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Religion og etik

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  • af W. R. Washington Sullivan
    257,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Nadia Marais
    552,95 - 687,95 kr.

  • af Julia Leupers
    102,95 kr.

    Ich hatte eine Nahtoderfahrung. Aber ganz ehrlich: Wer glaubt schon einem 15-jährigen Mädchen, das behauptet, sie habe Gott gesehen.Ich hatte - Gott sei Dank - einen Menschen, der mich von Anfang an ernst genommen und bestärkt hat und mir gezeigt hat, dass es nicht nur Spinnereien in meinem Kopf sind, sondern wissenschaftlich belegt und von einer Handvoll Menschen auf der Welt erlebt worden ist.

  • af Bridget Burke Ravizza
    579,95 kr.

    Drawing on interviews with twenty-two same-sex, married couples, this book argues that the Catholic tradition should expand its definition of sacramental marriage to include same-sex couples. Stories from these couples illustrate that the church would benefit from a deeper commitment to practices of radical hospitality and sanctuary.

  • af John Philip Newell
    230,95 kr.

    In the great tradition of authors who leave church but remain spiritual--such as Barbara Brown Taylor, Rob Bell--the author of Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul forges a new path toward a true spiritual home, embracing a deep connection to the natural world.The story of Adam and Eve's fall from innocence in the Garden of Eden is a mythical account of humanity's broken relationship with the divine, with Earth, and with themselves.In contrast, Celtic wisdom is built on a strong bond with Earth. In the prophetic figures that Newell draws from, the Garden of Eden represents the inner garden of our souls and the outer garden of Earth, which are seen as essentially one. To live in relation to what is deepest in us is to live in relation to the ground from which we and all things have come. Where are we today, in relation to our true selves and the sacredness of Earth? And how are we to find our way home again?This life-affirming, nourishing book contemplates these questions at a moment of great spiritual awakening, an era characterized by religious exile on a vast scale. We need a new sense of home spiritually, deeply rooted within ourselves and in our shared journey with each other and Earth.

  • af Arseny Ermakov
    287,95 - 442,95 kr.

  • af Ronald H. Stone
    362,95 - 467,95 kr.

  • af John Chryssavgis
    247,95 kr.

    "For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church" is, according to Archbishop Elpidophoros of America, "a mature and reasoned discourse about our engagement with the world and with each other for Orthodox Christians and all people of good will. This text offers to the reader, who is willing to listen, insight and guidance on how to participate in life in the world, while enjoying the life in the Spirit." It is a helpful roadmap--steeped in Orthodox wisdom--essential for navigating the many modern-day challenges we face.

  • af Davide D'Amico
    447,95 kr.

    Through the hermeneutical lens of human-animal studies, this volume explores how biblical texts help construct a precise image of animals and assign them a precise role within society. In this regard, three central moments are considered: (a) Creation narratives: Examining the two creation narratives shows how these are functional in creating a hierarchy within the animal kingdom, elevating domestic animals over other animals and positioning humans as God's privileged interlocutors. (b) Biblical Legislation: The second part explores how legal codes frame animals as 'objects' in a human-centered relationship, reinforcing a definite hierarchical social order. However, it also reveals instances where animals assume the role of 'legal subjects' with associated responsibilities. (c) Institution of sacrifices: The third section explores how sacrifices in the Hebrew Bible shape the perception of animals and determine their social role. A comparative approach between ritual texts in Leviticus and references to sacrifices in prophetic texts opens up different perspectives on the suffering of animals during sacrifices.

  • af Mark Umbreit
    317,95 - 472,95 kr.

  • af Darrell J. Wesley
    257,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Obaji Agbiji
    392,95 kr.

    Political, economic and military powers have woefully failed in their attempts to transform societies around the world, particularly in the African context. As poverty, corruption, and bad leadership continue to pervade nations and undermine human flourishing, the global community needs to respond with creativity, innovation and collaboration.Drawing on empirical research and utilizing an interdisciplinary approach that engages both development and theology, this study explores the church's role - both spiritual and pragmatic - in facilitating societal transformation in African countries, specifically Nigeria. The power of religion is often overlooked within development frameworks, but is a profoundly significant resource. Highlighting the importance of ecclesiastical leadership in mobilizing religious communities to partner with sociopolitical and economic institutions, Dr. Obaji Agbiji argues for a development framework that recognizes religious practitioners as indispensable partners in the quest for societal transformation.Offering insight for both scholars and practitioners, this sustainable transformative approach to development bridges the gap between theory and practice and challenges church and civil leadership to take concrete steps to combat societal ills and see nations transformed for the better.

  • af Ronald D. Sisk
    152,95 kr.

    "Right and Wrong addresses the chief problems Christians have responding to the myriad economic, political, and public health challenges we all face. The author uses a relatively simple approach learned in Christian ethics class as a seminarian. As the pandemic continued and issues succeeded one another in the headlines, he wrote down how that simple approach, grounded in a particular definition of the primary New Testament term for Christian love-agape-, remains both intellectually and spiritually robust enough to serve as a guide for Christians and others of good will"--

  • af Michael J. McGrath
    362,95 - 472,95 kr.

