Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025


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  • - Hvorfor vi har en sjæl, og hvad det indebærer
    af Niels Svendsen
    147,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Denne bog henvender sig til dem, der søger svar på spørgsmål som:Har jeg en sjæl?Hvad er livets formål?Hvad er bevidsthed, og hvordan udvikler jeg den?Hvordan kan jeg koble naturvidenskab med begreberne sjæl og bevidsthed?For at svare på ovenstående spørgsmål er det vigtigt at gøre op med den materialistiske verdensopfattelse, som dominerer på universiteterne i dag. Bogen starter derfor med et filosofisk opgør med materialismen for derefter at vise, at bestemte fænomener inden for biologi og kvantefysik ikke kan forklares uden at inddrage bevidsthed.Alternativet til den materialistiske verdensanskuelse er en teori om, hvordan verden kan forstås som opstået af en fundamental bevidsthed, og hvordan vores bevidsthed (sjæl) er en facet af denne. Bogen beskæftiger sig bl.a. med emner som:Spørgsmålet om fri viljeDe psykiske kræfterVerden som en virtuel virkelighedSjælen som en celle i den fundamentale bevidsthed.

  • af Lucius Annaeus Seneca
    277,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Lao Tzu
    294,95 kr.

  • af Elisee Reclus
    217,95 kr.

    Élisée Reclus’ Et vandløbs historie udkom første gang i 1869. Det er en underlig bog. Halvt poetisk besyngelse af vandløb og natur. Halvt anarko-socialistisk manifest. Grundlæggende be­står bogens projekt i at beskrive et vandløb fra kilde til hav. Men det er ikke udelukkende en geolog, som taler. Sproget er ikke udelukkende videnskabeligt, selvom ordforrådet er præcist og varieret. Natur­en beskrives ikke bare nøgternt og registrerende. Videnskabsmanden har fået selskab af digteren og socialisten. Digteren fortaber sig i naturen og beskriver den indgående ned til mindste detalje. Ikke som et korrektiv til geograf­en, men som en udvidelse af det videnskabelige blik. Den skal også beskrives sanseligt, som den optræder for det åbne, modtagelige og påvirkelige menneske.I titlen Et vandløbs historie er det tydeligt, at bogen ikke kun er interesseret i en direkte og naturvidenskabelig udlægning af surhedsgrad og vandstand. Vandløbet har en historie, og det indskriver sig dermed også i menneskets evolution og har relevans for den måde, vi indretter vores samfund på. Vi flakser således med Reclus rundt i historien fra stenalderens hulemænd over den romerske hærfører Scipios badeture og videre op til forfatterens samtid, hvor vandløbet indgår i den topmoderne industriali­sering. Flere steder bevæger vi os endda ud over samtiden og ender i en socialistisk utopi, hvor arbejderne forenes, og menneskeheden samles i et magtfrit fællesskab.Bogen er i høj grad relevant i dag, fordi den tilbyder os et frisk og bejaende blik på natur­en som noget, der ikke ligger uden for os selv. Naturen hos Reclus er ikke den store Anden, som man enten kan passe på eller ødelægge. Den er ikke udelukkende et objekt, men optræder i menneskets historie og kultur som en drivende kraft. Vandløbet er som resten af naturen evigt forbundet med mennesket på godt og ondt, og det løber som en understrøm i bogen, at det er essentielt for mennesket at vedligeholde denne forbindelse.På den led flyder Reclus’ poetiske projekt sammen med hans politiske over­bevisning. Den geografisk præcise og poetisk sanselige indoptagelse af naturen bliver en modstandskamp for digteren. Naturen er både et middel til at genoplade batterierne og samle kræfter til den store kamp for frihed og retfærdighed, men den har også en iboende værdi for os som del af vores fælles historie og udvikling.

  • af James Hibbard
    274,95 kr.

    "A meditative love letter to the sport of cycling which explores how the cultivation of a tangible skill can shed new light on age-old questions of selfhood, meaning, and purpose"--

  • - 82 Brief Essays on Things That Matter
    af Peter Singer
    152,95 - 914,95 kr.

