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  • af Olena Fesenko & Leonid Yatsenko
    1.979,95 - 2.388,95 kr.

  • af Alfred B. Bortz
    305,95 kr.

    For over 60 years, scientists and engineers have been trying to crack a seemingly intractable problem: how to build practical devices that exploit nuclear fusion. Access to electricity has facilitated a standard of living that was previously unimaginable, but as the world¿s population grows and developing nations increasingly reap the benefits of electrification, we face a serious global problem: burning fossil fuels currently produces about eighty percent of the world's energy, but it produces a greenhouse effect that traps outgoing infrared radiation and warms the planet, risking dire environmental consequences unless we reduce our fossil fuel consumption to near zero in the coming decades. Nuclear fusion, the energy-producing process in the sun and stars, could provide the answer: if it can be successfully harnessed here on Earth, it will produce electricity with near-zero CO2 byproduct by using the nuclei in water as its main fuel. The principles behind fusion are understood, but the technology is far from being fully realized, and governments, universities, and venture capitalists are pumping vast amounts of money into many ideas, some highly speculative, that could lead to functioning fusion reactors. This book puts all of these attempts together in one place, providing clear explanations for readers who are interested in new energy technologies, including those with no formal training in science or engineering. For each of the many approaches to fusion, the reader will learn who pioneered the approach, how the concept works in plain English, how experimental tests were engineered, the future prospects, and comparison with other approaches. From long-established fusion technologies to emerging and exotic methods, the reader will learn all about the idea that could eventually constitute the single greatest engineering advance in human history.

  • af Kamal K. Kar
    2.750,95 kr.

    This book covers next-generation nanocomposite supercapacitor materials. It deals with a wide range of emerging and sustainable supercapacitors based on, e.g., low-dimensional materials including transition metal oxides, carbons, Mxenes, etc., and metal-organic frameworks. Additionally, it features up-to-date coverage of advanced supercapacitors such as 3D printing, atomic layer deposition, recycling, quantum, on-chip, shape memory, self-healing, and micro-scale supercapacitors.This book is part of the Handbook of Nanocomposite Supercapacitor Materials. Supercapacitors have emerged as promising devices for electrochemical energy storage, playing an important role in energy harvesting for meeting the current demands of increasing global energy consumption. The handbook covers the materials science and engineering of nanocomposite supercapacitors, ranging from their general characteristics and performance to materials selection, design and construction.Covering both fundamentals and recent developments, this handbook serves a readership encompassing students, professionals and researchers throughout academia and industry, particularly in the fields of materials chemistry, electrochemistry, and energy storage and conversion. It is ideal as a reference work and primary resource for any introductory senior-level undergraduate or beginning graduate course covering supercapacitors.

  • af Francis A Kulacki
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book elucidates heat transfer behavior for boiling of dilute emulsions- mixtures of two immiscible fluids- which has received little attention to date. Of the work completed in this area, the majority has been focused on pool boiling where no mean flow is present, and this book is the first major work to be published regarding flow boiling of emulsions. The book includes a comprehensive review and assessment of research on emulsion-based heat transfer. Recent experiments are reported and analyzed to characterize heat transfer in microgap flow boiling via a systematic investigation into the effects of gap size, mass flux, and volume fraction on the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. The emulsion used in all experiments comprises droplets of an immiscible electronics cooling fluid suspended in water. The volume provides a complete baseline for flow boiling of water in the microgaps, enabling a determination of the enhancement of the heat transfer coefficient when thedisperse component is present. Moreover, a subset of the data set pertains to flow boiling of dilute emulsions over microporous surfaces. The flow conditions for which the microporous surfaces enhance or degrade heat transfer are presented. Finally, this book provides a discussion of the physical phenomena which affect boiling and a set of nondimensional numbers that can be used for correlation.

  • af François Méot, Fanglei Lin, Vadim Ptitsyn & mfl.
    338,95 - 441,95 kr.

  • af Roozbeh Abedini-Nassab
    1.318,95 kr.

