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  • - fra big bang til sorte huller
    af Stephen Hawking
    230,95 - 257,95 kr.

    En moderne klassiker, som har slået alle udgivelsesrekorder med 237 uger på bestsellerlisten. ”Denne bog er en forening af et barns undren og et genis intellekt. Vi rejser med ind i Hawkings univers med dyb fascination.” Sunday Time ”En af de mest fremragende videnskabelige begavelser siden Einstein.” Daily Express ”Hawking forklarer kompleks kosmologisk fysik med en medrivende blanding af klarhed og humor … en hjerne af usædvanlig kraft.” Observer

  • af Anja C. Andersen
    138,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Den 20. juli 1969 kl. 03.56 dansk tid satte Neil Armstrong som det første menneske sin fod på Månen. I denne bog med mere end 100 fotos fortæller Danmarks førerende astrofysiker, Anja C. Andersen hele den spændende historie om Jordens nærmeste nabo i rummet; kendsgerninger og konspirationsteorier, myter, fup og fakta. Frem til 1972 gennemførte NASA yderligere 5 bemandede månelandinger, og i alt 12 astronauter har betrådt Månen. Derudover har der været et utal af ubemandede månelandinger - senest den 3. januar 2019, da et kinesisk rumfartøj landede på Månens bagside. Men der er stadig meget, vi ikke ved: Hvordan er Månen opstået, og hvorfor har den kun vand på den side, der vender mod Jorden? Hvordan påvirker Månen os mennesker?

  • af Anja C. Andersen
    314,95 kr.

    Der sker hele tiden noget nyt og spændende inden for rumforskningen. I 2022 lykkedes det forskerholdet Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration at optage et billede af det sorte hul i Mælkevejen. James Webb Teleskopet leverer billeder af galakser, der ligger 13 milliarder lysår borte. De opdagelser, som den danske forsker Albert Sneppen har gjort omkring neutronstjerners sammenstød, kan måske bruges til at beregne universets udvidelseshastighed. I ”Det gådefulde univers” giver Danmarks mest anerkendte astrofysiker et overblik over himmelrummet fra Solsystemet og ud til de fjerneste galakser og over universets udvikling fra Big Bang frem til i dag.Universet blev skabt for 13,7 milliarder år siden. Et lysår er ca. 9,5 billioner kilometer, og afstanden til de fjerne kvasarer er 12 milliarder lysår. Når man beskæftiger sig med universet, handler det om svimlende tidshorisonter og afstande; men Anja C. Andersen formår at gøre det uoverskuelige begribeligt. Stor gavebog med fantastisk billedmateriale.

  • - Historien om opdagelsen af exoplaneter og jagten på verdener som vores
    af Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård
    118,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Der er ikke otte, men milliarder af planeter i Universet, og mange af dem ligger i et lunt smørhul, hvor de potentielt kan huse liv. Den opdagelse er en af de største i den moderne astronomi, og vi er kun lige begyndt at forstå, hvad der egentlig gemmer sig derude i kosmos af bizarre kloder. 'Fjerne kloder' beskriver erkendelsesrejsen, fra Giordano Bruno blev brændt på bålet i år 1600 for sin kætterske idé om uendelig mange planeter – og til konstruktionen af små satellitter, som måske kan besøge de nærmeste af disse exoplaneter og lede efter livstegn på dem. Undervejs møder vi forskerne ved fronten, som kigger hinsides solsystemet og kæmper for at besvare det ultimative spørgsmål: Er vi alene?

  • af Neil deGrasse Tyson
    112,95 - 172,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Cohen
    117,95 - 242,95 kr.

    Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell.

  • af Thomas Hertog
    142,95 - 164,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Stephen Hawking’s closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar’s final thoughts on the cosmos—a dramatic revision of the theory he put forward in A Brief History of Time.“This superbly written book offers insight into an extraordinary individual, the creative process, and the scope and limits of our current understanding of the cosmos.”—Lord Martin ReesPerhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his extraordinary life was how the universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life. In order to solve this mystery, Hawking studied the big bang origin of the universe, but his early work ran into a crisis when the math predicted many big bangs producing a multiverse—countless different universes, most of which would be far too bizarre to ​harbor life. Holed up in the theoretical physics department at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his friend and collaborator Thomas Hertog worked on this problem for twenty years, developing a new theory of the cosmos that could account for the emergence of life. Peering into the extreme quantum physics of cosmic holograms and venturing far back in time to our deepest roots, they were startled to find a deeper level of evolution in which the physical laws themselves transform and simplify until particles, forces, and even time itself fades away. This discovery led them to a revolutionary idea: The laws of physics are not set in stone but are born and co-evolve as the universe they govern takes shape. As Hawking’s final days drew near, the two collaborators published their theory, which proposed a radical new Darwinian perspective on the origins of our universe. On the Origin of Time offers a striking new vision of the universe’s birth that will profoundly transform the way we think about our place in the order of the cosmos and may ultimately prove to be Hawking’s greatest legacy.

