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Mikrobiologi (ikke-medicinsk)

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  • af Charlotte Birk Olsen
    269,95 kr.

  • - teori og praksis
    af Gunnar Søgaard Jensen & Torben Skou
    497,95 kr.

    Mikrobiologi - teori og praksis fokuserer især på bakterier, vira, encellede dyr, alger og visse svampe. Bogen gennemgår først mikrobiologiens historie og fortsætter i de efterfølgende kapitler med en beskrivelse af eukaryote og prokaryote organismer samt vira og prioner. Dernæst behandler bogen sygdomsbekæmpelse og anvendelsesmuligheder for mikroorganismer. Bogen afsluttes med nogle cases, der lægger op til videre studier.Mikrobiologi - teori og praksis egner sig til undervisningen i biologi på stx, hf og htx. Desuden er bogen anvendlig på videregående uddannelser.

  • af Tor Nørretranders, Søren Molin & Jan Sørensen – med fotografier af Henrik Saxgren
    236,95 kr.

    Vi kan ikke se den, ikke høre den, ikke mærke den, men den er overalt: en verden af levende organismer så små, at vi ikke kan få øje på dem. Mikrobiologiens mikroorganismer.Mikroorganismerne er på en lang række måder de vigtigste væsener på planeten. Men vi har haft dem ude af øje og ude af sind. Indtil nu. De seneste årtier er der sket en eksplosion i forståelsen af hvor vigtige mikroorganismerne er for vores liv. Der breder sig i forskningsverdenen en forståelse af at mikroorganismer kan rumme nøglen til at løse mange af de store problemer, vi står overfor på planeten: klima, rent vand, fødevarer, sygdomsbekæmpelse, biodiversitet. Mikroorganismerne kan blive vores usynlige allierede. En utrolig succeshistorie om mikroskopiske små væsener, der dukker op fra usynlighedens glemsel for at indtage hovedrollen idet drama, der skal udfoldes i de næsteårtier og århundreder: At redde verden.

  • af Devi Sridhar
    125,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Daruã Valente
    288,95 kr.

    The genus Arthrospira belongs to the Oscillatoriaceae family and comprises the group of cylindrical filamentous photosynthesizing cyanobacteria, known as blue-green microalgae. It has been used as food for humans for thousands of years. In 1974 it was declared THE BEST FOOD FOR THE FUTURE by the UN WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE, which aimed to eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. For the WHO - UN World Health Organization - Arthrospira is an interesting food for many reasons, such as being rich in protein and iron and because it can be consumed without any risk. In commercial production, the choice of the composition of the culture medium is of great importance because 15 to 25% of the total production costs are due to the culture medium used for the development of the microorganism.

  • af Baisong Zhong
    296,95 kr.

    Covid-19 has been a global challenge for more than two years. We do not know exactly how and when this, the worst epidemic in the last 100 years will end, but we are almost sure that it will keep mutating and remain with us well into the future. As globalization and urbanization increase, we will continue to encounter unknown viruses and the so-called Disease X. Since there is no cure yet, we must research and deploy standard and alternative measures.In China, more than 500 plagues were recorded in the past 3000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine grew up struggling with those mainstream medical crises. TCM has formed mature theories on integrated treatment plans and has accumulated and recorded rich therapeutic experiences.Diseases like influenza, SARS and Covid-19 have utilized TCM theories and have benefitted from its robust history. This book details TCMÊ¿s role in the treatment of Covid-19 in three primary parts.Initially a retrospection of TMC history of plagues is offered, including the earliest theories of antiserum therapy and ancient vaccines and variolation. This section also includes information on the various schools of TCM and their various approaches in understanding and treating plagues. Next, we explore modern TCM theories on the etiology and pathogenesis of Covid-19. Finally, we discuss prevention strategies as well as treatment of accompanying and underlying patterns and immune disorders associated with Covid-19. We include examples of how early physicians dealt with contagions and patients and how they tried to do their work, but not contract the diseases they were treating. We also include a section on the various stages of Covid-19 infection from initial to critical as well as the sequelae of this infection. TCM has been found to be especially useful in the post-infection phase for patients with lingering symptoms.This book is based on a combination of scientific research emanating from Western as well as TCM sources.For practitioners of Chinese Medicine, we feel this book deserves your attention.

