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  • af Erin Sterling
    145,95 kr.

    Always practise safe hex . . . New York Times bestselling author Rachel Hawkins, writing as Erin Sterling, follows her sensational TikTok hit, The Ex Hex, and casts a spell with a new spine-tingling romance full of wishes, witches, and cursed kisses.................................................Magic doesn't always play by the rules.Gwyn Jones is perfectly happy with her life in Graves Glen. She's formed a powerful new coven with her family; she's running a successful witchcraft shop, Something Wicked; and she's mentoring some of the younger witches in town. As Halloween approaches, there's only one problem - Llewellyn 'Wells' Penhallow.Wells has come to Graves Glen for two reasons: to re-establish his family's connection to the town and to make a new life for himself away from his father. But when he opens a magic shop of his own just across the street from Gwyn's, he quickly learns that going up against her won't be as easy as he thought . . . especially after an accidental magic-inspired - and very hot - kiss.While Gwyn and Wells are fully committed to their witchy rivalry, they soon find themselves thrown together once again to deal with the sudden appearance of a mysterious new coven and Gwyn's growing concern that something - or someone - is messing with her magic . . .................................................Praise for The Ex Hex, an unmissable treat!'A spooky romantic comedy treat that had me sighing at one page, laughing out loud at the next' TESSA BAILEY 'Sterling's novel is ultimately crisp and sweet, like biting into the perfect caramel apple . . . will sweep readers up into a world of whimsical magic' Kirkus'Filled with delightful witchiness and humor . . . a fluffy Halloween treat' Publishers Weekly 'A delightful and witty take on witchy mayhem' PopSugarReaders ADORED The Ex Hex!'If Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Gilmore Girls had a book baby, it would be THE EX HEX. And yes, it's just as glorious as it sounds!''One of the best rom-coms I've read all year! . . . It's Practical Magic meets Gilmore Girls and I am a hundred percent OBSESSED!''Definite Gilmore Girls vibes but with more magic and sex''This book is pitched as Hocus Pocus, but it bangs and it certainly did'

  • af Dunk Wognal
    164,95 kr.

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★”Det hele emmer af samme besættelseslignende kærlighed og detaljesans som Langkow lagde i skabelsen af sine mønter og breve”- BogmarkedetDa den fordrukne Mikkel hidkaldes til øen Vandholt for at deltage i sin fars begravelse, aner han ingen uråd om det sindsopslidende mareridt, han snart skal gennemleve. Mikkel arver sin fars glædeshus, hvor velbetalende turister kan få stillet selv de mest bizarre lyster. Men bag lokalsamfundets joviale naivitet og aparte seksuelle eskapader skjuler sig mørkere hemmeligheder. For hvilke okkulte gerninger værner det sammensvorne lokalsamfund om? Går de døde rundt blandt de levende på Vandholt, eller er Mikkel ved at miste forstanden? Dunk Wokgnal, Alice Mandragora, Knud Langkow, Klaus Rifbjerg – sært barn har mange navne. Wokgnal var manden bag Satankulten på Anholt og de 13 opsigtsvækkende offersteder, der satte satanismen på danmarkskortet og spredte rædsel og gru hos den danske befolkning op gennem 70’erne. Wokgnal var i alle sine provokerende projekter iklædt Satans klæder, og konfronterede os med det skæve og bizarre, som ikke passer ind i systemets excel-ark. Med brændende helvedesild tvang Wokgnal det lyssky frem i lyset, så vi for en gangs skyld fik rystet hverdagsposen og vendt tingene på vrangen. Nat over Vandholt fungerer som en introduktion for okkultisten in spe til Dunk Wokgnals bizarre univers og oversete litterære virke. Og for satanist-aficionadoen den forsvundne brik i puslespillet om danmarkshistoriens største performancekunstner.

  • - En historisk roman
    af Søren Marquardt Frederiksen
    287,95 kr.

