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Mykologi, svampe (ikke-medicinsk)

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  • - Hvordan de skaber vores verden, forandrer vores sind og former vores fremtid
    af Merlin Sheldrake
    118,95 - 235,95 kr.

    Svampenes forunderlige liv er en vidunderlig bog om svampenes vidtrækkende rige skrevet af den britiske biolog Merlin Sheldrake. Der er noget fascinerende ved svampe. Hvad enten man tænker på dem, som vi kan finde i skoven eller i supermarkedet, eller dem der kan bruges til at fremstille penicillin og redde os fra alle mulige sygdomme, eller skimmelsvampe, der kan gøre os syge – eller gærsvampe, der bliver brugt til at lave øl, eller måske de magiske af slagsen, der kan ændre vores bevidsthedstilstand.Men hvad er de for nogle organismer? Merlin Sheldrake åbenbarer svampenes natur, sofistikerede eksistensform og muligheder for os. Det er overraskende og tankevækkende læsning. Nyere forskning tyder fx på, at svampe kan bruges til behandling af psykiske sygdomme som angst og depression, og der bliver arbejdet på at udvikle teknologi til at få svampe til at spise plastik, sprængstoffer og pesticider.Svampenes forunderlige liv henvender sig til et bredt publikum, den blander naturfortælling, videnskabsformidling, kulturhistorie og personlig beretning, og man er grundlæggende i godt selskab.  Bogen efterlader læseren både klogere, mere nysgerrig og fuld af forundring og med et udvidet verdenssyn.

  • af Jens H. Petersen
    236,95 kr.

    Velkommen til svampenes hemmelige liv.I SVAMPENES RIGE er både en sansefest og den ideelle introduktion til svampenes utrolige verden, idet den:- afslører svampene, som de aldrig tidligere er vist- illustrerer svampenes rige variation gennem mere end 800 fotos- på let forståelig måde gennemgår svampenes biologi og økologi.Med svampeforsker Jens H. Petersens bog opnår svampene endelig den plads i vores bevidsthed, de fortjener.

  • af Hermod Karlsen & Anna-Elise Torkelsen
    127,95 kr.

    Denne guide præsenterer dig for omkring 50 spiselige svampe, som du selv kan plukke i naturens overdådige forrådskammer. Teksten beskriver de enkelte svampes særlige kendetegn og voksesteder og eventuelle ”dobbeltgængere”, de kan forveksles med, samt giftige arter, så du undgår at plukke de forkerte svampe.Svampebeskrivelserne er ledsaget af naturtro tegninger, der fremhæver de enkelte svampes særlige træk, så de bliver nemmere at artsbestemme. Guiden har også tips og vejledning om, hvordan du bedst konserverer og bruger din høst, ligesom den kan benyttes i felten, da alle sider har en fugtbeskyttende overflade og kan aftørres med en fugtig klud. Anna-Elise Torkelsen er uddannet cand.real. med hovedfag i botanik. Hun har i mange år været daglig leder i Norges sopp- og nyttevekstforbund, og hun har skrevet flere bøger om svampe og afgrøder.Illustrationerne er tegnet af Hermod Karlsen, der er en af Norges førende inden for sit felt. Han har illustreret botaniske fagbøger siden 1983.

  • - i naturen
    af Peter Nielsen
    97,95 kr.

    Det er dejligt at gå en tur i naturen og spændende at indsamle de svampe, der kan spises. Men det er ikke nemt at kende dem fra hinanden. Der er dog nogle, man hurtigt får lært, og som er ”sikre” spisesvampe – altså ikke giftige. Det er dem, der er medtaget i denne bog. De nemme svampe som f.eks. Kantarel, Spiselig Rørhat, Østershat og Mark-champignon er til at få lært, mens det vil være sikrere at få lidt hjælp og vejledning fra en svampekyndig til andre svampe.I 2. udgave er nogle navne opdateret og nye oplysninger om indholdsstoffer er medtaget.

  • - Naturens bedste spisesvampe
    af Niki Sjölund
    247,95 kr.

    Kan man spise støvbolde, og kan man lave is med smag af gylden kantarel? Hvilken svamp smager næsten fuldstændig som kylling, når man tilbereder den? Og hvordan laver man en hummersuppe uden at bruge skaldyr? I denne bog giver kokken Niki Sjölund dig svar på disse spørgsmål, samtidig med at han opmuntrer dig til at gå ud i naturen og åbne øjnene for alle disse fantastiske råvarer, der vokser vildt i vores skove, på enge og i bakker.I Vilde svampe samler Niki 45 af sine favoritter og lærer dig, hvor du kan finde dem, hvordan de ser ud, hvilke kendetegn du skal se efter, og ikke mindst hvordan de smager. Du får også at vide, hvilke forvekslingsmuligheder der er, og hvordan du bedst renser, opbevarer og tilbereder dem.Bogen har klimakompenseret plastomslag, så den kan holde til at komme med ud i naturen på svampejagt.