  • af Neil deGrasse Tyson
    161,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Sabine Hossenfelder
    117,95 - 145,95 kr.

    Do we have free will? Is the universe compatible with God? Do we live in a computer simulation? Does the universe think?Physicists are great at complicated research, but they are less good at telling us why it matters. In this entertaining and groundbreaking book, theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder breaks down why we should care. Drawing on the latest research in quantum mechanics, black holes, string theory and particle physics, Existential Physics explains what modern physics can tell us about the big questions.Filled with counterintuitive insights and including interviews with other leading scientists, this clear and yet profound book will reshape your understanding of science and the limits of what we can know.

  • af Thomas Hertog
    187,95 kr.

  • af Joshua N. Winn
    194,95 kr.

    "A concise and accessible introduction to exoplanets that explains the cutting-edge science behind recent discoveries. For centuries, people have speculated about the possibility of planets orbiting distant stars, but only since the 1990s has technology allowed astronomers to detect them. At this point, more than five thousand such exoplanets have been identified, with the pace of discovery accelerating after the launch of NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Satellite Survey and the Webb Space Telescope. In The Little Book of Exoplanets, Princeton astrophysicist Joshua Winn offers a brief and engaging introduction to the search for exoplanets and the cutting-edge science behind recent findings. In doing so, he chronicles the dawn of a new age of discovery-one that has rapidly transformed astronomy and our broader understanding of the universe. Scientists now know that many Sun-like stars host their own systems of planets, some of which may resemble our solar system and include planets similar to the Earth. But, Winn tells us, the most remarkable discoveries so far have been of planets with unexpected and decidedly un-Earth-like properties, which have upended what we thought we knew about the origins of planetary systems. Winn provides an inside view of the sophisticated detective work astronomers perform as they find and study exoplanets and describes the surprising-sometimes downright bizarre-planets and systems they have found. He explains how these discoveries are revolutionizing astronomy, and he explores the current status and possible future of the search for another Earth. Finally, drawing on his own and other scientists' work, he considers how the discovery of exoplanets and their faraway solar systems changes our perspectives on the universe and our place in it"--

  • af Brian Thomas Swimme
    165,95 kr.

    "The discovery that the universe has been expanding from its fiery beginning fourteen billion years ago and has developed into stars, galaxies, life, and human consciousness is one of the most significant of human history. It is taught throughout the world and has become our common creation story for every culture with modern educational processes. It holds the promise of a new human unity. In terms of this story of the universe's development, we humans are not primarily French or Chinese, Democrat or Republican. We are primarily cosmological beings. Though An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe narrates the same cosmological events as thousands of other books, it has one unique feature. It tells the story of the universe while simultaneously telling the story of the storyteller. If indeed cosmogenesis is one of the greatest discoveries of human history, it will necessarily have an immense impact on humanity, at least as profound as the Copernican revolution. And yet, to my knowledge, none of the science books published in English explores the effects cosmogenesis has on human consciousness. An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe tells the story of how my mind was deconstructed by the impact of this new story and then reassembled. In shorthand: I began with the mind of a cartesian scientist and ended with a mind aligned with the creativity of the universe"--

  • af Thomas Hertog
    240,95 kr.