    Danmarks sidste hekseafbrænding i 1693Anne Palle var den sidste kvinde der blev brændt på bålet i Danmark. Ny historisk roman beskriver retssagen og hele forhistorien. Sagen i Nykøbing F. i 1693 var en af de største trolddomssager i Danmark, og de overleverede retsdokumenter, inklusive udførlige afhøringer, er en af vores mest omfattende kilder til datidens heksetro. Kongens sidste heks er en rå og realistisk skildring af den barske verden der skabte troen på hekse – og nødvendigheden af at udslette dem med ild. Historien Trolddomssagen startede med den unge, ulykkelige Ingeborg. Hun var gift med en gammel, hidsig skrædder, der tævede hende med sin krykke. Men hendes hjerte tilhørte skipperen Ole, der var gift med en tysk kvinde. Ingeborg og Ole lagde planer om, hvordan de kunne slippe af med deres ægtefæller. I deres nød opsøgte de den kloge kone Karen Gregers, der gav dem det ene utrolige trolddomsråd efter det andet. Da ingen af dem virkede, endte det unge kærestepar til sidst med at bruge rottekrudt. Giftmordene førte til anklager mod ni troldkvinder, deriblandt Anne Palle. Forfatteren Søren Marquardt Frederiksen er cand.mag. i litteraturvidenskab og forfatter til en række anmelderroste bøger om journalistik og retorik. Han har undervist på Københavns Universitet i 20 år og i en årrække arbejdet som kulturjournalist på bl.a. Kristeligt Dagblad, Ekstra Bladet og DR P1. Søren Marquardt Frederiksens debuterede som skønlitterær forfatter i 2016 med den historiske krimi Kongens By. Krimien blev rost for sin velresearchede og billedmættede skildring af hverdag og vold på Chr. IV’s tid. Kongens sidste heks er hans femte roman.

  • - En rejse ind i Kristen Hermetisme (BIND I)
    af Anonym forfatter
    277,95 kr.

    ’Meditationer over Tarot - en rejse ind i kristen hermetisme’ betragtes som et af den esoteriske kristendoms vigtigste værker i vor tid og udkommer nu for første gang på dansk. Bogen blev skrevet anonymt og udgivet posthumt i 1980 efter forfatterens ønske. De danske oversættere har helt ekstraordinært fået adgang til det franske originalmanuskript med håndskrevne noter.Originalmanuskriptet er et voluminøst værk, der består af 22 breve, ét for hvert af de 22 kort i Tarots store arcana, og den danske oversættelse udgives tidsforskudt i tre bind, hvor hvert bind inddeler kortene op i forskellige kategorier og grupperinger alt efter, hvilket emne det drejer sig om. Med dybsindighed, indsigt og viden bringes man på en rejse ad den esoteriske skolings- og udviklingsvej med bred inddragelse af litteraturen vedrørende menneskets spirituelle udviklings historie; Biblen og de andre store religioners værker, værker om magi, esoterik, mystik, psykologi, filosofi, litteratur m.m. Dette er bind I ud af 3 bind.

  • af Cyprianus ..
    117,95 kr.

    Hvis du ønsker at trænge til bunds i den hemmeligheds­fulde drømmever­den som bjergtager dig nat efter nat, da vil den store drømme- og spåbog der er udarbejdet på grundlag af den ældgamle Cyprianus, være dig en stor hjælp. Måske er du en forbenet materialist der ikke tror på andet mellem him­mel og jord end hvad du selv kan opfatte med dine sanser; men når du læser disse 4000 drømmebesvarelser, vil du gang paa gang støde på udtydninger der er så chokerende korrekte at din selvtillid vil blive rokket. Den gamle Cy­prianus indeholder også den verdensberømte sand­siger og mystiker, hofmedicus Michel Nostradamus’ hemmelighedsfulde bog, hvis sanddruhed netop er blevet bevist gennem den sidste verdenskrigs ud­vikling. Desuden indeholder bogen et ualmindelig interessant afsnit om spiritistiske eksperimenter samt et kapitel om varsler og deres betydning. Du vil bruge denne bog hver gang fremtiden har et budskab at bringe dig — et budskab som det måske gælder din lykke at forstå.