  • af Youchun Wang
    1.648,95 kr.

  • af Subhash Chandra Parija
    1.024,95 - 1.440,95 kr.

  • af Letícia Martins Oliveira
    266,95 kr.

    Bioprospecting is underway to replace nitrogen fertilizers with bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen (N2) and convert it into a form that the plant is capable of assimilating, such as Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, an obligate endophytic bacterium and the only species of its kind capable of fixing nitrogen. This bacterium is also endowed with other characteristics, such as the biosynthesis of levan, an important biomolecule for the scientific community, as it can be used in the pharmaceutical industry as a hypocholesterolemic, anticarcinogenic, prebiotic and modified drug release agent. The aim of this research was to isolate, morphologically characterize and select levain-producing strains from endophytic bacteria with characteristics similar to G. diazotrophicus associated with two varieties of sugarcane grown in the São José do Rio Preto region (SP).

  • af Khalil Bouassida
    346,95 kr.

    Eugenol is a simple molecule, but it has many beneficial properties for humans, animals and plants. The mechanism of action, in some cases, is still poorly understood. The property most coveted by researchers is eugenol's antibiofilm activity, making it an excellent alternative to antibiotics. Eugenol has many uses in different sectors of biotechnology, is low in toxicity and is readily available in commercial quantities.

  • af Gerald N Callahan
    195,95 kr.

    Intensely personal and brilliantly scientific, Faith, Madness, and Spontaneous Human Combustion reveals the startling ways in which science-especially immunology and pathology-shapes our destinies, and how something as intimate as our own identities can be connected to the intricate workings of the machines known as our bodies. "Each of the dozen essays in this far-ranging collection could be expanded into a book...Analogizing to striking effect, Callahan conveys both science and sympathy. It is hard to think of a type of reader who wouldn't be intrigued by this fascinating book."-Booklist "Callahan is a Carl Sagan, an Isaac Asimov of our times."-Albuquerque Journal

  • af Ezenna Emmanuel
    416,95 kr.

    La biodétérioration des lotions corporelles est une préoccupation majeure. Les gens aiment utiliser des lotions corporelles mais ignorent que ces produits peuvent facilement se détériorer. Ces produits détériorés peuvent provoquer des effets indésirables tels que des maladies de la peau chez les consommateurs, d'où la nécessité de ce travail. Ce travail littéraire explique comment se produit la détérioration de ces produits et présente certains des micro-organismes impliqués dans ce processus. Ce travail visait à évaluer la biodétérioration d'une sélection de lotions corporelles couramment utilisées par les étudiants de l'université de Port Harcourt.

  • af B. K. Tyagi
    1.307,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

    This book comprehensively reviews the disease dynamics, distribution, surveillance, epidemiology, diagnosis, control strategies, and management of the desert malaria. It highlights the potential risks of unstable but often exacerbated malaria conflagration as epidemics in the middle of duned desert, a desert oasis, and desert-fringe regions. Further, it reveals the factors inveigled into desert environments due to extensive anthropogenic activities such as canalized irrigation projects, high-yielding new agriculture practices, human concentration, and increased trade. It addresses the impact of irrigation on the malarial dynamics and its coupling to the climate forcing. The book also offers a model for desert transformation into malaria heaven under the changed climatic conditions including high rainfall, humidity, and depletion in temperature. Lastly, it offers insight into malaria epidemiology and disease control in the desert¿s arid environments. This book is an essential resource for medical entomologists, parasitologists, epidemiologists, and public health researchers.