  • af Katie Scott & Ester Gaya
    355,95 kr.

    Velkommen til et museum, der er fyldt med alverdens svampe! Her kan du finde en lang række forskellige arter af denne fascinerende type organisme. Tag en tur gennem museets udstillinger, når som helst du vil – det er altid åbent! Ledsaget af oplysende tekst indeholder kapitlerne smukke illustrationer af alle slags svampe, fra dem, vi ser på hylderne i supermarkedet, til andre, der har formet menneskets historie såsom den, der blev brugt til at skabe penicillin. Her får du en definitiv introduktion til svampe, hvordan de fungerer, og hvor vigtige de faktisk er for verdens økosystemer.

  • af Jens H. Petersen
    175,95 kr.

    A richly illustrated guide to edible mushrooms by one of Europe's leading fungi expertsIn this beautifully illustrated introductory guide, Jens Petersen shows how to successfully identify and forage for edible mushrooms, and then how to prepare them for the table to ensure a delicious culinary experience, even if you're a first-time forager.Accessible and user-friendly, the book opens with a substantial introduction to fungi-what to look for, where to find them and how to collect and cook them. Other topics include edible and poisonous fungi, conserving mushrooms and other uses of fungi. The book then covers the most common major groups, including morels, wood cauliflower, polypores, boletes, tooth fungi, chanterelles, horn of plenty, brittlegills, milkcaps, agarics, puffballs and jelly fungi. For many of these groups, notable subkinds are given their own treatment. With practice, the book will enable you to identify mushrooms such as yellow chanterelles, blueing boletes with orange tube mouths, green brittlegills and milkcaps with orange milk.Featuring more than 400 stunning colour photographs and more than forty black-and-white illustrations, this book will enhance the experience of every mushroom forager and wild-table chef.

  • af Ali Ashby
    215,95 kr.

    Discover the fascinating stories behind some 300 species of fungi and understand the world of mushrooms like never before!Did you know that fungi put the fizz in champagne and the flavour in chocolate? Fungi is everywhere we look: in a forest, under the sea, and in the kitchen. In this beautiful book, leading fungal biologists Professor Lynne Boddy and Dr Ali Ashby bring you closer to 300 species of mushrooms and lichens through fascinating facts, mushroom datasets, and detailed illustrations. Discover some of the fastest speeds in nature, specimens that glow in the dark, and fungi that clean up oil spills. Humans have had a close relationship with mushrooms for thousands of years. Bringing together technology, medicine, food, culture, and nature, this fascinating book will open your eyes to the wonders of the hidden kingdom all around us.

  • - og Nordeuropa
    af Josephine Bacon
    167,95 kr.

    En let anvendelig og overskuelig guide til 280 svampe, der hører hjemme i Danmark og Nordeuropa.• Beskrivelse af svampenes udseende, voksesteder og spiselighed• Tydelig gennemgang af forvekslingsmulighederne• Vellignende farvefotos af alle bogens svampe• Indledning med gode råd om, hvordan man plukker svampe• Ideel både for begynderen og den mere erfarneBogen er skrevet af Josephine Bacon og har fotos af Paul Sterry & Andrew Merrick.

  • af Hermod Karlsen
    554,95 kr.

    At samle svampe er ikke blot en skøn naturoplevelse, det er også en oplevelse du tager med hjem til middagsbordet og måske deler med familie og venner.I denne bog finder du 10 gode spisesvampe med beskrivelser, forvekslingsmuligheder, rådgivning om plukning og rengøring, samt tips til tilberedning og konservering.Med farvefotos af svampene i deres naturlige miljø og tegninger, der tydelig viser deres kendetegn. Bogen er redigeret af den danske biolog Thomas Læssøe, der er ekspert i svampe

  • af Ole Terney
    127,95 kr.