  • - & Andre Helende Lys
    af Henrik Hagen Andersen
    144,95 kr.

    Denne bog er forhåbentlig en inspiration til noget helbredsmæssigt godt og menneskeligt sundt. Den er detalieret og vil forhåbentlig give læseren lyst til at udanne sig inden for dette område.Bogen giver en god forklaring på brugen af ørelys, helende kropslys og chakra lys til brug ved chakra balancering og yderligere healing. Bogen giver yderligere støtte til den alternative medicin og diskuterer nogle af de ting som den etablerede medicin ikke altid ønsker at diskutere. En fagbog som også indeholder lidt ironi og humor.

  • - Hemmeligheden bag
    af Kevin L. Gest
    337,95 kr.

    KUN NØGLEN MANGLERHVIS DU IKKE KAN FORSTÅ DISSE TING, VÉD DU NOK ...Således lyder en del af en frimurerceremoni.Nøglen til hvad?At vide nok om hvad?Salomon er nøglefiguren i bibelhistorien og frimureriets ceremonier. De lærde fortæller os, at Salomon ikke var hans virkelige navn, men et han blev tildelt efter sin død.......Hvem var så Salomon?Hvorfor blev hans navn ændret?Hvordan påvirker det templets navn efter ham?Hvad er/var Salomons Segl?Hvorfor indgår Salomon, templet og seglet som dele i frimureriet?Hvorfor bliver dette for længst ødelagte tempel stadig holdt i ære?Var der nogen hellig viden, som religiøse organisationer ønskede at undertrykke?Findes der en virksom understrøm, der påvirker os i dag?Tempelridderne nød Vatikanets beskyttelse. De indførte Salomons navn med dets fulde titel i deres Orden, over tusinde år efter han døde. Har det nogen betydning?Efterhånden som denne bog udvikler sig, afdækkes der en række mysterier, henvisninger findes, ubehagelige informationer afsløres.Og det hele begyndte – for længe, længe siden.* * * * *I denne bog begiver forfatteren Kevin L. Gest sig ud på en videnskabelig søgen efter frimureriets rødder og afslører, hvorledes frimureriets ceremonier og ritualer er iført antikkens slør. Det spegede væv af viden, der er indkodet i frimureriets ceremonier og bygninger, går tilbage til vores tidligste forståelse af makrokosmos – Sol, Måne, stjerner og planeterne; en viden som vore forfædre akkumulerede og gav videre.Ud af alt dette præsenterer han en indsigt i hemmelighederne omkring Salomons Tempel, Salomons visdom og Salomons Segl. Kevin Gest stiller nogle basale spørgsmål om frimurertemplet, hvor hans egen loge mødes. Svarene viser sig at være en del af guddommelig information og hellig geometri, som afsløres i de store religiøse bygninger i Europa, Afrika og Mellemøsten samt gammel visdom af den slags, der knytter sig til Pythagoras.Forfatteren brugte 12 år på den forskning, som nu er givet videre i denne bog. Han er klar over, at hans synspunkter sætter spørgsmålstegn ved nogle af de fundamentale ting, vi har lært af tidligere generationers syn og tolkning af for eksempel visse sider af Det Gamle Testamente og i særdeleshed de forhold, der relaterer sig til legenderne omkring Salomon og hans tempel.

  • - over 40 hemmelige opskrifter på, hvordan du får held i kærlighed, arbejde og spil
    af Nicola de Pulford
    167,95 kr.

