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Humanistisk filosofi

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  • af L. H. Kuhrau
    172,95 kr.

    In the second book of the "One last..." series, Lusie will try to figure out what love really means¿and if it even is conected to erotica. Deen wants her, but will he accept sharing the girl of his dreams? Will the coming holidays bring them closer or separate them forever, as the choice is: being together forever or alone, their story forever unknown? What they shouldn't forget is the pharmacists; may they be able to hurt them across the borders too?

  • af N. N.
    214,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • - Et brev om livet
    af Thomas Telving
    132,95 kr.

    Kære Mille – Et brev om livet er en sjov, kærlig og letlæselig filosofibog fuld af inspirerende tanker om livet og dets mange veje og vildveje. Den er skrevet af Thomas Telving, og er en fars overvejelser om hvordan han får sin teenagedatter til at gå til livet med appetit og glæde fremfor med bekymring og ængstelse.Hvordan får jeg min teenagedatter til at gå til livet med appetit og glæde fremfor med bekymring og ængstelse? Hvordan får jeg hende til at tænke over, hvordan man skaber et liv med mening? Kan jeg gøre noget for at undgå, at hun havner i nogle af de alvorlige livskriser, der rammer mange unge i dag?De spørgsmål stillede den danske filosof og forfatter, Thomas Telving, sig selv, da hans datter fyldte 15. Svaret blev at skrive Kære Mille. En sjov, kærlig og optimistisk bog om etik og filosofi. Skrevet til ét menneske, men relevant for alle, der ønsker sig et godt, frit og meningsfyldt liv.

  • af Greg Epstein
    236,95 kr.

    "Today's tech has overtaken religion as the chief shaper of 21st-century human lives and communities. In this book, Greg M. Epstein, the influential humanist chaplain at Harvard and MIT, explores what it means to be a critical thinker about this new faith, taking readers on a journey towards reasserting our common humanity"--

  • af Michigan State School of Journalism
    197,95 kr.

    Sometimes generally referred to as "the nones," agnostics, atheists, humanists, freethinkers, secularists and skeptics compose one of the fastest growing faith categories in the United States. Because they are treated as "nones," some people face discrimination as nonbelievers, despite their varied and strong beliefs, values and morals. This basic guide, "100 Questions and Answers About the Religiously Unaffiliated," describes the differences, explains why discrimination and laws force some to hide their beliefs and why they would like to shed the label of "nones." Religious freedom and the First Amendment's establishment clause come up frequently.The key issue for many is whether the First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom also guarantees the right to be free from religion.Legal issues include school prayer, the obligation to support tax-exempt religious properties and requirements that people profess belief in God to be allowed to vote or hold office.Life magazine called Madalyn Murray O'Hair, whose lawsuit ended mandatory prayer in public schools, "the most hated woman in America." The Secular Coalition for America's website directory withheld the name of its communications consultant because "unwarranted prejudices and discriminatory practices ... affect atheists and humanists. Consequently, s/he felt it was best to be incognito for now, since working for an organization that protects the rights of nontheists might result in lost opportunities with other clients."In this guide's forward, Dr. Phil Zuckerman writes, "Understanding secular people is important for many reasons. For one thing, secular movements, leaders, values and ideals play significant roles in the political landscapes of the world. From the first sentence of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to Article 20 of Japan's Constitution, from France's laïcité to Vietnam's atheistic dictatorship, and from the founding of the Mexican Republic to India's current political struggles, in many countries secularism is a central pillar of both stability as well as conflict."Additionally, secular men and women are often unjustly stigmatized as immoral scoundrels or angry curmudgeons - negative stereotypes that don't actually accord with reality yet prove to be both persistent and pernicious. For instance, in some societies, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Malaysia, hatred and fear of the secular is so strong that those who don't believe in God can be imprisoned, tortured or even executed. Here in the United States, many state constitutions - such as those of Tennessee, Texas and Mississippi - currently outlaw anyone who doesn't believe in God from holding any publicly elected office."Dr. Morgan Shipley's introduction says, "For the more than 85 million Americans who identify as nonreligious, we witness a turn to secularization as both an explanation for the lack of belief and a source for fulfilling the areas of life commonly associated with religion, such as morality, togetherness and agency. For the nonreligious, then, we find more than a rejection of God and faith. Instead, we uncover various ways humans highlight virtue, pursue a sense of belongingness, celebrate progress and rely on rational discourse to construct meaningful and morally driven lives." Questions include:Who are "the nones?"Who is under the umbrella of the nonreligious?What is an atheist?Who are agnostics?What is secularism? Who are humanists?Who are freethinkers?What is irreligion?Are Pagans and Wiccans nonreligious?What does it mean to be spiritual but not religious?What values do nonreligious people hold? How does one respectfully console a nonreligious person?Do nonreligious people pray?