  • af Nora Labeeb El-Tantawy
    416,95 kr.

    Nosokomiale Infektionen werden auch als im Krankenhaus erworbene Infektionen bezeichnet und sind definiert als Infektionen, die mindestens 48 bis 72 Stunden nach der Aufnahme ins Krankenhaus festgestellt werden. Nosokomiale Infektionen gelten als Haupthindernis für die Verbesserung des Gesundheitszustands und stellen eine große Bedrohung für die öffentliche Gesundheit dar, und dies trotz des Fortschritts in der Medizintechnik und Medizin und des deutlichen Rückgangs von Infektionskrankheiten. Die Centers for Disease Control and Prevention schätzen, dass jedes Jahr 2 Millionen Patienten an nosokomialen Infektionen leiden und fast 100.000 von ihnen sterben. Diese Infektionen verursachen jährlich bis zu 4,5 Milliarden Dollar an zusätzlichen Kosten im Gesundheitswesen. In den meisten Studien über nosokomiale Infektionen werden Parasiten als Hauptrisikofaktor für den Erwerb einer nosokomialen Infektion ignoriert, obwohl sie leicht übertragen werden können und insbesondere in Entwicklungsländern resistent gegen Desinfektionsmittel sind. Die meisten nosokomialen Parasiteninfektionen betreffen Patienten mit Risikofaktoren wie Patienten mit Radio- und Chemotherapie, immungeschwächte Patienten und solche, die HIV-positiv sind.

  • af Tohru Minamino
    1.315,95 - 2.199,95 kr.

    This detailed volume presents cutting-edge research protocols to study the structure and dynamics of bacterial and archaeal motility systems using bacterial genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, cell biology, microscopy imaging, and molecular dynamics simulation. Beginning with a section on bacterial flagellar protein export and assembly, the book continues with chapters covering flagella-driven motility of bacteria, archaella-driven motility of archaea, type IV-driven twitching motility of bacteria, as well as adhesion-based gliding motility of bacteria and other unique motility systems. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and thorough, Bacterial and Archaeal Motility is the ideal reference for researchers working in this vital area of microbiology.

  • af Dek Kahin Yosef
    504,95 kr.

    Toxoplasmose ist eine zoonotische Infektionskrankheit, die eine Vielzahl warmblütiger Wirbeltiere befallen kann, darunter Menschen und andere warmblütige Haus- und Wildtiere. Vorgeburtliche Statistiken zu dieser parasitären Erkrankung sollen grundlegende Daten über die Prävalenz von T. gondii bei schwangeren Frauen liefern und bei der Planung und Durchführung von Programmen zur Diagnose, Bekämpfung und Prävention von T. gondii helfen. Ziel dieser Studie war es daher, die Seroprävalenz von T. gondii-Infektionen und deren Risikofaktoren bei schwangeren Frauen zu bestimmen, die eine Gesundheitseinrichtung für Mutter und Kind (MCH) aufsuchen, die sich auf das Screening und die Behandlung von schwangeren Frauen in Burao City, Somaliland, konzentriert.Zielsetzungen: Bewertung der Toxoplasmose-Seroprävalenz in Bezug auf Wissen und Praxis bei schwangeren Frauen in Burao City, Somaliland, 2023.Die Gesamtpositivität gegen T. gondii in der Studienpopulation betrug 67 (16 %). Nur 41,6 % der Befragten haben von der Krankheit gehört. Mangelndes Wissen erhöht das Infektionsrisiko signifikant (OR = 0,430, p 0,054).Diese Studie verbessert das Wissen über die T. gondii-Infektionsexposition in Burao, Somaliland, sowie die relative Bedeutung zahlreicher Risikovariablen, insbesondere

  • af Talal Sabhan Salih
    566,95 kr.