    Vil du gerne have lidt magi i hverdagen? Her får du 42 lokkende, eksotiske og erotiske magiske formler og opskrifter, der kan hjælpe dig i både dit arbejdsliv og dit kærlighedsliv.Bogen bygger på opskrifter og magiske formler fra forskellige tider og kulturer. Du får et glimt af magi fra oldtidens Ægypten, Babylon og Persien, fra Maya kulturen og de nordamerikanske indianerstammer. Du får endda druidernes ældgamle fortryllelser, charms, danse og magiske formler, der får dig til at se bedre ud og føle dig både bedre og stærkere. Glem datingsites! Brug magi til at finde og fange din udvalgte livspartner. Skaf dig af med uønskede personer i dit liv, opnå rigdom og berømmelse og beskyt dig mod uheld.Denne bog er din magiske genvej tilbage til det liv, du fortjener. Den rummer over 300 illustrationer - og er en virkelig god gaveide, der giver opmærksomhed og sjove - og interessante - diskussioner rundt om bordet!

  • - En bog om clairvoyance og inspiration til dit liv
    af Dortea Berg-Jensen (Uggerhøj)
    207,95 kr.

    Lektørudtalelse fra DBC: En personlig beretning med et indhold, der rækker ud over det personlige. Let at læse med budskab til mange. “I selskab med ånder” er til interesserede, der gerne vil læse en god, personlig beretning om et liv med ånder, og samtidig selv udvikle sig. Dortea fortæller i denne selvbiografiske bog om, hvordan sygdom fik hende til, at sadle om fra rideskoleejer til clairvoyant. "I selskab med ånder" er ikke alene en håndbog, hvor du får forklaringer på spirituelle emner, men er også en bog der giver dig redskaber til selvudvikling og inspiration til at nå dine egne mål i livet. Dortea fortæller om, hvordan hun allerede som barn talte med ånder. Og hvordan hun i sit voksne liv måtte erkende, at livet skulle tage en gevaldig drejning, hvis ikke hele hendes krop skulle sove. Bogen indeholder også klientberetninger, hvori mennesker der har fået clairvoyance af Dortea fortæller om deres oplevelser, og du som læser får forslag til øvelser, så du kan træne dine egne spirituelle energier. Mange tusindevis har mødt Dortea til foredrag rundt i landet og bogen er et herligt gensyn og er du interesseret i den mediumistiske og spirituelle verden, vil du nyde hendes levende måde at fortælle om ånder og åndeverdenen på.

  • af Laurie Cabot
    167,95 kr.

  • af Steven F. Pfister
    332,95 kr.

    The human mind is truly a phenomenal and creative treasure. It has given us dominion over the natural world and set us above all the other life forms we share it with. But in so doing, it has isolated in a world of our own making, one that has imprisoned and so restricted our awareness to a purely mind-based, lower frequency, egoic assessment of Life. The effect has left us chronically insecure, oblivious to the sacred presence of our Source and Creator, mere shadows of our true Eternal Nature on a chaotic, never-ending quest to be and have "more" that is intrinsic to that deception. That dark syndrome has been supported by a truly sinister force that is directly responsible for the evil that has plagued our kind for eons. But take heart, for there exists in the human spirit a profound yearning for truth, Love and a connection to something greater then ourselvers. It is our birthright and spiritual heritage, the reason we have been created and one only you can claim. WithIn these pages, the untapped reservoirs of higher knowledge are explored, transcending the boundaries of conventional thought and thinking. From ancient philosophies to modern insights, this book serves as a guide to the profound wisdom that awaits those willing to embark on a quest for spiritual enlightenment.Drawing on a tapestry of spiritual traditions, personal insights, metaphysical principles, and the timeless teachings of mystics, "The Wisdom of Higher Knowledge" illuminates the path to self-discovery offering glimpses into the profound truths that shape our existence. Whether you are a seeker on a spiritual journey or an explorer of the metaphysical, this book beckons you to transcend the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. And so, "The Wisdom of Higher Knowledge" would have you embark on a transformative journey through the realms of esoteric wisdom, inviting you to delve into the mysteries that lie beyond the ordinary and where ancient wisdom converges with contemporary insights, where the seeker becomes the sage, and where the profound truths of higher knowledge reveal themselves to those who dare to seek. This book is an invitation to transcend, transform, and tap into the boundless wisdom that resides within and beyond the everyday dictates of mind and thinking and to the truth that will set you free. Allow its wisdom to end your banishment and liberate you from the illusions of life as it educates, inspires and uplifts mind to the higher frequency of our Source and Creator. That omnipresent Spirit is the essence of this very moment, your true Eternal Nature and the love, unity and peace that is our sacred birth right and spiritual heritage. It awaits you here in this the ever present Now Moment within the silent stillness of your own very Beingness. Are you ready and willing to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary and unlocks the gates to higher knowledge? Late in January of 1967 a "spontaneous Kundalini rising" would unceremoniously awakened Steven from this dream of Life leaving him a confused and frightened stranger to a world he could no longer recognize of partake in. As time passed, he was able to integrate the higher frequency of the Kundalini energy into his daily life, come to terms with the illusion we have all been born into, and reconcile the conundrum of evil that would feed off the mayhem and suffering inherent in our ignorance and neglect. This is Steven's fifth book and the nature of Consciousness.

