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Mission og konvertering

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  • Spar 17%
    af Daniel Henschen
    289,95 kr.

    FORTÆLLINGEN OM DANSK MISSION OG HVORDAN TUSINDVIS AF MÆND OG KVINDER FRA ALLE DELE AF SAMFUNDET TOG TIL AFRIKA, MELLEMØSTEN, INDIEN OG KINA FOR AT DRIVE HOSPITALER, SKOLER OG OMVENDE VERDEN Da danskerne ville omvende Verden er den første samlede fremstilling af den danske ydre missionsbevægelse fra dens begyndelse i ca. 1890, storhedstiden op til første verdenskrig og frem til i dag. På sit højdepunkt havde missionsbevægelsen 100.000 medlemmer og direkte forbindelse med op til 15 % af den danske befolkning. Den spillede en kæmpemæssig rolle som kilde til viden om fremmede himmelstrøg og den koloniale verden –både gennem de bøger og udstillinger, som fortalte om missionsarbejdet og skulle tiltrække flere missionærer, og gennem de mange breve, som blev sendt hjem til familie og venner i Danmark om stort og småt i en indisk landsby eller et hospital i Mellemøsten. Samtidig var missionsbevægelsen på godt og ondt udgangspunkt for den formentlig største danske påvirkning af verden uden for Europa i perioden, ligesom den blev en forløber for det moderne bistandsarbejde. Bogen fortæller om bevægelsens historie både i Danmark og ude i missionsmarken, hvor tusindvis af mennesker – ikke mindst mange enlige kvinder – brugte store dele af deres liv. Det er en historie med mange stærke skikkelser, fascinerende livsforløb og ikke altid lige vellykkede forsøg på at udbrede egen tro og kultur. Da danskerne ville omvende Verden fortæller hele missionsbevægelsens historie med blik for både positive og negative sider af bevægelsens betydning.

  • - En familiesaga
    af Sven Arvid Birkeland
    248,95 kr.

    Peder N. Pedersen, forfatterens bedstefars fætter, voksede op på den jyske hede. Han begyndte som hyrdedreng, og siden blev han karl og fodermester. Han havde en drøm om at blive læge og missionær og sparede penge sammen til at tage præliminæreksamen fra Københavns Universitet. Med økonomisk hjælp fra familie og venner tog han derefter lægeeksamen fra universitetet i Edinburgh. Han blev en dygtig kirurg, fandt sig en pragtfuld skotsk kone, Barbara, og sammen drog de i 1912 til Kina. Undervejs til at blive læge og i alle årene i Kina, mødte Peder utallige vanskeligheder, men overvandt dem alle med en blanding af jysk stædighed og en udtalt sans for humor. Bogen er for en stor del baseret på Peders og Barbaras egne samtidige skildringer af livet i Kina, både af lægemissionen, livet med kineserne og de store politiske forandringer, der skete, mens Kina gik fra kejserdømme til republik. Bogen skildrer også de verdenshistoriske begivenheder, som familien blev inddraget i på nært hold. Peder var drevet af næstekærlighedsbuddet. Han elskede Kina, og de mennesker, han virkede mellem i Kina, elskede ham. Bogen hedder ”Kina kalder.” Et ‘kald’ kan beskrives som en indre dybtfølt trang til noget. Peder følte sig ’kaldet’ til at tage til Kina som lægemissionær. Titlen dækker også den samhørighed med Kina og kineserne, der kom ud af de mange års ophold: ”Længslen efter Kina i Danmark er større end længslen efter Danmark i Kina.” Peder og Barbara oplevede den japanske besættelse 1931-45, tilslut med et meget hårdt fangenskab, uvished om børnenes skæbne, hvor datteren kom i kz-lejr i Japan, mens sønnen som kommandolæge i den engelske hær kæmpede i Tobruk og Burma. På et tidspunkt vidste hverken forældrene eller nogle af børnene, om resten af familien var i live. Det japanske fangenskab nedbrød Peders helbred, og han måtte forlade Kina i 1946. De sidste fem år af Peders liv tilbragte han sammen med familien i Austra- lien. Han ville gerne se Danmark en sidste gang, men døde undervejs. Bogen fortæller familiens dramatiske historie.