    Femø er en af "æbleøerne", der sammen med Fejø og Askø ligger nord for Lolland. Man tager en hyggelig færge fra Kragenæs, og det tager 55 minutter at komme til Femø, som er kendt for Femø Festival (tidligere kaldt Femø Jazz), Kvindelejren (der har været afholdt gennem mere end 50 år) og Femø Fortællefestival, der også afholdes årligt. Der er ca. 110-120 fastboende på øen, og der er ca. 55 sommerhuse i en sommerhusudstykning. Øen er 11 kvm og 17 km i omkreds. Der er marker, strandenge, fyrreskov, blandskov, krat og haver. Bogen fortæller anekdoter om giftige, spiselige og bemærkelsesværdige svampe på Femø. 32 sider A5, farvebilleder. Skrevet af Ole Georg Terney, som afholder svampetur fra Hareskov station hver måned året rundt, kl. 13 d. 3. søndag i hver måned (se Facebook: Hareskovens-svampe-og-natur eller I januar 2024 afholdtes tur nr. 162. Tilmelding til turene: Ole Georg Terney skriver BioNyt Videnskabens Verden,, som er det ældste populærvidenskabelige tidsskrift i Danmark om international forskning. Årsabonnement fra 375 kr.

  • af Bhim Pratap Singh
    1.477,95 kr.

    Endophytes have unique characteristics to propagate inside host plants and aide the host by providing additional defense against environmental stresses and phytopathogens. Among endophytes, endophytic fungi have been recognized as a proliferating source for the production of bioactive compounds with potential in both the agricultural and health industries.Excessive use of pesticides in agriculture as well as in the food supply chain have led to increased antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which is one of the more serious global health concerns. Endophytic fungi and their associated bioactive substances have been reported to show natural ability to fight against pathogens and can reduce the development of AMR in nature. Studies also reported their potential as producers of hormones that enhance plant growth and several compounds having biological activities without any adverse effects.This book covers the pharmaceutical potential offungal endophytes as elucidated through advanced bioinformatics tools and modern techniques. Also synthetic drugs are losing their efficacy to treat microbial-induced disease due to this emergence of drug-resistant microbes. Therefore, insight into the detection of valuable plant constituents is a pressing priority in order to achieve effective pharmaceutical treatments. This book provides lucid discussion of the most recent research and provides knowledge about the applications of endophytic fungi with a specific focus to their pharmaceutical potential.

  • af K. Sivakumar
    362,95 kr.

    Laboratory studies constitute an integral and important aspect in thestudy of science subjects. Botany in particular is a subject heavily orientedon practical study. A proper comprehension of the subject matteris possible only in the laboratory. Laboratory manuals play an importantrole in helping the students to properly guide them in purpose of study,scope of study and details required for a practical study.Practical manual of algae aims to provide the students all they needto know about the practical aspects such as morphological characters, internalstructure if any and systematic identification. A number of labelleddiagrams included in the text are meant to help the student's comprehensionof the subject.This manual "Algae - A Practical Approach" deals with all the basicrequirements in the botany laboratory that a student should know. Theworking of compound microscope, the most important tool in the laboratoryis explained in great detail in the introduction, along with variousprocedures of study such as section cutting, staining, mounting, etc.,working principles of electron microscopy and material preparation forscanning and transmission electron microscopic studies. General charactersand classification of algae with all essential descriptions and identificationof representative members of various classes of algae have been providedin this manual.With the increased awareness of importance of laboratory studies,this manual should serve as an important aid to help students familiarizethemselves with laboratory methods in botany.

  • af Keith Seifert
    131,95 kr.

    “Fans of Merlin Sheldrake’s Entangled Life and Suzanne Simard’s Finding the Mother Tree will enjoy Seifert’s latest... A perspective-shifting guide to our microfungal matrix.”—KirkusEven though we can’t always see them, fungi exist all around us. From forests and farms to food and medicine—and even our homes and bodies—fungal connections shape how we live.In this illuminating book, readers will “discover how these marvels of nature enrich (and sometimes threaten) our lives.”(Peter Wohlleben, New York Times-bestselling author of The Hidden Life of Trees.Esteemed career mycologist Keith Seifert reveals the important role that microscopic fungi, including yeasts, molds, and slimes, play in our lives, all while remaining invisible to the naked eye. Divided into sections, each one exploring a different environment where fungi thrive, The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi introduces readers to the fascinating world of mycology, with information on:How fungi are at the heart of life-changing medical breakthroughs, including the development of antibiotics such as penicillin and organ transplant drugs.Where fungi live in our homes and how they influence our health, from our gut to our scalps.How fungi add important vitamins to our diet and make our favorite foods and drinks possible, including wine, cheese, chocolate, and beer.The essential role fungi are playing in innovative technologies, such as creating alternative energy sources, reducing plastic pollution, cleaning up toxins from oil spills, and even building architecture for a Mars colony.Despite their many benefits, we hold a precarious relationship with fungi: fungal diseases lead to over 1 million deaths each year, and they have played a destructive role in disasters ranging from the Irish Potato Famine to possibly even the extinction of the dinosaurs. The Hidden Kingdom of Fungi urges us to better understand our relationship with fungi—and to plan our future with them in mind—while revealing their world in all its beautiful complexity.