    This book highlights the current state of the art in magnetophoretic circuits and their use in the emerging field of single-cell analysis. This interdisciplinary topic involves many fields of science including cellular biology, drug screening, cancer research, personalized medicine, microfabrication, biomedical microdevices, and lab-on-a-chip. This book not only provides the required fundamental knowledge and background needed in magnetics and the circuit theory but also describes the idea of magnetophoretic circuits as well as the cutting-edge developed technologies. It provides a sufficient background in i) the required theory in magnetics, ii) SCAs in general, iii) the circuit theory, iv) the developed idea of the magnetophoretic circuits, v) the fabrication process and magnetic cell labeling techniques, vi) the magnetophoretic-based SCA tools, and vii) the bio-applications. Methods for performing simulations as well as designing, fabricating, and running experiments are explained.Author of the book is one of the inventors of some of the ideas and the author/co-author of some of the related articles in high-impact journals. The book appeals to the readers interested in clinical applications as well as the ones interested in its technical aspects. It is beneficial for researchers interested in the field of single-cell analysis from various disciplines including biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, materials science, and cellular biology.

  • af Mohd Shabbir
    2.200,95 kr.

    This book highlights the morphology-property relationship of regenerated cellulose materials and composites, as morphology of materials is the key feature and corresponds to associated applications of/to the materials. It is highly essential to assimilate the literature on morphology-property relationship of cellulose materials. Being the most abundant natural polymer on earth and gateway to large number of applications, cellulose is expected to be researched for higher efficiencies. Various books and research articles have targeted the specific morphologies, the respective characteristics and application areas. This book presents literature on morphology-property relationship of cellulose materials and provides a direction to this relationship. ¿

  • af Sudipta Das, Arindam Biswas, Mohammed El Ghzaoui & mfl.
    878,95 kr.

    This book presents scientific and technological innovations and advancements already developed or under development in academia, industry, and research communities. It includes fundamental ideas and advancement in terahertz technology covering high intensity terahertz wave generation, THz detection, different modes of THz wave generation, THz modulation system, and terahertz propagation channel modeling. It highlights methodologies for the design of terahertz components and system technologies including emerging applications. The chapter contents are based on theoretical, methodological, well-established, and validated empirical work dealing with different topics in the terahertz domain. The book covers a very broad audience ranging from basic sciences to experts and learners in engineering and technology. It would be a good reference for advanced ideas and concepts in THz technology which will best suit microwave, biomedical, and electrical and communication engineers working towards next-generation technology.

  • af Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri
    548,95 kr.

    This book examines the topics of magnetohydrodynamics and plasma oscillations, in addition to the standard topics discussed to cover courses in electromagnestism, electrodynamics, and fundamentals of physics, to name a few. This textbook on electricity and magnetism is primarily targeted at graduate students of physics. The undergraduate students of physics also find the treatment of the subject useful. The treatment of the special theory of relativity clearly emphasises the Lorentz covariance of Maxwell's equations. The rather abstruse topic of radiation reaction is covered at an elementary level, and the Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory has been dwelt upon briefly in the book.

  • af Sumanta Sahoo
    1.649,95 kr.

    This book presents an analysis of the techniques used for the synthesis of innovative functional carbon nanostructures. The chapters describe the research and development of various layered carbon nanostructures. Emphasis is given to the impact of defects on carbon nanostructures. The application of carbon nanostructured materials in biomedical field and energy storage is described.

  • af Andreas Schönhals & Paulina Szymoniak
    1.649,95 kr.

  • af Enge Wang
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book highlights the fundamentals for understanding the essential problems and latest progresses in basic water science. Water is the most abundant, fundamental and important matter in nature. Arguably it is also the material that human beings study the most but misunderstand the most. Compared with the environmental science and engineering research activities on water resources, water pollution and water usage closely related to social problems at the macro level, basic scientific research on water at the molecular level has just emerged, the impact of which is not fully recognized yet. This book is devoted to introducing some important advances in the field of basic water science in past decades, with a particular emphasis on recent results on water and the interactions between water and solid surfaces at the molecular level. Starting from introducing concepts and popular theoretical and experimental methods for basic water research, this book mainly focuses on the atomic composition, electronic structure, and physicochemical properties of water molecules, water clusters and water layers (including surface water layers and water surface layers), rules for water adsorption on metals, oxides, and other typical solid surfaces such as salt, as well as the microscopic processes and mechanisms of water diffusion, wetting, decomposition and phase transformations under a variety of conditions. It is a good reference book for students and researchers in water-related science.

