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Østasiatisk og indisk filosofi

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  • af Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
    187,95 kr.

    Z przyjemno¿ci¿ oddajemy w r¿ce czytelników t¿ d¿ugo wyczekiwan¿ ksi¿¿k¿ autorstwa jednej z pierwszych kobiet z Zachodu, które odkry¿y Amm¿, opowiadaj¿c¿ o jej duchowych do¿wiadczeniach u boku tej O¿wieconej Duszy. Jest to intymny portret, zarówno humorystyczny, jak i g¿¿boki, malowany oczami kobiety, która s¿u¿y Ammie od pierwszych dni aszramu po chwil¿ obecn¿. Czytelnik uzyskuje tu wgl¿d w niezwykle klarowne s¿owa Ammy oraz Jej inspiruj¿ce zachowania w niespodziewanych okoliczno¿ciach. ¿ycie uczennicy ulega stopniowej transformacji dzi¿ki promiennej mi¿o¿ci Ammy. Mi¿o¿¿ zawarta w m¿drych wskazówkach oraz wspó¿czucie przejawiaj¿ce si¿ w codziennych dziäaniach Ammy z pewno¿ci¿ pozostawi¿ po sobie trwäy ¿lad tak¿e w ¿wiadomo¿ci czytelnika. Mata Amritanandamayi - zwana przez miliony ludzi na cäym ¿wiecie Amm¿ lub Matk¿ - jest znan¿ indyjsk¿ ¿wi¿t¿, której dziäania charytatywne o globalnym zasi¿gu przynios¿y Jej mi¿dzynarodowe uznanie. Najbardziej zas¿yn¿¿a jednak ze swej g¿¿bokiej duchowej szczodro¿ci, udzielaj¿c tysi¿com ludzi na cäym ¿wiecie b¿ogos¿awie¿stw w formie matczynego u¿cisku. Swamini Krishnamrita Prana przyby¿a do Indii z Australii, maj¿c niewiele ponad dwadzie¿cia lat. Powodem podró¿y by¿y duchowe poszukiwania, które wkrótce zawiod¿y j¿ w otwarte ramiona jej Matki. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • af Lao Tzu
    107,95 kr.

    The Tao Te Ching, a more than two-thousand-year-old collection of eighty-one poems, offers timeless insight into how to live in harmony with oneself and the world. The central concept of the Tao Te Ching, wu wei (¿¿¿L¿¿¿¿), literally meaning "inexertion," "inaction," or "effortless action," is presented as the means of achieving ziran (¿&[¿¿M), a state of "as-it-isness." The Tao Te Ching is one of the most treasured and widely translated works of all time, and one that has influenced art and literature the world over. This edition presents the time-honored translation by James Legge with his original notes to each chapter of the Tao Te Ching. Also included is the essay on early Chinese philosophy by renowned scholar and teacher Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki and a biographical note.

  • af Lucas Den Boer
    1.780,95 kr.

    This book is an analysis of the philosophical chapters of the Tattv¿rth¿dhigama (TA), a foundational text for the Jaina tradition and the first text that presented the Jaina worldview in a clear and systematic way. The book also includes the first English translation of its oldest commentary, the Tattv¿rth¿dhigamabh¿¿ya (TABh).Focusing on the philosophical sections of the TA and TABh, which deviate from the traditional views and introduce several new concepts for the Jaina tradition, the analysis suggests that the TA and the TABh were written by different authors, and that both texts contain several historical layers. The texts reflect aspects of the concurrent intellectual movements, and the textual analysis includes comparisons with the views of other schools, such as the Ny¿ya and Vai¿e¿ika traditions, and offers an in-depth analysis of the philosophical content of these works. The appendix contains an English translation from the original Sanskrit text of the TA and provides the first English translation of the commentary on these passages from the TABh.Situating the text in the wider history of Indian philosophy, the book offers a better understanding of the role of the Jainas in the history of Indian thought. It will be of interest to those studying Indian philosophy, Indian thought and Asian religions.

  • af Venkata Mohan
    162,95 kr.

    What constitutes spiritual enlightenment, also called moksha or nirvana? Is there something amiss in the way enlightenment has been construed down the ages? Are the ego and the desires of the mind as bad as they are made out to be in the spiritual traditions? What does modern science say about mind, self and consciousness? Can robots ever be conscious? Is there any scientific evidence for soul, karma and rebirth? Is there indeed something like universal consciousness? What is meditation?This book makes you reflect on such profound issues of life in a new light, while bringing out the limitations of Indian spiritual traditions as well as of modern science.