    La production de viande et d'aliments à base de viande étant un processus à plusieurs étapes, la nécessité d'évaluer les risques liés à la sécurité alimentaire dans l'exploitation et de garantir la qualité s'est considérablement accrue. Ainsi, pour la sécurité alimentaire, la disponibilité d'un protocole de test accepté, fiable, rapide, sensible et précis pour détecter Salmonella dans les échantillons examinés est devenue de plus en plus importante pour l'industrie alimentaire, ainsi que pour le contrôle législatif de la qualité et la santé publique. Dans ce livre, les protocoles d'isolement spécifiques de Salmonella : RT-PCR en temps réel, ISO 6579:2002, MSRV et FD CEN/TR 15215-3 ont été évalués pour leur capacité à détecter la présence ou l'absence de Salmonella dans des échantillons d'aliments pour animaux, de fèces et d'environnement naturellement contaminés, avec ou sans pré-enrichissement avec de la Novobiocine, qui ont été prélevés dans des fermes d'élevage autour de la ville de Stuttgart, en Allemagne.

  • af Oluwasegun Atanda
    566,95 kr.

    O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a capacidade e comparar a eficácia da tira de ADN e do ensaio Bactec MGIT 960 para detetar a resistência de primeira e segunda linha em Mycobacterium tuberculosis multirresistente (MDR-TB), em comparação com o método de proporção em ágar como padrão de ouro.

  • af Dek Kahin Yosef
    346,95 kr.

    Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infectious disease that can affect a variety of warm-blooded vertebrates, including humans and other warm-blooded domestic and wild animals. Antenatal statistics on this parasitic disease are thought to provide baseline data on the prevalence of T. gondii in pregnant women as well as for the planning and implementation of T. gondii diagnostic, control, and prevention programs. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection and its risk factors among pregnant women attending Maternal, and child health (MCHs) on the emphasis of screening and management of pregnant women in Burao city, Somaliland.Objectives:To assess Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence in relation to knowledge and practice among pregnant women in Burao city, Somaliland, 2023. The overall positivity of against T. gondii in the study population was 67 (16%). Only 41.6% of the respondents have heard about the disease. Lack of knowledge significantly increased the risk of infection. This study improved knowledge of T. gondii infection exposure in Burao, Somaliland, as well as the relative significance of numerous risk variables.

  • af Murugan Karuppasamy
    346,95 kr.

    Short Sketch About BookThis book of study reveals that twenty five isolates were recovered as phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) from rhizosphere soil of paddy plants from four different locations of paddy field in Alwarkurichi village of Tenkasi District. Phosphate solubilizing bacterial population ranged from 30-50 × 102 CFU/g in Pikovskayäs agar medium, 20-30 × 102 CFU/g in hydroxy apatite agar medium and 10-20 × 102 CFU/g in soil extract agar medium. Among the tested isolates, highest load of phosphate solubilizers were found as the best in solubilizing phosphate 102 dilutions with the drop in neutral pH in Pikovskayäs agar medium. The results indicated that the rhizosphere soils of the study area inhabit phosphate solubilizing bacteria with great potential to be used as the commercial production of phosphatase enzymes. This study examines the effect of herbicide, one-shot on phosphate solubilizing bacterial activities like phosphate solubilization by herbicide resistance pattern. Here, the selected herbicide, one-shot was applied at two different concentrations of 10 ppm and 50 ppm against the phosphate solubilizers of Micrococcus sp., Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp.

  • af Hupenyu Allan Mupambwa
    1.733,95 kr.

  • af Ritu Mawar
    1.733,95 - 1.758,95 kr.

  • af Giwa Holi
    629,95 kr.

