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  • af Linda Diane Lay
    80,95 kr.

    From the renowned authors of "The Sugar Orchard," "Poetic Colors," and "The Essence of a Pearl."Linda Diane Lay, Angelia Richhart & Amber Richhart have now written and release a new inspirational book named "Divinely Guided: Faith, Hope, Love, Peace and Joy."This book surrounds and entails the subjects of faith, love, peace, hope & joy, while offering an inspirational message of love and acceptance. This book is based on Christianity and the love of Jesus Christ. Throughout the pages you'll learn about love, forgiveness, and the gift of peace and joy that Christ left us. Whether your a new believer or have been of the faith for a long time, this book offers guidance and answers to questions many believers may have.

  • af Robert Simpson
    105,95 kr.

    The Ripple Effect is a devotional study of one of the best-loved psalms of David. Breaking the psalm down into sections, or chapters, the author examines the verses and expounds on their meanings and effects. He includes, too, some of his own writings connected with the psalm.Robert Simpson began to serve God at a tender age. From a Christian bookshop worker in New Zealand to a literature ministry in the wilds of Papua New Guinea, to working with a publisher of legal books in London, and later becoming an ordained minister in Australia with his own parish, he absorbed and shared God's Word. After suffering a deep clinical depression, and electro-convulsive treatment, followed by a severe stroke, he learned again to trust, to speak, read, and write. This gave him plenty of time to reflect further on the Bible, and The Ripple Effect flows from all of this, a vivid and inspirational insight into both the man and the minister.

  • af Carl H. Waters
    161,95 kr.

    If the history of the world were a journey, where would we be? In his book, When the Conflict Ends, What Then? author Carl H. Waters uses the map of Scripture, with its histories and prophecies, to take the reader on a journey through time, beginning with the Creation and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden and ending with the final conflict between good and evil before Christ returns. Waters traces the distortion of God's character through paganism's amalgamation with true faith. He highlights the role of faith's defenders, who have arisen throughout history to share the truth of God's love and mercy. He emphasizes God's law, which sustains and governs all things living, and God's sovereignty in the universe and His unwillingness to force anyone to comply with His will. Additionally, he lays out principles for interpreting prophecy and finds symbolism in the Old Testament sanctuary to help the reader understand God's plan to rescue all who are willing. When the Conflict Ends, What Then? shows readers the "X" on the map of human history as we head toward the resolution of the final conflict, which says, "YOU ARE HERE!""Rich in historical detail, Waters shows how the Old Testament finds its fulfillment in the New Testament, and how that fulfillment applies to us today in how we are to worship and come into the presence of God." ~ ~ Conrad Vine, Pastor, and President of Adventist Frontier Missions "This book offers explanations to the often-common questions and misunderstandings of a Sovereign God interacting with humanity prior to and after free moral agents were subject to the curse of sin. For bible scholars, students, teachers, pastors, or avid historians, this read is a wonderful addition to your library." ~ Gary James, Executive Director of Renewed Hearts Inc.

  • af Timothy Keller
    192,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    193,95 kr.

    "In Norman Fischer's translation, the words of the Psalms are clothed in renewed beauty - clear, uncompromising, shining with devotion."-Jack Kornfield, author of After the Ecstasy, the Laundry A week with the Trappist monks of Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky left Norman Fischer feeling inspired by the uplifting, soaring verses chanted each day, but also astonished by the violence, passion, and bitterness expressed. This experience started him on a journey through Eastern and Western spirituality and his own Jewish roots toward these moving and intimate translations of the Psalms. In ninety-three poems of praise, celebration, suffering, and lamentation, Opening to You brings the Psalms alive, conveying their beauty and power in accessible English for today's readers of every spiritual path or religious background and transforming the sacred songs into the timeless music of enlightenment.

  • af T D Jakes
    195,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author T. D. Jakes presents the perfect gift for the holidays: a heartwarming collection of stories and reminiscences that will bring readers a deeper understanding of the true meaning of Christmas.At Christmas, families gather and presents are exchanged. But the true meaning of the holiday does not come wrapped in brightly colored paper, nor are scrumptious meals the reason for the season. The real gift of Christmas is the birth of Jesus-and the celebration is to honor the miracle with those we love.In Follow the Star, T. D. Jakes illuminates the meaning of the holiday through family stories about finding the Christmas spirit during the worst times of poverty and hardship-and of the need during the best of times to slow down and appreciate fellowship, love, and God. With warmth and wisdom, Bishop Jakes makes Christmas past and present come alive-and leads us to embrace fully the magnificent miracle of the birth of Christ.