  • af M. Hiriyanna
    179,95 kr.

    Indian thought developed practically unaffected by outside influence; and the text as well as the importance of its achievements will be evident when we mention that it has evolved several systems of philosophy, besides creating a great national religion Brahminism, and a great world religion Buddhism.

  • af Xu Cangzhou
    287,95 kr.

    The Silk Road provides a depth of wisdom in bridging gaps between the major religions and philosophies of both Eastern and Western cultures.

  • af Ashwini Kumar Aggarwal
    162,95 kr.

    Many times we wonder, is there something definite that will give us succour? Scriptures are many, so are the practices. Isn't there a simple technique that will really enhance the CHI in Life?We quite understand it is the MIND that is the primary agent that rules our lives. Apart from taking care of our Responsibilities, doing our Exercises and Eating properly, what next?Aphorism 2.27 from the Sadhana Pada, Patanjali Yoga Sutras¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿.¿¿ ¿tasya saptadh¿ pr¿ntabh¿mi¿ prajñ¿ ¿ 2.27 ¿PATANJALI was a visionary who solved all such dilemmas in terse verses. In fact the most potent verses with an extraordinary healing quality are just 7 in number.Meditate on them, Ruminate on them, Recall them to see how the mind MAGICALLY resets and becomes a TRUE FRIEND.

  • af Br. Madhavamrita Chaitanya
    182,95 kr.

    Amma est une merveille ; tout en elle est merveilleux. Telle est l'expérience des innombrables personnes qui l'ont rencontrée. Quel est le secret de son charisme ? C'est le fait qu'elle soit établie dans la conscience du Divin et sa capacité d'établir instantanément une relation maternelle avec ses enfants (dévots). Ce livre est le premier tome d'une compilation de témoignages donnés par les disciples monastiques d'Amma, la plupart d'entre eux ayant vécu avec elle pendant au moins deux décennies. Ces témoignages nous offrent de précieux moments avec Amma et nous révèlent des perles inestimables de compréhension spirituelle qu'ils ont glanées grâce leurs interactions avec Amma. Chaque dévot a son histoire personnelle. Les histoires racontées dans ce livre nous sont transmises par quelques-uns de ceux qui, inspirés par Amma, ont renoncé à la vie dans le monde pour se consacrer à une vie de pratiques spirituelles et de service désintéressé. Ce livre constitue aussi une sorte d'annales de la vie à Amritapuri, le c¿ur de la mission d'Amma et le centre à partir duquel son influence spirituelle rayonne sur le reste du monde. Sa lecture permet de mieux apprécier la mission d'Amma : élever la conscience de l'humanité en rétablissant les valeurs éternelles que sont l'amour et le service d'autrui. Une mission qui fera date dans l'histoire de l'humanité. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • af Amma
    142,95 kr.

    When We Become Aware Of The Momentous Acts Of Service That Nature And All Her Creatures Constantly Render Us, We Will Spontaneously Feel Love, Admiration And Reverence For All Lifeforms. Then, Each One Of Our Actions Will Become An Expression Of The Fullness Of Our Gratitude Towards Nature.- Amma Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • af Swami Jnanamritananda Puri
    182,95 kr.

    Le seul but de Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Dévi est d'élever les consciences. La sagesse d'un être réalisé comme elle possède une signification à la fois immédiate et éternelle. Tout en élucidant des notions et des valeurs qui sont éternelles, elle reste parfaitement accordée aux besoins de notre époque, et ses paroles répondent aux aspirations profondes des gens. Aujourd'hui, dans le monde entier, l'amour extraordinaire et les paroles inspirantes de Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Dévi transforment la vie de millions de personnes, issues de toutes les couches sociales. Ce livre est un recueil précieux de conversations entre Amma et ses disciples, ses dévots, des visiteurs, entre juin 1985 et septembre 1986. Ses paroles simples mais profondes répondent d'une manière unique aux questions éternelles sur le sens de la vie et les moyens de trouver le vrai bonheur. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • af Br. Madhavamrita Chaitanya
    182,95 kr.

