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Ortodoks jødedom

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  • af Miriam Yerushalmi & Ella Matayeva
    162,95 kr.

  • af Yaakov Shapiro
    327,95 kr.

    VOLUME ONE OF THE SEXUALITY AND JEWISH LAW SERIES ( EXPANDED EDITION, WITH INDEX (Third Edition, January 22, 2017) Since ancient times, Judaism has offered a wide range of approaches on the matter of sexual expression within marriage, reflecting a wide range of interpretation and sensibility, and theoretically enabling each and every couple to tailor the law of this most intimate, private part of life to the unique physical and spiritual dimensions of their relationship. But a study of the sources reveals a trend in the last few hundred years to downplay, or even deny, Torah's embrace of sexual exploration within marriage, generally revealing to the masses only its most puritanical approach. This study opens up Judaism's sacred texts on sex to the English reader, providing an in-depth analysis of the relevant Talmudic-era passages as well as the medieval, post-medieval and latter-day Jewish commentaries and legal authorities.

  • af Barak Hullman
    212,95 kr.

    When author Barak Hullman's teacher and friend, Sholom Brodt, passed away he wrote a short post on Facebook that was a snapshot of their relationship. The response was overwhelming and it led Hullman to continue posting a short story a day about Reb Sholom for six months. This book is a collection of those stories. It will give you a front row seat into the conversations and interactions of a student and his wise and unconventional mentor as they probe the deep questions of life and search for the answers together.

  • af Ilana Danneman
    132,95 kr.

    What does commitment really mean? What would you do if you found you were married to a man on an extreme religious journey? Stomp? Cry? Laugh? Throw things at him? or Write a blog? Ilana did all the above and gained a very meaningful spiritual journey herself. A book comprised of poetry as well as stories from her Married To a Yid viral blog that will give you an honest peek into the lifestyle of Hasidic and Orthodox Judaism. You will think, laugh, and get a raw insight into what it is like to live as an Orthodox Jew and be married to an out-of-the-box Hasidic Orthodox Jew. It's a wild and crazy journey!

  • af David Rosenthal
    142,95 kr.

    Since 1997, Open Orthodoxy, through its institutions, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and Yeshivat Maharat, has ordained over 100 students, most of whom serve in positions throughout America. It is often viewed as-and claims to be-a branch of Orthodoxy. However, the truth is far from this. Citing countless statements from the leaders and disciples of Open Orthodoxy, this book shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that this movement is not Orthodox and, in fact, seeks to undermine Orthodoxy. "...Open Orthodoxy is a movement which poses as Orthodoxy, with teachers who pose as halachic authorities and students who pose as Orthodox Rabbis." -From the Foreword by Harav Aharon Feldman

  • af Moshe Lyhovitsky
    142,95 kr.

    As man grows physically and mentally, the inner self begins to comprehend the past as no longer around and the fleeting sense of the present. The idea of time and how things and concepts interrelate begins to sink in, so does conceptualization of time. Finally there is realization that the world continues to exist and maintains it's continuity where as man's life and futile plans are meager in comparison.

  • af Abraham J. Twerski, Torahweb Foundation & Eliakim Koenigsberg
    182,95 kr.

    The yomim tovim are not merely "holidays", i.e. times to break from the routine of daily life and celebrate some past event, group of people, or societal institution. Rather, each yom tov is distinctively, intrinsically holy, and it is the unique kedushas ha-yom of each yom tov which generates the mitzvos which Hakadosh Baruch Hu commands us to keep that day. Each yom tov, if properly appreciated and taken advantage of, can be a time of unique spiritual growth.This volume collects twenty years (1999-2018) of divrei Torah that provide insight and guidance regarding the obligations and opportunities that we each have during this season of spiritual freedom. We hope that making them available in a sefer will, b'ezras Hashem, help each of us take maximal advantage of the unique opportunities intrinsic to Pesach, Sefira, and Shavuos. The divrei Torah contained herein were originally written by our rebbeim for publication on The realities of the time pressures with which these Torah leaders function on a daily basis result in the divrei Torah on the web site often not being sufficiently edited, missing mareh mekomos, etc. These shortcomings were addressed for the version of the divrei Torah included in this volume.

