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Lyst og lidenskab i middelalderen er en bog om seksuel adfærd i Danmark og Europa i perioden ca. 1000-1500 e.Kr. Den behandler emnet ud fra en kulturel og sociologisk vinkel, hvorved man får et særligt indblik i et alment menneskeligt emne i en fjern men afgørende vigtig historisk periode. En periode, der normmæssigt ikke er så fjernt fra os i dag, som man umiddelbart skulle tro. Selvom der findes litteratur om emnet, er kun en meget lille del af det tilgængeligt på dansk, og tilmed er den litteratur meget akademisk. Lyst og lidenskab i middelalderen søger at rette op på dette forhold ved samlet at formidle den viden, der er til rådighed i dag.Ligesom Kåre Johannessens seneste bog, Magt og mennesker i Danmarks middelalder, er ambitionen at give en faglig kompetent og velillustreret fremstilling i tradition med store formidlere som Palle Lauring, Erik Kjærsgaard og Piet van Deurs og derved at fange såvel den unge som den ældre læsers opmærksomhed.
Indigo Brun er enlig mor til fem og nyudnævnt chef for whistleblower-ordningen i medicinalfirmaet PharmaGrande. En dag forsvinder hendes ældste datter, Anna, på mystisk vis. Kort efter modtager Indigo et anonymt tip, som kæder datterens forsvinden sammen med et af konkurrenternes produkter: den omstridte abortpille.Indigo går til politiet med tippet, men de afviser det som falsk og står i øvrigt på bar bund. Der er ikke andre spor at gå efter, intet åbenlyst motiv, og ingen har tilsyneladende set noget.Uret tikker, tiden går, og Indigo bliver mere og mere desperat. Hvor er Anna? Hvem har taget hende? Og hvorfor?KAINS PILLE er 2. selvstændige bind i PharmaGrande-serien, en helt ny krimi- og spændingsserie om den lidt anderledes læge, Indigo Brun, og hendes venner, Knallert-Lars og Ling. Serien følger de tre personer og deres færden ind og ud af medicinalindustriens kroge og afkroge.Bøgerne kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden.- - -Det skrev anmelderne om ADAMS OFFER, 1. bind i serien:En virkelig imponerende krimidebut - Dansk BibliotekscenterLovende krimipotentiale - JyllandspostenGryden holdes i kog hele vejen igennem - Fru Thulstrup
"Are you sick of waiting for your "real" life to begin? This joy-filled daily devotional offers the abundant peace that comes when you place your trust in God's plan and start living today-from the founder of The Honey Scoop"--
An accessible and easy-to-use men's devotional offering a year of scripture, prayers and wisdom.As a main supporter of their families, dads are pillars of strength. But sometimes they can get overwhelmed and stressed and require self-care. Men’s Devotional for Dads by authors and renowned Christian counselors Chris and Jamie Bailey, helps all dads lean on God for strength and wisdom for the journey of fatherhood and beyond.Men’s Devotional for Dads features:52 WEEKS OF PRAYERS AND DEVOTION: A selection of powerful scripture and God’s truths makes sure that dad is spiritually covered for the whole year. Anecdotes and cases of real dads provide guidance on refocusing on God. Each devotion offers a prayer for God’s strength, wisdom, and healing for all seasons of fatherhood.UPLIFTING AND INSPIRATIONAL AFFIRMATIONS: Each devotion starts with an affirmation that also serves as the devotional theme that reflects God’s truth PROFESSIONAL CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS: Chris and Jamie Bailey have been married for more than 28 years and are renowned in their community for helping Christian marriages thrive. Their clients include fathers, and they have helped many dads find their best selves through the grace of God. They both have their Master’s in Professional Counseling.