    Amma suscita meraviglia e tutto in lei è meraviglioso. Questa è l'esperienza delle innumerevoli persone che l'hanno incontrata. Qual è il segreto del suo carisma? Il suo dimorare nel Divino e la sua capacità di stabilire immediatamente un rapporto materno con i suoi figli. Questo è il primo volume della raccolta di discorsi tenuti dai figli monastici di Amma, la maggior parte dei quali vive con lei da almeno due decenni. Narrano momenti preziosi con Amma e rivelano perle inestimabili di comprensione spirituale scaturite dall'interagire con lei. Ogni devoto ha un suo vissuto con Amma da raccontare. I discorsi contenuti in questo libro sono le storie di alcuni di coloro che, ispirati da Amma, hanno rinunciato alla vita mondana per dedicarsi a una vita imperniata sulla pratica spirituale e sul servizio disinteressato. Questa è anche una raccolta di testimonianze della vita ad Amritapuri, il nucleo della missione di Amma e il centro da cui la sua influenza spirituale si irradia nel mondo. Leggerlo ci aiuta a cogliere meglio il valore della missione epocale di Amma: elevare l'umanità ripristinando i valori senza tempo dell'amore e del servizio agli altri. Published By The Disciples Of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Affectionately Known As Mother, Or Amma The Hugging Saint.

  • af James Norbury
    287,95 kr.

    From the author and illustrator of the international bestseller Big Panda and Tiny Dragon comes a beautifully illustrated exploration of life and Zen, an adult fable of an old cat's journey to find infinite wisdom and the lessons he shares with others along the way.

  • af Thorsten Botz-Bornstein
    1.032,95 kr.

    Argues that Daoism and dandyism, linked by likeminded philosophies of "carefree wandering," deconstruct the puritanism and political correctness sought by Confucianism, Victorianism, and contemporary neoliberal culture.

  • af Stephen Harris, Leah Kalmanson & Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach
    210,95 - 996,95 kr.

  • af &3006 & &&&& 2984
    126,95 kr.

    அறிவார்ந்த வாழ்வின் சாரம் 21 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டிலிருந்து மகிழ்ச்சியான மற்றும் அமைதியான வாழ்க்கையை வாழ்வதற்கான தார்மீக வழிகாட்டுதல்களைக் கொண்ட தொழில்நுட்ப உலகத்திற்கான நவீன தத்துவ புத்தகம்.

  • af Eric S. Nelson
    1.272,95 kr.

    In this innovative contribution, Eric S. Nelson offers a contextualized and systematic exploration of the Chinese sources and German language interpretations that shaped Heidegger's engagement with Daoism and his thinking of the thing, nothingness, and the freedom of releasement (Gelassenheit). Encompassing forgotten and recently published historical sources, including Heidegger's Daoist and Buddhist-related reflections in his lectures and notebooks, Nelson presents a critical intercultural reinterpretation of Heidegger's philosophical journey. Nelson analyzes the intersections and differences between the Daodejing, the Zhuangzi, and Heidegger's philosophy and the linguistic and conceptual shifts in Heidegger's thinking that correlate with his encounters and interactions with Daoist, Buddhist, and East Asian texts and interlocutors. He thereby traces hints for encountering things and environments anew, models for intercultural hermeneutics, and ways of reimagining the thing, nothingness, and freedom with and beyond Heidegger's thought. This work elucidates the thing, the mystery, and freedom in Heidegger and Daoism in Part I and Heidegger's thinking of nothingness, emptiness, and the clearing in relation to Daoist and Buddhist philosophy in Part II. In each part, Nelson unfolds a fresh perspective for thinking further with Heidegger and East Asian philosophies in relation to the contemporary existential and environmental situation for the sake of nourishing life amidst damaged life.

  • af Gwendolyn Taunton
    177,95 kr.

    Everything has a point of origin, and the formation of civilization is no exception. For Western culture, the vestigial epoch of cultural birth in Greece contains the best archaeological heritage of societal development, meticulously preserved by scholars. Equally unprecedented is the spectacular rise of Chanakya/Kautilya and the Mauryan Empire in India, which is one of antiquity's most astonishing political systems and continues to exert an enormous influence worldwide. Both ancient Greek and Indian civilizations have left an enduring legacy through Socrates, Plato, and Chanakya/Kautilya. In the West, Plato (and, by default, Socrates) is regarded as the most influential philosopher in history, so much so that many philosophical concepts are mere 'footnotes to Plato.' No less extensive is the influence of Chanakya, whose ideas are still studied today. In the West, Chanakya is often referred to as the 'Indian Machiavelli' due to his political treatise, the Arthashastra. Accordingly, the book is split into two sections - one of which chronicles the rise and fall of Greek aristocracy and the philosophical concepts this relates to; the principles of areté, timé, and hybris. The second section outlines the concept of sacred kingship in India, which arises from Vedic tradition and is continued by Chanakya, who revitalizes and innovates upon older ideas. Both Socrates and Chanakya have a legendary quality, which at times, borders on being mythological more than mortal, such is the extent of their influence. However, they are also much more complex than a casual glance would imply, exhibiting an extraordinary depth of character and spiritual qualities, which this book will explain.