    Peter Singer is often described as the world's most influential philosopher. He is also one of its most controversial. The author of important books such as Animal Liberation, Practical Ethics, Rethinking Life and Death, and The Life You Can Save, he helped launch the animal rights and effective altruism movements and contributed to the development of bioethics. Now, in Ethics in the Real World, Singer shows that he is also a master at dissecting important current events in a few hundred words.In this book of brief essays, he applies his controversial ways of thinking to issues like climate change, extreme poverty, animals, abortion, euthanasia, human genetic selection, sports doping, the sale of kidneys, the ethics of high-priced art, and ways of increasing happiness. Singer asks whether chimpanzees are people, smoking should be outlawed, or consensual sex between adult siblings should be decriminalized, and he reiterates his case against the idea that all human life is sacred, applying his arguments to some recent cases in the news. In addition, he explores, in an easily accessible form, some of the deepest philosophical questions, such as whether anything really matters and what is the value of the pale blue dot that is our planet. The collection also includes some more personal reflections, like Singers thoughts on one of his favorite activities, surfing, and an unusual suggestion for starting a family conversation over a holiday feast.Provocative and original, these essays will challengeand possibly changeyour beliefs about a wide range of real-world ethical questions.

  • af Miroslav Volf, Ryan McAnnally-Linz & Matthew Croasmun
    165,95 kr.

  • af Hannah Arendt
    102,95 kr.

    From Hannah Arendt, the author of The Origins of Totalitarianism, her influential essay examining the relationship between violence, power, war and politics'Violence can destroy power; it is utterly incapable of creating it'Why has violence played such a significant role in human history? Written in 1970, with the Holocaust and Hiroshima still fresh in recent memory, war in Vietnam raging and the streets of Europe and America exploding into student protest, Hannah Arendt's seminal work dissects violence in the twentieth century: its nature and causes, its relationship with politics and war, its role in the modern age. Arendt warns against the glamorization of violence by revolutionary causes, and argues that true, lasting power can never grow 'out of the barrel of a gun'.'Incisive, deeply probing, written with clarity and grace, it provides an ideal framework for understanding the turbulence of our times' The NationWith an introduction by Arendt expert, Lyndsey Stonebridge, Professor of Humanities and Human Rights at the University of Birmingham.

  • af Niklas Rådström
    237,95 kr.

    ”Jeg blev uventet opmuntret af Rådströms refleksioner. Han har en sans for ideer og ironi, der holder det hele på sporet” – Dagens NyheterN.B:Denne lille bog kan læses både af de, der ikke helt kan se pointen med fodbold, og de der ikke forstår førstnævnte gruppe.En lille bog om fodbold er på én gang en lidenskabelig kærlighedserklæring til fodbold og et glødende forsvar for demokratiet. Fodboldspillet betragtes som et eksperimenterende rum, der gang på gang tester, hvordan et velfungerende samfund kan skabes.Demokrati og åbne samfund er drevet af den samme dynamik som fodbold; paratheden til at revurdere holdninger og strategier i lyset af en verden i konstant forandring. Mange af bogens tanker er opstået på Söderstadions ståpladser – hvorfra de relaterer sig til foldboldens natur på globalt plan.Niklas Rådström (f. 1953 i Stockholm) er forfatter til en lang række udgivelser indenfor lyrik, prosa, skuespil, essay m.m.; I 2019 modtog han den prestigefulde Övralidspriset for ”sin evne til at rejse i alle litteraturens retninger” og i 2021 modtog Selma Lagerlöfs litteraturpris "for et fantastisk forfatterskab, en hyldest til fantasiens evne til at genoplade vores gejst og få os til at leve videre".

  • af Robert T. Tally Jr.
    182,95 kr.

  • af The School of Life
    232,95 kr.

    "In a world that isn't short of darkness, there could be few more urgent priorities than to spend time rehearsing for ourselves why life - despite all its challenges - still has so much to offer us; why there are still so many reasons to be hopeful. The book is an eclectic collection of anecdotes and arguments, vibrantly illustrated with artworks and photography, that remind us why we should remain hopeful when all else fails. Across a series of short essays, we learn why we still have the right to feel purposeful and buoyant despite everything that is challenging: because there is still so much more to discover, because we can delight in summer days and the light of dawn, and because we don't require perfection for things to feel good enough. In a tone that avoids the pitfalls of sentimentality and cynicism, the book urges us to reconnect with our more resilient selves, bidding us to recover faith in what is still possible. At points funny and always encouraging and kind, here is an ideal friend to guide us back to courage and delight"--Publisher's description.

