complete Off-Grid Solar Power for Beginners" equips you with the knowledge and practical insights needed to embark on your off-grid journey powered by the sun. Whether you're motivated by environmental concerns, energy cost savings, or the desire for self-sufficiency, this guide empowers you to make informed decisions, set up a reliable solar power system, and embrace a sustainable lifestyle that aligns with the energy needs of tomorrow.

  • af Shachar Haddad
    767,95 kr.

    This calendar is bilingual in German and English and offers you the true calendar that God [Elohim] gave to man in the Torah (Leviticus 23) and that is no longer used today even among Jews. The calendar of God is a three-dimensional calendar that works astronomically, agriculturally and geographically, being the only true calendar and every person on earth should know and use it.Dieser Kalender ist bilingual gehalten in Deutsch und Englisch und bietet dir den wahren Kalender, den Gott [Elohim] in der Tora (Levitikus 23) den Menschen gegeben hat und der heute selbst unter Juden nicht mehr genutzt wird. Der Kalender Gottes ist ein dreidimensionaler Kalender, der astronomisch, landwirtschaftlich und geografisch funktioniert, und dieser ist der einzig wahre Kalender und jeder Mensch auf Erden sollte ihn kennen und nutzen.

  • af Carlo Rovelli
    117,95 kr.

    'If you want to remember why you once fell in love with the idea of the cosmos, or want to fall in love with it for the first time, then this book is for you' ObserverFrom Carlo Rovelli, the bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, this is a story of wonder, new worlds and why the end is just the beginningLet us journey into the heart of a black hole. Let us slip beyond its boundary, the horizon, and tumble - on and on - down this crack in the universe. As we plunge, we'll see geometry fold, we'll feel the equations draw tight around us. Eventually, we'll pass it: the remains of a star, deep and dense and falling further far. And then - the bottom. Where time and space end, and the white hole is born . . .With lightness and magic, here Carlo Rovelli traces the ongoing adventure of his own cutting-edge research, of the uncertainty and joy of going where we've not yet been. Guiding us to the edge of theory and experiment, he invites us to go beyond, to experience the fever and the disquiet of science. Here is the extraordinary life of a white hole.A BOOK OF THE YEAR ACCORDING TO THE FINANCIAL TIMES * SUNDAY TELEGRAPH * NEW STATESMAN * NEW SCIENTIST

  • af Pam Hine
    212,95 kr.

    Following her sellout success with two previous eclipse books, Pam Hine brings you her latest, detailing two exciting eclipses coming to North America. Inside, you'll discover the What, How, Where, and When they will happen. This edition also includes two safe eclipse viewers and a fabulous 4-foot-long map!

  • af Melissa K. Arnold
    352,95 kr.

    Like in the past cosmic rays (CR) may help us extend our knowledge of Particle Physics. Such a case is the nature of Dark Matter (DM). That question lies in the intersection of particle physics and astrophysics. It involves both questions of particle physics modeling, as well as of production and propagation of cosmic rays.Cold dark matter (CDM) has been established by many evidence as the stan-dard paradigm for the missing matter of the universe. Beginning with early obser-vations of velocity dispersions of galaxies in clusters [358], and later measurements of galactic rotation curves [296, 295], CDM has been supported by numerous ad- ditional observations. These include strong lensing of background galaxies [339],x-ray emission from galaxy clusters [91], the combination of CMB and type Ia supernovae data [313], measurements of the distributions of galaxies [118, 334], as well as the highly remarkable recent study of the bullet cluster [117].Measurementsof the CMB, the need for early structure growth, and the success of big-bang nu-cleosynthesis rule out baryonic matter as being the dark matter, necessitating anew particle beyond the standard model.

  • af Dino Peyton
    162,95 kr.

  • af Mike Lynch
    148,95 kr.

    "Stargazing is a perfect hobby. It can be done any time of year from anywhere, and it's easy to share with friends and family of all ages. For decades, Mike Lynch has been building telescopes, teaching classes on astronomy, and guiding tours of the stars. Let the beloved WCCO Radio meteorologist help you begin stargazing with the new edition of Stars: A Month-by-Month Tour of the Constellations. Written in Mike's casual, friendly tone, the guide provides a monthly look at the night sky-complete with sky charts and detailed descriptions of what you can expect to see. Plus, you'll learn all about two or three specific constellations each month"--

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