The first step-by-step guide to the techniques of Kaula Tantra, the practical yogini path to enlightenment
Discover the Truth He Wants You to Know... The man in your life carries important feelings so deep inside he barely knows they're there, much less how to talk about them. Yet your man genuinely wants you to "get" him-to understand his inner life, to know his fears and needs, to hear what he wishes he could tell you. In her landmark bestseller, For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahn reveals what every woman-single or married-needs to know. Based on rigorous research with thousands of men, Shaunti delivers one eye-opening revelation after another, including:• Why your respect means more to him than your love.• How he feels deep inside about his role as provider.• What it means for a man to be so visually "wired."• Why sex for him is primarily emotional, not physical.• What he most wishes he could say to you. Now, in this expanded and updated edition, you'll find insights from the latest brain research plus an all-new chapter that shows what's really going on when he seems to "check out." (You'll be surprised and pleased.) Millions worldwide have experienced dramatic change in their relationships because of the "aha" moments and practical ideas in this little book. Discover how to love your man for who he really is.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! Psalm 36:7 God knows us better than anyone else ever can, and still . . . He loves us. Unconditionally. Completely. The sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross is ultimate proof of God's deep and enduring love for us; the resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate demonstration of His limitless power. Those amazing truths allow us to live fully and freely in His love and power every day! No matter what you're going through, let these Our Daily Bread devotions, written by women like you, deepen your roots in God's unfailing love.
Det er også en bog om frelse, frisættelse og forsoning. Om at bære rundt på en hemmelighed, finde hinanden som brødre, følge sit hjerte og blive sig selv og sin tro bekendt.
Denne bog præsenterer dig for en revolutionerende ny måde at elske på. For når det kommer til sex, vil de fleste af os gerne have mere. Det store spørgsmål er bare: mere af hvad?David Deidas svar til de af jer, der dybde ønsker mere dybde i jeres sexliv, og som går rundt med en følelse af, at sex burde bestå af mere end bare kortvarig fysisk tilfredsstillelse, er, at tiden er inde til at udforske ens unikke spirituelle seksualitet.Bogen er lavet ud fra målet om, at kærligheden forstørres og bliver til noget hinsides det, to mennesker deler. At sex bliver en total forsvinden ind i kærlighedens fylde, noget, der går ud over den tilfredsstillelse, det giver, når to kroppe gnubber sig mod hinanden, og man nærer følelser for hinanden.Hvert kapitel indledes med en kort erotisk tekst, der belyser en særlig stemning af elskov, og efterfølges af direkte instruktioner, der taler klart og ligefremt til den drivkraft, de to køn hver især besidder, og som er et resultat af, at den feminine del af os længes efter en dybere kærlighed, og den maskuline del kæmper for større frihed.David Deida bringer 30 års erfaring og arbejde med tusindvis af par i spil for at illustrere de veje, vi – som mænd og kvinder – med sindsro kan begive os hen ad i vores bestræbelser på at nå frem til en mere utæmmet lidenskab, samhørighed og spirituel vækst, der rækker ud over nuet og os selv.DAVID DEIDA er internationalt anerkendt som en af de mest indsigtsfulde og provokerende spirituelle lærere i vor tid. Hans mål er at revolutionere den måde, mænd og kvinder vokser spirituelt og seksuelt på. Hans bøger bliver blandt andet betragtet som nogle af de mest originale og autentiske bidrag til personlig og spirituel vækst. Den maskuline mand og Min elskede af ham er allerede udkommet på dansk.
As parents, we encounter numerous hurdles while raising our children. From these trials arises "4D Love," a compelling book in which God unveils the profound dimensions of His love amid the challenges of parenting. Through insightful interpretations of scripture and personal anecdotes shared by the author, readers embark on a journey to grasp the vastness of God's love, encompassing its breadth, length, depth, and height. The book underscores how life's obstacles often obstruct our capacity to fully embrace this divine love. By delving into how God examines and refines our love, it showcases the transformative influence of love in our lives, ultimately fostering spiritual growth and maturity.
The ALBERTINA modern exhibition presents Alfred Kubin's view of the world of evil, the predominant theme of his life and work. The aesthetics of evil prove to be the antithesis of a tranquil idyll for him, one of the most outstanding drawing artists of the twentieth century. Trapped in his fantasies, he finds himself confronted with uncanny dream apparitions and a pronounced fear of the feminine, the night, and fate. This catalogue explores Kubin's graphic cosmos of the ominous, his nightmares and obsessions and the iconography of evil. ALFRED KUBIN (1877-1959) was an important Austrian draughtsman and graphic artist. In 1898, after a traumatic childhood in Zell am See and a series of mental crises, he began his artistic training in Munich. Kubin worked through his nightmares and obsessions in a large number of fantastic drawings.
