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Strukturalisme og poststrukturalisme

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  • af Zarko Paic
    1.007,95 kr.

    The author claims that concerning the "progress" and "development" of the technoscientific mind in the application of artificial intelligence, the anthropological definition of man has become not only outdated and ineffective, but "man" has become "superfluous" for the logic of the digital age. He develops his argumentative assumptions, critically confronting numerous approaches to this problem, from Heidegger, Severino, G. Anders, Deleuze, Simondon, and Wiener. By showing how the prospects of future philosophy presuppose technological singularity and extropy, the link between posthumanism and transhumanism, the author raises the question of the possibility of thinking differently from metaphysics within the labyrinth of language.

  • af Gevork Hartoonian
    1.648,95 kr.

    This edited collection explores the visibility of modernization in architecture produced in different capitalist regions across the world and provides readers with a historico-theoretical and historico-geographical discussion.

  • af Rafe (Edge Hill University McGregor
    449,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • - Quest of a Frog
    af Sharla Frost
    212,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af John Richardson
    167,95 kr.

    La libertà non è fare quello che si vuole; è sapere quello che si vuole. Ma questa civiltà ti toglie il tempo di capire se quello che stai facendo è quello che veramente vuoi; di solito lo stai facendo perchè c'è un grande fiume che si chiama "consumismo" che va in quella direzione e tu sei solo uno dei tanti pesci in quel grande fiume. La sottrazione del nostro tempo è mirata a trasformare l'essere umano pensante in consumatore. Il miglior consumatore è quello non pensante; meno si pensa, più si consuma. Non facciamo più le cose per scelta, ma perché le abbiamo fatte ieri e quindi le rifaremo domani; i nostri gesti automatici sono il 90% della giornata. Bisogna riprendersi il tempo e iniziare a chiedersi "perchè?". Perchè compro questo? Perchè faccio questa cosa? Perchè leggo questo libro? Perchè guardo questo programma? Perchè vado a vedere questo film? Lo voglio veramente io o fa parte di un meccanismo? Bisogna chiedersi "perchè" per uscire dalla trappola del "come"; tutti vi dicono come comprare una macchina, nessuno vi spiega perchè ve la dovete comprare. Vi serve davvero? Vale la pena di spendere non solo dei soldi ma anche del tempo per questo? Dobbiamo costruire un futuro fondato sul "perchè", perchè ci hanno dato dei falsi obiettivi, dei falsi sogni. La cosa fondamentale è che qualunque cosa vogliate fare vi chiediate veramente perchè la fate. Se pensate che quello che state facendo, comprando, leggendo, vedendo, sia inutile, non lo fate: toglietelo. In questa maniera vi ritrovate il tempo per fare qualcos'altro di fondamentale.

  • af Sanjay Gupta & Frank Sikernitsky
    157,95 kr.

  • - Foucault and the End of Revolution
    af Mitchell Dean & Daniel Zamora
    152,95 - 216,95 kr.

    How Michel Foucault, drugs, California and the rise of neoliberal politics in 1970s France are all connected

  • af Andrea Cassatella
    1.097,95 kr.

    Investigates, through a critical exploration of Derrida's political thought, the foundations of modern secular discourse in relation to issues of race and colonialism.

  • af August Moldenhauer
    247,95 kr.

    Impedance and Admittance in Desiring Machines is the first book in the three-volume series Artificial Psychology of Desiring Machines. August Moldenhauer explores the relation of Lacan's Graph of Desire as a tool and its potential impact on the future of what has been the domain of the psychiatric for the past 150 years. What are the paths forward for human society for the next millennia? What are the psychiatric implications of the rise of general artificial intelligence? The following series seeks to not only look into the relation of analysand and analyst as operator and interpreter, but the impact this has in not only post-Structuralist affirmations as well as in post-Enlightenment thought and its discrete application in Deep Learning methodologies of Artificial Intelligence. In the long history of psychological and psychoanalytical writing, there have been categorical roles for the subject and the analyst, which are potentially overturned or at least subject to a broader and lay interpretation as a result of the discrete application of both the Freudian and Lacanian toolsets. We find these toolsets applied to the current horizon, across the spectrum of human automatons and sentient machines. Moldenhauer's work stands as a thought experiment and a roadmap for the coming future, both to dial back dehumanizing practices and to apply cautionary measures to mechanistic flows that will eventually reach and frame humanity. Impedance and Admittance in Desiring Machines features a forward by William A Mitchell and is published by pontos fathom press.

  • af Marina Garcés
    217,95 kr.