  • af Adam M Hollick
    247,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Klinger
    247,95 - 392,95 kr.

  • af Julien Offray de La Mettrie
    180,95 - 315,95 kr.

    Man a Machine is a philosophical treatise by the French physician and philosopher Julien Offray de La Mettrie. Originally published in 1748, the book presents a materialist view of human nature and consciousness, arguing that the mind and body are inseparable and that all mental processes can be explained in terms of physical processes. De La Mettrie contends that man is essentially a machine, a complex system of organs and tissues that operate according to the laws of physics and chemistry.The book is divided into four parts, each of which explores different aspects of human nature. In the first part, de La Mettrie argues that the human body is a self-regulating machine that operates according to the principles of mechanics and physiology. He describes the various organs and systems of the body and explains how they work together to maintain health and vitality.In the second part, de La Mettrie turns his attention to the mind, arguing that it is a product of the brain and nervous system. He rejects the notion of a separate soul or spirit, and instead suggests that all mental processes can be explained in terms of physical processes.In the third part, de La Mettrie explores the relationship between the mind and the body, arguing that they are intimately connected and that mental states can have a profound effect on physical health and well-being.Finally, in the fourth part, de La Mettrie considers the implications of his materialist philosophy for ethics and morality. He argues that traditional religious and moral codes are based on outdated notions of human nature and that a more scientific approach to ethics is needed.Overall, Man a Machine is a groundbreaking work of philosophy that challenged traditional views of human nature and consciousness. Its materialist perspective and emphasis on the importance of science and reason continue to influence philosophical and scientific thought today.Of the two alternatives, only one is possible: either everything is illusion, nature as well as revelation, or experience alone can explain faith. But what can be more ridiculous than the position of our author! Can one imagine hearing a Peripatetic say, We ought not to accept the experiments of Torricelli, for if we should accept them, if we should rid ourselves of the horror of the void, what an astonishing philosophy we should have!''This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Robert Pirsig
    92,95 kr.

    The author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance examines life's essential issues as he recounts the journey down the Hudson River in a sailboat of his philosopher-narrator Phaedrus.

  • - En flygtningefilosofi
    af Donatella Di Cesare
    277,95 kr.

    Fra Europas kyster til grænsen mellem Mexico og USA er presset fra massemigration et af vor tids store problemer. Argumenterne for at forsvare den nationale suverænitet bliver mere og mere voldsomme, og dem, der flygter fra krig, forfølgelse og nød, bliver set som en trussel mod vores sikkerhed og sociale og økonomiske orden. I denne bog udfordrer Donatella Di Cesare ideen om den ekskluderende stat og argumenterer for, at migration er en grundlæggende menneskerettighed. Hun udvikler en original flygtningefilosofi, der sætter migranterne selv, snarere end stater og deres grænser, i centrum. Gennem en analyse af de tre historiske byer Athen, Rom og Jerusalem viser Di Cesare, at vi ikke bør opfatte migranter som de andre, men snarere som herboende fremmede. Statsborgerskab kan ikke baseres på en historisk forbindelse til et stykke land eller eksklusivt ejerskab, som nægter rettigheder til dem, der kommer til. I stedet må statsborgerskab frigøres helt fra besiddelse og baseres på et princip om samliv – og på det faktum, at vi alle er midlertidige gæster og lånere af jorden.Donatella Di Cesare (f. 1956) er professor i teoretisk filosofi på La Sapienza-universitetet i Rom, gæsteforelæser i både Tyskland og USA, forfatter til en lang række filosofiske bøger og artikler. På dansk er tidligere udkommet Heidegger og jøderne, Tortur og Suveræn virus?