  • af Devorah Fastag
    112,95 kr.

    What happens to a woman's relationship with the Creator if she feels that women are His step-children, so to speak? This brief yet impactful book shares a Torah outlook on the relationship between gender equality in Judaism and the culmination of Jewish history.

  • af Leah Vincent
    252,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Berger
    197,95 kr.

    Veteran New York Times journalist Joseph Berger takes us inside the fascinating, insular world of the Hasidim to explore their origins, beliefs, and struggles.Though the Hasidic way of life was nearly extinguished in the Holocaust, today the Hasidim?"the pious ones"?have become one of the most prominent religious subcultures in America. In The Pious Ones, New York Times journalist Joseph Berger traces their origins in eighteenth-century Eastern Europe, illuminating their dynamics and core beliefs, which remain enigmatic to outsiders. He analyzes the Hasidim's codified lifestyle, revealing its fascinating secrets, complexities, and paradoxes, and provides a nuanced and insightful portrayal of how their all-encompassing faith dictates nearly every aspect of life?including work, education, food, sex, clothing, and social relations?and helps them to sustain a sense of connection and purpose in a changing world.From the intense sectarian politics to the conflicts that arise over housing, transportation, schooling, and gender roles, The Pious Ones chronicles the ways in which the fabric of Hasidic existence is threatened by both exposure to the wider world and internal fissures within its growing population. What lies ahead for the Hasidim, and what lies ahead for American culture and politics as these ultra-Orthodox Jews occupy a greater place in our society?

  • af Ionut-Cristian Catana
    333,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Theologie - Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, Universität Wien (Institut für historische Theologie), Veranstaltung: Monastische Spiritualität des christlichen Ostens gestern und heute, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Diese Abhandlung behandelt das orthodoxe Mönchtum auf dem Berg Athos im 20. Jahrhundert aus geschichtlicher und geistlich-spiritueller Perspektive. Die Abhandlung richtet sich an Leser unabhängig von ihrer Glaubensrichtung. Den leidenschaftlichen orthodoxen Bibliophilen sei jedoch gesagt, dass diejenigen unter ihnen, die die Geschichte des Berges Athos nicht kennen, nur sehr wenig über ihre eigene Geschichte als orthodoxe Christen wissen. Immerhin wird der Heilige Berg wiederholt als Bollwerk der Orthodoxie bezeichnet. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist nicht die Beschreibung der gesamten Entstehungsgeschichte der Mönchsrepublik auf der griechischen Halbinsel Chalkidiki. Vielmehr zielt die Arbeit darauf ab, die Entwicklung des Mönchtums auf dem Berg Athos im 20. Jahrhundert darzulegen. Darüber hinaus gewährt die folgende Auseinandersetzung auch einen kurzen historischen Einblick in das 19. Jahrhundert, denn in dieser Zeit fanden wichtige Ereignisse statt, die die monastische Entwicklung des Berges im darauffolgenden Jahrhundert maßgeblich beeinflusst haben. So wird im Folgenden auf die wichtigsten überlieferten Geschehnisse aus dem Zeitraum von 1800 bis 1899 eingegangen, bevor die Periode vom Jahr 1900 bis zum Jahr 2000 im Detail erläutert wird. In den letzten Abschnitten dieser Ausarbeitung werden zunächst die derzeitige Situation des Lebens auf dem Athos sowie die Herausforderungen, mit denen die Mönchsrepublik heutzutage konfrontiert ist, beschrieben. Abschließend wird das Leben einiger namhafter Persönlichkeiten auf dem Athos, am Beispiel von Silouan von Athos, Joseph der Hesychast und Porphyrios von Kavsokalyvia, kurz skizziert.

  • af Abba Engelberg
    267,95 kr.