  • af Masahiro Hiramoto
    1.225,95 kr.

    This book opens the eyes of readers to the clear relationship between the molecular-sized structures and the macroscopic functions of organic devices. The discovery of novel phenomena and the mechanism of multiplied photocurrent generation in organic semiconductors, which can be applicable to amplification-type photosensors, are concisely summarized. The motivation for writing this book is to let readers know how the novel phenomena were discovered and how the novel concepts were created. The main features here include the discovery of photocurrent multiplication, the tunneling mechanism, the structural trap model, novel phenomena related to photocurrent multiplication, avalanche multiplication, and ideas for the future. This book is of interest to new and experienced scientists as well as graduate students. The author strongly hopes that the young scientists of the next generation will be enthusiastically inspired by this book and will develop the field of organic semiconductors even further.

  • af Ramesh T. Subramaniam
    1.133,95 kr.

    This book highlights the versatility of graphene focusing on the background of graphene, its overall structure, superior properties, fabrication routes, characterization techniques, graphene composites/derivatives, and potential applications. A remarkable surge in interest for graphene and its applications has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of publications in terms of reviews and scientific articles, books and patents. Therefore, this book essentially addresses a wide range of graphene research and provides a great resource for beginners, students in sciences or engineering, researchers, professionals, and materials scientists. ¿

  • af Shigeo Kawata
    856,95 kr.

    The book presents fundamentals of plasma physics with rich references and computational techniques in a concise manner. It particularly focuses on introductions to numerical simulation methods in plasma physics, in addition to those to physics and mathematics in plasma physics. It also presents the fundamentals of numerical methods, which solve mathematical models of plasmas, together with examples of numerical results. A discretization method, the so-called finite difference method, is introduced for particle-in-cell methods and fluid codes, which have been widely employed in plasma physics studies. In addition to the introduction to numerical solutions, it also covers numerical stability. The instabilities and numerical errors significantly influence the results, and for correct results, great efforts are required to avoid such numerical artifacts. The book also carefully discusses the numerical errors, numerical stability, and uncertainty in numerical computations.Readersare expected to have an understanding of fundamental physics of mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, statistical physics, relativity, fluid dynamics, and mathematics, but the book does not assume background knowledge on plasma. Therefore, it is a first book of plasma physics for upper undergraduate and early graduate students who are interested in learning it.

  • af Cheng Zhang
    2.398,95 kr.

    This book highlights the latest progress in pulsed discharge plasmas presented by front-line researchers worldwide. The science and technology surrounding pulsed discharge plasmas is advanced through a wide scope of interdisciplinary studies into pulsed power and plasma physics. Pulsed discharge plasmas with high-power density, high E/N and high-energy electrons can effectively generate highly reactive plasma. Related applications have gathered strong interests in various fields. With contributions from global scientists, the book elaborates on the theories, numerical simulations, diagnostic methods, discharge characteristics and application technologies of pulsed discharge plasmas. The book is divided into three parts with a total of 35 chapters, including 11 chapters on pulsed discharge generation and mechanism, 12 chapters on pulsed discharge characterization and 12 chapters on pulsed discharge applications (wastewater treatments, biomedicine, surface modification, and energy conversion, etc). The book is a must-have reference for researchers and engineers in related fields and graduate students interested in the subject.

  • af Hua-Shu Dou
    1.539,95 kr.

    This book presents the new discovery of the origin of turbulence from Navier-Stokes equations. The fully developed turbulence is found to be composed of singularities of flow field. The mechanisms of flow stability and turbulent transition are described using the energy gradient theory, which states all the flow instability and breakdown resulted from the gradient of the total mechanical energy normal to the flow direction. This approach is universal for flow instability in Newtonian flow and non-Newtonian flow. The theory has been used to solve several problems, such as plane and pipe Poiseuille flows, plane Couette flow, Taylor-Couette flow, flows in straight coaxial annulus, flows in curved pipes and ducts, thermal convection flow, viscoelastic flow, and magnet fluid flow, etc. The theory is in agreement with results from numerical simulations and experiments. The analytical method used in this book is novel and is different from the traditional approaches. This book includes the fundamental basics of flow stability and turbulent transition, the essentials of the energy gradient theory, and the applications of the theory to several practical problems. This book is suitable for researchers and graduate students.