    "Stephen Hawking's closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar's final thoughts on the cosmos-a dramatic revision of the theory that made him the heir to Einstein's legacy. Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his extraordinary life was how the universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life. Pondering this mystery led Hawking to study the big bang origin of the universe, but his early work ran into a crisis when the math predicted many big bangs producing a multiverse-countless different universes, most far too bizarre to harbor life. Holed up in the theoretical physics department at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his friend and collaborator Thomas Hertog worked shoulder to shoulder for twenty years on a new quantum theory of the cosmos. As their journey took them deeper into the big bang, they were startled to find a deeper level of evolution in which the physical laws themselves transform and simplify until particles, forces, and even time itself fades away. Once upon a time, perhaps, there was no time. This led them to a revolutionary idea: the laws of physics are not set in stone but are born and co-evolve as the universe they govern takes shape. On the Origin of Time takes the reader on a quest to understand questions bigger than our universe, peering into the extreme quantum physics of black holes and the big bang and drawing on the latest developments in string theory. As Hawking's final days drew near, the two collaborators developed a final theory proposing their radical new Darwinian perspective on the origins of our universe. Hertog offers a striking new vision that ties together more deeply than ever the nature of the universe's birth with our existence. This new theory profoundly transforms the way we think about our place in the order of the cosmos and may ultimately prove Hawking's biggest legacy"--

  • - En fortælling om venskab og fysik
    af Leonard Mlodinow
    197,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Stephen Hawking var et enestående menneske. På én gang en ikonisk skikkelse i vores populærkultur, skelsættende forfatter og formidler af videnskabeligt stof til den almene læser, en dreven spøgefugl – og sidst, men ikke mindst en helt afgørende forsker, der bidrog med grundlæggende indsigter til vores forståelse af, hvordan den verden og det univers, som har skabt os, er dannet og fungerer.Fysikeren og forfatteren Leonard Mlodinow mødte første gang Stephen Hawking, da de skrev deres første bog sammen. Leonard og Stephen blev venner – og Mlodinow har været personligt og professionelt tæt på både Hawking, menneskene omkring ham og hans videnskabelige resultater. I ‘Stephen Hawking’ beskriver Leonard Mlodinow i seks kapitler, hvorfor Stephen Hawking var så stor og vigtig en videnskabsmand – og forklarer det, så vi alle kan være med. Det bliver en rejse, hvor vi bevæger os med Hawking ind i det mærkværdige og de vilde sorte huller, ser ham bevise, at tiden måske slet ikke findes og følger ham i hans arbejde med teorien om, at der findes mange verdener og parallelle universer. Og hvor vi samtidig møder ham som menneske. Medrivende, bevægende og storslået. Et indblik i et rigt sind og en stor ånds univers.

  • af Brian Clegg
    105,95 - 185,95 kr.

  • af Brian Cox
    237,95 kr.

    By the star physicist and author of multiple #1 Sunday Times bestsellers, a major and definitive narrative work on black holes and how they can help us understand the universe. At the heart of our galaxy lies a monster so deadly it can bend space, throwing vast jets of radiation millions of light years out into the cosmos. Its kind were the very first inhabitants of the universe, the black holes.Today, across the universe, at the heart of every galaxy, and dotted throughout, mature black holes are creating chaos. And in a quiet part of the universe, the Swift satellite has picked up evidence of a gruesome death caused by one of these dark powers. High energy X-ray flares shooting out from deep within the Draco constellation are thought to be the dying cries of a white dwarf star being ripped apart by the intense tides of a supermassive black hole ? heating it to millions of degrees as it is shredded at the event horizon.They have the power to wipe out any of the universe's other inhabitants, but no one has ever seen a black hole itself die. But 1.8 billion light years away, the LIGO instruments have recently detected something that could be the closest a black hole gets to death. Gravitational waves given off as two enormous black holes merge together. And now scientists think that these gravitational waves could be evidence of two black holes connecting to form a wormhole ? a link through space and time. It seems outlandish, but today's physicists are daring to think the unthinkable ? that black holes could connect us to another universe.At their very heart, black holes are also where Einstein's Theory of General Relativity is stretched in almost unimaginable ways, revealing black holes as the key to our understanding of the fundamentals of our universe and perhaps all other universes.Join Professors Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw in exploring our universe's most mysterious inhabitants, how they are formed, why they are essential components of every galaxy, including our own, and what secrets they still hold, waiting to be discovered.

  • af Seth Fletcher
    222,95 kr.