    The book of Exodus raises some ethical questions central to the Jewish faith. Too often, we learn these Biblical stories as children and never revisit them-or their ethical implications-once we have reached adulthood. In many cases, we realize that the explanations we learned in childhood call for further elucidation.Rabbi Dr. Abba Engelberg presents many traditional answers, explained in depth, as well as some original interpretations, to difficult ethical questions raised by the narrative of the book of Exodus, including: Can we understand Egyptian oppression as a forerunner to anti-Semitism?What does it mean that Pharaoh's heart was hardened? Is there an ethical problem in removing his free will?Did Jethro join the Jewish people out of righteousness or expediency? Do his motivations matter?What is the thematic relationship between the two halves of the Ten Commandments?Why do the interpersonal laws of Mishpatim precede the God-oriented laws of Terumah and Tetzaveh?Was Aaron's participation justified in the episode of the golden calf

  • af Ari D. Kahn
    217,95 kr.

    In another collection of incisive essays on the weekly Torah reading and Jewish holidays, Rabbi Ari Kahn once again displays his remarkable ability to distill complicated philosophical, theological, and exegetical ideas into brief and accessible language for everyone at the Shabbat table. His writings are deeply steeped in Torah and rabbinic tradition, yet remain relevant to Jews across a broad spectrum of readership. Share these ideas at your Shabbat table, or study them beforehand to enhance your understanding of the parashah each week.

  • af Ari D. Kahn
    207,95 kr.

    A River Flowed from Eden is the perfect addition to your Shabbat table. Rabbi Ari Kahn has collected 54 of his thought-provoking short essays, one for each of the weekly Torah portions, in a volume that is sure to spark interest and meaningful discussion. Rabbi Kahn's newest volume raises existential and philosophical issues and culls contemporary messages from the sacred, timeless text of the Torah while retaining fidelity to rabbinic tradition. Written in accessible, engaging language, each essay examines a single idea from the weekly Torah reading. Grappling with the challenges presented by the text, the trials and tribulations of Judaism's founding mothers and fathers, and the philosophical underpinnings of observance, Rabbi Kahn illuminates the remarkably contemporary issues of morality and faith, society and sanctity contained in each Torah portion.

  • af Gidon Rothstein
    212,95 kr.

    The Passover Seder is probably the most broadly observed Jewish ritual, as the Exodus from Egypt remains at the forefront of the Jewish consciousness. Since the Torah relates many of its teachings to the bondage of Egypt, Jews are encouraged to internalize the oppression in Egypt, the Exodus through the Red Sea, and the transition from slavery to freedom. As If We Were There: Readings for a Transformative Passover Experience breathes new life in the Passover story by providing 21 daily readings, beginning with the first day of Hebrew month Nisan until the last day of Passover. Each day focuses on a specific aspect of the Exodus experience, as Rabbi Rothstein takes the reader on a journey of intellectual and spiritual development while we study, analyze, and ultimately internalize the events and messages of the Exodus story.In the second part of the book, a memoir of his father's Seder, Rabbi Rothstein utilizes humor and nostalgia to introduce the reader to a Seder that succeeded in finding ways for Jews to see themselves as if they had been redeemed from Egypt.

  • af Ezra Cappell
    439,95 kr.

    Combines powerful first-person accounts with incisive scholarly analysis to understand the phenomenon of ultra-Orthodox Jews who leave their insular communities and venture into the wider world.

  • af Roberta G. Sands
    416,95 kr.

    A psychological study, based on extensive interview data, of Jewish adults who take on a devout lifestyle.

  • af Marc B. Shapiro
    521,95 kr.

    "A consideration of how segments of Orthodox society rewrite the past by eliminating that which does not fit in with their contemporary world-view. This wide-ranging and original review of how this policy is applied in practice adds a new perspective to Jewish intellectual history and to the understanding of the contemporary Jewish world"--

  • af Alan Morinis
    262,95 kr.

  • af Shalom Auslander
    252,95 kr.

  • af Moshe M. Eisemann
    167,95 kr.

    From the author of "Harp Strings and Heart Strings," an Orthodox Rabbi comments on The Book of Ecclesiastes.

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