  • af Lutz Spilker
    162,95 kr.

    Im Buch ¿Die Erfindung des freien Willens¿ taucht der Leser in eine faszinierende Reise durch die Tiefen des menschlichen Bewusstseins ein. Der Autor entfaltet eine akribische Untersuchung darüber, wie die Vorstellung des freien Willens in unserer Gesellschaft entstanden ist und welchen Einfluss sie auf unser tägliches Leben hat.Durch eine sorgfältige Analyse von philosophischen, neurologischen und psychologischen Erkenntnissen führt das Buch den Leser durch die komplexen Strukturen des Denkens und Entscheidens. Dabei wird die Frage nach der Existenz des freien Willens nicht nur als intellektuelle Herausforderung, sondern auch als kulturelle Konstruktion betrachtet.Der Autor präsentiert ein breites Spektrum an wissenschaftlichen Theorien, von der Determinismus-Debatte bis zu aktuellen Erkenntnissen der Neurowissenschaften. Dabei bleibt das Thema stets wissenschaftlich fokussiert und bannt den interessierten Leser.In einer Zeit, in der die Diskussion über den freien Willen zunehmend an Relevanz gewinnt, liefert dieses Buch nicht nur eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme des aktuellen Forschungsstandes, sondern regt auch dazu an, die eigene Vorstellung von Entscheidungsfreiheit zu hinterfragen. ¿Die Erfindung des freien Willens¿ bietet somit nicht nur eine intellektuelle Entdeckungsreise, sondern auch eine Gelegenheit zur Selbstreflexion über die Grundlagen unseres Handelns in einer hochkomplexen Welt.

  • af Donald Calne
    227,95 kr.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    162,95 kr.

    In ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ tauchen Leser in die faszinierende und komplexe Welt der biblischen Entstehungsgeschichte ein. Dieses Sachbuch bietet eine tiefgründige, chronologisch aufgebaute Reise durch die Jahrtausende, beleuchtet die Wurzeln der biblischen Texte und enthüllt die vielschichtigen Prozesse, die zur Entstehung dieses einflussreichen Buches führten.Von den antiken Ursprüngen der Schriften im Nahen Osten bis zur Digitalisierung der Bibel im 21. Jahrhundert spannt der Autor einen Bogen über entscheidende Epochen. Beginnend mit den Frühformen der Bibel, erkundet das Buch die Rolle der Propheten, die Sammlung und Konsolidierung der Texte, und führt zu den bedeutenden Konzilen, die den Bibelkanon formten.¿Durch akribische Recherche und sachliche Darstellung entfaltet der Autor die Geschichte der Bibel in ihrer ganzen Komplexität¿, so die renommierte Religionswissenschaftlerin Dr. Anna Müller. Dabei werden auch kontroverse Themen wie die Apokryphen, die Reformation und die Herausforderungen der Bibelkritik eingehend behandelt.Die Leser entdecken, wie die Bibel im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die Geschichte der Menschheit beeinflusst hat ¿ von der Vulgata (Hieronymus) im Mittelalter bis zu aktuellen Debatten über ihre Interpretation. Das Buch wirft einen Blick auf die Bibel in interreligiösen Kontexten und untersucht, wie archäologische Entdeckungen den historischen Kontext der Bibel beleuchten.Mit einem Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Bibel und einer Zusammenfassung der zahlreichen Facetten ihrer Geschichte, bietet ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ nicht nur eine fundierte Analyse, sondern auch eine anregende Lektüre für alle, die tiefer in die Geschichte dieses einzigartigen Werkes eintauchen wollen.Dieses Sachbuch vereint wissenschaftliche Präzision mit einfacher Sprache und regt dazu an, die Bibel in einem neuen Licht zu betrachten.

  • af Abhijit Naskar
    187,95 kr.

    Sinirbilimci ¿air Abhijit Naskar'¿n bizzat Türkçe yazd¿¿¿ bu bir äk, bar¿¿ ve insan haklar¿ mektubudur. "Tüm dünya camidir,Masumlar bizim tanr¿m¿z.Onlara hizmet ilahi hizmettir,Onlar¿n mutlulu¿u bizim cennetimiz. Her ¿eyin üstünde merhamet gerçek,Merhametten bäka maneviyat yok.Her ¿eyin üstünde insan gerçek,¿nsan¿n üstünde hiçbir ¿ey yok."Öyle diyor Naskar abi.