    To, chto ustojchiwost' mikroorganizmow k protiwomikrobnym preparatam wyzywaet bespokojstwo wo wsem mire, uzhe ne qwlqetsq nowym qwleniem. Jeto qwlenie stanowitsq esche bolee trewozhnym, kogda ustojchiwye k lekarstwam mikroorganizmy, imeüschie wazhnoe znachenie dlq obschestwennogo zdrawoohraneniq, w izobilii wstrechaütsq w takih mestah, kak uniwersitetskie biblioteki, gde oni postoqnno i bez osobyh usilij kontaktiruüt s chelowekom, chto stawit pod ugrozu sposobnost' lechit' infekcii. Pomimo podawlqüschego porazheniq, kotoroe äti bakterii okazywaüt na bol'shinstwo lekarstw, esche odnim razrushitel'nym äffektom qwlqetsq legkost' ih peredachi. Poka uchenye neustanno ischut i otkrywaüt wse nowye "moschnye lekarstwa" protiw ustojchiwosti k protiwomikrobnym preparatam, mikroorganizmy, pohozhe, samoorganizowalis', chtoby wyzhiwat' i perenosit' prisutstwie ätih "moschnyh lekarstw". Kakow nyneshnij status ustojchiwosti k antibiotikam w razwiwaüschihsq stranah, takih kak Nigeriq, osobenno w takih nichego ne podozrewaüschih mestah, kak uniwersitetskie biblioteki? Issledowanie "Naskol'ko bezopasna wnutrennqq sreda uniwersitetskih bibliotek?" wyqwilo neweroqtno wysokuü ustojchiwost' k antibiotikam bakterij, obladaüschih neskol'kimi faktorami wirulentnosti, wydelennyh iz bibliotek Ibadanskogo uniwersiteta. Opisana wirulentnost' ätih mikroorganizmow w, wozmozhno, samoj bol'shoj biblioteke Nigerii.

  • af Sachin Sharma
    382,95 kr.

    In Mycobacterial Survival Strategies in Unconventional Niches, Sachin Sharma delves into the remarkable ability of mycobacteria to survive and persist in a wide range of non-traditional environments. The book explores the molecular mechanisms and physiological adaptations that enable mycobacteria to thrive in unconventional niches such as biofilms, host cells, and environmental reservoirs.The book begins with an overview of mycobacterial biology and ecology, followed by a discussion of the various non-traditional niches in which mycobacteria can be found. Sharma then delves into the specific strategies employed by mycobacteria to adapt to these environments, including changes in cell morphology, metabolism, and gene expression.The author also covers the latest research on the role of mycobacterial persistence in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases. Additionally, the book discusses the potential implications of mycobacterial survival strategies for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.Overall, Mycobacterial Survival Strategies in Unconventional Niches provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the fascinating biology of mycobacteria and their ability to survive in a wide range of environments. The book will be of interest to researchers, clinicians, and students working in microbiology, infectious diseases, and related fields, as well as anyone interested in the molecular mechanisms of microbial adaptation and survival.

  • - Or Simple Methods Of Ascertaining The Properties Of Various Microscopical Accessories (1894)
    af Alfred Cheatham Stokes
    247,95 - 295,95 kr.

    Microscopical Praxis: Or Simple Methods Of Ascertaining The Properties Of Various Microscopical Accessories is a book written by Alfred Cheatham Stokes and published in 1894. The book is a guide for microscopists and provides information on how to determine the properties of various microscopical accessories. It is a comprehensive guide that covers a range of topics related to microscopy, including the use of different types of lenses, the construction of microscopes, and the proper use of lighting and other accessories. The book is written in a clear and concise style, making it easy for readers to understand and follow the instructions. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in microscopy and is still relevant today, over a century after its publication.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Edward Bausch
    232,95 - 265,95 kr.

    ""Manipulation Of The Microscope"" is a book written by Edward Bausch and originally published in 1897. The book is a comprehensive guide to the proper use and manipulation of the microscope, including its various parts and functions. It covers topics such as the preparation of specimens, the adjustment of lenses, and the proper lighting techniques for optimal viewing. The book also includes detailed illustrations and diagrams to aid in understanding the various techniques and procedures. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in microscopy or scientific research, and provides a historical perspective on the development of microscopy techniques in the late 19th century.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af John Kelly
    187,95 kr.