    Einstein's Shadow follows a team of elite scientists on their historic mission to take the first picture of a black hole, putting Einstein's theory of relativity to its ultimate test and helping to answer our deepest questions about space, time, the origins of the universe, and the nature of realityPhotographing a black hole sounds impossible, a contradiction in terms. But Shep Doeleman and a global coalition of scientists are on the cusp of doing just that. With exclusive access to the team, journalist Seth Fletcher spent five years following Shep and an extraordinary cast of characters as they assembled the Event Horizon Telescope, a worldwide network of radio telescopes created to study black holes. He witnessed the team's struggles, setbacks, and breakthroughs, and, along the way, Fletcher explored the latest thinking on the most profound questions about black holes: Do they represent a limit to our ability to understand reality? Or will they reveal the clues that lead to the long-sought theory of everything? Fletcher transforms astrophysics into something exciting, accessible, and immediate, taking us on an incredible adventure to better understand the complexity of our galaxy, the boundaries of human perception and knowledge, and how the messy endeavor of science really works.Weaving a compelling narrative account of human ingenuity with excursions into cutting-edge science, Einstein's Shadow is a tale of great minds on a mission to change the way we understand our universe?and our place in it.

  • af Richard Preston
    180,95 kr.

    Seven years before Richard Preston wrote about horrifying viruses in The Hot Zone, he turned his attention to the cosmos. In First Light, he demonstrates his gift for creating an exciting and absorbing narrative around a complex scientific subject--in this case the efforts by astronomers at the Palomar Observatory in the San Gabriel Mountains of California to peer to the farthest edges of space through the Hale Telescope, attempting to solve the riddle of the creation of the universe.Richard Preston's name became a household word with The Hot Zone, which sold nearly 800,000 copies in hardcover, was on The New York Times's bestseller list for 42 weeks, and was the subject of countless magazine and newspaper articles. Preston has become a sought-after commentator on popular science subjects.

  • af Olivia K
    244,95 kr.

    In the huge spread of the universe, humankind's ravenous hunger for information moves its look past the stars. The persevering quest for understanding the secrets of the universe has driven researchers to look into the divine embroidered artwork, unwinding the privileged insights woven into the texture of existence. This determined interest has birthed a discipline that rises above the limits of our home planet - astronomy. Astronomy, the part of stargazing that utilizes the standards of physical science and science to grasp the idea of divine items and the actual universe, has turned into a reference point directing established researchers' investigation of the universe. As researchers dig into the complexities of stars, systems, and infinite peculiarities, they cast their look past the stars, pondering the beginnings and predeterminations of heavenly bodies that speck the enormous scene. The excursion into the enormous obscure starts with the investigation of stars, those radiant heavenly substances that enlighten the dimness of room. Astrophysicists fastidiously dissect the existence patterns of stars, from their development in giant nebulae to their emotional passings in tremendous cosmic explosion blasts. From the perspective of science, the apparently far off and out of reach becomes available, permitting mankind to get a handle on the essential cycles forming the universe. Universes, immense grandiose congregations of stars, gas, and residue, stand as demonstration of the gravitational dance that ties them together. The logical look stretches out to the investigation of cosmic designs, divulging the elements that administer their arrangement and development. Whether investigating the spiraling arms of a magnificent twisting universe or interpreting the baffling idea of circular worlds, researchers look to fathom the enormous expressive dance that shapes the immense vast areas. The universe, be that as it may, is definitely not a static scene; it is a dynamic and developing work of art. Dim matter, a subtle substance that invades the universe, and dim energy, a cryptic power driving the sped up development of the universe, entice researchers to unwind their secrets. These undetectable substances, however tricky, apply a significant effect on the vast stage, testing how we might interpret the central powers that oversee the universe's fate. Past the natural domains of our own Smooth Way, the quest for exoplanets unfurls - a mission to find universes past our planetary group that could hold onto the circumstances forever. Through complex instruments and space-based observatories, researchers examine far off planetary frameworks, looking for the indications of livability and possible extraterrestrial life. This vast pursuit entwines with the significant existential inquiries that have reverberated through mankind's set of experiences: Would we say we are separated from everyone else in the universe? The marriage of astronomy and mechanical development moves mankind's infinite odyssey further. Telescopes, both earthly and space-based, pierce through the divine shroud, catching the slightest flashes of light that have traversed the universe for ages. Mechanical tests and shuttle broaden our scope, wandering into the external compasses of the planetary group and then some, illustrating the enormous scenes that falsehood concealed in the grandiose tremendousness.

  • - With Special Reference To Motions Determined By Means Of The Spectrograph (1913)
    af William Wallace Campbell
    333,95 - 392,95 kr.