  • af Arthur Schopenhauer
    157,95 kr.

    A devout believer in the supremacy of will over intellect, Arthur Schopenhauer developed a metaphysical theory that influenced such thinkers as Nietzsche, Wagner, Wittgenstein, and Freud. These six essays are drawn from the chapters entitled Zur Ethik and Zur Rechtslehre und Politik, which originated in the philosopher's Parerga, as well as from his posthumously published writings. More than any other work, On Human Nature offers an expression of Schopenhauer's views, including the depth of his interests, his biases, and his philosophy. Students of history and philosophy along with other readers will appreciate these lucid, accessible observations on government, free will and fatalism, character, moral instinct, and ethics.German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) reacted with pessimism to his idealistic predecessors, contending that human motivations derive from basic desires that can never be satisfied. His writings on psychology, ethics, and politics influenced such latter-day thinkers as Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Freud.

  • af Hans-Joachim Rudolph
    337,95 kr.

    With this book I address all the creative people that have grown tired of thinking within the framework of old paradigms. Instead, it outlines a radically new world view that is based on the teachings of the Indian philosopher and social reformer Shri Ranjan Prabhat Sarkar, without adopting an apodictic tone. Rather, I endeavor to present his innovative ideas in the light of modern rationality.

  • af Mohammad H Tamdgidi
    787,95 - 847,95 kr.

  • af Jordan T. Beckett
    167,95 kr.

    Unlock the secrets to overcoming the madness of modern times and become the best version of yourself with this timeless mind hack...The moment you check your social media, you're greeted with that familiar feeling of dread upon seeing all the terrible news from the world.You often wonder how you can grow resilient with all the devastating news on top of your personal struggles.Lastly, you can't help but ask yourself, "Will I ever find inner peace so I can have a more fulfilling life?"It's understandable to feel overwhelmed by today's challenges - especially when facing one of your life's most turbulent phases.Throw in all the ongoing crises in today's world - economic uncertainties, violence, climate change - and you've got the perfect recipe for inner turmoil.It's no wonder you feel more stressed than ever.In fact, 63% of young adults reported the highest levels of symptoms of anxiety and depression, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.While you can't do anything to calm the chaos outside, you can control the chaos within.The very answer you seek lies within an age-old wisdom...Stoicism is an ancient yet timeless philosophy that allows you to experience calm, clarity, and purpose, helping you lead a fulfilling and more meaningful life.And this book distills Stoic wisdom into actionable insights to help you thrive - not just survive - in today's world.Inside, you will discover:A closer look at Stoicism - explore its core beliefs and principles that can be integrated into your daily lifeThe who's who of Stoic wisdom - get to know philosophers Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca and apply their centuries-old teachings to your life20+ easy and effective ways to deal with stress and anxiety (you'll be amazed at how simple they really are!)Real-life stories of individuals who have successfully adopted a Stoic mindset30+ fool-proof strategies to practice Stoicism every day... enjoy the benefits that countless others experience with this way of thinkingHow to take your relationships to a whole new level - from choosing the right friends to handling conflicts, and even mastering the art of letting goThe most sought-after answer to everyone's quest for a happy and meaningful life - stop looking elsewhere and let Stoic wisdom show you howHow Stoicism changed the lives of business tycoons Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, as well as celebrities Tom Hiddleston and Anna KendrickAnd much more.In this fast-paced, ever-changing, and complex world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed.But you don't have to suffer anymore - through practical Stoic strategies, this guide can help you better understand yourself and experience a stress-free life.After all, there's a reason why these principles have stood the test of time.Harness the power of Stoicism and keep your calm in the chaos: scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now.

  • af Wilhelm Hector Richard Albrecht Lexis
    362,95 - 467,95 kr.

  • af Ramon Sibiuda
    327,95 - 487,95 kr.

  • af Vincent P Burkhardt
    142,95 kr.