  • af Frank Rudolph Young
    507,95 kr.

    1001 true magic techniques for achieving your heart's desire... magic that should bring you new health, new happiness, new prosperity. For Cyclomancy, as Mr. Young states, clearly proves that magic does exist and shows you how - without so much as lifting a finger - incredible results may be achieved. To give you just a brief sample, Mr. Young states that this book shows how you may... - Move objects without touching them; - Hear a conversation going on anywhere, any time; - Travel any place with your Astral Body and gain first-hand information unobtainable by any other means; - Roll back your age and find yourself young again; - Make others see only what you tell them they see; - Materialize objects out of thin air. Mr. Young points out that Cyclomancy (another name for White Magic) is simply the use of certain hidden powers that we all possess. Powers given to us long before books were invented. Forgotten powers. For example, like most people you probably don't remember how to move objects without touching them. But you possess the power to do it. Powers like X Ray Vision, Astral Projection. Hypnotic Mental Attraction and Power Hearing, to name just a few. And yet these magic powers are not difficult to use at all. On the contrary, they require no manual dexterity, no expensive equipment of any time. Just read the instructions and do the exercises, says Mr. Young, and you should awaken astonishing powers you never dreamed possible. What kinds of Powers. Powers like these: The power to know what people look like before you even see them; The power to reduce and stay slim without starvation; The Power to slow down or halt the aging process so that you may actually live many years longer; The power to weaken a dangerously defiant person with the Psychic Harpoon; The power to compel someone who ignores you romantically to notice you with keen interest; The power to send and receive messages through space - across a room, a city, or a continent - to anyone, anytime.

  • af Sofia Visconti
    207,95 kr.

    Do you long for the knowledge and tools to shield yourself from negative influences? Inside this book you're about to discover the world of reversal magick to break hexes, defend against negative influences and reveal your true potential.But "Curse Be Gone" is more than just a book; it's a key to unlocking your inner power and creating an aura of positive energy. Within the pages, you'll learn about the wisdom and tools of witchcraft to safeguard yourself against dark energies. From warding off curses to protecting your inner sanctum, this book offers you the keys to unlock your mystical powers.Safeguard your well-being, and eliminate the negative energies that may be holding you back from a brighter future. Say goodbye to fear and uncertainty, and embrace your newfound ability to protect yourself and your loved ones.Inside you will learn all about:What Is Magick? Debunking Myths About MagickHistory Revealed - Ancient Civilizations & MagickEssential Herbs, Crystals, and Oils for DefenseHow to use Amulets, Charms, and TalismansAll You Need To Know About Placing "Evil Eye" In Your HomeIncorporating Moon Phases & Days of the Week Into Your SpellsThe Rule of Three: Cosmic Karma & WiccaEvoking Deities, Guardian Spirits, and Guides for ProtectionWhen Cleanses Don't Work: The Basics of BanishingAll of this and much, much more.. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a novice, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence to protect yourself and those you care about.Begin Today with This Book!