  • af Siddhartha Gautama
    147,95 kr.

    "Coloro che confondono l'essenziale con il superfluo, che si nutrono d'immaginazione, mai perverranno all'essenza. Coloro invece che riconoscono l'essenziale e il superfluo come tali, ritrovano la vera natura e giungono all'essenza. Un uomo giusto è colui che discrimina tra ciò che è reale e ciò che non lo è. Impermanenti sono tutte le cose di questo mondo, il saggio che ha compreso questa verità si libera dalla sofferenza. Questa è la Via verso la purificazione."(Buddha)

  • af Tobey Truestory
    117,95 kr.

    A bridge to cross. A belief to test. A reluctant invitation. A mounting uneasiness. A curious ninja. A searching ronin. A stubborn samurai. Who is right?

  • af Daniel Goleman & Tsoknyi Rinpoche
    182,95 kr.

  • af Stacy Amewoyi
    804,95 kr.

    Divine decoder is exactly what the name implies, this novel is a collection of breakdowns. My goal is to help you the reader decode the metaphors and spiritual implications hidden in the book of life which is the modern day bible. This novel isn't just written to target the Christian audience but also to all who are curious enough to seek divine knowledge over common knowledge. Everything to do with God is deep and revelation is required to digest the deep things of God . That is exactly what this book has set out to do, to iron the rough ends within the faith of Christianity. God has revealed these glories to us, because there is no other way in which we could acquire a knowledge of them but by revelation. So as you read this, keep an open mind and take it bit by bit so you can digest this set of information properly without overwhelming yourself. Shalom Stacy Amewoyi is a Ghanaian-born entrepreneur, author and a philanthropist. She is based the United States of America. She grew up as an orphan, but through her perseverance and deep faith in God, she established herself as a change agent in her community.

  • af William S Waldron
    245,95 kr.

    "The Yogåacåara, or Yoga Practice, school is one of the two schools of Mahåayåana Buddhism that developed in the early centuries of the common era. Though it arose in India, Mahåayåana Buddhism now flourishes in China, Tibet, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. While the other major Mahåayåana tradition, the Madhyamaka (Middle Way), focuses on the concept of emptiness-that all phenomena lack an intrinsic essence-the Yogåacåara school focuses on the cognitive processes whereby we impute such essences. Through everyday examples and analogues in cognitive science, author William Waldron makes Yogåacåara's core teachings-on the three turnings of the Dharma wheel, the three natures, the storehouse consciousness, and mere perception-accessible to a broad audience. In contrast to the common characterization of Yogåacåara as philosophical idealism, Waldron presents Yogåacåara Buddhism on its own terms, as a coherent system of ideas and practices, with dependent arising its guiding principle. The first half of Making Sense of Mind Only explores the historical context for Yogåacåara's development. Waldron examines early Buddhist texts that show how our affective and cognitive processes shape the way objects and worlds appear to us, and how we erroneously grasp onto them as essentially real-perpetuating the habits that bind us to saòmsåara. He then analyzes the early Madhyamaka critique of essences. This context sets the stage for the book's second half, an examination of how Yogåacåara texts such as the Saòmdhinirmocana Såutra and Asaçnga's Stages of Yogic Practice (Yogåacåarabhåumi) build upon these earlier ideas by arguing that our constructive processes also occur unconsciously. Not only do we collectively, yet mostly unknowingly, construct shared realities or cultures, our shared worlds are also mediated through the storehouse consciousness (åalayavijänåana) functioning as a cultural unconscious. Vasubandhu's Twenty Verses argues that we can learn to recognize such objects and worlds as "mere perceptions" (vijänåaptimåatra) and thereby abandon our enchantment with the products of our own cognitive processes. Finally Maitreya's Distinguishing Phenomena from Their Ultimate Nature (Dharmadharmatåavibhåaga) elegantly lays out the Mahåayåana path to this transformation. In Waldron's hands, Yogåacåara is no mere view but a practical system of transformation. His presentation of its key texts and ideas illuminates how religion can remain urgent and vital in our scientific and pluralistic age"--

  • af Jan Jakob Maria de Groot
    482,95 kr.

    Der hoch angesehene niederländische Sinologe Jan de Groot (1854 - 1921) prägte den Begriff des "Chinesischen Universismus", um damit den seiner Meinung nach einheitlichen Charakter der drei Lehren des Buddhismus, Konfuzianismus und Daoismus in China zu kennzeichnen. Das hier vorliegende Werk "bezweckt, die Grundlage von Chinas Reli­gion und Ethik, von seinem Staatswesen und seinen Wissenschaften zu bestimmen und zu erklären." (Vorwort) Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1918.