  • af Shoji Morimoto
    125,95 - 147,95 kr.

  • af Thich Nhat Hanh
    82,95 kr.

    'The monk who taught the world mindfulness' TimeOne breath, one step is all we need to feel at home and comfortable in the here and nowIn this enlightening series, world-renowned spiritual leader Thich Nhat Hanh shares the foundations of mindfulness practice and meditation.By applying considered breath and meditation, How to Smile acts as a guide to show us how to transform hurt into healing, while also allowing us to explore the strong emotions of anger, sadness, regret and fear.This is the essential guide to help you heal.

  • af Ludwig Wittgenstein
    122,95 kr.

    Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus is one of the most influential philosophical texts of the twentieth century. Michael Beaney's new translation and detailed notes take into account the developments in scholarly understanding of the text.

  • af Poul Duedahl
    47,95 - 58,94 kr.

    Historien er ikke slut. Ja, faktisk er den kun lige begyndt. For selv om fortiden for længst er passé, forandrer historien sig hele tiden. Vi genfortæller den nemlig hver dag, minder Poul Duedahl, fremsynet historiker ved Aalborg Universitet, os om. Lærere, politikere og forældre fortolker, fortier og forherliger, hvad der er sket, og hvad det betyder. Med faldefærdige ruiner, gulnede dokumenter og rustne sværd udstikker vi behændigt, hvor vi hører til, og hvem vi er – og sågar hvad fremtiden bringer. Resten ryger i glemmebogen. Og den kan være epokegørende at åbne.

  • af Bo Holm Jacobsen
    47,95 - 58,94 kr.

    Alt, der glimter, er ikke guld, men kan alligevel være meget værd. For klodens klippelag huser litium, uran og andre skatte, vi hastigt stamper op til både bilbatterier og vindmøller, men som tager milliarder af år at lægge grunden til, fortæller Bo Holm Jacobsen, flercellet geolog ved Aarhus Universitet. Han afdækker planetens gigantiske historie om kontinenters dans og vulkaners ild, grundstoffers skær og dyrearters død. Hvis vi mennesker lægger øret til Jorden og stopper med at udpine den, kan vi få 100 millioner år mere. Selv om også vi en dag som dinosaurerne forsvinder fra dens overflade.

  • af Jens Seeberg
    43,95 - 58,94 kr.

    Det smitter, siger vi om både latter og forkølelse. Det er nemlig ikke kun vira, der går viralt, men også vores adfærd. Når vi vil bekæmpe corona og inddæmme aids, kræver det to meters afstand og sikker sex. Jens Seeberg, gennemtestet sundhedsantropolog ved Aarhus Universitet, opsporer smittens historie og vaccinerer os mod forenklede sygdomsbilleder. For epidemier er mere end bakterier, der gør os syge. De er pestramte købmænd i middelalderens klosterisolation, og de er tuberkuløse turister på jordomrejse i dag: Epidemier er altid både biologiske og sociale. Præcis ligesom os.

  • af Sofie Marie Koksbang
    43,95 - 58,94 kr.

    Ved jorden at blive, det tjener os bedst, siger de rodfaste. Men faktisk har vi ikke noget valg. For tyngdekraften forhindrer kaffekopper, tennisbolde og børnebørn i at svæve ud i tomrummet mellem stjerner og planeter. Den bøjer lyset, baner vejen for månen og holder på atmosfæren, så vi kan trække vejret. Ifølge Sofie Marie Koksbang, jordbunden astrofysiker på Syddansk Universitet, former den sågar galakserne og fortæller insekter, hvor store de kan blive. Alligevel er den tiltrækkende naturkraft en af videnskabens uløste gåder. Og det hele starter med et æble, der falder.

  • af Karen Armstrong
    105,95 kr.