  • af Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak
    1.539,95 kr.

    This book highlights the importance of Electron Statistics (ES), which occupies a singular position in the arena of solid state sciences, in heavily doped (HD) nanostructures by applying Heisenberg¿s Uncertainty Principle directly without using the complicated Density-of-States function approach as given in the literature. The materials considered are HD quantum confined nonlinear optical, III-V, II-VI, IV-VI, GaP, Ge, PtSb2, stressed materials, GaSb, Te, II-V, Bi2Te3, lead germanium telluride, zinc and cadmium diphosphides, and quantum confined III-V, IV-VI, II-VI and HgTe/CdTe super-lattices with graded interfaces and effective mass super-lattices. The presence of intense light waves in optoelectronics and strong electric field in nano-devices change the band structure of materials in fundamental ways, which have also been incorporated in the study of ES in HD quantized structures of optoelectronic compounds that control the studies of the HD quantum effect devices under strong fields. The influence of magnetic quantization, magneto size quantization, quantum wells, wires and dots, crossed electric and quantizing fields, intense electric field, and light waves on the ES in HD quantized structures and superlattices are discussed. The content of this book finds six different applications in the arena of nano-science and nanotechnology and the various ES dependent electronic quantities, namely the effective mass, the screening length, the Einstein relation and the elastic constants have been investigated. This book is useful for researchers, engineers and professionals in the fields of Applied Sciences, solid state and materials science, nano-science and technology, condensed matter physics, and allied fields, including courses in semiconductor nanostructures.¿

  • af Tianrong Zhang
    743,95 kr.

    This book highlights a comprehensive introduction of graphene and graphene-based two-dimensional nanomaterials, covering topics from their atomic structures, electronic band structures, and fundamental properties to technological applications. The book provides fundamental physics knowledge covering quantum mechanics, the theory of relativity, solid-state physics, and topology geometry necessary to understand electronic band structure of graphene. Other topics including microscopy techniques and preparation methods of graphene are also presented. Adopting an easy-to-read style, the book is a valuable resource for researchers in physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineers who are interested in the field of graphene-based nanomaterials.

  • af Krystian Mistewicz
    1.539,95 kr.

    This book provides a deep insight into recent achievements in synthesis, investigation, and applications of the low-dimensional chalcohalide nanomaterials. The large number of interesting phenomena occur in these compounds, including ferroelectric, piezoelectric, pyroelectric, electrocaloric, Seebeck, photovoltaic, and ferroelectric-photovoltaic effects. Furthermore, the outstanding photoelectrochemical, photocatalytic, and piezocatalytic properties of the chalcohalide nanomaterials have been revealed. Since many chalcohalide semiconductors possess both photoactive and ferroelectric properties, they are recognized as photoferroelectrics. It presents an overview of fabrication of chalcohalide nanomaterials using different methods: mechanical milling of bulk crystals, liquid-phase exfoliation, vapor phase growth, hydro/solvothermal methods, synthesis under ultrasonic irradiation, microwave synthesis, laser/heat-induced crystallization, electrospinning, successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction. The strategies of the chalcohalide nanomaterials processing for construction of functional devices are presented.The book describes solution processing for thin films preparation, spin-coating deposition of polymer composites, solution casting, films deposition via drop-casting, high pressure compression of nanowires into the bulk samples, pressure assisted sintering, and electric field assisted alignment of nanowires. The applications of the chalcohalide nanomaterials for mechanical/thermal energy harvesting and energy storage are presented. Major challenges and emerging trends in fabrication, characterization, and future applications of low-dimensional chalcohalide nanomaterials are discussed. A wealth of information for scholars, graduate students, and engineers involved in research of nanomaterials.

  • af Giuseppe Cocorullo
    2.420,95 kr.

    This book showcases the state of the art in the field of electronics, as presented by researchers and engineers at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Italian Electronics Society (SIE), held in Rende (CS), Italy, on September 5-7, 2022. It covers a broad range of aspects, including: integrated circuits and systems, micro- and nano-electronic devices, microwave electronics, sensors and microsystems, optoelectronics and photonics, power electronics, electronic systems and applications.