  • af Christopher Hitchens
    108,95 kr.

    In this frank and damning exposé of the Teresa cult, Hitchens details the nature and limits of one woman's mission to help the world's poor. He probes the source of the heroic status bestowed upon an Albanian nun whose only declared wish was to serve God. He asks whether Mother Teresa's good works answered any higher purpose than the need of the world's privileged to see someone, somewhere, doing something for the Third World. He unmasks pseudo-miracles, questions Mother Teresa's fitness to adjudicate on matters of sex and reproduction, and reports on a version of saintly ubiquity which affords genial relations with dictators, corrupt tycoons and convicted frauds. Is Mother Teresa merely an essential salve to the conscience of the rich West, or an expert PR machine for the Catholic Church? In its caustic iconoclasm and unsparing wit, The Missionary Position showcases the devastating effect of Hitchens' writing at its polemical best.

  • af Gregory Koukl
    199,95 kr.

    In Street Smarts, Gregory Koukl shows Christians, step by step, how to maneuver effectively and comfortably in conversations using questions in an artful way to expose the flaws in the thinking of challengers who disagree with their beliefs.

  • af J. Aaron Miller
    166,95 kr.

    The risen Jesus sends his disciples out as ""witnesses of repentance and the forgiveness of sins"" in his name. In a time of uncertainty for the western church--particularly for ""mainline"" congregations--this commission offers a simple framework for faithful, contextual work and witness, growing in the way of the God who sets captives free and raises the dead. One part call to action, one part celebration of the miracle that is the local church, Witnesses of These Things is an invitation to grab hold of the life that is truly life for which each one of us and this God-beloved world are made.

  • af Christopher L. Flanders
    328,95 - 438,95 kr.

  • af Johnson Ambrose Afrane-Twum
    298,95 kr.

    Dr. Johnson Ambrose Afrane-Twum explores the history of African immigrant churches in the UK, offering suggestions for how black-led churches can partner with white-majority churches for greater impact in urban ministry and evangelism

  • - En rejse ind i troens hjerte
    af Robert Barron
    206,95 kr.

    I Katolicismen: En rejse ind i troens hjerte søger biskop Robert Barron at indfange essensen af den katolske tro. Med udgangspunkt i Jesu Kristi liv og lære gennemgår Barron de vigtigste dele ved katolsk tro og kultur - fra sakramenter, tilbedelse og bøn, til Maria, apostlene og helgenerne, til en forklaring af begreber som nåde, frelse, himmel og helvede - med talrige referencer til kunst, litteratur, arkitektur, personlige historier, den hellige skrift, filosofi og historie.Forfatteren skriver: "Jeg vil tage dig med på en guidet udforskning af den katolske verden, men ikke som om det var en guidet tur i et kulturhistorisk museum. Jeg vil føre dig ind i Inkarnationens mysterium i håbet om, at du må blive forvandlet ved dens kraft.” Bogen er blevet til på baggrund af de manuskripter, Barron satte sammen til produktionen af en populær TV-serie Catholicism fra 2011. Han skriver: "De tre år, som jeg brugte på at planlægge, skrive, rejse, filme og redigere den filmserie, udgør en uforglemmelig del af mit liv.” Bogen Katolicismen er et uundværligt bidrag til enhver, der ønsker at udforske den kristne tros dybder. Den er en fantastisk gennemgang af katolsk tro og historie og dens betydning for vores verden af i dag. Bogen er rigt illustreret med farvebilleder.

  • af Kevin Muriithi Ndereba
    278,95 kr.