    Stellar Motions: With Special Reference To Motions Determined By Means Of The Spectrograph (1913) is a book written by William Wallace Campbell. The book is a comprehensive guide to the study of the motion of stars, with a particular focus on the use of spectrographs to determine these motions. The book is divided into several chapters, each of which covers a specific aspect of stellar motion. The first chapter provides an introduction to the subject, while the subsequent chapters cover topics such as the measurement of radial velocities, the determination of proper motions, and the study of binary stars. The book also includes a detailed discussion of the use of the Doppler effect in determining the motion of stars, as well as a discussion of the limitations of spectroscopic methods. Throughout the book, Campbell draws on his extensive experience in the field to provide practical advice and guidance to astronomers and astrophysicists. Overall, Stellar Motions is an important work in the history of astronomy, and remains a valuable resource for anyone interested in the study of stellar motion.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Charles Seife
    257,95 kr.

    Humankind has grappled for millennia with the fundamental questions of the origin and end of the universe--it was a focus of ancient religions and myths and of the inquiries of Aristotle, Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton. Today we are at the brink of discoveries that should soon reveal the deepest secrets of the universe.Alpha and Omega is a dispatch from the front lines of the cosmological revolution that is being waged at observatories and laboratories around the world-in Europe, in America, and even in Antarctica--where scientists are actually peering into both the cradle of the universe and its grave. Scientists--including galaxy hunters and microwave eavesdroppers, gravity theorists and atom smashers, all of whom are on the trail of dark matter, dark energy, and the growing inhabitants of the particle zoo-now know how the universe will end and are on the brink of understanding its beginning. Their findings will be among the greatest triumphs of science, even towering above the deciphering of the human genome. This is the book you need to help understand the frequent front-page headlines heralding dramatic cosmological discoveries. It makes cutting-edge science both crystal clear and wonderfully exciting.

  • af Daniele Malafarina
    1.669,95 kr.

    The book collects a series of articles to review the advances that have been made in the field of gravitational collapse in general relativity and alternative theories of gravity in the past few years. Many approaches to black hole and singularity formation in general relativity and beyond have been proposed over the last few decades. The importance of collapse models is that they provide natural thought experiments where to test the behavior and properties of a variety of approaches to general relativity and its implications for ultra-compact objects in the universe.

  • af Deepa Mehra
    292,95 kr.

    Universe of Particles: Size, Forces, and Invisible DancersHave you ever wondered what lies beneath the world we live in? What microscopic universe in which atoms also become huge and the game of unique dance of particles takes place? This book is an attempt to take you on a journey into that invisible world, where we will step into the exciting world of particle physics and see the fundamental bricks from which our universe is made.The Magic of Size: A Journey from the Micro to the MicroscopicOur eyes are accustomed to seeing huge mountains, shining stars, and flowing rivers. But do you know that these are made up of the smallest particles, atoms? And even smaller worlds are hidden inside atoms, where particles dance. These particles are so small that a hair looks like a giant planet in comparison to them!Let's take a walk in this microscopic world. Divide one centimeter into a hundred million parts, then divide each of them again into a hundred million parts. Now you are close to the size of particles! In this unimaginably small world, the seeds of the secrets of the universe are hidden.The Game of Forces: The Invisible Shackles that Hold the Universe TogetherThe world of particles is like a complex play, in which four fundamental forces play the role of playwrights. Gravity is the invisible shackle that pulls everything together. The electromagnetic force is the magician behind the lightning and the attraction of magnets. The strong nuclear force holds quarks together at the center of the atom, and the weak nuclear force causes radioactivity. These forces control the dance of particles in this microscopic world and give the universe its shape.

  • af Constantino Tsallis
    557,95 kr.

    This book focuses on nonextensive statistical mechanics, a current generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistical mechanics.Conceived nearly 150 years ago by Maxwell, Boltzmann and Gibbs, the BG theory, one of the greatest monuments of contemporary physics, exhibits many impressive successes in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computational sciences. Presently, several thousands of publications by scientists around the world have been dedicated to its nonextensive generalization. A variety of applications have emerged in complex systems and its mathematical grounding is by now well advanced.Since the first edition release thirteen years ago, there has been a vast amount of new results in the field, all of which have been incorporated in this comprehensive second edition. Heavily revised and updated with new sections and figures, the second edition remains the go-to text on the subject.A pedagogical introduction to the BG theory concepts and their generalizations ¿ nonlinear dynamics, extensivity of the nonadditive entropy, global correlations, generalization of the standard CLT¿s, complex networks, among others ¿ is presented in this book, as well as a selection of paradigmatic applications in various sciences together with diversified experimental verifications of some of its predictions. Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics is suitable for students and researchers with an interest in complex systems and statistical physics.