  • af Miner T Perkins
    208,95 kr.

    Looking around at the world today it is obvious to most, if not all, Christians that none of the myths or legends or interpretations or theories or commentaries or imaginations or teachings or fictions about the End Time prophecies of Yeshua's/Jesus's Return are happening. But the real question is: are any of the words themselves written down in the prophecies being fulfilled today? In order to provide a balance to the conversation about End Time prophecy happening in the global Christian body today, this book only examines if the words actually written in the prophecies in Scripture are being fulfilled or not, without using any interpretations or myths or imaginations or commentaries or teachings that have been created around the prophecies over the last 1,900 years. Do not let anyone tell you that the prophecies in Scripture are easy and quick to understand, because the size of this book is the bare minimum it took to be able to only examine the most essential and foundational End Time prophecies. There is much that had to be left out and it would require writing volumes of books of thousands of pages to make a thorough and complete examination of all of the End Time and Messianic prophecies scattered throughout Scripture in relation to the events happening today. The wonderful thing is that Yahuweh/Yehovah already understands all of his prophecies perfectly, and we do not have to try to understand them on our own strength; we can trust him to reveal understanding to us whenever it is his timing for us to understand, if we humble ourselves to his will. Everyone is looking for a leader to tell them what to think and what to do, but when it comes to Yahuweh/Yehovah few listen to him and what he says to do, because he requires that we have to think for ourselves and interact with him in a relationship in order to be able to obey him and his words (both spoken and written). It is no different in understanding prophecy where we have to have a real relationship with him, knowing him and who he is in order to understand the words he has spoken and written.

  • af Roy R. Jeal
    389,95 - 558,95 kr.

  • af Scriptural Research Institute
    193,95 - 280,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Payne
    101,95 kr.

    Deepening your Bible study is a worthwhile and rewarding endeavor that can enrich your spiritual life and strengthen your relationship with God. By acknowledging and overcoming common challenges such as lack of direction, time constraints, distractions, and lack of understanding, you can unlock the depths of Scripture and experience its transformative power in your life. Remember, the journey of Bible study is not about perfection but about progress and growth in your faith. So, take the first step today and start delving deeper into God's Word.

  • af Sermones Bíblicos
    284,95 kr.

    A través de cartas inspiradoras y reveladoras, descubrirás cómo utilizar los consejos prácticos de la educación laboral para mejorar tus habilidades de liderazgo, comunicación, resolución de conflictos y más con lecciones de las Cartas Generales y el Apocalipsis que te ayudarán a comprender el propósito divino en tu trabajo y cómo convertirlo en un ministerio.Ejemplos concretos de cómo aplicar los principios bíblicos en el entorno laboral, este libro te guiará paso a paso en el camino hacia el éxito y la realización. Descubrirás cómo encontrar significado y propósito en tu trabajo diario, cómo mantenerte firme en tus valores cristianos en medio de desafíos y adversidades, y cómo hacer una diferencia duradera en el mundo laboral al llevar el mensaje de esperanza y amor de Cristo.

  • af Mark C. Kiley
    282,95 - 315,95 kr.

  • af Carl E. Roemer
    460,95 - 477,95 kr.

  • af Darío López R.
    162,95 kr.

    La carta a los Efesios es uno de los documentos teológicamente másprofundos y desafiantes del Nuevo Testamento, cuyo contenido tieneuna vigencia extraordinaria para todas las épocas, particularmente,por su presentación de la iglesia como una realidad alternativa, unanueva sociedad o humanidad en Cristo. La propuesta paulina, laiglesia como una realidad alternativa, plantea dos temas teológicosconectados entre sí y que están íntimamente relacionados con eltestimonio cristiano en el mundo: 1) El Evangelio como una verdadpública, cuyo contenido y alcance, no se limita a la frontera religiosade la vida ni se encapsula en la iglesia; 2) La doble ciudadanía de loscreyentes, esto es, ciudadanos del reino de Dios y ciudadanos de lacomunidad política en la que habitan.El Dr. López Rodríguez nos ofrece una lectura fresca de estaimportante carta, de la que ha producido una reflexión teológicaproducto de su interacción pastoral fuera y dentro de la iglesia. Susobservaciones y conclusiones son muy pertinentes a estas primerasdécadas del siglo XXI.