    Divided into four major sections, this textbook provides an in-depth exploration of the biblical, philosophical, cultural, and practical concerns facing African Christians as they proclaim and defend the gospel in Africa. Written by a diverse group of pastors and scholars, it provides a much needed interdisciplinary and contextualized approach to apologetics. It also seeks to bridge the gap between academic research and ministry practice, touching on such topics as hermeneutics, biblical criticism, church history, the nature of evil, religious inclusivism, Muslim-Christian engagement, eldership rites, domestic violence, cults, and the digital age. Biblically robust, contextually relevant, ministry-oriented, and accessible, this is a remarkable resource for enriching the life and ministry of Christians in Africa and beyond.

  • af D. G. H. Delgado
    358,95 kr.

    ""Amen, Lord. So be it!""Dave waited on God and heard him speak. And now he wishes he hadn't. The team is finally unified, ready to declare Jesus. But will they get the chance?When the riots begin, and Jed calls for a lockdown . . . When the mosques shout in anger, and an embassy burns . . . When his daughter's dreams reveal the spiritual battle . . . Dave must cling to what he knows and pray: pray for his students; for his friend who's in prison; for his daughter who's going blind; for the demonic to leave his home.Pray. Pray. Pray. And lie to his teammates. Dave can't go back. There's no un-seeing Jesus.

  • af Don Dent
    298,95 - 448,95 kr.

  • af Adam Algam
    158,95 kr.

    What is it like to leave behind a thriving dental practice and a comfortable life in America to go where God has called you? In Speaking the Tooth in Love, Dr. Adam Algam describes the joys, excitement, and trials of missional life in the Middle East, a place where all his ideas and expectations about Muslims and Christian ministry are challenged.Seeing things through Eastern eyes greatly enriches his understanding of scripture passages that originated in this ancient context. He comes to recognize the shortcomings of his own culture as he watches God move mightily in this area of the world where there is great spiritual need.Join Dr. Algam as he highlights both the extreme satisfaction and the real-life challenges that come with a life devoted to obedience to God through missions.

  • af David P de Jong
    208,95 kr.

    But God - A Life Lived with Purpose is the memoir of David De Jong, who devoted his life to building for God's kingdom with his hands, with his heart for others, and through preaching and teaching the gospel. David received the call of God on his life as teenager, resulting in an unwavering faith and focus on serving the Lord.Many young people after the Second World War were called as missionaries to foreign lands to sacrifice the comforts and promise of a safe life at home to follow God and carry His message to difficult countries and people. David enthusiastically heeded that call. He was uniquely prepared in his youth for a ministry of worldwide building projects spanning over eight decades.David shares his memories of a life lived on purpose and of God's faithfulness no matter the obstacles. He gives us stories of God's intervention in seemingly impossible situations to fulfill His purpose, detailing those "But God" moments of joy, adventure, humor, challenge, loss, grief, miraculous provisions, and protection. He faithfully preached while completing innumerable construction projects for 17 years in South Africa, raised a family there during apartheid, and tells of the tragic loss of his young son. David recounts the founding of an international ministry after returning to the States, and later, the loss of his first dear wife to a long cruel disease. David's life was too full to retire. He enjoyed his sons and their families, fell in love again, married, and served together at home and in Africa until the very end. His journey shines as an example of commitment and perseverance in the furtherance of the gospel, and how God can use a life yielded to Him.

  • af Ramy Nair Marcos
    1.134,95 kr.

    The Emergence of the Evangelical Egyptians traces the complex cultural encounter between American Presbyterian missionaries and the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox leaders over indigenous Protestant conversion in late Ottoman Egypt, 1854-1878.

  • af Preston Condra
    185,95 kr.

  • af Kelly Condra
    168,95 kr.

    The Gospel of Christ is a message which claims to save from damnation those who believe it. The Christian message purports to reveal the Savior, Jesus Christ, what He did and why, how salvation is gained, and where to find reliable information about it. The Gospel, however, is widely doubted, disputed, and denied. Have you ever wondered: o Does Jesus have to be who Christians claim he is?o What did his death accomplish?o Would God send me to hell?o Can faith really be all there is to it?o Do I need to trust the Bible? Using Bible verses, "Answers; Jesus and the Christian Message" addresses objections to the Gospel, and allows Christianity's source book to speak for itself.