    'A rich and subtle exploration of the sacredness of nature, filled with a timeless wisdom and deep humanity' Guardian In this hugely powerful book, Karen Armstrong argues that it isn't enough to change our behaviour to avert environmental catastrophe - we must rekindle our spiritual bond with the natural world. From gratitude and compassion to sacrifice and non-violence, Armstrong draws themes from the world's religious traditions to offer practical steps to reconnect you with nature.Speaking to anyone interested in our relationship with nature, worried about environmental destruction, or searching for new actions to save our planet, Sacred Nature will uncover the most profound connections between humans and the natural world.'A lamentation in the key of Greta Thunberg, with undertones of Carl Jung' Wall Street Journal'Warm and witty... a challenge to think differently in the face of climate change' Tablet'Karen Armstrong is one of the handful of wise and supremely commentators on religion' Alain de Botton

  • af Hector Garcia
    147,95 kr.

    Ikigai, a captivating book written by Francesc Miralles, is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life and its purpose. Published by Random House UK Ltd in 2023, this book delves into the Japanese concept of 'Ikigai' – a reason for being, or the thing that gets you up in the morning. Miralles beautifully illustrates this concept through engaging narratives and thought-provoking insights, making it a compelling read for those interested in self-improvement and personal growth. This book, falling under the self-help genre, offers a unique blend of philosophy, psychology, and personal anecdotes, providing readers with practical tools and strategies to find their own 'Ikigai'. So, if you're looking for a book that can transform your perspective on life and inspire you to live more fully and purposefully, Ikigai by Francesc Miralles is the perfect choice.

  • af Robert E. Rubin
    264,95 kr.

    "In The Yellow Pad, former United States Secretary of the Treasury and co-chairman of Goldman Sachs Robert Rubin sets out a number of methods and processes that have guided him through moments of crisis. He offers both qualitative and quantitative ways of sifting through difficult economic and social problems, the sum of which is an original intellectual framework that can be applied to both the most global universal problems and the daily dilemmas individuals face. Rubin speaks across generations and the political divide, engaging with the most contested and emotional issues of our times, and seeking to propose realistic policy solutions to move society forward without leaving anyone behind"--

  • af Jonathan Leighton
    293,95 kr.

    A key paradigm in The Tango of Ethics is the conflict and interplay between two fundamentally different ways of seeing and being in the world -- that of the intuitive human being who wants to lead a meaningful life and thrive, and that of the detached, rational agent who wants to prevent unbearable suffering from occurring.

  • af Eihei Dogen
    427,95 kr.

  • af Eihei Dogen
    497,95 kr.

  • af Marcus Aurelius
    195,95 kr.

    Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature. Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, golden edges, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.

  • af Aristotle
    152,95 kr.

    "A selection of key passage from Aristotle's seminal work the Nicomachean Ethics, which sets out what it means to flourish and live life well"--

  • af Neil deGrasse Tyson
    112,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Benjamin Hoff
    165,95 kr.

    "What's this you're writing?... asked Pooh, climbing onto the writing table."The Tao of Pooh,... I replied."The how of Pooh?... asked Pooh, smudging one of the words I had just written."The Tao of Pooh,... I replied, poking his paw away with my pencil."It seems more like ow! of Pooh,... said Pooh, rubbing his paw.

  • af Emanuele Coccia
    107,95 kr.

    A bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom - are these rooms all that make a home? Not at all, argues Emanuele Coccia. The buildings we inhabit are of immense psychological and cultural significance. They play a decisive role in human flourishing and, for hundreds of years, their walls and walkways, windows and doorways have guided our relationships with others and with ourselves. They reflect and reinforce social inequalities; they allow us to celebrate and cherish those we love. They are the places of return that allow us to venture out into the world.In this intimate, elegantly argued account, Coccia shows how the architecture of home has shaped, and continues to shape, our psyches and our societies, before then masterfully leading us towards a more creative, ecological way of dwelling in the world.

  • af Boethius
    378,95 kr.

    The Consolation of Philosophy was written during Boethius' one-year imprisonment. He examines how evil can exist in a world governed by God and how happiness is still attainable amidst fickle fortune, and considers the nature of happiness.

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