  • af Eric Martin
    297,95 - 432,95 kr.

  • af Alvin Sanders
    232,95 kr.

    ¿Cómo puede el pueblo de Dios desarrollar iglesias de manera que ayuden y no perjudiquen a los barrios pobres? En el ministerio urbano, los cristianos con demasiada frecuencia tratan a los pobres como proyectos de buena voluntad en lugar de personas. Debido a esta mentalidad, muchos permanecen sin ir a la iglesia. Se necesitan iglesias urbanas, locales y saludables porque combinan el empoderamiento personal y la transformación comunitaria. Cada barrio pobre necesita iglesias poco comunes que busquen el bien común de sus comunidades. Alvin Sanders aborda duras verdades sobre estos vecindarios y proporciona un modelo de cómo ejercer el ministerio en condiciones difíciles. La iglesia local y urbana es la clave para la transformación comunitaria, ya que desempeña tres funciones cruciales: empoderar, asociarse y alcanzar. Los pastores y plantadores de iglesias interesados en el desarrollo de la comunidad cristiana encontrarán aquí ideas prácticas sobre el poder de la iglesia local. Las iglesias pueden servir a sus comunidades y mejorar la calidad de vida de todos los aspectos del vecindario.

  • af Michael T. Fieberkorn
    187,95 kr.

    "Using the writings of Martin Luther, Michael T. Fieberkorn opens the vice and virtue tradition to the Lutheran audience. Part 1 discusses how Luther reframes vices as unbelief and virtue as part of the Christian's new life in Christ. Part 2 explores the relationship between vice, virtue, and the Ten Commandments and how it plays out in the life of a Christian"--

  • af Terry Cleveland
    152,95 kr.

    Tithers tithe by the millions each Sunday. Some have been doing this all their life. But are they doing what they should be doing according to the Word of God? If they understood what the bible says about the use of this Old Testament law in the New Testament Church would they do it? Tithers don't know this is just a religious tradition, who startd it, or why. The only thing they know for sure is that they give ten per cent of their income away each week. They do it because they were told it is what they were supposed to do. People tell people this but you can't find it written in the scriptures of the New Testament. People think this is the right thing to do because this is what they have been taught over many years by those who collect the tithes. But this is not what new testament scripture teaches, far from it. This book reveals the God given biblical facts about the history of the tithe and the so-called new testament tithe. The facts that have been smothered by satanic influence and have become bad religious tradition. It is time tithers knew the facts so they can determine for themselves if it is a NEW TESTAMENT TITHE OR SATANIC TRICK.

  • af Jacob Shatzer
    207,95 kr.

    In Biblical Ethics: A Short Companion, Jacob Shatzer offers a primer in biblical ethics that explores principles and interpretative methods for understanding how the Bible speaks with a unified voice and vision for the Christian life.

  • af Matthew Etherington
    327,95 - 482,95 kr.

  • af Russell Pregeant
    207,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Cornelius Van Til
    157,95 kr.

    Usted tiene en sus manos una obra inédita de Cornelius Van Til, prepa­rada aproximadamente en 1933. Van Til adicional a su responsabilidad de enseñar Apologética en Westminster Theological Seminary también tenía la responsabilidad de enseñar Ética antes de que John Murray (1898-1975) empezara a enseñar esta materia. Adicional al manuscrito hemos agregado una introducción biográ­fica por un amigo cercano a Van Til, Robert den Dulk (1938-2007). También decidimos agregar dos apéndices, un obituario de su muerte y una carta a Francis A. Schaeffer (1912-1984). Esperamos que juntos puedan dar una introducción al pensamiento de Van Til de manera cer­cana y personal. Para los que conocen sus libros, reconocerán que su lectura no resulta fácil, sin embargo quien persevera en ellos encuentra muchas riquezas. Con su estilo inimitable, Cornelius Van Til comienza su tratamiento de los Diez Mandamientos recordándonos que la ética debe estar arraigada en el ser y la autoridad del Dios de las Escrituras. La única alternativa, dice Van Til, es fundamentar las supuestas obligaciones éticas en algo distinto de Dios, es decir, en algo finito. Van Til nos empuja a preguntarnos si las obligaciones o valores éticos que se basan en autoridades, esperanzas o motivos finitos rigen realmente el comportamiento ético de alguna manera universal. Es decir, sobre esta base, ¿hay algo -incluso acciones que inicialmente nos pueden parecer bellas o crueles- que esté bien o mal? ¿Hay algo verdaderamente bueno o malo? La conclusión de Van Til es clara: la ética debe tratar primero de Dios y de su justicia, o no trata de nada en absoluto.

  • af Kathleen Bonnette
    227,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Charles Gore
    177,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Heinrich Wilhelm Josias Thiersch
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Elbert A. Smith
    152,95 - 312,95 kr.

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