"A Christ-centered Marriage: A Practical Guide to Building a Strong, Faith-based Relationship" is a comprehensive guide for couples who want to deepen their relationship with each other and with God. In this book, you will discover practical strategies and tips for building a strong foundation on Christ, improving communication, offering forgiveness and grace, cultivating a heart of gratitude, and serving together in your faith community.Drawing on biblical wisdom and personal experiences, this book offers practical advice on navigating challenges, handling finances, balancing marriage and career, and staying connected during tough seasons. With insights on understanding your spouse's love language, building a Christ-centered family life, and supporting each other through life transitions, this book is a valuable resource for any couple seeking to build a lasting and fulfilling Christ-centered marriage.Whether you're newlyweds or have been married for many years, "A Christ-centered Marriage" offers practical tools and strategies to help you deepen your connection with your spouse and with God. With its practical tips, engaging stories, and timeless wisdom, this book is the perfect guide for anyone looking to build a strong, faith-based relationship that will stand the test of time.
Reclaiming Men's Spirituality is a study that investigates men's spirituality by exploring three research questions: Can a form of spirituality about men be identified and described, how can this spirituality be examined, and what is it that needs to be reclaimed? To answer these questions and at the same time remain committed to the importance of lived experience, this study opted to investigate the lives of men by attending to ten spiritual histories. The study is situated in Malta, and the ten spiritual histories provide access to various features, expressions, and contours that relate closely to men's being. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with ten spiritual directors who have men as spiritual directees. Their contribution clarifies the structure of men's spirituality, the effort required when directing male spiritual directees and the impact generated in the lives of men thanks to spiritual direction. To provide a frame of reference for the examination of all the gathered data, John of the Cross's spiritual framework has been chosen as the mystical instrument against which men's spiritualities are studied, leading to richer insights into the operations, motives, goals, and problems of such spiritualities.
Is it possible to combine Christian and queer-affirming attitudes in a counseling context? This book provides concrete case studies to show that it is indeed possible and shows how this connection can be touching and liberating. Kerstin Söderblom explains the meaning of queer-affirming pastoral care, using narrative miniatures of counseling sessions. The basis for this is the evaluation of case studies from pastoral care and casual services. Moreover, it presents queer-friendly impulses for pastoral care sermons, queer "re-readings" of biblical texts, prayers and rituals. The book shares exciting and touching stories from a pastoral-theological world that is usually still completely ignored. It combines professional pastoral care work with the question of how it can be offered to queer people in an appropriate and respectful way.
Director of Training and Resources for Biblical Counselling UK, Helen Thorne-Allenson gives us this essential guide for young women to what the Bible says about pornography. We live in a world where pornography is easy to access. At the click of a button, it tempts us to use our devices and bodies to get a cheap hit of excitement, devoid of any real human interaction or care. But God calls us to a life which is the opposite of that. Helen Thorne-Allenson shares not only a convincing explanation as to why looking at porn is unhelpful but also some practical tips for breaking the habit. Contents: Section 1: Understanding Porn Purpose Value Section 2: Understanding Why We Use Porn Curiosity Comfort Control Section 3: Pursuing Christ Strategies Hope Community Beauty Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and discussion, and there is a list of helpful resources at the back of the book. This book contains no graphic detail about the contents of porn. There is no manipulating you to feel guilty for decisions you may have made in the past. And there is no pretending that living for Jesus is always easy. There is, however, an honest look at who we are, what pornography is, why we are here, and how God is calling us to live - and an invitation to follow him into a future that is beautiful beyond compare. Track is a series of books designed to disciple the next generation in the areas of culture, doctrine, and the Christian life. While the topics addressed aren't always simple, they are communicated in a manner that is. With the intention of the content being absorbed, examined and applied, each chapter includes a summary of the main point, and reflection questions that can be used individually, in 1-2-1 mentoring or in a group setting.