  • af Simon Dickel
    989,95 kr.

  • - Et freudiansk indtryk
    af Jacques Derrida
    287,95 kr.

    Hvad ville historien være uden dens arkiver, dens museer og samlinger, dens skrifter og traditioner for fortolkning? Ville der overhovedet eksistere sådan noget som historie? Den berømte og berygtede franske filosof Jacques Derrida opsporer i et af sine mest kendte værker, som nu foreligger på dansk, netop denne problematik.Med sin dekonstruktive metode optrevler Derrida problematikken indefra med en bog, som udover de centrale teser stort set kun består af metatekst – i form af en indledning, et forord, en exergue og et efterskrift. I anledning af den danske oversættelse er tilføjet et forord af oversætteren Frederik-Emil Friis Jakobsen og et efterord af Torsten Andreasen.»Intet er i dag mere uklart og mere foruroligende end det begreb, der er arkiveret i ordet arkiv. […] Arkivets uro stammer fra en arkivfeber, fra en mal d’archive. Vi er »en mal d’archive«: Vi er i arkivforlegenhed. […] Det er endeløst, uophørligt, at søge efter arkivet, dér hvor det undslipper os. Det er at forfølge det, selv når der er for meget af det, dér hvor noget i det anarkiverer sig. Det er at lade sig drage mod det af et tvingende, gentagende og nostalgisk begær, et uundertrykkeligt begær efter en tilbagevenden til oprindelsen, en hjemve, en nostalgi om at vende tilbage til den absolutte begyndelses mest arkaiske sted.«

  • af Devonya N. Havis
    812,95 kr.

  • af Isabell Lorey
    197,95 kr.

  • af Peter Osborne
    227,95 kr.

  • af Jeffrey A. Kramer
    412,95 - 547,95 kr.

  • af Paul Williams & Shelley Davidow
    189,95 - 627,95 kr.

  • af Graham Harman
    278,95 kr.

    The essential compendium of shorter works by one of the most influential philosophers of the twenty-first century. Written in Harman's typical clear and witty style, the Reader is an essential resource for veteran readers of Harman and newcomers alike.

  • af Annika Elstermann
    436,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Jacques Derrida
    267,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Ian Buchanan & Chris L. Smith
    1.166,95 kr.

    This study illuminates the complex interplay between Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy and architecture. Presenting their wide-ranging impact on late 20th- and 21st-century architecture, each chapter focuses on a core Deleuzian/Guattarian philosophical concept and one key work of architecture which evokes, contorts, or extends it.Challenging the idea that a concept or theory defines and then produces the physical work and not vice versa, Chris L. Smith positions the relationship between Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy and the field of architecture as one that is mutually substantiating and constitutive. In this framework, modes of architectural production and experimentation become inextricable from the conceptual territories defined by these two key thinkers, producing a rigorous discussion of theoretical, practical, and experimental engagements with their ideas.

  • af Emile Faguet
    374,95 kr.

  • af Chantal Jaquet
    185,95 kr.

    How people become "class traitors"

  • af Ian Buchanan, Saswat Samay Das & Ananya Roy Pratihar
    1.168,95 kr.

    A vital response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this volume connects the neoliberal underpinnings of the pandemic to the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari. By positioning the worst outcomes of the COVID-19 crisis in terms of neoliberal normativity, contributors argue that we need to understand the pandemic rhizomatically. Construed as an event that deterritorializes the globe, the crisis of the pandemic contains within it the potential for creating new assemblages, alliances, and solidarities to offset the power of the state in building regimes of exclusion, insulation and control. Deleuzo-Guattarian attention towards non-human life finds new meaning in the context of the virus, and our understanding of what constitutes life and inorganic life. Crisis, capitalism, and revolution are read anew through the pandemic and core Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts help to situate the proliferation of new models of mutual aid, sustainability, and care in the context of anti-capitalist critique.

  • af David Savat, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee & Joff P. N. Bradley
    1.166,95 kr.

  • af Allisa Charles-Findley
    217,95 kr.

    "In the American consciousness, Botham Jean's story begins on a fateful late summer night as a young man--a life on the precipice of a future of promise and ambition--is reclining on his sofa eating ice cream in his apartment. The evening is interrupted when a Dallas Police Officer suddenly enters the apartment mistaking it for her own. A gun is drawn and pointed at Botham. The trigger is pulled, a shot fired, and a bullet takes Botham's young life. But for Botham's sister, Allisa Charles-Findley, and all those who kenw and loved him, this is not there the story begins... or ends." --

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