    La moria grandissima began its terrible journey across the European and Asian continents in 1347, leaving unimaginable devastation in its wake. Five years later, twenty-five million people were dead, felled by the scourge that would come to be called the Black Death. The Great Mortality is the extraordinary epic account of the worst natural disaster in European history -- a drama of courage, cowardice, misery, madness, and sacrifice that brilliantly illuminates humankind's darkest days when an old world ended and a new world was born.

  • af Narisetty Vivek
    382,95 kr.

    "Microbial Production of Propanediol from Biodiesel Glycerol" by Narisetty Vivek is a comprehensive guidebook for researchers, students, and professionals in the field of biotechnology and bioprocessing. This book delves into the emerging field of using microbial bioprocessing for the production of propanediol from biodiesel-derived crude glycerol. The author covers a broad range of topics, including the selection of microbial strains, optimization of bioprocess parameters, and scale-up strategies for the efficient and cost-effective production of propanediol.The book is structured to provide a thorough understanding of the underlying concepts and principles of microbial bioprocessing. It starts with an introduction to the basics of bioprocessing, followed by a detailed discussion of the bioprocess development for propanediol production. The author highlights the significance of biodiesel-derived crude glycerol as a feedstock for propanediol production and describes the various challenges associated with the use of this feedstock.The book also covers the latest advancements in microbial bioprocessing techniques and technologies, including the use of genetically modified microorganisms, metabolic engineering, and synthetic biology. The author provides a critical analysis of the current state of the art and future prospects for microbial propanediol production from biodiesel-derived crude glycerol.Overall, "Microbial Production of Propanediol from Biodiesel Glycerol" is an excellent reference book for researchers, students, and professionals interested in the use of microbial bioprocessing for sustainable and eco-friendly production of propanediol.

  • af Maria Ivone Silva Mota
    537,95 kr.

    This book deals with the importance of water, which is one of the natural resources essential to human life and the balance of ecosystems, as well as the economy in the primary and secondary sectors. However, the decline and quality of water has become a global problem that jeopardises human survival, requiring monitoring by the competent bodies and the population in general, since water sources are subject to contamination by pathogenic micro-organisms, responsible for the transmission of waterborne diseases. With this in mind, the aim is to carry out a microbiological analysis (coliforms) of the water distributed from the underground water supply microsystem to homes in the Urumari II neighbourhood in Santarém-PA, where samples were sampled, collected and analysed using the Most Probable Number (MPN) technique using the multiple tube method. In view of the irregularities found, the presence of total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms does not comply with the maximum legal limits permitted by ordinance 2.914/2011.

  • af Maria Ivone Silva Mota
    422,95 kr.

    Ce livre traite de l'importance de l'eau, qui est l'une des ressources naturelles essentielles à la vie humaine et à l'équilibre des écosystèmes, ainsi qu'à l'économie dans les secteurs primaire et secondaire. Cependant, la diminution et la qualité de l'eau sont devenues un problème mondial qui met en péril la survie de l'humanité, nécessitant une surveillance de la part des organismes compétents et de la population en général, car les sources d'eau sont sujettes à la contamination par des micro-organismes pathogènes, responsables de la transmission de maladies d'origine hydrique. Dans cette optique, l'objectif est de réaliser une analyse microbiologique (coliformes) de l'eau distribuée par le microsystème souterrain d'approvisionnement en eau aux habitations du quartier Urumari II à Santarém-PA, où des échantillons ont été prélevés, collectés et analysés selon la technique du nombre le plus probable (NPP) en utilisant la méthode des tubes multiples. Compte tenu des irrégularités constatées, la présence de coliformes totaux et de coliformes thermotolérants ne respecte pas les limites maximales légales autorisées par l'ordonnance 2.914/2011.

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