  • af Sophie E. Darch
    1.428,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af T. Kingfisher
    183,95 kr.

    T. Kingfisher genfortæller og opdaterer Edgar Allan Poes klassiker Huset Ushers Fald. Den tidligere soldat Alex Easton får besked om, at barndomsveninden Madeline Usher ligger for døden, og Alex skynder hen sig til familien Ushers hus i ødemarken i fantasilandet Ruravia. Alex møder et mareridt af svampevækster og forgiftet natur. Madeline går i søvne og taler med mærkelige stemmer om natten, og hendes bror Roderick er ramt af en mystisk nervesygdom.Sammen med en svampekender og en læge må Alex finde hoved og hale i Usher-husets hemmelighed,er før de gør det af med dem. “Thoroughly creepy and utterly enjoyable” Publishers Weekly

  • af Barry Scott
    2.199,95 - 2.337,95 kr.

    Since the publication of the first edition of "e;The Mycota Vol. V - Plant Relationships"e; in 1997, tremendous advances in fungal molecular biology and biochemistry have taken place; and both light and electron microscopical techniques have improved considerably. These new insights led to a better understanding of the relationships between fungi and plants; and a completely revised new edition of Plant Relationships could be produced, providing an up-to-date overview on mutualistic and pathogenic interactions.In 18 chapters internationally acknowledged authors present reviews on fungal lifestyles, mechanisms of their interactions with their host plants, signal perception and transduction, and plant defense responses directed against attack by fungal pathogens.Highlighting the recent developments in fungus-plant interactions, this volume is indispensable for researchers, lecturers and students in microbiology, mycology and plant sciences, including plant pathology.

  • af Toby Spribille
    796,95 kr.

    This open access publication is released under the "CC BY NC" license. Download paper for free For institutions and libraries which require a printed version of this work, we offer a high quality printed and bound paper edition, which may be ordered online above. This option (OA plus a printed edition) is available to all authors of Bibliotheca Lichenologica from now on. Publications on the lichens of Alaska go back 182 years, but a modern, comprehensive review of literature on the diversity of Alaskan lichens has been lacking. The authors present a compendium of 2126 accepted taxa fully referenced with published reports from Alaska and their exact localities. Of these 2126 taxa, 1827 are lichen fungi, 277 are lichen-associated fungi and 22 are putatively saprotrophic fungi usually treated in lichenological studies. Nearly half of all species have been first reported since 1997. A total of 1594 names are treated as synonyms or misapplications, and 140 further taxa are excluded as erroneous or doubtful.

  • af Michael Beug
    198,95 kr.

    "An illustrated key to identifying the mushrooms of the Cascadian bioregion, stretching from coastal Alaska to central California and Idaho, featuring 1,000-plus full-color photographs and more than 3,000 species"--

  • af Golam Jalal Ahammed
    2.337,95 kr.

    This book covers the fundamentals of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and higher plant symbiosis with potential implications in crop production. It provides new insights into our understanding of the mechanisms of AMF-mediated plant growth regulation and stress tolerance covering the most recent biochemical, physiological, molecular, environmental, and ecological studies. Focusing on AMF-induced physiological and molecular mechanisms of enhanced tolerance to stress, environmental stress is discussed in several dedicated chapters. The book provides not only updated information with new insights and perspectives but also several new topics, such as a comprehensive discussion on biotic stressors, AMF interaction with other microorganisms, non-host plant species, plant secondary metabolism, signaling events in plant-AMF symbiosis, AMF-mediated nutrient acquisition and subsequent stress tolerance. The book also discusses the potential implications of AMF for sustainable crop production inthe context of climate change. The book can be a useful reference book for academics and scientists involved in related research, such as academics in agronomy and plant sciences, scientists involved in beneficial fungi research, chemists, industrialists, and employees involved in the production and marketing of biofertilizers, master and doctoral degree students of agronomy, horticulture, and plant protection, consultants working on the production of crops in marginal environments as well as environmental scientists working for assisted phytoremediation programs. It would also be suitable for agronomy, ecology, and plant science-related courses, such as plant stress physiology, plant growth-promoting microbes, and plant pathology to teach undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students at colleges and universities.