Do you know what it means to be a man? Does something feel wrong? Do you feel less than whole or unsatisfied with your life? Do you feel unmanly and the need to reclaim your manhood? Every man wants to feel whole and relevant. Men want dominion over life. Young or old, the fact is, control in life is limited. So, you must minimize the amount of stupid you inflict upon yourself. Finances, relationships, marriage, and children all thrive under the leadership of a strong man. Manage these things well, and happiness and confidence will follow. Inside this book are some suggestions to help you get there, so that you can focus on God's plan for your life. This book will also help you avoid some painful life lessons; and to reflect deeply as to what kind of man you want to be.
"Break free from the need for approval, unleash your inner strength, and discover the unshakable confidence that comes directly from God"--
L'année dernière, j'ai fait un séjour d'un mois dans l'une des grandes puissances du monde. Il est dit que la population de ce pays est constituée à vingt-cinq pour cent de Chrétiens. Oui, la prétention est que, une personne sur quatre est née de nouveau.Il m'a aussi été dit que le taux de divorce montait en flèche. Un ministre de l'Evangile m'a même dit que le taux de divorce parmi les croyants était tout aussi élevé que parmi les non-croyants.Il m'a été dit que des ministres-dirigeants de l'Evangile étaient en train de divorcer d'avec leurs femmes et d'en épouser d'autres tout en continuant à avoir les bénédictions de Dieu sur leurs grands ministères.Ceci m'a fait réfléchir ! Etaient-ils en train d'utiliser une Bible différente de la mienne? Etions-nous dans différentes religions?Je commençai à réfléchir sérieusement sur ce sujet. Je lus et relus les Ecritures.Tu trouveras dans les pages qui suivent le fruit de mon étude.Que Dieu te bénisse pendant que tu lis ce livre.
Out of Darkness into Light is a true story that follows a young girl from adolescence to adulthood. It chronicles overcoming addictions and committing one's life to Christ even in the most unlikely circumstances. It is a testimony to hope with a timeless message that no one is beyond God's mercy.
Join Dale Alter as he embarks on an extraordinary retelling of his journeying with Jesus- one marked by faith, redemption, miracles, and divine love. This enlightening biography chronicles his life, from the pivot point of his encounter with Christ while on an acid trip, to his leadership in the Jesus Movement, to his fulfilling career in emergency medicine.Despite professional triumphs, Dale's personal life was fraught with difficulties. Yet, even in the face of failed marriages and strained relations, Dale found purpose in his missionary work in East Africa, his bond with Christ, and his community.This book is not only a testament to Dale's transformative journey but also a celebration of the miraculous, healing power of divine love and the joy found in Christ's embrace. Let Dale Alter's relentless pursuit of God's kingdom on earth inspire your own lifelong adventure of walking with Jesus.
My Riteful Passage is a journey of my life as a young lady from Detroit, MI, experiencing many trials and tribulations of life, while remaining faithful andsteadfast in my walk with God. No matter where life took me, one thing was for certain, and that was God was always with me never leaving me nor forsaking me. I could always trust the hand of God in my life and his hedge of protection all around me. Take this journey with me as I share the ordered steps of God in my life through my eyes. Let's Go!