  • af Olena Fesenko & Leonid Yatsenko
    1.979,95 - 2.398,95 kr.

  • af Jörg Büchner
    1.429,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of contributions covering the major subjects in numerical simulation of space and astrophysical plasma. It introduces the different approaches and methods to model plasma, the necessary computational codes, and applications in the field. The book is rooted in the previous work Space Plasma Simulation (Springer, 2003) and includes the latest developments. It is divided into three parts and all chapters start with an introduction motivating the topic and its use in research and ends with a discussion of its applications. The chapters of the first part contain tutorials of the different basic approaches needed to perform space plasma simulations. This part is particularly useful for graduate students to master the subject. The second part presents more advanced materials for students and researchers who already work with pre-existing codes but want to implement the recent progresses made in the field. The last part of the bookdiscusses developments in the area for researchers who are actively working on advanced simulation approaches like higher order schemes and artificial intelligence, agent-based technologies for multiscale and multi-dimensional systems, which represent the recent innovative contributions made in space plasma research.

  • af Mohan Singh Mehata, Vinod Singh, Man Mohan, mfl.
    1.098,95 kr.

    This book highlights the proceedings of the International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano-Physics with Applications (CAMNP 2019), organized by the Department of Applied Physics, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, India. It presents experimental and theoretical studies of atoms, ions, molecules and nanostructures both at the fundamental level and on the application side using advanced technology. It highlights how modern tools of high-field and ultra-fast physics are no longer merely used to observe nature but can be used to reshape and redirect atoms, molecules, particles or radiation. It brings together leading researchers and professionals on the field to present and discuss the latest finding in the following areas, but not limited to: Atomic and Molecular Structure, Collision Processes, Data Production and Applications Spectroscopy of Solar and Stellar Plasma Intense Field, Short Pulse Laser and Atto-Second Physics Laser Technology, Quantum Optics and applications Bose Einstein condensation Nanomaterials and Nanoscience Nanobiotechnolgy and Nanophotonics Nano and Micro-Electronics Computational Condensed Matter Physics

  • af Prabhakar Bandaru & Shreyam Natani
    1.431,95 kr.

  • af Francis Balestra
    693,95 kr.

    This book provides readers with a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference for miniaturized More-than-Moore systems with a broad range of functionalities that can be added to 3D microsystems, including flexible electronics, metasurfaces and power sources. The book also includes examples of applications for brain-computer interfaces and event-driven imaging systems. Provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference for miniaturized More-than-Moore systems;Covers functionalities to add to 3D microsystems, including flexible electronics, metasurfaces and power sources;Includes current applications, such as brain-computer interfaces, event - driven imaging and edge computing.

  • af Sindre W. Haugland
    1.687,95 kr.

    This book is about coexistence patterns in ensembles of globally coupled nonlinear oscillators. Coexistence patterns in this respect are states of a dynamical system in which the dynamics in some parts of the system differ significantly from those in other parts, even though there is no underlying structural difference between the different parts. In other words, these asymmetric patterns emerge in a self-organized manner. As our main model, we use ensembles of various numbers of Stuart-Landau oscillators, all with the same natural frequency and all coupled equally strongly to each other. Employing computer simulations, bifurcation analysis and symmetry considerations, we uncover the mechanism behind a wide range of complex patterns found in these ensembles. Our starting point is the creation of so-called chimeras, which are subsequently treated within a new and broader context of related states.

  • af Olaf Stenzel
    560,95 kr.

    This book offers a didactic introduction to light¿matter interactions at both the classical and semi-classical levels. Pursuing an approach that describes the essential physics behind the functionality of any optical element, it acquaints students with the broad areas of optics and photonics. Its rigorous, bottom-up approach to the subject, using model systems ranging from individual atoms and simple molecules to crystalline and amorphous solids, gradually builds up the reader¿s familiarity and confidence with the subject matter. Throughout the book, the detailed mathematical treatment and examples of practical applications are accompanied by problems with worked-out solutions. In short, the book provides the most essential information for any graduate or advanced undergraduate student wishing to begin their course of study in the field of photonics, or to brush up on important concepts prior to an examination.

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