  • af Michael Straus
    422,95 - 479,95 kr.

  • af Max Stone
    160,95 kr.

    Thomas-evangeliet er en unik kilde til undervisning tillagt Jesus, som ikke blev inkluderet i de officielle kanoner. Dette evangelium forblev skjult i næsten to årtusinder, indtil det blev opdaget af egyptiske bønder i 1947. Heri beretter Thomas, en af Jesu apostle, den der skulle se for at tro, om Messias' ord, som ikke fremgår af Bibelen. Det er undervisninger, der blev bevaret af gnostikerne, som, da de blev forfulgt af den officielle kirke, gemte deres dogmer i lerpotter og forseglede dem i huler, så det, der er nået frem til os, kun er fragmenter af Jesu undervisninger. Udfold disse mysterier. "Det Forsvundne Thomasevangelium" er et værk, der afslører et alternativt perspektiv på den kristne spiritualitet, som har været skjult i århundreder. Det er en overraskende tekst, der giver os adgang til undervisninger, der er blevet nægtet os. Ved at dykke ned i denne læsning inviteres du til at opdage de spirituelle dybder af det oprindelige kristendom, hvor spørgsmål og visdom udfordrer den traditionelle forståelse og fører os på en transformerende rejse mod viden og indre oplysning.

  • af Scriptural Research Institute
    160,95 - 254,95 kr.

  • af Scriptural Research Institute
    194,95 - 289,95 kr.

  • af Scriptural Research Institute
    263,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Sandra M. Riley
    128,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Dean Debarthe
    253,95 kr.

    What about the Book of Mormon? That it is a controversial book cannot be denied. Many do not accept it as scripture. They believe that Joseph Smith, Jr., "wrote" it. They also believe that the Bible is the only scripture ever written, but nowhere does the Bible make that claim. This belief is not biblical. In fact, just the opposite is true. The Bible testifies to the existence of other written scriptures and specifically a second scripture written about the tribe of Joseph (Ezekiel 37:19). This Joseph is the same Joseph of the coat of many colors, the same Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt and the Same Joseph that saved Egypt and all of the tribes of Israel from the seven-year that occurred.Due to his lack of knowledge and education, if Joseph Smith, Jr., has written The Book of Mormon, it would have been disproven years ago. Instead, as time passes, more and more of it is proven to be correct. Joseph Smith could not have written it for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that he was a barely literate man. He knew very little of the scriptures and no Hebrew at all. Yet The Book of Mormon is clearly written by highly educated men with a strong background in Hebrew customs and writing techniques, none of which were known by any American in the 1800s. More information on this subject will be explored within this book.This book was begun by the direction of the Holy Spirit and written to the entire body of Christ. Some might ask why they should read it. Some will read it to try to refute it; others will read it to learn and still, others will use it to further their own agendas. However, you should read it and pray over it, asking God through His Holy Spirit to give you a witness as to its validityWe need direction from the Holy Spirit because we are always vulnerable to error. Even prophets can be deceived (2 Chronicles, Chapter 18). Satan will do anything he can to prevent us from gaining unity in our fight against him. For years he has used the "divide and conquer" plan, and we have fallen prey to it. It is time we stop fighting over our petty differences and start working together for the salvation of all mankind. The harvest is plentiful; it is time to bring it in, and we can do it! With the help of God through His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, we can accomplish what would otherwise be impossible on our own.

  • af Ben Iii Witherington
    217,95 - 274,95 kr.

  • af Kiwoon Lee
    392,95 - 400,95 kr.

  • af Ben F. van Veen
    432,95 - 514,95 kr.

  • af Isaac Agbenohevi
    230,95 kr.