"This beautifully written memoir is for anyone who has walked a hard road and wondered how to get to the other side. Stephanie Duncan Smith promises that it's not through grit and force that you will find a way forward, but through leaning in to the promises that hold true when all seems lost. Duncan Smith's personal disorientation began when she lost her first pregnancy on the winter solstice's longest night, just as the world readied to celebrate its most historic birth on Christmas. Then a new yet uncertain pregnancy unfolded in parallel to the global pandemic, until one year nearly to the day of her loss, she gave birth to her daughter whose birthday marked the peak of pandemic death in their city. This clash prompted a desperate search for steadiness, in which the liturgical year became an anchoring force. In Even After Everything, Duncan Smith looks to the church's calendar as a way of finding and reorienting ourselves within the sacred story of Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, and Ordinary Time. The Christian year illuminates a full circle of love, loss, and liminality, holding space for the full spectrum of the human experience. At its heart lives the promise of God-With-Us, inviting us into the spiritual practice of living well by accepting that there is a time for everything, and trusting that in whatever moment we find ourselves, we are never truly alone"--
"An empowering 60-day devotional guiding readers to experience the bold and confident trust that comes from sitting at the feet of Jesus-from the Grammy Award winner, Billboard Gospel Artist of the Decade, and author of Do It Anyway"--
Discover a rich legacy of audacious women who forged a spirituality that is more inclusive, surprising, and empowering than we ever imagined.“The feminist reading of women mystics I’ve wanted for ages . . . invites us into the hopeful possibility for communal healing that we desperately need right now.”—Sarah Bessey, bestselling author of Field Notes for the Wilderness and Jesus FeministIs there a Christian spirituality that embraces the entire reality of womanhood?The answer, Shannon K. Evans suggests, is an emphatic yes. There is a spirituality that meets us in every part of our lives, developed by the women who came before us. Six mystics—Teresa of Ávila, Margery Kempe, Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Siena, and Thérèse of Lisieux—revealed a faith big enough to hold the female experiences of sex and desire, the yearning for bodily autonomy, the challenges of motherhood and identity, as well as life with male authority and—sometimes—violence. These women, self-determining, stubborn, and unapologetically themselves, asked questions in their time that are startlingly prescient today, and fought for women’s experiences to be heard, understood, respected, and recognized as holy.In The Mystics Would Like a Word, readers will discover the story of Christian faith and spirituality as told by these extraordinary and wise women, one that speaks directly to today’s unique experiences, and leads to wholeness, healing, and spiritual vitality.
How can a woman love God as she should and keep the rest of her life in its proper place?More Than These: A Woman's Love for God addresses this question that every woman who desires to walk with God must face. Innumerable responsibilities fill her life and seek to take control of her time, energy, and focus.In spite of her best intentions, these worthy concerns can slip into a place of prominence in her heart-a place only God deserves. These people and situations that capture her love can quickly become idols when priorities go unchecked.More Than These: A Woman's Love for God addresses the issue of a woman's love for God. Each chapter considers a different aspect of a woman's life that can become an idol-family, friends, possessions, fears, accomplishments, etc.More Than These: A Woman's Love for God clearly presents biblical truths and personal illustrations to teach why a woman must surrender these areas to the Lord for Him to remain her ultimate love.Women are searching for the secret to balancing their lives. More Than These: A Woman's Love for God declares that loving God supremely is the answer.
In a world often dominated by hurried routines and superficial connections, there exists a profound and transformative realm waiting to be explored-one where sensuality intertwines with spirituality, and intimacy becomes a conduit for profound awakening. Welcome to "Sacred Sensuality: A Guide to Sex Magic and Spiritual Awakening," where we embark on a journey that transcends the conventional boundaries of both our physical and spiritual lives. is not merely a guide.It is an invitation to rediscover the spiritual essence inherent in human sexuality and to harness its transformative potential. As we delve into the realms of sex magic and spiritual awakening, we will unravel the ancient wisdom that views intimacy as a sacred path leading to enlightenment. The intersection of sensuality and spirituality is not a new concept; it is an age-old understanding that has been revered in various cultures throughout history. This book aims to reintroduce and demystify these ancient practices, offering a contemporary perspective on how the fusion of sexuality and spirituality can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth.Throughout the chapters, we will explore the principles of sex magic, the energetic dynamics of intimacy, and the alchemical transformation that occurs when we approach our relationships with mindfulness and intention. From rituals that deepen connection to the empowering aspects of embracing personal desires, each section is designed to guide you toward a more profound understanding of yourself and your relationships
This book is a sidenote to the fictional book "Doors of the Church are Open (Marriage Chronicles)." This sidenote is to help you examine yourself and not your spouse. It is not a solve all book, but prayerfully it will get you on the right path for your marriage.
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