  • af Corey Miller
    168,95 kr.

    La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días (mormona) tiene 90.000 misioneros en el campo, tratando de convertir a los miembros de las iglesias cristianas. Debido a que las lecciones que estos misioneros enseñan representan las afirmaciones centrales del mormonismo, este libro interactúa con esas lecciones desde una perspectiva bíblica. Escrito y editado por ex mormones que ahora son cristianos, incluye información privilegiada, historias personales, conocimientos culturales, sabiduría evangelística y las mejores prácticas de los propios ex misioneros SUD, para ayudar a los cristianos a fortalecer su propia fe mientras aprenden cómo compartir su fe sabia y eficazmente con los Santos de los Últimos Días.

  • af Steven C. Hawthorne
    213,95 kr.

    Perspectives on the World Christian Movement presents a multi-faceted collection of readings exploring the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic dimensions of world evangelization.

  • af Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    148,95 kr.

    In this book, Professor Fomum delves into the transformative essence of faith-the kind of faith that propels believers into action. By drawing from biblical examples like Naaman, the Syrian army general, and Saul of Tarsus turned Apostle Paul, the author illustrates the profound impact of acting on one's faith. Naaman's obedience to the prophet's word resulted in miraculous healing, while Saul's conversion showcased a total commitment to faith in action.Throughout the book, testimonies affirm the life-changing power of faith-individuals saved, healed, delivered from afflictions, and undergoing radical transformations. Our earnest prayer is that, as you immerse yourself in these pages, you not only cultivate faith in the Lord Jesus Christ but also actively live out your convictions. May the words of the Lord resonate within you: "It will be done just as you believed it would."May the Lord bless and reach out to you as you journey through these pages.

  • af Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    153,95 kr.

    This is a book with a message that is applicable in all areas of life."We publish this book with the prayer that it should help God's people to come out of mediocrity, stemming from idleness, into spiritual success by means of a definite purpose." These words of the author, Z.T. Fomum, conclude the preface to this book. Without diversions, these words invoke the fundamental subject matter of this 6th book in the Practical Helps for the Overcomers seriesSuccess in the Christian life is defined in the book as being all that God saved us for, and all that he wants us to be, so that we can accomplish the purpose for which He saved us.Your purpose in life determines success in the Christian life. The believer should judiciously invest himself in knowing God's call on his life, and being able to set out to accomplish it beyond the limitations generally caused by mediocrity, the corollary of idleness and other impediments.This book was originally published under the title "How to set goals and accomplish them" It is a book with a message that is applicable in all areas of life.Read it ! You will be blessed.

  • af Graham Cray
    308,95 kr.

    January 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the start of the Fresh Expressions movement which spread internationally and denominationally from its origins in the Church of England. Graham Cray was its first National Leader. Countless new forms of church have emerged through Fresh Expressions, the Church Army, New Wine, and various pioneer network. On Mission with Jesus offers a theological understanding of the missional nature of the church, which will undergird and inform local practice and assist ministerial and pioneer training. Its central argument is that the Church's inherited understanding of itself imprisons the imagination of local congregations and in ten chapters, Graham Cray seeks to establish a new self-understanding for local congregations: 1. Updating Default Settings 2. Sharing in the Mission of God3. Making Disciples 4. Following the Spirit5. Shaping the Church 6. Anticipating the Future7. Joining the family Business 8. Being a Pilgrim People9. Recognising Jesus in the Church 10. Becoming a Jesus on Mission-Shaped Church

  • af Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    153,95 kr.