    What does it mean to do good? What does it mean to have purpose? What does it mean to contribute to the human endeavor? This book presents a humanist motivating philosophy aimed at answering these questions from a secular and ardently, human focused, position. The Sober Altruist is a deep dive into the obligations and missions we should hold towards the prosperity and continuity of our communities, civilizations, and the human species at large. While at first these aims seem lofty and even unreachable to some, the difference between the layman and the Sober Altruist is only this; a choice - a choice to contribute to the great engines of human continuity and advance; a choice to operate in our world with conscientiousness and direction, severity, and aim.The world born, following the historically recent industrialization of our species, requires a different and human-centric worldview, it requires us to hold values that stand in defense of individuals and the species. Our world, though more comfortable and more prosperous than ever before, is in crisis. From predatory technologies reshaping the very landscape of our societies to the very real potential that we may be the hands that craft the implements of our own demise, it is essential that we order our values such that our sprint towards the technological and cultural unknown does not lead us into apocalypse, absolute depravity, or inhumanity. This book has one aim: facilitating the choice to become a Sober Altruist; to become one who stands vigil over our future, our prosperity, and our humanity.

  • af Rajesh Gupta
    192,95 kr.

    "The Essence of Humanity: Revealing the Basic Rules of Being Human" is an interesting look at what it means to be human in the world we live in now. This groundbreaking book goes deep into the basic parts of human nature and gives us deep insights into our mental, emotional, physical, and social selves.At a time when knowing oneself and growing as a person are very important, "The Essence of Humanity" takes readers on an interesting journey to understand their own essence. With buzzwords like "self-awareness," "emotional intelligence," and "human behavior," this book is a complete look into how people really act.This book talks about a lot of different topics, such as how our feelings affect the choices we make and how our society and ethics affect how we act. As examples, "cognitive processes," "empathy," and "social connections" are important parts of how we deal with the world."The Essence of Humanity" isn't just a book about thinking about yourself; it's also a plan for growing as a person, making interactions better, and making moral choices. The world is very complicated, but this book makes it easier to understand people by talking about "conflict resolution," "morality," and how "culture" affects how we act.Anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and the people around them should read this book. "The Essence of Humanity" takes you on a trip that is both educational and life-changing thanks to its gripping story and insightful analysis. Learn more about what it means to be human, become self-aware, and find out the basic rules that govern our lives in the 21st century.

  • af Antonio Donato
    1.059,95 kr.

    This book offers the first English translation and comprehensive analysis (inclusive of introductory study and endnotes to the translation) of the longest and most complex Italian Renaissance utopia, Ludovico Agostini¿s Imaginary Republic. It not only reveals the significance of a text that has been mostly forgotten; it also shows how an investigation of Imaginary Republic uncovers neglected and surprising facets of Renaissance utopianism. The current scholarly image of Renaissance utopianism is based, predominantly, on English texts. Other European utopian traditions are considered only tangentially and do not substantially inform the overall picture of the nature of Renaissance utopias. This book¿s study of Imaginary Republic, within the context of Italian sixteenth- and seventeenth-century utopias, contributes to filling this gap in the critical literature by expanding the current understanding of Renaissance utopianism.

  • af Alexandre Levy
    467,95 kr.

    La montée en puissance du numérique s¿est opérée très rapidement dans le monde, qüelle modifie radicalement. Communiquer, travailler, s¿informer, se cultiver, jouer, s¿orienter¿; tout cela se fait à présent de façon «¿virtuelle¿». On voit ce qüon y gagne, en facilités nombreuses, et il est difficile de s¿en passer¿; mais on commence aussi à s¿apercevoir de ce qüon peut y perdre.Cet ouvrage, fruit d¿échanges et de dialogues inter ou transdisciplinaires, vise à appréhender les déclinaisons du numérique, entendu comme appareillage quel qu'il soit, physique ou symbolique, venant suppléer aux limites de l'humain. Il traite notamment de la question sensible de la place du corps à l¿heure de¿la virtualisation. Il aborde aussi le problème des territoires et des frontières face à une technologie «¿sans limites¿». Il pose enfin la question de la qualité de nos liens et de notre faculté de penser en contexte numérique

    372,95 kr.