    This book is the fruit of a dissertation which seeks to get beyond the impasse in the modern interpretation of the "Sign-Jonah" Traditions by building upon the achieved results of previous studies (both diachronic and synchronic) examining some Jewish Writings from Second Temple Judaism (the historical ambience of the Synoptic tradition), engaging recently refined concepts and methods of literary-narrative analyses such as the use of synkrisis and utilizing the revised understanding of typology in examining the specific role of Jonah in Luke's Christology. Applying the redactional-critical approach, typological exegesis, and literary (narrative) analysis, it examines three specific questions: (1) what the appropriate "image" of Jonah in Second Temple Judaism (historical) is, (2) what the specific form of the "Sign-Jonah" saying in the gospel narratives (literary) is, and (3) how Jonah's figure contribute to Lucan Christology (theological). The entire study concludes with some revealing elements which shed light on the questions which underpin the dissertation: (1) Jonah's figure was replete and frequently invoked in Second Temple Judaism (his fish ordeal, preaching in Nineveh, death experience, considered as sign, commonplace recourse in crisis situation); and (2) "Sign-Jonah" and "Solomon-Queen" traditions (pieced together with the Beelzebul controversy) are interwoven in narration to make a syncretic-typological correlation between Jesus and Jonah (prophetic character in person and activity) and bring a clear definition to the enigmatic logion to semeion Iona; 3). Jonah's figure, in the context of Luke's Christology, serves as an element of both continuity (consistency with OT tradition) and discontinuity (redefinition--Jesus is the fulfillment and plenitude of OT tradition).

  • af Alexander Hislop
    242,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Lola Thomas
    130,95 kr.

    Book The Prostitution of a Nation is an intriguing book that will lead you through the systems of the world and reveal to you that we all like Rahab are and have been prostituted. This book will take you through the original meaning of words that we have been taught incorrectly. If you have been a Christian all of your life and you cannot heal a headache, this book is for you. If you want more out of your Christian life, this book is for you. If you want to lead and not be a follower, this book is for you. The message of the kingdom of heaven will transform your life to the life Jesus died for you to truly have.

  • af Allen Dwight Callahan
    344,95 kr.

    The classic essays in this volume address the usefulness of Orlando Patterson's work on slavery to New Testament studies. Contributors approach the question of slavery from two directions. Part One examines the evidence for slavery in antiquity and attitudes toward it. Part Two considers specific receptions of Paul and slavery by persons of African descent in North America. Contributions to this essential collection pushed scholars toward a more complex, critical view of the Greek and Roman slave systems, and their work continues to influence New Testament studies today.

  • af E. Allen Griffith
    76,95 kr.

    The prevailing view of God in a nation will determine the educational models, arts, approaches to science, business practices, forms and styles of entertainment, governmental philosophy and practice, family life, general social systems, and some of the specifics of religious practices. When the view of God changes, all else will be dramatically affected. Let us understand clearly--the times are changing, and the culture for which and in which the Constitution was written is collapsing. With its fall will come the loss of those rights, values, and standards of morality and decency on which the nation was built. You cannot have a United States of America as it was founded and intended to be, if reverence for the God of the Bible is lost.

  • af Max Stone
    168,95 kr.

    L'Évangile de Thomas est une source unique d'enseignements attribués à Jésus qui n'ont pas été inclus dans les canons officiels. Cet évangile, resté caché pendant presque deux millénaires, a été découvert par des paysans égyptiens en 1947. En lui, Thomas, un des apôtres de Jésus, celui qui devait voir pour croire, rapporte les paroles du Messie qui n'apparaissent pas dans la Bible. Ce sont des enseignements qui ont été préservés par les gnostiques, qui, face à la persécution de l'église officielle, cachèrent leurs dogmes dans des jarres d'argile et les enfermèrent dans des grottes, de sorte que ce qui nous est parvenu ne sont que des fragments des enseignements de Jésus. Découvrez ces mystères. "L'Évangile Perdu de Thomas" est une ¿uvre qui révèle une perspective alternative de la spiritualité chrétienne cachée pendant des siècles. C'est un texte surprenant qui nous permet d'accéder à des enseignements qui nous ont été refusés. En vous aventurant dans cette lecture, vous êtes invité à découvrir les profondeurs spirituelles du christianisme original où des interrogations et des sagesses remettent en question la compréhension traditionnelle, nous menant dans un voyage transformateur vers la connaissance et l'illumination intérieure.

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