    Are you or a relative, friend, or loved one suffering through setbacks from life's unexpected detours? Increasingly, you find no meaning to life; you are empty and answers to life's questions are far-fetched.Jesus is The Answer recounts the lives of people just like you, who encountered the Lord Jesus Christ, were transformed, and found meaning to their lives. It is definitely the book you need!The author, Z.T. Fomum, without mincing his words, presents the full and complete counsel of God for those seeking true and vital union with God.The book is also a pathfinder for you who are burning with the desire to present the complete undiluted message of the cross to a dear one, relative, friend, or colleague and do not know how to go about it. Please give them a copy.

  • af Neil Flower
    173,95 kr.

    Untold numbers of people in today's western culture are wandering aimlessly in a hopeless morass of 21st century 'ism's' that lead nowhere and give no satisfaction and purpose to life.A form of Christianity that once was a major force in society now does not satisfy because it has lost its way and is dying from the roots up. But this is the 21st century and things are very, very different now. Or are they?Multitudes of people are headed for a Christ-less eternity because they think that there is no hope and no future for this world and its people.Has the Gospel failed? Is Christianity a spent and failed force?Perhaps it has not really been tried the way it was intended and over the last few decades, has been modified and re-stated by those who feel that they have an answer that is better than the one that the Founder first proclaimed.The author of this volume, Evangelist Neil Flower, seeks to show the Church of today that real Christianity is not finished; in fact it can have a bright and hopeful future if it will ask God to take off the 'blinkers' of liberal and 'society decreed' culture and begin to simply do it 'God's way'.In this insightful book, Neil gives four great principles which, if tried, could bring the Church back onto its original course. While critics will scoff and say that it is all too late, they are the ones who have brought the church to where it is now and have been refusing to do 'it' God's way for the past century or so.Why not remove your blinkers and just try the Jesus way?

  • af Barry Blackstone
    348,95 - 498,95 kr.

  • af Kenneth Gray
    378,95 - 483,95 kr.

  • af Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    163,95 kr.

    The believer's responsibility in sanctification and spiritual ministry. There are things that God must do, and man must not attempt to do them. There are other things that He has decided in His sovereignty to let man do. He will not do them for man. If man decides not to do them, they will remain undone. This audiobook, "Sanctified and Consecrated for Spiritual Ministry" presents the responsibility of the believer to do that which he must do for his sanctification, consecration, and spiritual ministry. We are fully persuaded that in the light of the cross, the resurrection, and the out-poured Holy Spirit, the willing believer can:live a sin-free life,be wholly consecrated to the Lord, andserve the Lord to the satisfaction of the Father.Listen to this audiobook, and may the Lord of the harvest use it to transform you into someone who is sanctified and consecrated for spiritual ministry.

  • af Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    153,95 kr.

    This book is a powerful motivator to get you started in an endless season of evangelism.Soul-winning is one of the three burdens that Professor Z.T. Fomum carried permanently on his heart, alongside those of prayer and the training of spiritual leaders.This first volume is a collection of provocative thoughts on evangelism that will surely revolutionize your attitude towards the perishing souls of men. It clearly shows you your responsibility in the enterprise of world evangelism. "God ordained soul-winning as the most important task on earth in our generation"

  • af Zacharias Tanee Fomum
    198,95 kr.

    Life-changing thoughts on salvation and soul-winning.God's perfect will is that every human being should come to repentance. There is no human being on earth that the Lord does not want to save. Because God wants every human being to repent, it is God's perfect will for me to do everything to ensure that every human being repents. Every sinner can be saved if three things are done for him:The first thing is to pray for him,The second one is to fast, andThe third is to present the gospel to him.If these three things are done in the power of the Holy Spirit for every sinner, every one of them would be saved.These fundamental truths came out clearly as Professor Fomum ministered the gospel of Christ across the globe between 2003 and 2007.May the Lord make of you a result-oriented minister of the gospel through this book.

  • af Crystal A. Jones
    153,95 kr.

    This is the prophetic handbook that you've been waiting on. It is written for prophets and non-prophets alike. It is time that men, women, and children understood their kingdom mandate to prophesy. Loaded with instruction and insight, this book was meant to change the life of the spirit-filled believer.

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