  • af Leo Jenkins
    182,95 kr.

    The third collection from acclaimed poet Leo Jenkins, A Word Like God, is a cosmic exploration of belief, where beliefs come from, what we do with them, and why - the night sky, viewed through technicolored eyes. A Word Like God takes the reader on a journey from humble origin, past the veil, and into the great beyond.

  • af Steven Heine, Albert Welter & Jin Y. Park
    445,95 - 1.075,95 kr.

  • af Miyamoto Musashi
    157,95 kr.

    'When you attain the Way of strategy, there will not be one thing you cannot see.' -Miyamoto Musashi This deluxe silkbound edition presents The Book of Five Rings, a classic Japanese text written by undefeated swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. In it, he records his "true principles" which guarantee victory in martial arts and on the battlefield. Instead of relying on religion or theory, Musashi based his writings on his own experience, observation, and reason. The scrolls, published as The Book of Five Rings, have recently gained an international reputation in the business world as a means of resolving differences and achieving success. But their delineation of the psychological strength, rigorous self-control, and practical application necessary for dealing with physical and mental conflict also has a wider relevance and can be usefully applied to all our lives. Featuring beautiful full-color illustrations that complement the text, this luxurious hardback makes a perfect gift. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Silkbound Classics series brings together deluxe gift editions of literary classics, presented with luxurious silk binding, striking embossed cover designs and full-color illustrations.

  • af Roy Anthony Shabla
    222,95 kr.

    This newly updated collection of traditional Zen Buddhist koans is lovingly retold for the modern student of Buddhism. The language and cultural details of the koans are simplified for the Western reader without diluting the cultural flavor or significance. A true revelation, be the first on your block to be enlightened!Koans are Zen Buddhist teaching tools -riddles, anecdotes, dialogues, and such- used by the master to liberate the logical mind of the student. The linguistic nature of koans lends itself to poetic language and, thus, these koans are offered and expanded in poetry rather than prose.Even if you are familiar with the practice of Zen koans, this book will enhance your understanding of the koans themselves, further opening that important aspect of Buddhist monastic culture to you.A penetrating and simply powerful read for both student and master, open table is a glistening landscape for the journey of the mind and soul.

  • af Swami Vivekananda
    112,95 - 237,95 kr.

  • af On-cho Ng
    1.588,95 kr.

    This book brings together an impressive group of scholars to critically engage with a wide-ranging and broad perspective on the historical and contemporary phenomenon of Zen. The structure of the work is organized to reflect the root and branches of Zen, with the root referring to important episodes in Chan/Zen history within the Asian context, and the branches referring to more recent development in the West. In collating what has transpired in the last several decades of Chan/Zen scholarship, the collection recognizes and honors the scholarly accomplishments and influences of Steven Heine, arguably the most important Zen scholar in the past three decades. As it looks back at the intellectual horizons that this towering figure in Zen/Chan studies has pioneered and developed, it seeks to build on the grounds that were broken and subsequently established by Heine, thereby engendering new works within this enormously important religio-cultural scholarly tradition. This curated Festschrift is a tribute, both retrospective and prospective, acknowledging the foundational work that Heine has forged, and generates research that is both complementary and highly original. This academic ritual of assembling a liber amicorum is based on the presumption that sterling scholarship should be honored by conscientious scholarship. In the festive spirit of a Festschrift, this anthology consists of the resounding voices of Heine and his colleagues. It is an indispensable collection for students and scholars interested in Japanese religion and Chinese culture, and for those researching Zen Buddhist history and philosophy.

  • af Sun Tzu
    92,95 kr.

    ''If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.'' - Consulted by tacticians on and off the battlefield for 2,500 years, this succinct text details all the elements of combat, strategy, and competition.- Off the battlefield, people continue to turn to Sun Tzu for instruction on how to thrive in competitive fields like business, law, and sports.- Our elegant gift edition features archival-quality paper and printing.- Compact volume is designed for both portability and longevity.- A classic for the home or office library.- Hardcover gift edition with dust jacket.- Book measures 4-1/2'' wide x 7-1/2'' high.- 112 pages. Sun Tzu (544-496 BCE) was a Chinese general, philosopher, and military strategist. He is historically credited with a successful military career that informed the principles he would later illustrate in The Art of War. His strategic proposals have endured, leaving a lasting impact to this day on politics and public life.

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