  • af Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
    257,95 kr.

    This book gives a deeper insight into the world view and teachings of the Essene Communities as describes in the original texts which have been published in the book "Gospel of Love and Peace".The author describes and explains the communinions with the Angels as practised by the Essenes.

  • af Amy Cesari
    342,95 kr.

    *Black & White Version* Everyone has a little magic in them, and this fully illustrated 2024 planner shows you how to get in touch with your own natural powers and create an extraordinary year.

  • af Moïra Fowley
    117,95 kr.

    ONE OF MY FAVOURITE STORYTELLERS. THESE TALES LINGERED, MORPHED, CONSUMED ME'KIRAN MILLWOOD HARGRAVEWhat will the end of the world look like?Will it be an old man slowly turned to gold, flowers raining from the sky, or a hole cut through the wire fencing that keeps the monsters out? Is it someone you love wearing your face, or a good old fashioned inter-dimensional summoning? Does it sound like a howl outside the window, or does it look like coming home? This startling and irresistibly witty collection from the phenomenally talented Moïra Fowley is an exploration of all our darkest impulses and deepest fears.

  • af Corinne Marley
    127,95 kr.

    Conjure the magic within you with this modern guide to the ancient art of spell-work and manifestation - all you need is a little hocus focus. Including a variety of spells for every place and occasion - and tips and tricks on how to cast them - this enchanting book is the perfect introduction to invoking the universal energies at your disposal.

  • af Sarah Bakewell
    105,95 kr.

  • af Sarah Robinson
    192,95 kr.

    The Kitchen Witch returns in this beautifully illustrated companion book to Sarah Robinson's bestseller Kitchen Witch: Food, Folklore and Fairy Tale...including many of the traditional and seasonal recipes referenced in that book.Best-selling authors Sarah Robinson of Kitchen Witch, Yoga for Witches and Yin Magic and Lucy H. Pearce of Burning Woman, Creatrix and Medicine Woman combine forces with a diverse international coven of kitchen witches to share their favourite recipes, rituals and reflections on the magic that can be found...and made in the kitchen.This is a book to be read curled up in a comfy chair, before being covered in earth as you gather in seasonal goodness and splattered with sauce as you cook! The first half of The Kitchen Witch Companion is a nuanced reflection on the fantasy and reality of making magic in the kitchen. The second half is a seasonal collection of recipes and crafts, foraging and ferments, spells and simmer pots, meditations and blessings to inspire you to create, celebrate and gather throughout the Wheel of the Year.

  • af Heinrich Kramer
    162,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Nicolette Miele
    175,95 kr.

    A magickal guide to working with runes and plant allies for manifestation, healing, and spellwork

  • af P. D. Newman
    255,95 kr.

    Connects the magical practice of theurgy to the time of Homer.

  • af Marshall Wsl
    182,95 kr.

    Cunning Words: a Grimoire of Tales and Magic is a book of witchcraft in three parts. Part I is a collection of stories that connect the seeker to folklore and tales inspired by witchery and lessons written within. Part II is a collection of rhymes that teach specific acts of witchcraft as well as recipes and petitions. Part III is a working guide on using the information provided to build upon your own personal practice as well as charms, rites, and curses extrapolated from the cunning tales.This book is for the most cunning and has been written for the beginner and adept alike. The tales within will introduce you to spirits old and new, the Three Mothers, the Three Wise Healers, The Seven Holy Siblings, and so much more.

  • af Andrew Theitic
    135,95 kr.