  • af A. H. Reginald (Arthur Henry Buller
    272,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Marcela C. Pagano & Monica A. Lugo
    1.128,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

  • af Spegazzini Crlos
    242,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • af Hiba Sami
    1.563,95 kr.

    This book covers topics related to viral and fungal infections of the central nervous system (CNS), with a multidisciplinary reach, discussing associated immunology, microbiological aspects, pathologies, timely management, and prevention. The book is structured into five broad sections.The first section provides the reader with valuable insights into the aetiologies and underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of neurological diseases, including host responses. It mentions all bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral causes of neuro-infections, along with rarer neuropathogenesis such as prions and mycoplasmas. The chapter also presents detailed epidemiology and prevalence of different CNS infections worldwide. It also reviews various infectious diseases that target the nervous system, such as focal lesions, meningitis, and neurological complications of venous sinus thrombosis. The next two sections delve deep into pathogen-specific diseases of the CNS, namely the virusesand fungi associated with neuro-infections. It mentions detailed excerpts on encephalitic viruses, long-term consequences of neurotropic viruses, mycological neuroinfectious, and even the emerging, less talked of viruses and fungi causing neurological disease. Topics such as principles of vigorous antifungal therapy and surgeries are also discussed in the chapter. The fourth section gives an insight on prospects for efficiently diagnosing and managing viral and fungal CNS infections, to tackle associated morbidities.Features that are often less documented, yet of considerable interest in current times, such as the role of immunosuppression in neurological infections and newer microbiological diagnostic strategies are covered. The last section uniquely provides clinicians with relatable case scenarios. Real case descriptions are included, such as cases of fungal meningitis and other difficult-to-diagnose infections produced by viruses. This book serves as a guide for neurologists, medical microbiologists, and clinical practitioners who deal with patients suspected of neurological infection.

  • af Perry Jacobs
    1.552,95 kr.

    Mycology refers to the branch of biology, which is related with the study of fungi along with their taxonomy, human uses, and biochemical and genetic properties. It seeks to find the uses of fungi for various purposes including food, tinder, entheogens and traditional medicine, along with the risks associated with them like infection or toxicity. Fungi play crucial roles for life on Earth as symbionts, in the form of lichens, mycorrhizae and insect symbionts. Various fungi can break down complicated organic biomolecules like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, lignin, petroleum and pollutants like xenobiotics. Fungi play an important role in the global carbon cycle through the decomposition of these molecules. The field of medical mycology has become significant in the current time, where the incidence of invasive fungal infections is on rise, which poses therapeutic and diagnostic challenges in the modern medical practice. The book studies, analyses and upholds the pillars of medical mycology and its utmost significance in modern times. It will unravel the recent studies in this field. Researchers and students engaged in medical mycology will be assisted by this book.

  • af Perry Jacobs
    1.572,95 kr.

    Fungi are the main elements in global biogeochemical cycles. They play a significant role in biomedical research and manufacturing industries, and impact humans through their influence on biodiversity, global health and agriculture. Pathogenic fungi cause disease in human beings or other organisms. Majority of the fungi do not have pathogenic traits, but certain species result in infections which range from posturing to life threating. The fungi that are pathogenic to humans, are studied within the discipline of medical mycology. Several pathogenic fungi are microorganisms despite the fact that they are eukaryotic. There are various types of pathogenic fungi including Cryptococcus, Stachybotrys, Candida, Histoplasma, Aspergillus and Pneumocystis. Cryptococcus neoformans can result in a severe form of meningitis and meningo-encephalitis in AIDS infected patients. Stachybotrys can cause severe headaches and respiratory issues. Fungal infection usually occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, skin, genital-urinary tract and respiratory tract. This book provides comprehensive insights on human fungal pathogens. Its extensive content provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject. This book will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.

  • af Rhea Turner
    1.582,95 kr.

    An endophyte is an endosymbiont, which may be a bacterium or a fungus that lives within a plant for at least a part of its life cycle without causing any apparent disease. Fungal endophytes are quite common and highly diverse microorganisms. They may improve host plant's growth and nutrient acquisition along with enhancing the ability of the plants to tolerate abiotic stresses. These endophytes also help in reducing the biotic stress faced by plants by increasing their pathogen resistance. Endophytes can be transmitted either vertically or horizontally. There are two major classifications of endophytes, namely, systemic and non-systemic endophytes, and clavicipitaceous and non-clavicipitaceous endophytes. This book provides a detailed explanation of the significance of fungal endophytes in plants. A number of latest researches have also been included to keep the readers updated with the global concepts in this area of study. The book is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

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