    This book builds the foundation of a methodology for the quantitativeanalysis of the folk narrative system. Just as anthropology uses analyses ofdifferent cultures to examine the human past; researchers could use analyses of ouroldest form of literature, the folk narrative, to examine aspects of worldwideculture and changes in culture over time. This bookdevelops a quantitative methodology based in part on small, grammaticallydefined units. For this type of analysis to be viable, careful consideration of manyaspects of the folk narrative system is required.Chapter One presents the qualities of the folk narrative that make it anapposite choice for investigations of worldwide cultures and cultural changes overtime. These qualities include: the fundamental importance and cross-cultural natureof the folk narrative; the reliable development of narrative ability in all humans;the ability of the folk narrative to convey information; and the large number ofcollected folk narratives as a resource.Chapter Two explores different styles of literary analysis with a focus onstructural content analysis and the types of information that have resulted from theuse of these different styles. Multiple types of structural analysis by both folkloristsand linguists are considered. The grammatical unit chosen for the methodologypresented in this paper - nominative case - is a specifically and externally defined,countable unit that is able to operate cross-culturally and that has connection tomeaning on a larger scale.Chapter Three is a paper in which nominative case in a random set of taleswas counted. This paper operates as a test of the unit and also serves to corroboratethe idea that the difference between the predominant gender in tales told by males and females is large enough to impact on a data set which does not control forgender.Chapter Four lays the groundwork for the expansion of the methodologyfrom a random set of tales in a large, academic library to a worldwiderepresentative data set using Murdock's compilation of cultural divisions(Murdock). In addition, the presented methodology is expanded to include themany interactive parts of what is termed the folk narrative system. Certain parts ofthe folk narrative system which should be considered are outlined but it is notedthat there are probably many more parts of the system which can be studied. Theexpansion of the methodology to an investigation of the folk narrative as a systemenables the quantitative analysis to remain connected to the matrix of culture, text,storyteller, environment and other factors. The result of any specific study is seenin the context of other influences that change as the investigated parts change. Thischapter concludes with a discussion of the way in which this methodology enablesone to access a wide range of information.

  • - Una introducción al personalismo
    af Jonas Norgaard Mortensen
    192,95 kr.

    Nuestras formas tradicionales de pensamiento sobre la política y la sociedad están quedando obsoletas. Necesitamos algunos nuevos puntos de referencia para volver a imaginar el carácter, el bienestar y el funcionamiento posibles de nuestra vida privada y en común. Tal re-imaginación implicaría acabar con el individualismo del “sálvese quien pueda”, así como con el materialismo de “el consumo me hace feliz” y la pasividad de “el Estado se encargará.”Hay una alternativa: el personalismo es una perspectiva de la humanidad, olvidada pero valiosa, que busca describir lo que es un ser humano y luego extraer sus con- secuencias sociales. El personalismo se basa en el pensamiento de Jacques Maritain, Martin Buber, Emmanuel Mounier y Karol Wojtyła, entre otros; y ha sido fuente de inspiración para Martin Luther King Jr., Desmond Tutu y otras personalidades importantes de la historia reciente.De acuerdo con el personalismo, los humanos son seres relacionales, comprometidos y poseen dignidad. La persona y la relación entre personas son el punto de partida universal: los seres humanos tienen una dignidad inherente, y las buenas relaciones entre los humanos son cruciales para una vida digna y comprometida y para una buena sociedad. El Bien Común.El personalismo ha sido muy ignorado en el pensamiento político y filosófico. En este libro, Jonas Norgaard Mortensen se propone introducir el personalismo, al mismo tiempo que muestra sus orígenes históricos, acercando al lector a sus pensadores y a quienes lo han practicado, y muestra que el personalismo tiene una contribución muy relevante que hacer en el debate actual sobre los desarrollos éticos, sociales y políticos.

  • af Michael A. Schuler
    372,95 - 477,95 kr.

  • af N. N.
    526,95 - 649,95 kr.

  • af Joshua Free
    102,95 kr.

    This is the fifth lesson booklet of the first Mardukite Academy Basic Course on the Fundamentals of Systemology.

  • af Sasha Zouev
    272,95 kr.

    Tim and Kate go on a adventure to fix Kate's teddy and find the giant teapot in the sky. Along the way they meet a host of wonderful characters and ask important questions about what they believe and why they believe in it.

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