    The Witches' Almanac is a sophisticated publication appealing to general readers as well as hard-core Wiccans. At one level, it is a pop reference that will fascinate anyone interested in folklore, mythology and culture, but at another, it is the most sophisticated annual guide available today for the mystic enthusiast. Founded in 1971 by Elizabeth Pepper, the art director of Gourmet magazine for many years, The Witches' Almanac is a witty, literate, and sophisticated publication that appeals to general reads as well as hard-core Wiccans. At one level, it is a pop reference that will fascinate anyone interested in folklore, mythology and culture, but at another, it is the most sophisticated and wide-ranging annual guide available today for the mystic enthusiast. Modeled after the Old Farmers' Almanac, it includes information related to the annual Moon Calendar (weather, forecasts, and horoscopes), as well as legends, rituals, herbal secrets, mystic incantations, interviews, and many a curious tale of good and evil. Although it is an annual publication, much of the content is both current and timeless--not specific to the date range of each issue. The theme of Issue 43 (Spring 2024 - Spring 2025) is Fire -- Forging Freedom. Also included are articles on: Geomancy The Lunar Nodes Azorean Folklore Kitchen Magic - Soul Cakes The Trickiest Toad The Orisha Obatala and much more.

  • af The Modern-Day Witch
    227,95 kr.

    This sticker book features more than 400 beautiful and colorful Wiccan-themed artworks--both vintage and vintage-inspired. There are six categories of stickers--celestial sphere, mystical terra, witch's toolkit, symbols and sabbats, familiars and other creatures, and holistic witchery--each introduced by a poetic thematic quote. The stickers are perfect for decorating everything from stationery to scrapbooks, and they can be used to embellish notebooks, planners, gift boxes, and laptops, or to create artistic collages. And, the book itself can be enjoyed on its own as a beautiful objet d'art.

  • af Friday Gladheart
    155,95 kr.

    A daily companion for exploring your spiritual path with weekly lessons in herbalism, divination, magic, and Witchcraft.Enrich your spiritual and magical journey with The Practical Witch's Almanac. This almanac provides more than Moon phases, Sabbats, and astronomical and astrological information. Every week you'll explore lessons in herbalism, magic, divination, and more.This practical guide gives you recipes, DIY projects, tips, and advice to keep you motivated and engaged as you grow your craft. You'll explore tarot cards, runes, tea leaves, and other forms of divination. The herbal studies mentor you through basic teas, tinctures, foods, ointments, incense, and lotions while emphasizing the synergistic union of science and magic. The magic lessons help you hone your spell casting, and the spiritual studies assist you in exploring your beliefs.Weekly bonus material is available at http: // The Practical Witch Talk podcast expands on each week's lessons.Missed the Kickstarter? Rewards and add-ons are still available on our PledgeManager page!

  • af Marie Renard
    157,95 kr.

    Are you ready to learn the ways of Voodoo and finally take control of your destiny even if you are a beginner?Discover the secrets of Voodoo with the book Voodoo for Beginners. Immerse yourself in a mystical and fascinating world and discover how this ancient religion can affect your life.Suitable for the young and curious, this book is the ideal guide for those attracted to mystery and spirituality.Explore the rituals, beliefs, and history of Voodoo and discover how this tradition survives to this day.Apart from simply being just a religion, Voodoo is actually an entire way of life which is centered around an immense respect for one's elders.In this book you'll find:The Voodoo Spiritual StructureThe Cult of Met KalfouHow to Remove Black Magic SpellsVoodoo Rituals: How to perform some rituals that you could use for othersFace the unknown and open your mind to knowledge with "Voodoo for Beginners."Purchase it today and immerse yourself in a world of mystery and magic!

  • af John Michael Greer
    197,95 kr.

    An investigation of  The Eye of Revelation, a system of inner alchemy meant to awaken the subtle powers of the human body and mind.

  • af E. R. Dodds
    162,95 kr.

  • af Lindsay Squire
    145,95 kr.

    In the fourth instalment in ‘The Witch of the Forest’s Guide to…’ series, explore the powerful world of Tarot Magick, and discover how you can use the power of tarot and witchcraft to boost your wellbeing.

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