  • af Wilfried Friedwill
    272,95 kr.

    Der kleine Wilfried will endlich Frieden. Selbst ins Gefängnis würde er dafür gehen, so unerträglich ist seine Situation inzwischen. Seit seiner Geburt musste er große Herausforderungen bewältigen. Aufgrund der eklatanten Familienverhältnisse und einer komplexen Verletzung seiner oberen Halswirbelsäule wurde sein Leben letztendlich ein Kampf ums Überleben.Sein Klagen über die schmerzhaften und schwer einschränkenden körperlichen Symptome stieß ausschließlich auf Belächeln und Missachtung. Bis er scheinbar willkürlich in den Wahnsinn getrieben wurde. Das Inhalieren seiner Kräutermischung empfand er nämlich eindeutig als medizinisch wirksam zur Linderung der Symptome.Dennoch scheiterte er beruflich. Infolge wurde er von seiner Omi und seiner Mutter, die ihn so sehr liebten und für ein kleines Genie hielten, durch öffentliche Diffamierung zerstört. Die regelrechte Verfolgung durch die Elektroindustrie, klein Wilfried war offenbar ein gefragter Ingenieur, brach ihm letztendlich sein bereits angeknackstes Genick. So groß und verrückt wurde die Aktion.Im Laufe der Jahre konnte er sein Leiden letztendlich begreifen. Begann Literatur und Beschwerden zu studieren, und versuchte alles Mögliche um diese zu kurieren. Längst wollte er einen Rechtsanwalt finden, um endlich diese Zerstörung seiner Person zu unterbinden. Doch vorerst gab es keine Alternative als die erneute Flucht vor diesem folgenschweren Fluch, und so verfasste er dieses autobiografische Buch.

  • - Changing Conceptions of the Universe
    af Benjamin Harrow
    223,95 - 225,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world's literature.

  • af Randy Jones
    222,95 kr.

    Life as we know it has always been confined to our single blue planet called earth. But will it always be that way? Discover just how close we are to changing life as we know it forever, and what it will take to push humanity into a new era of exploration and discovery. Find out how the next steps for our future will be unlike anything civilization as we know it has experienced.The article explores the feasibility of colonizing mars in the near future, discussing the benefits, current state of exploration, technological breakthroughs needed, and social and political challenges associated with establishing a martian colony. It also highlights the economic opportunities in space exploration and colonization, particularly in the emerging industry of space tourism. The importance of life support systems for long-term space travel is also discussed. The article concludes by emphasizing the potential humanitarian benefits of living on mars, particularly for refugees fleeing an unstable earth.The book also highlights the importance of mars for humanity's future. It discusses the potential for mars to serve as a backup plan for the survival of humanity in case of a catastrophic event on earth and as a stepping stone for further exploration of the solar system and beyond. The book also covers the knowledge and technology developed through mars missions and how they can be applied to other extreme environments on earth.The book also presents the ongoing research and development required to overcome the obstacles presented by the transport of humans to mars. It details the available technology and techniques for getting to mars, along with the ongoing research and development to overcome the challenges of the journey, including launch vehicles, chemical propulsion systems, surface retrieval and landing of humans and spacecrafts, and critical life support systems.

  • af Marcia Bartusiak
    287,95 kr.

  • af Mohammad Tariqul Islam
    1.380,95 kr.

    This book presents peer-reviewed articles from the 8th International Conference on Space Science and Communication (IConSpace 2023), held at Penang in Malaysia. It addresses complications of ground-breaking initiatives and solutions for space science and communications research, telecommunications, and meteorology. With the theme Advanced Space Technology: Accelerating Global Agenda will provide valid information to understand trends, evaluate needs, and create global development policies and programs in the best interest of all. It brings together researchers, engineers, geospatialist, meteorologists, astronomers, and practitioners in order to present the latest applications in space science, telecommunications, meteorology, remote sensing, and related fields.

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